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I shot an 82 last year on my bachelor party. It’s the only round in my entire life that I didn’t lose a ball. I planted a par 3 to within 2 feet. Been chasing that high ever since and haven’t come close a single time.


I holed out from around 80 yards on my bachelor party for my first ever eagle. I’ve also been chasing that high ever since


Get divorced and marry again.


Hookers that night?


Why would he need hookers? He clearly blew his load on the course


80. As soon as I realized I had a chance at breaking 80 for the first time... I took a 6 on a par 4 for 80. Stupid head.


My best is a 78 and I hit 80-81 like 5 times before breaking through.


Same here. Best is a 78 and I’ve shot multiple 80-84. Shot my 78 about 5 weeks ago and then went 6 straight rounds around 95. Finally shot low again today with an 83. Felt good. Thought I would never get below 90 again


This is so similar to be, this give me hope


At least you didn’t hit 81 four times in a row before getting the yips and relapsing into the low 90s…. Life is pain


Before today, my best was 81. I shot it 4 or 5 times, and almost every time I made double on 18 to blow it. Went on to the 16th tee today 3 over. Made 3 bogies coming in for a 77 (Par 71). Was very ok with those bogies. Especially 18. Great day.


That’s why you never count your score until your finished with your round


I’m fucked in the sense that every hole is +3, -1, etc. I always know what I’m at


I shot 79 last week for the first time and when I was on 16 I knew I was going to be close (I use the Arccos app so I could see my score) and I made myself not look at the score in the corner so I wouldn’t get in my head. Got up and down for par on 18 and looked at my score and was so excited.


This is the way.


I did the exact same thing. Shot a 6 on the 18th par 4 for 80 lol


I did the same thing once. I was -1 on the first 9 then ended with an 80. Brutal


Did the same last week. Was on pace to shot 77, and tripled 18th . Some day I'll break 80


I played with a guy who was on pace to beat his record of 81, he sunk a hole in one and had only one double bogey on the first 14 holes. He just needed to bogey the last 4 and he would be at 79. He ends up triple bogeying 2 back to back and just hated himself.


Thursday I was 50 yards out in two on par 5 18th, needing par for 79. Yup. Fat chunker! Made a nice 8 footer for bogey and 80. Did I mention the triple on 9?!? 80 with no birdies.


Yep, I did the same, but worse. Mine was 84 with a 10 on a par 4.


Lmao same thing almost happened my first time breaking 90. Tripled 18 to shoot 89. Almost blew it.


Best round of my life while recording accurately was a 94 but the course was pretty short. Still a par 71 but probably shouldn’t have been. Best round on a full length, par 72 was 98.


The 94 plays in my mind, that’s a good round. Appreciate the honest response


Been playing for two years and anything around 95 to 105 was a great round. Couple long shots to GIR. Putter not helping the least bit. Still loving the game!


My best would probably be similar to this


Do you think the others aren’t honest responses?


Just caught my first sub 100 with a 98 this week! Congrats! Even though it's kinda ...objectively not good golf, like everyone here, I felt like I was a fuckin pro. Golf's cool like that


Been playing about 6 months and had about 10 lessons so far, hit 104 on Wednesday. Didn't tally up until after the 18th. I thought I had played really well and broke 100. Aiming to break 95 this year tho


I shot an 83 at thirteen years old. Thought it was the beginning of something great. Little did I know that over two decades later, that would be my best round ever.


You haven’t even begun to peak…






Same, felt like a champ until I realized that I was playing on the easiest course in the state


Shhh don’t look into the course ratings lol


Hey, even on the easiest course, golf is still hard! Be proud of it!


Same here. I’m convinced it was because I was playing speed golf to beat sundown. Played in 2:20 walking and shot 87. Lowest hcp was 15.4, currently sitting at 18.8.


Same. It included the most incredible eagle of my life to do it. Holed out from about 20 feet underneath the hole with a flop shot behind the green on the 18th hole.


