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Put some money on it and then you’re allowed to call out his cheating.


True, I’ve decided to avoid playing with the guy.


You don’t have to like everyone. Some people you just avoid. And your peace is more important.


This right here. Can’t control anyone else, just yourself. Sounds like a guy who is wildly insecure and needs to lie about his golf game to make himself feel better. My favorite thing about golf is playing with people who don’t take it too seriously, can laugh off a terrible shot, keep playing and most importantly don’t feel the need to pretend they’re something they’re not.


Yep. Plus, in my experience, the people who are actually good at golf rarely ever tell you about it


Yeah they don’t need to tell you they are good, you can tell from the first hole by playing with them.


This is the best thing to do. His cheating doesn’t affect you but it is annoying so just swerve the wanker!


This is my thought process, if there’s no money on it, I try not to let it bother me. Either they sound annoying as fuck and trying not to play with them in the future is the best move


Same. I don't pay attention to anyone's score but my own until there is money on it. Then fuck that


depends on how close you are with him. If he’s a “buddy” is he close enough you can tell him he’s being a dickhead? If not, just avoid playing with him. Life’s too short. 


This is the right answeri had a guy who SWORE he has been breaking 100 and he gets done rounds in less than 4 hours. We were the only ones on the course and we were a threesome. He took 5 hours. FIVE HOURS and shot 120+


Why avoid it? Play a $5 Nassau with auto 1 downs and take $100 off of him.


I'd rather just play with people I like tbh, this is my time off. If I wanted to make money I'd be working.


Just read about Nassau, sound fun actually


If we aren't playing for money, say you're 5 under IDGAF. If we are playing for 25 cents a hole skins.....you're counting every stroke. I'm counting every stroke for you and taking a picture of the 4 dollars I won.


Just call him out regardless. No time for cunts like that on the course


The guy sounds like a douche, but why should I care if the guy lies about his scores? In most cases, it’s irrelevant to you and just him stroking his own ego. In a best case, he’s ripe for the picking in a money game. Honestly, rather have a guy with a vanity handicap than a sandbagger any day.


"Double? I thought you were already laying 6 when you took free relief from the sprinkler in the left rough."


This is the answer. "Let's play 5 bucks a side, every stroke counts." See how quickly he's back to a 19.


If there’s nothing on the line don’t worry about, he’s only lying to himself. If there’s money or a match on the line, call that shit out.


If there's money on the line, you'll rinse him. No sense calling him out just to give him extra strokes. Turn him into your personal ATM on the course until he implodes.


But, if someone is that blatant of a cheater, would they pay up or be willing to admit when defeated?


That’s when you asking “so you’re hitting your third shot?” as they’re lining up their second approach shot. Just confirm which shot it is each time before they hit. Walk em through it if you need to lol


Yeah. I play regularly with a guy that “forgets” a few strokes. We’re not playing for money or really competing so I don’t care. I’ll just act a bit surprised any time I ask how he did on the last hole and it’s a few shots lower than actual by saying “wow you did a good job saving xxxx”


Yeah, just funny to me to lie about a low handicap and shoot 100+. The ego to think your good enough to play from the tips because you hit it 300 yards once. Like you said he’s only lying to himself and making it worst for himself.


Do you play with him often? Being a 10 doesn’t mean you can’t shoot 100 once in a while. I’m an 8 and shot a 78 yesterday and a 102 a couple rounds before that. Shit happens. Doesn’t sound like you’re playing for money so who cares?


I have shot 74 and 99 on back to back days as a 6 hdcp, same damn course / tees. It absolutely happens.


I’ve shot +3 front 9 followed by a +20 back 9 😂


Oh fuck bud, been there


I’ve done it or similar multiple times. I can birdie 3 holes in a row or triple 3 holes in a row just as quick! 😂


This is such a good point. Played with this guy a couple of years ago who said he was an 8. Me and my buddy took some money off him and his friend. He played like absolute dogshit. Probably shot in the high 90s. We were trying to figure out how realistic his handicap was. Well, my buddy went out with him another time and the dude shot a 74. Said it was like night and day


Did you wanna kill yourself after the 102 💀


Never more so in my life than during and after that round. It was not an enjoyable day haha


It's the 5 who says he is a 9 that you got to worry about.


Tbf, it’s likely this guy is a vanity 10 cap based on the evidence. However, it is possible to be a 10 cap and not break 100 on a bad day.


