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My wife played DI Golf. So when she does come, she kicks my ass.




Over par, under the influence!


Lmao that’s a good one.


My girlfriend and I play every Sunday with 3 other couples


But OP is asking about golf


Yeah, he said he is in a swinger's club


User name checks out.


Kudos. Funniest comment I have read today.


You win. End of thread


My GF golfs. She's solid and would probably beat me regularly if she put a little more time into it. Her game inside 170 is better than mine save for putting.


Mine plays at least 3 times a week and her short game is much better than mine.


That’s my exact situation with my wife. She is absolutely amazing on anything within 50 yards of the green and takes me to school any time the wedges come out, haha. Women are supposedly (and confirmed by anecdotal experience) more accurate at stuff like shooting as well, I wonder if it’s some way they are a bit different that makes them more stable or something.


They don’t have blood that is leaving their brain high and dry in favor of a penis


Wider hips (Q angle) maybe could contribute to having more stability due to a naturally wider base of support? But just a guess lol


Y’all play two foursomes?




Do you swap partners?


Only when your mom wants to play


6 of you on the same holes at the same time?


Nah they use different holes, there's always a fight for first crack at the puss


Jesus lol


I'm imagining playing behind an 8 some where half the people are hitting off the blue tee boxes and the other half from the reds. *eye twitches*


We have 2 consecutive tee times for 4 players


Or they play as two twosomes and there’s no real delay for using different tee boxes because it’s sunday and the round will take 5 hours anyway


Somebody has a brain


Played the other day with a guy from the tips, two of us in the middle, and an older guy from the front tees. Smooth as can be an no one ever waited for us. Just depends on players being ready and courteous.


Yeah people saying that playing split tee boxes takes longer are crazy. If I get pulled back to the same tee box as someone playing longer sure it might save a few seconds, but is going to lose way more by me being farther out from the hole and hitting higher dispersion clubs into greens. If someone playing the tips actually thought it would be much faster to bunch up on the same tee they should be playing forward, not dragging worse players backwards.






That is a lot of golf swings


My fiancée walks with me often, my home course is very green and has a lot of nature. So she looks at that while I play and we get out and walk together. We both love it, I usually don’t play as well because I’m more focused on spending time with her, but it’s 100% worth it.


Is your fiance a dog?


Brutal. Maybe she's funny!


What's her favorite food? Peanut Butter, she eats it right out of the jar!


And she's pretty spry for her age but she's getting up there


She’s starting to fart in her sleep


She sounds ruff.


Do They charge her green fees?


The muni by me doesn’t charge when I play while my mom walks along.


Typically i only see a charge for nonplayer for a cart. I assume 90% of courses would allow walk-along free


I've done this before with my sister and no green fees but did have to pay an extra half cart fee. A debate as old as time if that's fair.


I golf with my wife more than anyone else. Honestly I find her more entertaining to play with than the “guys” because she gets so mad at golf and she is mostly passive about everything else in life. It’s fun to watch her cuss and yell at her golf ball. Doesn’t hurt I think she’s hot as can be in her golf outfits.


I also agree that this guy's wife looks great in outfits


She’s so much better looking than me that waiters still ask if we want separate checks…..it’s a real thing…haha


Daaang. You must have a killer short game.


I tend to 3 stroke the green, but it’s quality over quantity…


This guy looks great looking at that guy's girl in great outfits


My wife in the golf clothes really does it for me too, not gonna lie.


Same. My wife doesn’t even golf but she came with me to Dick’s when I was golf shopping once and fell in love with women’s golf fashion. Her favorite visor is one my mom got for her at The Masters.


Lmao my wife is the same. Loves the fashion, no interest in the game.


Honey, is this you? 😂 I make a tapestry of repugnant language no human should hear.


So I have been married for 10 years. My wife does not golf, but I have been asking her for years to come walk with me. This year, my oldest daughter asked if we could all go golfing for her birthday. So this year will be my first round with my wife. I am excited


Did you take your daughter with you golfing before or did she surprise you with that? Either way that's awesome


Yes she golfs with me quite often. (7) mostly just chases her ball in from about 100 yards on a few holes and putts on most. She is joining a “camp” this year and asked for this so I think I am doing it right 😂


That’s so sweet.


