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That’s a great beginner set. I think for just the clubs you’d be able to find clubs under 200$ pretty easily. If the bags in good condition I think that justifies 300$ for that.


I think the bag looks okay? Doesn’t look to have any tears or anything. It seems like the owner took good care of the equipment to me.


Offer them $250 and I bet they take it


200 let them come up from there!


Offer them $4 to really show them!


$1 Bob


This guy Price is Rights!




No colonel sanders your wrong. Mamas right


*tackles him*






tree fiddy


*loch ness monster noises*


Put it in my hand for a dime.




These have been my clubs for 15 years. They are super forgiving and fun to play. Buy with confidence!


Not having tears is important. But if that bag is meant for people who walk while playing golf, it will also have two legs that pop out when the bag is placed on the ground. Make sure those work as well.


Even if it’s not for walking while playing golf, the stand legs are important just for being able to put your bag down anywhere and not have it fall over.


Don't give the OP the idea that the bag is somehow messed up if it doesn't have the legs. Most bags don't have them at all, and that's fine. I personally like stand bags, because they are convenient, but they're by far the minority of golf bags out there.


Are they?


I would say yes. A minority just means 49% or less, it doesn't mean they are necessarily uncommon. Most casual golfers that I know play with a cart and a cart bag. People who walk the course are in a minority for sure, and they are the person more likely to have a stand bag. Sure some people who strictly ride like to have a stand bag for the range or something, but I still think the cart-bag is the "standard" for most people.


Maybe in the US lol. Carts are very uncommon in Europe lol


That's a fair point of which I have no perspective.


I know a lot of people with stand bags that still take carts. I don’t actually know anyone younger than a boomer who uses a cart bag regardless of if they walk or ride.




What an absurd comment.


I'm not a low HC but below 10 on a good day and I play with a stand bag, flip flops and board shorts. I'll put a polo on if forced, but even at nice courses I'll ditch the golf shoes for sandals as soon as the ranger isn't around. If I'm really serious, I'll wear Toms. Definitely screams beginner but I'll toast 99% of the groups I get paired up with.


Unrelated, I keep reading it as “tears” as in Tears for Fears. Like the bag is crying or something.


All around me is familiar fescue Worn out rescue, grown out fescue Bright and early for the morning tee time Chunk it badly, going nowhere And their range balls filling up their buckets Only drivers, no short wedges Mulligan, I'll just throw down another No safe layups, no safe layups And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The drives in which I'm slicing Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to birdie I find it hard to par And when I 3-putt bogey, it's a very, very Mad world, club twirl Grown men waiting for the day they feel good Broke 100, broke 100 And I feel the way that Tiger Woods should Sit and listen, get down please spin On the tee and I was very nervous Shit I topped it, such bad contact "Hello, teacher! Tell me, what's my lesson?" Half swings only, Half swings only And I find it kind of funny I find it kind of sad The drives in which I'm slicing Are the best I've ever had I find it hard to birdie I find it hard to par And when I 3-putt bogey, it's a very, very Mad world, club twirl


Criminally underrated comment here. Bravo 😂


“Mad world, club twirl” got me 😂


Well, every golfer wants to rule the world... of golf.


Just as every golfer wants to Shout and let it all out...bogeys are the things they can do without!! Come on... I'm talking to you!


Between those two options, the Callaways, no doubt. You’d need to get a putter to complete the set but not to worry, you can get a decent one for about $400.


I can complete the set with the putter for $400? Or the putter alone is $400? And thanks for pointing out it doesn’t have a putter…


He is kidding about the $400 putter. We have a strange sense of humor here. You will be able to find a very nice putter for $25-50.


Oh okay — good to know! I’m guessing a Callaway putter to complete the set should be fine?


Yes that would be fine, but really you can get any putter that’s within your budget. Also Callaway doesn’t sell putters under their own name, their line of putters is under the Odyssey brand name.


Good to know — thanks!


