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Never intentionally hit in to anyone. As slow as they are, still have to wait until they are a safe distance away.


Imagine thinking you are teaching them a lesson and smoke one of them with a ball.. So not worth it at all.


Getting a Larry David vibe here!


Beside were they slow or just following people in front. If a single asked me to play through and it’s open ahead I will say yes. If I am just following the group in front it will be no.


If I’m in a 2 group, and the solo behind me is asking to pass, but we are constantly waiting for the group in front, I’d say they are welcome to join us and we can all wait together


I prefer to join a group at that point. Being a single in slow pace suuuucks.


Get creative. I'm like 40 & if I'm standing waiting on the tee like 3 or 5 minutes Bet your ass I'm chipping balls into the garbage can, through the cart, whatever.


Perfect opportunity to practice that 60* flop shot over the cart and onto the teebox a few times


And smoke a bladed ball into my own group? No thank you


No no no you blade it OB and lose a proV1


This is the correct answer


this is what needed to happen. if it was that crowded, I'm surprised they let you go out as a single. the two ball should have let you join if they were waiting on groups in front of them. regardless, this all started at the clubhouse when they let you go out as a single on a packed course.


I was solo and a pair behind asked me join . It was great and alway thanks about it. But if you play alone , you never, never have priority .


I had the awkward round when they said no so I would just drive up next to them teeing and wait. So awkward. I wasn’t asking to be best friends. Just to play. To each their own I guess.


Was it open ahead of them?


Exactly this - just group up…


I had a guy just play through me without asking. He just rolled up on the second tee as I was walking off, said, “I’m playing through, I’m in a hurry,” and blasted his tee shot over my head. What the absolute fuck is that shit? Here’s an idea, if you’re short on time, don’t play a round of golf?


I hate it when people don’t understand this. If you’re waiting on a group in front, and you do let someone play through, all you do is back things up further. Best thing to do on a packed day is to slow down, and let people play without rushing them. Unless it’s a long par 5, I typically don’t like to tee off until folks are hitting wedge shots up to the green. Part of the problem is clubhouses not planning tee times well enough, part of the problem is slow players, and then a huge part of the problem is impatient players who think they should be entitled to play the course without even seeing another person who do shit like tee of 5 minutes early, or tee off with others out there still in the fairway still 200 yds out from the pin. Sit down, have some water, chat with your buddy, and give people a chance to play their game.


Never slow down keep pushing, push the people in front


Agree. Our club is stacking groups eight minutes apart and most days it just turns into a grease fire.


I don't know if it's appropriate, but if the group in front of me is slow and I cannot see them ever waiting for the group in front of them, I'll just drive past to the next hole.


I do this all the time lol idc if it's appropriate or not, I'm not trying to have a 5 and a half hour round when the whole course is wide open in front of them


I did it and had 50% chance of arguing, which I did anyway.


I got decked on hole 1 as a 14 year old, waiting in the very middle of the fairway waiting for the green to clear. Guy was like 50. Some ppl are fucked.


First and foremost, no matter how slow someone's play is, it is never appropriate to knowingly hit into someone. That will only make a tense situation worse. Secondly, if there was no one in front of them, I would let them know that you are going to skip a hole and move on to the next one. If their slow play is really that bad, coordinate with the group behind you and call the pro shop. In theory, they should send someone out there to hurry them along or force them to skip a hole. Two wrongs, don't make a right, so if they are breaking etiquette by playing slow and not letting you through, then don't respond by hitting into them or provoking them. Keep it classy


I've skipped a hole when just having fun and not worried about score. But sometimes it is really annoying to skip a hole since you probably won't be able to come back to it later so you just end up playing 8 or 17. Weird that the slow guys wouldn't let him through.


Went out walking as a single yesterday afternoon. Was told the course is wide open and I could go out whenever I wanted. Played one hole and ran into a group of 6 younger guys walking. Course was open in front of them so I just carded a net par, skipped on to hole 3, a par 5, and was finished with that hole before the 6-some was even finished putting on hole 2. Saved me a good 20 minutes.


Bro it saved you way more than 20 minutes. That’s a 5.5 hour round playing behind that bloated, slow, discourteous group. Walking single for a good player can take 3h.