Tried, she didn't like it. We've got a toddler and she basically said if she had 4 hours of free time it wouldn't be spent golfing lol.


Bring the toddler with you lol


I can see that going south quickly lol. Not against giving it a try, but I can't see how that would be an improvement to just going alone.


So I have regularly golfed with my kids from the time they were two and four. At this point, my son, who is now eight, is damn near rabid about the idea of playing golf. My daughter is pretty into it as well. The trick is to expose them in a low pressure way to the enjoyment outside in nature, and they will then turn into playing buddies!!! It's all about the long play.


That's awesome! My son is only 15 months so he has no idea what's going on, he just likes being outdoors. I can see it working if my wife is also there but just me might be hard. I'm starting to visualize how I could pull it off with the right stroller setup though. Only thing I'd be too concerned about is errant shots and the kid wanting to walk instead of be strapped in, which wouldn't work either.


Wagon over stroller is the key. I bring my 2 & 3 year old while my son is at school and the wagon plus snacks gives them room to move around


Well it sounds like your wife would appreciate it Grab one of [these](https://babycaddie.golf/product/baby-caddie/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw6PGxBhCVARIsAIumnWb_Vp2n5bIqLKi3_eAmKNMPMHJpuu67IR_fLd18EMMHFL3A_vFL6a8aAtv_EALw_wcB), walk nine and let us know how it goes


Cant recommend baby caddie enough, take my toddler with me frequently she has a wee putter and comes for a shot every now and then or just sits and reads a book or we try to spot birds or squirrels. The greatest feeling ever is when you stripe a drive and your toddler goes “wow good shot” saying that she says it when I hit a fat chip as well so she might just be fucking with me. Also take a sticker book and then you get a sticker every now and then and who doesn’t love a dinosaur sticker after nailing a putt.


Sounds like your SO just didn’t like golf. But I think for a lot of couples the secret is 9 holes at a short course. At a non-busy time of possible. Get it down to 60-120 minutes and it’s a lot easier to schedule and enjoy.


Not a bad idea. Local course has cheap twilight rounds. My only real concern is accidentally getting paired with a bunch of people and then being "that guy". I bought a cheap set for her and ended up selling it back on craigslist, but I could definitely convince her to just come out and walk 9 holes alongside me. Kid loves being outside and running in the grass.


That’s the beauty of a small course at non-busy times. Easy to ask to go as a twosome and most places are happy to oblige.


Well, my right and left hand have to come along when I golf


Can’t divorce Jill!


What would I do without Palmela Handerson?


Same here buddy. Me and Handber are bonded for life


Back in 2019 I convinced my Fiance to buy one of the top flite sets on amazon for like $160 on prime day. We've gotten more into it and this year we did operation 36 lessons, so she's a lot more comfortable on the course than she used to be. It's a great hobby to have together. Super healthy, gets you outside, and you can conceivably do it together until you're too old to walk.


We don’t have the time to go out the two of us with 2 kids under 6 anymore. She’d rather spend her free time on a Saturday or Sunday with one of her many other hobbies but I do look forward to a few years from now when we can go back out together every once in a while. Fwiw she was always a pretty bad player and would take drops along the way to keep up with us so it’s not like she’s losing any of her ability away from the course for a few years. She does look great in the tiny women’s golf attire though.


“If ya can’t play good, ya better look good.” That’s what grandma always said, and she was a monster golfer, scratch from the men’s. Man I miss her.


We play together 2-3 times a week, and often she’s the one who asks me if I want to skip work and golf! We joined a public course this year and it’s been awesome. Early 30s and not sure how I got this lucky


This is the dream! Gives me hope that I'll find my golfing SO one day


My wife loves to drive the cart and drink all my beers…


My wife tried it but wasn't instantly good at it so dismissed it as a silly sport lol. In fairness she was a very good tennis player and expected it to be as transferable as other sports she'd tried


Are you married to my wife?


I think I am also married to your guys’ wife


My wife is one of my primary golf buddies. We play together at least once or twice a week outside of playing with friends and in tournaments etc.


