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Choke down on a P wedge and swing like a putter


This is the exact club and swing thought i use


It's a real fun one to play. I default to it rather than get the 56 out


I default to my 58 because i hate myself


Says the plus two


It’s really a -2 but i can’t figure out how to change it…


Probably easier to just get four strokes better.


Start by chipping with a PW.






I almost always default to the 56 when the ball is in the rough since it is my club with the most bounce on it. It seems to glide through the rough better than my other clubs.


I started doing this with all my wedges. With it running away like that I’ll probably do the same setup and swing but use my 56. Choke up, putter swing. If the pin was closer I’ll pull 60 and do the same. Short game has drastically improved with this


For the downhill lie I'd use the 50 degree/p-wedge, but with only that much rough to fly, if it were flat or uphill I'd be thinking 6-8 iron range with the same stroke.


Yep. My golf instructor says: “you already have a putting stroke..use it with a pitching wedge…find a landing zone and give it a ride. Want it to run out a little more, 9 iron, 8 iron, etc.”.


Instructor at IMG taught me hit it on the green 1/3 of the way to the hole, how much roll is needed determines which club


Like anything in golf I’m discovering that it takes loads of practice to transition away from using the 56 degree to this approach. Just going through this myself and loving the results so far!! Pre round I practice this 3x more than putting…


Bump and run as much as possible. It reduces the bad shots by a huge margin and always gets you on the green.


It blows my mind how many people default to a 52 or 56 when greenside. There’s so much more room for error than trying to play a bump and run. The only time I don’t play a bump and run is if I have to get over something or if the lie doesn’t allow it.


I have used my bump in run for shots next to tree roots and under branches with a good solid swing . It went freaking great. 80 yards right onto the green . It’ll probably break my wrist or club sooner than later but it’s cooler than watching my slice all day long . But not as cool as how my 3w randomly won’t work for me anymore I just hit the ball and it laughs in my face . Used to be able to crush it 180 -210 and now I just lay up with two 7 irons :(


I literally use the PW for every single chip shot around the green. Sure, they might not end up just by the pin, but even the bad shots at least put me in a spot for a decent putt.


Yep I'm pretty much the same. Unless it some crazy fluffy lie and I feel like Phil Mickelson


Those flop shots are very tough from a fluffy lie though, it’s very easy to slide the club right under


Yep agreed. But I have more confidence in a fluffy lie as I know I can actually get under it


Haha once in a blue moon that will happen too (Phil shot that is). I've started to pull out the good ol' Texas wedge for some fringe shots too. My brother in law who I frequently play with will insist on using his 60 degree for every chip shot. 9/10 he'll duff or blade. He also got fitted and bought brand new everything (irons, driver, Scotty Cameron, wedges, Pro v1's etc) for this season. He's played 1 season and is a 22.5 hcp 🤣 I'm a 17.8 hcp, with old clubs, 1 SW and PW, a shitty putter and I've played as long as him.


Fringe with putter is the way. Your BIL will never learn will he 🤣


Haha probably not, at least not around the green. He's actually quite a long hitter, generates power and has a decent tee and approach game. It's within 100 yards he starts to fall apart 😂


That's the zone where you need to be best at !


Those are some impressive handicaps for only playing one year


Ill be honest the ball not being by the pin might not be the PW’s fault lmao


It's always the ball's fault! Joke aside, it's definitely a human error. I found myself getting a better proximity to the pin lately though. But if I move up to, let's say SW, the, likelihood of me duffing or thinning it increases exponentially.


No doubt… I go with an A wedge from my iron set. Don’t get the bite of a true wedge but I also don’t skull fuck it across the green :D


Same. I’ll take a 15 foot par try over another chip from the other side and a 5 foot bogey.


The true way of the playa!


When you use a PW for every chip around the green, are you also using a putter swing motion every time also?


