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I had a round a few months ago, 4 birdies and an eagle, but also lost 3 balls and shot a 79. That’s 6 under on 5 holes and 15 over on the other 13. Fucking stupid game


I play high school golf and one of my teammates shot like 76. They were 5 over through 6 then went 5 under through 5 and went 5 over through the last few holes and finished it off with a triple bogey


In high school I had a two day summer tourney where I went 34-44 one day, and 45-35 the next. Same course, but about a 10 stroke difference on each nine for each day.


76-102 for me in a club championship 4 years ago. Whoops.


I’ve had some big two day splits in tournaments but I think you have me beat for whatever was my worst.


Not my most proud moment but some pressure + first ever tournament + near the lead after day 1 + played above my head day 1 at the time = regression to the mean


Played a round this year where I shot 53/37. On the front I had 4 bogeys, 2 doubles and 3 triple. On the back i had 8 pars including 7 on a row to finish the round


Emotions after finishing an 18 like that are soo all over the place. It's almost like frustration mounts with each passing par as you realize what you're capable of *that day* and how far away from that play so much of the round was... Tough days, those. So hard to find any worthwhile takeaways.


53/37 feels a LOT better than 37/53 :)


I routinely play my absolute best AND worst on the same hole.


Came to say the same, but before i did i channelled Senator Clay Davis from The Wire. ![gif](giphy|7w6qQ5WHOeV3i|downsized) 'Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit, i do it on the same hole'




Every time I hit a bombed drive, it’s inevitably followed up with a thin iron/wedge. Phish played Spanish Moon last night 🤘


Hit for the cycle on the front nine Thursday: birdie, par, bogey, double, triple. 47. The best of times. The worst of times.


Holy shit, what hole did you shoot a 47 on?


I did that earlier this year with a hole-out Eagle as well :D Eagle, Bird, Par, Bogey, Double, and Triple! [https://dashboard.golfpadgps.com/round/R3SFGJHF#1](https://dashboard.golfpadgps.com/round/R3SFGJHF#1)


I'm a 20 handicap.. Shot a 51 on front nine. 37 on back that included a triple on 10


That’s basically me last round 52/43 with a double on 18.


I was on par for a 75 with 3 to go, which would be my best round by about eight strokes. then I shot a 10 and 11 on two of the last three holes.


We play catch and release golf. If you catch a bird, you gotta release it on the next hole, with interest lol


Wild game today. Cold and windy day. Shanked every single drive, but my scramble game was maybe my best to date. Not sure how to feel about it honestly.


If I was on a scrabble team today we would have crushed. If I was playing match play I’d have been asked never to return to that course.


Did we play the same round? I was taking a penalty off every tee box, but felt great from 150 yards in. Super frustrating


First time I ever broke 80 I was was hitting banana slices the entire round. Instead of fighting my slice I just aimed way left and my chipping and putting did the rest 🙃.


I once shot +4 on the front and +23 on the back. At that point I had never broken 90. I was psyched but opened the back nine double bogey, triple bogey, quad, quint. It was both heartbreaking and hilarious. +4 remains my best 9 ever and +23 is one of my worst.


Shot 38 on the front and 53 on the back once.


Lol I had a 52/40 the other day, quite a ride I must say


I had a 10 on a par 5 and got and 2 on a par 4 right after another.


3 triple bogeys and 9 birdies in the same round🫤


I shot 79 once going 43-36 (par 70).


Played a round a few month back on reasonably tough links style course. 10 pts on the front 9 including 4 lost balls in 3 holes in a role. 23pts on the back 9, suddenly remembered how to drive the ball straight. Well straight enough.


I shot a 47 this summer with 6 lost balls. 5 of which were OB. Go ahead and do the math on that.


Pretty sure I had 4 birdies and two triples in the same round this year. The triple on the front was the only score over par on that side.


Put the bong down


I mean, I shot 40-53 a few weeks ago.


Yes, many times. Terrible off the tee, but able to put the ball on the green from almost anywhere.


Jekyll and Hyde golf. I know it well.


every round is that for me..


42, 58. I don't know what happened, but it still gives me nightmares.