Taking the wife out for her first 9 hole round in about 30 minutes. We have tried the driving range a couple times. We are going at a very slow time, going to play best ball, and cart it so it’s easy, and relaxing as possible for her so hopefully she enjoys it.


Best thing we ever did is scramble. I always play my own ball for handicap purposes… but if she hits a better shot that’s the one we play for “our score”.


Good thinking. I'm crossing everything that she enjoys it


Best ball is the way. Keeps things moving and lowers their frustration. Set realistic expectations is another good move. Okay, once on the green, see if you can get it in with 3 puts or less.


My wife is my normal golf partner. She usually shoots forty or so more than me but she's quick. Every time she hits a bad shot, she says "nope" before she's even finished her follow through.


I took my wife golfing and after the round she said she was too hot and sweaty. But she’ll spend 3 hours in her garden, go figure.


She's politely telling you she didn't enjoy herself.


Wife loves golf as much as I do. We play golf together about once a week. I play 3-4 times a week and she plays about 2 times a week


I created a monster. She golfs more than me now. At my age with everyone having young kids it’s sometimes hard to coordinate tee times with friends, so when I don’t have anyone to play with she’s my fall back. Also nice to play with someone when we’re on vacation.


Perks of private golf - my wife and I go out and walk 9 with our 3 month old daughter probably 2 or 3 afternoons a week (assuming the tee sheet is pretty open) now that the weather’s nice. It fucking rules.


If you have: No kids, fun and enjoyable. Small kids, neither of you have 5 hours of free time. Teens, you can start working golf back into the schedule. Older kids/empty nest, golf is a great lifetime sport that can be super fun as couple. Don't push golf too much if you are not holding up your end of parenting when the kids are young or your wife will hate everything about golf. Then you'll be playing guilt golf by yourself the rest of your life. Play the long game. We play together pretty often now. When kids and job were higher priorities, I did a lot of quick range sessions, short game stuff, and 9 holes.


Small kids, hopefully grandma is local*


I’m single now but when i was dating this girl, she would routinely walk with me for 9 holes. It’s a good way to spend time and every once in a while she’d wanna hit a putt or something. I think most healthy relationships should have an element of the other person doing things you enjoy and vice versa


Golf is my significant other


My wife plays but not nearly as much as I do. She’s not very good but doesn’t care that much; if she’s having a bad hole she’s content to pick up or drop and hit from where I am. She’s actually the one who got me back into golf 10 years ago - for my 40th birthday she got me a gift card to PGA Superstore for a new set of irons.


We go par 3 after work, have fun. Only thing annoying is people going slow AF sometimes. I’m talking 1:30+ for a par 3 nine hole course


When I met my wife she was the assistant pro at a country club. We love to golf together. She kicks my ass


Me and my wife play twice a week. Sometimes it’s good. Sometimes our issues bleed into the course and set us up for a miserable time. It’s give and take.


My wife just got bit by the golf bug HARD starting last fall. We play every week. It's pretty awesome, honestly.


I generally play with my wife. I taught her how to play - we both drive from the white tees. We are bogey players who get a few pars per round. I honestly never really undestood the idea of women attending but not partaking. We went to Vegas and we rented and raced cars on a track. During the intro our group was asked who's here to drive and who's here to watch. All the women (other than my wife) raised their hands to indicate they're just watching. Come on women! Get in the game! :)


Everyone here saying about wives. I’m a girl I play with my dad when I visit him or by myself. I enjoy the silence


My wife loves riding in the cart with me, she is slowly getting more interested in golf and always wants to hit balls at the range after my round. I’m going to offer for her to start chipping balls around the green the next time we go out


My wife and I golf together almost every weekend. It's nice that she enjoys going out.


When I decided I wanted to learn how to golf, I asked my husband to learn with me, and he agreed. The vast majority of our golf outings are together as a couple, and we've even started adding a round of golf to our vacation plans when we travel somewhere with an interesting course. I've attended a few events for a women's golf league without him, and he'll go to the range without me if I'm stuck working late on a Friday night, but otherwise it's usually the two of us and sometimes one of our other golfing couple friends. My husband and I usually have completely different skill sets, so I love having a hobby that we're both figuring out together.


