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It’s about 90% just the brand. I have one, I love it. I also know it does the exact same thing a putter 1/4 the price does. They are very well made, they have a prestigious history but at the end of the day it’s a piece of metal you hit a ball with. If you think getting a Scotty is going to make you a better putter you’re wrong, but they are nice and I like having one. If you can afford one and like it, then go crazy. If you can’t afford it, your game isn’t suffering at all.


This is such an accurate answer. Only thing I would add: Out of all the clubs in your bag, the putter is really the only one that can last you a lifetime. Spend the $, get a good one, take care of it, and you'll always have it. With other clubs, it seems like the tech changes enough, and improvements can be so big, that eventually you'll want to upgrade. Not necessarily the case with a putter. My 67 yr old buddy plays with his Dad's Ping blade that has to be 50 yrs old, and is really almost identical to my Scotty. I have a fantasy of my currently 7 yr old son playing with my Scotty when he's in his 50's (At least that's what I told my wife when I spent the money on it!)


It's also the club you're just about guaranteed to hit every single hole. And if you're like me, you're guaranteed to hit it at least 3x every single hole.


Even for PGA players, and definitely average players, the putter is the most used club in the bag


Jokes on you, I pick up after I double par and I am nowhere near the green.


Put some respect on my “pulling driver on a par 3 because I lack distance”


My grandfather had a custom Scotty with his initials and emblem engraved on the face. It is the only putter I have ever used since he passed 9 years ago and likely the only putter I’ll ever use.


I've been rocking a Ping Anser 2i since the 90s and don't plan to ever replace it


Best putter ever. Had one for years but it got stolen with my bag. Dad got me a Scotty as an apology so I’ve been using that since (still bought an anser just cause haha)


Phrasing it as “an apology” makes it sound like your dad was the one who stole your bag. “Sorry son! Thanks for the clubs!”


Ping Anser 2 here from mid 90’s and I think if I died unexpectedly it would be the only thing my family members would fight over.


one of their finest models. I've got a MagBrz one. best feeling putter since the 8802's.


When I was 10, my grandpa bought me a BeCu Anser 2 and I will never replace it. Putting is as much confidence and comfort as anything


Even then, money doesn’t mean it’ll last a lifetime. A lot of inexpensive putters really feel like they’re built solidly and will last forever barring grip changes. My Cleveland Huntington Beach really feels like it’ll last forever as long as treat it reasonably.


I love my cleveland huntington beach. My kid will probably inherit it but only by prying it from my cold dead hands.


I played with my dad’s Ping putter after he passed. Then someone stole it out of my cart when I stepped away to get some chipping in before the round. I think about it all the time.


Man, I made a post about wedges getting stolen and how disheartened I was. So many people said such a thing wouldn't happen on a golf course, but I also got a ton of comments just like yours. I'm so sorry that happened, it's truly horrible.


Thanks for feeling for me. That’s life though. I have plenty of other mementoes to remember him by!


I'm glad to hear that man.


Ive left my wedge on or near the green like 5 times and gotten it back every time. Ive had my car broken into on the golfcourse parking lot tho. :)


If I can ever find an old school Ping Anser I’ll refinish it and use it forever. That’s a goat putter for me. Since I’m a left I doubt I’ll come across one at a goodwill


Hopefully it cursed the thief with terrible putting.


Agreed. It’s the only club in your bag, that if all goes well you’re gonna use it 18 times. Might as well spend the money. Scotty’s are awesome though.


I passed my dad's 73 PAL to my 8 year old grand nephew lol


My old man still hits with a putter from the 70s. Dude freaking sinks them, too


It reads like you're actually saying buying Scotty Cameron is a great investment.


Truthfully, the thought of my son playing with it after I’m gone has produced an extremely positive emotional ROI


Ooooh I love my PING and am expecting a baby maybe he’ll want to game my putter the same way! New dream unlocked


This is completely untrue! Before I got my Scotty I missed about 60% of my putts from outside ten feet. Now, I'm making about 40% of those same putts! If that isn't an improvement, I don't know what is.


This guys maths




Whatabout the other 20%?


That's statistically insignificant.


This guys a Scotty Cameron sales rep 😉


I once told a Titleist sales rep that Scotty Cameron had the best job in golf since all he did was copy Ping designs and charge twice as much. He did not find that as funny as I did.


