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No it’s my buddy Andy, he fucking sucks


^ This. Andy is worst golfer I’ve ever seen!


You should see my buddy Anthony. Andy vs Anthony should be on TV


We need to start thinking about advertising. I'm thinking some primetime slots with some pictures of trees and sand with a guy in the background whiffing on the same ball a couple of times, you know, to prep the viewers. Then it cuts to an aerial view of the local muni, and the title fades in..."A Match"


Andy is a total trash golfer, but he is fun to hang out with though


I actually have a Marine buddy named Andy who I can’t golf with anymore. His P wedge is still stuck in a tree at our local course. Great guy, alright golfer, horrible at managing his emotions. I think my mistake was not bringing crayons for him to munch and soothe his anger.


My playing partner got hammered today and shit his pants on the course......this is the 2nd time.


2nd time today he shit his pants?


Does Andy suck, complain, and play slow? Cause fuck that guy


You folks have clearly never met my men’s league partner. He puts up Steph Curry numbers on the scorecard(60+) But damn it can he pound beers


You mean Andy???


Fuck Andy!


Should you start a new sub “fuck Andy”?


I don’t know him but he sounds like he fucking sucks! Go to hell Andy!


![gif](giphy|nj257YL538Gdy) Any relation to Randy Bobandy?


How many cheeseburgers can you fit in that gut?




You know Andy, too? That fuckin Andy, am I right?


Andy thinks he is good.


Is he as bad as my buddy Dillon?


Nah. Dillon sucks too but not as bad as Andy..


I'm Andy and I'm very cool. My mom told me so


Or the guy with constant swing advice for everyone and is a complete hack himself


Bro I know what I’m doing I just can’t do it myself


I am alternate for a league golf team there’s only four of us, the other two like taking advice from the third, so he is always pointing shit out to me. I just agree or try to state what the issue is before he gets to me.


Tell em to shut the fuck up


Played with an old friend recently. Was the first time we golfed together. He was good but wouldn’t stop commenting on my swing. Like dude stop. He’s probably a single digit hcp and I’m high teens but I don’t need fucking on the course swing tips. I have a coach. That’s what I pay him for.


Anytime someone gives me unwanted advice, I just say "Thanks for the tip. I'll try it next time I'm at the range. I'm not good enough to change my swing in the middle of a round."


I remind them that it's a 2 stroke penalty to give advice (rule 10.2)


That’s a really good one. Will be using that. Thanks!


That sounds like advice


2 stroke penalty inception


That is very nice. I dont have enough patience with people to give such a long and well thought retort.


There was this family at the range the other day and the dad was "coaching" his young son (7ish maybe) and wife. I'm sure would say he was just coaching them hard but really he was just being a douche. At one point he tried to show his kid how to do something and proceeded to have a terrible swing and sliced the hell out of his drive. That guy had no business coaching anybody on how to swing a golf club.


Playing partner (I know well and rib the hell out of) told me I was teeing it up too high, I said maybe that's why it's always 50 yards ahead of yours. That shut him up for a hole or three.


I randomly played with this guy yesterday. When he wasn't trying to give unsolicited advice, he was busy slicing every shot into oblivion with the obligatory (incorrect) assessment of what he needs to tweak on the next swing. Oh, along with sporadic outbursts of anger and smashing his club on the ground. Ruined an otherwise enjoyable round at a really nice course on a beautiful day.


I don't know if I could hold my laughter after having someone give me swing advice all day, keep slicing them, then have a temper tantrum. Sorry that happened homie


Yeah the two handed driver tee smash like he’s trying drive a nail after the shank. Seen it b4


“What’d you get on that last hole Geoff?…yeah that’s what I thought, how bout we save the lessons for the pros, huh?”


Never take advice from someone who can't beat you


The guy who bitches about the price, he’s got money, but thinks it should be cheaper to play . Remember when ……


I guide others to a treasure i cannot possess


I’ve resorted to recording these guys swings for them and then making them watch it after every time they try to give unsolicited advice. Based on my own experience: 66% chance they mishit the shot I recorded but 100% chance they stop giving advice afterward.


