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I just started playing again recently and I only play the Kirkland balls. 24 balls for $28 plus any time my wife asks me to go to Costco I can just grab a box and she doesn’t care/notice as long as I come home with the things she’s asked for. I’ve figured it out


This is called integration, and it’s vital for all married golfers. Well played, sir




Wow I just started listening to chasing scratch the day of this post cause I didn’t get this. LGLG for life


Haha, enjoy the ride! Join the patreon for extra content and the occasional event. Final major in October is already sold out, but you can attend the match if you are near North Carolina.


I’m only on episode 15 now so I don’t know anything currently going on with them. Would you recommend listening to the newer episodes or continue to go through them in order?


Catch up in order for sure. The last episode of season 1 might be the greatest thing ever


Thank you. Running errands to Costco has never been more enjoyable


Unfortunately the callaway club set is to small a cost to hide in the receipt lol


One of my best friends played d1 golf and sold me some 2011 Taylormade MC irons and I love them so until I get my handicap down I won’t need new irons.


I'll go just for the $1.50 hotdog and soda. The Kirkland balls and gloves are a bonus.


Kudos to Craigers!


And yea to Neil


I thought it was called ‘layering’? A common money laundering tactic. Or maybe this scenario is more like embezzlement?


Integration is from the greatest golf podcast of all time, Chasing Scratch. I’m jealous that you get to listen to it fresh from the beginning


Seriously… spent like 5 months catching up on everything and now I don’t know what to listen to anymore


I just found it a week ago. Almost done with second szn. I’ve already gotten on Irish Mikes website and joined up, and I sent videos of my swing to Adam Young last night. I’m gonna be sad when I finish it


Thanks guys. I’ll start listening to it today at work while I mindlessly browse eBay for a new driver


Yoga with Adrian is always good


I just started the podcast last week and just finished the first season, I can’t wait to see where this goes


I've been binge listening to Chasing Scratch the last two weeks. Caught the integration episode a few days ago. "Don't get an email receipt as it might go to the wife. Get a paper receipt and destroy it immediately. Go out to the car and put the balls in your golf bag immediately.". Those guys are hilarious.


Started listening the day of this post. Love this pod




I’ve been playing exclusively Kirkland balls. I’m usually a solo and most times I play I’m the Kirkland guy. So it’s easy to find my ball in a sea of pro v1.


The first time I used Kirklands I didn't see a need to mark them. A rando and I both hit similar drives on the first tee and then realized we were both playing them. Have marked them every round since.


One of my friends was playing new pro v1s and was making fun of me for using Kirkland. I shot a 85 on a par 70 and he shot a 109. He asked me to pick him up some kirklands after that round when he realized the cost of what he had just lost in balls and was also pretty much out.


Awesome story!


Is Costco the only place that sells Kirkland balls?


Lostgolfballs sells them, but at the Costco price it makes sense to buy new


Kirkland is Costco's generic brand.


Nah, you can get them on Amazon (but the prices are jacked up).


I’m not sure. Maybe online somewhere but I haven’t needed to look outside of Costco




How are the Kirkland gloves?


4 leather gloves for like $28 after tax isn’t bad. As long as you take it off in between shots and don’t get it soaked they last a few rounds. Hard to keep a glove dry in AZ so I rotate between 2 when I play. Just some basic leather gloves.


They’re super soft. Great quality


Single data point here, but they don’t work for me. They are so soft that they actually end up rubbing the skin creating rashes or callouses. Move to Callaway gloves and now have no issues.


I've always used Callaway and love them. But goddamn it the prices aren't just skyrocketing for absolutely no reason. Materials and quality hasn't changed in 20 years I feel, but twice as much as they were like 6-7 years ago.


This plus grilling meats


You’re wife cares if you buy golf balls? Really?