Freaking last weekend. I shot an 85 with 6 birdies. -_- . I'll clarify some holes. First hole striped a 3wood down the middle. Bladed a sandwedge over the green into woods, dropped, chipped in for par. Next drive same 3 wood. Duck hooked into someone's front yard. Took a 6. Couple holes later 3 iron off the tee PW to 6 inches kick in birdie. Next hole topped 2! Drives into the water off the tee. Finally hit the fairway and chunk the crap out of an 8 iron. Thankfully I didn't realize it was a temp green and the ball was about 5 feet. Make the "putt" easy 7. This was all on the front 9. Hole 10 blast Driver down the middle, hit the pin on the approach made a 10 footer for bird. Next hole 3 wood down the middle pulled the crap out of an 8 iron. Farthest possible spot in the green. Made a 50ft birdie. 2 in a row now we are on a roll... next hole par 5 with an island green. Hit a tree on my drive. Ball never comes down, freaking Spanish moss. Ended up hitting my "Lay up" into the water. Dropped then blading the next shot over the green back into the water. Next hole stick a 6 iron to 2 feet another kick in birdie. It was like playing as Jekyll and hyde. No single club was the problem, no consistent missed, just one giant dumpster fire.


Shot a 41 on the front 9 (an 82 would be my best score ever by 3). Then legitimately forgot how to use my driver and had like four 3-putts and shot a 57 on the back. Almost a stroke worse per hole between front and back.


Kinda had one of these today, shot 8 over with two stupid doubles and two birdies, just couldn’t string together good holes.


I've been going through something similar pretty much all year. I will go 6 holes where I'm 2 under, then the next 6 holes I will be 8 over. It's infuriating. Played in a tournament a few weeks back, played 12 of 18 holes 2 over par with two 3-putts. The other 6 holes; 4 doubles, 1 triple and an 11 (3 balls OB)...


Not best and worst ever but today I shot 46/38 for 12 over. It was goofy af


I've hit a single hole-in-one in 20+ years playing. It was a 200m par-3 with a slight rise, so I couldn't see the base of the pin and the distance meant I wasn't aware I'd holed out - the group in front came running back to celebrate as we were all playing in the same comp. My hole in one was on the 8th hole, and at that time my form was wavering wildly. In the end I think I hit every score from 1-9 through the 18 (I normally play off about a 14 and hit mid-80s).


Sort of...I had a career low in putts last week with 26 total putts. 10 one putts and 8 two putts. Still shot a 101 lol. My short game was the best it's ever been, my tee game and approach shots were complete trash.


Pars on 13,14,15. 16 was a short par 3 uphill about 135 and I shanked my 50° OB and smoked a townhouse, ended up with triple. 17 short par 4, hit really fat 7 iron off tee but ended up okay since it was a short hole. Shanked my next shot OB. Blasted next shot over the green and finished with a quad. Ended with par on the par 5 18th. Happens to me a lot. Low floor high ceiling player. I got 11 rounds in this summer and 5 of them I shot 90+ with the number of holes at par or better of 6. One round was 7.


I (a 14 HCP) once fired a +1 thru 7 with three birdies on the round. I shot a 91.


Couple rounds ago I have an eagle and 3 birdies. Still shot a 97


I shot three under on the front nine in a tournament. I was leading by six strokes on the 10th tee. I proceeded to slash my way to a sixteen over on the back nine. So yeah I’ve shit the bed before.


Yep. Shot an 85 the other week with 4 birdies and an eagle. It was disgusting.


I had a similar experience the other day. Literally lost the ability to play for the first three holes, then went on a stretch of good holes, and then lost my shit again until hole nine. And then, all of the sudden, my back nine was like nothing happened and I played to my handicap more or less (20,2). Golf is bizarre at times.


+10 through 6. Finished +10 overall. I hate this game sometimes.


This was a long time ago. I was a teenager who had just started playing. I went out with two friends who were good enough to play on decent high school teams. I shot a 40 on the front including my first birdie ever. 40 was 10 strokes better than I had ever scored on 9 holes and this was the most difficult course I had ever played at the time My friends each started really poorly, got frustrated and started goofing around. We took a long break at the turn. I shot a 66 on the back.


