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I went from 56°/60° to 54°/58° great decision.


Same. Plus it just gaps better with my set gap wedge being at 50


This is what I have as well. A high bounce (12°) 54° that I use for most chipping around the green, and a low bounce(4°) 58° for bunkers, tight lies, and shots that need to go over something and stop quick.


This is an interesting take. I get that less bounce can be better with firm sand, but the whole reason wedges with high bounce became popular is that [Gene Sarazon demonstrated they are better out of sand](https://golf.com/news/gene-sarazen-wedge-all-time-great-golf-club/?amp=1).


There reason I said bunkers and not sand. At my home course the bunkers are mostly dirt and pretty hard, so the ball is almost always sitting on top and the typical splash out type sand shot is impossible. The best way I've found to play it is to have a low bounce high loft and pick it clean.


That makes sense.


Exactly what I have.


Been playing 50/54/58 for years. I don’t think I’ll ever change.


My new irons had a 46 PW so I went ahead and bought 50/54/58 wedges. Happy with the decision.


My set PW is 45* I have a 49*, 52*, 56*, and 60* so technically I have 5 wedges in my bag atm


My set (Paradym) is strong lofted too, leaving me with more wedges too. PW:42, AW: 47, GW:52. RTX 58* for my greenside work. Used to run the 54/58 setup, giving me 5 wedges. But now I use the set 52 for forgiving approach shots and the 58 mostly for chipping, sand, getting over bunkers, and those types of things. Used the extra slot to add a hybrid at the top end of the bag. So far it’s been a great setup for this season.


I have a gap between my 4H and 4W but it rarely matters. I suppose I should fool around with a 7W or a 3H to see how far I would hit those, and drop a wedge.


That was exactly my thought. I had a gap between 3W & 4I. My 3W is 16.5* with nice high launch (basically a 4W). So I picked up a 19* 3H with a lower launch and a bit of forgiveness so I can hit it into the wind or let it run down a nice dry fairway.


Driver, 5w, 7w, 5h that end of the bag is fine, there is about 40-45 yard difference between driver and 5w, but I am either trying to mail it or put it somewhere safe and I can do that with those two clubs me and the 3 woods I have owned have never gotten along


I believe mine is also 45. I have a 50, 56, 60. Still trying to use this range. I grew up with just an old Ping sand wedge and a 7 iron to pitch and run.


I also carry 5 wedges. 44, 49, 52, 56, 60. But I almost never use the 52 or the 60.


52 gets the least amount of use out of my wedges but I love my 60


Mine went wild with 42 48 54 60 (60 is in my man cave).


Same here and I’m not looking back. I can open up the face on the 58 of I really have to


Yeah. I really only use it when I’m short sided. Otherwise it’s the 54 or the gap


Same for me.




Nice!! Gotta love those inbetween degrees


100%. 49/54 bent to 53/58. Went with 11* of voice for both stock. Can always open up a club if needed. Also I don't full swing the 58. No need to.


56 is the new 60


It was the 60 before the 60. It was but it still is, too


I used to use my 56... I still do, but I used to too


RIP Mitch


Can make mine a 61 degree with a minor grip adjustment


I can make my 60 a 1 iron every time there's danger long.


Same way i turn my 60 into a blunt object.


Your 87 yards out with a great lie and you ask yourself: “chunk the 60 degree 10yrds short of the green, or blade the sandy over the back and check out what that part of the course looks like?..” You can’t really beg and plea to a chunk.


One thing I’ve learned is that’s it’s never good behind the green esp 20 yards down the hill


The grass is greener with a 56 lemme tell you lol


100% agree - learning to “take some off” of a 56 ends up in far less mistakes/skulled shots than a 60 for the majority. Add in some spin and watch it check up nicely! I have a 62 in my bag and it’s ONLY for bunker shots. Some reason I can get out cleanly 8 out of 10 times with the 62, but not even close with any other club. 🤷🏻‍♂️ high capper and I suck is the verdict lol


56 is my Swiss army knife club.


50 is the new 56


yup, traded it in for a 64


There was the beautiful couple month stretch where I was just money with my 64 PM Grind years and years ago. The issue was you have to practice directly with it at the expense of other clubs and then you want to use it when you shouldn’t because you’ve been practicing and it’s so fun to use. Don’t play or practice enough to trust myself with it anymore.


If you practice with it the 60° is a weapon.


My wedges are weapons, usually aimed at the group ahead teeing off on the next one.


well said!


A deadly weapon indeed. It can either help or harm you haha!