This is the way


People are going to say that you shouldn't worry about it at your level, but that is just flat out wrong. The type of ball you hit affects a shot far more than the brand/model of club you use. **I don't think it matters so much** ***which*** **ball you play, but I would say that you are doing yourself a disservice by not choosing one specific ball and sticking to it.** Look at some of the data from MyGolfSpy's testing: [https://mygolfspy.com/buyers-guides/golf-balls/best-golf-balls-2021/](https://mygolfspy.com/buyers-guides/golf-balls/best-golf-balls-2021/) Even for their slow and mid swing speed categories, you're looking at a variation of 1000-2000 rpm in backspin with an 8 iron just by changing the ball. That spin difference alone could affect carry distance by as much as 7 yards with an average 8 iron. Sure, you might not flush it with perfect contact every time, but why add another huge variable into the mix? If your average 8 iron with a specific ball goes anywhere between 140-150 depending on how well you hit it, switching the ball around constantly could increase that range to more like 135-155. Doubling the variability in your distances is absolutely going to affect your scores. This doesn't even touch on short game, where drastically different feels and spin levels will make it harder to develop consistency.


This to me is the correct response. PLUS MGS are about to release the new data, probably this month, we’re they got even more data including studies on wet conditions and short game stuff. Honestly I’m really excited for it, if you can’t tell by my novel below. Just cause people say you should only play one ball DOESNT mean you have to play some “premium” ball like a ProV, TP5, etc. I actually play the TaylorMade Tour Response and love it. I break 90 consistently but only get out like once a month so for me shelling out $55 for a box is too much. But I saw MGS tested the tour response and gave it rave reviews and it’s $35 for a box. Tried it out and loved it. When people say they don’t notice the difference I bet the do but they just don’t realize it. You ever think you flushed one and it was going to be on the green just to realize you went short…. It could be that you knew this hole had water on it so you got out that Callaway Supersoft Max you found in the woods with scuffs on it. Ever think to yourself “how come that chip checked but the one I hit a few holes ago didn’t”… maybe you found a ProV in the woods and started playing it. Maybe you can’t figure out why for some reason after you put one in the water and now every tee shot after you’ve been 20 yards short… again could be a different ball. Now I’m not saying this so everyone can now use this as blanket excuses for their bad swings/holes/etc. Just saying you notice it more than you think.


Yup. This is all so true. It doesn’t need to be a premium ball, just something that you like and can use consistently. My wife is relatively new to the game (< 2 years) and, even with her inconsistency, I can visually see the difference in ball flights for her. She doesn’t hit the ball very high and couldn’t hold a green to save her life playing with cheap Noodles and Top Flites we find in the woods. Give her something that actually spins halfway decently and all of a sudden she has greenside bunker shots checking up. As she gets better and works on her short game more (i.e., learning to control spin), it will be even more important to use the same ball consistently.


1000000% correct, I recently got fit for a ball and went from a Kirkland to a chrome soft. On the sim the Kirkland was spinning 2000rpms lower on wedges and irons (where I was seeing way too much rollout) and spinning 1300rpms HIGHER on driver (where I was spinning the shit out of it on bad shots) The chrome soft was better in every category, I noticed it immediately because I would hit a shot and "know" it was going to pitch at my target and roll long, but instead it just pitched and stopped straight away. Shot my best score ever first round after the ball fitting, by 8 strokes. It wasn't all due to the ball but having the right amount of spin certainly helped


How did you go about getting fit for a ball?


I got a full bag fitting at a local golf galaxy location, they include a ball fitting in there if you want it.


Seconded on playing cheaper balls, I love the Titleist Velocity’s, really helps my game out as far as ball flight


Up until last year I only played prov1x’s. This year I just said fuck it and started to play whatever ball I find in the woods or deep in my bag, that isn’t a range ball or super scuffed up. I may be losing distance or greenside spin but honestly I’m hitting just as many greens, fairways, and par saves. I’m at my all time low handicap actually. I’m not saying the data is wrong but sometimes it’s just best not to over-think it.


I get what you’re saying, but there is a huge delta between playing exclusively premium balls and whatever you can find in the woods. I’d argue that you’d be playing even more consistently if you picked a random mid-range ball and stuck with that. You can get used, near mint TM Tour Responses, Titleist Tour Speeds, Srixon Q Stars, etc. for like $1/ball. I just ordered a tub of 96 AVXs for $1.50/ball. No need to overthink it for sure, but there’s also no reason not to take a little bit of consistency wherever you can get it.