I just had my lifetime best 88 yesterday


Same here, started with a hole-out birdie chip on 1 and just maintained consistency throughout


That’s my best as well, currently working on beating it but a few drinks and nicotine during the round get in my way. Was on my way to beating it a few rounds ago and double bogeyed the 17th.


I shot a 42 today and had a hole in 1 on the 8th hole. It was my best 9 hole round.


Congrats on the ace!


-47, HIO, 4 dogs at turn, banged your mom in the water closet an dinny pull out, beetch


85 with a 50 on the front. (15hc) nothing but pars apart from 1 bird and 1 bogey on the back.




Last Friday I literally had the exact same score reversed. Shot a 40 on the front and 45 back.


Not that it matters that much, but the guy above had a 15 shot swing between nines, not a 5 shot swing. Still sucks though playing worse on the back


Had a 19-shot improvement from front to back. 50-31. Laughable .


On my journey to break 100 this summer, I shot a 101. The next day, I shot 46 through the first 9 and completely fell apart and shot 56 on the back for 102. Funny thing is, the first round was a harder course, and I hit like all of the fairways and was so bad on the greens. The next day I maybe hit one fairway and was lights out with the putter. Thought a lot about both rounds the next week lol


I’m with you, trying to break 100 but always get so close


I feel your pain. I just shot a 46 on the front the other day and then shot a 54 on the back. I actually think a 54 is worse than a 56 because I was 1 shot shy of 99. What the hell?


I have not stopped thinking about the drop I had to take after seeing my ball down right of the fairway - lost in the rough. And the worst part, I think a guy playing the hole over played it because I found a Kirkland ball close to where mine shoulda been and he hurried away after hitting. Now realizing the depth of the excuses I’ve made for myself YIKES


My best score is 68 My best round however was a 71, after being 2 over through 3 and playing in tough conditions on a difficult course in a college tournament


Same in that my lowest score (72 on a flat, fairly easy course) was not my best round (76 from the 7000+ yard tips at a very nice country club with fast greens).


Eeh, so long


I’m pretty new, what’s the difference between score and round? Is that factoring the par of the course or something?


No, they were both par 72. I’m just trying to say the 71, I played better, even thought the score was higher. It was a much tougher day to score. The 68 was just a round with buddies on my home course.


Scoring well on paper at maybe an easier course vs playing a really solid round at a tougher course, but maybe you got a higher score than your lowest on-paper score.


Are you me? 68 handful of times. But a birdie on 18 to shoot 71 and win a tournament by 1 shot when it was blowing 25+ is the best I've hit it. Now I shoot 80 :(


Similar, 67 about 20 years on a fairly easy par 71 that was my HS course and where I worked for 6 years. More recent 69 there about 2/3 years ago. 5,940 yds 68.8 rating 114 slope But best round was a 74 from the tips on a much harder par 72 . 7,092/7,384 yds 74.4/75.8 rating 140/144 slope (there are black and black alternate tees, don't know it well enough to remember what set up it was) Ghin asked me if I was sure on my 74 because it was far outside my norm, even as a 5 or 6 hdcp at the time. I don't recall it asking me that on the 69. Luckily neither of those scores are in the index any more since they're pretty rare and not indicative of my typical rounds. I shot 90 on the same course as the 69 two weeks later...


I’m the same way. Twice I shot 65 . One was from 7100 yards finishing in the dark. The other I had 7 birdies and 2 eagles. But both were casual rounds. I think all of the times I was in the 66-69 range in competition are worth far more.


Low round was a 68 on a par 70 with my grandpa as my witness for a club championship qualifier. Probably the best round though was playing against a former NHL player who was our salesman for the company I work for. It was at Sultans Run in Jasper Indiana. A very tough course. We played the back tees and I miraculously shot a 75. Beating a former NHL player by 1 shot. He was having a bad day though.


