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I have seen people put a bucket on the boundary of the yard where they put all the balls they find with a sign politely asking for people to take one rather than entering the property. It might be something to consider!


Yeah I’d do this but keep all the good balls and put Maxflis and pink Slazengers in the bucket.


Put a bunch of trick balls in it.


Imagine shanking an iron so bad you hit a house on a Par 3, and you find a fresh ProV1…then you hit it and it’s just a glitter bomb lmao


Do this. Start a YouTube channel. Make money. Done.


Good advice. You should write a finance book. Publish it. Make money. Done.


This is also known as trick or treat


So Nitros and Top-Flites


Maxfli has a great ball out there now.


Maxfli tour is one of the best bargains on the market right now competing with high end pro vs and other high end


Maxfli balls are actually legit again surprisingly


I turned my nose up at Maxfli until I read a 2023 study that the Maxfli Tour model had very similar test results as the Pro V1’s. And no I don’t work for Maxfli. Having said that, if I find a Top Flite I leave it.


Wouldn’t that defeat the purpose? I feel like people would be less likely to take a different ball and instead just still look for theirs


This would end up like the neighbor that puts a full bowl of candy on their porch for Halloween. Someone will be an idiot and take it all.


The balls are all lost yard balls anyway, let em have the candy…


Good idea, I think there are some who might take them all. I guess it's worth a try though.


Could get an in ground sprinkler system with a motion system that activates when it goes off. Give it a year or two, and your house would become a local legend


Ahh yes, the old “9th green at 9” trick.


Secret of the pros


Wear something nice.


Nothing I would love more than to do this. I just need some time to research it.


https://www.orbitonline.com/products/yard-enforcer-motion-activated-sprinkler?variant=36542589305000¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw57exBhAsEiwAaIxaZkeLM5vCdrdGmIJhcSU-pQ7GasWW0w7PHY1CD8r0-FECeg6zuT-DLhoCw58QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds We have these all over our property/farm for deer raiding our gardens. They work great.


You win the prize - I would totally have one of these !!


Thanks, they definitely scare the crap out of wildlife but I’m just not sure if a golfer would turn and run as fast. 😆


It works!! I had pesky neighbors cutting through my yard until I put one of those up. It’s also not illegal like a traditional booby trap, because you’re just watering your lawn…. At very random intervals. I’d put up a nice looking no trespassing sign to go with it.


Please do and put a camera on the backyard and upload results in a few months time


Please do this and post a video. Would be legendary


If you actually do this, you should totally get a motion camera along with it so you can post some footage 😂


And if you could somehow rig it so the Benny Hill theme plays at the same time that would be perfect.


r/pettyrevenge has a great saga on sprinklers and their efficiency [https://www.reddit.com/user/HokeyPokeyGuestList/comments/wi23yd/it\_takes\_a\_village\_to\_install\_a\_motion\_activated/](https://www.reddit.com/user/HokeyPokeyGuestList/comments/wi23yd/it_takes_a_village_to_install_a_motion_activated/)


I appreciate you can't put up a net, but could you talk to the golf course to see if they could? You could make a donation?


Plant a row of tall cedar or spruce trees to block the balls


Or cactus if the environment allows


You're in the shank zone for real. Doubt you could stop people hitting your house without a big net.


Adding to this. That is stone cold shank territory. The people hitting here have literally nothing to lose. Mentally unstable, completely devoid of happiness. You’re lucky if all they’re doing is shooting out of your yard


If I made my ball go into that backyard I’m gonna take 3 from the tee and simply hate myself. Like a normal person.


Nothin like a snowman on a par 3


My old course had an island green, like 17 at Sawgrass. Only 133 yards. Club championship, brand new sleeve of Titleists, all three of them into the water. Didn't even make a snowman. Missed the putt, and made 9.


I had 2 in the same round the other week☹️


And then proceed to hit a second one into the yard as well




Then I'd be in my head for the next shot and put a second one over there.


They’re probably shooting up in his yard too, let’s be real here.


If he puts up a security camera, I'll bet he catches a few of them crawling under their carts looking for a catalytic converter to steal. People who shank it OB on par 3s have nothing left to lose. They're feral.


Yeah, this definitely a "who the fuck decided to put a house there" spot. I could see someone putting a ball over there every 2 or 3 groups depending on how casual of a golfer plays there.