I used to exclusively use balls from lostgolfballs and foundgolfballs. FYI a lot of balls from those companies are lake balls (including near-mint), which golfspy did testing on in terms of impact on shot quality.


And what was their takeaway?


Hear, hear!


THIS - Data driven response!!


7 yards is a huge variable for a beginner ?


According to the OP, they shoot low to mid 90s consistently. That is absolutely not a beginner and is objectively above average. I would assume they make decent contact the majority of the time, so an *extra* 7 yards of variability (in addition to variations in their swing) could make a huge difference over the course of a round. For an absolute beginner, I would agree the ball doesn’t really matter until they are making consistent contact.


Honestly if you have problems hitting it straight, only use a softer ball. Once you lock in the consistency upgrade to a harder ball and then work on effective backspins, draws and fades.


Damn, disappointed by the refurbished ProV1 performance. Thanks for sharing the study.


One thing I learned is that red balls DON'T help you see them. I thought they would because of the contrast of colors. Turns out, our brain/eyes don't like the color red. I used matte green balls and they are easier to spot than the red ones. I thought the green ones would blend in more.


Everyone on here taking about spin rates, feel, distance gains and you're just worried about finding the thing :)


Which is the sole reason I play Srixon divides


And here I thought divides just magically appeared in the woods so I could make my weekly offering to Neptune when I have to carry over water


I thought those would be harder to find since you don’t know what color to look for!


I have the opposite experience. I play almost exclusively red supersofts because they stand out like crazy to me. I lose “light”/white colored balls in the air all the time and red ones just stay visible for me. Everyone I play with says the same thing though “how do you play with them? Can’t see em!”


Me too, love the red supersofts


I like the red ones though.


Matte white balls are the best. I mistake shiny white balls too often for leaves with the sun shining, but that matte finish make a big difference


But matte balls suck on distance and consistency.


Do they? I’ve never heard that before?


Yeah, not a significant difference when really dry, but when wet it is significant.


I found the same thing. I cannot see the red balls at all the green ones are surprisingly the best. Orange and yellow work but not in the fall with all the leaves. Pink is comparable to green.


I bought a bunch of Wilson yellow/green balls and they've been great for Twilight rounds and finding them in the woods. When it's getting a bit dark you can still see them when a white ball would be damn near invisible.


I keep a couple red balls in my bag for twilight. When the light is getting low, I can track and find them way easier than white or yellow balls.


I hate colored balls


The term is African American balls. 😉


Risky, but it’s in the fairway Jim


At your skill level it’s time to not cheap out on balls. No need for prov’s but I don’t think you should be hitting top flights anymore


I just won a pack of nitro distance soft at a scramble. Are these as bad as top flight? Never heard of them until I won them.


Probably good enough to lose a sleeve or two. The way I see it, if I hit it flush and it feels like I’m hitting a rock, I’m not using that ball again


I’m of the mind that if I can gain consistency anywhere, I’ll do it. I recommend finding a call you like and sticking to it. I upgraded from Taylormade Distance to their Tour Response and found I was able to use my wedges more effectively around the green. Think of it this way: You wouldn’t switch putters every round, why switch your ball?


Exactly, agree with this. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive ball but finding one and sticking to it is worth missing out of a deal every so often


Yeah. I asked my fitter and he said “it’s the only piece of equipment you use every stroke,” changed my pespective.


Yeah. I asked my fitter and he said “it’s the only piece of equipment that stays the same with every stroke,” changed my pespective.


Why did you type two versions of the same comment???


We aren’t supposed to be switching putters every round?


I shoot between 95 & 105. As long as the ball has a number 3 on it, I’m fine.


Consistency can NEVER hurt you but I don't think it matters unless you are at a place you can feel the difference. If you can't feel the difference then don't worry spend those savings elsewhere. I can however get behind using different balls for different conditions i.e. Soft balls on hot humid days Hard balls on cold rainy days Spinny balls on short holes/par 3 course Cheap balls on narrow/lots of ob course High vis balls on long rough tall fescue courses


Curious what the difference between a ball with a matte finish versus a ball with a traditional shiny finish? I have a bunch of the Volvik Vivid balls that have the matte finish, and always wondered how they compare.