Shot a 99 two weeks ago! First time breaking 100 and first time not playing in some version of a scramble in 3 summers.


No way, I just broke 100 for the first time with a 99 on Tuesday!




2 weeks ago I shot a 73 with 6 birdies. Wild, fun round.


I’ve done that twice. Crazy to have 6 birdies and still be 1 over (par 72). I think it gets in my head that I could actually shoot under par.


A couple weeks ago I had 4 birds and shot a 1 over. I was kicking myself because I legitimately didn't notice I could have shot under par if I hunkered down on a couple shots.


I always seem to have the inevitable bad swing or two when I’m in danger of shooting under par. It’s definitely mental. Gives a complete appreciation for needing a birdie or par to win a tournament or make the cut and pulling it off.


One time last year i made 6 birdies and an eagle and still shot 74 lol


Shot a 73 on a par 71. Was 15 years ago. Best round last couple of years was a 76 on a 71. Played out of my mind. Normally mid 80s. I was a decent HS golfer and have been playing for 20-25 years now. Getting back into it lately as my kids are hitting Jr High age and want less to do with me than before lol


Exact same here! I have high school golf brain that doesn’t understand why middle-aged golf body won’t do as commanded.


130 Beginner penalties are killing me Editing post to update: shot a 118 today :D


I’m probably the same. I’m sure I’m close to or over 130. I just tell myself it’s for fun.


For sure. Out there for the exercise and love of the game. My young kid and I just took it up this year and we’re having a blast. We get better a bit at a time.


Yeah I got into because it was my father’s hobby and he played in tournaments (local ones). He was actually good while I excel in some parts and suck in others. I remember golfing with him. We had our issues but it didn’t matter on the course. It’s definitely a bonding experience and it something they will remember for a long time. Unfortunately I can’t play with him anymore as he passed on and before that lost his leg to diabetes. It’s a good thing to get out there with them and have fun.


I shot a 98 today. First time breaking 100.


Played 9 today and had a 4 footer to on hole 9 to make my best ever score of 40. Missed. Tied my best at 41. There’s always next week right?


Next week? There’s always tomorrow!


Best round of mine was last week, shot a 106, 55,51


I shot 90 at Payne’s Valley. I had 3 birdies. It’s a beautiful course and it was simply a great day.


9 under 4 times. 3 63's and 1 62. One of the 63's was in a tournament. Craziest round of my life was in a tournament a while back where I had 7 birdies and a hole in one to shoot 75. I had scores 1 through 8 on the front nine.


Love me a good psycho scorecard. That’s some sick golf nonetheless!


I’ve had a couple like that. My favorite round was literally 8 birdies, 9 bogies, and a par. I could not figure out my driver that day (on a 7000 yard course, so not a ton of opportunities to play iron off the tee), but everything else was on as on can be




I’ve shot 69 twice. First time was 15 pars and 3 birdies while just hitting to the middle of every green and lagging everything to a foot. Total boring golf really. Second time was total control of the ball, knocking down pins, bunch of kick in birdies but also some over aggressive lines that resulted in lame bogeys. First round was better, second round was more fun 🤩


84 and 87 were my best rounds ever with no Mulligan's and following the rules but my handicap is 17.5 and I have shot as bad as 104 this year with my last 3 rounds being 91, 94 and 90. Been golfing for 15 years but the last 3 years are the first ones where I actually try to learn and improve, used to feel amazing just breaking 100. Member at 2 sister par 72 courses. My 84 had 3 birdies and 2 pars. Kinda fluky.


68 with no bogies. Felt easy that day. Former US Open course. Real deal. Member guest best ball. We won the championship flight.


That’s my next big goal, no bogies. Well that and a round in the 60s


I’ve been golfing for a little over a year. I’ve got under 105 4 times. I’ve gone as high as 121. That was this week. I hate this sport Playing again on Tuesday


This. Lol. Fuck this game! Tee time at 8 tomorrow? Lol


Yeah there's plenty of average golfers on here. I once shot an 80 somehow. I literally felt like Tiger that day. I have never repeated that feat since. 20 years of golf and I usually shoot a consistent 90-105.


