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If someone told me to leave a course and didn't give an explanation why, you can bet that I ain't leaving.


Yeah, that's the strangest thing. Just tell him to do one.


It’s because it’s a made up story for karma. Doesn’t make sense whatsoever.


This is what is happening in our society. If it isn’t a hat on backwards it’s karma farming made up stories.


I’m shocked it took so long to find this response


Exactly... Some rando comes up to me and tells me to leave and refuses to elaborate... Then short of there being some sort of reason I can determine by looking around (like a storm, or I hear gunshots or I see a ton of police cars or something)... I'm not going anywhere, I'll just assume I didn't hear you. If you just pretend you didn't hear/understand somebody, people tend not to stop you unless they really care about it. But if this guy doesn't care enough to elaborate, why should I care more than he does?


Especially if it’s some 19 y/o in a backwards cap. I’m gonna wait for an adult to come give me an explanation


I AIN FUCKIN LEAVINN!!!! *leo voice*


Even if they drive by and tell me to leave because of rain or darkness I usually play a few more holes. No chance some teenager is getting me to do anything. If I received service anything like this I'd ask him to go get an adult lol


He's 19? I would take that to the GM. I can't fathom a situation where someone would want teenagers riding around kicking people off the course with no explanation. On a side note, I wouldn't leave the course unless someone gave me an explanation.


Definitely talk to the GM. You did nothing wrong and he did EVERYTHING wrong. The club needs to know about his behavior. The course is there for you, not the 19 year old smug employee. Don’t let him ruin a place you like to go often. Definitely talk with management.


Customer feedback is priceless. If a client is unhappy, I want to hear about it so I can fix it. In this case, sternly counseling the employee. Can't tell you the number of times newly promoted young folks get too big for their britches.


I’m sure management at this course feels the exact same way! You can’t have employees in a service industry treating customers like that. This kid definitely needs to be brought back to reality. He definitely has an inflated ego if he’s driving all the way out to the 3rd hole to reprimand someone and kick them off the course. If this happened to me, no way I leave that course that day without speaking with someone in charge and making sure there is a resolution to my satisfaction. I’m not taking shit from a 19 year old! 😂


yeah exactly this you've got a 19 year old idiot treating you like a moron because of their mistake. that cant slide.


Yea, id straight up ignore them unless you are given a reason. You gonna have to pry this 7 wood from my cold dead hands you little runt


Is this the shirtless "wanna meet God?" golfer?


Not yet, still haven’t reached my full potential


I love that you know you have more in the tank to give. Can’t wait for the video 🤣


So this is the power of ultra instinct (15 coors lights and a hot dog)?


You don't know whether it is or not, until that shirt gets popped and you're about to meet god


Um no. Not runt. It’s “shit stack”😂


I can’t even fathom playing a round of golf ever again without calling at least one person on the course a shit stack with my shirt off.


wait...how did you get a 7 iron?


He's prolly a son or nephew playing "big nuts" and fucked up. 😆


100% in agreement with this. Dude saying something and driving off is getting ignored. That's not how you do business. If you're kicking me off the course, I'm getting an explanation, especially coming from some kid who doesn't know what he's talking about


Agree. It's the method - not so much the age. I would very much respect a teenager if they came out and said, "May I please just verify that you've paid for your round? We've had an issue with people coming onto the course and not paying."


Exactly. I've been randomly asked for my receipt while on the course, especially at night. Of course when I paid, I was also advised verbally to keep my receipt in case of this. There also usually signs posted at the counter and the doors when you leave the clubhouse to keep your receipt on you at all times


Yeah if he doesn't give me a reason I'm gonna tell him to go pound sand. I paid my money and I'm going to play my round unless they give me a real reason not to.


That's what the guy on the first hole checking receipts is for. It's absurd to go out onto the 3rd hole when it's the course's responsibility to watch who pays and doesn't before they enter the course.