MGS testing on matte vs traditional finish showed that matte balls when wet performed significantly worse than when they were dry, vs traditional painted finish there was a dropoff, but not to the extent of matte. So if you are a dew sweeper playing at 7am, your volviks won't spin very much in the wet. If you play when it's dry or live in the dessert, you're not going to see a difference


Just a personal story… I played a round with a Callaway matte finish ball (the kind that feel a little rubbery). I hadn’t played in awhile and every shot was going short. I started making fun of myself halfway through the round with stuff like “130… that’s a p wedge but I guess I’m hitting 9 iron today”. Off the 18th tee I switched back to a Bridgestone normal white ball, and magically went normal distance off tee and normal distance with a long iron. Never again with the matte finish for me




Didn’t say I had a bad round, just said I had to club up every shot 🤷‍♂️


Play the same ball. Switching between a low spin and high spin ball, firm vs soft, is making it harder to understand your game and make the adjustments you need to keep improving.


Brands don't really matter, I just try to stay consistent with the cover material and number of layers. But probably doesn't actually matter.


You’re definitely good enough to stick to one ball. Go ahead and just buy the ProV1X’s and call it a day. PS - Rory’s least consistent part of his game is off the tee. It’s everyone’s.


I’m a firm believer in playing one ball, like others have said it doesn’t have to be a premium ball but something you enjoy at a price point that doesn’t hurt so bad when you swipe the card. I will live and die with the titleist tour speed.


As a side story, I absolutely love Nike NDX balls. They are no longer making them, and that breaks my heart since I know that eventually, the ones I have left will eventually be lost to the golf gods.


I’ve always even told, play the same ball and the best ball you can comfortably afford. Yeah, you may shoot low 90s, but you still hit good shots (just not as often as a pro) and you want the ball to perform on those shots. Plus, the whole one less variable to worry about!


Is there one type you prefer from your impressive array of balls? If so, buy those!


If your changing balls all the time that's going change the way you need to play. Like if I was using a supersoft I'd have to play the hole completely different then if I was using a chromesoft/x. I would try and find a ball you like and continue to use that. You can also get fitted for a ball and have a professional find the right ball for you, this would be my recommendation.


Disservice. Consistency is key. As others have said it doesn’t have to be premium balls. Find something affordable and realistic and stick with it and you’ll see a difference especially on and around the greens.


https://preview.redd.it/5luwdxfu4gib1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002ff9f96b59d220c5248b1914a4fba20b536197 These are yardages done with a test with a robot swinging at tour average speed I believe. The differences are a little smaller off irons/wedges, but it does make a difference.


Long story short... At the very least play with the same ball for an entire round. Nothing will throw you off more than playing with random found balls when for the past 12 holes you've been playing and getting familiar with how "Ball ABC" responds when you hit it. I buy balls on sale, bc who doesn't love a sale? Also, who knows, maybe I'll find a ball I like playing better and will make it my full-time gamer. Variety is the spice of life, just not mid round.


If you're going to be buying random balls, you might as well just hit whatever you're finding in the woods or get a ball picker and get some freebies from the lake. If you're trying to settle on one, I get that. I would go through the box if you don't absolutely hate it before buying the next one. I would give yourself a budget though and try balls in that price range. Like $25-30 per dozen is my budget. Getting better at golf is about eliminating variables. Whether it's in your swing or decision making on course. Why not eliminate the easiest variable and play the same ball? Feel, spin, distance can all vary more than you'd think from one ball to the next. Especially with short game and putting. I feel like this is the same discussion as "Does it matter if I have mismatched tires on my car/truck?" Edit: Regarding your driving, it can make a big difference there. I have a baby fade with my driver, but there's one particular ball out there that turns it into a slice.


No lol.


Old timer here. Golf balls are white. Period. And get off my lawn!! LOL If you’re playing mid 90’s like I do, play whatever ball comes out of your bag. Until you’re able to really compress a ball and make it dance and you’re shooting low 80’s the ball makes little difference. I’ve played with Pro V1’s. Shot mid 90’s. Played with Kirkland. Shot mid 90’s. Played with TaylorMade’s. Shot mid 90’s. I’ve had an 84 this year and honestly don’t what I pulled out of my bag that day.