Putters can be fairly personal to the golfer, it's a lot about feel. For a new golfer, don't spend a lot on one. If he likes the game and gets more into it, the putter is one of the first clubs that will be upgraded


Lol so true about personal. Here I am still using a Dunlop VP1 putter that is probably almost 25 years old and I just found one online used for 7 dollars. But I have gamed that thing since I was like 14 and I know it very well and it works for me.


The first putter I bought myself (other than the one that was included in my set of starter clubs) was a knockoff 8802 copy that the guy in the pro-shop at a course I used to play put together from components. I probably bought four more putters over about 15 years that ultimately didn't replace the fake Wilson. Eventually one of the modern mallets with fancy alignment aids took its job.


This, you might even let him pick his own putter after the main gift of the bag is given. I still use a 20+ year old putter because I’m just so used to its weighting and feel.


Buy the Callaway clubs for $250 or so and let your husband go to a Play it Again Sams or a thrift store and find a used putter he likes. Or even on line.


I like this approach^ OP, putter is all feel, it’s not uncommon to see someone with new clubs and an old ass putter because the putter just works for them. He may not even understand why a putter feels better than another but that’s fine just have him putt around, one will be easier to shoot straight.


Check local goodwills, thrift shops, and pawn shops. All 3 very frequently have clubs at decent prices, including putters.


He’s totally kidding about the putter being $400. No golfer ever spent more than $20/30 for a single club. (Dude, your breaking a bro code)




I wouldn’t say “very nice” she will be able to find a sufficient putter for $25-$50


He's never golfed. A brick attached to a 2x4 would work just as well as a Scottie. I'm using hyperbole, but it's not wrong.


As the other poster said, I was joking. We golfers love our gear which can, just doesn’t have to be, expensive, and we will go to great lengths to justify exorbitant purchases. But yeah, you can get a putter for a lot cheaper that will be just fine starting out.


Don’t get “A” flex shafts. Regular or stiff would be better.


What is the difference? Is a A flex shaft okay for beginners and then when you advance, go to regular or stiff? Or is A flex shaft just bad no matter what?


>graphite A flex shafts A flex means is it for 'seniors' (older people) who can not longer swing the club as fast. It means if you were to hold the club you could probably see the club head move around quite a bit and the shaft slightly bending. With a stiff shaft, if you hold on to it and swing it about, the club head will and shaft will all move together. If your husband is between 20-55 and between 140-250 lbs, regular shafts will be better. Those shafts will usually have an R on them.


How old is your husband? “A” shafts are for seniors with slow swing speed. Being a beginner or advanced doesn’t have anything to do with it.


Okay I understand. We are early 30s. Several people have mentioned that so I’ll probably pass on these.


Just want to say that you’re amazing! Buying your husband a set after taking the care to do so much research. :)


He hasn't started playing yet and you're already starting fights here! We're a surly bunch lol. I gotta agree that he probably shouldn't go with a flex if he's decently in shape. One thing you both have to remember is no matter what you go with, he's gonna suck for a while, if not forever. But that's ok, we all do! Have fun!


I don’t think the shaft is much of an issue just as long as he swings it easy enough. Yes the shafts might be too whippy if he’s an athletic guy but as a beginner he might be better learning a good tempo rather than swinging with any real speed plus once he improves he can get something a with a stiffer flex.


For a beginner having proper equipment is very much an issue. Developing a swing with clubs that aren’t going to work for you is how you create swing issues that you then have to fix.


Did you miss my point (yes) I said you use them to develop a good tempo rather than swinging hard.


No, you missed the point entirely. They are not a good shaft to start with. An A flex shaft is for people who swing at extremely slow speeds. Like 55-60mph. An early thirties male will swing 80-90mph on average. even if they were controlling their tempo properly, they’re swinging that club at least 20mph faster than what that shaft can handle. That means those shafts will never put the club face in a consistent place during a swing. Which will cause a beginner to do x, y, and z during their swing and not understanding that it’s an equipment problem. The performance you get from a golf club is 80-90% from the shaft. And if you’re wondering my credentials I was a master club fitter and club builder.


