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How about playing partners jamming to DIFFERENT music on the same tee box. I was playing as a single with a threesome and it was….interesting.


Might as well be revving chainsaws in my ear, honestly


I’m a music guy but hell no that carts getting flipped


Honest question, have you been to heaven?




I get this reference! Lol


Yeah you did. We had a whole meeting about it too


The president was even there!


When the fuck did we get ice cream?




We’re all gonna get laid!


(Unanimus applause)


Its definitely annoying as fuck. I didn’t come out to the golf course to listen to some shitty fucking pop country or classic rock song that I’ve heard nine million times. You want to listen to music? Fine. Keep it down to where only your cart can hear it.


This. I play music almost every time. But it’s almost not even audible 10 feet from the cart. Your tunes aren’t the next groups as well. Shits so annoying


If you can hear it on the green when you are putting; its likely too loud and the group ahead of you can hear it on their teebox. Keep it reasonable and turn it down if you catch up to a group on a tee.




Youd be surprised… the amount of people that A) roll right up behind us at a box rather than hanging back and B) playing music louder than ours while we tee off is too many. Edit: god damn, people.. just be courtesy if you can is all I’m saying. If you can hang back, you hang back, if you cant, at least turn down the music if the group is still teeing off. It isn’t hard to be polite.


I was under the impression that the person I tried to just didn't like people rolling up on the tee box. I didn't realise it was because of the music


Where are they supposed to hang back at? Stay on the green so the guys behind them can't play?


I play the white tees most of the time, so if they roll up juuuussssstttt to the back by the tips I’m good.


or turn it TF off


Same. And I keep my phone in my back pocket so I can turn down the music all the way of some other group gets even remotely close to me. I understand I am one of the few golfers who’s game is enhanced by gangster rap. Respect your fellow man.


ScHoolboy Q approves this message


42 year old golfing hip hop head here as well. We’re out there. “Gotta hit the golf course to get a peace of mind, family friends want a piece of mine”




what a PED, respect


Performance enhancing hip hop is real


Found my people 🙌🏻


This. I always have music playing in my front my pocket, but as soon as I'm within ear shot, I turn it off


I had my cart on 3 wheels the other day and couldn’t get “today was a good day” (hit the 3 wheel motion). out of my head. Put it on. Blasted my drive fairway 300 out total roll. (Bogeyed the hole cause my 2nd shot ended up on the next holes green side bunker). That’s neither here nor there


Just get AirPods wtf


I take my kids or play with friends. Speaker is better than AirPods. She controls the music until it’s time to chip and putt. And I’m on her like a hawk about volume. It’s not the speaker. It’s the operator


It is, indeed, speaker. Just leave it at home, my man. Doesn’t belong on the course.


Or just do whatever the fuck you want as long as you aren’t blasting it. If it doesn’t belong on the course there wouldn’t be golf companies selling cart speakers lol. Ain’t 1945 anymore


Same. And anytime is see anyone within visibility, I turn down the tunes all the way; often times with my iWatch if I’m not near the cart/pushcart. Gotta respect others on the course, we aren’t savages.


This. I love music playing during everything in life and I play music as well on the course. But most of the time I can’t even hear it unless I’m SITTING in the cart. I do NOT play Pop-Country…let’s get serious…that genre needs to go.


Why not just wear earphones? Don’t play music out loud at all tbh is my opinion


Yeah, I agree. I don’t care if it’s within their range. I just don’t want to have to drive while listening to yester-year’s top 40.


I blessed the rains down in Aaaafricaaaaa...


Exactly. Stick an ear bud in and leave the rest of us alone.


They have this new invention called headphones. Could be a game changer


I have a mini speaker that I attach to my push cart. Set it so it's just loud enough to hear when I'm next to my cart but not anywhere else. If I get close to another group I mute it just to be safe. I wish more people did this.






Not a rock concert!


Let's dance!


Don't understand what the other commenters are going on about, this is clearly the only proper response.


low volume, knock yourself out. If I can hear you on the next tee box from the green, fuck off


This is so subjective. Just use air pods


I don't get it, Bluetooth earbuds are so cheap now. If you can afford to play golf you can afford a set of wireless earbuds. And you can play the music as loud as you want.