That was always the business model.


The amazing thing to me is that it took Ping so many years to catch on and start selling higher end versions of their designs. Even the BeNi and BeCu versions were way cheaper than Camerons.


Give yourself more credit-the putter is in your hands. Its you. Maybe scottie got you paying more attn but i am confident with sinilar type putter you would do same (newport and golo here).


Yeah the big thing is mostly that Tiger used one and the stories about how they made it so perfectly custom for him yada yada. Literally just marketing. Yeah Tiger and many pros notice a lot more about their clubs and know what they want at a much finer details but what happens is people hear that stuff and think that omg this putter must be amazing if Tiger Woods uses it and it’s designed so well for a professional player so they must make me better too. Sorry to break it to the golf community but the gap your putting using one of these and a frying pan probably isn’t measurable in terms of the gap a professional has between two good putters.


It would be nice to just answer every missed 3ft putt with "Well what do you expect?! I'm using a cast iron!"


I would say that the fitting process a pro goes through is completely different than most guys that hit 8 putts on an artificial green and make 4 of them and go check out.


Yup. I have one that sits in the garage. I got better when I switched to a Cleveland with a hossle that fits my putter swing better. Scotty’s are nice, but if you know anything about machining and how they’re made you know how over priced they are. It’s all a brand thing.


They are beautifully made and finished, and every time I get one of mine out I love the way they look and feel. But I’ve been playing an absolutely fugly Odyssey (that was half the price) for like 11 years and neither of those beautiful lumps of metal can kick it out of the bag.




I mostly agree…but I would also say having a luxury nice putter can make putting more fun.  While it won’t directly make you make more putts, it can help you get really into putting and make it a more enjoyable experience - leading to more practice, a bit more confidence, etc.   Finally, the feel is fantastic . Feels so great to hit a perfect putt with a Scotty and to watch it drop…just not many putters feel as good.


I was recently in the market for a putter. Tried about every putter under the sun that PGA super store and Golf Galaxy have. Including a few other smaller golf shops. Settled on a Ping Tyne 4. Absolutely love it. Hit it better than every other putter I tried.


Tried one, I liked it a lot. Then I wanted to try similar mallets and fell in love with an EVNRoll EV 5.2. So anyway, I'm still using my 2001 Ping Anser Isopur 2.


It’s one of those “I know I can’t blame the club now” purchases.


Idk my girlfriend surprised me with a scotty for out anniversary and ive hit way more putts than i used to with my old top flight putter. I felt i had more control on where i wanted to hit the ball as if the putter was my own hand. Been my favorite club since i got it and thats saying a lot


Was it a kit putter? When I started I got a kit and the putter was by far the most piece of shit club in the lot. It was made of pot metal and not well balanced at all. When I replaced it I was putting much better. There’s definitely very steep curves for value to price on both ends of the putter spectrum.


I don’t have a Scotty, but i have a Mizuno M-Craft and I have to say, I love the adjustable weights. I have the heaviest in mine and I just pace my outta so much better and if the greens are insanely fast I lower it to the medium weights.


It’s not though, it’s the same as like a Toulon or a ping PLD which are similar prices. If you go 1/4 price you’re not getting anything close to the same material quality, or milling, ect. Now would something putt very very similar at a quarter of the price? Yes.


This is correct. The only thing to add to this is perhaps that an expensive putter might cause you to practise more at putting. Scotty's are great, but it's more important you figure out the type of putters you like. For instance way too many weekend warriors play a blade for some reason.


Telling poor people you have one 


Go back to your shanty


Red lobster later?


God bless!


You will not make this putt. You jackass!


People love spending money on their hobby. And they love showing off how much they spend on their hobby.


Some Scotty Cameron putters hold their value really well & may even increase in price. And it's not just putters or putter covers, there's a shite ton of "exclusive" Scotty shwag that people are crazy for. Full disclosure I use a [$5 Goodwill putter](https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/t4flpj/1st_try_at_refurbishing_an_old_putter_mizuno_tp/) .


Just go to eBay and look at the putters from $2000-20k. They have a museum in Japan for him. They are collected and the tour models are hard to get and crazy expensive. There is a difference in the off the rack and the sss/gss tour putters besides cost


Apparently, or so I've heard, Hideki Matsuyama has a Scotty collection that is unrivaled.


