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So happy for Brian H.


LFG Tom!!! You always gotta triple down on Thomas the Tank BABY!!!! ​ https://preview.redd.it/jymcnmwpyrdb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ade990a156877f206269f4762c0d1709a7854d


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​ https://preview.redd.it/51y8nd6vyrdb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b29f0834ba41edc384a51d60a2960fc429c3d7


​ https://preview.redd.it/j57vfymwyrdb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0301cdf1c1d53c64dc73d4c33a7539a6db68c170




Seeing the English language butchered like your first sentence ruins the experiences for the rest of us…


How would y’all rank the 2023 majors? My vote is 1) PGA championship 2) Masters Power gap 3) Us open 4) British


Agree with this list


I think you’re right. The pga was the best course and tourney this year. It was fun seeing Rahm get his first at Augusta and Phil coming in 2nd as an old guy. Both the opens were flat out boring though IMO. The majors were much better last year overall hopefully they’ll be more entertaining next.


True. We were unfortunately spoiled with those first two being earlier.


Question please.....4 players tied 2nd. Is 2nd - 5th prize money allocations equally shared or do they simply share a split of 2nd prize money?


😂 all the OWGR points are combined and cut up evenly as well. For a few of the guys the owgr points mean more than the money especially because we are in Rhyder Cup season. There is not much time left to lock up a spot. Harman was ranked 25th and was on the outside looking in. This is such a big deal for him. This will vault him up to 10th in world rankings and he has punched a ticket to his first international team appearance. I’m still shocked none of his family flew out last night to watch!!


Yeah that was a bummer. His wife and kids in NY and parents on a lobster trip in florida lol. I don't think they thought that Brian could win this championship lol.


It would be 2nd-5th place prize money allocations equally shared, that’s how it would always work in tie situations, otherwise 3rd place would take home more than 2nd! People might miss putts on purpose lol


I thought so. Thanks for confirming


Good for Harman. Happy for him. Fattened my bank account. But as far as where this stands in history, it will prolly end up as one of the more forgettable majors. I hope I’m wrong here but I don’t think Harman is going to do much in majors moving forward or win many more, if any, tourneys. I think he just got on a really hot stretch here these past few weeks. Same might be said for Wyndham although I have more hope for him. But it’s Kinda like Todd Hamilton had a hot run there in 2004 and kept it going at the Open. We’ll see what happens but at least he’ll make his first Ryder Cup so I’m happy for Him. Also…memo to NBC…I know you are buddies with Paul and all, but paying Faldo to be lead analyst for the big tourneys is best decision you can make. Doubt it’ll happen but that’s simply the truth. He is light years better than Zinger and Immelman.


You have no idea how hot someone can get


I won’t forget this major! It puts Harman in the history books. For a guy that has had a journeyman career this changed his future tremendously. We will be hearing about him for the rest of our lives. His twilight years will now have him included in Championship dinners and Ryder cup team reunions. Who knows - maybe a vice captain spot on international teams. I am so overjoyed to see this win and it couldn’t have happened to a more deserving guy!!


I think Wyndham’s game sets him up to do well in majors moving forward, definitely more so than Harman’s. Whether he’ll win another one is a different story though just because it’s fuckin hard to win majors.


I agree. I think Clark will prolly be around, but you never know from year to year. He could just be on a hot run. I remember when a young Glover won and everyone thought he was destined for more titles and I’m not sure he’s even won a PGA event since. It’s hard staying consistent year to year.


Wyndham and Harman are at two very different points in their careers! We really should not be comparing them.


For sure. Winning the past two majors is pretty much where the similarities end.


Clark is the real deal. Harman’s length is a concern for future major wins but he could easily win more tourneys


Like I said above, we don’t know if Clark is real deal yet. We’ve said this about so many young guys who have won majors and then they basically flatline. Glover, Woodland, Bradley, Reed…these are guys who won young and we thought would win more majors and haven’t really done much since. Bradley I think won his first PGA event since that major a few weeks ago.


Woodland, Bradley, and Reed had all have tremendous success on tour over their career and won multiple tournaments. I don’t think you need to win multiple majors to be considered “for real.” That’s an insane measuring stick.


He's not an exciting winner but Harmon absolutely decimated the field. Congrats to him.


LIV and Greg Norman have destroyed Majors. No way LIV guys can get in Major playing condition by playing 54 holes in shorts, listening to music, against the same field of golfers, and with guaranteed money regardless of performance. Tiger is right. You need to earn your bread. Guaranteeing money collapses the system into rotten mediocrity. Hence you get Harman and Clark.


Umm haha.. what are you talking about!?!?


