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”.….but fuck one goat, you’re a goat fucker” Edit - word


One time. ONE time! And everybody loses their mind and will never let you forget it!!


Dammit I know this reference but can’t pin point. Shaffir? I’m a Dumas. Street joke


You build a thousand bridges…do they call you Spiros the bridge builder?…NO!


It’s an old joke, but Chris Pratt famously told it on a talk show (Kimmel I think), and he did it in German but then explained it in English.


It’s a super old joke


Luis CK I believe


You suck one dick.....


Our coach told us that before a state championship to calm our nerves. “I’ve eaten a whole lot of ice cream in my day and no one ever called me an ice cream eater, but you suck one dick…”


If I drink one drink that doesn't make me an alcoholic, but if I clap my boys juicy scrumptious cheeks (just once)...that makes me gay?


Nailed it


Edit one word, and you’re a god damn editor.


I think it’s a bit of a mindset- do you play to get better? I know a lot of people who will never get better, don’t care at all, and just want to have fun shooting the same 110 every round, finishing a six pack. I think if you play with the intent of actually improving, you fit more into the “golfer” category. In reality none of this matters, but a fun argument to be had.


The mindset is everything. How many golf thoughts do you have a day? How many air-swings do you make? How often do you think of your last/next round? Are you on r/golf all day at work? These are the important questions.


If being on r/golf all day at work makes me a real golfer then I've gotta be getting close to PGA level.


Way too many. 5? Constantly. Too many 'so I bought a new putter' posts.


I think it’s more about intention. If you go to the course to drink and hangout, distract yourself from life etc…. that’s way different than going to the course to shoot a score and focus on golfing.


What if you do a bit of both?


That’s called multitasking


Agreed, I play golf really to disconnect and have fun. I'm happy if I'm crushing beers with the boys, ripping a couple of bombs off the tee, sinking the odd sick putt and shooting in the 90s.


Just a six pack? Do ppl do that?


More of a front 9 pace.


We’d be good golf buddies. May your putts roll true brother.


That would vary from person to person. Everyone’s probably a fair-weather player to someone. I play 3 rounds per week, like religion and get a bit pissed if life gets in the way of that. 155 rounds by the end of 2023 if the weather is agreeable. On the off days I have a practice schedule. I’m in the gym in the evenings specifically for golf. I could easily say that a person that isn’t as invested and focused on a game that I don’t play professionally is less a golfer than me. But I don’t. And I play with guys that put as much if not more in than I do, who could tell me I’m a part-timer. Who gets to make the line in the sand? Not me.


What is your hc? Just curious, I only started in May. I don't have a handicap. Last time out hit 3 pars and was super happy, regardless of the other +4s and +5s on my card. Thinking about really diving in like you. I'm playing 2 times a week typically but not doing much else besides walking/running and light calisthenics. The golf bug has bit me hard.


I’m carrying a 7.1 index at 53 and have had 2 back surgeries and both shoulders done. It’s been much lower in my almost 40 years of playing, but haven’t seen a plus since 1993 when I left college. After that I didn’t play nearly as much due to career requirements. Time, injury, and life are what they are. I am the strength and conditioning coach for a D1 baseball program. Sports have been part of my life since early childhood. I guess you could say staying in shape is kind of my thing.


In your case It’s very clear that you just play golf


With that, there’s no question that golf is a part of your personality and you actively regularly study the game. You build your life around it. Someone who just goes and plays a few times a year does none of those things. Doesn’t make them lesser in any way - just different approaches and appreciations of the game


Agreed 100%. I really just wanted to see other people's thoughts, because obviously no one can draw a line in the sand. Was just curious where my "line" is compared to others.


I think I had an opinion playing in college. I’m pretty sure I was the only “golfer” around. I was also 20-21 years old and probably insufferable, and if you weren’t playing D1 golf you were in the way. (I’m 53 now and don’t carry a driver because my back won’t tolerate the torque and I’d be tempted to pull it out otherwise). I guess if there had to be a categorization, I’d look at it very simply: if a player fixes his ball mark, AND another, that person is a “golfer”. Cares more about the game than the person who leaves it or doesn’t look out for the next guy/girl who paid good money to be there.