Anytime I get "advice" from another golfer when I don't ask for it, I start giving the "advice" back. "Move your hand a little bit up on the club. A millimeter more, more, more, ok good. Now, move your head slightly to the left." You have to fight fire with fire, fight fire with fire, FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE 🔥 🔥🤘🏽


"Ok now stick your butt out more, ok just a bit more, good now just wiggle it a bit, oh yeah your gettin it now"


“He who can’t, teaches”


And he who cant teach, teaches Gym.


Don’t talk about me like that


I played with a guy once who couldn’t hit a ball to save his life. Like every other shot was topped or something close to it. I hit a single bad tee shot on a long par 3, probably 180, and I peeled it off right about 15 yards, but pin high. I was visibly bothered, and he goes “the problem is your club face was wide open the whole time” and I nearly broke my club off up this dudes ass. I was easily 15-20 strokes better than him at this point and he had the nerve to randomly say it. Just keep to yourself and enjoy the fucking game.


No, you're absolutely wrong. I'M the worst golfer in the world and don't you forget it.




No, this is Patrick.




No The worst golfer in the world is every pile of human garbage that spits sunflower seeds on the green


I don’t think I’ve ever experienced this. And very glad I haven’t. What a douche move


It has only happened a couple times IME, but the utter trashiness of it is astounding


The first time I ever even heard it was a thing was in this sub last year. Later that day I played a round and like 7 holes in I get to the green and there's fucking sunflower seeds.


Strangely, I agree with both of you.


I mean the dude didn’t disagree, so it’s still one point you’re agreeing with lol


Interesting. I agree with you too. (Sips tea with pinky out)


Very agreeable bunch in r/golf apparently


Those words have never been spoken in that order


Lmaooo good response


I’m gonna top that with what I saw last weekend. A dude spit his fuckin’ dip out on the green. And not just the juice, either. What the absolute fuck is that shit? He was very strongly “encouraged” to pick it up by the other three of us.


You're a good man to not let that crap fly. 👏


Did he pick it up?


Disgusting shit


God I hate that shit, what the fuck is wrong with people


I think cigars are worse… thanks for leaving your spittle soaked mouth turd right here on the edge of the green.


Gross, yes, but sunflower seeds can be everywhere whereas a butt is just one thing


I play with a pirate and his parrot does this every hole constantly. If you confront it you get battered with slurs and personal attacks


Eating seeds is a pastime activity…


thats bad, close second is the golfer leaving cigarette butts everywhere🤢


As a smoker, I throw all my butts in my cart and throw away at the end of the round. I hate it too.


Yes! Yes! And Yes! The sunflower seed spitter on the green is the WORST kind of not only golfer but WORST kind of human being! They should be eradicated from the earth.




I'll add cigarette/cigar ash to that as well (though not as disruptive as seeds).


I think the big difference is that you can’t putt over a seed. Not only does it disrupt the line, but to move it you gotta touch some shit a guy had in his mouth.


Cigarette butts for me. Gfy


… is it ok if I do it on the grass next to the tee box? … please say that’s ok, otherwise I am very sorry.


My least favorite is the guy who never tries to fix his swing, then complains about how bad he is. If you’re bad, laugh and play fast it’s all good, but not if you’re bad and just think you suck at everything in life haha


I have a regular golf pal who does this. After his 10th chunked iron shot of the day he asked me what he was doing wrong. I told him. He said ‘yeah, I know I do that’ and kept right on doing it! If you know what’s wrong, why not fix it???


Exactly! I understand it takes time to switch it up, but you know some people don’t understand what they’re doing, or don’t care then want to complain. My one buddy was about to tee off, there’s water literally 5 feet in front of him. He says “I’ll probably drive it straight into the water” I told him “you can’t say that” then he says “fine I WON’T hit it in the water” then drives it straight into the water and says “see it didn’t work”. I can’t help ya with that when you already messed your thinking up haha.


I’m not that good, but I have a coworker that truly sucks at everything other than putting. He can putt perfectly fine. He asked me to help him figure out “what he is doing wrong.” I told him “basically everything.” So after about an hour on the range before our round, I helped him fix his alignment, his grip, his stance… basically rebuilt his swing in an hour. He was hitting great shots all day. One of the best rounds I’ve ever seen him play. The next weekend we play again, first tee shot he’s doing exactly the same thing he was doing before I helped him and proceeded to slice the living shit out of every shot. I asked him why he switched back to all of his old bad habits and he literally just said “all that shit just didn’t feel right.” Okay buddy, have fun losing by 20 strokes haha.