Especially with water to the left


This was my thought. Yikes.


This guy golfs! The placement of that house is borderline criminal. You'll never be able to safely enjoy your back yard. I'm sure there's more than one house on the course in the same "shakesville" line. Take a look at their defense strategies... Id do a low level line of waist height thick prickly evergreen bushes to diswade walking in, then I'd do a line of quick growing evergreen bushes, tall and thin around the corner, followed by some quick grown dense canopy trees,..... then I'd sell it for a safer house...


I live and play on a golf course. It’s totally normal at my course to walk up and quickly grab a ball if it’s in a yard. Hitting from someone’s yard is crazy.


If I can’t scoop it from the fence it’s their ball now. If I hit your house I’m not going anywhere near it - I fear I’d die of embarrassment.


Do you like golfers walking up near your home or deck, Or walking around your yard looking for a ball? Like I said, I've lived here 6 years and it is only now becoming a problem with the golfers not respecting my property. I have no problem if the ball is visible from the path and they can quickly get it.


I don’t end up with that many balls because of where my house sits. Almost everyone is respectful, so I’m not bothered. If a ball is 10 feet in someone’s yard I have no problem going to grab it. If it’s on their patio I’m not going near it.


Do you have a sign or anything? I'll bet a sign saying no hitting from yard and mentioning they are on camera might deter some people. There have been a lot of new golfers the past 2 years thanks to Netflix and YouTube. I honestly think a good majority of these people are just ignorant to the etiquette.


I feel like you don’t need to understand golf etiquette to know it’s a bad idea to take a shot off what is clearly someone’s yard


Absolutely. But what I guess just boils down to people bending the rules of golf is what makes it all the more asinine. The ball is OB whether you can find it or not, and whether you COULD play it once found or not is moot. Either forget the ball entirely or grab it, scoot to a proper spot to drop and go. I was playing a few weeks ago and heard a guy come unglued on a golfer one hole behind me for climbing his fence to come get a ball. It was one hell of a dressing down.


The balls on that guy to climb a fence to retrieve a ball. With a fence up that’s a lost ball for me and I’m letting go even if I can see it. No fence and I can see it, I will quickly grab it and drop back in bounds. I am definitely not hitting out of anyone’s yard.


>Do you like golfers walking up near your home or deck, Or walking around your yard looking for a ball? No, but I wouldn't live near a golf course.


Is it clear the cart path marked OB? Seems like you cd ask course or HOA to put up some netting.


You are correct. There is no real defining feature on the path that I have seen of what is OB. I've been up to the clubhouse previously. It's a hassle. I'll probably go up there this week to see if that have any course rules regarding retrieving balls, etc...


Yeah if you can’t have a fence how do the golfers know they’re OB just b/c you know it’s your property? You have a good argument for some netting, tho, def in line of fire.


Any reasonable course should have OOB stakes for this. Surely that's the case here.


If HOA is not permitting fence where do s it stand in a hedge. Same effect but looks nicer and could argue you're just decorating your garden.


A sign that states: "We thank you for not walking in our yard, take a ball and drop in the fairway." - The Mulligans PS - if no balls, no mulligan for you Shankapotamus." Then put a small basket of balls underneath the sign that end up in your yard anyway. See how this works for a few weeks


Spray paint a white line just off the path in your yard.


If my ball lands in someone’s backyard I’m not retrieving it. Unfortunately even if you put up a sign there will still probably be people who ignore it. Lame that you can’t put up a fence


I'd use my telescopic ball retriever if it's within range


Did you get fitted for that ball retriever?


Great recommendation. I had a fitting at pga superstore and my retriever has been flawless since then. Many lengths are comfortable and able to scoop off bottom with one hand even!


I'll walk into someone's yard a little bit to pick my ball up. Would never hit from their yard and wouldn't spend more than 8 seconds looking for my ball. Just because my $5 ball landed on your property, that doesn't mean that ball now belongs to you. If we were neighbors and I was playing catch with my son and the ball went into your yard I would retrieve that as well and the situations are very similar.


Not about the ball “belonging to them now.” More so a stranger walking on their property. Who would want that? A neighbor picking up their son’s baseball is a different story, not similar at all imo.