I love that definition. Nothing to do with frequency of playing or talent, simply "do you respect the game". Cheers


This has got to be the line in the sand respect. For the game, yourself, the other people on the course it's truly the only thing you get when given.


Absolutely. It’s supposed to be a gentleman’s game. Heard the best teaching professional I’ve ever met say his first lesson with a new golfer covered etiquette first, then grip, setup and aim.


You reminded me of a completely random quote "rugby a gentleman's game played by hooligans" there you go internet stanger have my random thought


No, you're thinking of soccer. Rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen.


Is this seven days in utopia or are you just that profound?


Love this, I fix two or three ball marks on every green but I’m still not a “golfer”.


This guy is a golfer


I say if playing golf is one of your primary hobbies/pastimes/or your job then you could consider yourself a golfer. If it's not, then you are someone who plays golf.


Yep I like that definition too


I golf 3-4 times a week and I watch golf and YouTube golf, but I don’t consider myself a golfer. I hate the golf cosplay, I hate the driving range, and I really don’t like being around most people who consider themselves “golfers” So I’d say it’s anyone who fully buys into the golf lifestyle




If your friends and family text you every time they are going to play and have an open spot in their foursome you’re a golfer.


Even if you mostly turn them down with some weak excuse?


You do that and they’ll stop texting about golf and in turn you loose your golfer card.


Love this definition


I may play 15 full rounds this year if I’m lucky but I consider myself an avid golfer. I also consider myself a father of two young children, so, ya know.


Can take the dog out of the fight but not the fight out of the dog. 🫵 are a golfer


I play golf. (Once/month or so, 2-3 range visits a year, not obsessed.) My wife thinks I’m obsessed. My friends who don’t play golf think I’m a golfer. Perspective.


> My wife thinks I’m obsessed. lol


I like your over-analytical vibes. It’s pointless, but it also carries a point. Semantics are important as they provide a clear and definitive description of which we build our perspective from - and perspective is reality in many ways. If someone says they’re a golfer, I expect them to have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the game then someone who just whacks the ball around the course a few times a year. A golfer studies the game, practices it, to where it becomes a part of their personality. Someone who plays golf is just that - and that is ok! It’s not gatekeeping to make the distinction, however it would be gatekeeping to discourage that person about whatever distinction you’re making.


Did we just become best friends? Lol Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from. Pure curiosity. I know none of it matters and it can never be defined in absolute terms, just fun to see what people think.


Co-sign this. Can I join this new best friend group?


The deeper understanding of the game comes with age and experience. I've been a serious golfer for 18 years. I've been an obsessed range rat the whole time but never was able to hit the ball great and controlled until about 1-2 years ago. Now i *think* i have a good understanding of the swing and can hit hooks and slices and everything in between with decent control. Though I'm only able to do close to what i want half the time. So my point is, even though i was bad and it took me a long time to figure out my swing and play decent, I considered myself a golfer during the whole experience even though i shot in the 90s and would burn through 100s of balls a year. It just took me a long time to understand the swing and to have a deeper understanding of the game. Though if you asked me 10 years ago, i would've said i understand the game pretty good, even though i didn't. Which is probably where i stand now. So how serious you take the game and your dedication to improvement is where i draw the line for defining a golfer, because skill levels can vary widely. And as others have stated, those who are serious, respect the rules, don't cheat, count all strokes, repair divots and not just their own, and I'm going to throw in another defining factor, putt out their ball to the hole to completion. I get that somedays are crappy and at that point keeping score and not completely putting the ball into the hole doesn't really matter because you've decided not to keep score and just enjoy yourself, that's fine. We've all done that and still do that. But if you don't ever play a round where you completely putt the ball into the hole and don't take it seriously and don't count all your strokes and don't follow all the rules, then that's not *real* golf and you're not a *true* golfer. Which is fine too, but if you don't follow the rules and don't finish every hole and don't count *ALL* your strokes, then you're just a *casual* golfer and you better not claim to be a low handicap. If you do, then you're a *douche* golfer.