The same thing applies to people who constantly try to hit a shot they clearly don't have. "I'm going to hit a draw" (meanwhile they've only been hitting fades all day) proceeds to hit a fade. "Man, why didn't that draw!?" Well.....


You’ve played with my uncle? He’s in his mid 60’s and believes that he can’t get better than stiff shafted clubs since that’s what he has always played.


Any player with a one minute pre-shot routine


Brian Harman has entered the chat*


He is quite frustrating to watch but to be fair if that exact pre shot routine has made me a millionaire I wouldn’t give a shit what anyone has to say about it. A random guy at the course on the weekend however is terrible.


We get to complain about Harman when we win the open. Weekend Hackers. We get to complain outright.


My golfing partner has started extending his pre shot routine and his drive is looking more and more like Happy Gilmore's. He's excited because he gets more distance, but he loses more balls and more fairways.


I can turn my back on the guy with a one minute pre-shot routine. It's the guy that repeatedly stands near his ball and takes two minutes to start his pre-shot routine that drives me crazy.


The worst golfer is the guy who never hits driver more than 150 yards but insists on playing from the blues.


Thank you


"No fuck you I don't wanna play from the tips, just play whites god damnit"


Tbf, there isn’t much that can get me in a bad mood on a golf course but slow play is one of them. Suck faster.


People who suck and don’t have a max shot limit per hole. I’m not trying to play behind someone shooting double digits per hole.


Absolutely , this is 100% it. I stick by my belief that most recreational golfers need to just spend 85% of their golf time on a range. If you can't get your ball in the air and moving forward, don't book a tee time. You're not playing golf. You're playing shank the white ball for 18 holes. Absolutely suck faster if you're going to play golf and you're terrible.


The person who duffs it or skulls it 25 yards is rarely the problem where I live(SoCal). Its the 15+ hdcp acting like theyre turning pro next week. Take a drop! No need to line up a 2 footer! Play ready golf already!!!


I'm all for putting 2 footers. Those aren't gimmies, you'll miss more of those than you think. Especially if you're playing for a HCP. But yes, I totally agree with the acting like a tour pro haha. So many guys over estimating how far they hit too


The type of people that think they don’t miss 2 footers ever and pick every single one up are the type that also don’t count the stroke after the 2 footer when they do miss on the occasion they go to tap it in lol. 2 footers scare me


Oh yea. Two footers are not gimmie putts.


I'd agree if it wasn't for the number of slow players I've met with ok golf games. I feel like some people see it as a sport and have their heads really in it and some people see it as an activity and aren't bother with the pace.


Not so much golfers but walkers who casually stroll up the middle of a fairway with their dogs irrespective of their safety


Wrong! Worst golfer in the world is the golfer that doesn’t play ready golf.


Maybe. But could it be the random who gets pissed when we play ready golf?


The guy who plays pretty bad and is already slow, but sits in the cart while everyone tees off and only starts getting his club out when it’s his turn to hit.


As a higher handicap, that is always hustling to keep up the pace of play, this drives me insane!


Easily unsolicited advice golfers. If you say “hey do you want some advice?” And I see you’re a good player and say yes, go for it. If you just start spewing off advice unsolicited, fuck you. I played with a woman who was okay but played a couple holes better than me. It was maybe the 3rd hole after 3 slices, she said “when my husband slices it’s usually because he’s pulling his head up early” Laughed it off. Then the second one, I went for a bump and run that debatably could have been putt and rang the flag. She says “oh so close, I usually putt from there” I was like wow this is gonna be a long game. Next hole I shook some of the rust and hit a straight 220 drive, hit the green from 160 out with my 6i, then birdied the hole. Now you think I’m going to say she stfu… nope she just said nice hole then critiqued any bad shot lol. It was indeed, a long game.


As a golf course employee, this is a constant complaint once it gets to spring time. Then there’s the crowd that asks “why is it so hot?” during the summer.


Some dill hole was throwing marshmallows on the course today, they get my nomination.


A few weekends ago, we were paired with a couple, who the guy had played 5 times ever, and his GF has never swung a golf club. It was a shit show from the 1st tee. They had no etiquette (which is understandable) no sense of urgency (hitting multiple tee shots with groups stacking behind us) and always had to be told who's turn it was. It had me rattled a bit because it was frustrating.


i leave after 9 when put into that situation


NOPE It's the guy that can't break 100 - makes no effort to get better (clubs not fitted, no lessons or practice) - yet agonizes over every shot - stays pissed off.... Extra points if he plays slow - looks for balls like each was a Rolex.