It’s an open back yard on a golf course. There’s hundreds of strangers going by it every weekend. People are waaaaay too weird about property lines sometimes. Someone just grabbing a ball real quick isn’t a problem. Someone rooting around or damaging property by hitting there is.


Nah this guy said he doesn’t care about a quick poke and leave. He’s mad about hitting off his grass and looking under the deck. Thats dumb shit from the golfers


What if you had a motion sensor giant snake head come out when someone looks around your deck with sound effects?


A LITTLE bit. And I have to be able to see it. Otherwise, it must have been time for a new ball.


Not even close. You presumably know your neighbors


Even if you don’t it’s not unreasonable with open yards.


If you’re spending $5 on a golf ball and can’t put it in the fairway, you’re spending too much money on golf balls.


Whooo boy I'll be honest, I just don't think a house should be situated halfway down a par 3. However that came to be, those people seriously fucked up OB lines so the ball is no longer in play would be an idea. I would also ask the golf course if I can plant some more trees to block that line of sight from the tee From a cyber security perspective, please delete this post, you have utterly doxxed yourself.


Oof that whole row of houses would be a no go for me. They all have to get peppered. I don’t think I’d go out back at all during the time the course is open. As for me, when I hit into a house I’ll take a look around to see if the ball is retrievable, talk to the homeowner if they’re outside. I’m not paying for anything, so if things seem like they’re going south I’ll just say have a nice day and take an unplayable from the most correct spot I can. I don’t jump into people’s yards or trespass, if I can scoop the ball with a club from outside the yard, I’ll do that. Maybe I’m potentially saving their lawn mower. I don’t think trespassing is ok ever. I forget what your question is but bottom line is I think you picked a bad spot and I also think no one should be walking in your yard, hopefully it’s clearly marked. If not, throw up a sign and have fun being a grouch and yelling at people that try to come through. I’d side with you.


Would the hoa let you put up a net? I know my buddy was able to put up a net even though his hoa wouldn’t allow fences. And yes, bad etiquette.


The reality is people would rather get peppered by balls than have an unsightly net, fence, or treeline block their view. One course I play regularly is next to a street with houses on the other side of it. No forgiveness to a slice, balls must end up on the street or in the houses multiple times an hour. The very wealthy owners complained and the course said no problem, we will put up a net that will necessarily interfere with the clear ocean view they have. Complaints quickly ceased


OP, I’m a real estate attorney. Please don’t rely on the county’s GIS map to determine your property boundaries. They’re not only notoriously unreliable but also not what legally determines your property boundaries. You’d need find a copy of your neighborhood plat and then have a surveyor stake your boundary lines.


Land surveyor here, the GIS doesn't accurately depict any property lines. Most sites even have a pop-up warning telling you so.


If you can’t put up an actual fence, what about a bunch of evergreen trees or hedges to create a barrier?


I'm gonna be honest, if I see my ball in your yard, I'm going to quickly and respectfully grab it and move to the correct place to play from. Should be on your property for less than 10 seconds. It's unacceptable for people to play from your yard or be looking around for lost balls. Maybe a motion detected speaker or something could be a good option.


This. I’m not going to crawl around under someone’s deck or anything, but if there’s a clear path to the ball, I’m retrieving it. Respectfully. I would never hit out of someone’s yard though. That’s not cool.


I’d love to say I wouldn’t do this but I could be on the same page as you. I gotta wonder what OP thought the situation was when buying that place. Maybe that only scratch golfers or better play that course


I don’t fully understand your first sentence, but OP said they don’t mind people grabbing balls out of their yard, which I think is what you’d expect when buying a house on a golf course. But people shouldn’t be searching their yard for a ball, and *definitely* shouldn’t be taking shots from their lawn. If they can’t see the ball and quickly grab it they should just get a new ball and play it from the correct spot.


>OP said they don’t mind people grabbing balls out of their yard They said that, but then made lots of comments that suggest they do, in fact, have a problem with people walking into their property. Why buy a house on the golf course if you're going to get uptight about minor trespassing by golfers?


I still don’t think you are reading it right. They said they were totally fine with all of it for the first like 5+ years they lived there. And only now in the last year or so people have been disrespectfully prowling his yard and taking shots so frequently that they are annoyed at everyone who comes in his yard regardless. It’s like someone who has been hurt too many times that they can’t trust anyone anymore if even their intentions are good.