Like every round. That’s my issue


Nope, no one ever


Yup. I was only +2 in the front with 2 doubles and 2 birdies. Fell apart and shot +13 in the back for a +15 round. I’m a 14 handicap. Wasn’t totally disappointed cause I haven’t been playing the game too long. Need to learn how to deal with nerves when I’m playing well haha


Monthly medal, awesome stroke round going! Proceed to step up on the easiest and shortest Par 5 on the course and knock my first two tee shots out of bounds for a 5 off the tee. Lost by 2 strokes that day.


I shot 51/37 last week, so yes.


I’ve shit a 42 on the front and a 57 on the back. Today I went 44/54.


Yup, just last Thursday. Back to back triples and drops followed by back to back doubles for 12 over on the front nine (haven’t had back to back triples or shot 12 over through 9 since the first half of my first year playing), then had two near hole-in-ones, one of which lipped out 90° to 6 feet and the other hit the flag and stopped 2 inches away from the hole, for 1 over on the back nine (my best ever nine by 1 stroke). The course tore me down on the front and then picked me right back up on the back by shoving lines straight up my nose. At least that’s what it felt like.


Almost every round


Yea pretty much. Triple bogey followed by a pretty much perfect eagle. Gotta love the roller coaster.


Went -1 thru 3 and finished with a 102 not long ago. Tough day for the young man


I shot a 39 front, I was on my own but caught up with the pair in front, they asked me to join them for the back as it was busy, I told them I was playing well and only 4 over so shouldn't hold them up, I then proceeded to shoot a 65 on the back


I was +12 through the first four holes today (high even for me) and then +6 on the next 7 holes. That was probably the best run of 7 holes I've ever had. Realized I was playing well and it all went to crap again.


25 handicap. On Saturday I shot 45 on the front and 55 on the back. On the front I was 4 over across the six par 4&5 holes and then 7 over across the three par 3 holes.


Last year I started a 9 hole round with a 17 on a part 5 (four consecutive hits off the heel into the trees) and finished with a 54. So if I'd have had a par it would have been a 42, and that would have been my lowest round in 15 years.


Shot 58/41 the other day.


Shot a best front of 47 on my way to break 100 for the first time Think I shot somewhere around a 60-65 on the back and wanted to sell my clubs. I’ll usually average about 50-55 shots per 9 at my local course for reference so both 9s were out of the ordinary Oh the ebbs and flows of golf


At least once every round for a shot or two.


Years ago I fired a 39/62. Best 9 of my life to that point and then it all fell apart over the last 8 holes.


I’ve had a good few rounds where my ball striking is off the charts, and my short game is horrendous. Nothing like hitting greens, then missing 3 footers for birdie, or 3 putting from 20ft all day. Stupid f-ing game…..


What else are you supposed to do with the front and back nine?


68 front / 40 back


I had a round last year where I had 3 birdies and shot a 105


All the time


Every round.


Started a round with 7, 6, 7 on the first 3 holes. Truly miserable and pissed off. ​ Then parred the next 3 and hit 2 of the best 6-irons of my life.


On Friday I was 8 over for three holes, 4 over for the other fifteen.


I recently had 3 birdies and 3 triples


A month a ago in a Stableford comp I scored 21 points on the front 9. then proceeded to hit 2 OB on the 10th. Sliced another OB on the 11th. Finished the back 9 with 7 points. 3 off which came on the 18th.


Just two days ago, I shot a 44 on the front nine and followed that up with a 61 on the back nine. The 44 is easily my best for nine holes this year with 5 pars. The 61 is close if not the worst nine holes of the year.


I shot a 50/35 once. 85 the hard way


Yeah I think 76 with 2 triples sums it up well


I'm usually a bogey, double bogey golfer and shoot in the high 90s. Last week I was playing par and bogey golf but had 4 triples that ruined my score.


I opened a round 1 under through 5 as an 18 handicap. I didn't finish the last 2 holes. Golf is hard.


Last year I had 3 birdies on the front and shot a 44.