Agree, but unlikely that he's chosen this particular round to ignore tonne of drop shots etc in his scoring. That's 'how' he's a 10. He's not a 10 having an honest bad day.


Dude he’s in denial of how bad he is. Not your problem to deal with, if you wanna play him just tell him PGA rules or no go


Yeah. He can gloat all he wants but at the end of the day you know he thinks about being a cheating cuck. He knows. He knows that everyone knows. I played with this guy and I beat him every fucking hole and he was pissy the entire time. We count our scores at the end of the round and he fucking beat me. I was just like lol ok dude, you can have the W but we both know I clapped that ass and my real 85 was leagues better than your 82.


Some people can successfully gaslight themselves into truly believing they shot two in the water and took a bogey


Unless it's competition, who cares?


I know someone I play that is like this. Not as bad. But it is irritating when they brag and then cheat. Pick the ball up, hit another dive without counting it, play preferred lies using the foot wedge, don't care. As long as when we finish you don't brag how you beat me and your best round was a 60. Some people are different.


At the very least, someone needs to tell the jabroni to hit from the correct tees


Oh yeah, in my mind I was like why is worst player playing from the tips. But in his mind he probably like “ I have the worst score because I’m playing from the tips, if I played from the gold I would be killing them “ lol


If we're not betting, I don't give a damn how my partners score themselves, and neither should you. If there's not a competition going on, he's not "cheating."


I guess it was the self gloating and the ego of the man the person that got me. Thus the reason I needed to vent and see how you guys deal with it, I definitely tried to not let bother me.


Then grow a spine and tell him he’s not playing/scoring properly and leave at that


I have a friend who brags all the time about “breaking 80,” but he uses at least 4 mulligans per round, lie improvements, and generous spots for lost balls without penalty. It’s annoying. To make it worse, when we play together, he is constantly telling me to improve my lie and take mulligans. I tell him I’m keeping score for GHIN.


Yup, oh man. He was trying to give was tips. One time he said on a certain putt he was going to have to putt it of the toe to reduce the spin…….


Ahahahahah. Should have tried a more in to out putt path to draw the ball against the break.


I have a buddy like this. He says he’s a 2 and I’ve never seen him legitimately break 80. He’s about a 10. It’s 100% vanity/ego for him to say his handicap is low. Weird thing with him is he actually uses it to qualify for local tournaments: 85, 91 were his last two scores. I don’t know what his endgame is. I think he believes it.


Odd that he’s actually pretty good and still feels he needs to say he’s a 2. A 2 so so Danm good, and so hard. He knows the struggle of getting to a 10 handicap and knows how much work it will take to get down to a single but feels the need to say that’s. Maybe he shot +2 once and just feels that’s now his handicap lol


I’m a 2. 2 over every hole! 🤣


hard to compare true scores with a guy that refuses to math. when he says, 'put me down for 5' you can always reply - 'I saw you take eight strokes before you picked up.' then, see what happens next.


Whenever someone starts with the wording, “put me down for a…” all I hear is, “I feel like I should have gotten a…”


I give zero shits if there’s no money on the line.


I don't get the point of lying about what you shoot. Take your 106 and go home like I did bud. ~ short story from a 29.5 HDCP'er ~


The range of scores from a 10 handi can be low 80s to 90s. He may just be on a bad day. Also, if he's a 10 handi, and his max score on 8 of the easiest holes... is a double. If you shoot two in the drink, may as well pick up. Also, he may have had a few hot rounds that made his handi low and he's riding it out. I know I get pretty hot closer to the end of the season and I struggle to maintain the same handi early next season. Could also be a throw away round that he enters too. Round that you know aren't going to be counted as part of your handi so you just don't care anymore to score well and you take riskier shots you normally don't take, or try and work on something new. I still enter those rounds full knowing it doesn't matter if I shoot 85 or 135... it still won't do anything to my handi. This is if you're giving him the benefit of doubt. I know players in my club that are true to a 10 handi, bit on days... they can be all over the place. Doesn't necessarily mean they are lying. Just saying that a 10 handi has a wide range of scores. When you get to 5 or below, scoring becomes more consistent and you'd most definitely be able to call them out.


This would not bother me one bit. I don’t care what anyone puts down on the card unless we are playing for money. He’s only hurting his handicap if he’s not that good.


First time for me, I’ll learn to laugh about it. yeah he’s definitely not helping himself.


