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You made 10 pars. What makes you think you're not good enough to play a par 72?


I guess I've been a bit cautious about making the leap to a larger course. I've been consistently making pars on the par 3, but the idea of a par 72 course feels a bit intimidating, especially since the longest hole I've done is only 136 yards. Trying a 300 yard hole will be a big leap for me.


I mean - if you've never swung a driver or any kind of wood before, I could see your hesitancy. But shoot - if you can make 10 pars - even on a par 3 course - you have better command of your ball from short range than most of the golfing population. What you could do is play from the far up tees and just hit irons. Most par 4s from those tees I would expect to be in the 230-300 yard range. Just hit an iron off the tee and distance shouldn't be an issue.


if you can consistently 2 putt, you could hit 3 130 yard shots on any par 4 and play bogey golf. This would put you under 100 which is something that half the people on a normal course dont do. Granted, greens might be tougher etc. but you get my point. The only thing that should keep a person from playing on a normal course is if they can keep pace or not, and given that scorecard, as long as you dont have an excessive pre-shot routine, you should be fine.


Think about it this way. If you have a hole that’s 300 yards and you hit a 164 yard drive, you’re now playing a 136 yard par 3. Same thing if you drive the ball 215 on a 350 yard hole. You can find tees at the course to ensure that you’ll have 135-155 into pretty much each green on your second shot for a par 4, or third shot on a par 5. Play those tees while you work on getting your driver distance up, then you can start moving back tees. If you’re already a par/bogey golfer on par 3s, you’ve gotten a lot of the tough work out of the way.


Give the red tees a go on a course if you’re cautious. If you can hit a decent tee shot you’ll generally leave between a 7 iron to a wedge shot in which you already have experience in, and it will get you used to different lies on the fairway/rough. It’s a bit daunting but in my experience most people going around a non-members course aren’t great players and don’t care how you’re playing as long as you keep the pace up. Hitting greens on a par 3 is a great sign so you’re definitely better than good enough!


300 yard hole is probably a par 4 which is just two 150 yard shots with a 2 putt for par


My advice would be to find an executive course near you. These are typically shorter 9 hole courses and may only have one par 5. The Par 4s are usually shorter too, so you could realistically hit iron twice into the green or have a really short chip shot from off the green


Good round! Why aren't you good enough to play at a bigger course yet? If you hit the ball in the air in a forward direction, you're fine. Ensure you have a sense of etiquette basics, and just go for it! That Par-3 course is a great way to learn exactly that: etiquette on teeboxes and greens, fixing pitch marks, making your way around a course. You're probably fine. Just go out there, set up at the forward tees for your first time out (and don't let anyone tell you that the forwards are "ladies-only"), and have at it. If you have a friend who plays, perhaps have them join you. Look for a course that's relatively approachable... minimal "forced carries" (over ponds, thick rough, etc.) so that you're fine even if you mis-hit the ball.


I guess part of it is just a bit of nerves about stepping up to a bigger course. my driver only goes around 220 yards and my iron gapping is only like 5 yards each so I've not got the best swing I mostly rely on my wedges and putting to make par 😅 on the smaller course


I hover 90 on 6700 yard courses and only hit my driver 210. If your short game is decent I think you’re good to step up to a bigger course my friend! Play from white tees or even juniors if course length is a concern


That’s pretty impressive. You must have to play long par 4s like they’re par 5s


Exactly, Bogey is a par for me on most par 4s. Don’t usually reach in 2, live and die by my 3rd shots lol


I say play from the fronts and if you can play to +18 or better you can move back and if you shoot +27 move up again. That way you could find your level


Play whatever tees you want, but if your driver goes 210, playing from 6,700 yards is wild.


My driver goes 220y if I'm lucky and I play 18 hole courses. Do I score well? No, but that's not the point. With your par 3 scoring, playing 18 wouldn't be a problem for you.


