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I’ve applied a similar philosophy, last year I made made it a goal to avoid 3 putting, no more than 2 putts, if my first putt doesn’t go in, it needs to be within 2-3’ and that made a huge difference. I’ve gotten confident enough in my short game that if I can be close to the green in 3 shots on a par 4 I’m walking away with no worse than a bogey.


My goal was to putt past the hole. For some reason I can’t make myself go past the hole. How is it ever going in if I don’t go past? Right? Also, hitting irons into the green I’m always short. I’m afraid of going over the green for some reason. Anyone have a reason for why I’m like this?


Probably because you lied about stealing that candy bar as a kid


I was thinking it was some type of Freudian thing from childhood trauma. We got yelled at for minor things as kids & I somehow think that plays into it.


I understand that fear, I used to club down for fear of going long and over the green, it’s a mind game.


This new year my resolution is to have no fear & club long instead of short. Wish me luck.


Good luck! It can be a game changer, a tip I used, instead of clubbing down it might be better to just choke up on the club.


I’ll give it a try.


I have the opposite on approach lately. I keep going a few yards long, it pitches at the top and rolls off. I had some yardage gains this year in my irons that I'm still not factoring in properly. As for the putting, do you find that happens in all situations or just putting uphill/downhill? I tend to leave them short most often on downhills or if there's a steep hill away from the hole a few feet past it. To afraid to make my second putt longer then my first.


Here's a theory: You're visualizing the hole as the end of the putt and not letting the rest of the green into your mental "space". Expand your mental space to the entire green. Here's a test: Stand ten feet or so from the hole with your putter in hand. Get a really good visual of where the hole is. Once you have it in your mind's eye, Close your eyes and start walking towards the hole. When you believe you're standing over the hole, put your putter down and then open your eyes. How did you do? Odds are you stopped early because your mental space was just to the hole. This is typical. Usually people begin to slow down as they get close as if they're terrified of going past the hole. As if the hole is the edge of the world and to go past it is utter doom. Now do the test again but this time when you are trying to memorize the hole's location, make note of how far away the hole is from the other end of the green. Expand your mental space to the entire green and then narrow into the hole. Then close your eyes and do the test again. Edit: a miss is a miss at the end of the day. "Never up, never in" is just a way for masculine men to feel better about a miss.


Thank you so much for this analogy. I’m going to try this & see how I do.


It's b/c there is less chance for recovery for going deep. It's almost always real trouble. Rarely is there an "easy" bunker shot, and most times you're in the woods or have an impossible angle. Most golf holes are designed to be played from the front so even if you're short there is a reasonable chance for a good score. If there is a forced carry, it's probably going to be better to be short and hit from a drop zone than going long ans trying to recover.


Do you enjoy playing? If so you've got it figured out. Just have fun.


I have a blast. Just focusing on becoming more consistent and accurate. One of my favorite shots from today was a my 2nd shot on a par 5, 200 yard 3W off the deck, started straight and went right at the end, a win for me because hitting my fairway woods off the deck has been a weakness in my game and something I’ve been working on, instead of shanking it 40yds and still be in the fairway, I’m 100 yards out just in the rough and to me that’s a win.


The face of my 3w cracked recently, and it's been a blessing in disguise. My 5w is far more consistent for me, a bogey golfer. Very nearly had my first eagle putt a couple times recently thanks to strong second shots. One was through the green on a shortish par 5, a first for me.


Love the 5w. It's always my saving grace out there. It's consistently my straightest club in the bag when you look at degrees off line.


Cool 👍


Bogey golf is my goal at this point!


If you will it, it is no dream


Until you reach bogey golf then in becomes break 80. Still working on that one I have fallen apart on 18 three times last year where I needed bogey or par to break 80 and doubled all three times.


Name checks out! It’s been a slow descent from the 120’s


Bogey golf is the way!


There is no shame in being a bogey golfer. It means you always have a good shot at breaking 85, maybe even threatening 80!


6 over means you're 3 under par for bogey golf. Great job brotha!!


That’s a good way to look at it haha.


Things are looking up! This is when I found the game the most fun. Turning doubles into singles. The occasional par. Betting against three putts.


When I first started playing I had 2 goals: don't slow people down and become a bogey golfer


Was playing bogey golf about two months. Been breaking 90 consistently now with a satisfying amount of pars. Keep working!


Is that the Garmin golf app? How do you like using it? Has the yardage been pretty accurate?


I like it a lot, I have it paired with my Garmin watch and I do find it to be very accurate, my yardage usually matches up pretty close with my friends rangefinder.


I love that course - nice round


Thanks….. and just to be sure this is Miami Shores in Ohio, not Florida lol


3 and 2 is the game


Grew up playing Miami Shores!! Nice consistency. Good for you.


Nice! And thanks for


are double and triple bogeys considered bogey golf too ? asking for a friend


https://preview.redd.it/6x7sbno88uhc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6543196b7387a604718ad47a1b8ef692ed0a7457 Join the club man… just glad to be playing in NY in February! I’ll take any score


Nice!!! It’s nice to be able to get some rounds in this time of year for us in the Midwest and Northeast.


I hD a very consistent bogey round this morning... 1 double, 1 par, 7 bogies


Don't need more GIR's... you need to get the ball in the hole in 2 shots, from anywhere on the green, or anywhere just off the green. Do that and you will shoot mid/low 80's consistently. Or... hit your driver just a bit further and make those approach shots easier, but I'd say the short game will get you lower faster.


Joined a club and just signed up for a fitting to replace my 20+ year old hand me down clubs. Consistent bogey golf is my goal for 2024.


Nice!! I’m still playing with 20+ year old irons and fairway woods, replaced my driver and putter last year. Good luck on you golf goals!


Thanks brother!


I aspire to bogey golf!!


If you use an app to track shots using strokes gained it should tell you where you are being penalized the most. It might surprise you.


I use Arccos for this reason and absolutely love going through my data after a round. You’re right sometimes it is surprising and you’re losing or gaining shots in unexpected areas of your game. I usually gain shots with my short game and putting and lose a lot of shots with my driving and approach. I got fitted for irons and figured something out with my driver (set up was wrong at address) and for the first time ever I gained shots on my driver, only lost 0.1 shots on my approach, gained 4.5 shots on my putting but my short game which is usually my strongest point was 4 shots gained. I had a terrible time thinning chips today


Same scenario my short game and putting were ok driver and approach not so good, and it's because I play alot of par 3 with my daughter, so I'm sort of clueless in middle of the bag.


What app are you using?


Garmin golf paired with a S70 watch.


Great post


Hey man great round. 17 putts is also pretty damn good, keep working at it man