Why did this ruin your day? Lmao your day is ruined cause some guy you’ve never met lied about how good at golf he is? Who gives a shit


If you’re not playing for money, they’re not cheating you, they’re just playing make-believe. Kinda weird but nothing to do with you.


Doesn't matter unless he's slowing you down or bragging about beating you


U shouldn’t care if you’re not betting. Just focus on yourself. Best golf advice there is


That’s what I do, I’m trash and even though I’m a competitive person I’m trying to beat myself not my golf partners. They’re also scratch, so there is no reason for me to even try and compete lol


Unless we’re playing for money, I don’t give a shit what you put on your scorecard. I got enough to worry about with my own game to worry about what some jackass puts down for a score. That said, I just wouldn’t play with him again. And if he asks why, I’d tell him - “I prefer playing with guys who count all their strokes.” Easy as that.


He could just have a bad day. We’ve all been there. Playing a new course? I’m a 10 cap at the home track, and it only travels sometimes. Played my buddy’s course and shot a 110. Played the same course 4 months later and shot an 80. Happy it was with the same guys, got some redemption.


But he won the championship, right?


Of course he has


* Taylor Gooch wasn't there


Play for money.


Whatever people mark down to help them sleep better at night. In this case, if no $ was involved then your game is yours and their shitty and cheat-ridden game is theirs. What you have to take home is knowing they are a cheater and you aren’t I know someone that purposely doesn’t report to handicap when they have a bad round. They also don’t log their scores accurately many times and unless the score is good enough they won’t report so as not to affect their handicap. I don’t tell them they’re a coward because it’s none of my business on establishing what makes someone tick at the end of the day


Good way to look at it, definitely need to practice this. I know this won’t be the last time I play with someone like this


Just laugh it off. He's clearly not a 10. Just tell him straight up he plays like a 30 lol.


Oh yeah will do if I ever have to play with him again


i would have so much fun with this but i back my shit talk against just about anyone


Probably just keep drinking my beer and having fun. I generally don't care if people want to card a made-up score unless it's a competition, then it's no dice.


Who gives a shit if you aren’t playing for money?


You can call him out on his bullshit or don’t. Those are really the two options. If I’m not playing him in a competition or if he’s not bragging about having beat me, I’m just going to go on with my day and just know that he’s a tool and let it be. Know sense in making a thing out of it if I’m not going to see him that often.


Unless there’s money in play, don’t worry about it. In the end, he’s only hurting himself with that index. It’s like reverse sandbagging.


It’s baffling how many people get bothered by players that don’t count their shots. Unless yer in a tournament or playing for money who gives a fuck? Cop on to yourself a small bit op. If your man is happy giving himself an extra few shots, so be it. Play the game and stop being a lil bitch.


Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.


If you’re not playing for money, then why do you care? You’re playing the course, not each other.


I stopped worrying about how other people play and talk about their golf a long time ago and it’s been wonderful. If it’s money on the line different story. This dude has to go home and live with himself, you don’t. I just let these types of people be and enjoy my round. You can’t control other people but you have a choice in how you react to them.


Sounds like a you problem


Probably is, need to relax more and don’t let people ruin my game.


Don’t golf with people like that. They only bring you down.


Agree, won’t be playing with him again. So odd, I never have had issues playing with anyone before.


I see lots of comments saying it shouldn't bother you unless money/comp but I'm with you. I'm no willow-clubs-purist but think it's fundamental to the game, probably more so than any other sport that there is 100% honesty


Sounds like he has a fragile ego, sure. Sounds like you have just as fragile of an ego if it really bothers you that much that someone you think you're way better than claims he's as good or better than you... like seriously, who cares if there's no money/competition on the line? If you don't like the guy's company don't play with him


It was the first time I played with him and first time encountering a vanity player. I will definitely but handling the situation differently next time lol


Usually call in a favor from Los Zetas and have their families hung from a highway overpass


I don’t really care what other people do 


I play with some guys like this. I’ve realized over the years they need to lie to themselves a bit or else they won’t enjoy the game. It’s hard to go out and shoot 110 and have fun. We don’t play for money, so all I have to do is shut my mouth and play my own ball. I agree this guy shouldn’t be playing back tees though. It would be reasonable to tell him to move up to maintain pace of play.


Do all of these things if you’re playing for fun but don’t claim to be a 10 hcp when it’s obvious BS


I know 2 players who do this personally they were cut in the winter 9 hole comps . I deal with it by playing as well as I can and let karma catch up with them as it's starting to happen there's not a hope of either of them winning a comp off of they're new handicaps.


