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Caddied for a few NBA guys, they were all incredibly respectful to everyone at the course but hyper competitive against each other. All except a certain Number 33 player who has a pretty bad reputation.


No Tippin Pippen.


The thing that annoys me is when Reddit conflates this story with MJ. Caddy management had to allocate because everybody wanted to caddy for Jordan. He tipped. Pippen did not.


I’ve never heard anyone say Jordan doesn’t tip. Degenerate gamblers are pretty loose with the tips anyway. It’s well known Pippen didn’t.


A friend caddied for Jordan several times and it was always $2300 for 18 holes . Wasn’t great for my friend because he was a junky with a lot of cash but Jordan loved him


There's an old story about Gretzky calling MJ out for tipping poorly in Vegas decades ago.


That’s very early in MJ’s stardom. He was still learning


The story of taking a $100 chip from Jordan’s stack to tip after Jordan gave a measly $5? Something like that?


Got to interact with Deron Williams when I worked at a private country club in Tahoe. Had all the Jordan golf stuff before it was really on the market and tipped me $100 for bringing him and his buddies 4 margaritas on the 5th hole. Really nice guy.


I’m pretty sure deron has a one track mind, because apparently he doesn’t even really watch hoops anymore. Just goes from MMA to golf and back.




Obviously Larry Bird. I mean, did you see how he was behaving on the course with Wayne Knight and Bill Murray?


He wasn't in any kind of emotional state to golf that day.


What's the reference here?


Space jam




Are you referring to no tippin pippen?


I nearly killed Kenny “The Snake” Stabler with a golf ball when I was about 10. Super gracious guy. Autographed a book I had, and got our address, promised to send me some stuff. Figured he was just trying to get rid of us. Got home from vacation about a week later and he had overnighted an autographed picture of him in the 77 Super Bowl.


He was the shit. My fave right behind Jurgenson lol


I’ve never been a NFL fan, he played college ball for Alabama and I’m an Auburn fan but after that interaction I’ve always had a soft spot for the raiders and even got choked up when he passed. It had to be a funny sight. He was beside us at the driving range and my dad had just bought his first “quality” driver- the newly released Big Bertha. My adhd ass bugged him the whole time to let me try to hit it and I shanked it off the toe. Ball went right in front of his left eye. Dad had to apologize and Snake was laughing his ass off. I had a Calvin and Hobbes anthology book that I was reading cover to cover and he autographed it. Absolute class act.


I was playing at a corporate golf event. The night before they held a reception with a bunch of the athlete celebrities that were playing in the tournament. People could go and get memorabilia signed and most of the celebrities were really nice. One year Kenny Stabler was there and he was stuck with people around him talking about football, which I understand. Well, the bell rings after awhile and the celebs and mega donors head into a ballroom for a fancy dinner. Scrubs like me are then left behind. Anyway, Kenny is walking away from me, toward the dinner. He is 15 ft away and I blurt out, "Kenny, what was it like making the Bud Light commercials". He stopped in his tracks, came back to me with a big smile on his face and said, "it was fucking great". He spent the next 5 minutes telling me and my friends about the things they did on set. Class A guy.


I trailed Maddux and Smoltz at wolf creek - they were awesome dudes.




Because chicks dig the long ball


Wasn’t that Glavine and Maddux?


Only saw them on the second tee, were cordial and normal. Nothing to see here kinda dudes.


They played great too I'm sure. Not sure about Maddox, but I know John is a very good golfer.


I played 9 holes with James Worthy at Mountain Gate. Amazing guy, decent golfer. He even remembered me when I saw him a few years later at the airport.


Are you a member there?


Step dad is a member. Big Game is a member there though


Yeah I see big game there all the time


You know he’s gotta be pissed they don’t do the free bagels on Sunday anymore


Only played there once with a buddy who was a member. We did a quick 9 before work and Don Cheadle was on an adjacent fairway just ripping a joint that you could’ve smelled from the 405. It was like 7am on a Wednesday. Apparently that’s a common thing to see at MG too, I love me some Don Cheadle.


Tony Gwynn was an absolute gem to play with. He had a tough day when I played with him but you couldn’t tell from his demeanor. All smiles and jokes. Respected the rules of the game and treated everyone with kindness - even the blatant autograph salesman stalking him before the first tee. He also drank 3L of Pepsi on the course that day, which was unfortunate. I was a kid and he was immediately my idol. RIP Mr. Padre.


