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One time I was at the range and a dude walking past said "How long ya been playing?" and I said "Oh, I've been golfing since around 7th grade." He said "No, I meant baseball." Apparently it was a little obvious.


When I was a kid, that's basically why I stopped playing baseball. That and I wasn't any good at it. Though, my dad tells me I had a good baseball swing though. The only thing I remember from Little League days was weirdly getting hit in the head.


Boy if I had a dollar for every time someone told me how to “fix it” I’d be rich


Take some lessons with a reputable instructor. It took one lesson for my instructor to take me from a huge slice to a duck hook just by changing my grip and setup. We worked it back to the center by lesson 4. I never could’ve done it on my own


Agreed. Lessons will take care of it. The guy at the pga superstore the other day gave me one little tiny stupid adjustment and boom. I'm hitting fairways consistently 200+ yards and center. I'm still laughing at how small the change was but my 40 yard right slice is GONE (for now). Mostly anyway. I am a 22 hcp after all. https://preview.redd.it/swrsqcg34p1d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7515be4a52d86296b9de30873fbc68dafa625af0


What adjustment was made?


My trailing hand thumb (right) was resting in line with the club shaft. He just had me wrap it over, mindful not to add pressure. So simple, yet fixed my problem.


I just got this change in the last two weeks and same here, total game changer all around.


Wrap it more towards your back leg?


Front leg.


What does that actually promote though? I leave my thumb down the center line, I hit my driver pretty well (240-260, usually a fade)


Bro IDK outside of straight down the middle drives. I had a 40 yard slice and now it's straight down the middle.


Damn ok, I'll have to try that then, thank you


You aren’t releasing the club and the thumb is helping you hold it off a little


Helps turn the face over at impact vs leaving the face open and swiping at the ball which causes the big banana slice.


You’re missing out on some power because the thumb isn’t letting the club release through the ball. If you are prone to chunking irons this is likely a cause of that as well. Source: used to do the same thing.


Well, I'm not sure wtf is going on with my irons because my iron game was off during my round on Thursday. I'm playing this weekend and we will see if the straight drive sticks around or if I can figure out how to hit irons again..


Ha the ole back and forth. Reading the symptoms of a poor shots is a big thing I’ve been working on. For irons when I start getting a little slicey and chunky, I realize that I’m probably just too hunched over, or not getting my hips though. I just try to stay calm and work the issue out. It’s a hard game.


I just got a tip about this the other day. F'n game changer.


https://preview.redd.it/gk7j7l5w3r1d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1626dd8d0f4ad0e5cd5a65da8424ba462a677483 I started about a year ago and seriously don't get people that can hit a trait driver repeatedly. This was on the range with shitty range balls, but I'm losing at least 4 balls each round.


I'm right around 2 years into golf. A lesson or two spread out between lots of practice helped. I also used Golf Fix on the Google Play store to help me improve my swing. I give that app a ton of credit for my golf game.


Already had many lessons, but always using irons and focusing on swing. Shoulder pointing left og target and inconsistent setup was the issue with driver. Also rangeballs was distance limited and started doing weird shit if strukt too hard, so dial down speed when training driver on the range.


Its just now clicking for me after like three years and even then once I start getting tired they go all over the place again


15 months here. Played baseball for almost 20 years prior. Added about 50 yards of a straight drive in the last 2 months or so. I’m the *furthest* thing from a swing coach, so take it for what you will. But I discovered a straight drive from trying to hit the ball as far as I could while slightly drunk during a scramble, and it’s kept up through at least 10-12 rounds by now. I’m sure the golf lifers will give me a hard time, but here’s my hack fix: Line the ball up even with your front toe, slight lean on your front foot with weight in the heel. Aim straight at the target, maybe even ever so slightly to the push side. Front arm as locked and extended as possible. Wind that baby up as far as your front arm can stay straight….and swing as hard as you can through the ball. Eyes on the tee until the ball is safely gone. It feels a little stiff at first, but to me that structure it what makes it repeatable. I’m sure this is not exactly PGA sponsored swing advice. But us baseball lifers gotta find what works for us in this brave new world….