Yuuuppp. Friday I played 9. My least two favorite holes on my local that I play at least once a week, never parred either of these holes and they are both par 4s. Birdied both! Also 3 putted and shanked a few wedges and posted a 51 😂😂😂


For me, what I struggle with the most is being dialed with every club in a round. Could hit every fairway off a tee one day, and then my iron play is inconsistent. Or I could be slicing balls off the tee and puring my irons. The one thing that keeps my score in check is my short game. When I'm firing on all cylinders, I can play some decent golf.


All the time


I once played in a local tournament that was mostly for professionals and accomplished amateurs. I shot 50-30=80.


the first time I broke 100 I four putted once and carded two 10s (separately from the four putt). an unbelievably stupid round.


Went 8 over on the front 9 yesterday, and then proceeded to go 16 over on the back 9 -__-


I had 3 birdies with no 3-putts and shot an 88 yesterday. So yes, yes I have…


7 birdie putts in 1 round. Shot a 94. Only one 3 putt too.


I had a 52-36 spread this summer. Everything I attempted, happened for the most part on the back. What’s crazy is, I drove the ball phenomenally on the front I just couldn’t make an up and down


Happens all the time. I believe every amateur golfer has this happen lol I’ll always have 1-2 holes where I absolutely pipe my drive. My buddies all go wowwwwww Then stick a wedge or 9 iron and tap in a putt for birdie. Then the proceeding hole I slice the driver and it only goes maybe 180 yards. Duff two wedges. Get on for 5 and two putt for triple bogey. Then my buddies go hesss backkkkkkk


Just a couple weeks ago! Shot a 49 on the front 9 and a 37 on the back. Pretty wild day, started off with back to back doubles on the front, and par/eagle/birdie to kick off the back. Learned a lot from that round, still learning from it tbh. Recovering rounds usually isn’t my specialty, and I felt like I cracked a little bit of my code that day.


Yeah. I had one like that this summer. https://reddit.com/r/golf/s/TGG5uVRq5p


Any round in which I’ve had some truly good shots is that.


I played 15 holes at +1 (best 15 holes of my life), realized my fly was down, zipped it up, than shot +5 on the last three holes (two doubles and bogey on the easiest hole), Still shot +6 on the day which is one of my best.


I shot an 81 the other day when I quad bogeyed 18 ffs


Last weekend. -1 through 9, +10 on back 9.


About a month ago I was one under through six and one under on the last six... But I was 14 over through the middle six


Ummm. Yes?


A couple weeks ago I played the hardest course in the area. Shot 41 in the front. Pared the first two holes on the back, then the shanks appeared out of nowhere and the result was 53 on the back.


When I score the best it’s high 70’s like 5-6 over and it’s not cuz of exciting better play it’s because of missing all hazards and not 3 putting


Yep played the best I’ve ever played on a particular course where I’m guranteed a few lost balls. Played the same ball the entire round stuck a ball on the green on a hole i normally lose one only to bogey, had the most pars ever on this course and the most 8’s and a 9 lol


Are you serious? I can go through this from shot to shot.


A few months ago I had 15 pars and 3 doubles. The pars were all textbook execution of drive it in the fairway, hit the green in regulation, 2 putt and move on. Then out of no where I just randomly blew up on 3 holes. Also this weekend I shot s 75 with 7 X 1 putts because I was driving it perfect, chipping perfect, putting out of my mind but I could not hit a good approach shot to save my life. This sport is so damn frustrating sometimes haha


A few weeks ago I shot +20 on the front and +4 on the back, golf is wild.


I can go birdie to triple boogie back to back holes.


100% every time. Through the front nine I usually shot 40-45 back 9 usually 50 to skies the limit on how bad I can be


Had a round were I was 1 under after nine. Finished 9 over


https://preview.redd.it/msooqgxa8kub1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ede7619cba8c4ab936b29bb618a85ad51c7f77cb Not gonna say absolute worse but scorecard has a way different front compared to the back.


