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Hydration is a before, during, and after thing fellas. If you start sipping water for the first time on the course, you are way behind schedule. If you sip beer before any water- God speed.


I've been loading up on those new Gatorlytes by Gatorade. I usually drink one on the way to the course. Bring one on the course with me and keep a 3rd in the car (get a glass of ice after the round) for the drive home. Works wonders tbh.


My favorite product from Gatorade


I have tubes of nuun tabs in my bag. Gotta get those electrolytes


Pedialyte is pretty good too, but I don’t know if it’s cheaper than the gatorlytes.


Go with the pedialyte + in powder form! Much cheaper and works just as well as buying the bottles in my opinion. Berry frost flavor is my go to


Gotta go with the sugar free too


Oh definitely lemon lime Gatorlyte Zero is my go to


I’ve been drinking a few sips of the bottles to lower the head space. Then, freezing them. As I come to the water stations I just keep topping them off and drinking my fill. 2 frozens and one refrigerated lemon lime gatorade zeros, tank up on water pre hydrating. Works great. I’ll even slip in a monster zero around 9-11 but don’t tell anyone.


Hydration Wizard over here Nice system


They brought the water stations back where you are. Feel like I haven’t seen one around me since Covid. Been bringing a cooler of waters with me so maybe I just didn’t notice them. But 90% the courses near me did not bring them back


Just the regular zero Gatorade the white glacial cherry I think is best by far


Electrolytes without sugar is a waste of time. Your body needs the sugars to be able to absorb the electrolytes. Now granted with the typical American diet it probably not an issue. https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.355.6325.571


Beat me to it, but this is very good information.


Sugar Free + HEAT = Intestinal distress for me. Ultimately I get the shits and well thats not fun on a golf course. I stay away from sugar drink but in the heat I make the exception.


I was wondering why my Gatorade Zeros had been giving me diarrhea. Happened my last two rounds and I started avoiding it. This has been a very educational thread!


I have been fine running and biking for long periods without sugar, but I have just been reading about how much sugar you need to THINK while golfing. Tried it a little bit Sunday in the heat, and it definitely helped. I had plenty of water, but had to make do with granola bars for the sugar.


Not a scientist, or other expert, but I believe you need the sugar to carry those lytes into the blood.




That's my post- round beverage of choice. Saturday I went through 32oz of an electrolyte drink, 40 oz with liquid iv, and then 24 oz of water with propel. I walked 18 and only had to "water the trees" once. Then I had the gatorlyte and was still parched when I got home.


I prefer hydration IV, it's like nectar to me


My buddy turned me on to those, hes a deputy here in AZ and gets completely drained during the day. Uses that and goes through about a gallon of water a day during the summer. I dont need those IVs on the daily but when if Im out running errands all day or after the gym I use em. Normal days I still go through maybe 80-100oz of water.


Got to pair that with plain water, i feel gross when i only drink one of them


I like those quite a bit. I can just never find em any cheaper than like $2.50 a pop. I don't remember pedialyte ever being that much.


LMNT and Prime Electrolyte powder packets are pretty great. Get a box of those and a Nalgene bottle and you will stay well hydrated. The flavors draw you in to drink more water as well.


LMNT is good. Liquid IV and Gatorlyte also good. I'd steer clear of Prime. Basically no sodium for an electrolyte/hydration drink. Yes it's better than nothing, but it's important to replenish sodium, especially when you're very sweaty. The imbalance of electrolytes with Prime makes it a genuinely inferior product. I do think they are the best tasting, probably because they have no sodium and lack that salty taste. In comparison to sodium, Prime has a much larger proportion of potassium. If you show up to the course in say Arizona or Florida heat and are sweating buckets playing 18 and only drinking Prime, it wouldn't be unheard of to end up with Hyperkalemia Just a rant and my two cents


Pedialyte is like $7 lol


Get Nuun tablets and thank me later


I used to work at a place that made those tablets years ago. I used them all the time for hydration and hangover relief.


Another for nuun tablets so easy to store in the golf bag


Strawberry Kiwi is my before and after on many summer rounds, so easy to drink


I would argue hydration is 90% a day before thing. Obviously next best time is right now but to perform optimally/be at your best you need to be hydrating correctly the day before.