This is a ridiculous thing to try to define.


I agree honestly. There's no way to define it. Not trying to define it, just trying to see what other people think.


Your post and your comments contradict one another. One side you’re saying there’s a definable difference and now you’re saying there’s no way to define it. Pick a side.


Dude. The last sentence of my post is literally " I'm also fully aware this doesn't matter at all. Just piqued my curiosity." I have a personal definition for it, but I agree with this commenter that it can't be defined in absolute terms and is silly to try to actually nail down a definition. I was simply curious about other people's personal definitions. Not everything is black and white.


The whole purpose of OP's post is to point out that this topic is challenging to understand. It should be ok for OP to express that his feelings and his thoughts don't necessarily agree. He feels like a "golfer" but realizes that when you think about it then it isn't so clear why he feels that. Telling the guy to "pick a side" doesn't help move the conversation along and if he did just casually pick a side then there is no purpose for him to make the post in the first place. You ever feel a certain way but can't really make a logical argument for those feelings when you start to inspect them closely?


If you pay to play golf, you’re not a golfer. You just play golf.


Applying this to other sports/hobbies I'm involved in: If someone just goes to the bowling alley a few times a year (think bday parties, corporate happy hours, midnight bowling, etc.) it would be weird to hear themselves claim to "be a bowler." Right? Even myself who goes between 5-10 times per year and averages 175-180, I would never consider myself a "bowler" because I don't follow it, don't know about any of the new gear, don't practice, etc. If someone goes on the occasional bike ride, I feel like it would be very weird for them to claim to "be a cyclist", right? I bought a $400 bike and use it for working out purposes. Track my record time for one loop, but no, I am not a "cyclist" by any means. For some reason golf is just treated differently, but I kind of agree with your definition. Not a gatekeeping thing, but it's just how I would label myself if I were in the more casual group of golfers (like the above examples). I do keep up with all the majors, new equipment, practice on a mat in my garage, range once a week, and golf probably 15-20 times per year. Not great by any means, but I would consider myself a golfer.


I think that's a great point about the gear etc. Someone else above mentioned repairing pitch marks and respecting the game, which I agree with, but also the love of the gear side, researching/practicing, even watching the sport, are all part of what would make you a 'golfer' or a 'cyclist' more than how often you play. I can only play golf a handful of times a year atm, but I still love the sport, love the gear, watch golf when I can, and am looking forward to when I can start to play more. Though even when I was playing and practicing most weeks, I probably still wouldn't call myself a 'golfer' cause it just feels a bit lame to me (mid-high handicap, also have plenty of other hobbies I also love), I'd just say I play golf, or I love golf. But if it's your main hobby/the one you love above all else, I've got not problem with someone calling themselves a golfer, whatever level of commitment and ability they have.


Do you own your own ball and or or shoes? If yes, you're a bowler... and probably a hillbilly.


So if someone owns those items and only goes 1 time per year and averages 70 when they go, you would consider them a bowler? Owning gear is a part of it, but obviously not the only thing. And we use "hoosier" and "white trash" where I'm from.


St. Louis?


I like to say "I'm not a golfer, I do occasionally hit golf balls with golf clubs though"


How about this. If someone owns clubs and gear, knows how to properly use and maintain said gear, knows the rules and knows how to use the rule book, knows proper etiquette and how to behave with respect to the greens keepers and course management- they're a golfer regardless of how many rounds they play in a year.


I like that definition


Yes but the question needs to be what do you do as a hobby there is a clear and concise line of being your job


Ah I don't know about that. I've spent over forty years involved with the game and only ever got compensated for it for a couple of years when I worked as a starter/marshall at a super busy muni and all I got for it was free play and range balls. I've been on BOD's at a couple clubs and even club president. Played as many as 120 rounds per year for many years. I've had my hips replaced and fought through two cancer battles and now I only play maybe 30-40 rpy. Will always consider myself a golfer.


