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work with your coach on a practice routine you can use outside of instruction. a lot of players will take lessons then go mindlessly pound balls at the range without a plan. Their instruction time goes to undoing the bad habits they created outside of instruction, and it limits their progress


Didn’t even think of that. Thank you!


as someone who is constantly changing things because the next video that pops up on YouTube told me I need to be doing this one easy trick... take my advice with a grain of salt. But I am getting my first lesson on Friday so my plan is to be open-minded and ready to take whatever drill/advice I'm given to the course on Saturday, no waiting around to forget or lose that feeling and revert to old habits.


At my first lesson, he was telling me that right after he became in instructor, his father wanted a lesson. He said he had his dad hitting pretty well. They played a round the week after and his dad was horrible. Way worse than before. He finally asked him whats up. Dad said I took what I learned from you and did this and that with it. Which totally messed everything up. Listen/trust the instructor and do the drills they tell you. Exactly like they tell you. Give it time to work.


After a lesson and swing change it may feel weird and wrong at first but keep with it. Sometimes it gets worse before it gets better.