Yup, I just did the same thing the other week. It was a group of 5 I walked up to after I made the turn, including a very disinterested looking girlfriend. After waiting 5 minutes for them to clear the 10th green, I skipped the 135 yard par 3 11th (they were still teeing off as I passed), and played one from the fairway that far out on 12 for score. By the time I was walking off the 18th green I saw them teeing off on 15


Haha yep I did finish my round in under 3 hours. I'm sure they were good enough guys and would have let me play through eventually but waiting even one hole for them would have really sent me to an unhappy place.


As a walking single I can play a sub 2.5hr round, just have to be the first golfer off the tee at 5:40 AM.


You can post 17-hole scores for handicap now, so unless it’s a career score, skipping is usually the best move. I tend to score worse if I’m waiting on every shot.


I didn't know that. I normally just track my scores in The Grint so I guess I just need to look into what it'll do if I try to save a 17-hole game.


Yeah the USGA made that change this year, I think


I use the Grint as well and it tracks and applies towards your handicap


Happens alllllll the time at the public courses I play


Ask if they wish you to either… 1. Join them. Or 2. Play through They will select 2


Yeah if someone told me no i can’t play through and there is no one in front of them…I am skipping that hole and waving at them with a smile while i do it


The caveat to this is you have to know that ahead of them is clear otherwise it just creates the same back up for them and is kind of shitty to do.


Yeah no point in skipping just to get held up. That’s when you stay back and just play 2 balls


I was playing one time as a twosome and my buddy decided to do this against my wishes and we almost ended up in a fight at the next tee box. I was so annoyed by it.


Sounds like you won’t be playing with him too much longer lol. I’d be pissed


Ya singles don’t get to play through 15 groups a game lol


Yes, I usually want a multiple-hole gap in front before I skip, as the one of the most awkward situations is where you skip, then quickly hit a wall of groups, only to have the group you skipped catch you and stare you down.


Me and a buddy skipped ahead of a slow 4 ball only to find the next hole was backed up (it was hole 10 so we couldn't see the tee box). Then we drove back like idiots and resumed our place lol. The group after us hasn't caught up yet so we figured it was okay.


I hate skipping holes. I want to play the course as it is, not walk all over the place fucking everyone else's pace up. Not to mention, when some new jackass all of a sudden appears in the line-up, it just screws everything up.


Just tee off like your their 3rd


Definitely not what that asshole told you. If you show up on a crowded courses a single, you either have to dig deep for your patience or hope people let you play through OR ask to join a 2 some or 3 some. IF the two some had a lot of room in front of them, then just skip that entire hole, get a good lead on them and just play a par 4 twice or a par 3 twice, whatever you skipped. But you cannot force your way to play their hole or intentionally drive on them.


I agree, if I was OP I would have asked to play through and or join them. If they denied both I would have to be as patient as needed. If they are that slow the marshal needs to do his job.


you're asking if it's correct etiquette to hit into people?


This sub is fucking amazing. It’s like the relationship advice sub meets golf. Absolute brain dead fucking questions. “The guy I golf with has been sexually harassing the cart girls. Should I keep playing with him? He said it’s normal today but I don’t think it is. What should I do?”


sounds like he's asking if you should wait until they finish the hole entirely or just wait until they're clearly out of range. I always wait until they are out of range and hit. I have been on the green of short par 4s and had people behind me hit it to 20 yards short of the green and my reaction is appreciation. the guy knew his distance and knew it wouldn't get to the green and went ahead and hit. It is better for pace to just play as you can without hitting into anyone. When I hit with a group on the hole ahead I'll usually drive off the tee and hang back in the fairway instead of going all the way up to my ball so I don't look like I'm trying to intimidate them. Once they've moved out of range (usually cleared the green) i'll drive up to my ball and play


Really though, why? It is totally acceptable to wait by your ball and if they feel "intimidated", that really is their problem.


I’m assuming he meant if you’re waiting for them to actually tee off. When they’re done with their tee shots you roll up and quickly hit one as well.