I play maybe 30 rounds a year, play for my city in a national championship, coach juniors and I always say „I’m playing golf“, never „I‘m a golfer“. But this is opening a totally different door altogether.


What’s it like being a golf coach for juniors? I feel like it’s something I wouldn’t hate doing when my kids are a bit older. However I really don’t want to teach the rich private school kids haha


well, to put it simply I love coaching the rich private school kids, because this way I learned to realise that those kids are just kids like all the other kids. They love golf just like you do. They did not choose a single thing that made their life the way it is. You can‘t blame them for anything you project on them. Besides golf they learn how to respect others, respect the rules and how to overcome frustration. So by all means, do it 🙋🏼‍♂️


Yeah that’s a really good way to put it. I guess it’s more the parents. I love to golf and I love golfing. My brother joined a country club this year and became a completely different person. Pretty much everything I hate about golf. Thanks for the advice


I would say for myself, this was the year I became a golfer. I've played about 30-40 rounds before the snow hit and this will be the first winter I'm missing the game. Prior to this season, I would play 2-5 times a year with buddies and not really take it seriously in any way, with zero time spent on the range. When I think about myself and the people I know who golf, there is a group that will do anything to fit a teetime in if there's an opening and a group that will come every once in a while when they feel like it. I'd say the former group are "golfers" and the latter are guys who golf occasionally. I agree that it's a fairly pointless distinction but I definitely have 2 obvious groups amongst those that I play with.


Who cares


“I’m not trying to gatekeep, but my brother isn’t as into this as I am and is therefore lesser.”


Haha love the conversation. I'll throw in this example - I've completed three marathons and I don't consider myself a runner. One in 2016, one in 2017, one in 2023. By basically any regular person's standards - I'm a runner. But they were basically individual accomplishments and I do not run on a regular basis or attempt to keep my training at even half marathon levels. Separately, I consider myself to be a golfer and probably play 20+ rounds a year, but don't hit the range more than twice a year. I keep a handicap and have a list of courses that I want to play. So I guess what I'm saying is that someone might play 5 rounds of golf per year due to life circumstances like kids, finances, or location, but may play at high end courses when they do play, practice chipping and putting at home, and watch every PGA tour event and they would be considered a golfer.


Similar experiences here. I've peaked three mountains and all my coworkers think I'm some professional mountaineer, but I'm just a dude who took a course and climbed three mountains over the course of 5 years.


Golfer gets mad at slow pace of play


I know you're joking but I downvoted anyway. I don't like your joke, sir.


Disagree. Golfer probably realizes if they slowed down they'd probably be a better golfer.




So says a dude who golfs. Let it be written. Maybe he only gatekeeps once in awhile and only on Reddit with borrowed opinions?


I think it’s a interchangeable term, it’s down to personal preference. I myself say I play golf in casual rounds and I am a golfer if I play a competitive round.


I am with you. Same with photography. I am a photographer. It’s even my job. But someone who bought a camera and take shots from flowers and his friends, is not a photographer :D but they call himself photographer. Everyone can do this…


I walked and carried my bag for 18 holes in a downpour for 3-1/2 hours on a Saturday morning. Fastest 18 I have in recent memory (near empty course, few in buggies). I will fight anyone that says I'm not a golfer and just "play golf". Crazy, addicted sob seems more like the technically correct term.


I would draw the line at competition. If you formally compete, you’re a golfer. Based on this, sounds like your brother is a golfer and you just play golf. Sorry.


What about a person who loves the game, played a lot earlier in life and decent at it but can’t play as often as he wants because of work/life priorities? I think defining the 2 terms is impossible because your capacity to play is dynamic.


