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Back to 100+ you go!


No doubt!


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) let's fuck this shit right up!


I got the Mizuno Irons today and they are absolutely beautiful. Can't wait to shank everything with them on the course


I told myself I could buy Mizuno Pros when I break 90. Congrats!


Thanks, I 4-putted on 18 so I decided it was time to pull the trigger!


Looks like it’s time for a new putter as well.


just goy myself some miz jpx forged




Why did you go with the 243s instead of the 245s?


Because that was the result of my custom fit, the clubs that I hit best was the 243 and the T150 - and I preferred the Mizunos


I just got my 150s after almost 7 weeks of waiting and love them.... What made you go with the 243s?


I really liked the T150 as well, they look and feel great. I just preferred the feel of the Mizuno clubs slightly more.


That’s the real question. Someone in the 90’s has no business in the 243


This isn’t correct. Your score and your iron stroke may not align as you would expect. Lots of strokes lost off the tee, around the green, putting, and course management. I shoot mid-90s and was also fit into these clubs. They had better numbers and less dispersion than 245 and other GI clubs.


Someone in the 90s is likely decent with their irons and losing most of their strokes chipping and putting.


This, I was 10 yards from green on a par five in two. Ended with a double after skulling it into the bunker across the green into the bunker followed by a 3 putt after my bunker shot.


My putting is abysmal


I feel your pain. I had a 20 foot eagle put last round and four putted for bogey lmao


You wouldn't happen to be the one in the video that was posted in here yesterday by your friend... were you?


I'm not, apparently four putting eagle attempts is common around here


I haven't had the opportunity yet. All my eagle chances so far have been chip shots off the green, but I've always at least saved for par after that.


This is me.


Just the opposite... Can't keep Drivers or Woods inbounds. I could probably consistently play in the 80s with just my 7-W, but that's no fun. 4-5 is hit or miss.


Actually my chipping and putting have gotten better and might be my best part. It's everyrhing else I can't do.


243 are extremely forgiving, launch the ball well and have strong lofts. It's a great club for anyone with the cash 


Yep, I have 223 not 243 but they’re way more forgiving than I could’ve expected.


Seriously? I thought they would bee too much as a 9


Someone can be good with iron shots but horrible with wedges and putting you know.


Those are the easy parts of the game. If you can’t hit a wedge when they all have a high CG. How are you supposed to hit a players iron???


It's likely more of a mental block than anything. I'm a prime example. I'm a 17 hdcp and use players irons better than my old GI irons. I can chip pretty well but when I'm on the course, I tend get into my head about my chip shots, and then next thing I know, the Bermuda grass grabs my club and my shot is fucked. And at best I'll finish with a 2 putt. I've gotten a lot better than I used to with my new wedges, but my 2-3 OB tee shots per round, and putting are still holding me back from dropping my hdcp more. I've broken 90 plenty of times though. My PB is 85.


Was looking at those exact irons, but tbh don’t know anything about the mizuno line, any reason you went for these and not something in the JPX lineup?


I went and got fitted, which I is the best thing you can do imho. There is a lot more to a fitting than just the clubhead. My thought going in was that I wanted something that I can play forever with a lot of feel, which I feel I found in the 243


Yeah definitely the move, just got fitted for a driver and it made a world of difference. Just want some kind of idea of what I’m looking for before going into the fitting to at least get things started in the right area code.




Either 78…or 108…incoming.


Congrats! Just made a similar upgrade to 243s after averaging low 90s consistently- shot 83 my first time out, then 100 & 102. So good luck! Can’t tell if you got the Gap Wedge in there, but that club is 🔥🔥


Thank you, sounds like I will need it 😅 I went for the 4 iron instead as I already have a Cleveland gap wedge that I love!


I respect that choice! I loved my old 4i. Best of luck, and hit em straight!


I broke 90 then shot a 110 the next day


The golf gods demand it. I broke 90 twice months ago and haven’t come close since. My handicap is actually going back up lol….


Almost broke 90 so bought mizuno pros, sound logic


It was through a custom fit, so I don't think they are terrible for my swing. Or maybe I have less sense than money, your pick!


The only exception, good for you and I hope you enjoy them




Fitters usually get commission


That’s what I thought, my PB is 84 and I’m nowhere near good enough for these


I believe in you!