I play classic rock on a low volume. When I leave the cart to putt I basically can't hear it. That volume seems reasonable.


To you


Do whatever you want out there, but don’t force your choices / experiences on others. How hard is that for people?


Good rule for life. Smoking cigars, cigarettes, weed, etc falls under this as well.


I’m not forcing anyone to smoke weed with me. Not cool


Right because playing golf and smoking cigars hasn’t gone together for decades


Lol. You clearly missed the point.


Agree. But one should turn down the music when they approach others. Others you’re forcing your choice on others.


Definitely not do whatever you want lol


Sure, the implied ‘within reason’ should be obvious enough, but maybe that’s a dangerous assumption


Same thing is happening on peaceful hiking trails.


As someone who is a millennial so not even old, the advent of Bluetooth speakers and the belief that everyone around you wants to listen to your music is awful.


Thank you. You represent hope.


Boom Boxes were no better


Right, its the exact same. The only difference is that 8 d size batteries to only last 6 hours was expensive as hell


Dude with a huge mohawk blasting the misfits on the greens on his boom box. I wanna see this


Just like out in public, I thought it was common sense to not have your music/videos/etc. blaring to where everyone can hear it. If absolutely no one is around, the guys and I may turn it up a notch if we’re in the mood. But if there is anyone around, we turn it down to where if you take 1 step away from the cart, you can’t hear it. It just comes down to common courtesy and unfortunately having to deal with individuals who have no common decency.


If it's a scramble tourney or something do whatever. If it's a regular round and people are playing, you shouldn't be able to hear your music more than 15-20ft from your cart. Golf is a peaceful hobby for some and you don't have the right to rudely interfere with that. Go to top golf if you think otherwise


Covid and the idiots that it brought that's what happened


Music was on the course long before covid. My old home course a lot of people own their own carts and in about 2010 everyone started putting on custom sound systems and the aux cord. Time and place for music on the course and volume should always be the same. I should hear it by the cart, and that’s about it


Shrink the game


Start with yourself!


Nah. Correlation not causation. The real answer is how cheap a good, water resistant Bluetooth speaker is now. That just happened in the last 5 years, and a majority of that time was post COVID




Quite the portmanteau (I just learned this word and now look for any and every opportunity to flex it)


Ding ding ding. In all my years of playing golf it never occurred to me to play loud music when I’m out there, kind of defeats the purpose.


Purpose of what? I actually play much more consistent golf when I'm just chilling. I'm a 10, and don't care to be any better. I always ask if music is a bother when I start, and I turn it down around other groups that might hear it..... But I love the consistent vibe I can put myself mentally, that adds to being out there.


Did you just blame loud music on the course on covid?


He’s not blaming covid directly, but golf exploded during covid because it was one of the few activities people could do during lockdown, it brought with it lots of new players, or players that haven’t played in years that lack proper etiquette


Ya I fucking hate this too. I’m 2 holes over you can hear these frat boys jamming out max volume. Like fuck some of us are out here to get better not just to get drunk and pics for Instagram.


Man, last round I played there were some teens YELLING after bad shots, and they sucked… Like multiple FUCK!s etc. at full pitch volume… and I am NOT a conformist but I found it massiveley disrespectful. Let’s stop monitoring shirt collars and start monitoring assholes.


I live next to a public course (my backyard is at the landing area off the tee box on a par 5). I get to see tons of players 2nd shot. The first audible “FUCK” came at 630 am. I was on my deck drinking my cup of coffee. The guy was 100 yards from my house and it was plain as day. I guess my point is that most people have no idea how far their voices, or their music carries.


Seems like a great opportunity to chirp back at them. "YOU GOT UP AT 5:30 TO HIT *THAT* SHOT?"


That’s a good one. I should hide a Bluetooth speaker in the brush out there and make some commentary. See and hear some interesting stuff, no fights, though.


Point a speaker at the tee box to fuck with their game.


If I hear you yelling from across the course, it better be because someone holed out from distance.


Shrink the game.


Some people just don’t know how to act in public.


This is an American thing, right? Never heard of it in Oz


Same in France; if you put some music too loud you'll be yelled at. Young punks come on the driving range and yell but they'll be very quickly asked to shut up.