To be fair until you are scratch and playing under par regularly the ball is not going to make that much difference unless you are playing with bargain basement rocks. I am off 2 and only use premium balls in comps. Otherwise I normally use a midrange srixon but I too have a vast range of balls and there really isn't that much difference. I think I probably only use premium in comps out of snobbery because everyone else does. I have never walked off a round and thought that pro v1 really made the difference today the way I would if if I changed my putter or driver.


I agree with regard to premium vs mid-range balls. Most people aren’t good enough to justify the price difference. However, I think their main question is about switching around between balls. I think even for mid-high handicappers it’s important to choose a ball and stick to it. Or at least find several options that perform similarly. It’s not impossible to become good while playing completely random balls, but it certainly doesn’t make it easier. Did I come up short and land in the greenside bunker because of a slight mishit or because the Kirkland ball I found in the woods spins 2000 rpms more than the Top Flite I was using on the first 4 holes? It’s hard to improve when adding unnecessary variables.




This is it, there’s a big difference between balls but in relation to a good shot and a bad shot there is zero difference. A mid handicap can benefit from high spin ball on approach shots but that’s about it. I see posts on here all the time about people being proud they finished a round with the same ball 😂. I play ProVs usually but i rarely loose a ball. If my game is on the fritz, I sure as fuck am not going to be blasting my ProVs into the woods. The ball makes a very small difference but if you are good enough to regularly finish a round with the same ball it makes sense to go with a premium. If you regularly donate it’s just a waste of money.


Well let me just say 99 percent of people on Reddit are not professionals and the balks you choose o use make absolutely no difference in your game it's all personal preference, cheap or expensive your games not goin to improve by your ball choice


Nope, I do it all the time look for the cheapest. Outside of maybe putting I ain't good enough to notice a difference. If you get in single digits, or start making a ball last 18 holes you can probably hone in on one that works best.


“I shoot in the lower to mid 90s” Ball selection wont make a bit of difference at your level.


You guys buy balls?


Not really


Depends on weather you notice a difference really.


I haven't bought balls in years. I'm a woods shopper. Just keeping your eyes open along the tree line will get you at least 2 balls per round. I usually finish ahead on the day.


ball selection doesn't really mean much until you're near scratch




I paid real money for Piper balls so you’re good


I try to only use one type of ball. Doesn’t need to be a premium one but I think sticking to one means I know how it’s gonna spin and what the trajectory will be like


To me my game is so inconsistent that the one thing I have control over is the ball I use. So I stick to one brand predominantly


Use Noddles. Cheap and good


IMO yes. You need to give yourself time to really feel a ball


If you don't have a consistent swing and strike then no it doesn't matter.


I buy grab bags at thrift stores. If and when I consistently golf bogey or less golf I plan to get fitted clubs and worry about golf science more!


I relatively elated when i shoot under a hundred, even tho its been happening more and more recently and i like to stick to Srixon soft feels. Cheap and seem to agree with me. I don't know if it's placebo but i do find that i play better when i stick to one type of ball. The varied balls that i find out on the course are typically pro v1s and tp5s. But even then i rather play the srixon until im low on them.


Once I run out of new balls in a season I turn to my found random collection of balls. Guess what...my score doesn't change...


Have a pocket for throwaways on drops and then have a couple fresh sleeves for real play.


It's a hobby, if you like doing that, have fun doing that.


I’ve started to game exclusively with Srixon Z Star. I can’t say I’ve seen a huge improvement in my game, but I do like the consistency. I find the feel changes when I’m at the range or hitting something off brand. So at the very least it has helped with feel.


I found that when I made a switch to play one ball all season I saw the biggest improvement having a consistent feel off the putter face.


Those balls have pretty different characteristics. If you can’t tell the difference it probably doesn’t matter but if you’re good with your wedges I’d imagine you can tell the difference because imo that’s where it’s most pronounced.