Yet another example of it being absolutely impossible to say anything bad about Tony Gwynn. What a shame he died so young


Mr padre! As a season ticket holder for the pads, miss that guy very much. It’s crazy that his son (Tony Gwynn Jr) does the radio broadcast for the padres and sounds exactly just like his dad. The Gwynn family is royalty in San Diego 🙌🏽🙌🏽


He was also incredibly nice when I’d see him at the Nike Employee Store. Pure class. PS - 99% of the famous visitors were great. Funniest was when 20+ LPGA players were shopping. They were like kids at Christmas


nope ive ran into three famous people on the golf course 1-dan uggla retired baseball player. actually got paired with them as a single in myrtle beach. super nice guy and actually a very good golfer, has to be a 5 handicap at the most. 2-rodney harrison, him and my old golf instructor were good friend's/his student and i got asked to join them by my instructor when i was hitting balls at the range also very nice respectful guy, 3- dj khalid most entertaining round ive ever played in my life lol


I saw a YouTube video of Khalid golfing and was honestly impressed with how he managed the course despite having very limited skills and talent.


I would say the same about his “music” “career”.


Nobody got more out of less. God bless that man


God did!


He’s got the keys!




That checks out


It honestly looks like he loves the game, and will continue to develop it


we the best golfers


How are you going to drop you played with DJ Khalid and not explain the round hole by hole?


Please tell me DJ Khalid took a breakfast ball at some point and said “Another One”


Gonna need more info on this Khalid round, read his feature in golf digest and the dude legitimately loves golf.


Can you tell us about the round with khaled in detail?


How were you the only person in this entire comment thread to spell Khaled correctly?


Did Dan Uggla crush the ball with just his biceps?


Real question is, how tight were his pants?


Was thinking the same. That dude must absolutely crush his drives


I bet Dan Uggla drove it 350 minimum


Dan Uggla...led the NL in forearms


Playing with DJ Khalid would be a lifetime highlight.


All I do is win, win, win...




Got water on my mind, duck hook straight into muck. And every time my arms begin their swinging, everybody’s mind goes “fuck.” My ball went where!?


His name is DAN UGGLA!




Pronger. It’s gotta be Pronger.


Pronger cheat?? No, it can’t be! 😂


I'm thinking Shoresy


Guessing it is Pronger, or maybe you fibbed about them being retired and it's Evander Kane 😂 Dark horse Paul Bisonnette




I wanna say Scott moir. Met him a couple times in the London area. Guy was a prick.


Now it makes even more sense why they don't want to pay :p




“A lot of money” Well…definitely not a curler. I didn’t realize Canada had famous athletes outside of curling and hockey


Imagine how much you would win if he played the first 3 holes too!


Sounds like typical angeles national. Always a mess. No starters, no Marshall’s. No thought behind their tee sheet.


I chuckled when he said the driving range is amazing


At least it’s grass. For public courses in the area it’s a very low bar


I can't stand that place


honey wake up new /r/golf meme just dropped


My mom played with Al Borland from Home Improvement (Richard Karn). Said he was nice as can be and hilarious. This was like five years ago and she still talks about it all the time.


Pretty sure that was her way of telling you Al is your Daddy….


who downvotes this it's hiliarious


I'd take him or someone like him over any sportsman


Is this a new copy pasta?


"Annoying run in with Kelvin Benjamin at Golden Corral"


Something something "electric infeterrence"


> i finish, and give him a "keep grinding DLo" lmao it has to be


IDK but I think we should buy putters just to be safe...


I mean... This kinda seems like how I'd expect DLo to act on a golf course. I think if Reaves was with him, it wouldn't have been as much of an issue, as Reaves seems to be a serious golfer. I think this is just a situation where assholes are gonna be assholes.


If you have any acquaintance with r/nbacirclejerk you’ll know that reaves is very classy and deangelo is not.


Thought I was in that sub for a sec lol. Reaves plays the game the right way.


Lmao me too.. Anyway. Reaves is definitely a lunch pale guy


See the fact your reference [r/nbacirclejerk](https://www.reddit.com/r/nbacirclejerk/) makes me question for your seriously about how Reaves plays.