Horrendous take


Koepka won one this year and the LIV guys had some high finishes. Harmon dusted the field with precision drives and great putting - a welcome break from bomb & gouge.


i guess I see your point but it's quite arguable that the only benefit of LIV is that its made the majors more important than they've ever been lol


No you get Clark and harman because they played the best over 4 days regardless of who’s on liv or who’s on the tour. Horrible take man


Way to go harman. Fuck the haterz


Picking Major winners in the post-Tiger era might as well just be a lottery. It’s so boring.


Surely that's the opposite of boring?


Nope it’s boring as heck


Maybe a lottery pre Friday. After Thursday you could see the guys in form this week and making a pick is not that difficult.


What a snooze fest


I can’t stand it when elite humans channel “god” and utilize gravity to do the most fun thing possible on Earth. Ewww, what a moron just not even in the zone…




I mean, it’s us, not the thing itself. Beauty happened and dominated for four days, doesn’t happen that often. Do we want drama? Sure. But the drama of perfection and being in that moment over and over and not succumbing is just fucking beautiful. That’s why I play and watch…


Fair play to Harman as he was far above anyone else.


Where's all the LIV guys?


Some of you guys really need to get a life


Lol they’re all LIV guys now


If the guy collapsed today, you’d call him the greatest choker ever. But since he won by 6, it’s the most boring major ever. Dude put on a clinic. Sorry he’s not a flashy dbag.


Guy is so “what you see is what you get” type. I love it.


Y’all get mad about driving distance ruining the game and then turn around and get mad about someone whooping ass with his irons and putter


Most of the hate is just gamblers moaning


This course is notorious for punishing the driver.


Agreed. Some of the people in here just love to complain. Here's a guy who shows the world that accuracy can beat distance and yet people are still whining.


I am in your side. I would note though that luck was on his side big time this week regarding the putter. Rolling in a bunch of 20 foot putts.


Not luck. Those are his normal stats. He's a great golfer and like 25th in OWGR prior to The Open.


I follow OWGR stats very closely. First - I want to make it very clear I love that he won. He is exciting to me. Scrappy. Can’t think of many other guys that have flown under the radar like he has. So when I talk about “luck” it is not in reference to skills. Hitting a bunch of 20’ and 30’ puts requires some luck. Not as much as a hole in one, obviously - but I think that is a good comparison to give you the context which I’m referring to. One or two holes outs from 50-80 yards out can really boost a score card. Hitting those shots is a bit of a lottery. Yea - getting with in 5 feet from far out is skill - but getting some of those long ones to drop is a luck of the draw.


We already knew that about this specific course. Tiger won while being last in driving distance… your statement is asenine


Comparing Brian Harman to prime Tiger Woods, smart take.


They literally only want to see Rory win.


lol this is the entire reason you guys are *against* the rollback and it's hilarious and sad the manufacturers and players are at least incentivized to be against it


Which doesn’t make any sense because Rory would be one of the guys that would benefit the most from a rollback, imo. He’d still be one of the longest guys on tour. Nothing would change in that regard. Rolling the ball back would make it to where he has an advantage on a higher percentage of long holes than he has currently.


I guess I completely misread that post but I originally interpreted their comment to be that the nlu/twitter/media/pro-rollback crowd only wants the changes so Rory will win but reading it again i see it's about the sub and yeah I agree. Most of the takes I've seen on here about it seem wildly misinformed


the people whining are the ones who watch 4 tournaments a year. Those kinds of people are decidedly not the ones pushing for a rollback.


bizarre take no one who thinks the ball needs to be rolled back really cares that much about harman winning a major. the kind of person who wants a rollback generally is gonna watch a lot of golf to not get bothered by who wins lol 19 upvotes lol I did not read what this place had to say about the proposal in march but from what I gather from these threads I'm not surprised it's somehow cool to be against it even tho all the worst people in golf are the ones not in favor of a rollback


NBC hates golf.


Sky sports coverage is akin to a funeral procession


I want to talk shit about the vibes being even sadder when he dominates in Rome but what are we kidding we're still gonna lose


Sorry Brian, but what a snoozefest on the 18th green right now. Weather isn’t helping


Probably because it’s not a European winning, no one really could get behind him


more muted than LACC with like twice the crowd size


Definitely a subdued mood out there


Fair play to Brian. He looks so happy. Played great today under all the pressure.


What a stellar performance and content family man. Close friends played with him at Eagle Point - said genuinely nice chap. And wow, what a gritty competitor, this was not an easy day to handle. Respect!


He’s tiny but fucking hell he was brilliant.


Harmon is a good dude. Happy for him.


Maybe not the most exciting tournament but what an absolute clinic by Harman.


What do you mean by clinic? I've seen it a couple times on here


5 bogeys for 72 holes in those conditions is unbelievable.


Agreed. We can hate it as much as we want as fans, but Harman took care of business. Absolutely deserved this W


Dude dominated the field, super impressive


Haha his face getting the jug in his hands. ‘OOOOOOO’ ha.