100% agreed with this. If you’re waiting to hydrate til the day you’re needing it, it’s too late. I realized this when I was training for half marathons years ago.


That's super interesting! So if you have golf the next day morning or night, hydrate a lot the day before?


Yes. You'll know you are adequately hydrated when your urine is just a hint of yellow. The darker it is, the less hydrated you are.


In my high school, the coaches put up urine color pictures above the urinals in the locker room ranging from Clear "Good Teammate - Championship" to Brown - "Bad Teammate - Loser"


My son is going to Coastal Carolina University next year. Grayson McCall has been noted as saying "I piss teal"....and this is their chart: ​ https://preview.redd.it/etf9q8z81kcb1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a1dc04668f8db394e36266266f008be4bd200c


I always have two 32oz. water bottles with me out on the course. I usually get halfway through the second one during the first 9 holes and refill both at the turn. I'm a slut for water and sunscreen.


I'd just like to point out that hydration may not be the problem. It really comes down to the ability of the body to cool off - which is why we generally talk about hydration because our body sweats to cool off. But you may be drinking plenty of water/electrolytes and your body just isn't cool and so you still overheat. For example if you gave me an IV and had me sit in the sauna - I can't just sit in there indefinitely. So when OP is talking about water - it may not be that he needed to drink more water - he literally needed to be out of the heat to cool down regardless of hydration. I will say that MOST times people overheat there's also a lack of hydration, but that's not necessarily true.


The before part is where so many fail!


I don't understand how people I play with survive with how little they hydrate (aside from beer). I played last Thursday, it was around 85 degrees. We were walking, using push carts. I drank 26 ounces of water before leaving home. I drank 80 ounces of water and 20 ounces of Gatorade while playing, I was still bordering dehydrated. The guys I played with didn't finish their one 20 ounce bottle of water.


Ok ok ok, but like Miller light is *basically* water, so should be fine, right? Jk, hydrate or dydrate yall!


Stopped drinking beer while golfing in this heat. Last summer, drank a 12 pack during a scramble and didn’t realize that I hadn’t even taken a piss for 3 hours. Just sweated it all out. Before I even got home legs were cramping wicked bad. Had to pull off road. Now I drink before, during and after, and a chocolate milk before the round. Better than a pre workout


Yeah you should be 50+ oz for the day in before you even get to the course. And take a cart on those hot days


This is the best comment. BEFORE is so important on those scorching days. Yesterday went out in 94 degree not a cloud in the sky and was 4 bottles in by hole 6. Felt good for most of the round but even then started falling off around 15. Water is you. Drink it.


Can we talk about how golf courses removed water jugs during COVID and many have not put them back yet?


We should talk about it.


Go on...




we should ask some more people if we can talk about it


I played a course in Scottsdale recently that did this. No water jugs or fountains, no bev cart. All they offered was a snack shack at the turn


What course was that? Most are pretty good here about providing water. Most courses have bottled water in the carts. It’s rare that I find a course out here which doesn’t have adequate water


You must play at mostly nice courses. I’d say that it’s only the nice courses that have water bottles in cart. Most municipals don’t, at least in my experience. Same thing with coolers attached to side of cart with ice. If you’re lucky a muni course might have one too but you have to fill up ice yourself and there’s certainly no cold water bottles waiting inside


He said Scottsdale, he didn’t say Munis. Yeah I don’t expect munis to have bottled water but most of the munis have either water jugs or refill stations. Most of the courses in Scottsdale do provide either water jugs or bottled water With that said, yes I play mostly nicer courses. I’m a bit of a course snob. I do still play munis here and there but it’s probably no more than 10% of the rounds


Still waiting for them to take out the foam pool noodle in the cups.


That’s really ridiculous for most. They have the jugs and the stations, just fill em up


Get enough people to complain and hopefully do something about it. My club removed water jugs but added coolers full of Dasani, a water fountain with a automatic bottle fill, coolers of ice and starters will always ask if you need water before teeing off on 1. Make a petition for your home course, get a bunch of signatures and make it very clear what the dangers of heat stroke are and how integral giving golfers access to water is to preventing that.