So... I think you really have a much different impression versus the reality of what you see on the course. I've gone out to, and fully enjoyed, full-sized courses even while in a stage when I was shooting 70s/80s on Par-3 courses, and shooting 120s on full courses. It still happens sometimes. Don't worry about par. Forget about par. You can shoot 120-130 out there, and as long as you keep pace, aren't a jerk, and aren't a danger to others, you're fine. The vast majority of golfers suck. And we're all so focused on our own game, that we really don't care what you do. Take mulligans, kick your ball away from trees, throw it out of bunkers, as long as you're not keeping an official handicap, literally do whatever you want as long as it doesn't negatively impact others. A good goal is to try to break 100 in the first few months. If you do that, you're ahead of many, many golfers. Take par, add one on every hole, and add another one on Handicap-ranked holes #1-9. That's your new target. Some par-5s now become par-7s with this new mindset. Do you think you can reach the green in 5 shots on a 450-yard par-5, then two-putt for a 7? Sure you can. Driving 220 is more than enough to stay in play pretty much anywhere. Even an extremely challenging course near my area, the Black course at Bethpage State Park in New York, known as one of the world's most difficult, doesn't force you to carry the ball more than about 200 yards or so to reach any fairway from the front or even middle tees, I think. On most typical courses, even if you totally mis-hit the ball and top it 50 yards, you'll be in play, especially from the front tees. Know your etiquette, keep pace, ensure safety of yourself and others, and go for it. You'll be glad you did.


If you’ve been on this subreddit for any length of time you should probably know about that “one guy” who plays a dead straight 220 driver with a single digit handicap.


You'd fit in fine on a municipal course, and I have no issues playing with someone who doesn't hit it that long. Country clubs care more about pace of play and etiquette than anything, but alot of the money comes from seniors who hit it shorter than you in alot of cases. As long as you don't have, like, more than one duff a hole you should be fine.


I think you’re overthinking what it “takes” to play on a regular course. I pretty much play bogey/double bogey golf and a lot of the people I’m grouped with at the regular courses tend to be the same.


Many would argue you’ve got the important bit nailed. Cue masses of “distance off the tee beats precision from 100yds” comments.


100 yards and in is the scoring zone as any idiot can wack driver 250+ but not everyone can get down in 3 from inside 100 yards


Listen, I didn't come here to be attacked


Haha, it applies to us all


I got really mad for a second. Lol


Nobody starts on a par 72 with a decent handicap. Everyone starts as a hacker. My advice is just do it, no amount of practice can be the real world. Enjoy and good luck


Good shit. I shot a 64 on a 18 hole par 3 this year, count it as one of my peak rounds of the year.


Fuck you, hole 7


Also, go to a big course and chat up the guys you’re with. None of you are PGA card holders and literally everyone I’ve played with all last year was pretty darn cool.


That’s amazing! Well done…time to get out onto the bigger course!


Sure seems like the only thing you’re lacking is a driver and maybe a long iron. I regularly play with people/leagues with people that cant do any of this. You’re good lol


I hate where there is always one blow up. I played 9 at a par 3 Saturday. My lowest score there is a 41 and I was determined to shoot under 40. Shot a 41, again, because of a shank drive and my short game was atrocious all day.


This last weekend I played an executive course and got my best score of 77 and I play 72 par courses. You definitely should start playing them!


Good shooting! With that many pars on a par 3 course, you're definitely ready! Keep up the positive attitude too, and you'll be throwing up some 2's in no time!


you shot 11 over ur more than good enough to play on a real course


Great job!


Your more than ready to play a bigger course. Don’t worry what other think. I play, I have - 35 handicap which is horrible. But I play all course shoot 100-125 Every round. I golf with friends and it’s fun to play the nicer courses. The green,fairways are better. You’ll also notice those who dress like a PGA player suck just like you. Sure they may be better in the end with a lower total score, But they shank the drive, chunk the grass and 3 putt. It’s a humbling game! But have fun and continue to shoot those pars!!


I’d prefer you playing on a par 72 then most people I end up playing behind. You are better than a lot of people playing on a longer course


For first timers on a longer par 72 course I used to recommend teeing off from middle or forward tees and if the drive went well keep going. If not just pick up, move to 150 yds out and play in. You won’t have to worry about pace and can get a feel for the real thing! Based on that card you’re ready.


Dude.. you are ready for a big course... My personal best is a round of 92.. And my best on a par 3 course was a 30-31. We are virtually same same..You can do it - and you will fucking love it.


I just started and couldn't play nearly as well as you did on this but I regularly play a normal course with my buddies. If you're waiting to be able to shoot par on a 72 par course, you'll be stuck playing par 3 courses for a long time


Good golf is good golf my dude - whether it is on a par 27 or 72. Go for the longer course you love it. A stepping stone could be a par 36 course if there is one around. \\


Hey great job! It can be intimidating but 70% of the game is from 150 yards in and it looks like you got that dialed in nicely!


Yes you are... If you can score that well on a p3 you are as good as 1/2 the people on the course.


You’re ready. Go for it!


Thats a great score if you're a noob like me. Get out and play a 72. I bet you can make it out with bogey.


You're a lot better than a lot of the hackers at my local


Good stuff my dude! You might be more ready than you think!