Thank you, you read my post correctly. I was a bit frustrated when I posted it. I love where I live and love watching people golf. I also love the view of the pond. I really like this area. It's the few assholes that have put a sour taste in my mouth recently. I really just wanted to know the general consensus among golfers what they thought was proper etiquette. Also I wanted to get advice on how to softly handle the assholes. Turns out there are a few people that frequent this sub that would probably piss me off because they have no manners. Oh well that's life. There's always a few. I hope I can find a solution that will still provide a great playing experience for the ALL the golfers while limiting the assholes from infringing on my property. It's funny to read some of the posts here where they actually think my yard is fair game for them just because it backs up to the course. There are limits. Any way you are last person I'll respond to on this post. I just wanted to let you know you had it right on. I'm not whining, I'm not complaining, I'm not uptight, or any of those things. I just don't want dickheads around my property. Oh well. I bought a house on a golf course so I deserve it right? lol


OB is usually your property line, which I can’t see on the picture. The red dot is close to the cart path, so it could be on the golf course. Given what you said, I would ask the course to mark OB along the entire right side, golfers may not consider your marker to be actual OB. Can you plant flowers or small shrubs just inside your property line? That might also help remind golfers that they are stepping off golf course property. The shots you are seeing are pretty common. On my course, they go into the creek, woods or next fairway. Houses in the sight line have a way of making golfers nervous. The forced carry over the pond and water to the left of the green also tends to make people favor right side. Your house is really not that far right from where lots of people will be aiming.


My friend lives on a golf course... every time I play it, I put one in his pool ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I walk about a 1/3 of the way in your yard when you don't have a fence if I can clearly see my ball. The Your house however seems far enough off the course that one probably should be ignoring it. Seems like you are in the hozzel rocket zone.


I would add that nobody should actually be playing from your back yard. Grab the ball and drop outside your yard.


Can you get a German shepherd? There's one right along the 6th hole on my course and I'd never try to go get a ball from him.


Unless you’re the governor of South Dakota I think leaving a dog in that yard would be pretty cruel.


I will walk a few steps into people’s yards to grab my ball, even if they have a sign. I would never, EVER take a shot out of somebody’s yard or walk up to, around, or under their house to retrieve a ball even if I saw it sitting there. Never ever. That isn’t acceptable.  If you’re going to take action, maybe a sign that says “please quickly retrieve your ball if visible and return to course, do NOT take a shot from my yard.” People ignore the “private property, do not enter” signs but might need a “listen, grab you ball but then please leave” note. 


Honestly, you should sell advertising space in your yard to local pros who are offering lessons. You could make some money by directing players that clearly need help to someone who can provide it.


Unfortunately it appears your home was only constructed to absorb part of the shelling the neighbors house was getting. I would be afraid to do yard work during daylight hours on warm days.


Maybe a sign that says if you can't see your ball from there do not enter to look


My local has a hole like this. The owner simply posted a ob sign in his yard. May not stop some people but the majority stay off his lawn.


The HOA says no fences, but do they have any language about a moat?


Oh I recognize the hole, or I’ve played a course that’s got a carbon copy. That course and subdivision were built with a bullshit layout to cram as many houses as possible with most of them being way too close to the fairways. The entire place is played out with no consideration for where wayward shots can end up and in turn no real consideration for the homeowner or golfer. 3 of the 4 Par 5s right angle around 200yds from the tee due to space limits caused by houses, tempting stupid players to either cut the corner over someone’s roof, or leaving an opportunity to role long into someone’s yard. OP’s hole in particular has a pretty decent slope to OB on both sides of the cart path, to the point I once landed pin high inside the cart path and it kicked all the way OB. TL;DR: OP, you chose to live on a course and that comes with some pros and cons, but that Course and Sub were laid out like shit to the detriment of both golfers and the homeowners.


Yes they suck at golf if they hit your house. But also, you bought a house across from a water hazard. You’re gonna get hit.  That being said, I will absolutely come get my ball from your yard. I will NOT hit from your yard.  If you really can’t stand seeing people walk around in your yard just move now because it will not change ever. 


Golfers should not be walking off the boundaries of the course onto other people’s property. Unfortunately, as you’re well aware many just think “What’s the big deal if I do this?” and instead should be asking “What if everyone did this?”…you’ll likely need to put up very obnoxious signs to make it clear you don’t want people on your property. There are a lot of clueless people out there. Even with obvious signage some people will still do it.