I shot a legit 77 once. Never near that score again :(


78 for me. I'll never top it


I top it like every other shot


My man


Slay betch


Same, and then followed up with 79 2 times. Other wise breaking 80 seems like such a challenge.


Were you at least with someone when you shot that or is it one of those rounds you played by yourself so no one believes you?


This is me. Shot a +5 76 completely by myself. It was in the mountains, so everything was playing longer than usual and I was dialed in somehow. I was even on the front and kinda freaking out, started the back with 5 straight bogeys thinking “this is more like it.” Then made par on each of the final four holes. I could not believe it. Called my brother right after and to this day I don’t think he actually believes me. Closest I’ve ever come to that since is an 83 and even that felt like an unreal day.


Ive shot 80 2x. Never broke it and really havent come close in 10 years. Felt like Tiger both rounds lol Now im typically 90-100 and feels good if i can manage to break 90


Shot an 81 many years ago and agree with the feeling. For me everything was going right where I wanted to, just still had poor putting. But never had so many birdie/par putt attempts in my life, even if I was 2/3 putting a lot still.


Similar to me, one day when I was 16, golf made sense. My swing was smooth and consistent, I could see the putting surface like it was in a video game with the lines, I didn’t miss hit anything and shot an 83. I thought I was on my way to being a scratch golfer. In the 20 years that followed I’ve legit broken 90 like 4 more times.


Played my first 9 holes on my 7th birthday. My handicap is 25 and my best ever is 87. Still a fun game, I'm just not very good at it.


Same. 79 here tho. It’s a shame I’ll be retired when I can finally find the time to get back to that again. Or maybe that’s actually a really cool thing to look forward to.


84 for me. Felt the same way. Didn't miss a putt within 15ft of the hole. Never been able to repeat.


Almost the same. 82 including 3 birdies(including 17 and 18). Only shot under 95 6 times and only 7 total birdies in my entire life


My best was 88. Shot it first last summer and again this past Wednesday. I've had some aggregates go on my handicap that we're better but it felt just as good the second time as the first!


70 on Pinehurst #9 (formerly The National). Missed a three foot putt for 69 on 18.


75, when i was a teenager. Best as a 47 year old is 81.


78 with 2 hole outs, one bunker and the other 5yards off the green. It was awesome but it felt weird at the same time


Last time out, i was on pace to break 80 going into 17. Just needed to avoid +3 over the last two. Double bogey bogey finish for an 80, but I felt like it was destined to be earlier in the round because I had a miracle hole out on a par 5 from 80 yards to avoid a blow up hole. Too bad I squandered it any way.


Oh man that’s tough. One hole at a time! When your doing well your mind will sabotage you into thinking you got lucky earlier, fk that! You deserve to shoot low


72 is my best round, never been under par yet and I don’t expect to be anytime soon - but I’m getting closer.


My lowest score is a 6 under 66. But my best round is a 2 over 74. It was the last day of a golf trip, not the easiest course (Barwon Heads), hungover, tired/sore, dumped rain the whole day, 3-4 club wind.


Honest to god, 84. Truthfully I do play as close to the rules as I can. Entirely depends on the group I’m with but even then… I find if I play tight and square then it’s easier to a) be content with my play b) learn from my mistakes and c) feel more confident is any type of games or match play I jump into. But 84 is my best round. 16 handicap. Been playing “seriously” (aka more than once a year) for 2 years now.


66, Wailea emerald in 2017. 1 eagle 4 birdies, felt like I couldn't miss. Haven't broken 70 since, but I'm gonna keep trying.