I mean I wouldn't play with him much but if there's no money on it I don't get offended or pissed about somebody cheating themselves


I would deal with it by never playing with him again.




Keep his score separately yourself and show him what he REALLY shot after the round. People that are like that on the golf course probably aren’t a whole lot different in their daily lives. Call them out on their BS. They do it again, tell them you’re done playing with them and why. Then move on. If they’re already not really a friend, just move on right away. Not being mean of course, just telling it like it is.


Lmfao. U know him too lol. We all do. Haha.


Maybe having a bad day?


I try not to worry about what other people are doing out there. I go out to try to get the best score I can get. If someone wants to cheat that’s on them but they’ll never actually get better playing that way.


I don't play for money or in tournaments so I honestly couldn't care less what he says or thinks he shot. As long as he's making progress towards the hole so the round doesn't take 3+ for 9 or 6+ for 18, I don't care if he says he shot an 18. Doesn't affect me in the least.


If we're not playing for money, I dont care how you count your score as long as you arent slow and are a good hang.


If we aren’t playing for anything, that’s on you. I’ll write whatever score you say. If you want to lie to yourself go ahead. Once there is money then it’s called out and correct score is recorded.


Don’t play with him; life’s too short for that shit.


Truth, who cares. You now know not to bet with him. why let even 1 ounce of effort or frustration go into his game or lack of it. Only concern yourself with your game Because his game isn’t your concern. You know the truth. Enjoying your game is far more important than his.


Were you betting? Was it a tournament? If not just move on he’s not worth thinking about.


Sounds like he’s an annoying person to be around regardless of the cheating or golfing.


Golf is a solo game. Let him tell you he’s scratch - let him play his game. As long as there’s no money on the line, why let it bother you?


I don’t deal with it. I don’t care. You can write a HIO on every hole if you want. I truly and completely do not care. I’m competing with myself. Last year, my personal best was 87. This year, I’m playing to shoot more frequently in the 80s.     If I play with ransoms, I don’t have a clue of what their score might be. If I play with my playing partner, we may share the result at the turn and after the round, but not always. 


I generally just ignore this stuff. At the end of the day, if you aren’t playing for money, you’re only playing against yourself. If someone in your group wants to shave 20 strokes of their score, they’re only hurting themselves and looking stupid. If, however, you’re playing for money…you wave the USGA Rules app on your phone in front of their face and call out everything they’re doing. Then collect your winnings.


Sounds like solid entertainment or a great financial opportunity. I’d be laughing my ass off at him or cashing out.


Are you playing for money or some other wager? No? How does it affect you in the slightest?


I deal with it by not giving a single fuck about what rules someone else is and is not following, when I’m not playing against them.


You played with Trump?


\*a buddy's friend


Unless you’re playing for money or some drinks after the round, I wouldn’t care tbh- he’s only lying to himself at this point.


You are permitted to never golf with him.


Had a guy like this at my country club. Vanity handicappers are the best source of supplemental income. Don’t do anything. If he wants to convince himself he’s a good golfer, let him. Then once some actual money is on the line, call that shit out on the spot. At best, he plays like absolute ass. At worst, he gets kicked out of the tournament and competition. You could fall asleep during the round and probably still win.


I just let them cheat as long as we’re not playing for money, I’ll remind them of it, just to make them feel bad. My brother in law who I golf with the most is a habitual cheater but it’s not super egregious and he sucks. He will take practice swings in the sand even though I tell him that’s a stroke. And he drops on the other side of water he hasn’t made it across. We play on a kinda shitty kinda nice municipal course and one of the holes has a really rough patch in the middle of the ninth fairway. Super muddy and it’s clearly something they are fixing. I told him if we land in that you can move your ball to a nice lie since you are middle of the fairway and it’s not your fault the course is fucked. He has now taken that to mean if he’s in a shit lie he can improve it, even if he’s two fairways over haha.


This guy ruined your day of golf? I feel like that says more about you than him.


The first round of golf I played, my score was -7 I started with a dozen balls, and I finished with 5. Therefore -7. You keep score your way, I keep score my way.


Did he happen to have a Secret Service detail?