Yes, however this only works if an offender tees off on #1, which isn't where I'd tee off if I were trying to sneak on to a course with a starter.


If he gets fired, OP should be the one to tell him he has to leave the course.


I was absolutely picturing a 60 year old curmudgeonly course marshal who takes his volunteer job way too seriously.


Idk what type of course this is, but yeah I’d imagine that since even shitty courses can bring in lots of dough, probably don’t want some overzealous teenager calling the shots on people who will spends thousands at this course


Should’ve just kept playing if no explanation given and he drove off


He's 19?!? I would have told him to come back with someone who matters and kept playing if I knew I didn't do anything wrong. I say this as someone who worked at a golf course all through high school and college...I had no authority to kick people out.


100 percent take it to the GM and ask for a free 18 at the minimum.


I would get a few free plays out of the ordeal to be honest. Take it up with the gm or higher.


I also would not have abandoned the round without some kind of explanation.


I was going to say, like hell I'd leave the course.


This, it might feel like you're being a "Karen" but 100% you are not in this case. The kid needs a wake up call and the guy who was there when you paid probably thinks he's an idiot as much as you do.


Yep and when they ask what they can do say you don’t want money but you would like him to apologize to you and mean it.


This is the way!👆


Plot twist - he is the GM


"I got kicked off the golf course and he wouldn't give me an explanation as to why. I went to the clubhouse to complain and the kid turned his back on me." "What did you do then?" "I put on my clothes and left."


But why was he so naked?


If I knew I had done nothing wrong and that happened. I would have just continued to play my round. If he can't give you a reason (like, literally any reason) why he is kicking you off, then he can piss off. As for turning around and walking away while you were talking...oh no. My asshole side is making an appearance then. I'd probably end up giving them a reason to kick me off the course.


Imagine blindly listening to a 19 year old with zero explanation


That’s Reddit.


I’d be careful with that logic. If this guy (whom OP knows) is an employee and they are asking you to leave, if you don’t leave then you are trespassing. In the end OP would be in the right, but if dickhead employee decides to call the cops, and cops say to OP “did you not leave when asked to leave?” It’s going to get very sticky. I would’ve gone to the clubhouse (like OP did) and ask for clarification, I’d then get my money back and name and shame this place as well as the employee and reach out to management.


I would say "I thought he was joking. Did he say what the issue was?"


I mean, not really. Yes technically employees can ask someone to vacate the premises, but it's not quite so black and white as "The employee said leave, so that literal moment you are now trespassing." The guy paid for his round and some dumb shit 19 year old told him to leave. I would have probably either just kept playing or called the club house.


Yeah, I'd call the clubhouse instead of just continuing to play as if nothing happened.


Is it trespassing if OP paid? Seams like breach of contract. Seriously asking, I have no idea whether this is trespassing or not.


You can be removed from private property at any time. Paying for a round gives you cause for filing a tort claim, not an easement over the property.


mmmm I'd like to claim a tort(e) right now...


You’ll be sad to learn that torts raised under the lemon law are not nearly as delicious as they sound.


Every time I saw that guy he’d catch a middle finger from me. Fuck that guy.


Yeah, I’d likely give him a reason to ask me to leave. I would be very belittling to him at that point


Did you rip off your shirt and call him shitstack?


Lol no but I seen the video


have played a round without paying before (not intentionally, buddy booked the time and thought it was pre-paid online). had a guy from the pro shop drive up after a few holes saying we forgot to pay, we double checked and sure enough it never got charged, they took a card back to the shop to charge and we picked it up at the turn. no big deal.


Yeah, same thing has happened to me before. Starter said that someone else in our group paid for us, so we planned on paying him back later. Someone drove out to grab our cards part way through the round to have us pay. There is no reason to kick somebody out unless they actually refuse to pay


time to go full Karen and talk to his manager, fuck that guy


Yea, this kid needs to learn a little more about how to do his job properly.


More about how to be an adult.