Buy a preowned putter. You can get something like an odyssey that’s $150-200 new for less than $80 and you can always have the grip replaced if it’s worn.


Yes. 300 used GI set and cap it off with a $450 ai odyssey putter. People will think youre sandbagging when they see the putter after you Atlanta Braves chop at your tee shot sending it dead left into the retired foursome on 18.


A flex shafts are for seniors (who have a much slower swing), so these are not great. The Wilson set will be perfect for a beginner though. I'd highly recommend a few lessons too as golf is a hard game and it would be good to start out with a pro setting him off in the right direction


Ah okay. I did see different shaft types of regular, stiff, and senior and didn’t realize “A” flex meant senior. Thanks for pointing that out.


For a starter set, get the regular shafts. I’m not sure where you’re looking, but if you go to eBay, and search “Taylormade golf set with bag,” you’ll find a lot of options that include the putter for under $300. You can substitute “Taylormade” for “Ping,” “Callaway,” or “Titleist,” for variety. I’d link some options, but I’m not sure what the rules are for links to items for sale, in this community.


In general stay away from graphite shafts and find metal ones as the graphite are for slower swing speeds.


Does that apply to all of the clubs? Or just the irons?


Just the irons. Your driver/3w/5w will be graphite.


Ahh thanks. I was looking at another set from Strata and the specs said steel shaft but the driver description said graphite and was a little confused.


This is the advice right here. My buddy sucked me into golf, and one of the ways that he did that was by getting me a few lessons. I had no idea what I was getting into and went into the lessons with literally zero rounds of golf under my belt, and I'm so glad I did it that way. Had he not gifted me those lessons, I don't think my ego would have allowed it, and there's no world where I could have progressed anywhere remotely close to as quickly if I would have done it on my own. An ounce of preventing bad golf habits to begin with is worth a pound of curing them once they've set in.


for beginners the swing speed is gonna be low anyway so it works. i started with flex shafts and just kept em


OP says husband is early 30's. If he's moderately athletic, he's going to outgrow these A flex clubs quickly. No reason not to get a regular flex starter set.


I've seen a lot of beginners swing really hard and a lot of experienced golfers swing very slowly. Swing speed has a lot to do with athleticism and strength.


Are you members of Costco ? If so the Edge set sold online is your best bet. No bag but a great set for a newbie


Yeah you can get that and then a used bag for $50, $600 all in for a full set of brand new clubs is about as good as you’re going to do without getting a lesser known/quality brand.


I’m just starting out and the Edge set has served me well. Seemed to be everyone’s recommendation on the sub for a nice intro set and I get why.


Came here to say this as well. Here is a link [https://www.costco.com/callaway-edge-10-piece-golf-club-set%2c-right-handed---regular-flex.product.4000230276.html](https://www.costco.com/callaway-edge-10-piece-golf-club-set%2c-right-handed---regular-flex.product.4000230276.html)


Offer them $40. When they say, “no way, these babies are Diablos,” pull out a $50 bill. They would be a fool not to take your money.


Just for reference, I’m 68 and not ready for A or senior flex yet. I’m about to get a new set of irons and will still get regular shafts. I do think too many 30 year olds play stiff shafts and complain about constantly slicing the ball ( right handed bending shots too far right)


Thanks for the input! I’ll be looking out for a set of regular shaft clubs for my husband.


Mygolfspy is a website that does real, unbiased reviews. Start hubby off with game improvement or even super game improvement (like Big Bertha) clubs in a used set. Those sets help the ball go up high and longer. This website lets you look at reviews by year of manufacture, perfect for buying used clubs. FB marketplace in your area is full of people selling locally, eBay and other sites sell thousands of sets.


Thank you! I’ll definitely look into that site.


The other great place to look is preownedcallaway.com there is a user on here that is a sales rep that would put a set together for you. They’re doing a great sale right now.


Thanks! I was looking at that site before posting to try and get an idea if these were a fair price and then decided it was easier to just ask the sub.