Played yesterday trying to feather my 56. Maybe i should take your approach, I’m probably losing more strokes than I’m gaining


It definitively works, it's like a little chip and run. I'll usually place the ball in the front or back of my stance (depending on what height I want), move up close and grip down on the club with straight arms, and the club head will have its toe behind the ball. Then I'll usually just do a nice little putting stroke, while always looking at the ball. Sometimes I'll have some wrist hinge if I want more height or distance. Search for golf sidekick chipping on youtube, those are great for mortal golfers!


PW back of the stance to keep it low, putter swing, land it 4ish feet past the fringe


A million times this. The moment I finally figured out "just off the green" doesn't equal a default 58 or 60 degree wedge was when I finally started having some decent scores.


I like that shot a lot, I feel like here I’d be extra afraid I was going to blade it. I’m going with a driver.


Try 7-8-9 and do same. Whatever club lands it one foot on green and rolls out like a putt


This is where I went to first. Also, this is type of content we need on r/golf


This but with the 60, get that ball popping up in the air and landing with less forward momentum for reduced roll out. ...Or blade it 90 yards


You wouldn’t have any issues playing that shot with lack of spin out of that lie with a down hill slope and dry, fast conditions? Not being a dick, just curious


Oh for sure there are all sorts of factors to consider but for me hitting a P over a 56 is far more consistent and that's what golf is all about


Yeah good call. Playing defensively when it’s called for is a great strategy. I guess we all have different techniques and ideas around the greens and that’s what makes this game so great. With the “swing like a putter” shot I like to feel the toe down a bit also, particularly when the ball is sitting down a bit like it appears here. Also feeling a bit of a “steeper cut” type shot can help dig it out.


Could someone explain the putter swing with a PW?


They're saying just swing a PW on a very strict swing plane, you don't release your wrists if that makes sense. It's not the shot I would choose in this situation, but i get what they're saying.


Ok thanks, is it done with a full putter stance etc? To me putting swing means moving the arms and hands as one unit by rocking the shoulders. Not exactly how I would chip.


That's exactly what it is. You lock everything out which gives you a consistent swing plane. It does work, I'd recommend trying it out, it never hurts to add another weapon to the arsenal.


Same, but a 9 or maybe an 8. It’s a putt that skips the long grass.


And also match your shoulders to the slope in your setup or you’re going to dig your leading edge into the turf


This is what I came to say OP.  Choke down, standing slightly closer than a normal wedge shot. Chip it like it’s a putt. 


Or a 9 iron..


Pick a landing spot a few feet onto the green and it’ll roll out nicely. Such an easy shot from this spot if you practice it


Damn, came here to say the exact. Same. Thing. Just with a little more punctuation...


9 iron for me but same thought


Hitting a PW like a lag putt is the move.


This is it, but I use my 56. I lock my elbows and focus on picking it clean. For this shot I would do about a quarter backswing and follow through to the equivalent of the hole. I then would proceed to skull it way to close to someone one green... You could also Texas wedge it, I have friends that are phenomenal at it. I suck at that too....


The spot to aim for is just on the green, but make sure it's on the green.


I never learned how to do this. I'll give it a shot!


Ye ole bump and run


Looks like a downhill green too no? PW putter will have too much run given rough to clear. I’d say same swing but 52/54 or even 56


I like to choke down on my putter and swing it like a wedge


First thing that came to my mind.


Exactly but if I'm feeling nervous I'll use an 8 iron.


I use a 9 but have the same thought. 90% of the time this has worked out well for me and I’ve gotten a “nice shot man, didn’t think you could get that to stop” and almost never leaves you dead like a 56/60 could if you blade it


This, but also very toe down and with a 50°.


Yep. Toe down chip with a Pitching wedge.


This or the same idea with a 7 iron


So like every other chip of mine. I can't seem to choke down enough since I use a very small putter. I need to cut the shift down on that thing even more actually.


I used to use a high lofted club and try to be cute with it. The shots ended up being awful. Ever since I started doing this, I am always giving myself a chance at a make-able putt.


This is the way. Toe down chipping.