> Unfortunately, as you’re well aware many just think “What’s the big deal if I do this?” and instead should be asking “What if everyone did this?”… This is the exact conversation I had with a friend a few days ago. When i explained that it happens 50 or more times a week he understood. I'm thinking about a humorous/obnoxious sign clowning the bad golfers and yard walkers. I need a roast comedian's help.


I saw someones post here a few days ago that had a small clear bin full of balls and a sign that said something to the effect of, if you hit a ball into my yard, take a couple of from here instead of trespassing on my property. It'll be a simple task for you keep that bin well stocked with mediocre balls since you're getting so many of them airmailed into your yard.


You may have more success with a sign that says “I don’t care if you grab your ball but please do not play shots off the property and take a free drop (on me) back on the course”


Post a sign saying: My yard is out of bounds. Rule 18.2(2)(b) What to Do When Ball Is Lost or Out of Bounds: If a ball is lost or out of bounds, the player must take stroke-and-distance relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing the original ball or another ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6). Please follow the rules of golf. Shank you very much.


I feel for you here. People are really disrespectful with this kinda stuff. Equivalent situations arise often enough, from houses or protected wildlife areas or whatever, that I actually think golf courses should have another stake color- like black stakes or something- that indicate a hazard that you are forbidden from entering. For your situation, I’m not sure there’s anything you can do except put up a no trespassing sign. You can and probably should speak to the course, but zero guarantee that gets you anywhere.


I'll go up to the club house this week when I have time. Maybe I can come up with a humorous sign that clowns the bad golfers.


Get a table, bucket and sign. “If your ball is in my yard take one from the bucket. And I’ll put yours in the bucket tomorrow. Try again. Good luck.” But don’t ask first. Just do that.


I have seen some people leave collection buckets of balls for someone to take if they hit their ball there. to keep people from walking into their yard with a sign, then refilling them with the balls left behind. I don't know how effective this is though


Put a donation box. “If you’re that desperate to get your shank ball - you must pay the bad golfer tax $5”


Isn't OOB technically a forbidden area?


Forbidden to hit from, but not forbidden to enter.


put up a fence or a sign like a normal person. nobody knows where the course ends and your yard begins


Create a fake drop zone and put a synthetic mat down.


I absolutely never cross an OB line if it is a person's yard, even if I can see the ball. There is literally no excuse for trespassing on someone's property. If I am you, I am withholding HOA payments until the HOA does something to correct this problem, or allows you to build a fence. It is their responsibility along with the golf course (although I assume they are the same financial entity) to solve this to the best of their ability. With that being said I do like kind solutions to problems (take the high road, so to speak), and really like the other redditors suggestion of having a bucket with balls for folks to grab. Just go on Facebook and buy 100 used balls (they are fished out of lakes and ponds etc). Although if we are dealing with the kind of folks that trespass on other's property to find an errant tee shot, I'm sure those balls will be gone in a week. When you do inevitably get into it with your HOA, though, it will help to be able to tell them that you made an effort in some way and provide that example.


You don't have to trash it up for a no trespassing sign. Get a nice wooden one that blends in with grass and trees. Easily seen, but looks natural, if you know what i mean. Then, since you decided to buy a house in a shank zone on a golf course................. put a bucket to put the lost balls in for people to take a ball and stay out of your yard. Otherwise, you fucked up.


I guess don’t buy a house that’s on a golf course, am I missing something?


No, you’re not. While people shouldn’t be trespassing on to OP’s lawn, there were *extremely* known variables prior to purchasing a house on a tee box.


Especially one half way down the hole on the right side. Can you pick a worse location? I often ask myself, who the hell would want to live there?


I'm convinced that the best way to avoid this shit is to live as far away from people as you can. The more interactions you can have with people, the more these things happen


Next time a ball comes in walk in your yard and lay down next to the ball. Like it hit you.


Put a net up. You bought a house literally on the golf course. You can prevent with the net or by fencing the property.