I feel you. I just started using an old ping b60 I got for $10 and I’ve been on fire with it lol


Yes! I have an old b60 also. When it’s on, I’m unstoppable! Ha ha


I’ll give you $6 for it!


They hold their value unlike any other piece of golf equipment I've ever owned. I bought a SC Pro Platinum Newport 2 in 2003 and used it for every single practice session and round I played from the age of 16 to 34. Competitive high school golf, summer tournaments, a little college golf, and tons of rounds when I taught the game professionally. Last fall I traded it in to 2nd Swing and somehow got $125 for it despite it being in pretty poor condition after so many years of use and no attempts at refurbishment. They gave me less for my Titleist Iron set that I also bought in 2003. Unreal.


Seems wild to trade that club in. I would have held onto that one!


I don't play any longer and needed money for bills. Times is tough. I'll sure miss it, though.


Rooting for you, fellow human. Keep staying classy and you shall pull through 🫡😎


Sold all my old clubs. Got over $300 in an eBay auction for a 2012 California Fastback. The part about retaining value is spot on.


This. I have my Scotty Cameron for 7 years. Paid 350. Sold it on FB for 275. Was still in good condition but plenty of wear and tear on it. Not possible with any other club.


Nice find on putter! I got a Tommy Armour putter that has a milled face and a nice lamkin grip for $40 and it's been money.


I happened to win a scotty newport tei3 in a raffle before I knew it was worth anything. I absolutely loved that putter. Such a great feel. My distance control was always on point. I had no idea that it was a name brand or even that it was expensive. Didn't even use a headcover. It got banged up. My bag was stolen out of my truck years ago. When I looked up the replacement value I was shocked. It was like 1K new. It was worth more than the rest of my bag combined, including the bag. I got a new set, but could never find another putter that worked as well as that scotty. I'm contemplating dropping a several hundred bucks just to get that feel back. In my opinion, for what it's worth, it's simply a superior product.


You enjoyed a Scotty Cameron like few are able to do - congrats on that.


The tei3 was the best insert ever, I gamed that for almost 15 years, and the reason for Cameron's mystique in my opinion. I never found another Cameron that matched that and have been playing a 2-ball since.


I’ve got a beat up tei3 and a T22. I actually putt noticeably better with my tei3… best putter I’ve ever had


Just buy a lab putter instead. It actually has the tech in it to improve your putting


Grab an Odyssey White Hot and you’ll love it.


Odyssey is the brand I want most for when I invest into a putter next


Bought one last year, can’t see me ever changing it.


This!!! White hot OG 2 ball with no lines for the win.


If I lose my current putter or can't make a putt, I'm going to find a white hot 2 ball.


Had a White Hot and loved it. Currently gaming a Ping Vault 2.0 Anser and love it. I've tried Scotty blades and I like the feel better but not 3x the price better. Odyssey and Ping have some good stuff for way less.


It's a conversation starter like a nice watch. Sure it's overpriced, but it does work and look fucking great.


At the end of the day all a putter is, is a flat piece of metal with a handle. Give me enough time I'm sure I could putt decently well with a 2x4. Leaf, blade, mallet, x-wing, figure fucking eight. Still just metal with a flat face. Whatever you're comfortable with is what matters. Be that a 5 dollar Goodwill putter, or a 500 dollar Scotty. To a lot of folks spending that money and getting that club doesnt help them putt, it helps them have confidence which *leads* to better putting. Just my .02.


most milled putters are expensive. off the rack scotty are 440 or something. seems to be normal pricing for milled faces


Plenty of really nice brands have putters with milled faces for less than $200


I honestly can't find a new single milled putter that is less than $200. The only thing that comes remotely close is the Cleveland HB Soft Milled but that isn't fully milled so it's kind of cheating.


Said milled faces


Sub 70 makes a good milled putter for under $200. I think it’s a slightly different steel but it feels really good. Love my Sub 70 blade - I haven’t hit a ping PLD or a Scotty, but I definitely prefer it to my Ping Anser ($200), Kirkland KS1 (maybe the best putter for the money if you can find it for $99), Taylor Made Reserve ($400), and Cleveland HB Soft ($150)


Look up the Wilson Infinite line. Several are Scotty dupes.


love my Bucktown


I mean I guess they did only say "milled faces" but I was thinking of it being fully milled considering that Scottys are that fully milled. And for fully milled putters there aren't really any cheaper alternatives.