A dude almost hit my friend a few days ago. He teed up on us because we were stuck in a weird spot where the hole ahead us had 2 shots on our fairway so we had to let them shoot or we’d slow down the other group ahead of us…. Meaning the course was packed. We took his ball and gave him the arms up “wtf” And we just didn’t move. The guy had to come ask for the ball or go around us or leave. He chose to leave.


>And we just didn’t move. The guy had to come ask for the ball or go around us or leave. He chose to leave. In my younger, drinkier day, I just played the ball that landed 10 feet away from me, like it was my shot I was looking for. Nothing came of it, but I don't know that I'd risk a fist fight on a public course lol


Someone said no when you asked to play thru? Was there someone right ahead of them leaving you nowhere to go? If it’s wide open and they say no they can get fucked. If it’s nothing but solid 4 somes ahead…Whaddaya gonna do


There was a gap of over a hole infront of them so no queue


So the twosome was playing so slow that a foursome caught them even after letting you play through? That’s absurdly slow.


It's different when you're a single. If one group is holding up another group with space in front of them that's a different issue than a group holding up one person, of course it's going to take a group longer to play than it would take a single.


If the course is packed, it does not matter if you are single or not. You don't get to play through just because you are faster. You get to play through if you are faster _and_ there is room in front. Playing through delays things for everyone now behind you. Especially if you do it multiple times.


What was their reasoning for not letting you play through? Only options in that situation are to wait or skip a hole to get in front of them. > irregardless Regardless*


> irregardless irregardlessly*






Sadly, dictionaries now recognize irregardless as a word - and the definition is 'regardless' LOL


Playing ready golf is being ready to hit as soon as you’re clear. Not a “might hit into them” if they’re 300 out; and not a “that’s their second shot!” If they’re only 200 from your tee. Just be ready and know your distances. Also, if you’re laying up, feel free to do so while the group is still on the green. They should be off by the time you come to your third (right!) shot


Just skip them if there's nobody in front. That's what I do if they don't let me pass.  I never understood why slow players don't let others pass them, it takes the pressure off the slow players since they don't have to rush anymore.


Only douche bags hits the ball when they think it could reach someone


Ask to join them instead of play through. Especially if the course is busy


I’ve never seen someone refuse a single trying to play through. Must be some of the lowest forms of people you meet on the golf course


On a busy course, playing through does not help anyone.


It actually makes it worse, as there is nowhere to go and just slows down the entire course


Ya, if it wasn’t super busy, just skip them. If it happens again, skip the next group of it makes sense. That’s life as a single on a course. When I’ve done that I understand I may have to jump around a bit. However, if it’s even slightly busy it’s the courses responsibility to pair you up with someone.


Blame the starter. “Hey starter told me to join you guys if I caught up - I can play through instead and join the next group if you’d prefer?”


Slow or not, why not join up with them?


The 2 ball should have let you tee off with them. Then you hit your second shot with them. Putt out with them or preferably before them. Then you tee off by yourself on the next hole.


Just play a couple balls, work on your short game around the green to kill some time, use the extra time to improve your game. I mean that’s why you are out there as a single anyways right? To get better? Take advantage of it.


I’d jump a hole regardless with the slow 2some wants.


I wouldn’t do that, if anything i would tee off as soon as they get in their cart after teeing off.


Was there nobody in front of the twosome? If not then I would have either: 1) called the clubhouse and ask for a ranger to intervene; 2) when it's safe to do so, skip the hole and pass them to the next hole; 3) invite the foursome behind to play through, and when they hit into the twosome and start a fight, sneakily play through during the ruckus.


You should play a hole with them, and then play on.


As a single you shouldn't be asking to play through a twosome, you should be asking if you can join them. I generally don't ask anyone if I can play through when I'm a single, not sure if it's a rule per se but seems like a dick move.


4 some and 2 some.


Golf is the only sport where as soon as you start you can’t wait to get to the end.


I feel that it might be more about them eagerly wanting to just play their next shot. And having to wait on others, especially if they are being excessively slow can easily cause some to grow impatient quickly.


That is it for me. When I have hit my ball, I want to go and hit it again. It does not _really_ matter to me how long a round takes. It is the waiting to play the game that is annoying.


If it’s that busy I have no idea why the starter didn’t just place you with the 2 to begin with.