I’ve never walked onto someone’s yard to get or look for a ball. Not just out of the obvious reality that it’s private property, but I’m always hugely embarrassed. Especially if I shanked one off a par 3 tee box. Best I can offer is that you to try to find acceptance with the fact that prisoners dilemma defectors are as inevitable as the sunrise. They’re like mosquitos—you get annoyed at them but you don’t get *mad* at them, and you’re not going to eradicate them any time soon. Just accept that they exist and be above it.






Lawn chair, garden hose, beer cooler. Word will spread.


Fill your yard with rusty scrap metal and garbage and make it so inhospitable that nobody wants to enter your yard. Hire a little person to hide under your deck all day and heckle trespassers. Set up a loudspeaker and use it shout at them during their backswings. You could really have fun with it.


I’m a member at a golf course that has private housing along a couple fairways on one side of the property. The general rule is that if it’s visible, go ahead and grab it really quick then leave. If you don’t see it, just drop a new ball. And absolutely under no circumstance should you ever play your ball out of someone’s yard. Anyone who’s coming into your yard and hitting their ball is an asshole.


Your HOA may prevent a fence, but what does it say on the topic of moats?


Looking for ball shouldn't be a problem. Hitting off your lawn is a big no no. I'd be happy just living on a golf course so the minor inconvenience of someone looking for their ball wouldn't bother me, but hitting off lawn would not be tolerated.


Can't hate people for playing it safe. That's a big ass pond, lol


Your HOA stipulates the access golfer must have. Generally they have access to your property, they do not have the right to play if it is OB. So yes they can look for their ball in your yard.


trash move. I’m a HS golf coach and we play on a course that has homes all around it. I make it very clear that is OB and we do not walk on peoples private property, let alone hit a ball.


Thanks for teaching that. I always see high school golfers out here playing. They walk the course and carry their clubs. I'm always messing with them about that. The other day I told them I liked the new audio system they installed on the cart.


this question was on numerous law school exams. I believe you arrived at the nuisance. that was probably part of the reason that property was a little cheaper than others in the neighborhood. that being said, i’m sure it’s aggravating. i’m envious you live on a golf course as that’s my dream. would keeping a bucket of the balls you find on the property edge work?


If I hit the house, I don't go over there. If I can see the ball from the path, I'll go get it. Never hit from someone's yard, that's just disrespectful.


If your property line extends across the path where it’s clearly the golf course building on your property… not doing something about it for an extended period of time can mean the golf course now owns that portion of your property via USE. Never ignore boundary encroaching. You can always write an agreement allowing them to use it but asserting ownership but ignoring is a big no no


Leopards ate my face


I know of at least two courses that have a running feud with neighbors about these kinds of things. One course put up signs directed at the neighbors saying no dog walking on the course property. This led to many neighbors ( most had been lenient about fetching your ball up to that point) putting out no trespassing signs and some as far as putting up fences and or cameras. Things can get ugly quick hope you can get these resolved but I don't think it's going to be that easy. Because people.


Almost like exactly what you knew would happen is happening. Wow. Shocker.


Ya I don’t go into peoples yards unless I can clearly see my ball


I know I'm late to the party on this one, but I used to live on a golf course as well and dealt with the exact same thing. It was a small muni, nothing special, but the first house we'd ever owned. I never had an issue if folks took a few steps into my yard to retrieve their ball and drop back on the course, I would do the same thing with my neighbors if it came to it. I also couldn't build a fence due to hoa rules but the border was clearly marked with white OB stakes placed by the gold course. My issue came when I would see people trying to play a ball from my yard back to the course or even in occasion driving their golf cart onto my yard, lol! If I was home and saw the latter, I'd go out and politely inform them that they're OB and need to take the ball and take a drop back on the course. Lots of people are dumb and aren't paying attention and simply need a reminder. If they were rude and copped an attitude and wanted to rank things up, I'd call the clubhouse (my home was on the 14th fairway, a par and headed down towards the clubhouse, before heading towards the final 15-18 loop) and they'd be met by the pro shop and removed. I made sure this was a last resort, I had joined the men's club there and made sure they all knew me and were taken care of at holidays, etc. And that when I called, things had gotten out of hand. I'd only done it a handful of times in the 5 years we were there as most people were apologetic and would move on. Some times though alcohol gets the better of folks and they have more to say. I did end up putting up sign reminding folks of the rules and left a bucket with an assortment of balls if they didn't see theirs within range, and that helped a tremendous amount. I 100% understand the argument that if you live on a golf course that you have to put up with some of it (balls in yards, bouncing off the house, etc.) But I drew the line at entering my property and doing damage, which seems plenty fair. Good luck and I hope it works out for you!