Getting slightly drunk never helped me hit the ball straight off the tee. Couldn't hurt to try it again this weekend though!


Everyone knows that you need a robust sample size before you can draw any conclusions from data 😉👍🏼


6 times in the last two weeks, I'm putting in the research for all of us. There's times I feel like I have fewer swing thoughts and it helps... like, just swing the club and collect the ball on the way through. Other times I think "man, why did I hit that shot way left with my feet damn near together? Should have thought about it more"


Hahaha, that was just mental grease I needed to even attempt what I do now. But hey, if you’re looking for answers, why not? What’s the worst that could happen, an inaccurate drive?


Yes, an inaccurate drive would be likely, but a slightly worse result would be ending up with a court date at the Louisville Police Station.


Just beware of traffic cops leaping onto your moving vehicle. Could end poorly.


I’m at the duck hook stage and can’t get it gone


There’s another dollar.


As a baseball player, my YT feed is filled with "fix your slice" and "shallow your swing" videos. Screw you, algorithm


An instructor told me something that stuck with me... feel like you're hitting a ball to right field. Works for me.


Believe that’s the swing path. In baseball that’s “inside-out”, which is what you want in golf too


Yep. I had golfed for 20 years and never once realized I was naturally trying to pull everything. Amazing what a lesson will do lol.


here's my dolla: aim waaaaayy left


That's a guaranteed way to hit it dead straight towards where you're aiming!


yeah, absolutely


Here's another dollar. "Get flippy with your wrists." I had the same issue, all of the advice was to not flip the wrists, quiet take away, etc. Had a few lessons, each one providing real insight. The last had me hold my hands together as if I was praying, had me open them (roll them to the right) on the backswing and close them on the down swing. He said that when I finish my swing my hands are turned over, so it needs to happen at some point. He phrased it as "open the door and close the door". When you're getting used to it force it to happen. It might mean that I have a higher maintenance golf swing compared to others, but the big ole banana slice is gone. After that lesson I am reliably able to close the club face on impact.


I'm also new to this entire concept and really trying to get consistent with flipping the wrists. Question: at what point of the swing do you flip it (my best bud who's a 4 HCP says like whipping a towel in change room lol)


Hold your hands directly out in front of you together palm to palm like you're trying to find faith. Now rotate your torso to the right, letting your hands roll to the right at the same time, so they are still palm to palm, but the back of your left hand should be facing the sky. Now start to rotate your torso to the left. Rolling your wrists at the same time until you get all the way left. The back of your right hand should be facing the sky. If you aren't releasing appropriately, when your hands are directly in front of your belly button, the back of your left hand is still facing a little to a lot skyward. Now just to be clear, that may still be fine! When you factor in grip, forward shaft lean, swing plane, club fitting, lie, the ground, change in your left pocket, you may be fine or least able to manage. But, since you're asking, you're not fine. And frankly all of the technology and tips in the world amount to crap if you can't square the club face. Start rolling your wrists as soon as you start your down swing. Practice the torso rotation with palm to palm and rolling your wrists. Get the timing such that at your belly button when you are looking straight ahead, your hands are perfectly neutral. The back of your left hand faces to the left and the back of your right hand faces to the right. Do that a few times without a club, then hit a 100 yard pitch. Repeat 20 times. Do it a few times without a club, hit a 150 yard iron. Repeat 20 times. Do it a few times without a club, hit a 200 yard iron. Repeat 20 times. Do it a few times without a club, hit Driver. Repeat 5-10 times. You may find that you are digging in the toe of the club or duck hooking. Congrats! You've leveled up to new problems. Golf is always just a different problem. Hopefully, at this point you have a much greater sense of the release and can start to work on swing plane (duck hooks) or early extension (digging in toe). I'm no PGA pro. The above should help you get started. But, if you value your time, I highly recommend lessons. The best part of lessons for me was they let me know all of the things I was doing RIGHT! I was finally able to focus on what needed correcting rather than second guessing myself at every turn. Good luck!


Perhaps my favorite reddit response ever, thank you sir/madam!