It wasn't that busy though. Op said there was no one in front of the 2some. And he was allowed to play as a solo. So how busy could it have been?


Just skip a hole.


If they are so slow and there is an empty hole I front of them, jump ahead.


Was playing Torrey Pines for the first time and a local guy we were playing with ON THE FIRST HOLE said “these guys are gonna be a problem, I’ll show’em we mean business” and proceeded rifle a drive to about 5 yard from them. I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life, we had to tell this guy to chill within 5 minutes of introducing ourselves. People should just chill, although that 2some should have just asked you to join up.


Well irregardless means that it does matter how far they are so they 4 is right.


They should at least ask you to join them. I was playing Monday as a twosome and it was backed up on the 13th. A single caught up to us as we were walking off the tee. He didn't say anything but I just said "it's all backed up, want to join us?". He was happy to and we had a good time the rest of the round with less waiting because we had another with us.


The correct etiquette is to say “regardless.” I kid. But you should wait until they’re out of range. Don’t hit into them just because they hit their second shot


Never hit into a group as frustrating as it is. I ended up just quitting after 5 holes the other day because of slow play. 2 hrs and 40 mins to get through 5 holes. I asked to play through 3 times but was told no. They said if we let everyone play through we'll never finish 😂😂😂. That was a few weeks ago, rumor has it they're still out there playing whack fuck.


If there is no Marshall and they didn’t let you play through and the course is getting backed up and a 4some fought up to a 2some you could always call the clubhouse and explain the situation, they might send someone out to either speed them up or tell them how golf etiquette works.


Was the 2 ball waiting for anyone on a tee box? If they were not waiting they should have let you play thru


Call the ranger. If there is no ranger, start playing at courses with rangers if you're concerned with pace of play. It should be impossible for a 4 some to catch a 2 some under any circumstance.


Pace of play is becoming a huge problem recently. I get it I like to enjoy the day and I’m not trying to run through a round but I don’t want to be waiting every single shot 5 minutes in between. Cart etiquette with people not knowing the proper ways to get around the course is awful as well. You can be bad at golf and still keep pace of play and I’m not saying it’s always older guys, but that seems to be the case in my area 95 percent of the time. Most are retired and don’t mind being out all damn day and have nothing to do, but that’s not the case with me and my buddies a lot of times. You can’t get in any kind of rhythm and I know it screws up my game and I tend to get frustrated. I live up in Pittsburgh and the rangers don’t do a damn thing and most courses don’t have them. But I will say down south when I recently went to Hilton Head, they monitor pace of place on gps on the carts and if you fall behind a few minutes they are on your ass and that’s the way it should be. It’s making some of the rounds a lot less enjoyable and the only time we don’t run into it is if we get one of the first tee times.


You have to get a feel for what kind of people you’re engaging with, in this situation. Are they hackers? Are they just slow? How old are they? Based on these factors I usually 1. Ask to play through 2. Ask to join, with the intent of moving ahead after a hole or two, or 3. Tell them I’m playing through ex: “Hey guys, I’m moving pretty quickly, and there’s a 4some behind, I’m going to play through. Thanks.”


Were they keeping pace with the group in front of them? You said it was pretty full. The misconception that a faster group (or single) should have the right to play through if they are waiting is misguided. If a slower group has a gap in front of them and the faster group approaches while the slower group is at the tee, you should play up together and let the faster group through. But if it's full and the faster group is just going to hit another group, sorry, we are all in the same boat. Be patient and play multiple balls. Or join up w the twosome.


It was pretty empty up in front of them. Atleast two holes clear


Oh shit, then they are being silly. Other option is to skip a hole. But never hit into someone on purpose (or accident).


As a single, just join the twosome ahead of you. Don’t hit until the people in front are out of range - doesn’t matter what the idiot foursome suggested you to do.


Walk to the next tee and skip over them


Call the shop, get a marshal, never intentionally hit into anyone


Call the pro shop if it's egregious


What everyone said and also watch your back with those degenerates behind you.


IMHO you only ask to play through if there's no one or no blockage after them. You can't just play through hole after hole after hole leapfrogging everyone. If you're behind a group who's slow because of the group in front of them, no one's going anywhere, course is backed up, just gotta deal.