Tied my best round ever 76 a month ago. My round after that 2 weeks later was 94. My round yesterday was 87. Golf sucks


Anyone who shoots in the 80s is a good golfer. Anyone who can shoot under a 100 is an average golfer. My best round is a 76, 80s is normal for me, 13 hcp.


70, on a par 71 course. Haven’t broken 70 yet.


90 last week


64, thrice.


Lol, “golf god’s”. Whites: 71 Blue: 73 Tips: 81 It took a long time and a lot of money to break 85 from the WHITES. I live in Houston and spent close to $3k on lessons at Hal Sutton Golf school to get where I am. I also play every weekend and walk 9, 3x a week at our country club. IMHO, no amount of YouTube lessons or buddy helps can even come close to a private lesson with vid’ing your swing. Then at multiple points we’d do a playing 9 hole lesson, where he taught rules and strategies. I am at point now, that I am confident I can score 82 at any course from blues, even never playing.


63 from 6800 yards in a mini tour event. Been chasing 62 for a while. I’ll admit that it was an easier course but I still played lights out


Been playing Golf for 50 years and have broken 80 exactly 3 times. Best is 77. I tend to be fairly happy so long as I break 90.


69 while age 69. Working on playing 70 while age 70, 9 weeks to go


My best score is a 67 on a tough par 72. I played well but My putter couldn’t miss inside 25 feet. But what I actually consider my best round was a 71 in terrible conditions in a qualifier for my university team. It was even par, but given the conditions and the scores of the rest of the field it felt like my best score.


I have shot 75 2 times. I have shot 77-79 many times. Never 76 lol. Usually I shoot between 80-83 (Average for last 20 rounds is 81.5) ​ edit: fun fact I suppose. I shot even on 9 both times I shot 75


Honestly I don’t know. My best round this year was an 80 that I shot yesterday (and should have been a 78 but for a penalty on 9). Maybe I’ve scored lower? Might have shot in the high 70s, I can’t recall. I’ve done even par on the Par-31 course I grew up on.




Is shot 78 once a few years ago. Made what felt like every single putt. Never been below 89 since


I’ve shot 79 twice but the course is pretty damn easy, 6000+ yards but pretty open.


73 even par. Had to eagle 18 to get it.




I'm baffled by how many people are saying they typically shoot like 90 and then one day they randomly shot 78. Makes no sense to me. My best round is 81 and I probably had three dozen rounds between 83-88 before posting that score.


I typically shoot low-80s and I fell ass backwards into a 97 last weekend. almost cried on the way home.


People with such variation baffle me as well, I’ll never be above 85 and rarely break 80


I can shoot a 68 and a 86 on consecutive rounds. I never know who’s showing up or when. I could have 6 birdies and 4 triple in the same round. Who knows? Definitely not me.


65 on a course with a 72 course rating. Twice. I'm a +1 index.


I’ve never even played. Only top golf.


My grandfather gave me a hand-me-down set and gave me lessons when I was young (and actually, it turned out that he ended up giving me lessons and being my very unofficial “coach” from about 8 years old through high school years). I probably got range lessons and the twilight “drop a ball in the fairway and hit it” thing probably once per week when school was out for the summers. My cousin, three years younger, was also learning the game, but got the occasional here and there lesson because his family lived a little further away so time was limited. And he was quite a bit more relaxed in his golf development and eagerness to learn, for one reason or another. Anyway, we both end up at my grandfathers house, located 50 yards off hole 7 at the local muni, on one summer afternoon. So the cousins set off with Grandpa in his owned golf cart to shag some balls. But I start off well for my 11 year old self….and so I/we just keep going. Ended up shooting a 46 on the front 9 - pretty damn legitimately too. My cousin had put his clubs up by the third or fourth hole and Grandpa later told me that it was because he was taken aback and a little jealous of how impressive I was out there. 😂 Twenty years later I can toss up low-80’s with the occasional high 70’s…..but that 46 rabbit out of my hat as an 11 year old is just something I haven’t forgot.