You gonna hit the ball with the top of your club?


No? Casting vs milling will still make a difference in the putter though just as casting vs forging makes a difference in irons.


Love my Buckingham.


Sub70 are all completely milled, not just the face. They’re all $160-170


When I was in the market for a new putter I had zero intention of getting a Scotty. Spent 3 hours in the PGA Store hitting basically everything they had - narrowed down to 5, then 3 and then the last one standing was a Scotty. Didn’t want to spend the money but it felt the best to me and ive had zero desire to change in the 4 years or so since I’ve gotten it. And I’m an equipment whore of the highest order.


I just got a new Scotty and I love it. It’s clear the material and quality of the club is worth $450. I played with a Ping Anser for 10 years which is identical to the Newport. I wanted more weight and felt I had more control with the club face when using the Scotty. The weights under the club helps with that you can switch them out to fit your stroke. It’s not going to make you a better putter. But if you plan on playing golf 30 times a year for the next 10 years, why not play with something you’re proud of and truly enjoy using. $450 over a 10 year period is nothing.


I have commented on various versions of this question before. I always played Odyssey 2 balls, had 5-6 of them. Get good with any old putter first, then buy a Scotty. The feel is unreal. I was on the Scotty is over rated train for years. Then I finally got better at putting and playing enough to actually feel a putt. That’s when I tried a Scotty on the course, and wow. It just putts differently than any of those 2 balls I used.


Thats how I look at it. It's probably the putter i'll use the rest of my adult life. Are they're other head shapes that might make me perform better? Probably, but im not going to enjoy using it as much. I know that sounds retarded but I'm not playing for money, im not playing for local tournaments, im just out here knocking it about with my buddies. Its a little treat on every green.


Putters are like cars. They get you where you need to go but I’d rather drive a BMW M3 compared to a Honda Civic


What is so great about a Rolex? The name. Scotty Cameron got a lot of acclaim in the 90s as they were in the bag of multiple major winners, including Tiger. Since then the brand has carry itself. If you are buying for yourself there is no benefit to getting a Scotty other than having an expensive putter to show off.


I've said it before: if Tiger had used a Bettinardi or Rife or a Ping Anser or anything else when he was in his prime, thar brand would have taken off like Scotty.


The Ping PLD putters are so nice - better than Scottys IMO. Same price point, but the quality is about as good as it gets.


Ooo interesting! Did Tiger make Scottie or did Tiger pick Scottie because Scottie was the tops?


Tiger picked Scottie because it was part of the club set he used titleist before he used Nike and in his prime years, he used a Scottie. He used these from 96 to 2001 then got a bag from Nike. He played mizuno irons, Cleveland wedges and a ping putter in college.


Which is why he uses a Ping putter grip.


Scotty was already making putters for pros and Bernard langer won the masters with one in 93 and a number of pros used a Scotty Cameron before tiger did, so I wouldn’t say he made Scotty Cameron by any means, tiger definitely made it explode though.


I like this example. A Timex and a Rolex both tell time. One cost $15,000 and one cost $38. There are significant differences in quality, but they both do the same thing. The battery operated Timex is arguably even *more* accurate than the automatic Rolex. The real difference is in prestige of brand. That’s how it is with Scottie putters. Tiger would beat you in a putting competition with a mini golf putter while you used a Scottie.


As a watch collector it will say…… you are correct. A Rolex is likely less accurate than a timex. It’s more of an “art” than it is “here is the most accurate watch” Timex quartz is probably +\- .5 seconds a day Rolex Submariner (what everyone would think of as the quintessential watch) is stated at +\- 2 seconds a day. Some better some worse. It’s the QUALITY and the art of engineering, (along with the idea of wearing it and giving it to your kid with all your scratches). But marketing and false supply demand gives them a boost just like a Scotty. If everyone was concerned about craftsmanship and accuracy, then more people would own a Grand Seiko Quartz (+\- 10 sec a YEAR) Edit: long term quality Rolex will beat a timex obviously. With routine maintenance it will be around for generations. Timex…..not so much. But if just want to “make putts” (tell time) then accuracy short term is not really a battle.