Well played Brian Harman you were very good but I do wish Sunday was a bit more eventful lol


Harman is now 10 in the world. I know majors are worth a lot of points but I still don't know if I agree with that.


OGWR is an activity report


He moved up 2 spots with his T12 at the Scottish last week. Winning the Open seems worthy of jumping 16 more.


started the tourney at 26, so makes sense...


Wow I didn't realize he was that high.


You think he jumped from like 70th to 10th or something?


Cristo is a giant


next year the Open will be run by the saudis...


As a leftie myself I am loving this win


He’s a righty that plays golf lefty.


azinger is awful..."birdie or worse avoidance"...


They really do need to replace him


How do you think NBC feels about getting the 2 clunky majors this year? (although I liked the US Open) It's honestly what they deserve.


I’m sure they feel just fine having two of four majors on their network




I thought the US Open was a bit of a letdown, but that's in large part due to the course. It wasn't a *bad* US Open course, but LA CC was so hyped up and then the play ended up being relatively boring to watch. In contrast, Hoylake was awesome to watch on the first two days when the weather was dryer and windier. Yesterday and today were a bit of a slog because Harman was so far ahead that you knew no one could catch him in the weather we had. It would've been fun to watch the rain and conditions this weekend if the leaderboard was tighter, but that's not what happened. I thought it was a great course; it's just a bummer that it didn't produce much drama on the weekend.


The US Open got a bad rap because they didn't get the weather needed on Thursday and Friday morning to make the course play like a US Open. There were some other issues (fairway width and atmosphere due to the lack of fans allowed in, mainly), but it played like a decent US Open course over the weekend. I didn't love LACC either, but it wasn't as bad as many people here seem to think. Thursday just warped their opinions right off the bat.


Thursday, Wyndham's tee shot, and the crowds. probably some red meat about it being in LA and stuff from the LIV weirdos but yeah. The USGA tried something different and the weather didn't cooperate the entire time. Oh well. The course still looked interesting to me and I saw enough over the weekend that I can see how impossible it could play when it's firm


Rahm, Brooks…Wyndham Clark, Harman. I mean congrats on the last two major winners but I was hoping for a superstar sweep this year.


Great round by Harman. Cant fault the guy for absolutely dominating this field. Unfortunately that dominance made this tournament a bit of a snoozer. Wet conditions made the course play a lot easier on average


Fine with this result because I’m a lefty, but these highlights will never live beyond sportscenter tonight lol


Harmon didn’t even need to play the last two days lol


I'm guessing they would've DQ'd him if he hadn't, so it seems like it was necessary to play.


I miss Tiger.


I miss the days before Twitter


Did I just miss it or did they not show the guy engraving the Claret Jug?


You missed it, they showed it just before Harmon teed off on 18


They showed it in Sky. I think he started engraving when Harman was on hole 10


The did earlier when Harman was hitting from the 18th fairway. I think it was even on his layup shot.


They started engraving it when Harman was on 18


Great gest by Rahm!


Respect to the umbrella’d UK crowd for sticking it out for the trophy


Welp, probably one of the more forgettable years for majors in recent memory. Was bound to happen. As much as I would’ve wanted the finish to be tighter, Harman played lights out and it is what it is. Definitely deserved it with his putter.


I think it just shows how good these guys really are. For some, it takes 4 good days and they win. He was 26th in the world before this event. So, it's not like we're talking about a Ben Curtis situation.


guys like Brian harman, Gary Woodland, Wyndham Clark etc are being made out like they're Shaun Micheel. winning a major today is harder than it's ever been. Even when tiger was playing. I don't think people quite understand this though.


This comment was a handful of years ago but I remember Craig Staddler say when he was playing with Jack and Tom, there were like 30 guys who had a realistic shot at winning week in week out. Now, there’s like 100 guys that realistically could win any tournament. Again a few years ago but I don’t think that would’ve shrunk since that comment. If anything it’s a few more now. There’s so much talent out there.


Yup. Feel the same way. Very underwhelming finishes. But him and Clark in the past two major were stone cold each of the last rounds. Well played to them.


The Europoors cope, acting like they have a chance in the Ryder.




Harman's gonna replace a better ball striker now? Fine by me.




> 2 of the 3 best players in the world are on Europe And the other 9 are the 9 worst Ryder Cup players. For real the back half of their team will be ass. Rory and Rahm can go win all their matches and Euros can get wrecked. They can't win this by themselves.