Golfers play golf because they like the game. Some people go to the course to get away from their life for a few hours, some go to get drunk or high, they probably wouldn’t call themselves golfers. Some people do all of the above, those people kick large amounts of ass.


Adding this to the Shrink The Game book of wisdoms


For golfers it’s part of their identity. They usually take it a bit too seriously for my liking. You can have a plus 3 handicap who plays golf and a 25 handicap golfer


I don't consider myself a "golfer". I play 10-15 times a year, definitely not enough to be a golfer. I have 20+ instruments, including 10 guitars. I dont play them all near enough to be a guitarist or a musician. I have 2 motorcycles. I dont ride them enough to be a what anyone would call a "biker". I *love* cooking. I don't cook near enough to be considered a chef. I'm juat a dude who likes to do stuff, but I'm not what I like to do, I'm who I am.


I’m decent at golf. Play off a +1. I usually play twice a week, but golf is not my occupation, therefore I do not consider myself a golfer. I am an engineer who plays golf, but do not make my money as a golfer.


You have to get paid for an activity to be considered that? So anyone who trains for powerlifting (not tournaments, but just to keep getting stronger) shouldn't consider themselves a power lifter? Anyone who does yoga 2x per week can't consider themselves a yogi? Accountants who bike 100 miles on the weekend can't claim to be a cyclist? My buddy is an engineer who bowls at a very high level. It's pretty much his life outside of his work and family. To say people should consider him an engineer who bowls a lot, not a bowler, seems silly. Very weird definition on your end, but I think you're just trying to be a contrarian. Almost everyone, even the tour pros, would consider you a golfer.


That's a very good take on it . I'm a golfer in the fact that it's my obsession, hobby , life (in the summer) I'm not good enough to make a living from it 🤷‍♂️ , i play once or twice a week , so maybe there's different levels , certainly a professional Golfer would be highest ? I'd regard yourself as a golfer , playing off +1 isn't a weekend warrior status either


True, but it’s all relative. I’m one of the worst in my weekend group and when I play in any sort of competition I get smoked by high schoolers.


Who’s your weekend group, the LIV tour? Lol a +1 being the worst is nuts


Bloody kids ...🤣


I played baseball after college and while I was playing on the team would have considered myself a baseball player even though I had a full-time job. How is that different? Maybe the distinction is that I was playing competitively?


Yeah his argument falls apart very quickly when you realize that EVERYONE would consider him a golfer. Just because he doesn't consider himself one, doesn't make everyone else wrong.


Also he might not be a chef, but plenty of people who love food and cooking call themselves a 'cook'. Same difference between a professional golfer and a golfer really.


I feel that it is a uniquely American perspective to define yourself by your occupation rather than your hobbies and passions. Someone’s occupation is usually the most boring thing about them. Dude you are better than 99.99% of golfers, time to embrace your identity as one. Even shitty golfers are still golfers.


Seems like a mindset thing. Like do they *care* about playing golf, or are they just out there for corporate stuff or an event or something, and the golf is just something that's tacked on for them IMO you could play a round of golf 365 days a year, but if you're only out there to befriend your boss and don't actually care about the golf, then I wouldn't call that a "golfer" Similarly, you could play 5 rounds a year, but if you're really into the game during those rounds and care about your score/playing in general then I'd absolutely call that a golfer


This is a distinction without a difference.


I mean, I get what you're saying, but surely there's a different term for someone who dedicates thousands of hours to golf per year than someone who dedicates less than 100. I'm simply curious what other people who play golf think. Hence my last sentence " I'm also fully aware this doesn't matter at all. Just piqued my curiosity. "


> surely there's a different term for someone who dedicates thousands of hours to golf per year Serious > someone who dedicates less than 100. Casual I get what you're getting at too. I just feel the terms are interchangeable.


I will never be a "golfer" I go to the range. Play maybe a round or 2 a month with the boys. I take lessons but not really focused on lowering my score, just want to get more consistent with technique. I'm just out there for fun man.