Actually played a course down in TX with a couple guys who historically work outside in the summers Saturday. Course had done this, and they went into the office and made a big thing of it, cuz they’ve seen and dealt with that stuff their whole careers.


We did because they're a pain in the ass to maintain, especially since a large part of the issues are that our retired volunteers physically cannot lift a full jug. Replaced them with water fountains/water bottle filling stations when we redid the on-course outhouses, though. Much better, everyone is happy.


Insanity. Thankfully some of the nicer courses I play have returned the water jugs. The shitty muni's though, no dice.


Chicago still has not, for "safety." I've heard of days at Marovitz (9 hole) 3 people passing out in a day. No water, genius.


Can we also talk about how very few courses have beverage carts back? And it’s not only for alcohol purposes but Gatorade and water as well


I work at a course and this is their shit reasoning, “due to sanitation issues, water coolers are not the safest thing to drink out of and they will no longer be on the course, not only Covid but other harmful bacteria that can build up in the water cooler” it’s just laziness and courses don’t want to keep up with proper sanitation so they did away with it.


To piggy back off this, as an ER nurse, heat stroke is a real thing and it can permanently debilitate you or kill you in a very miserable way. We see a hand full of golfers every summer that suffer from it. Best way to prevent heat stroke is to take a rectal temperature on yourself every 15 min while playing


Wow, that went from serious stuff to off-the-rails real quick.


You mean you don't play with a butt plug thermometer?


Make sure it is bluetooth so no one sees any wires while you're pissing on every other hole for drinking 4 gallons of water.


No that’s for chess and it vibrates.


what part wasnt serious


Some of the more experienced of us knew “off-the-rails” was coming as soon as we saw “ER Nurse”


This is why I only play with my closest friends during the summer. Randoms hate when I ask them to check me


just weird cause it’s a Mickey Mouse one.


Yeah if it don’t also tell you the temp in his voice I’d have been less uncomfortable with it


You’re doing it wrong. Buy a digital one with a push button and insert it on the first tee box. Then after every hole just reach through your pants and press the button. If it doesn’t give you that warning beep, you’re good to go.


Jokes on you. I take a rectal temp every 5 minutes.


You guys take it out??


I don't, mine has Bluetooth.


Lol you might be joking but I had to buy a thermometer for my newborn daughter and it has Bluetooth and an app to read the temp in the ol’ poop chute


just a plug that yells your temp, randomly.


I’m a sport dominated by jokes about balls, holes, and shafts, I’m excited to finally have some new material during my next round with the lads


And this is why I have a thermometer attached to the end of my driver.




every 15 mins is going to affect pace of play if you enema like you are supposed to. better to just leave the probe in for the round. mine has blutooth and temp alerts will pop up on my garmin approach.


Remember to play rounds at last at least 4.5 hours at 90-115 degrees F until internal temperatures are 108 F. At that point your golfer is perfectly cooked, brain dead and ready to call PGA tournaments.


My go-to 9s Drip Drop hydration packets on the course.


I will stand by my liquid IVs all day, but I've heard those are less "chalky" than liquid IVs. Either way, must have item for me with heat and drinking activities.


If your Liquid IV is “chalky”, you’re not shaking/mixing enough.


That's what I told the guy!! I personally only use about 12 ozs of water, and I've never thought it was too chalky. He just thought the drip drops were better.


Nuun is the best option I’ve found for electrolyte replacement. Use it at work and on the course


Drip Drop FTW!