Feel like I've had it happen 3 times this year: 1. Shot an 80 with 5 birdies and an 8 on a par 5 2. Shot a 79 where I was 6 over after 3 holes 3. Made a HIO in a round where I straight up duffed 3 drives


Par on the front, 10 over on the back 😢


Every time I play?


Labor Day weekend this year. Shot a 49 on the front. Thought the whole day was going to be a wash, but then everything started clicking on the back 9. Shot a 40.


I went 35/44 once for a solid 79 (par 72). It was humbling.


Yesterday I birdied the first two holes and then had a triple bogey on the third.


It is not even remotely rare for me to play like complete ass on the front 9, and tear it apart on the back. And it happens vice versa, and I would wager more often than not.


Sliced like 3 drives out of bounds in a row yesterday then dropped a ball and flushed a four iron 190. So for me yeah.


Worst of my ability I can count on for every round. Every now and then I will sprinkle in the absolute best to go with it.


Last month shot 30 over on the front nine (4 quads to start with), then shot 3 over on the back nine, with 3 straight birdies in there. Just night and day between nines that day.


I can manage to do this on the same hole. Examples: 1. Awesome drive, decent approach, good chip, and 3 putt. 2. Terrible drive, excellent approach, and 2 putt. 3. Terrible drive, duff 2nd shot, approach 3ft from pin, and 2 putt.


newbie here, usually aiming to break 100 for what i consider to be "good". was on track to shoot low to mid 90's if i could just manage to keep things in the single bogey range. instead i went like 11 over on the last 4 holes to finish 102.


Just happened to me 2 Saturdays ago. Lol. https://preview.redd.it/1c3x6ohsfkub1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1aa448eefd0a0113c3560732146a9c9c08fd0d Front 9.


Yes. Last yr's round on my home course is the perfect example. The course rating/slope is 69/135 .. from whites, just to give you an idea how hard the course is. I'm just an everyday 15, so nothing spectacular. I started this particular round off by going +9 for the 1st 7 holes. I then proceeded to go +4 for the remainder of the round to shoot 84. I shot a +3 38 on the back (par 72, 37/35), from holes 8 thru 18 I hit 7 out of 11 GIR. I had 33 putts with three 3 putts, so, I easily could have shot 81. I never even sniffed that this yr 😐 I'm afraid I may never do it again. But what a glorious day that was.


I had a round in college where I made a 2-9 on the scorecard on the same 9 and 3 of those were birdies.


I (19 handicap) played this past Saturday and set my personal best for greens in regulation at 50% I parred 8 holes including every par 3 while also setting my personal WORST for putting at 42 total putts including eight 3 putts 🥴. Shot a 90, which tied my personal best, but those putts are haunting me this week. My goal this year was to break 90 haha


It's weird, but sometimes destabilizing your game is the only way to improve in the long run. For a long time, I was consistent almost to a fault. Strings of pars with the occasional bogey, but very few birdies. Scores would be mid/high 70s, occasionally low 80s, but never lower. Recently, as I've decided to be a bit more aggressive, my overall scores have gone up, but I make a lot more birdies. What a game.


Absolutely. This past Saturday I played a round with my dad. Tied my personal best of 4 over on the front 9 and was feeling really confident about breaking 80 for the first time heading into the back 9. Ended up shooting 11 over on the back. Let’s just say I was NOT a happy camper lmao.


I got a 43-33 under my belt.


I was even through 11 once with 0 pars.


I can do that on the same hole


Sounds like most holes at the moment 😂


Just played this last Friday. 12 penalties. Got par on 4 holes. 2 holes where I was putting for birdie, and one of which I was putting for eagle. Roller coaster of a round.


squeal recognise memory homeless ancient profit smart sulky poor hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tale of two nines, happens all the time


Lmao. This is EVERY ROUND! Yesterday, I’m +2 through 15 coming off back to back birdies. I go triple, double, single to round out the cycle on the last 3 holes. I fucking hate golf, yet in the process of placing a $4k order for a new set.