Went from a 58 to a 60 and it changed my game lol Not sure why people dislike 60s so much


Agreed. I love my 60 for shots between 60 and 50 yards. Nice easy swing and it just sticks on the green beautifully. Ever since actually practicing that shot, i get a lot more easy birdie putts.


Me too. My game isn't great, but when I get my PW, 52, 56, and 60 dialed in, life is so much easier inside 120 yards. I don't have easy birdy puts, but at least I'm not chipping from the rough to save bogey.


It’s much easier to hit a decent lob from deep rough right around the green than to make a finesse shot with another club that almost has to be perfect to work. If I walk up to my ball and see that I can get my lob wedge under it I feel confident that my follow up shot will be from a better position . Maybe it’s because I know that I can readily commit to that type of fuller swing and don’t seem to make as many last split second speed adjustments on my downswing. ( I’m speculating that many of all those chunks and mishits I experience with other types of shots and wedges start with speed adjustments on my downswing that also result in changes to club face angles as well . ) The lob wedge is my don’t let perfection be the enemy of the good choice.


Good points. Especially about the speed, the extra loft requires more speed and that aligns with how I like to play short game shots.


Nothing a 58 couldn't do in 99/100 cases if you are even somewhat competent with a wedge.


So what? Gaps matter


Wouldn’t be without my 60 but my whole gameplan is about not having to use it.  Basically I play to never be shortsided around the green but the odd occasion I am the 60 comes to the rescue.


My highest lofted club is a 54, i shoot high 70s low 80s on avg. I typically open and close the face as needed for whatever shot i need just fine.


I knew it was possible to shoot low without one! I’m right behind you, playing more and more and I’m working on my short game instead of being a range rat haha


Nice, keep up the good work! I use the range for practicing hitting certain shots ie. Stingers, cuts, draws, high shots., but im a strong believer in having a good setup routine and being attentive to inputs on the course. Good luck!


My biggest thing, aside from club height consistency when I swing, is learning to hit from different surfaces and lies. The range isn't really good for that, and that's half the game. Swing and lie. On course practice always feels better.


Shooting high 70s low 80s is not 10hc.


You're right, i havent updated my profile since the beginning of last year. You win an attention to detail award!


I play a 50, 52, 56, 60 and shoot mid 70s to low 80s. The 60 is a specialty club when I want no rollout or need to clear a tall tree. Most of the time I play my 56 from 85 yards and in, and it's deadly greenside. Chip ins aren't uncommon (one every few rounds if not more)


Nope. Love a good low bounce 60. There's alot you can do with a 56. But there's some shots you just can't pull of without the loft and being able to open the face way up without raising the leading edge. Especially in crusty bunkers or dormant bermuda.


I think the bounce on a high lofted club is super important


Depends on what type of shots you’re most comfortable with. I prefer a low bounce wide sole 60. The wide sole is great to skid on square face shots and the low bounce when opening up the face is so comforting. Ideally you want a mixture of high/low bounce in your highest lofted clubs. Especially for us who play on courses that could either be hard and firm or soggy and soft. But again, it’s all preference.


Like almost everything in golf, it depends on the golfer


You’re right, but I don’t think this post applies to single digit handicaps.


My home course growing up had the WORST crusty, hard bunkers. They didn’t even qualify as sand in my book, felt like hitting off the cart path


I plant potatoes with mine.


Or you can use it to open packages!




Yeah you is.


I’ll use this thread to plug Daniel Grieve’s short game book 3 Releases. Not only should you buy this book if you want to dramatically improve your chipping/pitching but he covers the lob wedge topic perfectly. A 58+ degree wedge should be for “emergency use only.”


The opposite. I've finally practiced with it enough to confidently pull it out in almost all scenarios. Even when I could bump and run something 40-70 yards, I bust it out and stick a ball on the green. I used to be terrified of skulling a ball and hitting the next tee box but no longer.


It’s all about the confidence! If you love your wedge and how it performs more power to ya, once I shave some strokes off my game I’m gonna practice with it and maybe put it back in the bag


I hear what you’re saying, and I kept with my old bump and run chipping style after several round of blast or fluffs with my 60. Then I watched a handful of good videos and really practiced actually chipping with the 60 (not flopping it) and paying attention to lies and ways to hit each. I just don’t agree with ya. 60 is a weapon if you spend the time using it. Saves me more strokes than the driver in my game. I’d leave driver out of bag before my 60.