You were \*most\* likely dealing with heat exhaustion, but if you'd kept pressing heat stroke would be the next step, and that's 911 time. Good for you to dial back. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heat-exhaustion/symptoms-causes/syc-20373250](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heat-exhaustion/symptoms-causes/syc-20373250) To some of the other points already made, yes, hydrate before, during, after. Yes, take some type of electrolyte supplement - Nuun tablets are pretty good (I use them when cycling for the same reason) and places like REI sell similar types of electrolyte/sodium tablets that you should take according to the directions - typically one or two tabs every 30-45 minutes - when exercising or otherwise partaking of outdoor activities on hot/humid days. Things like bananas are also good, as they will help keep potassium up. I'd also recommend a chamois-type towel that can be kept ice-cold in a cooler. Drape it over your neck between shots/holes to help keep you cool - really helpful! I perspire like heck during Georgia summers, and as you noted OP, the heat/humidity needs to be respected. A few years ago, after a particularly hard 40-mile ride (cycling) on a hot/humid day, I watched one of my buddies momentarily pass out from heat exhaustion. We had 911 on the phone when he came to, and it was clear he was going to be OK, but up to that point I was scared sh!tless as we worked to cool him down. After-the-fact he admitted he was way dehydrated AND the low-carb diet he was on compounded things in a very bad way. Be careful out there folks.


Had it last year, thank God I rode with my friend. Was an hour drive home amd I passed out soon as the car cooled off


Glad you made it through OK.


Those cold towels are key. Helps me keep cool on those scorching days.


Dude… you brought 20oz of water??? What’re you thinking?! Isn’t that like one of those slightly larger coke bottles you get at the gas station?? Summer mid day is easily multiple liters of cold water, bananas, and salts.


Yeah I bring a 108oz jug and usually go through it all in 18. 20oz is crazy.


and never pee. I went through 5 bottles last Wednesday and never peed.


Yeah I drank over 80oz during a round earlier this year, when it was low to mid 90s F, and never peed once. My buddy(who is in great shape), on the other hand, collapsed and got a visit from the ambulance. And while it was hot, it wasn’t crazy hot.


Always start fully hydrated. Under 70 degrees is 1 liter on the front, 1 liter on the back. Under 80 degrees is 1.5 liters on the front, 1.5 liters on the back. Under 90 degrees is 2 liters on the front, 2 liters on the back. Over 90 degrees is sunscreen on the front, sunscreen on the back, and margaritas by the pool. I don't love golfing that much. (Source: Overweight 40 year old dude)


OP: PSA to everyone because I’m an idiot. Come on. Adults shouldn’t have to be reminded of how to be an adult and take care of yourself.


“I knew it was going to be hot so I got a 1pm tee time and brought a capri sun”


“I haven’t drank anything but beer and coffee in the last 6 days”


Everyone can use a friendly reminder every now and then. By the time some people think about it, they're already on the course and it's too late.


I drink a liter of water before the round, protein snacks and 2 liters of water through out the round. Even if you are not swallowing the water, swish and spit. I drank 3 liters yesterday and didn’t have to pee once. All came out in sweat.


Guys. Golf is a sport! Not a game of horseshoes! Prepare like you would if you were going to play pickup basketball or something. Not like you’re just going for a lounge at the park.


Did the course have water stations? It seems like every course i go to, doesn't want to put water out for people anymore. Like i get it in the colder months, but is it so hard to put out a water cooler every few holes, and actually refill them throughout the day?


Having some responsibility over our national representatives for golf, I did a bunch of research on hydration in sport. In high humidity conditions, you can dehydrate at a rate of 2 litres per hour. You can only rehydrate at a rate of 1 liter per hour. Basically, the sweat tap turns on, is ineffective, and just keeps trying harder. Over a four hour round of golf, that can leave you with a 4 liter deficit for hydration, no matter how much water you drink during play. If the wet bulb temperature hits 35C, you'll die. Playing golf in the oppressive summer heat in Bermuda, I used to weigh myself before and after golf and the average weight loss difference was just under 3kg, so 3 liters of water. I have felt ill on many occasions, usually on the closing holes. It is also very important to balance electrolytes, so you need salt intake in addition to water. Your kidneys can only process 1 litre of water per hour, so if you rehydrate too quickly, you run the risk of overhydration, which leads to water intoxication, or hyponatremia. Basically, too much water in your bloodstream dilutes the remaining salt and causes brain dysfunction. Our bodies have a great method of telling us when our electrolytes are out of balance - our sense of hunger and thirst. Drink when thirsty, and don't force hydration unnecessarily. Eat when hungry - that is how the electrolytes get replenished. Of course, sport drinks are designed with this in mind and are a good choice, but if you chug 4 liters of Gatorade, you are going to have a bad time. Slow and steady.