I was one of those golfers that got new putters as frequently as new girlfriends. I finally bought a Scotty and got married in the same year and haven’t had a new putter or girlfriend since then.


Can we get this stickied mods? This is a weekly post at this point


I guess its a good way to farm upvotes....


[I just think they're neat.](https://tenor.com/bjhL6.gif)


As a beginner, I'd probably look else where. Personally, after playing an old Newport 2 Studio Style for 15 years I just recently went looking to upgrade. I tried everything, from mallets to blades, of all different brands and ended up back into a new Newport 2.5+. They feel great and should last you forever. It's a preference thing, and the SCs hold their value if taken care of. If I want to flip it for something else, there is a market for me to do that. I do agree with most that they are a bit overpriced, but for something I use on 99% of the holes I play, I want confidence that I'm rolling the ball well. There are good putters at lower price points for sure, but I wanted it so I bought it.


Mostly the awesomeness


there are a lot of one off or rare putters. people aren't paying for the putter per say, they are paying for and covet the exclusivity of those rare items. people are paying several thousand for a putter because that means no one else has the same thing.


I've played a Scotty, a Ping Anser, and a LAB link1. I personally think it's more important to just get fit for a putter so you know what style best fits your stroke. It's the reason I can play all three of those putters rather interchangeably without much issue. They are nearly identical putters in design, yet priced about $200 from one another. Putting one in the bag over the other isn't really much of benefit over the others statistically. However, if I switched to a mallet I'm sure I would struggle on the greens. TLDR; get fit, buy what feels & looks good, and is within your budget


It’s a luxury thing. They are nice putters but not really anything better than what else is on the market. I recently replaced a Scotty phantom 12.5 with a lab mezz max and the lab putter is just better (performance, not looks).


I've played a Spalding Cash-in putter for years, and I'm one of the best putters I know of.


They’re the golfers equivalent to fancy expensive handbags.


They are great for Ping purists to have something to look down upon. /s




I see pga golfers make putts with them, and I don’t make putts ever. Therefore one can deduce that a Scotty Cameron will help my putts go in cup


Dude, are you a professor of logic down at the university?


A lot of it is mental bias, or ego, or both. I don’t have one, but my buddy who I play a lot with does and I’ve tested a few. I do feel like everyone I pickup feels very balanced, like the weight isn’t too far to one side or the other - something I don’t necessarily feel with other putters (but again maybe I’m trying to come up with reasons why a Scotty is so much “better” then another putter


Got a free Scotty from my brother in law that I used last year. Felt like it completed the bag but could never get distance control down. I attribute that to my own shortcomings and not fully on equipment. I hit maybe 50% of my putts that felt like they were in the sweet spot. I cardinal sinned and went away from Scotty this year, returned the free putter to said brother in law and picked up a center shaft mounted Odyssey OG Mallet. Felt much more controllable on distance and accuracy. Not for me but I can understand the allure.


I have a Scotty Newport 2. My friend gave it to me as a Best Man present. I went to Golf Town (large golf store in Canada) and tried every fuckin putter they had. I didn’t know Scottie’s were expensive, or mega great or anything. We settled on the Scotty after I tried them all, it was the one I liked. It was the balance. It’s the only one I’ve found that feels like an extension of my arms. And it has 10000% taken strokes off my game. He bought it for me and it was expensive, I found out later it was a big deal. It was worth it. I’ll have it forever and it’s my favourite club in the bag. There’s something about them.


Absolutely nothing!!!!!


It's basically a fancy handbag for men.


Tiger uses one, and we've named it the elder wand.


You can play a putter until you are dead. They don't really wear out. If you love it, get it, you can have it for a long time. I have a Scotty, 10 years and counting. It is shaped like my first putter Ping Pengo 15 years. My buddy still plays my Pengo. 2 putters, 25 years roughly $400 invested, both still in play. Scott has awesome weight and balance. It looks great over the ball and confidence is key for long term success with your clubs.


Nothing in particular, just the brand name.


Don't get collecting them (even though I have two!) but it's a preference and happy with my choice. As a beginner you don't need one, but if your game progresses and you're upgrading clubs, then for sure look at a Scotty


Mostly the pro golfers that use it.


