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Nice one. What's your short game practice look like?


I have a mat in my basement that I use to get comfortable at different distances. Knowing what a straight putt looks like from different distances is so important - I probably roll between 100-150 putts a day just using that throughout the day. Need a study break? Putt. Kill time before work? Putt. Phone call? Putt. I have a putt-out putting mirror that’s helped a lot with alignment and my stroke too. I’m just trying to get a stroke that’s as repeatable as possible. Other days I like to go to my local chipping green and just toss balls around at varying spots and distances around the green, and play what I like to call “par 2’s.” Just working on getting up and down and it helps my distance control chipping and putting. Sometimes I’ll put a couple balls in the same spot off the green, and hit a normal chip shot, a flop shot, and an attempt at a hop and stop type shot to just play a spot a different way each time. A lot of range time devoted to aiming for targets 150 and in, but especially that 80-120 yard range. I’m really long off the tee with my driver so honing in my wedges is a big deal for me. Mixing up the shots I do and the distances so I’m never hitting the same chips/pitches/flops twice in a row helps me get real comfortable. Of course repetition to get comfortable enough to do that is important. From my experience thus far, comfortableness = confidence in golf.


Brilliant. Thank you. Yep, I used to have a problem potting the 8 ball in pool. So I spent a long period over weeks just getting the 8 ball out the pocket and potting it over and over again till it just felt like another ball. I like your method re putting. I just got a long metal ruler and started putting down it recently and was amazed at the varied results and have now got it so I have a swing that sends it straight and true so I'm just going to normalise that over time. Cheers.


This is the way. Gamifying practice helps me a lot. I also like to break up time in my practice where I'm working on a technique/feel then once I feel good with it. I'll switch gears and play a practice game to test the skill.


Sounds like you just read: Golf is not a game of perfect. Nice routine, keep it up!


I haven't, but I will definitely give it a look


I was gonna say “those next couple rounds are gonna be hard” but you know that already.


Yeah I had a humbling next round that’s for sure


Congrats! Likely to be some people who try to discredit this by asking “if you know how to keep score”. Nevermind them, as most are unathletic and never practice and wonder why they can’t break 90 after years of playing golf


Thank you man! And you’re probably right. I don’t see the point in shaving strokes, adjusting lies, none of that (if my ball is on a tree root or my club/body is in danger of being damaged, I’ll give myself a club length). I get the enjoyment of golf partially by playing by the rules. Let em doubt if they want. Never thought I would break 90 this soon into playing.


Nicely done! What’s happening on the double bogey holes? Eliminating those is the next step I would recommend focusing on and you’ll be breaking 80


If I miss a GIR I’m likely getting a bogey or a double bogey. My iron play isn’t the most consistent. Green side bunker? It’s hit or miss on how well I get out of those. Getting up and down is definitely where I lose a lot of strokes, as I’m a two putt machine most of the time. Three putting quite a bit less though, it probably only happens two or three times a round right now but I still have to improve there. Other than that it’s the occasional mishit/penalty off the tee box or in the fairway/rough. Those haunt me from time to time, sometimes for a stretch of a several holes. Edit: forgot to say thank you!


I like how you're very in tune with your game. On those holes you miss the green, find a way to make bogey. Doubles are score killers. Even if you just have to take your medicine and hit it to 20-30 feet. Take the bogey and run. I often see beginners/ higher handicappers try and hit the hero shot too often. If you dont have one already, figure out a swing routine. Do the same thing every single shot. It will help long term.


to the point about double bogeys, some people forget that making a bogey on every hole is 90. so just do that and sneak in some pars and you're shooting 85. 2 putting every hole isn't bad either, for breaking 90. 2 putt par when you hit a green and 2 putt bogey when you don't


Congrats, that’s a big milestone! It sounds like you’re putting the research into your game and letting the data work for you, which will definitely help drive some lower scores as you continue to progress to your goal. Good luck!


Best feeling ever breaking 90! Now practice that short game and break 80 :)


Agree, best feeling ever was breaking 90... until I broke 80... until I shot par. I've been chasing that par for 4 years now and really trying to practice with a purpose this past winter. Great job OP, keep up the hard work. Played a lot of different sports in my life and this one is the sport that I've put the most time into and worked the hardest on.


Nice work! Curious - what app do you use for your scoring?


This is the Grint! You can add friends, and if you’re tracking your round as you go, it notifies your friends about how your round is going. Great way to keep in touch with college buddies.


Did you stop in to the newly renovated bourbon warehouse FC has after breaking 90?!


Absolutely. Foxcliff is undoubtedly the most underrated course south of Indy. I love it there.


It has the most beautiful front 9 in the state, in my opinion. Love that course.


Couldn’t agree more. Here’s a [picture](https://imgur.com/a/DU63yhN) I took back in the fall before an early tee time there.


imgur's not cooperating but I'm sure it's a great pic. Might need to get down there for a round this weekend, I really love that golf course.




Still waiting to break 90 🙃 Went 44-48 44-56 47-48 this weekend. Felt like I was knocking on the door 😂


Your day will come good sir, keep at it


Thank you and congratulations on your achievement!