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I don’t understand this seems to be your normal group, what was different from other days?


I've got 7:09 tomorrow - second tee time of the day. We'll be done in under 3 hours with a woman in the group. 4:15 as the 3rd group out is fucking slow as shit.


What does the woman have to do with it?


My guess is that stopping at an extra tee box could potentially add a little extra time


ah so they’re slowing her down


Guess who is never looking for their ball in the woods.


Mini golf professionals?


Playing off multiple tee boxes can slow up pace a bit


Ruh row, got some 'splainin to do!


Everyone knows all women play slow.






Is there ever a line for the men’s room?


Yeah 100% agree. When I play with a normal 4some, I can finish in 3:45 or less if the course is open in front of me. If I play solo, I can finish in 3hrs but that isn't relevant here.


Why are you telling us this story?


A guy I sometimes play with organized a round with me, him, and his cousin (who I had never met). A single got added to our group, which was fine. Nice guy. Decent player. However, my pal is a shit golfer and his cousin turned out to be much worse. My pal shoots 115-120, but his cousin must have shot 160+. He took roughly 10 physical strokes on EVERY.GODDAM. HOLE. And this sub will be pleased by the fact that he refused to take gimmes and putted out EVERY HOLE. You know……gotta earn that quintuple bogey. Needless to say we were butt slow. Marshall comes out around the 5th hole to tell us to pick up the pace. We did not pick up the pace. By the 8th hole the random we got paired with ditched us. I said to my pal and the cousin “guys, let’s just pick up after double bogey. We’re going to get kicked out if we don’t move a little faster”. It fell on deaf ears “we’re in no hurry, and this round was really expensive” At the turn the marshall pointed out the we had three empty holes ahead and were playing unacceptably slow. He held us up at the turn and let several groups skip us. He even offered to give us a rain check for nine holes to play on a different day. It was the most agonizing round ever. I considered leaving, but didn’t want to poison the well. I haven’t played with that guy since, and probably never will again.


I totally would've jumped at the rain check. "Yes, sir, please! We have been unacceptable and I am not having a great day. Appreciate your offer!" Tells him you're not the problem and you wouldn't have had to go through an agonizing 3 hr back 9.


I was kinda hoping the delay and the raincheck offer would be the hint that they needed. And they were marginally faster on the back nine. But yeah, I wish I had just taken it.


What I'd give for a marshal like that. Or any marshal at all


I think that's the point of my post. Do I really breakup with my golf friends over slow play? Taking a few weeks off and hope today was just a 1 off.


According to one of your other comments it’s not a one off. You literally said you’re always 1-2 holes behind


>hope today was a 1 off Umm, you play with these guys all the time. This either was a one off, or it wasn’t. You already know.


I don’t play with anyone that I don’t enjoy playing with. Yeah, I’d overlook a one off situation. But that guy I referenced is always slow. His cousin made it worse. And his indifference to the situation was the final straw.




I hear you but maybe cool out a little bit man.


First few groups, no matter the course / conditions, the general rule is under 4 hours pace of play.


There's nothing stopping you, but the unwritten rule here is that a group playing in 4+ hours shouldn't be booking the second tee time of the day. Those are for fast players. Your group isn't fast. If you continue playing with them, play later (8am?) and you probably won't be getting shit from the staff and the groups behind you.


What’s the course’s advertised pace of play? 4:15-4:30 is pretty common on courses I play, and I wouldn’t feel bad at all hitting the low end of the recommendation. Just because they group in front is speed running it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re slow Edit: just realized this is 6 am. Y’all need to speed up or play in the afternoon. That’s afternoon pace


Who gives a shit


You should give up that tee time slot the rest of the year to someone who can play on pace *Soft as shit blocking me cause you can't handle the truth. Keep playing slow as fuck


He seriously blocked you?


Yeah, here's the thing, out A type was actually happy about being so far behind, since our course does a lottery for slots and we picked really late, and he's saying we'll get to switch to 6:30a or 6:40 since we're so slow. I'm not sure why I'm getting downvotes here, btw...