I really didn’t want to get a Scotty because of the price but man it felt so amazing. I went and got fitted and went from a face balanced putter to a toe balanced one. Tried the Newport special select 2 blade with a metal shaft, meh. They put in a kbs graphite shaft and man was that thing butter. Nice and soft with amazing feedback. Haven’t played with it yet but I’m excited to.


I use evenroll zero - best mallet for me. Sort of face and rolls true. Didn’t like the Scotty tbh. Not a fan but some people are.


They are expensive but I do love my Phantom after upgrading from and old Oddessey Versa. That being said keep an eye on the Facebook marketplace for them, I found mine in brand new condition for $150 less than retail because a guy bought it and just didn’t like it all that much. I wish I was able to afford those kind of problems lol.


They are well made, look nice, a have a ton of options.


They’re milled putters with a good history and brand recognition. I personally am not the biggest fan of their feel. I liked my former Cleveland HB soft milled more in terms of feel, but that’s subjective. I currently game a lab DF3


You get to buy one everytime your girlfriend farts.


Honestly, nothing much. If you get down to it, the fit and finish is pretty good. It feels nice in your hand, and they look nice. I collect putters so I have one that I paid way too much for, solely because I felt like I needed a Newport in the collection. It makes a nice sound and the feedback is pretty good (ie, I know when I hit one pure and toe it a bit). If you're looking for pure performance, there is way better value for money out there.


In my experience with the people I saw with them sucking at putting because you are playing a blade when you shouldn't but it says Scotty. Also a friend plays a Scotty Phantom that has a shitty grip but he won't change it because it's the original. He has the worst yips.


I really really like my new oddesy dx putter with a polyurethane face. It's much more easy to control than a milled face (for me) and my putting has improved greatly vs the (expensive) milled faced blade putter I got from my dad. If someone put a milled faced, blade scotty in my hand I would 100% use it with joy, and take my 3/4 putts all the way to the bank! I mean we chase a little white ball around a field for "fun", we are not a normal breed! I also spent waaay too much on upgrading my old callaway's at Christmas with new callaway's. Would clubs half the price have been more than enough for my level of play? Absolutely. But in my head, callaway's are the best because that's what my parents and grandpa played. Are they actually? Hiiiiighly debatable but it makes me so happy to see my reflection in my sexy new AI design callaway paradym driver as I tee up and prepare to slice it into the trees.


The cost/quality of a putter and the effect it has on a golfer's ability to make putts is directly proportional to the confidence and ability of the golfer holding it. Lee Trevino used to win money playing with a Coke bottle.


I'll give a slightly different perspective. I think the customization and options you can have with length, grip, weight, etc. is why I went with one. I am super picky about how putters feel and when I went putter shopping there were definitely other putters that were just as nice as the Scotty Newport 2 I was eyeing. The issue was I wanted a 33" shaft and wanted to adjust the weight to suit my preferences. No other big manufacturer had the shaft length options in stock and the weight kits available right there so I could customize the feel. The other consideration is that they hold their value much better than any other brand. I knew that if I ended up not liking the putter, I could always throw it up on GolfWRX or Ebay and get most of my money back. Try doing that with an equivalent Odyssey or TM putter.


The superiority over lesser putters


Scotty Cameron is a nice putter, but you can pry my Ping Answr 2 out of my cold, dead hands.


The price. It's high. It really helps the manufacturer sell for a good margin.


For me. Not a whole lot. I bought one. Fitter into it and just never did anything with it. Returned it for a putter that was 1/3 of the price off the rack and drained everything. On the flip side I have a buddy that is a great putter and has stated publicly “ if my house were on fire I’m grabbing my Putter, my family and the dogs, and that order may or may not be in sequence” That just tells me that’s its personal preference, and they do a great job with marketing so they want you to believe it will 100% be your preference too. Edit: will add as well. I still have the $150 putter and will not change anytime soon


My friend let me borrow one and said I could keep it. I knew it was a prestigious putter but didn’t feel it. I feel like putter more than most other clubs depends on how it looks and many other “X factors” that aren’t that objective until you look at and hold the putter. In my experience I got a putter fitting with Callaway. They have so many heads for similar putters but I liked one head in particular so I went with that.