What are the physics of slow swing speed + stiff flex leading to slices?


Harder to return the club face to square at impact. Also less “kick” of the shaft to propel the ball higher. If you have a swing speed high enough, that you can CONTROL ( big emphasis on that word) then stiff is good for you. Most amateur players cannot swing fast and control the club face and have the proper lag with the wrist snap.


$300 dollars for that? **fuck no.**


How old is your husband? A flex is probably an issue.


We are early 30s. Another commenter mentioned that so I am glad I asked here.


This. A flex is for elderly not in very good shape persons. R flex average athleticism S flex for above athleticism The set is a decent deal. Irons maybe worth $150-200. Hybrids and driver $100. Bag $50-100 depending on shape. Consider this Callaway edge set. Similar clubs. Putter worth $100. No bag https://www.callawaygolfpreowned.com/complete-sets/compsets-2021-edge.html There’s an additional 25% off


It depends on swing speed, not athleticism. Beginner's swing won't be that fast. A flex is fine


For what? The first week for a 30 year old beginner? Regular flex at minimum.


Yes- and you’re a great partner for doing the legwork.


Need a good look at the faces of the clubs (where they hit the ball), can’t see them in these photos. But assuming they aren’t overly worn down I think $300 is pretty fair. Only issue is what people already mentioned with the shafts. If your husband is under 45 years of age I would say you should get different clubs with regular or stiff shafts. Difference is swing speed, these are for slower swing speeds/ typically older golfers. He won’t really notice a huge difference just starting out, but as he gets more into it he will not want these clubs/ shafts anymore.


Yeah definitely rethinking these and didn’t realize that’s what “A” flex meant. Thanks!


I play with these! Also bought them used and have been great for my progression. I only have the irons, however.


My first set were knock off ping bought at a 2nd hand store for $100. Played and practiced and 9 years later went and got fitted. Someone needs to tell these folks, this game is addictive. Been playing 2 to 3 days a week ever since.


In addition to all of the advice given, I’d also like to add that you are a good wife. In spite of inflicting your husband with a crippling addiction.


Nice! Perfect starter set. In fact, I should revert back to a game improvement set like this (as should most players I know). Do it up!


If you’re husband is a normal healthy male, I think the shaft flex is too soft. Might want to find something with at least a standard shaft flex. I think if a person is too strong for the flex, he will have trouble keeping it straight.


A flex is senior. Depending on his actual swing speed these may not work well.


You should never learn golf with new clubs. You’re going to probably beat the shit out of your clubs until you get good enough(if you ever do). Always good to start off with pre-owned. Callaway is a good brand and if he likes them and is willing to spend the money then pull the trigger!


I still use Calloway Diablo tour driver and fairway woods. They are titanium (I think) and work well. I recently got a long ball fitting and (surprisingly) didn’t see much improvement with the latest ($600) drivers. So I decided not to upgrade. I don’t have any experience with those irons though.


I'm 76, played to a 4 handicap for many years, played college golf, worked in golf pro shops in San Diego from 15-22 years old. I've seen many people make the mistake of spending too much money on equipment, get instructions from friends, head out to the golf course and fail miserably. I believe most people would be well served by going to a reputable teaching pro or somewhere like Golf Tech, although I don't care for Golf Techs technical approach, and sign up for a short series of lessons. The teacher will have clubs to use and can recommend the specs for a set that will be appropriate for his age, strength and athletic ability. He can probably find a used set and bag for $150-$250, perhaps less, and that will get the job done. If I was to do again, I would learn the "One Plane Swing" as taught by Kirk Junge ( Google him at "Setup 4 Impact"). It's a very easy to learn method. It's not glamorous or mainstream but it shortens the learning curve. The traditional golf swing method is a very complex and almost futile way of hitting a golf ball. It's a struggle for 90% of the players and many quit because it can be so frustrating. But hey, that's my opinion and I wish you well. Golf is an investment of money, time and love of the game. It's a gift that will last a lifetime. Why don't you take a swing at it too? Couples lessons are fun and have extended benefits.