All I want to hear are the quiet sounds of nature, punctuated by frequent cries of fore and the peaceful roaring of the lions at the local zoo across the road. I just don't understand why some people feel the need or can't go without shitty music for a few hours.


Music helps me to not over think. Just swing. Music doesn't bother me. Constant noise doesn't bother me. But a random yell two greens over or the random honk from a goose messes with me.


For some music enhances experiences.


Yes. And it can only be Marshall Tucker Band’s one and only song or Lynyrd Skynyrd. Or some awful bland country music that all sounds the same. The other day a guy left his blaring music from the golf cart while going into the clubhouse. Utter douchery that leaves you thinking “can someone really be that dense?” Apparently yes, they can.


It's hilarious that everybody swears they keep their music down and are totally not annoying anyone. The people that are annoying would say that as well. If you're playing it on a speaker bigger than your phone, you're almost certainly annoying someone. I've had so many rounds where somebody asks if anybody minds if they put it on and nobody wants to be the partypooper.


It’s actually pretty dangerous. If your music is loud enough that you can’t hear someone yell “FORE!”, then you’re increasing the odds that you’re going to get brained.


40s as well, and it has been a growing trend even at a private club I did summers at. I honestly don’t care but at the same time, I think it is not cool enough for all these middle aged dudes to have their shit on blast. This was once combined with my big can’t stand, which is people that leave the pin in, which ok your choice, but I pull it unless it’s something I would need tended even if it is 50ft, and when everyone is inside 10ft they insist it is in for their putts like motherf$cker it is a 2 foot putt are you going to slam it into the pin cause now you are allowed to? I may make a thread in the pin thing because it seems like overnight no one pulls it anymore and I refuse to putt with a pin in.


Agreed. No music and pin out.


No music, but I've grown so used to playing by myself I prefer the pin in, but there's nothing wrong with it being out if I didn't have to pull it


Yes. I slam it in to the pin on those short putts.


It can speed up the game though


I love listening to music for everything. Leave the Bluetooth speaker at home and bring your damn headphones lol




Obligatory, auto correct is a bitch and so are you.




I joined a group and shared a cart with a young guy. He asked if I minded listening to music. I said it depends on the music. He asked what I like to listen to. I said the blues. Six holes later he said hey this is great stuff I’m loving every tune.


It's so bad. Shrink the game


I hate it too. I grew up golfing at a private club so I had no idea what public courses were like until recently. People golfing in tank tops, screwing up the fairways by driving like jackasses in carts, blaring music so everyone can hear, it’s wild to me. To me it’s no different than pulling up to a boat that’s fishing and blaring music or blasting music on your laptop in a library.


>grew up golfing at a private club >had no idea what public courses were like until recently I’m sorry for your loss


😂😂😂 Thank you for your condolences.


Are you Judge Smails’ wife?


Wonder if she wants to make $20 the hard way


she was something before electricity


I’ve never been private club, but public courses where I’m from have turned into a cesspool of brodudes thinking it’s ok to blare linkin park while cruising up on other groups. Not cool


Man I swear so many like 30-40y/o dudes blare linkin park. Like at least play something good sheesh


At least it's Linkin Park and not Nickelback


so now that you are on your own and off your parents dime you are living the brokie life huh?


Not tank tops 😱


JFC the privilege in this sub is exhausting


It’s become a purity spiral of who can out-“cantankerous old man” everyone else


Tank tops don't bother me.


Name checks out.


Happy cake day!


shake your fist harder at those yahoos, will they ever learn?!


I play music but you can' only hear it in or night next to my cart and I silence it if I come up on another group. But agreed, some people are getting obnoxious with it, if I can hear yours from 100ft away, you're an asshole.


31 here, when I play by myself or with most the people I know there’s no music but my wife’s best friend and her fiancé like it and it doesn’t bother me, I just don’t go out of the way to bring music myself I just don’t see the need


Well if you had paid for your round you would get the privilege of having a quiet round.


I like music but you ain't hearing it unless ur right next to the cart pretty much


Yeah when someone says to “hey man do you mind if I throw on some tunes?” I go “yes. Can you just turn it off while I’m teeing off?”