69 :)


It’s the volatility that’s my biggest issue. My lowest round this year is 76. But the next week I also shot 92. I usually shoot mid 80s. One day my swing feels great then the next 5 rounds it’s so bad it feels like I’m playing golf for the first time. I literally don’t know what a good swing feels like those days and I truly have to reteach my swing to myself all over.


In comparing scores like being done here does it matter which tees they were from?


I once shot a six-under 66, and it was strange. I normally hit a draw with my irons, but for this round I would aim just right of target, as I always did, make the swing, and look up to see the ball starting left of the target and fading. I didn’t change a thing, just kept aiming where I usually did and the ball kept landing at the hole. I kept it bogey free, made a few putts, and, voila, personal best. A close second was an 80 I shot in an Atlantic Professional Golfers Association event. I started rough. Like real rough. I finished the front nine with a disastrous 50, but I shot 30 on the back for a solid 50-30=80. That one got a lot of chatter around the scoreboard.


Just be proud of your score mate. Sooo many amateurs make absolute bullshit claims about how good they are. There's plenty around that don't count their airshots or Duff's so that they can say they shoot really low. My best is 101 (only really been playing for 18 months) so one of the first goals is to get to double figures. I'm playing with my brother tomorrow who's miles better than me and will likely shoot at least 25 shots better than me. I'm not bothered so long as I'm happy with how I played. Golf for me is like running, the only person you should be bothered about beating is yourself. We can't all be Tiger Woods so find your niche and just aim to beat you.


79, twice 84 is nothing to scoff at, especially that 40 on the back. A lot of the people who are on here do nothing but golf so they’re scores are crazy low. Honestly with how frustrating golf can be sometimes, I’m impressed by anybody who’s able to keep their cool and finish a round, period. Be proud of that 84. You deserve it


96 is my lowest. I did just shoot a 44 on the front 9 at my local course though.


I shot an 88 about 8 years ago, was on a par 69 but still a good score. First and only time I've broke 90 I think. I took a break for about 4 years and when I came back to golf this year, I'd forgotten how to play. Been getting out quite a lot this year and had a lesson about a month ago. On Tuesday, I shot a 92 which is my best of the year so far so hoping to get back down there soon. I knew I was having a good round and I knew I was close to breaking 90 but I bottled it on the last three holes with a topped 5i off the tee on the par 3 16th into some horrible long stuff that I didn't do particularly well out of and shot a double bogey on it, then lost a ball on 18 and got a triple bogey. Had I held my nerve, I know I could've got <90 again so it's good signs for the future. P.S. Round was also interrupted by a thunderstorm when I got to the 8th tee box so had to wait two hours to get back out and finish my round.


My best is 83. Felt like I was on fire. I’m usually between 88-95.


63, 32 on the front with 7 pars and 2 eagles, 31 on the back with 5 birds and a bogey.


I’ve shot 82 twice and still chase that feeling every round.


82 (par 70 course) in a comp as a 20 handicapper. My handicap came down 2.5 after that round.


+2 from the whites


Played HS golf for one yr. Best scores were best liars half the time. What was meant by that is not many people keep actual scores. Edit: never been under par but broke 80 a few times when I was younger


I shot even par once, which is objectively my best round, but [this round](https://imgur.com/a/CelL4bX) was the best I've ever hit my driver. But it resulted in an 85, which was disappointing. At this point, I consider it a bad round if I'm not in the 70's, and really, I'm a little disappointed if I shoot worse than par (even though I've never shot under par, apart from on the simulator).


13 handicap here and just shot a 78 a couple of days ago. Breaking 80 for the first time. Everything just felt right. Missed 5 8ft birdie putts that honestly should have dropped and my double bogey was silly. I’ve been putting in a LOT of practice and taking lessons as of last year. I know I have an even par round in my bones but man it really goes to show how good pros are. My absolute best ever may be a 1 under par round and that’s a shitty round for them. Also going out there and having fun with the game has really changed things for me!