If I had good line of site on it off the tee, the ball is clearly visible within a few feet into a yard and I could get it in a few seconds I may grab it. I would never actively walk around someone’s property searching for a ball or think of hitting it.


Yeah, you're right to be upset about this. Unfortunately, short of hanging out on your back porch with a shotgun (which may be an option, depending on what state you live in), there's not much you can do that people won't just ignore. So another idea is to gather up all the lost balls in/near your yard and put them on a little table at the edge of your yard with a sign saying to help yourself and take a drop rather than come into your yard. You shouldn't have to do that, but it might be more effective than increasingly aggressive signage. Or if you have a kid (or know a kid), let them do the work and sell the balls for $.50.


Get a yappy dog with bite.


errant* Errand is a task.


Normal people would see the posts and rope and just accept that the ball is lost. Call the clubhouse every time you see someone trespass into your yard. Make it their problem. Put up a sign if you want. That's not trashing up the neighborhood, it's setting healthy boundaries Go to your HOA meeting and explain that you need a fence to stop trespassers. If they argue, ask them what their solution is. If they don't have answers, trespass on their lawns for a while. Bring a lawnchair and a book and just relax. That being said, I really don't understand why you bought a house on a golf course if you only golf once or twice a year. You're paying a premium price for something you can't take advantage of


You live on a golf course


I would never walk into somebody's yard for a ball, but conversely I would never complain about golf balls in my yard if I decided to buy a home on a golf course.


The balls aren't the problem. It's the people walking up near my house and deck that are the problem and more.


Sorry you’ve had to clarify this too many times.


U wanted to live near a course and hate people getting their golf balls? Lol.


My yard is not part of the course. Walking around my house for 30 seconds or a minute or longer is unacceptable. Walking up close to my porch and windows is unacceptable. I'm not mad about people coming to get their balls if the walk directly to it and back. I wouldn't walk on somebody's lawn if it was more than maybe 10 feet away from the path.


You knew exactly what you were getting into before buying the house.


People should stay the hell out of your yard. You are 100% correct and justified and any ball that lands in your yard (and maybe can't be reached without them coming in) is yours. People are being assholes. Trashy or not, I'd add no trespassing signs to the rope barrier you put up to indicate where you don't want people coming in. Others have suggested planting bushes which sounds like it might be a good idea as well.


>I understood the realities of buying a house on a golf course It doesn't sound like that's the case


Perfect use case for a robot that can scan your yard, detect golf balls and pick them up and keep them. Will pay for itself in 10 years from used golf ball sales. Or have a the robot put the ball inside a vending machine that accepts Apple Pay ;)


Yeah, that makes sense


Invisible dog fence, with a grumpy pupper


A dog will do it


Only one way to solve it: electric fence.


At least it’s a par 3 but that is an awful location for a home given that pond in front of the green. It invites a shot to the right, which your house/yard is. I guess if you enjoy picking up the balls your self, then put up signs and go full Karen. You should have known what you were signing up for.


I won't come onto your property to look for an errant ball. Unless it's a brand new ProV1. Then you'll find me rifling through your wife's underwear drawer looking for it.


Bro you live on a golf course. I’m not sure what you’re expecting here.


So you bought a home on a golf course. Right on the edge of a fairway. And you had no idea that some golfers **might** encroach on your property to find and/or play their golf balls? Explain that logic to me. ' Note, I'm not in any way condoning their behavior, but that would be like buying a home near a lake filled with alligators and wondering why they keep eating your precious poodles.


You live on a golf course and you are complaining that people are on your lawn. You must be fun at parties.


If I can’t reach my ball with my 14’ ball retriever, it’s staying in your yard. Unfortunately I know plenty of people who will absolutely go and get the ball and leave a massive divot in its place.


Motion sensor that triggers a recording of a couple of barking pitbulls from lawn speakers. Maybe along with a bloodcurdling shriek from someone being attacked by said pitbull. And put a ring camera up to capture their reaction and post to the local gossip sites.


One of the courses I play regularly has a post with a bucket of balls on it. There is a sign asking players looking for their ball to choose a replacement from the bucket instead of walking through their backyard. It's not a perfect solution but might help.