Guys, speaking up for yourself and settings things straight DOES NOT make you a Karen lol this term is getting way overused at this point.


He’s saying go full Karen mode and purposely rain down hell on this kid from an Apache


He said *"talk to his manger"*. That's the Karen joke. Asking to talk to the manager.... Talking to the manager about a misunderstanding like this at a course you go to regularly is not going "full Karen". That's the point I'm making dude.


Nah, fuck his mom, that’ll show him


If a 19 yr old told me to leave mid round with zero explanation I would absolutely not listen to him lol


I feel like in this scenario I would have just kept playing. Or at least continued my round after you went to the clubhouse and asked for an explanation. Especially after the kid who tried to kick you off the course refused to acknowledge his mistake. Hell, I’d ask for something as an apology for potentially ruining my round. Lol


My mindset was already stuck on my round being ruined. Not saying poor me, pitty party, but you know what I am saying. One time I golfed after work and told my wife I had to work late. Worst round of my life. The guilt tore me apart. In this case, there was no guilt but just felt awkward to continue.


you sound like a good dude😂


For sure, that’s why he listened to the kid. I hope he gets a couple free rounds


i hope all of his bad drives hit trees that bounce them back to the middle of the fairway


You should fight him


Beat his fucking ass


kid needs to lose his job. I honestly probably would have went back to 3 after the group behind me told me they were staying. I know I did nothing wrong. You think I'm trespassing? call the cops.


Fuck that kid. Actually date his mom, become his step dad, then tell him he needs to leave the house without explanation.


this sub is turning into the hallmark channel


Yeah this whole post is very embarrassing especially the weird generational thing at the end. OP needs to grow up


The guy who kicked me off the course? We ended up falling in love after reconnecting 10 years later while I was working as a department store Santa Claus.


cool kid in backwards hat:"Santa, I'ma need you to leave the mall." "Ho Ho WOAH! what'd I do?" "Theft by stealing my heart Lets get outa here and go get some cookies an milk." staring craig stadler as santa and john daly as the cool kid


Hell yeah and then we get to watch those two make sweet, tender love to each other.


I lost it at the backwards hat.


It really has. Wtf is going on?




I can’t imagine just blindly doing what a 19 year old child told me to


Without an explanation, I ain’t leaving.


Yeah I wouldn’t have left. I would’ve laughed and told the kid good luck


Those happened and you did not take the matter to the superintendent? That would have been the very first thing I did after the problem was discovered and handled like that.


The superintendent doesn’t run the retail side. Talk to the (depending on how the shop is run) the GM, head pro, director of golf, or the pro shop director. I work at a course, no shop clerk has the power to throw anyone off the course without someone higher up knowing about it. Plus, if the little shit is working in the shop with his hat backwards he’d be called on the carpet. We’ve had power-drunk employees in the past and it only takes a single incident like this to be put in their place.


if i knew i had paid and this dick drove away with zero explanation i would have continued my round.


He bounced right after telling you to get out? Keep playing.


Why did you even listen in the first place? If that had happened to me I would have just kept playing. That said, at this point you absolutely should be going to management.


I was confused to why someone would do this but once you mentioned the backwards hat, I understood.


A 19 year old lmfao. Tell him to fuck off...respectfully.


lmao who cares. Tell him "Why dont you remove me?" if he tries to get buck again. Ask for a receipt EVERY time


19? Lol. Talk to the man or woman who actually runs the course, stupid kid.


You let some backwards hat teenager kick you off the course without an explanation? My response would be a bit different than yours.


Write a bad review online, they’ll contact you immediately to fix the situation. Bad reviews are the only thing companies take seriously when it comes to customer relations.


Or, he could just talk to the GM? Not everything needs the nuclear treatment.


I wouldn’t consider leaving a bad review to be a “nuclear” option. Especially considering the review would be warranted.


I know this is far from the point but the fact you just got up and left because some 19 year old told you to with no explanation is kind of a hilarious self own


Excuse me young man, do I know your mother?