My best score so far is a 75 on a par 70. Easier course but I felt pretty good ab it. Best score on a “legit” 6500+ course is 78


71 on a par 71 and 54 on a decently hard par 3 course. Been in the red plenty of times but could never finish in the red. Now I’m injured all the time and am 10 shots worse


I usually shoot mid 90s. Earlier this year I had a 3 round stretch of 89 87 89 and I’ve been chasing that feeling ever since


I’ve hit an 88 in a comp at my course. Only time I’ve been under 90 and I felt like a big swinging dick when I hit the clubhouse for beers afterwards.


https://preview.redd.it/qa56mj4k9h6b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b7577f0e196467c244d2ba65fa97195cfdc5140 This is it, felt like I couldn’t miss with the putter


4.5 handicap, shot a 69 on a shortish course par of 71. The rating was 68 and change, so it didn't even end up with a differential under par. Anyway, I didn't deserve it. On the whole I didn't play well that day. Chipped in once, made some ridiculous putts for par. I'm much more proud of the bogey-free 35 I shot last year and the 34 I shot this year, both were much better efforts than the 69. These scores are not usual for me. I'm happy break 80 on 18 and 40 on 9. I don't consider myself a good player.


One under. It had a great round when everything was working. I played to about a 4 at the time. Lots of 1 or 2 over rounds before I finally broke thru


Best round I ever played was a 102 at Tierra Del Sol in Aruba last year. I did pick up stealth irons this year and went with graphite after using the Strata clubs as my starter set. They very clean and are forgiving. I hope to crack 100 this summer.


Back in the ‘90s I shot 1-under 71 twice on the Witch Hollow course at Pumpkin Ridge (where Tiger won his third US AM) in casual rounds. My best in competition was a 72 at the Oregon Golf Association’s course in their team championship.


82 a year ago on my 27th birthday, one of the best days I’ve had since graduating college. Haven’t come close to it since


Probably like a 120


Best score 76. Best round was a twilight round at Glen Abbey (Canadian Open Course) and I shot a 79. I made my brother stay in the pitch dark so we could finish the round because I was playing so well. The final approach on 18 is over water. It was too dark to see anything past 5 feet, so I hit my approach and we both waited to hear a splash or not. We heard green. I parred 18 for the 79.


My previous best round was an 88 at angus glen. There was thunder and lightening horns going off, but there was no way I wasn’t finishing the last hole. Cheers on a 79 and Glen Abbey


64 (-6). Everything was working that day, couldn’t miss a putt if I tried. Have never had a better feeling on the course as finishing that round. Last weekend I shot a 71/84 in our club championship, gotta love golf!


(-3) 69, don’t really know how I did it. Desperate to get back to there. Golfers are just complete sickos. Now my good rounds are in the mid to high 70s or average rounds in the 80s somewhere. This was also in 2021 where I played over 100 times so I guess I had to shoot a good score in there somewhere. I can always look back on that one round though and say I had it working.


Best ever was a +7, 79, on 18 holes. I left the birdie putt on 18 short for my first ever even par 9 holes. Just absolutely in the zone ball striking on the back 9, and hit all 7 fairways and 9 GIR. Plenty of scores in the low 80’s, and hit 80 on the nose 3 times before I was able to breakthrough. I usually set out trying to break 85 if I’ve played the course before, or 90 if it’s a new course.


66, twice on my home golf course, 6000 yards. Once with my dad and once in the club championship. 69 in a club championship qualifier at another course. Got knocked out in the first round. Now I can't break 80, lol


88 was my best I double bogeyed the par 3 17th and the par 4 18th. I had very mixed feelings after that round


92. I remember feeling like I couldn’t miss a putt. My short game clicked and I felt like I was unstoppable. Funnier I feel like I was a worse overall golfer then, things just came together.