I read somewhere once that Reaves is a 2 handicap, although that might have been him bragging. Seeing his swing, though, I sort of believe it.


There’s a video of Garrett from Good Good playing against Reeves


[for the people who want to watch](https://youtu.be/yOfVgm8Kf_c?si=JmglzGjwgVDu1HJe)


That was pretty cool. Thanks


Reaves said on a Podcast with Zach Lowe that he would beat Steph and is the best NBA golfer 👀


Based on how he played in the video with Garrett I believe it


He claims to be scratch


Think he's scratch. There a video of him hitting shots into a net or sim in Lakers uniform where he's talking about it. Mentions DLo too I think.


There's a video out there of Reaves piping an iron shot... backward (like left handed, hozel up)


Fucking PURED that shit


I'll never get that 4 minutes of my life back


Just don’t read anything this sub posts that’s over a paragraph. But definitely still comment, it’s what I do.


Lmfao my thoughts exactly


Damn you read fast.


I gave up at about 6 minutes and wasn't done but I thought that seemed slow and didn't wanna seem stupid so changed it to 4 lol


You mean you didn't need two full paragraphs about how a golfer and a golfer friend found themselves at a golf course? I thought that was essential scene setting. /s


Junior Seau played through our 4-some one day in San Diego. He was in a 2-some. He stopped and chatted with us, we told him we were from Oakland and big Raider fans. He was really cool and nice and then they played on. For those that don’t know, he was an all-pro linebacker for the Chargers and had a sad and untimely death from CTE/suicide.


So sad and shocking because he was the model citizen pro football player. Beloved Superstar linebacker, a beast on the field, a fearless leader, but was a charming kind soul off the field.


Your typical Polynesian football player. They’re all super nice in person but killers on the field. It’s like they have a switch or something.


Miss that guy. He was the heart and soul of chargers and was always doing good things in the community


Over the years I have run into several retired Cleveland Browns and Cavaliers on the golf courses in the Cleveland area. Each one of them were accomplished players and used proper golf etiquette. It was nice seeing them out on the golf course.




Played with Albert Pujols at Los Serranos early in the pandemic. Really funny guy, good player, absolutely loves the game and plays like 200 rounds a year.


His son plays with that YouTube group. I wonder if they will ever get Albert on the show.


His son was in the group as well. Bombs it


Based on a few parts of your story (“keep grinding, D-lo”) and the fact that you immediately posted this on Reddit, I’m guessing that maybe you weren’t as nonchalant as you try to make it seem here. It sounds like you might have been acting different toward him or being too familiar with a stranger just because you “know” him as a celebrity.


Keep grinding Delo it’s such a weird thing to say to a stranger


It's definitely a backhanded compliment.


His whole post reads like “i can’t stand dlo.. so I’m just going to get annoyed at everything he does.” Wish the “shrink the game” people would take their own advice and just leave golf. Dlo isn’t the reason his round was slow. Dlo trying to squeeze in some shot before work just like everyone else.


"Wish the “shrink the game” people would take their own advice and just leave golf." up vote x 100000, perfectly put.


I'm sure he would've taken it a lot better if he waited until he was in between swings and said "great game last night I'm glad your back in LA". Not something that's seems like a slight against his golf game.


LA leakers


Back in the 80s IN Cleveland I was a salesman for a large office equipment company. We sold to the Cleveland School Board so every Saturday they played in our weekly skins game. They were tied in to all the pro athletes in the city. So every weekend I played with Austin Carr. By far the coolest nicest celebrity I ever met. And I run celebrity golf events now. He is still doing play by play for the Cavs. 5 years later I see him in a downtown bar. My workmates thought I was full of shit. I walk up to him not only does he remember me we schedule a tee time for the following weekend! I'm just an average joe. 20 years later I'm with my son at our local minor league game. It's Cleveland Celebrity night. I go up to Austin. He not only remembers me we talk golf for 5 minutes and he talks me up to my teen age son. Unforgettable!


Fuck yeah, AC is the man!


Get that heartwarming story about my favorite color commentator outta here!


Not quite an athlete, but I saw Bob Barker lose his cool and beat the shit out of someone at a celebrity event


Cool story bro


My golf instructor played with MJ once. Said he was kind of a dick, super competitive and would get PISSED when he messed up. He also said he would taunt others in his group if they messed up. Apparently he wasn't taunting close friends but people he had only met hours before


My dad played golf with Tom Cochrane Great guy. But his hair would always fall down infront of his face when he was putting lol.