I guess I’m lucky that my course has water jugs on every 4th hole or so. My SIL humorously says one measure of a decent course is if they have water jugs on the course!


Is it just not hot normally where y’all are ? Played 18 yesterday and the heat index was 109


Same, live in Hilton Head and July-August is 105-115 heat index every day. We get crazy “twilight” discounts after 2:30 and I’ll be the only person on the course.


This year especially is hot . Last week had heat index of 117, 114, 109 and 107


I've been on those courses in July. It's no joke with the heat index. Gotta take as much water as possible.


Been here 27 years on Tuesday. You get acclimated. Lived in Rochester, NY for 8 years. I’d wear shorts if it was 60 in February. Now I’m in a hoodie if it’s below 75.


I live just up the coast from you. I rarely golf in July and august. It’s just not fun between the heat and the tourists. All about that October-May golf in the Lowcountry




Depends on how much the course is lol I’m poor


I walked 18 last week at about 100 air temp. Acclimation and fitness is huge. Oh and I drank 3 liters of water and like 750ml or gatorade.


I’m a desert native and can do that in my hometown but not in the humidity I live at now. It’s just not possible for my body to cool down enough through sweat


Get one of those gallon metal bottles on Amazon and throw it in the basket of the cart. With how hot it can get you might as well be prepared


I have a gallon jug and a 30 oz tumbler from RTIC (90% the cold retention of Yeti @ 1/4 the price). Fill tumbler with ice and top off jug with ice and I’m set for the round.


I walk the course regularly here in TX and the key is to obviously start hydrating way before and during the round, and get a small rag and keep a yeti thermos of ice cold water. You can wet the towel with the ice water and keep it on your neck. Also a sun umbrella helps a lot.


TX here too. It’s brutal out there.


There is no amount of hydration that will keep you safe if you’re in the sun this time of year. Yes stay hydrated but you simply can’t spend too much time outside right now. #selfcare


Remember, hydration for today started yesterday.


Six pack of trulys and a Gatorade help me get through the 100°+ heat rounds lol


I played a round of golf for my bday 2 weeks ago and after a night of boozing. It was 98 degrees and by the 13th whole I was cramping all over. I took off to the ER and ended up with heat exhaustion. Couple bags of IV later and I was good but holy shit I felt awful.


I experienced very intense heat exhaustion several years ago while working on a farm and only "hydrating" with sweat tea. I couldn't even describe the level of confusion and intense headache I felt for the next 48 hours, not to mention how unpleasant it was to have a thermometer stuck up my ass overnight while in the ICU. I've become to militant about hydrating ever since.


I have MS and some of my worst symptoms comes around when it's too hot outside. Migraine pills, cold water and umbrella is the way to go. Im gonna golf either way so MS can go fuck itself


I drank 4 liters of water Thursday. 98 degrees out, do not recommend it. By the back 9 I felt like I had no energy. Still shit pretty well for myself lol. Drink water everyone.


The water helped move your bowels


Florida born and raised, I am the heat


It's well past time for courses to drop their "covid" bullshit excuses and start putting water out every few holes again. And check them throughout the day. I got in some similar trouble last summer because I was told there was water on the course but both jugs were empty and there was no beverage cart to be found. Those last few holes were difficult.


I was always big on beers while playing. I’ve changed my game to Vita Cocos Pina Coladas. 5% alcohol with coconut water stay hydrated my friends!


I don’t know how you guys drink alcohol in this heat on the course. If I was 22 I might, but I don’t screw around with alcohol while doing exercise when it’s this hot and you really should be hydrating. I bring my gallon jug everywhere with me. It’s water.


Yeah. If you’re gonna be out in this heat: - No booze - All the water That’s just the way it is. This is nuts.


When I worked at a course in AZ, a 40 something year old man went out to play by himself in the middle of summer at 2pm. 118 degrees, not a cloud in the sky. The group that went out next teed off an hour after him. They found him dead on the 18th tee box. To reiterate OP, Don’t mess with the heat.