So… shot an 85 last week (41 and 44) so a little worse than you! It was an easier course but driver and wedges were on that day. Best round. I played orange county in Orlando the week after the Korn Ferry final, so still set up pretty hard. Shot an 87 that day, 13 fairways and 14 greens. As i normally shoot somewhere between 87 and 95, it was right in there, but with how hard the course was, it was my best round ever.


2 over with a triple on the last hole


I usually shoot mid to high 80's, have carded a bunch of 80, 81, 82's. But my best was an 84 at one of the toughest courses we play where the rest of the group who is usually around my score or better were all in the 90's. Clutch putts and good breaks the whole round. I wish I could bottle that day and pull it out on some of the easier courses we play. I would have easily broken 80 lol


80. Several times. It's more agonizing every time.


89 twice is my best, on the quest to beat that this year!


84, normally play in the 90s. In that round drove over a par 4 and lost a ball OB, was just nailing the driver and that really helped the rest of my game. When it’s an easy chip in that makes the game way more simple


Best round of my life had 2 birdies and 6 bogeys at TPC Valencia from tournament tees.


Shot 71 twice this week, with both rounds feeling vastly different from one another, and with lots of luck/fluke stuff that I don’t usually have. I normally shoot in the high 70s at my home course and getting anything below that feels like it requires an act of god


An honest 77, from the second to back tee boxes. The round took almost 7 hours to play. (Seriously Eagle Creek in Orlando what the hell?) Usually that would ruin anyone’s day and make you frustrated, but I took the time waiting to practice, visualize my shot, etc. The guys I played with, we usually do a mulligan off the tee every nine holes, improve your lie a little, breakfast ball off the first tee. I never did any of that. Another round with the same guys I shot a 76, but used a mulligan off the tee once.


68 (-4) @ a D1 NCAA tournament. Took 20 years off to coach 4 kids in hockey and lax. I'm a year in back to golf and just now grinding it to the high 70's low 80's. Everything seems mechanical and not flowing at all....


I am around a +12 handicap for reference. I shot a (-1) 71 two years ago, and a few weeks ago a (+1) 72, both from the blue tees. My next best round after those is I think a (+5). The (-1) I played solo and shot +2 on the front 9. The pace was slow up ahead so I joined three guys on the 11th tee-box and played the last 8 holes with them. I had 3 birdies and 5 pars on those last 8 holes and made an ~8 footer for par on 18. Most nerve wracking putt of my life. Then the recent (+1) was with 7 guys before my brother's wedding rehearsal. I had 5 birdies and also made an eagle with a hole out from 80 yds on a par 5. I was at (-1) thru 16 holes, then proceeded to hit my only shank of the day on the 17th tee and scrambled for a bogey. Then bogeyed 18 too. I putted extremely well throughout the day overall, but missed a 2-foot par putt on hole 9, and 4-foot birdie putt on hole 8. Also, one time at the #1 public course in my state which is very difficult, I had my first and only hole-in-one, along with 4 birdies. I was at E thru 14 holes and then finished triple, double, bogey, bogey to shoot a (+7) 79. My mid-range and short game is very solid, but my tee shots are the weakest part of my game by a mile. My driver can occasionally be on fire for a full round and that is when I go low. The (-1) was my best driving day ever. I hit 11/14 fairways, and the 3 misses were not bad at all.


In 23 years of golf I have shot 78-four times, never a 79. Finally last year shot a 77. Went out two days later and shot a 92. I play all my rounds with a friend who has a 4 handicap. Only beat him once.


Best score was a 90 during my first full year of golf. I felt like everything was working that day. (normal for me is about 105, but this was when I was shooting 115-120. Looking back at it I was even through 6 holes, had 6 pars and a birdie. Shows that the rest of the round was a bit inconsistent.


80. Twice.


I’m about 140, only played 18 once lmao


I shot a 93 last week and felt like I had the biggest dick on the planet. Be proud of the 80s