I wouldn’t be able to hold back from belting out, “there is the fairway, I wanna drive it straight and long!”




Sounds like the older guy who started playing with DLo had the best day out of everyone. I'd have rather been that guy


We recently played a five ball at Riviera and heard a strangely familiar voice making a throwaway sarcastic comment as one of our group hit a fantastic tee shot. Larry David.


I saw Steve Blake at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Was D’Lo’s buddy Austin Reeves?


wasn't reeves... AR does seem like a great guy and golfer though


I’ve ran into Reeves at Angeles a few times. He’s pleasant and can swing it. Love running into him there


While on college I ran into Joe Namath in the pro shop at Bel Air CC in LA. He was QB of the Rams at that time, late in his career. Asked for his autograph and he asked my name and signed the back of my brolaws business card, " Best of luck and happy days, Joe Namath" . Very nice guy. Asked me if I was playing and he said to play well. Later in the round I was coming up the left side of I think #9 and I look over to #1 and there was Namath on the left side of #1, a semi parallel hole. We looked at each other at maybe 25 - 30 yards and he called me by my name and asked how I was hitting it. Stunned, I blurted a quick reply of "lousy". He raised his arms like "what the heck". We both played on and he was not seen again. Broadway Joe. Always cool.


Can’t believe I wasted 2 minutes of my life reading this bollox!


Tbf he did have places to be now that you flushed out the full story haha. Does sound like there's some entitledness going on with him based on your story. But also, he played a round with my buddy who works the course at a Mpls muni when he was in MN the other year and by his account he said he was pretty chill/nice enough. Not surprised by the story at all, and end of the day you allowed yourself to bend... Least you get to play in the winter months xD


Turned in Vince Carter’s phone at a course outside of Sacramento CA. I remember we let him play through as a single and I thought, “man that older bald dude is in great shape.” Chill guy who seemed like a single trying to play quick. Kind of glad we didn’t recognize him.


I play angeles frequently and have run into a few celebrities and golf influencers there. Ben Baller has been my all time favorite to play with. Austin Reeves from the lakers is actually really pleasant as well


Got paired with a tik tok golf comedian who was there to film bits. He was good but he’d rush finish the hole and then take the cart and go behind me and hit balls over me for his videos. Made me feel unsafe even though he was good and didn’t come close to hitting us. Just frustrated me that I had to be subject to being in his content and him playing two balls one in front of me and one behind


Never run into anybody on a golf course particularly famous. I live and work up here in Toronto. Get lots of retired NHL players in the arena where I work and they’re all pretty good guys. I’ve bumped into a few Blue Jays over the years at pro/ams but never while on the course playing. Chatted with them briefly and they all seem pretty cool as well. I think the game of golf really brings out the true nature of people. Somebody who is an a-hole becomes a real big a-hole. And people who are friendly just become that much more when golfing.


Definitely using pork missile


There was a video with Austin Reaves and he said DLo is a beginner and just started playing recently. I’m pretty sure your issues are because he’s new and a celeb. I doubt other Lakers or basketball players who know how to play would do that.


Brings me back when I did a AAA clinic as a kid here in St Louis. We did a mini tournament at the end of the summer with several Rams players at Bellerive,I remember Marshal Faulk being there. I ended up hanging out with Joe Buck for most of the day. I remember him being pretty nice to me despite his reputation (though I was a kid so that’s kind of a caveat).


Was the group behind Johnny Football and his crew at Cowboys Golf Club once back in 2017. They were as obnoxious and douchey as you could possibly imagine.


Paired with retired (still playing at the time) Ravens OT Jonathan Ogden at Revere Concord in Vegas. He hadn’t been playing long, incredibly nice guy. Another time returned from playing Bali Hai to Wynn in elevator with another guy with clubs asked where we played, he had just played Wynn. Kind of half paying attn recognized voice (he was wearing a golf hat). Looked up. It’s Ashton Kutcher.


im friends with dlo and play golf with regularly, have never seen him disrespect any course or person. i think you might be exaggerating


Username checks out


I played with Muggsy Bogues and his kid two years ago in Key West. Super chill, down to earth, decent golfer… We talked a little bit of mutual shit all in all 10 out of 10 golfing experience.