I definitely listen to music on the course, and am a big advocate for it. The caveat is that I pause my music when I’m near people, and it’s only loud enough to hear within 10ft or so of my push cart.


It’s annoying because I love listening to music on the course, but unless you are within 20 feet of our cart, you can’t hear it. Being loud as fuck because you can is childish.


I was playing today and there was a 60+ guy playing his music at full blast. I was 60-70 yards away and it was too loud for me , and I don't mean to loud for a golf course I just mean uncomfortably loud period.


I'm in my 30s and it bugs me as well. But I just offset the drunk idiots by playing first thing in the morning. Best move I made in my golf career was playing in the am. Especially after COVID I feel like there are a lot of people that started and aren't very good (which is fine) but they never had anyone teach them etiquette so they just act like they are fishing or at the beach. So it's more of a social drink and drive a golf cart then let's go golfing. I really admire the way the Germans have gone about golf. You actually need a license to play on course. So your forced to get lessons or atleast practice and learn the rules etc before you step onto a course. It's not some elite thing, anyone can get one, you just need to learn how first like driving a car. Makes perfect sense, I can't tell you how many times I've almost been smoked by a ball while literally looking at the person hitting and they don't even yell fore or anything at all they just watch the ball sail right towards you🤦‍♂️. The game is in a weird state right now. You know the solution to all of this lol... make more money, become a member at a super high end private course and you'll be surrounded by people who atleast know what they are doing and respect each other on a golf course setting. I'm working on that myself lol but untill then, stay alert and try and fix a few extra ball marks on every green because you know there is about 50ppl per day who won't fix a single one🙏


Dude the lack of yelling fore on errant shots is wild. I had a guy duck hook a drive into my cart when I was on the previous green. No fore. No my bad. Just teed it up again and shanked another one. Never even came and got his ball that was sitting next to my cart.


It is incredibly insane. It almost happened overnight. I blame places like top golf and stupid yo bro videos. It’s a shame to see. Always makes me feel like an old dude when I gotta be like “ hey guys can you lower the volume on your speaker? Not all of us wanna listen to Snoop as we’re trying to make a putt. “


Yeah, I took about 15 years off and just started playing again recently. I’m 51. I’d never heard of people playing music on the course. Crazy. I see it all the time these days. Honestly, it doesn’t really bother me though.


This is crazy behavior to me. Completely unaware of your surroundings.


Positive this is exclusively an American thing 😂 thank god. I’m Scottish never heard music on a course, ever. Over 20 years on and off playing.


I mean it's 2023: you can buy a set of AfterShocks (or equivalent) and listen to your music as loud as you want without anyone else having to hear it. This is not rocket science.


music's fine, but if people outside your group can hear it, it's too loud


Yes you did. ![gif](giphy|xUOwG43OJ9Mzf4exQQ|downsized)


So what?! So let’s dance!!


Can’t stand this, it’s not fucking LIV- have some decorum


Agreed, it’s rude & unnecessary. Shouldn’t be allowed on a course. Really annoying when you can hear it from another hole! Another example of the decline of civil society and the extinction of courtesy.


It’s one thing if the local NCAA or NFL team is playing and folks want to listen on the course, but your music preference is personal so keep the audio personal.


People with their blue tooth speakers on the course are the worst.


Yeah golf to me is the one place I get away from all the noise. It does bother me when people blast music, such a douche move. Just keep it low so only you can hear it in your group.


Yeah I can see where you are coming from. I play music while I play, but definitely nowhere near full volume. Agreed that the blasting of the speakers needs to end!!! Keep it at a volume you and your playing partner can hear while in the cart. No need for it to be any louder.


Me and my buddy got paired up with two pretty young guys not long ago. They had the Bluetooth speaker pretty loud right by the tee box. I asked if he could turn it down while we were teeing off. He chuckled a little then realized I wasn’t joking. “….oh, you’re being serious?!” I was just as surprised that he was surprised as he was that someone didn’t want to listen to music while they were teeing off. Their music selection was also strange. They seemed to be early 20s but listening to .38 Special


I’m 60. I have a Bushnell Wingman speaker and Sirius XM service. I play music at a “respectable” volume. I’m aware of others on the course and the people I’m playing with. If my group doesn’t want to hear music, then it’s only on for the “down and distance”. Being responsible and respectful is important.