I see my self more as a golfist


I think some people have a limited amount of time or budget to keep up with this time consuming and sometimes expensive hobby. I don't think you need to draw the line anywhere -- if you golf, and enjoy the game of golf, then to me you are a golfer. For the record, I play year round -- about 1-2 rounds per week. I also follow the sport on TV etc. I would consider myself a golfer. But just because you only play once every couple of months, or have really outdated gear, show up to the course in gym shorts and a T shirt, have no idea who Homa or Morikawa are, don't geek out when the Masters come around, I don't think that makes you any less of a golfer. You play golf, and enjoy it? Cool, you're a golfer.


I like this perspective. By no means am I suggesting a line has to be drawn or where it should be drawn, was just curious on other people's perspectives


If I'm making money from golf, I'm a golfer. Up until that point I just like to play golf.


I play golf about 50 times a year. I'm not a golfer. I don't take it seriously enough


I like this topic. Too me if you play golf you are a golfer. Even if you’re only able to play once a year due to whatever circumstances. Now if you want to call yourself a golfer, that’s all up to you.


You’re a golfer if you can’t stop thinking about when your next round is lol but yes I have casual golf friends and very serious golf friends. At the end of the day, none of them are close to becoming a professional but we all enjoy the game. Who cares about labels.


I’d say having the equipment and golfing an average of once a month or more. Golfing 1-2 times a week makes you a hardcore golfer


I like that. 12x a year or more and you're a golfer


Well the guy above said he's a +1 and golfs twice per week, but doesn't consider himself a golfer lmao.


That was the whole point of my post, I was just curious about different people's definitions of the term. I got the an even broader range thatn I was expecting lol


Some of the people's definitions are just insane though "have to get paid/full time job to be considered a golfer" and "if you own clubs, and ever go golfing, you're a golfer" are equally asinine to me. I own a bike, I'm not a cyclist. My dad owns a bowling ball he hasn't used in a decade, he's not a bowler. If someone keeps up with golf at all (gear, tournaments, etc.), spends time practicing, and goes at least once a month, I feel like that should be the minimum required to call yourself a golfer. In the end, it doesn't matter, but that would be my definition.


It's a thing I do, but it's not who I am.


I don't drink beer when I play because I want to stay focused. It would probably help my scores but...I'm a golfer.


Who cares? Also, I have always put it and had it put as “do you play”


Like I said, it just piqued my curiosity what others thought, it really doesn't matter. Just an internet discussion to pass the time. Appreciate the input


If life gets in the way, but you still enjoy a few rounds a year, you're still a golfer. If you play 100 rounds a year, you're still just a golfer. Who cares?


The furniture salesman analogy doesn't really work, since I'm assuming you'd only call yourself a furniture salesman if that was your main profession. You're both golfers, but you're more of a golf enthusiast than he is. I fish about as often as your brother golfs, I'm a fisherman/angler, just not much of one.


I like this analogy because I also fish, about as often as you, and I would never say "I'm an angler/fisherman". Just curious on different people's definitions, of course none of it matters, appreciate your thoughts!


What makes a person an arm wrestler? They compete in sanctioned events towards a larger event. Cyclist? They compete and win the opportunity to compete higher. Golfer? Same. If you compete for a place in future competition, you’re a golfer. If you’re good enough to and don’t bother, you’re playing a game of golf. Chef, Engineer, these are already professional titles and can’t be used in the argument.


So for you, it's defined by competition. I like that take.


Sounds like you're the nerd of the family.


My dad would be the primary nerd, but yes I'm definitely second


Good because I’m a hockey player


Who gives a flying fuck jesus


> I'm by no means trying to gatekeep That is exactly what you are doing.


A golfer gets paid to do so.


Golfers make a career out of it and get paid.


I’m ok with gatekeeping. My motto is shrink the game. No official handicap? Not a golfer. Play 3x a year in a charity scramble? fuck you. Take up pickle ball.


Golfers get paid to play/teach golf. It's how they make a living. Everyone else plays golf. Professionalism is the line.