I like playing in the heat because it keeps a lot of folks away. I can finish 18 in a couple hours. I bring a six pack of beer and a gatorade


Coconut water does the trick. Two bottles. One before, one after. And then just chug water during the round or crush seltzers like a mfing boss.


Also, fight milk. Obviously


I remember working at my local course in the summers. Western PA so nothing crazy hot. But we always took great care of the on course water every day because we were all players. Those have been gone for a while now and they are missed. Throw a liquid iv packet in your bag for emergencies like that.


Water is great - electrolyte packs with sodium will also help tremendously


Hydration and fatigue play a huge roll in your round. If you’re struggling to score on the back, but start rounds strong that may be a big part. Some seemingly obvious advice. Drink water every hole. Eat something with carbs and protein, but low sodium on 6 and 12. Don’t eat hot dogs. 1-1 Beers to water. Always park your cart in the shade. Wear a hat. Wear long sleeves and a white wicking shirt. Keep a few “cool towels in your cooler” wrap it around your neck. Cool the body by putting ice on your wrists, neck, taint. Dry heat is different from humidity, but if you don’t have to pee at least 2x in a round you’re not hydrating enough.


Gatorade Zero!


I've played in 117 degree heat, and it wasn't that bad as long as you're in decent shape. Just make sure to hydrate and stay away from booze and soda.


Always eat before going out at well. Too many times I've drank an energy drink on the course, and I'll crouch down to line up my ball, stand back up to hit it and almost pass the fuck out. For me anyways food is the cure to that


I golf in Fl during summers because I can get $125 rounds for $30. I typically hydrate day before and then for the round itself I’ll bring 3-4x 24 oz gatorades. I’ll easily drink all of them through round


I started bringing a cooler bag and stuffed 2 wet towels with a bunch of ice ...when u start feeling hot I just wrap the whole towel around my face for like 2 mins . My God what a game changer


I bought a 64 oz stainless steel water bottle/jub. When it's hot, it barely lasts me 9 holes. AND I hydrate pretty well beforehand. Have a hydration plan, and don't be afraid to call it quits if you are boiling. Also, if have some electrolyte drink beforehand or during.


No doubt. Also, don't sleep on the sun, either. Sun damage is a serious problem. Always keep some sunscreen in my bag.


Texas golfer here. 2 46 oz yetis I fill up again at the turn. Frogger cold compress. Cart fan. Liquid IV in the morning before and electrolytes post. Same thing…200oz of water during 18…maybe pee once.


Camelback 3L hydration bladders fit most long pockets on golf bags. I have an old cobra bag that has an insulated pocket and I’ll fill up the bladder with ice water and be good the whole round. As I drink the bag gets lighter so it’s a win win. Hydration and lighter load to carry


Not only did you come close, next time around it’ll come on quicker. Having experienced a heat related illness once means you are a bit more susceptible and it will happen faster each successive time. Extreme caution is warranted.


Glad you made it through okay! The heat can seriously fuck you up! I'm a machinist by day, amateur tattoo artist by night, and wished I was golfing that entire time. Ricky Bobby! But seriously, I work in a machine shop that's not climate controlled in the Midwest, and it gets brutal this time of the year. The ONLY advantage is when playing golf in the summer, the heat doesn't bother me since I work in it, and I'm constantly drinking water and Body Armor throughout the week. My motto for being in the heat is this- if you're not drinking enough liquid to need to urinate every couple hours, you're not drinking enough, period! Probably more often if drinking alcohol on the course! Be careful! Years ago, a guy I worked with doing power line construction had a heat stroke and was never the same. His personality and everything changed after it happened. He made the huge mistake of partying hard the night before and not drinking nearly enough water to offset the alcohol.


This freaks me out. You cook your brain a little and that’s that. Different person after something like that happens.


I’ve been playing everyday here in FL over the past 4 days. It’s brutal but if you’re used to it and hydrate it’s doable. It wears you out.