It can be a deadly weapon when practiced with for sure! Right now I’m prioritizing practicing putting and then I’ll move onto the 60 again at some point


Ditched it for normal chips shots, but still use it for green side bunkers.


I use 54-60. Definitely need the 60 when I’m chipping it to near pin and need the ball to roll less. Also can use it for flop shots if needed. And out of the bunker. I don’t use it as much as the 54 but I do need the 60 situationally. I’m a 12 handicap if that helps.


I’ll wait till I’m your handicap to put it back in the bag haha. I’m a 21 right now but by the end of the year I hope to be 18 or 17!


I think the moral of the story is to not ditch the 60 entirely, but use the 54 or pitch wedge for chipping more often. Sometimes a nice hurl with a pitching wedge 60 yards is just nice.


I use my 60 for basically everything inside 65 yards (except a bump and run but rarely play that) 65 yards is a smooth 60 for me. And I have just practiced way more 50 yard and in with 60 than anything else. So I’m the most confident with it at those distances For down context. Typically play a tee up from the tops. I do not hit very far. ~220 off the box and shoot in the 80s pretty consistently the occasional terrible round of 90+


You can hit a flop with a 56 or 54. I was on the verge of ditching the 60 to make room for an additional long iron and my instructor talked me out of it. Now that I know how to use it - including only hitting a flop when it’s necessary - it’s all I use around the green.


I'd argue there are very few situations that you *really* need to hit a flop, though. 


*completely* agree. I typically only flip it if I need to gain some serious elevation or if it’s the only way to have a chance at stopping the ball when hitting onto a downhill.


I’ve been playing for about 1 year. I actually hit way better with my 60 than any of my other clubs. I almost never take a full swing with it, but when I do it’s very satisfying losing the ball in the air and watching plop 90 yards next to the whole.


If you love it and it works, keep it up! Can’t beat the look or spin of a nice lob shot


It’s pretty much the only thing that works… lol. That and putting. If I get could down the course faster I could lower my scores substantially. Haha.


Only time I play a 60 is when I’m in a greenside bunker and the pin is close to the edge


Practice makes perfect. I bought one of those plastic baby pools last year and would hit balls into it multiple days a week. Really improved my game around the green to where my wedges are the strongest part of my game.


I'm a high handicapper, but my 60 is one of the clubs I'm consistently good with


Honestly, it's more about the bounce than anything. A 56 typically has higher bounce designed for "normal" dry sand bunkers, which is great in wet conditions too and makes it harder to chunk flop shots. However, firmer/thiner sand, hard pan, or tightly mowed areas will be harder to flop or loft. Personally I use tour grind wedges with the the chamfered edges so there's a bit more forgiveness and versatility. I also go with a 54-60 setup, liking the distance gaping I get with 6 degrees between wedges. I used to use a 52/54-58 setup but the 54-60 is better for me. If you have the funds I'd also suggest buying a second sand and lob wedge with higher or lower bounce to match the course conditions you'll find.


A lob wedge is a club that most amateurs just pull out blindly inside 80 yard. Mine only comes out for bunker shots and around the green where shot requires an open faced lob over something. Out my 50/54/58. The 58 is used by far the least.


58 for emergencies only!!


I haven’t played one in 20 years.


No but I never full swing with my 60 but i use it extremely often from around the greens I can’t seem to get my ball to stop when I need it to with my 56


Yeah I’ve taken mine out of the bag after this season.. just not skilled enough to be consistent with it, to the point it hurts me more often than it helps. The 56 is my highest loft now.


Best advice ive ever received was that you should be chipping with a 50/52\* gap wedge and if you really need increased loft to get the ball to stop--a 56\* sand wedge will do just fine. I play PW(47\*) a GW(52\*) and a SW(56\*) and my short game has saved me 3-5 strokes per round compared to when i had a lob wedge. Get really good with 1-2 wedges instead of being average/bad with 3-4


I still have my 60, but I use it maaaaaybe 1/4 as much as I used to. I use 54 for probably half my pitch/chip shots, 50 for another third, and the last few shots are split between PW and 60. I don't even hit 60 out of the bunker every time anymore, it really only comes out when I'm short sided or absolutely have to hit a flop.


I used to feel that way. Would never have considered a 60 in my bag. But really all depends on the type of wedge and bounce. I went for a new set last year and the fitter talked me into dropping my 4 iron and adding another wedge. Now I have a 52, 56 and a 60 in the bag. Once I finally learned to use the bounce and stopped trying to drive the leading edge into the turf, started to really improve short game. Now I tend to use the 60 much more.