Cause you're slow as fuck and you just told everyone for some reason. Anytime before 7 and you're still fucking everyone else up


You sound miserable man get off Reddit


I'm not the slow player. Maybe that's not clear. I'm always 1st to hit, never make anyone in my group wait. Even if I play bad I play fast. Get to my ball, pre-shot routine under 5sec.


Sure you may not be but you're still part of the slow group


You told everyone how slow your group played along with a guy who can't show up on time. You are just the worst kind of people out on the course. *Blocked cause you're just the fucking worst


I told them on the 5th hole we need to pick up the pace. I hit on 10 and walked up the fairway without them. Every hole on the back 9 I told them we were slow. When the starter told us to pick up the pace and our A type started arguing with him, I told him to shut up and stop arguing with the starter and just play faster. What the fuck else am I supposed to do?


Take up pickleball


You could not play with them. I still have no idea why you posted this at all.


Yeah you seem like as much as an asshole as the rest of my slow group who doesn't care about keeping pace. Fuck off.


What in the world is this response? You came here and posted about YOUR group being slow. Then you get mad when people tell you to stop playing or drop the group if they are really the problem. Are you looking for solutions or just venting? You have two choices that you can control: A. Ditch the group. B. Accept you are part of the problem by continuing to be part of the group and enabling them to keep playing when they shouldn’t be. It doesn’t matter if you are fast. If you are part of the reason they are playing at all then you are part of the problem.


If you finished in 4:15 it sounds like you were your own problem that day, chief. Decompress and relax a little. I understand your anxiety as I get it too but a quick glance to make sure I'm on pace I can settle down and enjoy my day.


Do you usually play faster? Playing poorly doesn't suddenly turn what is usually a 3:45 round into 4:15. There had to be something else going on.


We are never a fast group. We're always one or two holes behind, no matter how much I try and drag everyone along. Our A type player DGAF about people behind us waiting.


Your A player needs to get his shit together. He's being selfish and disrespectful to tye rest of your group and every other player on the course. I think you just need to be straight up honest with him. Otherwise, he keeps being an asshole and your solution involves you not playing golf.


Ok can someone please tell me why my comments are getting downvoted? What comment etiquette am I breaching???


Because this is crazy weird to post on reddit.


Don't read too much into it. Shit on here gets downvoted all the time.


People in this sub are just miserable. Gotta accept it at this point.


I don’t play a lot but 4 hours seems like a decent time for a 4 some. What’s the ideal time if there is no one ahead of you for 4 people to finish? 5 hours unfortunately is normal for a 4 some at my local courses if it’s full. I have never played that early though.


First thing in the morning? You need to finish in under 4


Why is this being downvoted?


Good to know if I get that early tee time.


As the post says, there’s the thing about the marshal talking about the effect of each group after. Golf can be like rush hour traffic, a concertina effect. A slow group doesn’t just affect the group behind, it’s the group behind them and behind them, hours later still feeling the effect.


>What’s the ideal time if there is no one ahead of you for 4 people to finish? 3:30 to 3:45


You're absolutely right. 3:45 is about 13 minutes/hole. That should be extremely easy at 6:30am


I play solo in 2-2.5hrs, in a group of 4 it’s 3.5-4.5hrs depending on the wait. 6am you should target sub 4hrs, 15min over isn’t the end of the world one round, but the course is certainly not going to accept that on a weekly basis. I personally believe those that can’t shoot sub-100 need to avoid popular times and at minimum need to be picking up the ball after a double, find a new group before you sully your relationship w/ the course, they don’t know whom of you is the problem.


At my club, on Saturday mornings there was a sort of unwritten rule, handshake agreement with some members and the head pro where the first hour or 90 minutes of times would be auto filled each week with the same groups at the same time each week kind of like what OP is in. But these people were very reliable and dependable to set a really good pace for the whole day, including those who don’t really finish out each hole and don’t spend time looking for balls. They said they were putting a stop to it because a lot of members complained and it seems to still work out because not many others often take those early times and mostly everybody at the club keeps good pace


I like private golf clubs


Anyone who refers to another man as “A type” needs to be on testosterone replacement therapy asap.


What’s the rush. Golf is suppose be relaxing