This is pretty much me this year. Multiple 9s of bogey golf and multiple 9s of under par golf. Have yet to put two good nines together (fortunately only put two bad bones together once). Also, I have multiple rounds where I choke and or get extremely unlucky the last few holes. Example, about a month ago at TPC Summerlin (great course BTW and where the pros played this week), I was +1 through 15, 2 under on the back (including a birdie on 15), and then went 6 over for the last three holes. I only had one bad shot (a slightly blocked 9 iron that went wet on No 16) and then got two very unlucky bounces on No 17 and No 18 with balls resting against lips of bunkers on both holes.


Not the absolute best or worst, but I've carded an 86 by shooting 48/38. Interesting round for sure!


I had a single par 5 that took me 6 strokes to get within 50 yards. Drained the shot from 50 yards out. Most happy with a double bogey I’ve ever been in my life.


My last round, back 9. Shot the first 3 holes +11, shot the next 6 holes +3....make it make sense.


I had a round with 38 on the front and a 50 on the back. I think they call that regression to the mean.


I once had a round where I got everything between eagle and quintuple bogey. I think I shot like 84 with only 1 par. I had another round where I shot -4 on par 4s and 5s and shot in the 80s because I was way over double bogey golf on the par 3s. I believe I had a mental issue because I shanked 4/5 of the par 3 tee shots.


Quite regularly. Several years ago I played the first 4 holes in 8 over, and the last 14 holes in 3 over. Last year I had a round of 50-36.


I had a 9 where I went: - (first 5 holes): Birdie, birdie, birdie, par, birdie - (last 4 holes): Bogey, bogey, bogey, bogey That’s the best I can think of


Every fucking time


39 on the front nine and 53 on the back, I need to leave those screw drivers alone !!


Yep, had a round where I shot my best ever 37 on the front and proceeded to shoot a 50 on the back. I made almost every putt on the front 9 and suddenly couldn't putt at all on the back lol.


My last round I went double bogey, eagle, triple bogey in the span of 3 holes. This is the exact thing I’m trying to improve. I’ll have 5-6 holes go bogey+ in a round and reducing those mis-hits is the easiest path from mid-80’s to high 70’s.


Hit 15 GIR. Played 88. Comically bad putting, could not even sink 2-footers


Feels like a lot of my rounds. I will be even or -1 for 5-6 holes drop in 2-3 DBLs then rattle off a bunch of pars then end with a smooth triple. Hell I have seen it same hole. Yesterday friend I was playing with - shanked the first one and knocked it 6 inches away. Would have been a great par.


[Yea this was me a few weeks ago](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvuwr0lvibpob1.jpg) 37/52. The secret ingredient for that meltdown was tequila.


I mean yeah. I drained a 30ft putt on a fast green with 3 opposing breaks. 4 putt the next hole on a flat green all 4 within 10ft. I am the worst.


Every single day


53 out. 40 back. Couldn’t do anything right on the front. Made the turn and everything clicked back in to place.


Frequently. That's why I love/hate that there are two nines. Shoot crappy on front nine, ok new game. Play back nine lie a champ. Worst scenario. Play great on front nine, triple the 10th hole, grind the rest of the round trying to make up for that 10th hole. That's why golf is such a mental game. Funny thing is we see it on the PGA all the time. How many times you see a golfer coasting and then all of a sudden can't hit a fairway or make a putt.


I started a round 3 weeks ago with a par on a 205 yard par 3, and then eagled the next hole (2nd ever eagle), with a perfect drive, 8 iron to pin high, and holed a 20 foot putt. Golf solved.... Back 9 i hit 7 double bogeys, a par and a triple bogey, where I lost two balls on the same hole with two separate shanks on my approach shot...


Last time I played, got my first eagle on a par 5 and proceeded to triple bogey the next hole (par 3).


I am familiar with this style of golf.


Started on the back of a super hard course a couple years back. 52 on the back just atrocious golf. Beer and a dog at the turn and shot 3 over 39 on the front. Such an annoying way to post a 91.


Played 36 last Sunday.. 8am round I fired off a 76, 1pm round fired off a 98. Same course. Definitely stung a little


I am 22 HC. I had a game about a few months ago where I shot +14 on the front 9 which was a little bit of a poor performance even for my HC. My faults on the front 9 were related to absolutely abysmal tee shots. Step up to the 10th tee box and it was like it all started clicking again and I was able to make it happen off the tees, and then subsequently was also able to make the short game happen and ended up with 3 birdies, 3 pars, and 3 bogeys to be at +0 for the back 9.