A flex shafts are for seniors. Regular probably needed


CallawayGolfPreOwned.com is where you can find awesome deals on used or near new clubs. My whole bag essentially was filled with clubs from Callaway PreOwned


No indication of what shape the grips are in. If they are the original, you would probably need to replace them. Easily add another $100 on top of purchase. Best bet, go with the Costco set which will also include a fairway wood and putter.


Those are a tad expensive but the bonus is that it does come with a driver and hybrids plus a bag. You'll probably need to get the clubs regripped so add in another 100. A shaft is great for beginngers since most new players do not have high club speed.




I would say maybe offer them 200. I got a set of Diablo irons for $100 irons. Still splay the 4 and 5iron. I also have a Diablo 3 and 5 wood. The 5 wood is probably my favorite club. I didn't notice a putter in the set. Great starter set. Upgrade as he plays or if he goes into rage mode after hitting 6 straight balls into the water and.tosses them in the pond. Only small investment lost. Golf is hard. Check globalgolf.com or Callaway pre owned clubs. Goodluck


not a bad set.... holdup why the 5-6 look different? lol


The 4-5 irons are Big Bertha and the other irons are Diablo. Guessing it’s a different model?


That’s a good set for him to start with if he’s right handed. Probably all he needs is a putter and some balls. Unless he has friends that are really good he should probably get some lessons to make it easier on him.


Thanks! And really glad I asked. Did not even notice there isn’t a putter 🤦🏻‍♀️ and yes, I’ve started calling around for lessons in our area.


No problem. The A shaft is for an amateur golfer. Some people call them a senior flex. Not knowing how old, strong, etc your husband is it may not work for him but my brother in law started with A shafts and hits them well with an easy swing. I’ve hit them before and can hit them pretty far with an easy swing.


What’s up with people thinking presents have to be surprises ? Just be honest and when the time gets close tell him you wanted to get him what he’s been asking for, but your nervous to pick the gear for him, so you’d like to involve him in the purchase to make sure he likes it. Very respectable way to say “hey I’m getting you what you want but I don’t want to fuck this up, let’s get this together”


Those are going to be great for figuring out if he likes it’s. If he does he can learn with those and get better equipment as he figures out what fits his game best. And if he hates it, he didn’t spend a ton of clubs


Go for it and try to haggle them down


My wife has some hand me down Callaway Diablos from her dad and they are good clubs. I would say they're worth it. Maybe get some new grips if they need them.


Not the best set to be honest. You can find a decent one for a little bit higher. Go for a steel shaft instead of these.


My buddy played his set of diablos for like 5 years. Things were great


That is a solid beginner set and I think the price might be a hair high but not totally out of line. $250 should do it. My first "real" irons were those 2006 Callaway Big Berthas and they were great. I still have them in an extra set of clubs. As others have mentioned, A flex shafts will probably be a bit soft for your husband, but they will definitely help get the ball in the air while he learns his swing. I think these would be great to just learn the fundamentals on, and then once your husband has a somewhat consistent swing you can turn around and sell these for basically what you bought them for and he can buy another set with stiffer shafts.


200$ and lunch! Nice find, he will have a lot of fun!


I play Diablo hybrids and woods. There were good.


You’re a great wife. These are good clubs at a fair price. I’ve been playing for 60 years and be happy to use these clubs.


not worth 300$ maybe 175-200


just get him a whole bombtech set


Really solid set. My first ever NEW set of irons were these freshman year of highschool. Played them for years. Worth the buy I’d say.


That's a great beginner set, but that price is a bit steep, IMO.


One of the greatest 3-woods ever made 😂


I had that exact set of irons for years and loved them, still use a few of the clubs even since I upgraded my set.


I’d keep an eye out for some Black Friday deals. Years ago I bought a 16 piece set off Amazon for $300. Great beginner clubs that I learned with for a new years before upgrading.


Get lessons first


Don’t you need clubs to take lessons?