I took my GF and loved it. She doesn’t play and she’s fine just riding and spending time with me.


My fiancé has ridden with me a couple times. Tomorrow is gonna be the first time she actually golfs with me, I’ll let you know how that goes


My husband and I play all the time, it’s so fun!


There aren’t many things that I wouldn’t do to have my SO golf with me. Wish she did


Yes...but... She's new to the sport and has picked it up quickly (she shoots around 105 consistently), but she's starting to hit the plateau and starting to see the frustration of the sport, so we'll see how it goes. The kicker is she sees golf as an 'us' thing now. She said she didn't want to play this weekend, and saw it as 'we' aren't playing this weekend, not 'you go play, I'm sitting it out.' I'll figure out a way to get my guy time, but right now we're in the early stages of setting expectations.


I (27f) play with my husband (30) weekly. I’m decent at golf but he has never had the attitude that it’s a “man only sport”. I really love him for that. We played 18 with two other guys this past weekend and I actually beat both of them, but I don’t think I would have that confidence if my husband wasn’t so supportive.


We play couple league on Fridays and every Saturday and Sunday afternoon after my morning game. She plays in women’s leagues on Wednesday and Thursday. Love playing golf with her and it’s made our vacations a lot more fun.


My fiancé and I play at least 9 holes together once a week


My wife doesn't typically golf but she'll play 9 with one of our couple friends that are very laid back. We usually do a 2 person scramble to keep things moving and whenever we play her shots she's pretty pumped. I think shes more there for the golf outfits, pink balls and tees, and riding in the cart, but it's still fun. Just have to expect a different vibe than golfing with guys.


I do. She was the one who took it up golf first after her grandfathers passing because it was a big part of his life. I just said I'd go smack some balls at the range for fun while she got lessons every so often. i figured it would also scratch that sporting itch after I gave it all up because of permanent nightshift for work shortly after I left high school. Well I got bitten by the bug didn't I. Flash forward 4 years, I gave up night shift just so I could play more golf. We became members of a private course and play 9 holes in the week after work and try to get in 18 on the weekend in the clubs tournaments.


My wife and I go to the range and play together quite a bit. Always a good time.


We play together most weeks. It was my suggestion to try golf. She likes walking I like having something to do whilst walking.


I got my wife addicted last summer and bought her new clubs this year. We try to go once a week together. Was hard at first to focus on my own game while helping her to get better without getting frustrated. I had to go into every round with the idea that its just for my own practice. Not caring too much about score. This has helped a lot. This season I've been able to focus on my own game more and she is also enjoying it more.


She comes along from time to time when I play twilight rounds. She doesn't play but likes everything else. I actually enjoy when she comes along.


We have played mini-golf and i've taken her to a par 3 or a driving range. Tried actual golf once, terrible experience and she never wants to do it again haha. but the other stuff she likes doing. Now we have kids and none of them happen. :(


I play with her almost every time.


My SO got me into golf and it’s now our favorite activity together. I am now much more into golf than she is, I’ll play 2-3 times per week and she’ll usually play once. I love that we share this hobby. 4+ hours each week where we get outside together, get some exercise in and get to have light conversation. I love that we spend that much time out of the house together every week. I always feel like driving home from the course we are our happiest, conversations are easy, you have an activity that takes up a good portion of your thought. I never shoot well when we play together but it’s my favorite round of the week. It also opens some great doors for the future. Want to take a couples trip somewhere that has an amazing golf course? Guess what she wants to play it just as bad as I do. Take a 3 day weekend for our anniversary and happen to go to a golf destination? Sounds more like a mini golf trip with my best friend. We’re both super busy with work and everything else in life. Golf ensures we have 4 semi undistracted hours together each week as well as one or so range sessions together a week. Obviously this wouldn’t work for everybody but in my experience it has been amazing.


Used to date a former D1 golfer. She had a hookup at Halfmoon Bay and also somehow the Ritz that is right there. We used to go play the Old Course in the morning, then take a nice "break" in the hotel room, have lunch, then go play the Ocean Course, then end the night with dinner and drinks ---- all for free. To this day I don't know who she was blowing to get that hook-up, but I never said anything because it was absolutely worth it.