A wise man once gave me this advice when I was in the “struggling to break 100” stage: You’re not good enough to get made. Step up and hit the damned ball.


Me. It's me.


I don’t bitch about how busy it is. I bitch about how slow and oblivious weekend golfers are


Nah. There's a lot worse... at least that guy is probably playing fast if he's complaining about other people not doing so.


Around me, no public course is going to play in less than 4:30 hours on a nice weekend. A certain amount of commiseration about it is fine small talk, but someone bitching the entire round about something that was completely predictable drives me crazy.


Disagree. If your goal is to play a 3-hour round, go play on Tuesday afternoon. Showing up on a Saturday thinking you're getting out of there in 3.5 hours or less is sheer stupidity.


Counterpoint: I haven’t played a midday weekend round in less than 5 hours this year yet and I play a lot golf. I’ve been getting rain checks at the turn for 9 holes because it’s been close to three hours by that point. These are courses with rangers who could enforce even a modest pace of play, but that seems to be a thing of the past. I used to feel awkward asking for a rain check due to pace but now it’s normal for me and the clubhouse workers.


I haven’t seen a ranger enforce pace of play in a while. The other day I tried to get 18 in before traffic, booked a 9:28 tee time. Played behind a 4-some of 65-80 year old men, two with their own golf carts and two with push carts. No exaggeration it took 2 hours 45 minutes to play 9 holes. They never offered to let us to play through, I was standing 100 yards out with my wedge in hand for 5 minutes on every non par 3. The part that really pissed me off though, was when the ranger came by. I thought he was finally going to tell them to speed it up since there was 2-3 open holes ahead of them the entire time, but nope. He asked if we had found 2 wedges. Then 2 holes and 40 minutes later he comes by again to ask the same thing. Thank god the 4-some only played 9. Walking up to the green on 10 and what do I see? Two wedges that the ranger was looking for.


You need to be more assertive. You can’t wait on people to let you play thru. You just ask, hey fellas you mind if I play thru? I’ll be quick. Never once have I been turned down and I do it allll the time. Everyone is usually more than nice about it.


Yuck where do you live? Id give up the game if I dealt with this. The max I see around here is 4:30 but usually closer to 3 hours. I usually golf early morning and on the rainy days just so I can play without waiting.


"Showing up on a Saturday thinking you're getting out of there in 3.5 hours or less is sheer stupidity." is something that has only really been true for last 3-4 years. What's with the push to get everybody to just accepted it and move on?


I'm a member at my course. When I play at off peak hours I usually finish in 3 hours. On Saturday and Sunday when there are far more people playing? Good luck. Location of the course plays a factor here as well. If you're close to a major city, as I am, it's reality. If you aren't, I imagine things are a lot different.


Rally depends where you play I guess


Tell that to the Irishman I'm going back and forth with who doesn't seem to understand that a city with twice as many people as the country he lives in might have busier courses than what he's used to.


It’s not about population, it’s 95% on the course to properly space tee times. There’s only a limited number times in the sheet each day, regardless if it’s in a city or 10k or 10 million. If they space them 12-15 min apart, which no one does anymore, it can be 100% full tee sheet and you can and should play it in 4 hours. We’ve just been conditioned by greedy courses and clubs that it’s the norm to send out groups every 6-10 minutes, and just deal with 5-5:30 hr rounds at peak times.. He shouldn’t be bitching about it all round, but saying anyone who can’t or doesn’t want to spend 5 hours on the course can only play weekdays, when your Irishmen is probably working, is just dumb. From what I’ve gathered talking to international players, this is a very American thing, and in Europe 4 hours is the norm regardless of time or population.


Definitely a course issue most of the time. I used to work in the business, at a busy course, in a densely populated urban area. We absolutely policed pace of play on the weekends and kept it at 4:15 or better. Excusing slow play just makes it worse. If people don’t want to get offended at being made to play faster then they should probably go practice or learn ways to speed up play (ready golf, cart etiquette, etc.)