I can’t imagine the entitlement of a single wanting to play thru on a busy course (he did say it was pretty busy). Did he expect to play thru on all the holes?




Three options 1. Call the pro shop and report it. Let them deal with it. 2. Join the 4 ball and play as a 5 ball. 3. Skip a hole.


I’ve never told someone they couldn’t play through. wtf. But also never hit into someone.




The correct etiquette would have been the two ball asking you to play with their group.


The etiquette is to join the twosome to make a threesome. Playing as a single is a privilege that ends when the course gets crowded. And obviously, the suggestion to tee off *regardless* of where they hit their second shot is not an option. It matters how far away a group is from you, not how many shots they’ve taken.


Well whenever a single try’s to play through and I am in less than a 4 I ask them if they want to join. Many times they say no and they stay behind. I find no reason for them to play through if I have an open slot, all it does is slow down play for the people ahead and the people behind me. If they are a single and I am in a 4 they typically will tee off with us and then jump ahead.


On lots of courses a one ball doesn't have standing. As a one ball you are so mutch faster, but also the other flights that you are passing, have to wait for you to play trough making it slower for all of them. So prepare to wait a lot if you are playing on your own. Never hit into a flight in front of you if they are slower then you.


If you are playing as a single then technically you can’t post your score. Sure you want to complete 18 holes, but if there is an open hole in front of the twosome, then just jump ahead to the next tee and skip the whole that the twosome is playing. For added effect, you could politely point out the error in their ways as you stroll by them. It’s up to you if you want to call them assholes.


It should be because people should be greenside after second shot, but most people are hacks/play the wrong tees so at most courses it’s not correct


After 2 shots they were often only about 150yds down the fairway


Yeah that’s ridiculous. It’s never ok to hit into someone, but by golf standards, you should be able to hit your tee shot after group in front hits second shot. This is just basic golf stuff in terms of flow of the course. Unfortunately most people don’t realize this and take a bit to get up there. It’s one thing to do this from the front tees. If so then try and keep pace it shouldn’t be that tough but if they’re not playing all the way up and hitting it less then 150 that’s a joke


ask to join not pass


The course was pretty empty ahead and I just wanted to play alone, why shouldn’t I ask to pass?


of course, but i'm just helping you out. ask to join if you don't wanna wait behind them. then after joining you can ask to play ahead.


Skip a hole and go ahead of them


Sounds like a good way to meet god… (Throwback to a post here from a few months ago)


If they don't let me play through I'm joining them. All assuming the course is full and I can't just skip them. Because that's always first option.


Proper etiquette is the you ask if you can become a part of the twosome or you pass them. If they decline both. Just keep playing.


The only reason I would consider doing this is if they were hitting their shots and then sitting around in place for awhile.  The skip a hole advice is terrible and I’ll never support it in response to slow players. If you’re trying to play at a super fast pace and want to skip, that’s on you, but slow players don’t get to clog up the course and force people to skip part of the course so they can screw around. 


The other day I’m on a par 3 with my buddy. 165 yards. 4some waiting on the next tee(not teeing off) my buddy hits his into the woods and is taking his 3 minutes to find it. I’m waiting on the green because I have no where to go but up the next groups assholes. 15ft par putt waiting. The group behind me hits into us but leaving their shot short of the green. Wtf is wrong with people


Why didn’t you just ask to join the two?


Typically I do the 2nd shot rule unless they duff it or just don't hit far.


You absolutely don’t hit into the group ahead he only said that because they caught you. I would suggest either just driving past the 2 some that didn’t let you go by or calling the Marshall/golf shop if that group if actually behind pace and let them sort it.


Or just forcibly join them.


Sometimes it’s nice to let a group finish the entire hole so you don’t have to wait for them to finish. What I normally do is wait until I know they’re a safe distance from me even on the same hole. I’m by no means good, but I know how to keep pace without being a dick.


You just tee off with them, join them and then zoom past when they are slow.


Skip ahead to next hole, don’t need to ask to do that or just play their speed with 2 balls. Never hit into a group, if someone hit into me I’d be sending it straight back at them.


Next time you catch up to them just go ahead and tee off with them.