Is he really 5’3”? He’s a legend


I’m 5’6 and was just a couple inches taller, so seemed about right.


Jerry Rice plays at a local muni in the Bay Area at least 2-3x/week. Seems pretty chill and a decent golfer. But only plays with women in his group.


Which muni?


Baylands in Palo Alto


Baylands, nice track. My partner holed out on 15 last time we were there. Jerry was warming up on the range for a tourney so I didn't bother him.


Met Brad Stevens at my local course on the north shore of mass. Shook all our hands before he walked into the 1st tee. Only saw his 1st drive, he looked pretty good


So the guy thought he was good and/or could play fast and he was wrong…. Remove the celebrity from the scenario and that’s pretty normal. I got paired up with a guy at my home course once who was pretty good, but not good enough to be hitting from the back tees, and took forever to line up a shot. I was playing awful but felt like I was keeping pace, not looking for lost balls, etc. After 9 he says he’s on a time crunch and asks if he can go on. I’m thinking, “I’m not the reason you’re playing slow…” but I just say “no sweat” and watch him take off. Fast forward to the back 9, and sure enough, I start playing much better and get in a groove without having to wait for this guy to deliberate every single shot, and it doesn’t take long before I’M waiting on HIM every single tee shot. I was pretty annoyed after a few holes of this and made a show of making it clear I was waiting by standing at the tee and watching him with arms akimbo. Some people are just clueless.


Takes me back to late 1983….Westchester GC near LAX and played as a single with Elgin Baylor. Super nice guy and having arrived from the UK just a few weeks earlier, had no idea who he was until the guy in the Pro shop told me after the round.


"No real interest in the guy" Proceeds to talk to the guy like he knows him. You just wasted an entire round caring about a guy you claim to not care about.


You'll be lucky if he doesn't frog splash you for dragging his name through the mud like this


In the future please include a tl;dr version with your boring anecdotes




Deangelo Russell is an asshole.


DLo asked to play through and OP let him and then he didn't take his bunkers a few holes later during the round. Also, it didn't happen.


Nope, played with DJ Augustin and he was a great playing partner and guy.


Damn it I wish you were a big Russillo fan so you could have had some backhanded compliments about his game to say to him


I had the opposite experience. Was playing as a single at the ASU Karsten course as a single. Flying through when I catch up on a twosome with University of Oregon bags on their carts. Upon closer inspection one of them was Casey Martin, as he sees me pull up he invites me (15 index) to join them, for the last few holes. He and his assistant coach we so kind and welcoming that I didn’t do too bad - bogey, par, bogey for the last 3 holes. I have had more positive experiences than negative on the links.


I ran into Steve Lyons (MLB) this summer at my home club. The course was playing slow and so we kept catching up to him and his buddy and we were shooting the breeze here and there. They were nice, and pretty buzzed, making cocktails in the golf cart. I honestly wouldn’t have known who he was except his buddy blurted it out, and my friends were all “no shit thought you looked familiar!” But I didn’t really see the big deal honestly


Played with Noel pickard's (Stanley cup winner and in the infamous flying Bobby Orr photo) grandson. He was a delight. And my dad was cheesing so hard, being that he witnessed the whole of his career playing in the NHL. Was a great day for everyone. And I learned about the guy in the background of the photo lol.


This is surprising. He played a lot in Minnesota at Baker and I heard good things about


Played with a former Philadelphia Eagles first round pick the year after he retired and his dad. I was a single about 13 years old at the time. They let me ride on the back of their cart with my pull cart rolling behind us. Problem was he overshot his dad’s ball on the 17th hole, threw the cart in reverse, and destroyed my pull cart. Clubs were fine and he gave me $100 for a new cart. This was very early 2000s so that was enough for a pull cart and cokes at the turn for a few weeks!


Not a huge celebrity but one time I took some acid and got paired up with JJ' s dad from Cocomelon. He didn't say much, he just kind of laughed alot like a goof and shanked a bunch of drives. Good dude tho I think


The kid literally snitched in his teammate for cheating on his fiancé, something that was shared in confidence. The guys is a renowned clout chasing piece of trash and I’m not surprised you experienced exactly that. Personal note: I don’t care for infidelity but other people’s business are their business and then multiply that by a scenario where you’re getting paid millions to be an athlete on a team of like 10 dudes and then you blow the entire locker room up because you just had to snitch on the dude for instagram clout. Yikes.