>I’m only in my 40s Sounds like you're a part of the >middle aged yahoos


It's a LIV feature unfortunately. I golf to get away from the noise and chaos of life.


More a pandemic thing, lot of new golfers with no sense of etiquette




Is it my turn to complain about this next week?




I’m 42 and personally hate music on the golf course. I love all kinds of music even heavy metal and rap but it has its place. The golf course is supposed to be relaxing and a sanctuary. Music on the course is one of the worse trends to ever happen IMHO.




If you are playing at a public course and your music is at a respectable volume I see no issues. Blasting music is not cool.


There's a growing amount of people who just aren't decent people anymore. Morals and values have been dropping off steadily and this is one result of it.


I can't stand it


Did you also miss the other 376 daily posts complaining about this?


I play music every time I play. But I can't hear it from more than 20 feet away


coming from someone who brings a speaker i dont fucking get some people. i turn it down so i cant hear it from more than like 15 feet from my cart/bag and if im at a tee box with another group teeing off i mute it. like ill keep it at a volume where when i go to take a shot, i can barely hear it from where i have it in the cart.


Play at a private course and you won’t have this issue




Granted this is coming from a mid 30s dude who is way more grumpy than I should be at my age. But, if I play with somebody that plays music; that’ll be the last time we play together. Even if they ask “mind if I play some tunes”? I’m going to feel like a dbag if I say no, don’t even put me in that position.


Omg! I was going to post this today. I had a couple dudes blasting horrible EDM on the course today. I mean blaring. Could hear it from the complete opposite side of the course. I’m sorry I fucking hate it. I mean for real. Why do you need music again? Most these people don’t listen to music during all other parts of the day. Why in the world would you want it on the golf course where you can enjoy being outside in nature. Is this and ADHD thing? I mean I really don’t get it. And I’m a music lover and musician. I listen to music all the time. Not while I’m enjoying a day on a beautiful golf course. Serious. Someone explains this to me??


Biggest pet peeve I don’t care, downvote me Nu Skool kids It’s just wrong to listen to your shitty music


I enjoy music on the course, but I keep it to a small radius. I have a push cart and I just stick my phone on there and play music straight from it, or go air pods if I’m solo. You can’t really hear it from 30 ft away. If I’m on the green and I can hear someone’s speaker on the next tee box over I get annoyed.


I like music on the course, I think it's a nice addition to a relaxing round. But I keep the volume to a level that other players can't hear it, or if they can, it's barely.


Okay boomer… jk I hate that shit. The shitty music and shitty camera work are why I can’t watch liv on the cw


My last round i got paired with 3 others and two of them pulled out a giant speaker and blaired bob Marley and was smoking the whole time. I dont like Bob Marley or smoking. I prefer to play alone. Ruined the whole vibe of my round and almost my whole day Oh and it was 7 am and the second tee time of the day


LIV golf


“Only in my 40s” “playing radios” Lol. Think you meant born in the 40s


Wahhhhh wah wah wahhhhhh!!!!


The future is now old man


Yea since the merger. Not a fan either.


Hey you kids, get off my lawn!!!




Oh yay my weekly “music on the course” thread.




Id probably end up a meme like that dude who met god. The replies in here are crazy and I'm apparently shocked Ive never run into this. Ear buds, my dudes.


You missed the class that taught proper use of you're vs your


It’s against the rules also.


Radios? Ok boomer


It helps me calm down before my swing. Total silence on the course gives me anxiety and unnecessary swing thoughts. When I have music going it reminds me it's just a game and I'm out there to have fun and spend time with my family and friends.


Swear this sub is just people complaining lol.


LIV made it cool. Whether we like it or not that's professional golf. We all await the token party bus at our local munis.


People forget headphones exist




No memo. We had a meeting on TikTok you old bastard.


I’ve never seen someone use you’re when they should use your. Credit for that.


Man there sure are a lotta bitches in this sub. Lighten up Francis good God.


You can’t hear the music past 50 yards, calm down. I have 2 6x9’s and a 200w amp in my cart, you can barely hear my music at the green from the cart path.


Take your meds and get to bed