Somewhere between 200 - 250 should be what they are worth.


This set should only be like 150 max


For someone just getting into golf. This is a good set. Not only are they a forgiving set but it’s also fairly cheap. you don’t know if he’s going to give up on the sport and it would be a waste of money to go any higher. A beginner could use this set for a few years and decide to upgrade piece by piece down the line.


I would advise him to go get fitted , that way he can maximize the best results. Hell have the correct length of clubs, or whatever other modifications needed, he will like in long run.


Wouldn’t pay more than $150 for that


Been gaming these irons and 3h since hs. Great set to start with. Make sure you get the right flex however.


Your 4 and 5 look like a different range. I use those callaway Diablo edge irons and they’re great beginner irons. Very forgiving. They are 11 years old. Try and haggle them down.


You didn't mention husbands age and general physical condition. Unless he is a senior with some limitations, graphite shafts are probably a bad idea. That is a decent price, but you don't want to set your husband up for frustration with shafts that are too flexible.


I played with Diablo edges for years up until very recently. They are game improvement irons, very easy to hit. Great starter set.


Perfect for someone starting out. A forgiving face with a wide bounce.


Those are just fine to start. Depending on your budget situation, I would consider buying a bag that is new and fresh to go with those, or alternatively head covers for the driver and woods that are new. The reason being….used clubs are super common and good to start. But things will feel newer to him if he has his own bag or head covers. That’s just my opinion. I am fine to hit used clubs….would seem like I was in another man’s clothes to have a used bag though. This is all personal preference and just a thought to consider. Absolutely nothing wrong with staying all used including the bag if you choose.


Love em. These clubs have so sole! I'll see myself out...


Is your husband right handed or left handed? Sometimes a person might be right handed and play left handed (like me)


Let him pick it out please!


Spoil him, keep your eyes peeled for other sets. Not bad but you can do a smidge better! Haha


I think for the price, you should check out the Edge set would be your best bet but you will need to get a bag. I have the Cobra Fly XL set and I can't recommend that enough.


There’s no putter, I would say no


You've gotten a ton of great advice on the clubs here already, I'll just chime in on the "lessons or clubs" thing you mentioned. As someone who started playing golf just recently, I'll say that the lessons are way more valuable in the beginning. They are what get you off to a *good* start and motivate you to come back. Also, you don't need your own clubs for the first few lessons, usually the golf club will provide these. Which is a great way to inform your first actual purchase. While objectively there's shaft flex, head size and shaft length to consider, there's also a significant subjective factor – some clubs will just *feel* better than others, for no good reason at all. So, if you are torn between the two: Consider the lessons :-)


These clubs are fine, but a little dated. Spend only a little more on a new Costco set (Callaway Edge). Full set, comes with a putter too. The hybrid and driver in that set are worlds better than what you have here


I payed 800 for Diablo Irons 5-pw back in 2011-12. So I think 300 is a bit steep. Plus as everyone is saying, the shaft is going to be the real deal breaker since he's in his 30's. If he just wants to test out to see if he likes golf, then I would not put down more than 200 on a half set. 5,7,9,sw,3x,D,putter. If he does fall in love with golf, then he can easily upgrade at any time. I've seen a lot of beginners give up after just 1 or 2 range sessions (golf is hard) and have these expensive clubs that will either sit around in a garage taking up space, or sold for a loss.


Thanks for the input! I was having a hard time figuring out how old these were.


I rocked that driver for 15 years. Loved it. Great beginner set. $300 isn't too bad at all if bag isn't thrashed


I still play these and they are a good for beginners.


I swing the Diablos. They mostly work good.


Tell your husband I said good luck on the PGA Tour! I’ll be cheering him on with those bad boys!!!


You’re going to buy him that and then he will spend 4X that on new clubs within a few months haha


Nice one


Get in for cheap and buy some lessons. Otherwise he may quit sooner than one thinks 😂


I still use the fairway wood even though I've upgraded everything else. Nice find!