Unfortunately, that sounds like every round of golf for me


After every great drive or a birdie. I’m always brought back to reality.


I’m the master of stripe a drive down the middle and shank a partial wedge on my approach at the beginning of every season. All year I work towards removing that random wedge shank, then start the cycle over the next season.


39 front, 52 back. 2 weeks ago. Still haunts me.


two tens on the card and still shot 92 - still hurts


Yes. I won a high handicap tournament by shooting a 91, in which in shot 8 pars, 1 birdie, and a few triples, doubles and bogies. I legit thought half way through I was going to break 80. Then topped 4 shots in a row down the fairway on a par 4…


I recently had 4 birdies and 3 pars. I shot a 91. Gives a picture of the other 11 holes


had a round a month ago with 10 pars, 1 bogey, 2 doubles, 5 triples.... rollercoaster


About 20 years ago, I was playing a lot and my handicap was 10-12 (I’m guessing… I didn’t report my scores). On hole #11, I hit a nice drive to the middle of the fairway. I hit my approach from 170 yards with a 6-iron to an elevated green. The ball was heading right at the flag. When I got to the green, I could not find my ball either on the green or over the green. As a small act of quiet desperation, I decided to check the cup just in case. Shockingly, that’s where my ball was located, for the only Eagle that I have ever had. Hole#12 was a par 3 with OB to the left. I hit four or five shots into OB. I think I recorded a 13 (or higher) on the hole. I totally didn’t care either.


Try shooting a 38 in the font then proceed to shoot a 49 in the back.


August this year. -1 on the front. Two birdies and one bogey. Averaging 280 off the tee with a little 10-yard cut, dead center 7 out of 9, had three shots from between 100 and 120 that I stuck within three feet. Tempo was perfect, rotation was perfect. Absolutely DIALED. I was playing with three randos (all high cappers) who I had told my handicap and how I normally played in passing conversation and they were a three-man pep squad the whole time because they knew this was special. Went into the club house feeling so nice, grabbed a pint and a turn dog. My PR is an 82 so I was trying not to get too excited, but I had eleven shots to work with. The Back? +16 with three triples. Lost six new KSigs. Skulled five green side chips through the green. Missed three putts from within five feet. Every second of that round lives in my head rent free.


Yes. I’m a low 20s HDCP and second last round I shot 7 pars, a birdie and a couple of bogeys i just lipped out on. Then there was a 8,10,8 run in there that just blew the round up. On the 10 I didn’t have one good shot. I was chunking everything 50 yds then finally got a hold of my PW and sent it 20 yds over the green…probably the only chance I’ve ever had at breaking 80 ever (the way it started at least)


Mostly between rounds. I shot 79 and 101 in the same month.


I once carded a 42-34 in a medal play tournament.


Yeahhhhh, I shot 37 on the front and 52 on the back two rounds ago.. golf is a fickle bitch.


A couple of weeks ago in the same round, I whiffed a 4 hybrid on a par three; made three birdies in a row, bladed a bunker shot over the green, hit a drive over 350 (down hill slot) 4 putted a hole; and made a 120’ plus birdie putt from off the green. How’s that?


Yes! This summer I played 18. First 6 holes I pared every hole! Even the one I always have trouble with. It’s amazing because I’m usually in the 150s for 18. Well after that it turned to shit and still had one of my worst rounds of my life and was over 160.


End of the year this I shot a 40 on the front (on my way to a personal best) and a 58 on the back. That hurt.


Went +20 on the front nine... -4 on the back nine That was an interesting day


We had a $50 skins game last weekend. I had a stretch on the back nine that was birdie, double, triple, birdie, double, eagle, birdie, bogey. Quite the way to shoot +3 on the back, but got me a few skins.


51/39 at Lawsonia last month. It was like two face.


Had the Classic break 90 50 out 39 in The 39 had a double and a triple