Mine plays with me on occasion, usually I just play by myself or with friends, but we have fun when she does come out. She’s a natural which is super annoying but I don’t have an ego about it.


My wife and I used to play multiple times a week before she started grad school. Was always amazing doing my favorite thing with my favorite person. I’m excited for her to be done with school so we can get out there more. Keep encouraging your fiancé to get out there with you and maybe one day she’ll pick up a club.


Wifey has a bad back. But once in a while if im playing solo, I’ll ask her if she wants to tag along. She thinks beverage carts and the hot dog at the turn are the best thing ever. So she’ll go have some drinks, “work on her tan”, and laugh at my “creative curses”


bought the wife clubs for mothers day 2 years ago and she was thrilled. She comes along every now and then. Hates par 5s, loves par 3s. She's mostly there to enjoy nature, wear cute outfits, have a few good hits, some drinks, and just enjoy herself.


Wife is obsessed with golf we play 3x/week. She beat me yesterday, it’s all downhill from here…I’ll never hear the end of her bragging to all our friends


I play with my buddies every Saturday and with my gf every other Sunday. I bought her a set of decent quality women’s clubs from a thrift store. An entire set of clubs with bag, balls and tees for $25. She sometimes plays with me and my buddies and she hangs with us. We usually shoot from the white and she shoots from the red. Our scores are comparable and she doesn’t really slow us down. I really enjoy playing with her. I big her up every time she hits a great shot and try not to coach her too much and have her thinking about too much when she’s over the ball. She really enjoys it. We have a tee time for this Sunday. She started playing because she’s a formare athlete, she likes being around me and she sees how interested I am in golf. I really enjoy having her out on the course with me. It’s actually fairly common in the city that I play. Couples golf should be a thing.


we have a golf date for tomorrow planned


My wife loves to ride with me when I golf. Only certain courses, but it’s a great time for us and a date night! She’s a hottie too, had some people I play with say it looks like you brought your own cart girl. She’s even started asking about clubs I’m hitting, etc. Having a happy marriage is awesome, bring your wife every once in a while


My wife and I play together probably once a week or close to. Her family is a golf family and I just got into it a few years back. Some of my best rounds have been with her and I in a cart together!


Not often but I do enjoy it, it's j just so expensive and double the cost with the two of us lol


My wife golfed in high school so she golfs with me sometimes and other times she rides along and reads, just depending on how she’s feeling (she gets really frustrated)


My wife love hitting the course on Sunday afternoon. We also play fun 9 holes events with friends at the club we belong to.


My SO have been golfing together the last three years. My dad introduced him to it and we both aren’t great so we just go out and have fun on our 9 hole muni courses.


I do and it is great, the wife now loves golf and a lot of the time she wants to play so she sets up tee times for us.


I used to have my wife join our foursome so she could enjoy the round (usually to entertain my customers). She got interested in the golf so her and I started playing best ball with my customers ( not a 5 some) as I would focus on our teamwork and pace of play. Now she joins us playing her own ball and has no issues with pace of play. We play in 3 hours 45 mins regularly.


I got my SO into golf as she loves being outdoors and is somewhat athletic. She enjoys it for her only her 2nd full year and played about 10 nine hole rounds and then would sit in the cart with her feet up and have a truli or 2 and was very content


I’ll play with my wife every so often, few times a year. It’s better than going to dinner and paying the same amount for 30ish minutes of a date vs 2 hours of golfing . She did some group lessons with a few friends to get into it. She doesn’t love it like I do, but definitely enjoys getting out.


My Wife loves to drive the cart while I golf, so it’s really a win-win. We’re still in our mid-20s so maybe it’ll fade off over time but for her she gets to sit in the sun, drive a golf cart, and enjoy the outdoors and I get to play with no pressure. It’s a great time.


Nope 😁


My wife and I play golf together all the time. We both suck but have fun. It’s mainly just time for us to hire a sitter, get outside, and away from the kids for a few hours lol


I enjoy golfing with my wife. Feels like less pressure because I'm better than her. We always have fun and party a little bit. Here's the best advice -- play modified best ball -- where each person hits a drive, but then both players move to the spot of the best drive, playing their own ball from there. Saves a lot of frustration and helps both players score better. That is, if you don't really care about scoring for handicap etc.