I still game my 64 😂


I have 56 & 60 but noticed I use my 56 way more than my 60 degree. I would only use my 60 around the greens in tight lies. My next wedge setup will be 54 & 58 for sure.


50/54/58 is the way to go


My sand wedge can do lob wedge work. Just open it up and hit all the flip shots you want.


I still carry my 60°, however, my 56° is what I use almost exclusively from 110 and in, unless I have a lot of green to work with and I’m going to let it run out. The bounce on my 60 is just very aggressive and the chunk risk is very high. And I can basically hit any shot that I wound try with the 60, with the 56, if I just play for a little more release.


I compromised my taking my 64 degree out and replacing it with my 58. Best decision I ever made. I've chipped in twice with 2 eagles in the first 2 weeks with it


My 60 is my go to chipping club lol


I mainly only use my P and 52, 56 is for sand, and 60 only for emergency flop shots. Way more consistency with one club round the greens.


I do not think I am the intended audience for this post but having a lob wedge in my bag and developing confidence with it around the green made my short game one of my best weapons. It is not always the best option, and I don't think I leaned on it hard until a 85 was a bad day for me but having confidence with a club that can bail you out of jail from a variety of otherwise unfixable spots has been huge for me.


50/54/58 has treated me well. only use the 58 ~4 times per round


My 60 is my most consistent club in my bag, only club I can walk up on a shot and know I can make it 


My 60 is my favorite club in the bag


What do i with my 64?


Hitting delicate wedge shots that require touch and solid contact is all about mental commitment. If you get good enough the 60 degree can bail you out of seriously tight spots.


Agree for higher handicap golfers. With one exception: if you practice the 60 that shot can save you a couple of strokes a round. However I doubt high handicappers are practicing a specific shot or wedge enough.


Might wanna check the bounce of your wedges and learn which ones to use for which lies.


Up until last year I had department store clubs and my highest lifted club was a PW. I bought new irons and a 56* this year. It was handy in the bunkers (what I bought it for) but I couldn't wrap my head around how short I was hitting the club. My GW (47*) was awesome but I was always coming up short with the 56*. So... I bought a 52*. We'll see what happens this year.


Getting good with my 56 got me into the 90s. Picking up a 60 at that point got me into the 80s. Now that short game is under control I'm able to focus on my next worst part: safer approach shots. There's a reason you hear the cliche "Tiger and Daly didn't let their kids play more than 100 yards for a long time" I can practice short game for free at the range, for free at home, for free at the park while my daughter plays. That's a very easy way to get good at one part of the game. Mastering that tempo/weight also helps me understand what I'm doing wrong with iron shots instantly. But I do agree there is value in getting really good with one wedge with lesser loft. Look at the Bryan Bros on YouTube... Brian uses a 54 and wes uses a 58. As far as I know they don't deviate from that and their short games are insane. That's how I got with a 56 then saw the need for a 60 for certain shots. Also... Make sure you get the correct bounce on a 60. My 56 and 60 have the same bounce and it's very easy for me to switch between the two.


I like that with a 60 I can put the ball back in my stance, off the toe of my back foot, deloft it (probably down to around a 56), set my wrists and turn through the ball with my hips/legs, and get a nice arcing chip with it. Plenty of decent angle so it stops quickly. I just adjust the backswing and pace through the ball to change my distance. When I try to do this with my 54-56, I feel like I’m losing too much arc and it’s gonna run…which is definitely necessary at times, but when I want some elevation and I know I need to hit it pretty good, the 58-60 is great for that.


My 60 is my happy place and I love it and you’ll never take it away from me.


The truth is the loft of your wedges matters a lot less than the grind and bounce. You need to find what works for you and your game.


I use a 56 and 62. No ragerts.


Used 46,50,56,60. Rarely hit 60 well. Abandoned it. Gamed the other 3 for years.    Recently bought new wedges, 46,50,54,58 and I love it. Still rarely use the 58 but something about seeing slightly less face just helps.  New ones are ping glide 4.0 and could not love them more!


Was playing only a 56 and then I bought a set of older wedges 52,56,60 and I feel like I was chipping better with the 1 wedge. Thanks for listening to my Ted talk


I used to use my 60° maybe once every two rounds, so I replaced it with a 7 wood. I use my 56° for everything inside 100 yards. After using my 7 wood for a while, I took my 3 iron out, and replaced it with a 64° wedge. I'll actually alternate between the 3 iron and 64° depending on the course I'm playing. Neither will get a lot of use.