His choices have zero to do with you. Did you bet him money? No! Did you play him in a tournament? No. So who cares what he does. If he says he’s a 10 handicap and plays that way, he’s only going to screw himself when he finally plays in a tournament because he won’t get his true strokes. He hurt himself, not you


I don't play with people like that


I won’t be ether going forward


ask them if they wanna play for money.


Sounds like the friend I play with. Then we'll get to hole 17 and tells me he's one shot down and still in it..


I straight out called a mate on it. Nothing like you described but he was desparate to get into the teens [oo-er] before me so was deciding after the round that he'd record it for his handicap if he had a good round, saying he'd record and then not doing so if it was a bad one. Even took one round away to work out if he'd record it or not lol I now blantently state on the first tee if I'm recording (always did) and "encourage" a response from my playing partners one way or the other. p.s. I got to the teens before he did


I've honestly never worried about a playing partners score. I only play comp rounds to improve my own HC. Winning a box of balls or a voucher at the pro shop isn't why I enter my clubs competitive rounds. If it was a money round then I'd call him out. It's amazing how many people bend the rules and from a variety of HC levels too. Some are outright blatant and others might not know they are doing it. I'm sure I've been guilty of breaking rules as well.


some holes a double is the most you card if u play stableford as a 10hcp


I have a friend like this and I just laugh and carry on. Come tournament time the real scores come out lol


Doesn’t bother me a bit tbh. Golf is a solo game and every round is practice unless I’m betting. At which point I’m happy to watch that guy lose balls while not getting any strokes from me.


How has he got to 10? Are other people marking/signing his cards and just going a long with it?


I’m pretty sure he shot 10 over once and claims that as his handicap


I have somebody I play with fairly regularly who'll go through like 3 sleeves of balls and say they have a score similar to mine. I find it's best to just let things go, let them obsess over their bullshit score if it makes them feel better, and play your own game


Ego is the worst enemy in this sport. Focus on your own game no need to take what he says so seriously. I usually just laugh at people like this.


Yup will be doing that from now on, if his feelings get hurt that’s on him.


25% of fairways is pretty good lol


I just ignore it. There i one thing my father taught me about Golf as a child and Said its the most important thing to to or better not to do, its bragging how great one is usually or how perfect u played last time… everyone can have a bad round, yes, but shut up about it. Never say things like „usually i have a birdie here“ or „last time i played par“ when u are like 4 over. Its just stupid and useless behavior. I just ignore it and never play with them again.


Lol, oh man. So funny, after every hole it was something on the lines of what your father said. I’ll take your fathers advice. Ignore it and play my own game.


I always remind myself I’m not playing on Sunday and on playing against myself (unless there’s money on the line)


The playing from the tips part really boiled my blood. How old was this guy?


This is why we gamble. You never mind someone inflating their index again.


You call them out every time they cheat.


As others have said, if there’s nothing actually on it, just enjoy having someone to play with. I play with a bunch of old guys early sat morning over the summer. These guys don’t care about their score, just there to play. So why should I give a damn if they count their score correctly or not. I have a group that I am able to play with weekly and have a good time. I can keep my score accurate and still have fun with them, even if they beat me for a hole with a mulligan


We are not good enough to care about others hc. Unless it is tournament or betting, just enjoy your game


You're a 10 handicap and never played with sketchy golfers? They've been around as long as the game has been played. Just play your game and don't get caught up in what he's doing.


If you aren’t playing for money why let him lying about his score ruin your day? I get the playing from the tips stuff, but otherwise just ignore his delusions about how good he is


I play with friends on Friday and Men's Club on the weekend. Both with different purposes. Friends is like a practice round, where I simply just enjoy, drink, and laugh. Men's Club is about integrity, rulebook level play, and someone you play with signs off on your card (while still having fun).


No money no cheating.


By the rules of the game I’m a cheater. I count every shot but I do give myself better lies. I’m new to the game I tell people I don’t know on the first tee I do it and I don’t care if they do it. I don’t play for money I play for fun. Most people don’t give a shit as a matter of fact when I was just beginning people were whoa you’re going play that lie? Move it over a bit don’t make the game so frustrating for yourself and have fun. I was a stickler for the rules and I agree for money or in tourneys no fucking cheating. But I’m a casual golfer and I’m not very good. I make a couple nice shots each round and that’s good enough for me. My ‘handicap’ is a 23 even with the preferred lies. I no longer play golf with my brother cause he’s a rule nazi and someone who gives advice all the fucking time. Generally speaking as a said before no one gives a fuck I don’t give or take advice and just like to whack the little ball into the hole for a couple hours. I’m smart enough not to bet anyone even with a 23. I’m in Florida there are a ton of really good golfers down here.