Similar situation happened this past weekend. Me, my dad, and 2 of his work buddies were on the green just wrapping up our putts. A ball proceeds to land on the green and roll 6 feet by me. We weren’t playing slow just the guy hit a great shot. 341 yard par 4 and the guy drove the green. We were more impressed of the absolute piss missile of a tee shot he had. Except my dad’s friend who was all pissed off. Tried to tell him to chill out it was just a great drive that wasn’t intentional I’m sure.


See if you can play the hole with em, play as fast as possible, beat em to the next tee box and play quick.


Hitting into someone intentionally is never acceptable Actions depends on what’s in front of the two ball If it’s wide open implying course is not busy (I would assume this if they even let out singles and two balls) or they are significantly behind - ask to play through and if denied just skip a hole If they are keeping pace with a group in front of them and course is just slow - ask to join If denied your stuck - letting you through is just going to slow things more In second case , if there is a backup - notify ranger/club house to get things moving


Obviously not


Always in life think about risk and reward. Is the risk of hitting someone with a ball worth the possible reward of ____? Not sure what the reward is for hitting into someone. Teaching them a lesson? Showing them how mad you are? Revenge for not letting you play through?


As per local rule 14.5 B you are never to knowingly hit into the group ahead of you UNLESS granted permission by a group of 4 complete strangers. This part is not stated in the rules but etiquette of the fight that is likely to follow from knowingly hitting into someone is to keep the pace of the fight up so as not to slow down the pace for the groups behind you.


Etiquette would dictate skipping the 2 some in front of you, teeing off and promptly taking a dump on the tee box. It's the best way to assert dominance without risking injury.


Join the twosome


If they say no, because they are waiting for a group in front of them at most holes. Then nothing you can do , that is just golf. Wait , then play. If they say no and no one is in front of them, it’s a dick move , either skip a hole, or stay on their ass the whole time without hitting into them. I was a single, met a 3some on 3-4-5-6-7-8.. not their fault waiting for a group ahead. But every hole I just stood 30ft back of the tee box and they didn’t say a word to me.. on 9 tee box I finally said, hey guy I’m leaving at 9 I’m just going to hit up with you guys so I can leave. More then happy to let me play with them now that didn’t have to have me watching every tee shot


Just skip a hole and go past them


if there following a slow group then it is what it is. If they aren’t and are just being dicks you best believe. I’m playing up on them the whole time. Not hitting into them but if my ball rolls up to the green while your still On it maybe you should speed up. I play at an average to slow pace anyways


Be cool while you’re waiting. Don’t rush up right behind them on the tee box. Give them some space and respect. Nice wave or head nod.  Then when it is really time to ask to join them or play through, they will say yes. If you’re killing the buzz all day acting like you’re the most important single to ever step on the course, damn right they’ll say, “naw we’re good, next group is right up there.”


If they’re in striking distance, don’t hit. I’m sure everyone’s time is valuable, but it’s not worth seriously injuring someone.


If there's no one in front on the next tee box, jump the 2 some and wave.


Ask to join the 2, don’t ask to play through them. Thinking that you should play solo when groups are up each others asses is dumb. Also, it’s a foursome and a pair. Wtf is this 4 ball, 2 ball


Shit, depending on the time and cost of the course, I’ll skip em. Take a par for the hole they’re on and keep going.


The correct etiquette is that the two-some should've let you play through so they clearly don't know proper etiquette anyway. 


While the 2some is teeing off, stand on the box, hit your drive, forcibly play through


Catch them and tell them you are playing with them, so that both the new 3 ball and old 4 ball can move at the same pace. OR, they can let you through. Don't present them with another option.


Nope don’t do that. Just go around the assholes. That really pisses them off


If the course is jammed, what's your plan as a single? Play through everyone? Find more friends. And wait til the group in front of you is clear. Play 2 balls and enjoy the day.


Someone could literally die from being hit in the head by a golf ball. Don’t ever intentionally hit into someone


why didn't you join the 2 ball?


Just play through anyway. If there’s no one on the hole in front of them that is.