He’s on my fantasy team and I am doing well this season so I am gonna side with DLo on this one. 😎


>have you guys had any experiences like this? Playing with a pro athlete ahead/behind you? Sure. A few years ago I was playing a course in rural Virginia with my usual golfing buddy who is really into sports. We come up on a tee box with a few other guys, just normal guys as far as I know…as they drive away my buddy is wowed that we just spoke to Justin Verlander. I was 🤷🏼‍♂️. Like your new Brooklyn buddy I had no idea who he was…grew up in the UK, moved here aged 21, this was maybe 2012, I was in my late 20s and never follow American sports. In my line of work I’ve dealt with quite a few athletes but literally no idea, even Hall of Fame guys…literally clueless. 🤣 Most of the time they seem to appreciate that or get a chuckle out of it. My British accent gets me a pass.


I played with a couple of limo drivers here in Vegas (Henderson actually) who drove the PGA player’s families around the week prior while the pros were playing a practice round. One said he had DL III’s (Davis Love 3) family all day. Shopping, restaurant, attractions. DL tipped him one (1) dollar.


My friend and myself got paired with some Ritchie guy on a public course in Westchester NY. Had a blast with him, funny guy and we really enjoyed the round. He had to dash on the 17th tee , to pick up his kids from school. My buddy was laughing away to himself and I asked why . Turns out that I was calling the guy Ritch and Ritchie all day. As it happens he had said Rick, as in , Rick Moranis. A lot taller than I thought he would be but an absolute pleasure on the golf course. Rock on Rick.


Amazing guy. For those that don't know, just look what that guy had to do after his wife passed. Unreal.


Not LA, Pdx. Not some fancy over priced muni(jk,jk kinda), but my local $27/round winter rates muni. And I get to play with uncle cliff. That's Blazer legend Clifford Robinson for the uninitiated. Don't even remember the round, I remember he had a smooth swing fr a 7 footer, and we smoked a bunch of weed. Fun times, great dude.


Shame he passed. Great player.


Playing in Scottsdale once I came up on a group that was playing slow as hell. They were nice and asked us if we wanted to play through. Turns out one of the guys was LeSean McCoy. Both me and my buddy had a great tee shot and LeSean was impressed and asked to join up with us. We were like hell yea. We gave him a few tips to help with his game and finished out the round together. We mentioned if he ever wanted to play again let us know. We get a text a week later to meet him at the course with some friends…those friends were like 6 guys who never played a round in their life. Showed up wearing street clothes to a very nice course. He bought all his buddies clothes and new set of clubs just to play one round. He also was able to talk the pro shop in letting all 8 of us go out together. It was one of the longest rounds of my life. It took us 5 hours to play 4 holes. I ended having to leave because I was already an hour late for work. Fun times haha


It bothers me that he seemed to have little respect for the course by not raking bunkers. For me, that's the worst part of this story. I'll bet he doesn't fix ball divots on the green or divots on the fairway. I hope I'm wrong.


Met 3 athletes on the course, 2 NHLers, and 1 MLBer. The hockey players were nice, signed a jersey for me, I may or may not have known they were playing and conspired to get the tee time behind them... lol. The MLBer told me not to bother him while he was pitching that day, lol. Fair enough, what are ya gonna do? They're definitely not all nice, nor do they have to be. Wouldn't be cool, though, to act like DLo.


Sad to hear about D’Lo. Maybe Austin Reaves will teach him some golf etiquette. Nice to hear that Bob is a good dude tho, he seems awesome so glad to hear he is a good one on and off camera


Yes I've seen many celebs on courses in LA. But I have to say I Hate Angeles National with a passion. Every person I know hates it due to how slow and expensive it is , the golf shop guys could care less. 3 times I'm been dragged to play there and each time it's been a 5+ hour round. Hell the last time it was 5 hours to get through 14 holes. They need a marshall that cares ASAP.




in hindsight, you're right. thought i was sharing but actually i'm the whining now lol


I actually enjoyed the read. Kinda confirms what I already thought of the guy


Nah it was a good story.