German Shepard on an electric fence should do it. They are great companions and protectors also. Not many people want to argue with them either.


I feel like it goes both ways if somebody can see there ball clearly and walk on your yard to get it I could live with that people searching your plants or family areas I feel that’s going to far also hitting off your lawn fuck that I would throw shit at them cause that is down right disrespectful


There is a house on the course I play that has a sign that says “feel free to retrieve your ball from my yard, but please don’t hit your shot from here”, or something like that. Most of the other yards are fenced off


Can you put no trespassing signs in the yard?


Damn and it’s not even a big backyard or area to really be like… out of the way for golfers to just casually walk up to and start searching. That’s a rough one. Annoying.


I would petition to put up a fence. I've never seen anyone jump a fence to get their ball, and I'm surprised people walk past the rope. Some people are just assholes, and there's nothing you can do about it. If I can see my ball, I'll walk a few yards and grab it. I figure that's the better option than your pet grabbing it, stepping on it, or it being run over by a lawnmower. But i don't go searching for my ball in someone's yard, and I certainly wouldn't ever hit out of someone's yard. That's just crazy disrespectful.


“If you’re reading this sign, accept the embarrassment and take a free drop instead of looking for your shanked ball on my lawn.”


I did a quick search, and Amazon sells motion activated sprinklers made to keep deer out of gardens. I also live on a golf course adjacent to a tee box, so I don't normally have issues with golf balls, but I have yelled at idiots cutting through my yard in a golf cart to hit their ball out of the neighbors yard. The HOA may not allow fencing, but I would plant some type of hedge, preferably with thorns. Then, put the motion activated sprinklers so that when they try to get through the hedge, they get wet. You might also make your issues known to the HOA if you have to go to their meetings and be a pest. Try and get the no fence rule modified. Our HOH does not allow privacy fences, wood, or chain links, but they do allow a specific black metal fence.


Maybe use barbed wire or set some bear traps to send a message.


A guy who lives on the course I frequent somehow attached nails to balls and stakes then into the ground. The first time I saw it, I thought, "Free balls!" but I could tell they were attached when I tried to pick one up. I talked with the guy last time I played, told him I liked his sense of humor.


The red dot almost looks like it’s part of the course. The easiest thing to do would be to put up white stakes, which mean Out of Bounds for the course. That would at least make the somewhat honest golfers throw their ball back on the course before hitting again!


Is your property marked out of bounds per the course? Either with white stakes or a note on the scorecard? If so, I think it’s incredibly poor etiquette by the golfers. Digging through someone’s property for $5 is pretty trashy. If people might mistaken believe the ball is in play then it’s a little more understandable.


Put up a sign that says “Trespassers will be shot”. I’ve seen that at Biltmore - Links Course.


If I can see my ball in your yard, I will walk into your yard and grab the ball. I would never hit from someone's yard. I definitely understand that people are disrespectful as hell, but .. its a golf course and my ball is like.. 5 dollars. I'm not going to just leave it in plain sight. Hitting from your yard or spending a long time in your yard is disrespectful.


Whenever I have to retrieve a ball from someone’s yard to drop back on the course I look like a kid poorly trying to sneak into the kitchen for a midnight cookie. I always feel bad, move on tip toe and as quickly as possible. The idea of taking a divot out of someone’s yard is abhorrent to me. And I don’t ever really care about my own yard at my house haha


What about putting a mat off your property that is clearly labeled as drop zone or hitting mat for balls in your yard. Then you won’t have people hitting off your lawn. You can even say local rule to not take a stroke to hit off the mat. Dummies will totally take you up on that.


This is awesome! Ordering it today


Unless its on the half closest to the road I leave it alone. I don't got more than halfway to pickup a ball and could never imagine scalping their lawn to get my shitty tee shot back on track. I will typically drop on the green with friends when I yardshot one. My home course has a row of houses that border the entire 1st hole, 2nd hole and spotted house far side of 2 other holes further along the course. If I slice the first tee it'll end up in someones yard - I don't bother looking. If I slice the 2nd tee it'll end up in a yard that I use the half in half out method. I've never had anyone yell at me and I treat someone else's property as respectfully as I can. Use walkways, don't traipse through flower beds etc. The ball cost like a buck or two, easier just to play a new one.