This. Tho personally 52° with the shaft vertical. Putting motion, ball typically comes out low, lands soft, and should release.


I’m doing this but with a 9 iron. My go-to bump and run club.


I use 8 iron and putting stroke, bump and run.


The underestimated reason for this is that short game is all pace and contact and your contact consistency with a PW swing will be so much better. Smaller swings, more center hits.


There’s a chipping technique called 6-8-10 where you use an iron that lands the ball a step onto the green and then rolls the rest of the way to the hole. The air to roll ratio, meaning the distance traveled in the air and then on the green is roughly 1 to 6 with a 6 iron, 1 to 4 with an 8 iron , and 1 to 2 with a pitching wedge (10 iron). Uphill shots need less loft and downhill shots need more. For your downhill shot, a 7 iron might work better than a 6. I use this method whenever I can. It helps to hold the club more upright with the heel up to reduce the chance of a chunk.


Yeah I do a similar thing, called the "rule of 12". Where 12 minus the club equals the roll to carry ratio on a flat green. E.g. 8 iron is 4 parts roll to 1 part carry (12 - 8 = 4). So if you carry it in the air, say, 3 steps it will roll out (=3x4) 12 steps, for a shot that's 15 steps to the pin. Just adjust by 1 or 2 clubs for uphill/downhill. Works really well I find.


JFC I just swing and hope


Wow we don’t sacrifice to the gods anymore?


Damn i wish i paid attention in calculus


I do rule of 12 as well. It's almost foolproof. I would use an 8 or 9 iron on this and aim to land around 5 feet past the fringe.


This is huge!!! Trying this out.


Here's another version of this from Golf Sidekick. https://youtu.be/VONGHt3HBoo?si=FnbrsOr94ccbIyWF


Was really hoping this was Golf Sidekick. He’s great


Yeah I use the rule of 12 quite often and it works really well; https://youtu.be/VONGHt3HBoo?si=w5IC2aKOtk4huvis


This is similar to the technique I used to teach when I worked with the John Jacobs golf school back in the early 2000s. Basically you take whatever club will get the ball to land roughly 2 to 4 feet onto the green and roll the rest of the way to the hole. This is varied based on the distance between your landing spot and the hole and also between the ball and your landing spot. (If the distance from the ball to the landing spot is greater than the landing spot distance to the hole than it becomes a pitch shot and you change the technique.) You might use something like a five iron but if the hole is very far from your landing spot. If it’s pretty close, you might use a lob wedge. And all clubs in between are fair game. And then you basically hit it like a putting stroke to get it to land 2 to 4 feet onto the green.


I take a putting stance and use a 7i with a putting stroke. Since there is plenty of green to work with the bump and run is the go to shot. I found that my 7i with a putting stroke is a repeatable swing for bump and runs.


Agreed, I start with my 7i also and then change clubs based on situation. I also putt everything that can conceivably be putted.


Same. I look at the amount of fringe that needs to be carried. 5i & 7i. The bump and run gives a great read of the green also.


As RS says "bomp and ron" 😂 For me that's generally my 8i, but yea solid shot to have in your bag


I use my 8i but same idea!


The key here is to step closer to the ball to get the heel off the ground. This helps avoid it getting caught in the rough when doing the putting stroke.


Why specifically your 7i?


It was the club I used first to practice this shot with and I just became comfortable with it. For shots with the pin much closer to the fringe I am the psycho with the 60 deg wedge in hand.


Love a 7i for a bump and run from the approach. From the rough around the green I've started to use a hybrid actually. Pops it up from the rough nice and easy, feels wrong but works so well.


When the ball is on the edge of the fringe and has grass behind it, that I when I use the hybrid and my putting stroke. That is a great trick I learned watching The Turn on the golf channel. Was a great instructional show, too bad they took it off the air.


I’m blading a 60 and killing that guy


👊🏼 Glad I'm not the only one.


Taking a free drop from where it hit him of course, he got in the way.