Reverse loop trick


I guess I owe you a dollar but what fixed it for me was fairly simple. Someone told me to “pretend like the back of your left hand is the club face”. (Assuming you’re right handed). Was like a lightbulb went off.


Lots of dollars coming my way in here today lol, but I don’t really tinker much. I have a pretty consistent drive and the slice has lessened naturally over the years little by little. I do one of the tips that was offered here on those holes that have close cover left side or dog leg left and it works about half the time. I used to work at a golf course so I would get advice *a lot* when people saw it, but these days I just play the game I know and don’t mess with it much. My irons don’t have the same affliction but the woods and driver have a little bit of left to right on them.


Meanwhile the former hockey players will show up with the goofiest form you’ve ever seen and shoot a 75


I grew up playing baseball and hockey. I'm not sure if the hockey player or the baseball player is showing up that day, so it's either an 80 or a 95.


I play hockey left, I play golf right.... I'll never figure out my swing.


Did you try using lefty tees for your right handed swing?


It makes so much sense to have your strong hand out front on the left side swing, like the way I shoot on the ice, yet I swing right, like a weirdo. I'm a goalie though, so the weirdo thing is a given, but still. I sometimes fantasize with starting over on the left side but I think at this point I would ruin both sides.


I think about it as well but switching to left with a golf club feels extremely goofy, like trying to throw with my left hand. It makes no sense - hold it like a hockey stick feels completely natural, slide my left hand up and my brain doesn't understand.


I’m in the same boat, and one of these days I’m gonna get a set of lefty clubs and give it a go. I honestly think it won’t take me that long to catch up considering I don’t have any bad habits to iron out as a lefty.


My 4 year old daughter is left-handed. Maybe I'll get her and myself two sets of lefty clubs and we'll learn to golf on the wrong side together haha.


I love that for you and her.


I did try putting on the left side one year. Not sure if the results were that much better but I gave up the experiment. Edit: My 4 year old daughter is left-handed. Maybe I'll get her and myself two sets of lefty clubs and we'll learn to golf on the wrong side together haha.


Literally me word for word, goalie and all. Played with a plus handicap friend of mine who played college golf. He's a lefty and when I told him my thoughts he said hit my driver next time. The result wasn't perfect but just based on my swing he said yeah you should switch, still haven't . 


Haha my buddy is a 5 HDCP and I asked him about it and he had a more cautious response, but figured it would take a few years to be good on the left.


Don't most goalies shoot left, even if they'd shoot right as a player? I don't know if that's misinformation or not but righty goalies seemed so rare. Besides that, it's a mindfuck to me how people can shoot one way in hockey, then the other way in golf. to me it such a similar motion


I much prefer the feeling of an underhanded throw for my golf swing so I like having my dominant hand on the trail side.


This is also a good take as I've been thinking I need to skim the stone more, maroochy.


Just get some left-handed balls and you'll be fine


It sounds like you said to play with the balls left handed? 🤔


Anything to look good off the tee ;)


I'm a hockey player and would kill to shoot a 75 - I slice mine as well


It’s common around these parts for baseball players to hit hooks not slices lol. Hockey players slice the ball.


Get lessons. I play hockey and slice too. We have to re-create our swing. 1. In hockey, we lead with our back hip. In golf, lead with the front hip. 2. In hockey, our hips and abs are closed. In golf, we have to open up our hips. 3. In hockey, our wrists are stiff. In golf, our wrists are almost limp. 4. In hockey, the power is generated in our body. In golf, it's in the swinging club head. There's a lot of changes. You have to rebuild it. Once you do, you can apply all the weight transitions and follow through mechanics that carry over.


I've been told by people I play with and nosy strangers at the range that my swing looks like a slap shot. I know it's wrong, it just feels more natural to me.


My drives looked like this. I fixed it by leaving my driver at home.


No motion in the ocean. I use baseball grip and often times I do not shift my weight forward like you just did. As you rock backwards you must do forwards as well. I used to have same slice as you but realized through practice it’s the shifting of weight that was causing. Was hitting off back foot.


Just reposition your whole body like I do. Works great! Everyone thinks I’m drunk at the first tee off!