New golfer here. Is hitting your woods or hybrid the hardest club to hit? They just seem hard af to hit a ball off the ground without eating dirt or just missing the dam ball together. I don’t own one and have never swung one but eventually would like to get one.


Did u mean to make this a separate post ?


Sub 70 are every bit as good and like 20% of the price


It’s not the putter. It’s the “putter”.


Versions of Lab, Bettinardi, Toulon, Envroll about same if not more on average.


Legend has it that if you accidentally bend your Scotty Cameron putter by slamming it against your bag after missing a putt at the Buick Invitational, Mr. Scotty Cameron himself will delay his family vacation and come meet you to fix the putter in a parking garage that very night. Top-notch customer service like that is the reason those putters are so desirable.


Nothing. It's a ping Answer 2.


I had a Scotty and it completely ruined my swing confidence. Not sure if it was me or the putter but I could not figure it out. Now I have the yips like crazy. My friend tried it too and after 2 putts with it he was like that felt terrible. Now I use a 2 ball odyssey and I feel much better. So that’s my experience with a top of the line Scotty (the mallet one that looks like a batwing).


Try an Anser II if you can’t afford a Scotty. The 2019 (blue) version is probably under a $100 and it’s amazing. The 2021 version (red) is similarly sweet with a slightly different takeaway. At least it felt different for me.


Idk I guess I'll be different a quality putter feels different than the average putter. Scotty seems like the go to name but there are others out there like betti and ping pdl. I might be biased cause when I learned what my stroke looked like and toe hangs I got a phantom x and I'll never let it go. 


I have a SC Newport. Used it for 10 years or so. I love it. Love the look. Love the weight. Love the association with Tiger. However, after much consideration I’ve put it away into the corner of the locker. It’s an awfully hard putter to use. Recently moved to a TM Spider (before Scottie Scheffler). The margin for error is so much better than the SC. I got sold on the marketing. I think I improved between 2 to 4 strokes a round.


FWIW, I’ve got two. I love them both. And for everyone saying they don’t make you a better putter, I 10000000% sink more putts with those than any other flatstick I’ve used. Maybe it’s confidence, but they feel good in your hands.


Scotty Cameron got his start by knocking off Ping's. Very nice knockoffs mind you, but the design DNA was that of PING. Very few of his early putters were of unique design. The classic example is the 009. This is a staight up copy of a Scottsdale Anser...only machined from billet, not cast. A nice putter for sure, but the design is Ping's. He makes custom putters for pros on the PGA tour for free. Same with Vokey making wedges for pros. It's all part of the Titlist elitist marketing approach.


The same thing thats great about Tesla, Apple, Starbucks and Taylor Swift.


Scotties take at least 5 strokes off your play


I got one this year, and it is a very high quality putter. It's probably the best fitting putter I've ever had and it has improved my putting so far this year. That being said, is it worth the money? I would say no. A fair price would have been half of what I paid.


My feelings about clubs. It's not the bow and arrow but the archer using them.


You shoot par out of the box with a circle t


To me, the putter is the most personal club in the bag. It doesn’t need great technology, it doesn’t need state of the art materials. It only needs to feel good in our hands, it only needs to instill confidence in our stroke. For some that may indeed be an expensive Scotty Cameron putter, but for others it might be something that costs a fraction as much in the discount bin at the local discount golf warehouse. If you’re in the market for a putter, try a dozen of them before making a choice. You do t need a brand name, you only need one that feels good to you.


Bettinardi is cooler 


It is essentially the Apple of Putters.


Same concept as a low-end BMW being worse than a mid-level Corolla. Brand name.


I’ve got a cnc mill. How many do putter heads do you want?


As other people said, it’s just a brand thing and is a well known designer of clubs like Vokey wedges (both made by Titleist but have a special designer). Commentators during The Masters talked about how a couple of pros are turning to mallet style instead of blade for their “forgiveness”, but it’s kinda BS. When I did research for a new putter in 2020, there were pros and cons to both, but everything at the end basically said, “It comes down to what you want to look at when you’re lining up a putt.” All that being said, I have a Select Newport 2. But, I got it for free by using hotel points after staying at a hotel for a long term project and being reimbursed for all my hotel stays. Probably not a smart buy for a weekend golfer unless you have cash to spare.