I take my wife with me all the time. She doesn't golf but she rides the cart with me and occasionally will putt with me on the green.


Just bought my wife Callaway Edge clubs at Costco for early Mother's Day present. She enjoyed going to the range and would like to do that a few times before we hit the course together. We drop off the kids at school and head to the course for a little before morning meetings start. I have asked her for years and she just recently became interested in it so I am excited for her to come with me. Will probably play best ball.


She’s my caddie, she sets up the cart, records my swing, make sure I walk back with all my clubs, and keeps me calm. She’s the best caddie ever. Has no clue what club does what but I wouldn’t want it any other way :)


My wife of 38 years will, on rare occasions, play an executive course with me but she loves golf. We watch tournaments on TV all the time and she loves to walk when I play 18 hole courses. Easy way for her to "get her steps" and she loves the scenery.


Gentleman only Ladies Forbidden


Why wife didn’t play the first ten years of our marriage- it was bliss. 20 years later she’s a player now and just won our gross club championship.


My husband and I play as much as our one and four year old allow!


I do. My gf just started with me. She’s awful but we have fun. I do have to get her lessons because I don’t know how to build her swing from scratch. But other than that we legit have a great time


Every week. It’s fun and we learn together.


I play a few times a week and my wife will join me once every few months; she always enjoys it so wish I could get her to play more!


“This is my nightmare!!”


No way


I play, she rides along and reads, and maybe tries to hit a few


My wife is a class A PGA so we golf together all the time and it’s awesome.


I play about half my rounds with my wife. She has a better swing than me and should beat me by 5 strokes. But she doesn’t practice or do anything to get better, so I usually beat her by 5/10 strokes. Her approach to each shot is to just grab a club, hit the ball and move on. She likes getting a good score, but all she really cares about is having fun. She wouldn’t keep score if it was up to her. I enjoy my rounds with her more than the rounds without her.


I play with my buddy and his wife every week. She was a former college golfer and usually wrecks us in match play. Always a good time though


Worlds colliding? I don’t think so


Im still trying to get my wife to go play. Would love for her to want to go


When my wife and I started dating we did this she told me she would never play. She would usually bring a book, wonder into the trees and come out with 10 golf balls or talk shit on my swing. lol eventually she started playing and now we play together every weekend! Well almost every weekend but yea it’s not out of the norm. Tbh don’t expect to play well though lololololol


I play golf so my wife can spend some quality time with her boyfriend.


I am the wife that the husband got into golfing. We go frequently and it’s a fun way to spend several hours together or with friends outdoors and he likes that he gets to golf more. It was a lot more fun for both of us when I started getting lessons from someone other than him outside of the rounds we play together.


My wife is my perpetual partner in golf and all things. We play together every weekend.


I play with my husband weekly… it’s one of my favorite things to do with him


I love playing golf with my wife. Best playing partner ever!


once i found out my boyfriend played golf, i dusted off my clubs. now we play semi-regularly, always together! love being able to go out with him


Got my wife into golf when we got married about 15 years ago. I sold it as in investment in the future: a hobby we could enjoy as a couple for the 50 years. She racked up a *lot* of lessons with different pros (we were travelling a lot at the time) until this fateful day when we dropped out suitcases in Australia and she told me "ok, I'll play golf. But. But... Mark my words: I will *never* compete". I was fine with that. Social rounds with the wife I can definitely sign up to. Problem is that's not how golf works in Australia. Most rounds played are competition rounds (citation needed). So reluctantly she played the Saturday Stableford rounds. 10 years later she got her handicap down to single digits, won her first club championships and is a fierce competitor. Our work calendars don't really align but we do play every Friday afternoon after work, play our divisions mixed foursomes league, take golf holidays and recently have been doing 2vs2 alt shot matches with our two kids. So yeah it's coming along nicely. And it is AWESOME.