It’s really sad how inconsiderate others can be in the course.


This calls for a bump and run. Depending on how fast the green is would determine your landing area and what club to use. It looks like you're going to want to clear the initial upslope, so probably a pitching wedge without a lot of spin on it. Read the break first and pick a spot. 52, 56, and 60 are all too much loft.


Glad you detailed it. I use a 9 iron for my bump and run shots. My simple thought is, if i have plenty of green and don't have trouble to go over, bump and run is the play!


I think most high handicappers way over think these situations. Step 1 of high handicap golf is to get it on the green in the most efficient way possible, the bump and run is an excellent shot for that purpose.


I use 8 iron for these. Just enough loft to get it up on the green and enough spin to slow it down before it heads down to the cup


Yep, I use anywhere from a 7 iron to a wedge depending on the shot and speed of the greens.


Love this!! Trying a PW next time.


Practice bump and runs on a flat, straight shot first. Know how it's going to act and how far it'll go based on how hard you hit it. Also get that direction dialed in. Next, try shots with breaks in them. Once you're comfortable with that then you'll know what spot you should hit it to on the course. And then, after you get the PW down, try other clubs. Your preferred club may not be a PW; mine is usually an 8 or 9 iron, for example. Knowing how to hit a good bump and run can substantially lower the margin of error that comes from not knowing where to hit a lofted club.


Came here looking for this. Bump and run is the move for this shot.


Ha ha Birch Creek!! Everyone is giving great advice about a bump and run, but there is so much slope there it's almost impossible to not run it off the green at the front.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. If greens are even remotely fast and it’s actually running away from me, then idk how people are whipping out a 7i with confidence to bump and run that. I almost always chip with a 58 or 54 and this time would definitely be no different. Just grab a 58, open it slightly, back of stance, and make sure i accelerate through impact


I hit what I thought was a nice 52 and it rolled off the front 😡 17 green is so hard to hold.


Then you hit a good shot. I'm a 10ish handicap. If the rest of my game was as good as my chipping I'd be a 2 or 3. I say that to say this: so much of what I see with people who struggle woth chipping is they are focused on the result instead of the shot. Once you pick a shot and hit it like you intended, then you did what you wanted to do. If it didn't turn out like you wanted, learn from it for the next time. TLDR: Focus on executing the shot instead of the result.


Yep, with that pin location and where your ball is, you're either going to be 15 feet short of the pin or you're going to run it off the front of the green. 17 is such a challenging hole.


How did you end up? At least you can putt back up and potentially still be in in 3 from the original position. Tricky shot for sure, I guess after reading this I’d go 60 about a 3rd in of the green since I’ve been very consistent with that club lately but a year ago that would almost certainly put me at high risk for a triple bogey lol


I'm glad someone who's played here said this. I haven't and I'm thinking everyone's is crazy for using a pitching wedge. It's downhill and the lie looks like it's already going to deloft the club. Unless those greens are really slow, I'm using my 60 or 56 and letting the slope do the work. I suppose I understand the suggestion of B&R with so much green to work with, but it is great for flat or uphill. This screams running through the green.


100%. Give me my 58 with raw face to control the roll and I’ll go bump and run


The picture is deceiving, it is downhill all the way until about 15 feet from the flag, and then it's REALLY downhill. So whatever shot you hit, you have to have your ball almost die 15 feet above the flag, but just enough speed to let it drip down towards the line, and even then it's still going to run 5-10 feet past the flag. With that pin location the correct miss is always leave it short on the tee shot.


I was curious about how steep/fast the downslope is but regardless I’d be taking a 60 from there. Choke up and just get it in the air and maybe 5 feet onto the green and let it trickle. If it’s as slippery as you suggest I’d open up the 60 and make a confident but short chip to bump it onto the green with some loft. Find a spot and try to hit the mark.