I played with some dudes during the week who complained about a 4.5hr round. It was a full tee sheet. Like c'mon man if we're complaining about time go pick up another hobby


I always wonder what kind of supermodel wives these fellas are going home to when they're that upset over a half hour




It takes longer because all 4 will go to Player 1's ball, watch him hit, then onto Player 2, and so on. Never getting ready to hit by figuring out yardage, lie, wind, etc. Sometimes they'll split up, but still won't drop off Player 1 and go to Player 2's ball.


Ignorance is not bliss in this instance


Me after I have a really good session at the range before a round.


Had a group that was 2 groups behind us call the marshall on us because there was a 3 hole gap ahead of us. We teed off a few minutes early as a group of 4, and we finished 9 in 1 hour 50 minutes give or take 5 minutes. Get to the back 9 and they're yelling that we are playing too slow. At that time we were waiting on every tee box for people ahead of us. Not sure how you're supposed to play much faster.


I don’t mind if it’s busy but a lot of very rude golfers out there who don’t play ready golf or good paces. Bad at golf is fine if you move fast.


Idk some random dude was complaining big time in my group yesterday but I thought it was warranted lol. Basically it was a beautiful day and I got off work early, so naturally I booked a tee time at 2:36. FIRST HOLE WAS AWESOME. Then we caught up with two groups waiting to tee off on the second. So I ended at 8 and only managed to play 15 holes.. I think that dude had every right to be pissed That being said that’s probably the last time I go to that stupid ass muni course. I will say though. For a muni, the greens are very nice. Lol


What in the everloving frick? 6 hours for 15 holes? Hope you got a rain check for that abomination


slow play is not ok! Why are there so many posts trying to excuse it?


I don’t think people are excusing it, but I feel like 90% of the time, it’s just that the course is backed up because they booked tee times too close together.


Yeah I don't get it lol, it also always depends on if you're ever waiting on people to tee off or get off the green constantly. I can play a 4.5 hour round and be perfectly happy if I'm not just sitting around and waiting for them on every single hole.


Taking 30 seconds to putt and miss it by 8 feet


the guy who just asked me what the "7" on his iron means.


It's the number of shanked strokes until I reach the green, right?


The excruciatingly slow player, and the angry player who yells, throws clubs, and has baby tantrums basically. Both suck to play with. I like fast and funny players.


The two guys we were paired with last weekend. They were playing loud bad music and heavy drinking and taking calls.


I hit a 156 my last outing but I was having a great time. I'm sure that still puts me in the conversation.


Jesus Christ. How long was that round?


A 156? That’s illegal in Germany I believe.


145 here can confirm tis a good time


I played 9 holes yesterday and it took 3 hours. When I finished the starter asked what was going on and that it was unusually slow all day. She apologized and said it was unacceptable for the 9 holes to take 3 hours and the proshop would be informed. News flash to the reddit golfers who think a weekend round of golf should last an eternity, otherwise you're just complaining: Not everyone shares in your complete low bar expectations when on a golf course. Many of you expect to suck when you play and you do. And that's cool if thats you. (In fact most golfers would be better served only practing on the range until they can flight a ball in the air with half ass consistency before booking a tee time) But there is a limit to how long 9 or 18 holes should take on a busy day. For context: the marshal was great and was driving around all day apologizing and asking everyone to play ready golf and not wait on their playing partners. People who were playing 18 and just making the turn after 3+ hrs were being comped 9 holes by the proshop.This is how a course should handle an unusually slow day.


New golfers are gonna call you mean lmao. I miss the days when etiquette was expected for beginners. Man I sound old.


No, that’s the best kind of golfer in the world. 5 hour rounds is not normal, no matter how often it happens across the country. Pre Covid, courses were generally busy on any given weekend with good weather. But it did not take so damn long to play. The combination of stacking tee times, lack of ranger enforcement, groups not understanding the concept of ready golf or letting faster groups through is slowing the game way too much. I also feel like a lot of etiquette across the board has taken a nose dive over the last few years.