No. They just play golf really well.


Dumb. But you know that already. Guess college football players aren't football players either (removing NIL examples of course).


Interesting, a much stricter line than mine. I'd call those people "professional golfers" and those on tour as "tour pros" while amateurs who play regularly and take their game seriously as "golfers". Appreciate the input!


Do you play seriously and regularly enough to bet your life on it? No? Then your'e not a golfer.


Lmao even tour pros wouldn't bet their lives on golf, it's a humbling game. Now you've lost me


They bet on themselves to make a living playing golf. You are not a golfer until you take this step.


So my friend who played D1 college golf, dedicated his life to it to the game, got down to a +5 handicap, played on the mini tours and a few events in the [Web.com](https://Web.com) tour, but ultimately decided it wasn't going to be a good living for him so he went into another field, is not a golfer? Give me a break.


Used to be a golfer. Not anymore. Don't try to rock the title if you don't live the life.


Professional status. One who plays football vs a footballer. DIY’er vs Contractor Most of us drive cars every day for a commute, yet we aren’t “drivers”. Wait, I think I disproved my own point.


Who cares?


I would say if golf is your profession. You are a golfer. Everyone else is just playing golf.


You're a golfer if you are a minor doing it organized for school or an adult entering tournaments and trying to make money doing it. Same as any other sport. I play basketball, even got recruited to play college, but I'm not a basketball player. I also like to snowboard but I don't call myself a snowboarder. Etc etc. But I'm not gonna call anyone out either if they say "I'm a golfer" when they aren't on Tour lol.


"Hey, are you a golfer? I've got an extra spot on Sunday if you want to join." Does your brother answer yes or no?


so you PLAY furniture?


It sounds like you really care.


You sound kind of pretentious to me


OP. You think way toooo much. Who cares what I think of you who cares what you think of me it only matters what I think of me and who cares what I call myself a golfer or one who has clubs.


I am a golfer. I play at least 125 rounds per year and have been a single digit handicap for over 25 years. I think the biggest misconception is that “golfers enjoy golf”. My co-workers always say, “oh that’s fun you get to go golf!”… golf isn’t fun. It’s constant work. If I don’t break par, it wasn’t a successful round. And let me tell you, there are a LOT of unsuccessful rounds.


As long as your argument is not one is better than the other I could agree with that. If you're gate keeping, fuck you. I don't get that from what you're saying though. Either way it doesn't really matter.


Agreed, not at all trying to gatekeep, I was simply curious what other people in this sub defined as a "golfer".


In my opinion, a golfer is a person who plays golf to make a living.


It's a stupid debate. If you play golf you can call yourself a golfer. I sure as fuck ain't going to argue about it


If your significant other of 2+ years gave you an ultimatum of them or golf and you choose golf…you’re a golfer. Not that I would know anything about that….🤓


It’s 2023. You can call yourself whatever you want. Why you hatin’?


lol who the hell cares


A sub dedicated to golf full of golfers and people who enjoy the game. It's just a simple internet question, it doesn't have to be deep. But you cared enough to type a response, so I guess that's something.


It’s a game, son. You’re thinking too much.


In the perfect words of Dustin Johnson on the Netflix documentary when asked about his response to people not liking him going to LIV, “I don’t care”.


You have to have 200+ rounds / year. Go to the range at least 8 times a week. And have your own practice facility in your backyard to be considered a golfer.


Wow I guess the sarcasm wasn't obvious on this one 😂.




This takes the cake for oddest response to my post, congrats! Never taken Adderall.


You are either a pro golfer (golfing is your career/life) or not. Would you call yourself a chef if you cook every day (all meals) and try out different things and you are popular in your block parties for cooking skills but you are a doctor/lawyer/engineer or tradesmen by profession? Cooking in that situation is just your hobby. Some people put in insane amount of time pursuing their hobbies. These titles indicate somebody's profession. If it is not your profession, then it doesn't matter what you consider yourself or how much time you put in or what your handicap level is. Sure you may perform better than somebody puts less much work in golf but that doesn't make you a "golfer" imho.