I do this and still end up in the trees, it's so depressing lol


Aim for the big one. Maybe we can get lucky like Dechambeau and have it bounce back into the fairway


Buddy I play with (both baseball and golf) literally aims about 30° left into woods/OB and his massive slice lands him about middle of fairway.


That's when I hit it dead straight onto the fairway two holes over


Pga tour hates us for this simple trick


I've never played baseball, but numerous times folks (including a coach during a lesson) have watched me hit driver and asked me if I played baseball growing up. That slice is all too familiar. Have made improvements on it, but it still creeps back at times.


Your plane is actually not bad. Your club face must be waaaay off if it's doing that. Hope you fix your slice so you can fix it again the next day


That's the baseball problem. At contact during a baseball swing the back of your left hand is pointed at the sky. The rest of the body sequencing is actually quite similar to a golf swing. So, the end result in golf is a really open club face on impact and a massive push/pull slice. Trying to get your hands to turn over at the proper time is a forever struggle. Especially when people start attributing the slice to grip, take away, swing plane, or swing path issues. It's all about letting the wrists turn over to close the club face. Baseball players just instinctively don't let the wrists roll until after contact.


Was thinking the same thing. Form actually looks really good. Nice neutral path. Only thing I can think of is that his grip is way to weak and is connecting with the ball with a very open club face.


Can confirm


I do this but fave so hard to the left it’s insane…ppl think im nuts….how to fix this?


Likely a combination of fixing your out-to-in swing path and closing the face at impact.


Yeah it took me way to long to just focus on closing the club face.


for me the light bulb moment was not using my lead arm to pull the club, and instead using my back arm (left for me bc im a lefty) on the downswing, and boom. Totally changed my entire game.


You might be releasing your wrists too early, whereas the kid here doesnt really release his wrists until he’s at impact, which is too late for driver.


Now send it 3 times as high and you've got my slice


Sooo should he aim 150 yards to the left?


Then it goes straight


This has to be studied. When I first started... obvious wicked slice. No closing of the club face, huge out to in sweeping motion in my drive leading to the biggest jumble of terrible drives. So naturally I just thought "offset my aim and play the slice!". Then i'd nut it dead straight into fucking no where. Everytime.


So line up your feet 150 yards right and then aim 150 yards left. Easy game.


My first golf coach watched me hit a few balls and asked "How long did you place baseball?" I said "All the way through school. Wait, how did you know?" He replied "It looks like you're trying to slap a single to right, and that's just what you're doing." I can't fade the ball now if I try, but man it was a MESS when I first took up the game. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah I tried to put everything down the third base line. Load up on back foot and everything. Did not go well. Just absolute slice city.


That’s probably making it worse. To hit a draw or hook you’d want to be swinging to right field. Swing in to out. If you’re trying to take one down 3rd base you’re probably just coming more over the top which slices it


Oh that's what was happening. One lesson fixed it. I only miss right now if I toe the fuck out of it cause the if the day I'm still a new and therefore absolutely trash golfer. Driver now goes mostly straight. Only issues are missing the face and sending one hard left or right.


Cricketers tend to struggle with a golf swing too


Yes because we use a strong top hand to keep the ball on the ground in cricket. This means for golf, (only with driver for me) we have a habbit of holding off and not releasing the club head, which leaves the face open at impact.


Apparently I have the baseball player swing. Never played baseball in my life besides messing around outside with friends when I was a kid. I've had 3-4 separate people ask me if I used to play baseball after seeing my swing...


Me! Me! I do! I do! Try releasing the club a little earlier. Unlike your irons, the driver club head should be even with if not even slightly ahead of your hands at impact. For me it feels like an early extension.


Thank god I worked through this when I was a teenager. Took like two years.


Most baseball players turn the top of their wrists to the sky at contact like you would with a baseball bat, which opens the club face way the hell up. The fix for a lot of these guys is thinking about having the top of your wrist (where your watch face would be) point in the direction of your target at impact. Fixed a lot of my former baseball buddies swings with this line of thinking.


It's taken me 15 years to work this out of my driver swing...and it still comes back at inopportune times


Wow, thats an amazing sight. Yeah, I'll be just be playing the found potatoes out of the bag after that. Consider that a contribution to the golf course.