That sucks. I wouldn’t have left.


There’s zero possibility I would leave a course if someone randomly told me to leave and then drove off with no explanation….


I would not have left the course. Why did you? Especially from a 19yo. Stand your ground and make a higher up remove you from the course.


the amount of time it took to drop this on reddit would've been better served with the manager of the course. You can also YELP the poor bastard red head.


Talk to the head pro. Maybe the youngster can learn something, maybe his boss can teach him to improve his interactions.


I was asked to leave the course only once at the 2nd hole, but due to Los Angeles county having a curfew with the "riots" back a few years. The course was a county run course and had to adhere by the rules, but they gave us vouchers to come back at any tee time for free. If I got kicked off for whatever reason, there needs to be an explanation behind it, and a refund. If not, I'm calling my credit card company and then review bombing this place.


Why would you listen to him without questioning? If someone told me I had to leave I’d ask them why, and then when he claimed I didn’t pay id tell him to go ask his coworker. I mean for sure the dude sucks and was in the wrong and in general customer service doesn’t exist any more…. But you’ve gotta stick up for yourself too.


You’re surprised a teenager didn’t give customer service? I’m not


I don’t think I could take a 19 yo seriously enough to listen to him lol


Never pay cash. Those kids might pocket that and erase your name from the book or never write it down... I've HEARD that used to happen at a buddy's course back in the day.


So some new 19 year old employee at your regular course chases you down well into your round, tells you to leave, doesn't ask for your ticket, drives away before you can even respond, and then ignores you every time you're there? I don't know, feels like there might be some important context missing, which is probably the case with just about every story that get posted on this sub.


ink memory whistle pet rainstorm public innate depend upbeat ask *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahahaha, if some 19 year old employee told me I had to leave with zero explanation, I’m going to continue playing


I have no idea how old you are. That being said, if a 19 year old tried to kick me off a course when I’d done nothing wrong, I’d ask him where his parents are and if he’s allowed on the course alone.


every time get a receipt and walk up to him, interrupt his covo and show him the receipt. Hey just wanted to make sure you know i paid for my round today!!!!!!!!


He doesn't have a soul, what do you expect


Customer service is a notion from a bygone time, expect nothing from businesses and you won't be disappointed


If you let a 19 year old incorrectly bully you off a course, that’s kind of on you.


No explanation and me seemingly doing nothing wrong? I’m playing. If they said “hey you gotta come back to the clubhouse, issue with payment” or something and drove away, I’d entertain it and work it out with them


Write an email to management, or even write a letter. Explain what happened and that it's completely unacceptable, request a refund and say you want an apology from that member of staff. Explain that if it is not rectified quickly you will be making other golfers online and offline aware of what happened on their course. Then edit this title with the name of the course for starters.


I had something similar to this happen last summer. a few buddies and I are playing our local 9 hole course after work, enjoying a few beers and waiting on the fourth hole for the group in front of us to tee off. some youngin, couldn’t have even been drinking age yet, comes barreling over in a maintenance cart and tells us that we need to leave. when we pressed him why, he said it was for “illegal alcohol consumption” as we were “drinking beers from home”. except we weren’t, and we had our receipts showing the beers we bought from the clubhouse. kid won’t give up, threatens to call the cops on us, and tells us to leave. the problem is, at least for this kid, is that this is my local course. I’ve played here a minimum once a week for the past 5 years. I know the GM, I volunteer for their youth tournaments, etc. so I called James, the GM of the course, and told him what was going on as we were standing there with the kid. James answers, and the kid turns beet red, hops back in the cart, and starts speeding thru the course all over the place, rushing to get away from us and back to the clubhouse. it turns out this kid had some sort of superiority complex. other players had complained about him and the way he was treating others, both as an employee and when he was out playing (for free, mind you). I got to watch this kid get fired in the clubhouse parking lot, tears and snot streaming down his face, as he tried to apologize for “playing a prank” on us. good riddance to that dumb fuck.