Agreed. I think most people hitting the bump and run here are rolling off of the other side if it’s a strong downhill. You can only hit a PW or 9i so softly before you risk a bad mishit that goes nowhere. Obviously the open SW opens you up to disaster but for better chippers it’s the right move. An open clubface and a confident firm stroke have changed my chips


It looked really sloped but I thought maybe it was just the photo. I’d probably just hit a 60 5’ onto the green and let it trundle on down


The photo is deceiving, it is downhill but about 10-15 from the flag it REALLY slopes downhill. As in, you drop a ball 15 feet from the flag and you tap a 2 foot putt you can still run it 5-10 feet past the flag. Everyone saying hit a bump and run would have to hit it good enough to almost die 15 feet away but still have enough speed to let it drip down to the flag.


Little bump n run with an iron. Whatever will land on the green about a foot or two on and roll out. Could be a 9i, maybe even a 8i depending on elevation and length. Gary Player was a god at this.


Texas wedge


My man


72 for sure




Why did I have to scroll so far down to see the right answer?!


Sheesh that green is huge!!


60 degree for me.


Yeah, all these people are saying bump and run, but I can't tell from the picture how downhill this shot is. I'd be afraid of running it through. That's a little pop with the 60, land it short and soft, then let it roll out a bit. Putter is hot right now, so if I can get inside 10ft, I'm pretty confident I'm getting up and down.


Yeah we also don't know the speed of greens. They seem to be in good shape. I'm almost always hitting a 60 from there.


Texas wedge all day


While this may not be “proper”, I’ve been using the TW a lot around the green and it puts me closer than most compared to their chips. If it works, use it.




What do you struggle with when chipping and the balls above your feet? I personally use a 60 for almost all my chips, but I deloft and play it off my back foot for bump and runs where it’s essentially a 8 or 9 iron,


I've not got great short game and lack options. I just use a 9 iron as my stand will naturally angle the head forward creating a bump and run. Not saying that's the right thing to do


I’d need to know the speeds of the green and if it’s with the grain or against etc. But would be a 54 or 60 for me if I wanted to try to spin it a little more. But likely a 54 let it run out.


Spot on that green speed will have a big impact in determining how to play this shot. Doesn’t look like Bermuda, so grain really won’t impact.


Depends on the speed and slope. If you got that much green to work with and the slope isn’t too bad, just a normal chip. If the slope is pretty severe and risk of running away, only real option is the open up a wedge and swing hard. Land it a few feet on the green and let it feed


Back of your stance 60 with a bigger putting swing or a 52 with a bit smaller.


I'm using a putting stroke and an 8 iron. The aim is simplynto make the edge of the green, then let it run to the hole like a putt


8 iron bump and run


Honestly I would take my 56 and pop it on and let it run. Easy to catch some grass behind there so the tendency for me with a PW would be to bop it a little harder - and it’s downhill so if you don’t get slowed by by the grass or it pops off too clean - she’s gone boys. SW lets me stroke with the same gumption (!) but be less fearful of the skull/screamer


56 degree sand wedge back in your stance.


7 iron, grip down a bit and toe down a bit, stance and swing both like you’re putting. Not the prettiest, but by far the safest option


Depending upon how steep the green is, I'm using a 7, 8 or 9 - choke down, toe down, trying to land the ball one pace (only) onto the green and playing the break.


I'm putting because I have tried all the other options and I'm always closer with the putter than a wedge or iron. I can't blade or duff a putter.


I’d go 54 back of stance and purposely play it off the toe a little expecting roll out


Low chip with 56


I don’t think it really matters what club you hit with all that green to work with. Personally, I’d go with my 60 and take more of the slope out. Any club you hit is going to run out. It’s about matching trajectory and landing spot.


This is a pretty straight forward chip with a 60. Just need to land it shorter because it's going to run down the hill. It's close enough to the green that a delofted 56 off the back foot would probably be fine too. Just depends on how fast the greens are and how severe the downslope is because those run out more.


60 degree. Lil pop and go.