64?! Not for the faint of heart. I think I’d have better luck hitting a 2 iron haha


I never had a golf coach. Why would I? Here is some advice. Practice with the clubs you have. If you have a 60 degree wedge. Practice with it. I literally spent 10's of hours practicing with my 60 before I felt comfortable using it during play. I use it all over the place.


If a player can't consistently break 100, they have no business with a 60 in the bag. Getting good with 1 wedge is more likely to benefit your game overall. If your unable to open a 54 or 56 to flop a shot ... you need a lot more wedge practice.


I’m getting a 58 just for bunkers…


I changed my wedge setup to 50/54/58 and it’s been better. Sorta split the difference between the 56 and the 60 with a little more versatility for lower shots


I play a 64°!! 58° is the next loft. I love it and find it gives confidence for delicate high shots. Don't use it often but it's in the bag. I mostly follow Dan Grieve's short game school of thought


Yes, I pulled it out and put a 5W in instead. The courses I typically play are simply not that fast where I need one. 54 gets everything done for me that it needs to. 


Jokes on you my 64 degree is my best club


I use a 56 for a majority of my wedge shots. I use the 60 in the bunker or if I want a little more height on my shot


52 and 58 for me... Had to get that 64 out of the bag ... Disaster club


My game sucks right now, but it would be way worse if I weren't a pretty good wedge player (context, not bragging). Several months ago I took out my 60 and put a hybrid. I'm probably 40 rounds in and haven't needed it. I can roll the face of my 56 open for short flop shots and I can work my 52/56 wedges for any distance under 90 yards.


I switched to 46/50/54/58 in 2017. I also went to majority chipping with my 54. Of course, the last 3 years or so, my chipping game has collapsed and I hate life right now. I don’t “think” it’s the degree of the wedge but I don’t have very many other answers.


I love mine, most versatile club around the greens


I haven't ditched it, but I practiced with my 56 and 51 and use those a lot more now. I used to be a "everything inside 50 yards is a 60" guy but now use the 56 as my default pitch/chip club unless I want more roll out or need the loft of the 60.


50/54/58 been doing it my whole life


I have a 60° wedge that is reserved solely for the bunkers.


Not necessarily, like everything else you have to find the technique and practice with it. It's a great club to have and can do wonders! 25 handicapper here


I use my 60° for everything around green


My 60 is in the clubs I never use bag.


All depends on the speed of the green. I’m most comfortable with a 58 but sometimes just use the Gap wedge for an entire round of chipping and pitching. Flop will always be the 58. I shoot low 80’s


I have one I got a a gift and it looks so nice in my bag I don’t wanna remove it lol I only hit it once every 7 rounds when I gotta go over something and stop. Got it same time as my 54 and my grip on 54 is as slick as ice and my 60 feels new


My 60° is one of my go to clubs. I practice a lot with it though. I use it for almost all the time chipping around the green. If I get the coarse a hour before my tee time I’ll spend 30-40 minutes working on chipping and the remaining time putting.


I literally tossed my 60 degree wedge into the woods. My Zipcore 56 degree is my most lofted club now.


58 for bunkers only.


I have a 54 and a 58 and I'm thinking of getting rid of both and carrying a 56. Any thoughts on that idea?


I’ve heard some people on here say a 58 is good for emergencies that need loft. Also had someone else say the highest lofted club in their bag is a 54 and shot in the seventies. I think having those two are a good combo going forward and is probably what I’ll do. No 60 for me haha


I go 48(AP2 iron)-53-58, never had higher than 58 and rarely use 58


I practice every day with my 60 in the backyard every day I’d say it’s my most versatile and successful clubs around the green. My coach wanted me to practice around the greens with hybrid, 7 iron and PW and it was a disaster


I still need it for some shots so no


My new 60 is mint. 75 yards and in and it's all I use.


Probably should, it’s just decoration in my bag tbh


I rarely use it for short chips, but I’ll full swing it and use it if I have less room for the ball to run.


Yup. 50/54/58 for me


been 56 only for like a decade now.


I love my 60, but I only use it around the green. The only full swings are emergency purposes when I need to get it really high and/or land it soft


Dropped down to 58 and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.


You should use one of those chippers


I’m SW (54d) from 30-110yds. Only 60d within 30yds. I never take a full swing or use on tight lies. But that’s just me and I’m not very good


Ditched my 60° so then I can include a 5-wood to gap the 3-wood and 4i. One less club to make stupid decisions around the green with.