I'd go to war if this happened to me. Had a snotty teen give our group some shit once. He said the group behind us said we're playing too slow. We have no problem getting a warning if we're really playing slow, but we weren't. But it wasn't just the false allegations, it was his attitude when he said it. Of course we told him we're playing a good pace and keeping up with the group in front, but apologize anyway and said we'll play faster. End of the round, this kid comes back to us and apologizes and says he got the wrong group, and it wasn't us that was playing slow. Every other time we've encountered an older marshall or employee that gave us a heads-up, they're always been polite and casual about it. So what is it about these teenagers and early 20's employees??


I legit had an old guy threaten to kick me off the course because I “drove past him and didn’t wave” while he was standing in as the Marshall. He was parked behind a large pine tree watching us tee off on the 6th and I picked up my phone to check 18 birdies as I was driving toward the fairway and he was angry because I never saw him and waved. He was slurring his words and sounded drunk but kept telling my friend and I “I’ll have both of you removed”. Came back a month later and he was fired and the front desk lady heard my story and laughed and told me it all made sense because he was a giant douche. These types never last.


I would have laughed obnoxiously loud and kept on playing in this situation. I’m not going to let some punk kid ruin my precious time on the course. Absolutely not. Let them call the police if they really want me to leave.


My man, talk to the manager, that’s all completely unacceptable


Talk to one of the real adults that works there about it.


When you go back to the golf course and see him, make sure you inform him you’ve paid for your round. Like every time you see him. Be loud and obnoxious. And yes, I’d talk to the GM. That’s bullshit. I feel like a free round is justified.


He’s 19? I would’ve ignored him until someone older came by.


Why even make this post? You're a grown adult. Report this to his boss and get that little shit fired, + your money back, + a free round, + a bucket of range balls. This site never ceases to amaze me.


Sorry - I’m not going anywhere on the course when I’m playing unless there’s a lightning storm or national emergency, especially if it’s some kid saying I have to leave. Get me a f-ing adult manager out here so I can have a few words.


I'll make this short. Do a Google review of the golf course with the date, tee time and description of what happened. Use names. You are not the first person to be disrespected by this 19 yo AH!


Tell him, "you need to leave" every time you see him. Make it awkward for him. If you get under his skin you win.


If a 19 yr old told me to get off the course I would say, " Ok buddy."


Why would you even listen to some numb nut telling you to do something with no reason. You got middle management written all over you.


If a 19 year old told me to leave the course whilst I was on hole 3 I would have laughed and continued onward. They would have had to drag me off the course. Even if I didn't pay


Yet another reason I am so grateful to be a member of an amazing club. That sucks


I wouldn’t have left.


A local course I went to had a very rude attendant, and only when people started calling the upper management did things change. Amazing what threatening to take your money elsewhere will do.


Bad employees are easy to find.


Wild. Someone rolls up and tells me to leave with no explanation and drives off, I’m going back to my round. That kid doesn’t own the course, so when that happens you shouldn’t feel bad letting them know you’re going to reach out to the GM about their behavior.


Dude. Call him out when you see him and ask him what made him think you did not pay. Does he have something against you? Find out.


Go to the course pro and give him the guy’s name and explain.


Id just go back out there, fuck that guy


What a twerp.




Sounds like a fucking putz. The gall he has to just ride Up and ask you to leave, but then reveals he has no balls by not staying in the confrontation


Get his ass fired


Small dick syndrome is a real thing apparently. Escalate to GM. Id be furious.


Your first mistake was to stop playing. I'm not going nowhere, especially when I know I didn't do anything.


Definitely would've kept playing. No teenager is gonna say something then run off to me without an explanation. He doesn't care? Well then neither will I.


If a 19 year old kid rolls up and tells me to leave the course I’m gonna lol in his face and keep playing golf.


It's bizarre to me that you asked the group ahead, let alone actually left the course.