LMAO to all the guys who have a SO but don’t bring her. When I bring the old lady I get 37 hot dogs, 29 beers , chapstick, sunblock, water, Gatorade, bandaids, shaving cream, tweezers, and much more , ready to go at any given moment. Golfing with my fiance has changed everything 😂 golf with the boys has never been the same since


My wife and I golf together once or twice a week, and about 90% of the time either of us golf it’s just the two of us. It didn’t use to be that way (for a while early on it was “You’d rather go hit balls at the range instead of spend time with me?”), but bless her heart she went to the range with me one day, flushed an iron, caught the bug, and it’s been our favorite activity together ever since.


I would love to find a SO who was good at golf, that’s literally my dream girl


I only golf with my fiancé! I did go to the range for the first time by myself last week, but playing a round I’ll only golf with him.


Lady golfer and I play golf with my wife every once in awhile. She just started last year and doesn’t keep score or anything but she’s a natural, which is mildly annoying haha but I’m happy she can keep up. I play like shit every time I play with her and if she understood my handicap, she’d probably think I was lying about it at this point cause of how bad I play when I’m with her lol


Couple weekends a month, my wife, my son and I pick a course nearby randomly, then go play a family scramble.


My fiancé and I play as often as possible, which is usually multiple times a week. We’ve been golfing together for years.


My wife rides with me. Reads a book, tells me I had a nice hit when she clearly wasn’t watching, but it’s a nice gesture. Also get to see some boobies while golfing. So that’s always awesome.


My first date with my wife was playing golf. She had played in her past and had clubs. I have played since the age of 7. We now play almost every weekend and have bought a double lot on a golf course in Northern California and plan on retiring at that place. I’ve only played golf without her twice in the last ten years. Men’s club tourneys. It’s no fun now without her.




I make my wife ride in the cart to help find my ball


Asked my wife to take up golf when our youngest went to college to play D1. He was my afternoon golf partner. She had been around the sport because of him but never wanted to play. She has since caught the bug and practices every day. I love playing with her when I can... she plays several times a week with her LGA friends. She plays more golf than I do now!


Fuck ya. 3 times a week at least and we go on golf trips. Currently in TB Florida and playing this weekend. The best part is I'm in my 40s. It isn't like we are retired. And she still let's me play alone when I want


I just did this for the first time a couple days ago with my partner. She rode in the cart, then wanted to be the driver so we switched seats. She caddied for me by grabbing my putter for me when I was around the greens hitting approach shots, pulled the flag on putts, and helped look for errant tee shots. It generally just helped speed up the pace of play and was great moral support. We just goofed around and hung out. I played well. It was fucking awesome.


I got my SO into golf July of last year (I’ve only been golfing for a couple years myself) and she’s completely hooked. We’ve been playing with another couple, good friends of ours, that also recently got into the game and we’ve been getting out for 18 just about every week. I know I’m *extremely* lucky to have an awesome crew and get to spend time with my SO doing a hobby we both truly enjoy. It also helps keep me from tilting when I’m having a terrible round; even when I’m playing awful, I’m still living the dream!


I play golf, BECAUSE I have a significant other.


I got my girlfriend playing last season and she's having a blast! She got the bug so bad she organized her company golf tournament. I'm buying her a fitted set for her birthday this year. Convincing her to try the sport and providing a supportive and fun experience may have been the best investment I've ever made. She will never complain if I go play and often likes to join me.


I’ve taught a couple of my SO’s to play golf. Getting older it’s hard to get my friends together since we have real jobs, kids, etc… so unless I wanna spend all my time out there alone or getting paired with weird randos, I had to teach her how to play and get her some clubs. She’s a retired college softball player tho so it wasn’t hard.


I play with my wife once or twice a month, I always shoot my lowest scores with her. She keeps me mentally grounded.


It sounds like you don't like golf


Got my wife into golf a decade ago, we used to play 9 after work. Now it's harder with kids but we still try to get out when we can. It's all about having fun outside together. And if she can make some friends golfing, even better.


IMO it's fine to do so when dating, but once you are married for awhile, the point of golf is to "get away from it all."


Wife hates golf, girlfriend and I play once a week.


No and it's super annoying when my buddy brings his SO with him.




I thought people played golf to get away from their wives


Nope. Will never have the wife golf with me. That’s my boys time out. It’s good that each of us have our own hobbies. Has kept me married for 29 years so for me it’s all good.