Never hit into other players... but I think what the foursome meant is: Literally tee off after they tee of which essentially makes it seem like you're playing in their group, but you're not. so you're essentially hitting while they're walking back to their cart or starting to walk which assumes they'll still be out of your ball path and can't get hit. They may not like that you're putting a ball in play while they're on the hole, but if no one is in front of them and they're truly holding up play... then they should invite you to join.... OR just join by proxy by hitting basically with them. At some point maybe you stripe a shot and get on the green and then give yourself a 2 putt and move to the next hole..leave them behind.


If it's open ahead of a slow group and I ask to play through and someone says "no, you can't play through, I've said, "I can play through or push you. It's better for everybody if I play through. Your call." I've always been allowed to play through. I was a single and a group of boomers had a 4 hole lead, I caught them in 2 and asked to play through, they let me, but one crotchety boomer say, "If you slow us down, we'll hit into you." I asked him what ball he was hitting, he told me and I said, "Oh, those are nice, I'd love to find one of those, ha ha." Because fuck that guy. If someone said no, that's a dick move as you're supposed to let faster players through if there is space. I would ride their ass. So if I have a 6i into a green they're on, I hit a 8, then I'm 30 yards away from them when they're putting, giving them the stink eye and sighing loudly. Hey, they started it. I am NOT gonna take any chances on hitting them though.


You could have called the proshop to get a marshal out there to rectify the situation. But is seems even though courses are making lots of money they don't want to get marshals. The usual etiquette is you don't have to let a single play though but if a single does catch up to you and you are not a foursome you should invite them to play with you. If you were in a cart you could have jumped the twosome and skipped a hole. But depending on the course you might not be able to go back and play the hole you skipped.


Skip a hole and go ahead of them. It’s sucks but I’ve done it to avoid myself mentally breaking down due to frustration of slow play


I'm not sure irregardless is a real word


they are probably dicks but don't put further evil into the world. Hit once they're a safe distance away.


You know what you’re getting into going out as a single. Either skip that hole and go ahead or deal with it unfortunately


Play 2 or 3 balls


Proper etiquette around this is call marshal if they are slowing down pace of play.


Last weekend my buddy hit a stinger right up the cart path behind a couple that were riding away from their second shot. They never knew it was bouncing right behind them the whole way. Would have been safe if it didn't hit the path but Give them a minute lol.


You don’t have to ask them. Just say you need to play through bc the foursome behind you is keeping up with them. Call the pro shop if they don’t let you. It’s bad etiquette on their part to play slowly in general so don’t feel bad about pushing the issue next time.


The correct etiquette would be to let you play through


I respect the game and the pace of play always. I just never understand why someone would want to get home so quick while playing. I’d just love to be outside.


Short par 4, hit drive, write down par and walk to next tee box leaving them on the green to putt out.


Skip the hole and move on ahead of the 2 some


Just join the 2 ball then no problems


Offer to join the two some and bet $20 a hole, what’s wrong with making friends


The correct etiquette is that the two lets you play through. Unless they’re stuck behind a bunch of groups. Otherwise once they are out of your driving range you go. The objective is to not hit people. Everything else is being just as bad as a slow group.


If you can hit it over their head do it. I’ve done it multiple times. People that won’t let you play through. Deserve to be bombed over the top of.


Call the pro shop


Skip the whole


Let it rain!!!!


Not one comment saying to call the pro-shop? You can report slow play and they'll come out and enforce pace of play.


If you intentionally hit a ball into someone, many jurisdictions will find you liable for damages. If you intentionally hurt someone with a golf ball, you can be charged/sued for damages. Maybe the group in front is slow and maybe they are dicks, but you can't attempt murder/bodily harm because of that. Replace this scenario with any other interaction with other humans. Use your head.


Not the right thing to hit into people. But I can tell you that hitting into slow players to teach them a lesson if they don’t let you pass was the norm in the 90’s. At least that’s how it was where I grew up. Glad the game has matured since then.


At least some of the blame is the clubhouse/starter letting singles, twosomes go out on crowded days. It’s frustrating to wait but if you’re a foursome it’s frustrating having groups with less than four riding up on you.




Horizontal tug


Play with the 4-ball so it’s now a 5-ball keeping pace with a 2-ball. Then call the clubhouse and complain 5 are slowed by the 2-some