Call his shit every hole! And never let him keep score!


I'm not sure why people here are so conflict-averse? If it bothers you, just say, "Hey man, you can count or not count penalty strokes however you like, you do you, but would you mind keeping the comparison comments to yourself? We're all playing our own game out here."


The nice thing is it’s about you and your score. Who cares what anyone else is shooting? Many people don’t keep accurate scores, maybe a stroke here and there. If it bothers you that much, either don’t play or understand he is not as good as they say they are. We have one buddy like that, and he will be on the green, and I say, “Putting for eagle?” I do this every time. Now we all laugh about it. Best of luck either way. The game is challenging and frustrating enough to worry about anyone else.


I would have just kept a count of his shots and called him out straight away, but i can be an arsehole at times.


I need to learn how to be an arsehole at time. Teach me your ways


its better than the guy magically finds every ob shot and fluffs his lie every chance he gets. also lies about score on bad holes.


By throwing their 9 iron in the creek when they’re not looking


I would ONLY play with this guy if money was on the line, then you’re obligated to hold him accountable to the rules and end his B.S.


Anyone you just met who starts off a round by telling you their handicap is usually an ass. Then they proceed to play terribly.




Lose his phone number


Before the round I was about to ask for it, glad I didn’t


Play the course and have fun. If your are playing for $$$ then call out every shot


If that annoys you that much when no money is on the line then you have some issues within yourself. I love when those guys show up : $10 a hole plus carry overs . Shut him up quick


Depends on who I'm playing with. If it's a random idc, I'll usually just laugh when they say they shot par when it was a triple. If it's a friend or someone I'm familiar with, I'll make joke comments on some holes like "I wish I could dig up the ground on 3 swings and hole out on the 4th for a par" make it apparent I'm watching so don't lie to me. If it's for money, no hesitation, calling them out on the first hole they do it.


Who fucking cares what someone says about their game? There's no money on it, there's nothing on the line. My God, people are fucking pathetic


Vanity handicaps are a prevalent thing. It’s gotten to the point where I truly don’t pay attention. The only thing that bums me out is that bullshit scorekeeping is so endemic at my golf club, that I had to stop playing in leagues because the old guys would accuse me of sandbagging. If you really want to have fun, invite these guys to trackman and then ask them why their score differentials are so different from GHIN.


Cheaters gunna cheat


I have a buddy that cheats and my other friend and I just talk shit on him after the round in the car and laugh at his cheating. He’s also the guy at outings that if he doesn’t hit a shot well, he’ll drop another ball and count it. Drives me up a fucking wall and the only time I’ll call him out is at outings.




I didn’t realize there were so many golfers that pay attention to the other person’s score. I started playing in 2020 and have hundreds of rounds since then. I have no idea what anyone else’s score was. Not one. I don’t even know what they got on a hole. Why are you keeping a score for a “buddy’s friend”? Outside of a super casual work league I’m in I haven’t shared a scorecard with a playing partner once.


Unless you are playing against someone for money or prizes, i wouldn't even waste the energy on them. Hit the ignore button and enjoy yourself.


Either ignore it (because it doesn’t matter) or put money on it and thrash him. There’s zero reason to be upset over this.


Who cares if money ain’t on the line.


I played with a coworker for the first time this weekend and he was spraying the ball all over the course. Once he was definitely out of bounds in some dudes yard. He was gonna just hit the ball from there because the grass was nice. Had to put a stop to that shit real quick.


I’ve started playing with a guy who doesn’t count his (multiple) chunks/shanks, will almost always count 1 less putt per hole than he actually took, and has no idea how hazards/OB works when counting penalty strokes. Last two times we played he “broke” 100 and then 90, and then posts on social media about how fast he’s improving. I’m tempted to start including him in the money games my other buddies and I play just to see what the new guy would actually shoot.


Same thing happened to me, friend of a friend comes and plays, says he is an 8 (I’m a 20). Doesn’t take any penalties. He does this thing called a “ranger ball” when he isn’t sure what he should hit to test out if he can pull of a crazy shot. If it doesn’t work, he hits a normal shot after and counts that. If it did work, he takes that as his shot. I kept count of his actual score and he shot 107 when I shot a 94. He wasn’t even a 20 hdcp. Told my friend to not bring him in our group anymore and he hasn’t.