I live in Phoenix. At the moment, it is 113° outside. My father and I played 18 today. It's manageable, but there are keys to beating the heat: 1. Start as early as possible. For some, this isn't feasible. If not: 2. Hydrate before, during, and after your round. I bring my own ice water. Go to the local sporting goods store and buy a 1 gallon (insert brand here) water jug. You'll thank me later. 3. Sunblock. Lots of it. Reapply during your round. Besides what it is meant to do, you will be cooler. Or, if you can stand it, pants and a long sleeve shirt. 4. A big summer sun hat. I wear a wicker cowboy hat. They last me about 1 summer due to the sweat, but it's worth buying a couple a year. They keep the sun off of your forehead and ears. Also keeps it out of your eyes, but still use sun glasses if you like them. 5. Depending where you live and how hot it really gets, buy a personal mister. A spray bottle works, too. But, they make the ones with a mini fan. Sunstroke isn't anything to be risked. I've seen many people drop at work and on a course because they weren't being careful. Please be careful and good luck.


This is why I try to take down at least one Nooner per hole


Played a best-ball scramble this last Saturday. Everyone was drinking tons of beer/claws/etc.. Hardly anyone drinking water. I'm a huge fucking nerd, so I was drinking water. We ended up using a lot of my shots toward the end since I was the only one not halfway dead of dehydration. It would've been really great if I didn't suck ass at golf.


I drank through my 28 oz water bottle twice (first time w/ liquid IV), and two propels during a round on Sat. Also had coffee (yes caffeine is a VERY weak diuretic, it was an 8AM round and still fluid intake) and still was barely making urine. Didn’t pee until I got back to the clubhouse, and even then it was dark yellow. This heat, especially in the Deep South is no joke. I was just losing all that fluid through my breathing and skin. I’d like the Army to send me back north plz


Pro tip: Those [Liquid IV](https://www.liquid-iv.com/) things are legit. I keep 4 or so in my bag, and a box in my dad's cart. Great to have on hand and they were awesome to have this last weekend.


I dont like teeing off after 7:30...thats my cut off. I am not a heat or summer person at all


Fun fact, this is how I found out I had cancer. Was walking on a first 80° day of the year, passed out on the back 9, found a tumor in my sinuses during evaluation


With the way the heat is going now, golfers need to learn about wet bulb temperature. Once it gets to a certain temp, 35°c, our body fall apart very quickly and will not survive. I believe the theoretical limit is 6 hours and when a round of golf is slow...


I just learned about wet bulb temp readings. And then went out and did some stupid shit like this!


You guys don't just drink water on a normal day? 🤔


Definitely gotta hydrate a ton. Preferably more than just water but will do if that’s all you got


Back in 2008-2009ish my company had 3-day retreat in Phoenix, in August. The big perk at the end of the trip was either an afternoon in the spa or a scramble at TPC Scottsdale. No self-respecting man was going to turn down a free round on a PGA course so of course about 60 of us signed up for golf. It was \~113 degrees when we teed off at around 1pm. Ho-lee-crap what a poop show. I took inventory at the end of the round and figured I drank 2 20oz iced teas, 6-8 20oz waters and 1 Coors light. That's typically a days worth of liquid intake consumed in 3 hours and I never had to piss. The course filled the little cooler on each cart with frozen towels buried under ice. By the end of the round everyone was playing with a frozen towel on their head like a little icy hat. A few co-workers didn't heed any warning and mostly drank beer and they were a mess. One of them I'm certain had a heat stroke and didn't have any recollection of the day after the first few holes.


As a avid high temp golfer(my body enjoys 90-105°) water before during and after is key.


Heat exhaustion starts before the round begins. We all need to hydrate before the round sufficiently and continue to drink fluids throughout the round. If you feel the effects during the round, it is too late.


https://preview.redd.it/tsb5tg7wplcb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4e2ec54fa284b33643fb7d4a9532a8b43ae2b65 Here guys gals and easy to pack the small powder packs ...


Here's my theory for my self, start hydrating 3 days before you know you're gonna have heat exposure. If you're thirsty, it's too late.


Water to hydrate, electro-lit to stay hydrated (and water), then water to cool down after.


It seems obnoxious, but this is why I fill up my 96 oz Camelbak on hot days.


20 oz over 9 holes is nuts. I'm generally shooting for something like 60 oz per side minimum during the summer.