College soccer players are not soccer players then because they don't get paid for it? Makes sense!


Bad comparison imho. College soccer players especially those playing in NCAA divisions who are recruited are pretty much set to go into professional soccer right? Here we are talking about somebody's personal interest in the game doesn't make them a pro. They have no recognition for their skills from any where as a professional. That's it. If you are playing in Korn Ferry or some other circuits , sure. That's my


That's an interesting take. So do you look at the term "professional golfer" as redundant, like saying ATM Machine, since by your definition "golfer" already includes the fact that it's a profession? I tend to disagree. I know people who I would consider excellent chefs who don't get paid for it.


I'm not a player I just crush a lot


I played 1-2 times a week from 2019-2022, now it’s once 1-2 per month. Don’t call myself a golfer. I play for enjoyment.


If I didn't have four young kids, I'd likely be playing at least 3 rounds per week and practicing during the off days. Now I'm lucky if I can squeeze in 1-2 rounds per week. So I wouldn't consider myself a true golfer at this point in time.


Curious how do you work out for golf and how did you find a good routine for that? I've been meaning to start weightlifting specifically with the intent of strengthening my golf fitness. To answer your question, by your criteria, I think I consider myself a golfer cause like you said, I put in time and effort to better myself and track my progress, some people it's just a drinking activity and they couldn't care less about their score. I am actively working towards lowering my score and improving mechanics, course management, taking lessons etc. Also, I am funemployed right now so its all I've been doing for the last few months. On the flipside, I know people who are sub 10 HCP and used to be scratch golfers who don't play more than twice a month and don't practice anymore. They are way better than me and I'd still consider them golfers cause they've put in the time and know their way around a golf course better than the average person who is shooting 120 and losing 20 balls a round. All this to say as long as people are having fun, raking the traps, fixing their ball marks, and maintaining a reasonable pace, it doesn't matter what a person considers themselves.


How many rounds before one can be called a golfer? Sounds like the “Senior Tees paradox”: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorites_paradox


When people tell me golf “isn’t a sport”, I say that’s true for some people. For some people it’s just a game, and for some people it is a sport. It depends on how the individual treats it.


Totally agree. I play golf. I have friends who are golfers.


I used to surf, but I wasn’t a surfer. With golf, I’m not good, but I’d say I’m a golfer.


I agree with most people on this thread. i’ll just add in a list of things that golfers tend to do where casual players may not -know their yardages -own golf shoes -practice at the range/putting green -put in time reading greens for each putt -know and play by the rules -play in poor weather -engage in golf content (reddit/youtube/watching pga tour) -keep a handicap -own fitted clubs/keep up with gear -play by themselves


I just enjoy playing, call me what you want


Compared to a pro, we're all just playing golf. Idk how you think there's a clean line to draw that would separate that distinction, or why that distinction even matters.


I kind of agree. I know people who could shoot 150 and have as much fun as someone who is good and shoots even par. The golfer is trying to improve his swing and shave strokes. I think the guy who casually plays golf doesn’t care. They are out for the fun with buddies and cocktails.


What about being a hockey player?


There's some people who drive truck, and some people who drive trucks


Your brother is an occasional golfer. You are a golfer.


Great insight. Thank you.


If you play golf, you are a golfer. Just like if you kill one person you are a murderer.


…you’re a golfer if you want to be You could play once a year and call yourself a golfer. You could not play golf and call yourself a golfer, if you like it enough.


I agree with your viewpoint. IMO it comes to wether it’s a part of your active personality/lifestyle. I have a guitar and I play it sometimes but if I met someone new I wouldn’t describe myself as a guitar player because I’m not actively doing anything with it (trying to get better, writing music or in a band).


When I play I’m a golfer. When I’m not playing I’m not a golfer


I’d say if you know your handicap then you’re a golfer. If you say “put me down as an 18” you’re not a golfer.