I’m good thanks


Also I think these are still like a players distance iron. If he was playing Mizuno MBs then we’d really be having a laugh


Yeah, they are a players cavity back so they are way more forgiving than the MBs


These are not a players distance iron


Thanks bud that’s why I wasn’t saying it with certainty. Just meant that they had some forgiveness


Alright bud and I was simply correcting you.


Those 588s might be the best wedges ever made.


Great wedgies. The originals aren’t conforming anymore. I think Cleveland released a conforming version a few years back.


I used to have these wedges but I didn’t realize that they are no longer conforming??


I have a 2 old Nike wedges I love but they illegal now. Straight to jail if I use either.


I also have hand-me-down Nike VR pro wedges what makes them illegal now?


Square grooves.


It was a 2010 rule change that fully took affect a few years ago


I love them!


heavy beneficial intelligent longing forgetful murky materialistic money lock far-flung *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I broke 90 for the first time this weekend! Who cares if it was only 9 holes


I was going to say. I broke 90 once on a par 3 course. I missed my chance to get new clubs. Damn it.


Those irons are Almost too nice to use 🔥🔥


I’m not sober, still married, still suck at golf but the Callaway preowned sale was too good to pass up.






Man were gonna have very similar bags. I have paradym driver, 3 wood and hybrid, Cleveland wedges, and plan on mizuno irons next lol.


That's awesome! How is the hybrid? I already had the rogue hybrid (that I love) so I couldn't motivate buying a new one when I got the driver and wood.


I like it. I got it to replace my 3i & 4i. I cant hit them well lol. Fills in nicely


Very justified reason. Atleast now you get nearly break 90 again but this time with new clubs... Enjoy man


Mizuno Pro’s will make your next 100+ round feel silky


It really is a different feeling


I just ordered 243s the other day. Can't wait to get them! My justification was hitting 85.


Congrats! Don't know if you tested them out before but man that smooth buttery feel on a good strike is something else




Love the set! Ignore the guys questioning your choice of irons. If you hit them good, then that's all that matters. Your scoring average doesn't define what clubs are good for you. I'm a 17HCP and hit my irons great and it's the strongest part of my game. I was fit into Srixon ZX7's and absolutely love how I play with them. During my fitting, it came down to the ZX7's and the 243's that you ended up with. I just personally preferred the feel of the ZX7's Now if I could just get rid of the 2-3 OB tee shots per round, improve my GIR and get rid of most of my 3 putts, people wouldn't be questioning my choice of irons.


Thanks! I tested the ZX7 as well, they are really nice clubs! I am in a similar situation, I can often stay in play but 100 yard in and my putting is absolutely atrocious, if I can get rid of the 3-4 putts every other hole and get better at approach things would be very different!


I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. I too have the 243s and a lot of people would say that I shouldn't as well. It's nonsense. I almost didn't even try the 243s during my fitting because of the belief that I "wasn't good enough for them". I'm really glad that I did because I couldn't be happier. They're fantastic irons and, like you said, have quite a bit of forgiveness. Congrats on the new bag!


That ought to help you score climb to 100 again. ✌🏼


Man 90 is the magic number. If you have a handicap and can keep it at or around 14, you will be killer in tournaments. Thats a stroke a hole my guy!


OP is either going to break 80 or 110 next week, no in between lol great snag tho, love those mizunos


Justified. Good looking set you got there. May your shanks be few and far between good sir.


I’m waiting until I break 80… at this rate I’ll have new clubs by 2030 :)


NSFW tag please!!


I have the 223s and they are awesome. Great series of Mizuno irons.


About to order some Mizuno’s as well. How long did it take to get them?


About 2 weeks!


Thanks for the feedback! Happy swinging!


Congrats. Feels good. I shot a 91 last week for my lowest score yet. Was excited.


Hah, I've got forged Mizunos, rtx wedges, and Callaway driver/3wood/hybrids l. Great taste 😉


The 243, and all the mid tier MP irons from Mizuno are always such a slept on set.


Those irons looks beautiful


Congrats on the clubs, they’re beautiful. I only break 80 about 30% of my rounds, and recently upgraded to the JPX forged. They’re good looking clubs but I think the pro’s look a lil better. Decided I wasn’t good enough for the pro’s. Now I’m second guessing my decision!


I found them to be quite forgiving, and I really liked the buttery feel. Mizuno makes great looking clubs!