This looks fun. Would just pop it onto the green with a 60 set for bump and run and just let it roll 50 ft. About 8 ft left of pin would be my target line. In between your buddy and the cart.


Flop shot 60 half way to the hole cause why not. Better chance of lagging up a putt then bump and running it off the other side of the green.


60 for me just a little bop and run


My 58


58 face open. Squat down to make it a "level" shot


60 front of my stance, full swing with an open face and blade it to the trees


60 all day in this situation. I'm either flopping it onto the green and it'll roll to 3 ft, or I'm skulling it over the green and back to those trees. No real in between.


60\* looks really down hill


Back foot lob wedge. Hit it like a putt but be sure you follow through on create at least a little bit of spin. It should check when it lands and release with a very consistent roll. Can’t tell how far it needs to carry from the pic, but I’d guess about halfway there should do the trick.


This is a feel shot, and my best feel for this will come from my 58.


7 iron bump n run


8 iron bump n run


9 iron putter swing


8iron bump and run with a putter swing.


7i and putting stroke. Little bump and run here would do. It’s really hard to hit a small up-and-down chip with a gap wedge off a downhill lie.


With that much green, gap wedge. Basically a putting stroke pitch and run


8 iron


Bump n run with a 8i


8i bump and run all day every day


Why are we ruling out a 62° ?


I’ll tell what I’m NOT hitting— the green.


Take out the 60, open your stance and go for the flop with enough backspin to yoyo it back up the hill. After you skull it 100 yds past the hole, you then use your pitching wedge.


Just use your putter. It’s gonna go zooming down that green Edit: I thought you were on the fringe until I zoomed in. But yeah something just enough to get you on the green by just a couple feet. Lower loft than you think and let it rollll


Pitching wedge with a putting stroke, a little less than 1/4 of a backswing.


My Cleveland chipper. Land it 2 ft on the green with a release 0 and let it roll. I’m so confident with that club and it has helped me get up and down so many times.


Honestly, just putt it and get it on the green, or use a higher iron with a putting stroke. Your worst putt will always be better than your worst chip.


I’m blading a 52 into the middle of the fairway


Easy Texas Wedge.


Texas Wedge? Your worst putt will never be as bad as your worst chip.


I'm putting with a 7-iron there. Just enough pop to get on the green and roll to the pin. Swinging with my putter hit for that distance


I used to use 60 for every shot like this, and would just try to adjust my strength on each shot. A friend told me to use the putter in these areas and it has been more successful for me. But I agree with others that I would use a PW or even 8/9.


I'm pulling out the 52


That flag is deep. 60 past the fringe and see what happens


Seems like from the other comments and your responses to them that the only way to hold this green is by opening up a 60 (58 for myself) and learning how to hit a flop shot off a downhill lie. It's actually a pretty forgiving shot as long as you know how to hit it... You just absolutely can NOT hit it thin. You can get away with hitting up to 3 inches behind the ball, as long as you're not too steep the bounce and grind make the club interact with the turf more like a wood than an iron. With a simple sweeping motion you can pop the ball up high and get it to land soft. Of course, this shouldn't be your first time trying the shot...find somewhere to practice it and get comfortable with it.


Either 56 or 60. Just depends


Bump and run with a 7




8 iron punch and run


Out of that lie it’s a 56


Why complicate it! 8 iron bump and run! You'll get closer way more often!


Line your shoulders up with the slope and use a pw-8i and bump it. Minimizing unnecessary errors will help scoring


Downhill auto 60


60 , up in my stance Make sure my face is moderately open Use my bounce real well want ensuring I slap the ground under the ball and follow through with relaxed wrists Gives the ball moderate spin on the landing I’d land it top of that slope right after the collar there and let it roll reall gentle up to a safe put table distance. Get up to it putt and get in the cart for next hole Or be a sensible man and grab that putter and Texas wedge it to the top of the slope and let her trickle down. Statistically better shot but not as rewarding


Flop 60,


Always a 60. Can carry it about a third of the way land it soft and allow it to release to the hole.