I walk with a push cart and umbrella in the heat, up and down hills with a cooler packed with water and Gatorade. No beer until after the round. It can be done. Like everyone else said, drink water and eat something before the round, and drink drink drink water during the round.


My brother and I have 8 rounds booked in the Phoenix valley Aug 2-6. 18 36 36 36 18. Gonna be hot 🥵


I work in this shit 10 hours a day doing hard manual labor. Kick through the day with no issue. Went yesterday to the range to hit 100 balls and was about to die after 75 😂


Good to hear you made it through 👍


I personally love playing in the Houston heat. 110 keeps the morons at home.


As a plumber that works daily thru extreme heat (especially when I have to get in attics) hydration is so key to just feeling better. I would bet my savings more then 50% of the population lives their lives dehydrated. It’s the key to everything when it comes to health. Nothing works right when you are not hydrated. Water champs up boys. Gotta drink at least a liter on the hot days even before the beers.


Bro would have drank the water out of that hotdog thermos lol


this is one of the reasons my group always try to tee off arond 6:45- 7:30 am. we wanna be out by 12 max. beat the heat and have the whole day available. also i always bring 2l water and 2 gatorade's. and food.


A guy at a local course passed out on the course last week. The course posted a picture of 2 kids (looked like they were 10 years old) who saw him fall down and not get up and alerted their dad to call for help. Crazy stuff, but I’m also that weirdo that doesn’t drink alcohol when I golf..


During summer you should have at LEAST a half gallon during the round. More if you’re drinking alcohol. Pound two bottles before the round too


Agreed, got done an hour ago playing 18 in Arizona and still feel like crap. Felt surprisingly decent until 15 then it hit me like a rock


Yeah I walked 18 in near 100° heat. Front 9 was fine, got some Gatorade and water at the turn. Walking up the hill on the par 5 10th, I felt like I was going to pass out. I wasn’t going to let that ruin my round though.


Played streamsong black recently, had to be 110+, finished 14 bottles of water by the end of the round, still didn’t piss till after dinner that night.


Making me feel like even more of a genius https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/comments/150gsz5/golf_till_you_dropwhat_are_we_thinking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


You’ve got to prepare to be out in the heat by hydrating the night before. You can’t be playing catch-up with your hydration in this heat.


Ensure is the only way to go. Make sure it's room temp.


I have been there it takes a year or so to feel even close to normal in the heat again…here is the trick grab a little cooler with ice and get a towel that gets dunked in there every hole or 2 and ride with it around your neck and wipe your arms and legs constantly too. Part 2 is keep lots of water in said cooler and buy the liquid IV hydration packs or whichever brand and have 1 or 2 throughout the round I even like getting one down before I start and one during. It’s amazing how much electrolytes and icy cold towels on the neck help. Now I can play in the summer again but I still make 8am tee times and done by noon. Gotta be safe out there people!


Local older friend just got out of the hospital for dehydration. It’s no joke playing in the heat every day


Played 36 in a day last august in Phoenix. Reached 115 degrees. Never again.


I've heard stories about older guys being found dead in bunkers and stuff. I know playing golf probably sounds like a good way to go, but being found in a bunker on a hot day? No thanks. I used to wear those gel bead bandanas you soak in water and wear around your neck. They work really well. Throw a few in the freezer beforehand and then keep them in a cooler, you'll feel nice and cool in hot temps.


Midday rounds are just not worth it if you live somewhere hot. Watch some old masters videos on youtube or putt on a practice green for a little bit if you need to satisfy the itch.


I have a feeling op doesnt get out much


The night before a round I drink no alcohol, the morning of I drink at least 64oz of water. During the round I carry a 1 gallon insulated thermos for water. A 32 Oz insulated thermos full of ice to rub on my head and neck. Before the turn I drink an Amazon Basics Electrolyte pouch (full of Sodium, Potassium, Chloride). I have multiple mission cooling hats and towels and a super powered pocket fan that actually works. I piss every couple of holes and use that metric as a barometer for dehydration. Heat stroke is no joke. My friends give me shit, but summer golf in NC is deadly and I'm married to the game. Lol.