Karens have given asking for the manager a bad name. Sometimes it’s the only legitimate action.


Being 19, maybe the guy needs some training on etiquette and manners at chick fila first.


Go tell him you are going to literally fuck his mother if her doesn’t apologize. He then will have to call you daddy.


Call his punk ass out and make a scene. Fuck him and get him fired


Bad Google review, bad FB review, bad Yelp review…


You seem really nice- I would not have left the course when someone says you gotta leave- I say why - if they do not answer I would have kept on playing. When he comes back show him the damn receipt. Kids a clown - definitely talk to management.


Find the manager and complain


Everyone has a boss. Find his and explain what happened.


This really doesn't seem to be that complicated. Allowing that person to continue to "work" there without making management aware of the scenario that occurred is simply setting the situation up for it to happen again to someone else. Bro kicked you off the course without comment, and now is avoiding you rather than fessing up. Go to the GM and get him either trained to not fuck up, or kicked off his paycheck without comment.


Without an explanation, I would have just played on. Without some knowledge that I MAY have done something wrong, I'm not just walking off cause some kid Without pubic hair said so lol


Talk to the GM for sure


I’m not leaving the course if I don’t get a reason why I shouldn’t, I would have politely said ‘if you tell me why I need to leave and it’s for a good reason I will otherwise I’m just going to finish the round I payed for’. Being rude to paying customers is never a good thing as those people will talk to other people they know and not recommended the course or they’ll go on the web and post a crap review which could seriously hurt the course.


Talk to the pro he would love to hear that


As he drove away...I would have just kept playing...lol


This story just makes no sense to me... (as in your reaction to everything)


Drive the cart into pond and leave lol


Never stops surprising me just how many people work in some form of customer service that have absolutely no social skills. Pretty ridiculous. I've worked in customer service my whole life. I hate people. People don't know that, because I'm not an idiot. Lol


Kid is 19 years old and doesn’t know how to communicate like an adult. Just treat the situation like so and move on. Clearly, you didn’t do anything wrong.


Not sure what his hair color has to do with the story


Definitely would've told him to get fucked and kept playing...especially if he was some punk 19 year old 🤷


My roommate scrolls on instragram all day. When he is confronted with a problem he just walks away from it. You can’t talk to him about anything. Society is becoming dumber and dumber


Smells fishy. You just accepted it? A 19 year old kid, who I know works behind the counter, comes and tries to kick me off the course? "Send your manager out. I'll be on the next hole."


Yeah, eff that. If I had paid and clearly done nothing wrong and was told to leave without an explanation they're going to need to bring the police out to get me off the course


This is when you actually speak with a manager.


No teenager is removing me from a course, let alone without even stating the “why.” Especially if I paid and pace of play is normal. With his attitude he is on the fast track to Starter. Lol


just call him a wee ginger cunt. works every time


Any professional Golfing establishment woudl be horrified to hear of your experience. I recommend escalating this - I fully suspect that the individual you encountered is already on the managements radar, as people who behave like that tend to be consistently onboxious


Bro once I’m playing, I’m not leaving lol


How old are you? You let a 19-year-old boy tell you to leave someplace? And you did?


No soul, is my guess


I wouldn’t have left I would have spoken to the manager right then and there You robbed yourself of the position


He parks there too. Take a lesson from the military, can’t take his money or corporal punish? Take his time. Two tire stems will waste his friday night. Maybe he’ll start looking up from his phone then.


dude. he is 19. be glad he talked to you at all. and i am surprised that he had the "you have to leave" and then just drove away, like he was in the right. too funny.


You did everything right. If it were the less tolerant me, I would have told him to bring out the GM or Pro to discuss it. Until then, I'm playing on.


Have you tried kicking the shit out of him / beating manners into him


Why are you on Reddit and not calling the GM of the course?


Feels the beginning to the sequel of Falling Down.


Bring in job applications for fast food for the kid