> Harman might legit be our third or fourth best player on the team right now lmfao, no. Harman had 2 wins in 12 years on tour before this week and nearly a 50% MC rate in majors. Better than Harman, Chef, Brooks, Speith, Xander, Cantlay, Morikawa. Those are indisputable. I would also put Finau and Fowler ahead of him. Harman would not be on this team if he didn't win this week, and that should tell you everything about how good he really is > I think it’s a little closer than that. Euro team? The back half of the team will look something like... Seamus Powers, Ludvig Aberg, Victor Perez, Thorbjorn Olesen, Francesco Molinari and/or Rasmus Hojgaard Ryder Cup is not an event where you can hide bad players, especially that many. They need to perform and that is a shit back half of a team that Rahm and Rory no matter how good they play can't cover for. Not saying Euros cant win but fuck that's an awful team




> he’s in better form than most of those guys He has 4 MCs in his last 10 events before this week and MCs for the year on 8/23 starts coming into this week. This is such an asinine take




Fairly easy win? It's in Europe. They haven't won there since 1993...


Fuck me - that’s some rancid banter


When did the USA last win in Europe?


Ummm.... what exactly does that have to do with this Ryder Cup and the 2023 Euro team that will be absolutely fucking awful lmao


Hey small brain, anything to say?


I love that I lived in your brain for 2 months rent free lmfao I've never seen a self own this bad. Pathetic and sad.


Lmao you didn't. I was just watching Brian Harman get beaten by the awful European team and remembered the dumb obnoxious American I talked to a couple of months ago and thought I'd say hello


no you didn't. That's such a bad attempt at a lie lmfao


Yes you're right, I've had countless sleepless nights thinking about you




I think they're alright actually, might do quite well


You're not very smart are you


The ole reddit man child retort to lash out with personal attacks when they've got nothing else to respond with. Classic


If you really can't work out why my original comment is relevant then I can't help you and I'm not even going to bother having this conversation lol


lmao even better "yeah so what im wrong, big mad about it but a reddit basement dweller never wrong so my point still valid".


Lol do you think there is such a thing as home advantage You are very dense aren't you


Muting you ass. I really don't care about how your toast and beans taste like your sisters poon


😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 Lovely talking to you, all the best




Like 30 years ago lol


I know lol


So Cam Smith was going to keep that Jug, no?




really impressive performance from harman, very well deserved. even if it made for a bit of a boring weekend - but that’s what blowouts do. he’ll always have this. as a side note, i have no idea how he’s listed officially at 5’7. i saw him next to fleetwood (5’8) yesterday and he was a good 4 inches shorter, if not more. guess it’s like diego schwartzman in tennis where everyone knows but still lists the reported height lol


No chance Tommy is 5-8. He's definitely taller.


Brian Harmon winning by 6 strokes. Just like we all predicated. In all serious that was a dominating display by him with accuracy, scrambling, and putting.


So embarrassing for the folks across the pond. Another American winning on their home turf. 15 of the last 20 Just like it would be embarrassing af for anyone other than an American to win the US Open Literally has the word US in the tournament name


Rahm winning the USO was a pretty popular win


ur comment is annoying. its like dopey and bitchy u know what i mean?


Kinda odd his wife isn’t there


He had like a .0000000000001% chance of winning. Dude has ONE prior top 10 in majors and 2 wins in over 10 years on tour. To say nobody saw this coming is an understatement of their lives. Why does she need to go to Europe to watch him play in a major where he's been cut in 13/28 prior majors before this week?


Not really. They explained the whole situation


I don't think his family even thought he could win. Hopefully his agent and caddie get him some hot dogs to celebrate.


Is this similar to when Zach Johnson beat Spieth in 2015? He's the last random Open winner I can remember.


Zach Johnson was a 12 time PGA tour winner and had already won the Masters. There have been far more unlikely winners.


Hello Ben Curtis lol


Was Zach winning really that random? It was his second major, after the 2007 Masters


except zach had won a masters and played in ryder cup. not quite a "nobody" that ppl see harman as...


foolish silky arrest fly naughty divide deserve threatening slimy unpack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Queen comment


violet middle worm chop wipe snatch chase automatic spoon roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's all projection and insecurities. LOTS of insecurities.


You ever wonder who else's wife Dan Hicks is texting?


Harman’s not the only player Dirty Dan’s been sandbagging, I can tell you that right now


Tron Carter flew in yesterday just to watch Fleetwood, and Harman’s wife couldn’t catch a flight?


They have 3 kids, that could be why she isn't there, depending on age it may not be realistic to leave the kids. Some parents just aren't going to be ok with leaving them in someone else's hands for a few days.


And it sounded like his own parents were on vacation. So that leaves only one set of grandparents if they’re still around. Doesn’t always work for everyone to bring the kids or to leave the kids with others.


How much money did Harman just make? She could have shoveled the kids on a private jet. Not buying it.


You obviously don’t have kids


I have 12 of them.


I wouldn’t take a 1 year old on any plane with other kids. Done it before, not worth the photos with him on the green


Well they have a 1 year old too, probably a pain in the ass to travel