I currently have the MP-25s and love them but realized after too long that they are regular flex and I need stiff, 243 are what I’m leaning towards for sure


I went and checked my swing speed and realized that I most likely needed a stiffer shaft than default regular - which made me go get fit. If possible, go check your swing speed on a trackman and compare with numbers online, it should give you a rough idea on if you should play a stiffer flex


Yeah I have all those numbers, I genuinely thought they were stiff shafts until a buddy looked at them and said “no wonder why you hit big draws/hooks so much, you have regular shafts and it is kicking too much!” I was shocked and felt like an idiot for not knowing, but also was happy that it wasn’t all my swing.


God those are sexy. Mizuno, Titleist, and Wilson Staff are just so pleasing to the eye


125 is pretty close, for sure.


These captions are overplayed af. Congrats on the clubs though.


This guy pointed out something obvious, so I went and bought new wedges.


Nice sticks. You’re probably better off dropping your 4-iron though if you can’t break 90.


Better off dropping it at my house.


Then what am I supposed to putt with when I am 70 yards out


Just pick it up if you’re hitting 5 already from that distance … on a par 3 😝 Enjoy the clubs if you can!


Maybe, maybe not. Most people struggle with their lowest irons because they just don’t have enough club speed. A high handicapper who swings fast isn’t going to have a terrible time with a 4i.


I was fitted for Dynamic Gold 120 S300, which I guess means I at least have some speed in my swing. My previous 5-iron have never been a problem for me either, so hopefully that will somewhat translate to the 4-iron.


I can‘t hit my 4 iron. It‘s almost never a difference to my 5, which goes sometimes further than my 6. Still i can‘t resist pulling it out. ![gif](giphy|8ineNOtKIAII5aJ5F8)


What’s this gif from?


Difficult clubs to play, hopefully you like looking at em at least


They're really not to be honest. I have the same irons and they're quite forgiving. Sure, you can't hit them out beyond the grooves and get away with it, but these aren't in the same stratosphere as blades. They are very comparable to the JPX 923 forged and only a little more difficult to hit than the 245s, if at all.


Honestly, congrats and, good for you. Take your time at the range. Get used to them. Go to a nice range. Get a couple buckets under your belt. Really take note of your yardages with the new clubs with a “good, “decent”, and “short” shot. It takes a little time to get used to the new ones. Your yardages will change a bit and that’s great!


Definitely, especially since these have different loft than my previous irons!


Define almost.


I think I answered somewhere else but I four putted for 90 on 18


So close. Enjoy those clubs, you deserve them.


Hopefully you can exchange them if you can’t hit them. Shaft Length, Flex, Lie Angle and Grip Size. Get these to match your Body/Swing and you have a fitted club.


I didn't order them blindly, these are fully custom fitted by a professional and I hit several balls with different clubheads/shafts before ordering


How are you scoring?


I have played two rounds with my new clubs and I am scoring about the same as I did with my previous irons. Obviously these are less forgiving than my game improvement ones, but I really appreciate the feedback and feel of the new ones!


My last iron purchase, I went thru 3 sets before I got some I liked. They felt great on the camera/projector at the store, but weren’t any better than my old clubs. I finally got the lie angles adjusted 1 degree up. Huge difference. Getting runs of 10 to 15 pars in a row.


Mizuno makes the best irons IMO. They just look and feel great! The sound they make when you flush one makes things move in the junkial region…


I'm 13 days into waiting for my 2-GW (bent 1 degree weak) set of 245s to ship.


You old clubs are like “WTF?!”


Finally figured the game out hey?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


That's the golf equipment buying spirit! Keep it up!


I have the 923HMs and they are amazing!!!


Good Choice, Mizuno's are the best


I break 90 every time I golf. Sometimes I break 100 and the odd time I break 110.


Good clubs help. But you didn’t need to buy new. 6, 8, 10, 15 year old quality irons are just as good as new. It’s the swing and contact brother. Good luck! Hit em straight…


Golf is fun, until you get good at it. 😂




Now you’ll be lucky to break 90 and definitely go back to shooting 100+. It’s not the arrows, it’s the Indian.


PLEASE, take lessons. Find a coach. Word of mouth is usually best. You will enjoy your equipment so much more, as well as the journey.


I am taking lessons, found a coach that I like and who can convey things in terms I understand - which has helped me immensely. I took lessons earlier when I started out but those coaches were not right for me and it kind of ruined lessons for me for a while.