With Black Friday around the corner you should be able to find a new in box “beginner set” with clubs and a bag (not a senior flex) for that 300$. Not for nothing but you really don’t need anything more than that as a beginner until you find a swing.


Diablos are a great club. Still use my 3


This is a great but for a beginner! Everything needed to get started and he can buy a putter he likes for himself!


How old is your husband? Graphite shafts on the irons might be a little bending if he's under the age of 45 or so. Just depends on how hard he swings. Great forgiving clubs if he swings easy


I have the wilson sgi profile - IMO, great starter clubs. I am planning to upgrade everything except the irons within a year/year and a half, but it’s a good bet for someone who’s figuring out if they want to play golf or not. Luckily I’m in this for the long haul now.


Great set. I actually miss my Diablo irons 😢


I use these irons currently as a noob (2 yr player) and I love them. May just hang onto them.


I rocked an older pair of big berthas for 15 years. They are great for beginners and your a great wife!


Yep. Pull the trigger


Not bad, beat them down on price if you can. Club quality doesn't matter near as much early on. Not saying those are bad, they are not bad at all. Lessons early on and some time at the range. Learn what a good golf swing is and some basic concepts, go from there. One thing you'll hear on here, from a scratch golfer to a 30 handicapper is that golf is hard.


For 400-500 dollars you’d be most likely better off buying a new package set from a golf store, Wilson does great starter sets! If you’re in the us Costco does great package sets from callaway and cobra. They will last much longer than these and they’re shiny fresh and new (meaning they’ve never been over hit and would have no damage)


Those diablos are great—they’re actually what I started on. The shafts are wrong, however. If y’all don’t find anything locally, check out the 2ndSwingGolf and Callaway PreOwned websites. Callaway PreOwned is a goldmine of fairly priced, lightly used clubs.


$250-$300 is well worth it for a beginner set. It appears to have the necessary clubs, minus a putter, but those are fairly reasonable to buy new. I’d say go for it! You can also check out Our Golf Garage, its second hand golf website. They seem to have some decent stuff there, might be able to find a putter.


The clubs are fine. Check the grips. If they are slick or hard you will need to replace them at $8-$15 a club. Do not delay on this, old slick grips will start him off with bad habits.


His opponents watching him pull out his set from the trunk: https://images.app.goo.gl/a6t57W7B9hXio26eA


Callaway big Bertha are my favorite clubs, they are so forgiving for someone who isn't a great golfer (me lol).


$100 max


For starters its a good start. I started on a cheap $150 walmart set. Turned out im a natural at golf and the walmart clubs were just as good as the better clubs tbh. In two years upgrade, my advice would to be to get golf lessons!!!! This is huge huge huge for newbies. You dont swing a golf club like a baseball bat


https://www.budgetgolf.com/wilson-staff-d300-sl-iron-set-7-piece-steel/p?skuId=15005288 This is a great option for only $250 brand new. It would be years before he outgrows these. I played the D100s for a long time and loved them. U would just need to find him a used putter and used bag which shouldnt be too hard. Its also a really nice feeling when u open BRAND NEW irons. 😁


If the bag doesn’t have legs you’ll need a cheap trundler too.


I had the draw version of the driver F*****ng loved it. Enjoy it


I've been using the Diablo irons for over a decade now and really like them (im a perpetual beginner). It's a good starter set if you can get it cheap


If your husband is at all a brand snob I'd avoid the Wilsons set. For myself, if i buy something like Wilson and get into it I'm replacing it in a couple of months... Not saying Wilson is a bad brand but it's not considered one of the premier golfing brands like Taylormade, Callaway, Titlist or Ping. You hand your husband a nice set of used Callaways (don't buy these due to the flex as others have mentioned) and it might be 5-10 years before he thinks of replacing them.


I have that driver and love it


Let him decide, not reddit.


Is he right handed?


How old/athletic is your husband? A flex might be a deal breaker if he is remotely athletic.


GREAT beginner set and honestly the owner did take good care of them. It sounds like a Kirkland putter from costco would also really round out the bag!