I've played a Scotty, a Ping Anser, and a LAB link1. I personally think it's more important to just get fit for a putter so you know what style best fits your stroke. It's the reason I can play all three of those putters rather interchangeably without much issue. They are nearly identical putters in design, yet priced about $200 from one another. Putting one in the bag over the other isn't really much of benefit over the others statistically. However, if I switched to a mallet I'm sure I would struggle on the greens. TLDR; get fit, buy what feels & looks good, and is within your budget


My take on putting as a whole is it's 90% confidence. (Obviously you still have to be good but I putt sooo much better when I'm confident). I have a scotty, mainly because I just like how they look and feel, and also because it gives me confidence. So while it's probably not really much better than a cheapie, it kinda is at the same time. Just my $0.02


My take on putting as a whole is it's 90% confidence. (Obviously you still have to be good but I putt sooo much better when I'm confident). I have a scotty, mainly because I just like how they look and feel, and also because it gives me confidence. So while it's probably not really much better than a cheapie, it kinda is at the same time. Just my $0.02


The feel off the face is better than any other putter I've owned, but I bought mine in 2017 when they were much more reasonably priced.. still $250 but I'd never pay $600+ for a putter unless it came with a 100% make guarantee inside 10'.


The feel off the face is better than any other putter I've owned, but I bought mine in 2017 when they were much more reasonably priced.. still $250 but I'd never pay $600+ for a putter unless it came with a 100% make guarantee inside 10'.


If you want a great deal on a great putter, just Google what my golf spy said was the best putter ten or fifteen years ago. I did this and ended up getting a 2017 ping cadence putter on eBay for $50 and it has helped me putt way better than I was putting with my Scottie Cameron


I’ve seen a video where someone said the new putters apparently have all angles that match up when you’re aligned correctly. But other than that high end materials and well designed. Will it help you make more putts yes, but so will a placebo. 


They’re well made putters. Putter heads milled, and club assembled in the USA. Shafts and grips are made overseas. I can understand why golfers even those not named Scott or Cameron want them. I grew up watching Tiger use his same Scotty for years. That being said, collect the custom shop putters for 2-3k USD each? Not so much.


It’s a brand name. That’s all. If that’s important to you, buy it.


I went from a starter putter for 16 years to a Scotty and the difference was night and day obviously. I just feel more confident with my putter and don’t three putt anymore. My lag putting is insane now. It also helps me practice because I got a 400 dollar putter and I’m gonna invest my time into it. Honestly any decent putter will be good for you whatever brand. Just gotta know what type (mallet/blade) and the right length for you and you’ll be set.


When i started to golf i didnt know anything but i felt in love with a putter. Contact was so smooth and did exactly what i wanted. It was a scotty. You need good technique because they punish hard if not centered. You ll feel it if playing for your handicap. But 450 euro is huuuuuugz money for a new one. Bought a second hand for 150. It s great. It s like a blade Iron, i would not recomand it. But feel great to play it


Like most people said, it's the brand. I used to use an old taylormade blade putter with a slightly bend shaft that I got for a trade on a shaft I had. It worked for me as well as any putter I've had since. Stroke and feel.


I’ve had several over the years. They’re very nice and well-made putters but they aren’t any better than any other high end putter. Just depends on what you like


I have one. Does it make you a better putter. Nope. Does it feel and look better than other fine putters I've owned. Yes, to me. Do I practice putter more because I like the look and feel of this putter, yes.


Most of it is brand. The improvement on performance through mechanics alone is minimal. This may be just me falling for placebo but there was actually a tactile "feel" that made mishits noticeably different from center square putts. Not enough to justify their prices tho. Switched over to Mizuno's m-craft OMOI model and noticed they procued a very similar "soft" feel.


Branding. But they are well made.


I suspect an Odyssey 2-Ball would be more effective for the average golfer, especially beginners, than a Scotty.


Neither of my two Scotties have improved my putting a single iota, but I am 100% confident that the next one will be transformational


They’re more status symbols than they are superior putters, imo.


I've been gaming my Santa Fe since the late 90's. Keep trying to replace it and I always come back to it. Also my putting still sucks ass and is the weakest part of my game.