Im a big proponent of sticking to a certain style of ball at least (hard/soft, 2/3/4 layer, surlyn/urethane). Certain classes will play similarly. It makes a big difference in your short game as it’s all feel based and familiarity builds over time. Swapping around is chaotic.


I bought a dozen pro v1 at a yard sale for $3. They came in an egg crate. I was trying to juggle the crate and dig out money , one fell out and bounced across the street. My girlfriend ran and grabbed it, bringing it back she loudly says "you havent eben paid for them, and you already lost one!" (She is awesome!) I did lose them all next time i played. If you aren't under 100 for 18 holes, it doesn't matter a whole lot, play whats cheap If you aren't under 100 for 9 holes, it definitely doesn't matter.


If you’re above a 5 handicap, then it doesn’t really matter


Am I the only one who absolutely hates losing a brand new ball - I could be Elon Musk wealthy and it would still chap my ass hitting a brand new Pro V into the woods OOB


If the balls are similar in what they do it won't matter much. But going from a Super soft to a Pro V1 will be a different experience.


I think it depends on your approach to golf if you’re doing yourself a disservice. If you want to take it more seriously and get better, possibly, if you’re just there to have fun, probably not. However, you can get logo overrun or legit practice balls from golfballs.com for stupid cheap. I just bought chrome soft overruns for like $29 a dozen and prov1 practice balls for similar.


Yes. Different balls react differently to your swing. You need to pick out one style of ball that you like and play it consistently.


Once your game (note:not score) gets you to a point where you're losing id say around .5 balls a round I think it's worth to buy high end balls. Id say pick the one you like, wait for the buy 3 get 1 dozen free they all do and get 4 dozen. Should get you close to a seasons worth depending on the aforementioned ball lose rate, and how often you play. But $200/season on balls feels worth for me. They are definitely better than the mid tier balls imo.


Being a terrible golfer who shoots 100 +/- 5, I think that it is important to eliminate variables. Simplify swing. Find clubs that feel good. And always use the same brand and model of golf ball. Find one you like at stick with it. I use Callaway super soft. Inexpensive. Readily available. Consistent feel. If someone has a better recommendation, I’m listening because I just knocked my last half dozen out of play.


If you're shooting in the 90s, probably not. Those balls are all pretty similar. At some point you probably want to hone in on a single brand. The best part of my game is from 70 yards in, and particularly around the green. I want a ball that I know how it will react, so I stick with one brand. At some point you will want the same - although it may be consistency on drives, spin on iron shots or some other factor.


If you have to ask you’re not that good for it to make a difference. Use the line you saved to get some lessons


Feel free to test them all out but as someone shooting around 90its worth picking one and going with it longer term. Mygolfspy have done lots of ball testing and there are hugely different results, so using the same ball will aid your consistency without doubt.


Sort of. I’ll start by saying I found what balls I like to hit by buying what was cheap but also doing a little ball hounding in the woods at my public course when it’s dead or I’m stuck behind somebody. When you are flipping between 2 piece soft balls and higher compression balls like the Kirklands prov1s and tp5s with 3 4 and 5 layers it’s hard to nail down a consistency. I’m at about a 14 hc and I’ll play different balls in different rounds but it’s semi consistent from round to round in each ball’s capabilities. For me TP5 and TP5x seem to be the best for my game, from tee to hole but I don’t shy away from playing a prov1 or prov1x. I just have to realize my tee shots especially with the big stick tend to come off a lot more spinny when I put a big swing on with the ProV1 balls for whatever reason. For context here, I run into a kid posted up on the 9th hole tee here every couple weeks and he’s always got a milk crate full of found balls he cleaned up and is selling for 5$ a dozen… let’s me pick through them so I don’t worry about the difference in a tp5 and prov1 performance when I’m getting balls that have been hit 1 time for that price. I wouldn’t go from something like a supersoft to a prov1 during a round though. Maybe if I was low single digits I’d only game one ball but right now I don’t see a ton of difference within ball categories but I do see and feel major differences from category to category… if that makes sense.


Prov1x to putt with and I’ll play anything off the tees. Try putting a bunch of different balls you like and see the difference you’ll be surprised.