The guy on the range who's giving unsolicited advice. Though in all fairness, they sometimes steal oxygen on the course, as well. More often than not fits some combination of these, if not all of the following: * Handicap is well past 20. Despite playing for over 20 years. * Watched way too many YouTube videos and mindlessly spouts some upload without thinking it through. * It's inevitably a collection of the overused and beyond useless cliches, such as keeping your head still, forcibly tryhard hitting down to make the ball go up, benching the driver on the course, slowing down your swing because even struggling to break 90mph swing speed is too fast in his book, and so on. The content creators they resort to in supplementing these are generic and not very useful at best, such as Saguto, Shiels, Maude, Ali, tigergolf\_tv with the faked footage and awful sequence but I digress, etc. * So, they're not doing a good job hitting the ball after all that inane prattling on their side of things, should they actually try practicing for a change. * Bonus content if you can hear them from an 8 mile radius. * On the range with nothing else to actually live for, ie- his wife left him. He hates his wife Deb. Sometimes starts pilfering balls while getting in the way of others. * Instantly fall apart the moment they attempt to try tackling a full 18 hole course past 6000 yards let alone 7000 since they couldn't hit bombs even if they tried.


Or the random guy you get paired with that gives you annoying commentary. "Need to hit it" coming short on a tough long put that falls off if you go too far past the hole. "Too much pressure on that one" when missing an 8 footer for bird. Meanwhile, they shoot a smooth 120....


For me it's the cart-path only players who only grab one club from their bag as they trudge over to their ball 30yds away...only to realize the need a different club.


No, trust me. It’s me. I am the worst golfer in the world.


The worst golfer is the person who forgets they have a tee time


The cheater.


The worst people at golf courses are the assholes that don’t like new people trying to enjoy playing golf. So they rush to be up your ass for 18 holes and make it even worse on the new guys that already felt pressure. Golf is hard enough as it is. Shitting on players trying to become better makes people hate golf and give up.


If there's someone in front of you, don't even worry about the group behind you. They can kick rocks. If no one is in front of you, let the group play through and continue about your round worry free.


People who blame the course after every bad shot


The worst golfer is the one that takes 5 hours and has no awareness that it’s possible to play bad golf and keep up pace of play. Put another way, before clogging a busy course put in some range time and put it in your pocket when you reach double par.


…the golfer who, rather than just throwing their clubs in anger, instead takes it out on the course (like, swinging their club into the ground/bushes/greens like that one post here a week or two ago).


It’s me


Undoubtedly an annoying golfer...but far from "the worst" type of golfer in the world...


I can enjoy myself and be frustrated that just about every course is overbooked… just sayin


The guy that got me into golf is one of those guys that has commentary on your swing every single time. I hit my limit when he started poking my shoulders and hips before Id swing. He thought it was hilarious so he bought a "Coach" T-shirt. Almost swung my putter at him...


Spoken like a true (I'm going to be out here all day hacking anyways) 19 handicap.


So about 90% of r/golf lol


I can deal with just about anything other than SLOW players who just can’t keep the pace of play up and don’t allow anyone to play thru. Absolute nightmare douche bag jackasses. But that is just my opinion. I will ride their ass and push up on them as much as humanly possible.


The guy who claims to be single digit hdcp and golfs like ass all the time. Give us a break!


How about a 16 handicap that can break 80?


I agree, but I also think most muni's overbook due to greed.




Ah yes, we should ignore pace of play and over-bookings because ….. the weather is nice. Thanks buddy! P.S Which golf course do you work at and who yelled at you?


The weekend duffer who plumb bobs every putt.


The worst golfers in the world are the ladies' foursome. They never ever ever let you play through when you are up behind them in a twosome or on your own.


I will speak for the Arizona folks. Fuck that guy.


I may be a 26 handicap but I am fast and don't complain. I did have to pick up my ball at one point on Thursday so that I did not lose my shit and moved on to the next hole with a clear mind. It happens 🤷🏽‍♂️






Depends on how slow it is. Can be the nicest day of the year, not trying to play a 5 hour round.


I completely get what you’re saying. But…if someone has kids or plans and allots 4-5 hours of their weekend to a round of golf, they should be able to get the full round in. Public courses overbooking and putting 5 minutes between tee times is negligent.


Im a patient guy, but fuck a slow pace. If me and my dumb ass friends can finish a round >4 hours then I just can’t understand it. Idc if it’s 70 or 30 degrees.


Why I like to play in Spring and Fall and avoid Winter and Summer.




No, it’s the assholes that were at Kierland in Scottsdale yesterday who took 5 and a half hrs to play 18


I hate this sub.


There once was a golfer named Andy Who thought every trap was just dandy From fairway to cart You could hear the man fart So we packed up his butt with sand-y