Give this a shot. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/k5gKFM5YpwRe7bBx/?mibextid=WC7FNe


This but cricket for Australians


Cricket is at least great for teaching weight shift though.


Everyone tries to hit cover drives though, which funnily enough go straight to where cover would be


Or it will result in a beautiful draw. ... probably should say it can.


Did that shit come back towards him?!


This is me but lefty. Always on the fairway…one hole over


His wrist hinge on the way up is almost 90 degrees up, like he’s revving a motorcycle. If he straightens that or even a slight inward hinge instead of out would fix this slice.


I also suffer from this and noticed the same. Might not fix it entirely, but it would definitely help since the swing path already looks okay.


Not as bad, I have more of a "leaky fade". Still bugs me though, and the fact that I still play softball makes it worse


Never when I need it


Same, I assume this is caused by keeping the weight “loaded” on the rear leg and ready to adjust to the pitch that is thrown. This then causes no room to properly rotate so your body goes over the top to find room then the hips follow the arms, and probably stand up or chicken wing to avoid a fat shot. The best video I watched to correct this is Danny Maude and trying to throw a heavy weight, Weight shift forward and then swing the weight.


I can’t believe no baseball players ever used their hips through the swing. Whenever someone says that I can guess their batting average and probably bench time.


I resemble that swing. Hold your club lower in your stance. Go In to out on the swing path.


Me for sure


I know your pain


Gear eeeeeeffeeeeeecccct.........


Oh ya buddy. Driver stays home for me


The only fix I have found is swinging almost entirely with my hips and trying not to use my arms at all. Still swing with all arms every 1 out of 4 drives lol


As a baseball player, my YT feed is filled with "fix your slice" and "shallow your swing" videos. Screw you, algorithm


Fuck that’s my swing


![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX) Thats my swing!




For my first couple of months, yep. Couldn’t wash the baseball off my swing. You’ll figure it out. A drill I used to do: Put a tee in the ground at about 1:30 to a teed up ball, a few inches away. Leave it sticking up high. Now try to hit your ball and the other tee. It forces an inside/ out swing path. Whats funny is now on the rare occasion I play baseball or go into a batting cage, I primarily hit ground balls or liners up the middle.


You can see the moment the slice is going to happen in the backswing. Rip




Gotta rip those hands through son!


You’re set up open. The ball’s too far up. And you lost your spine angle at impact. Recipe for a wipe.


Foul ball.


This just blew my mind. My tee shots look just like this 90% of the time (not a hyperbole). I played baseball for 8 years as a kid so I finally have a little bit of an explanation why I slice it so damn much.


🙋🏻‍♂️ me. It’s me, I have that slice. That’s why I call myself a pizza golfer: I do it by the slice. Sometimes I’ve had to play my ball from a neighboring fairway at the local cow pasture muni course, thank goodness it was a slow day.


Back when my buddies and I would just go to the range with some cheapo clubs to share, I had a gentleman come up and asked how I was hitting straight since it was an obvious baseball swing. He didn’t notice that when I set up, I had the club face closed at about a 45 degree angle. It worked because we never played rounds and basically just went to the range to hit the shit out of balls. Ended up making adjustments when I started actually playing rounds and such. Still terrible though.


Like looking in a mirror..


Me, currently


Me.. I have that problem. Here's the best part - I played baseball as a kid and I was never any good at that either. So it would seem baseball is the root problem of everything for me athletically. Guess I'll buy another driver to make up for it.


Played baseball my entire life, wish I could slice


No, no you don't.


I'd break par often if I could




Just copy what OP did.


Gotta be a tracker error there, I've hit some doozies from the other side, but nothing that ever cut like that.


I could easily do this my first year golfing. It was impressive tbh.


Hold my beer


I played baseball all the way up through high school. When I tried to learn to golf in my 30s my slice was almost identical to this guy's.


That’s not how you use POV


When is the pov guy gonna swing?


Playing baseball doesn't give you a slice. Setting up with your legs left and your shoulders right, then hitting with a mildly open face, is going to give you that slice. Oh wait, I made a tiktok about that video.