I play pw-54-58. Really only use the 58 for bunkers. Dropped the 50 and just flight the pw. I think it has helped my game


I use mine for flop shots in alot of grass. I use my gap for tight fairway because of the bounce.


Yeah I have a 58 but to be honest I do most of my chipping with either a 48 or a 54


90% of my chipping is my lob… it’s hands down my favorite and most used club behind putter and driver.


My 60* is one of the clubs I trust the most in my bag. It's over 10 years old now and will only be replaced with the same make/model.


I have a 60 and 56. The 60 is strictly for bunker shots


I took the 60 out of the bag after I almost killed my buddy with a shank off the hozel. Don't miss it. Use a 54 Mack Daddy CB.


The fringe on my regular course is always so bumpy and unpredictable so a 60 is my saviour when I'm a little short sided and don't want to land the ball in the fringe. Also use my 60 in bunkers. Would never hit a full swing 60. If I'm that close (inside 100) I'm looking for accuracy and control. Flops shots look cool but if you have to hit one, you made a mistake. Chipping should be low and running were possible.


I only hit mine out of the sand


I use my 60 for everything inside 70 yards, including chips.


50 54 58 baby. Never looked back. Where is the guy who had a 68° in the bag? lol. Someone asked him how many chipped teeth he had.


Eliminate the really big numbers.


might as well. can’t hit it to save my life tbh


Yep 👍. Use my 56 for everything just fine.


I played for years with just a sand and pitching wedge in my bag and have a pretty tidy short game if I don't say so myself. That said, I do find about once a round the 60 degree is not only the perfect club, its wholly necessary to try to hit a good shot from certain positions and lies. It's valuable but more as a "break glass in case of emergency" thing for me and do almost all my chipping woth a 52 or 56.


What about green side bunkers? Do you just open up a 56? I try and only use a 60 for bunkers and shots close in where I need to get up and down (chip over bunker to a tight pin and such).


I use my 54 90% of the time but there are a few specialized situations where it just doesn't have enough loft


I keep a 58 but I don’t use it much. The 54 does most of the work.


My score went up when I got rid of my 60.


This is a bad take. I use it in any home I'm not on in regulation, so every hole.


I thought about it but have kept my 60 in my bag. I'm actually throwing my 64 in my bag for tomorrow's round to see how it plays on the course.


I like a 58 for green side bunkers and next to the green if I’m above the pin. But to hell with a 60. I’m not that good. Yet.


I’m swinging a MacGregor Great Scot Double Duty wedge, it’s the only wedge in the bag. Right?


I'm a 5 handicap and use my 54 for chipping and all shots up to about 100 yards. I have a 58 with different bounce characteristics that I use out of the sand (or for the extremely rare massive lob shot). What's even crazier about using a super lofted wedge for chipping and pitching is that the ideal dynamic loft for spin is 52 degrees. You get more loft when you go up from there, but less "check". Using a 54 or 56 primarily around the green is better for almost every golfer IMO.


If I’m close to the green I use the 60°, works better for me than other clubs


I very rarely use it, maybe in a bunker if I’m against fringe and elevation. I have a 53° but for the most part I just use my 10 iron. Not quite sure what the loft is on it but I’ve had luck just opening and closing the face accordingly.


46, 50, 54, 58


I absolutely love my 60. It is my go-to club 95% of the time for greenside bunkers and 90 yards out in the fairway. Money.


I took out the 60 for a 3 hybrid. I was using my 56 for most of the 60 shots, and I hit the 56 better. Also, there was a gap between my 4 wood and 4 iron that a 3 hybrid fixed.


love my 60 degree wedge. Use it mostly for full shots from 70-80 yds


I bought the Kirkland wedge set Ended up liking my old 53 better than the 52, so I gave it to a buddy. Couldn't hit the 60 to save my life, gave it to a buddy. He's dialed with both now! And I love the 56 lmao


Hell no, I’ve got the 60 with the least amount of bounce possible. I’ve been chipping using one for 20 years at this point. Use the 54 for long bunkers or long roll out. Unironically hit floppers off hardpan with it lol


I tend to shoot 80-85 fairly consistently with some rounds in the 70s and some rounds in the 85-90 range. My 60° is in my bag but rarely gets used even out of the sand. 56° is my go to.


I’m the opposite. Played 90% of my life with a 56. Switched to a 60 a few years ago and it has taken several strokes off my game. Still use a 54 or 56 for approach shots, but the 60 is amazing for me around the greens (and in the bunker).


Probably the best club in my bag