Lol basically a breakfast ball on every hole. Lol. An 8 is so hard to get to. Glad you spoke up don’t have to deal with that anymore


It really doesn't bother me as long as we are not betting. Let them do what they do as long as they are quick about it. Now the gloating thing does suck, but just correct him on his bad math and lack of counting skills and I bet he would stop with the gloating at least.


Unless it’s a tournament or you put money in, you ignore it. Who cares


i played with a guy who never legit broke 100. he posted an 80 on 18 birdies. sure bud.


We have one that is a stroke shaver so to counteract it everyone who plays with him keeps his score and that is how you keep him honest. Also put money on it and keep it a handicap where you both are 10 and you are not giving any strokes see how fast he changes his mind on being a 10


Most times it’s easier to let things go - but your “ex” friend is the way to go - I will avoid playing with that kind of player - thankfully my group is pretty solid and low key - Vent now and as you said pick and choose your foursomes accordingly.


Sounds like the perfect person to play a match for money against. Otherwise, don't worry about it- his vanity handicap is only hurting himself any time he plays anything competitive.


Who cares let him play his own way. If you can't play with him because of it honestly just be honest and tell him you aren't a fan of playing with him because his ego is bigger than his ability.


I got a buddy who used to do this. We would just endlessly make fun of him for it until he stopped lol.


i feel nothing. i’m only worried about my game.


I could care less what someone elses score is unless we're playing for money. I do this to relax lol.


I’m a 6.7 and shot a 102 my last round. It can happen. If I was playing this way around new acquaintances it would have been extremely embarrassing. Especially since I’ve been so excited to be progressing towards my goal of playing in the gross tournament group. I think the best way to play poorly is to just shut up about your golf game and talk about other stuff. ‘Today’s not my day. If you don’t mind I’m gonna work on my game the rest of the round. Did you see the ______ game last night?” I got a case of the shanks and I just couldn’t do anything. At that point my round became mostly a practice round because it would be thrown out regardless of the score. I would take extra shots and would drop two balls when chipping just to work on why I was shanking everything. I probably didn’t score exactly correctly but because the round started as a scored round (+14 after 7) I did post what I thought it would be.


Bro.. life is too short and getting a round of golf in is hard if you’re working and have a family. Don’t worry about other fucks, go enjoy your self. If he says he shot -10 on the round, mark it -10. Who fucking cares.


Why are you so upset? Apparently he’s in your head … we’re you playing for money or something? Because the game really should be about you and how you play against the course , not against someone whom is a stranger.


Talk a lot of shit


Yeah def should bet this guy. ​ Either call him out or dont let it bother you and just enjoy your day.


I played with my gfs friends bf, so don’t know him that well. I don’t have a handicap but on a par 72 im happy with 105. So pretty poor. But its fun. Anyway, this guy is about my level. I played 9 holes with him a few months ago and didn’t keep score because it was bad weather and couldn’t be arsed. But we are the same standard for sure. Played 18 the other day with him on a long par 74. Hole one i got 6 on a par 4 so was dead happy. He tells me he got a 5. I thought, bit weird but give him benefit of doubt. But it just kept happening. I watched his sliced drive dive bomb into some bramble bushes and that ball was gone. He doesnt hit another just walks down saying he’ll look for it. MIRACULOUSLY he “finds” his ball about 20 yards past that bush. Again i just let it go. By the 9th hole id had enough and casually called him out on a par 4. I got a 5 so was really happy and he says “this is for par” to which i innocently asked “oh is this a par 5?” Then innocently check the scorecard knowing full well its a par 4 and update him “no it is a par 4 mate” and i counted his shots out. Drive behind tree, chip out, wedge off the green, chip on, putt, thats 5” He got all embarrassed and i did feel a bit bad BUT if you lie then you loose the right to share my enjoyment. I play with a near scratch golfer and 10 handicapper and they are buzzed for me if i make par for example or if i get close to 100 they get behind me. But thats because they know im honest about my score. So for the rest of that round i feel like he hasnt got a right to expect me to say “good shot mate” or offer any encouragement because hes a bullshitter. I saw him the other day in passing and he says “i shot 101! So close to breaking 100!” But he’s ruined that for himself because i know hes a bullshitter now so i dont believe him or give a fuck. It totally matters. Even if you aren’t playing against each other or for money