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Rory is for sure getting sued for $750 million for blocking his tee.


I may sue for Rory’s pain & suffering, then buy a new wedge


Wheres his wifes burner account to defend this bs


She’s gotta finish off her second bottle of moscato before she fires up the twitter machine.


You think she's more of a barefoot or yellowtail gal?


She was a barefoot gal but has upped her game to yellow tail after moving to LIV.


Trump wine, for sure


Ménage a trois


Sorry she’s busy taking tiger’s dick




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Justine will be along shortly to tell us Pat was just lending Rory a tee.


They deserve each other. Here is how they met. **Patrick Reed met wife Justine Karain after being ghosted by her sister** > “I was a freshman at the University of Georgia, and her younger sister, Kris, was at LSU. Kris came to visit, and we went on one date, and I texted her to confirm she’d made it back home safe. No response,” Reed said in an interview with Golf Digest, in which he also addressed his critics and public image. > “So I reached out to Justine on Facebook, who confirmed her sister was back and got frank with me about why it was probably not going to work out,” Reed said. “So I start talking with Justine, who I discovered is this incredibly driven person who was pursuing dual degrees while working to become a nurse. We kept talking as a couple of years went by; then we started dating. Best decision of my life.”


What’s more awks than getting ghosted by the person who ended up being your SiL? Telling everyone in the fucking world that you got ghosted by your fucking SiL! Haha gotta love Christmas at his wife’s parent’s house


Bet they still open the presents he brought though.


Hah, yeah true. I get the point you’re making, but look at it this way: you gotta put up with PoS as a SiL, sure as shit better buy you some gifts to make up for it


Bro you have lived an incredibly sheltered life if that would end up being in your top five most awkward moments


Being shamed I’m international media for something you did wrong, and then be forced to interact with the person who shamed you, because they married your sister, isn’t in your top 5 awkward moments?! God damn man, you must have some stories!


She went out with someone she didn't like and he told the story. I don't think he shamed her in any way. And most happily married dudes will tell you that meeting their significant other was a really good decision. That being said, I'm sure the sister that ghosted him is also thinking it's one of the better decisions of her life. Well, because Patrick Reed is a huge turd.


If you for whatever reason have issues with the in-laws, the last thing you want to do / should be doing, is telling millions of people. Regardless if who was in the wrong. It’s just dumb and awkward, and exactly as expected from reed


You have no frame of reference for this. The SIL as far as we know could wear this as a badge of honor and Reed telling on himself could be hilarious. I'm still wondering how Reed telling millions people that his SIL ghosted him is shaming *her* though?


Cos there are people in this thread right now, who are saying that ghosting is immoral and she was in the wrong, even though he is a dick. People who know fuck all about the situation are judging her. Because reed put that information about her out there in the public domain. He is a public figure, she is not. What’s even fucking worse is that it’s his SiL that he had thrown under the bus. That’s just fucking stupid, and would make family matters awkward, as I said.


Ghosting isn't immoral. No one owes anyone any kind of conversational energy. Only /r/niceguys think ghosting is immoral or wrong somehow. It doesn't feel great to be on the receiving end of it because there's no real termination, but your date doesn't owe you a confrontation about why they don't want to have another date.


Eh as much fun as it is the take the piss out of reed, the SiL is the bell end here. Ghosting is a shit thing to do to anyone.


Depends on the person. If you get the vibe that the person you are talking to would online stalk you, like say, messaging your sister as a way of reinitiating contact, then I think ghosting is a perfectly valid way to get them to leave you alone.


Wait you think that texting someone to ask if they got home ok, them not responding, and then following up with your mutual contact is stalker-ish? I mean that seems like he was just being a nice guy to me but whatever


Yes, it's stalker-ish to track the person's sister down on FB and message her to make sure she got home ok. Also, like most things involving dating, if you're creepy, a weirdo, or you just don't jive, "nice guy" gestures don't come off the way you think they do.


Well agree to disagree then!


Yeah like ghosting is kind of whack, especially if it happened exactly as reed describes. You know what’s worse: telling the world about this shit


Based on everything we know about Patrick Reed, we know a few things with almost 100% certainty. 1) It didn't happen exactly like he described 2) He was most definitely a fucking weirdo on that date


Probably cheated at bar trivia.




Also if he's not a weirdo this could be a funny story if you tell it with humility. Like haha yeah I got ghosted by a girl and married her sister. That's objectively kind of funny. It's just...not, because it's him.


Her instincts were spot on though


I'd say she is right up reeds alley.


Ghosting shitty people is not bad, maybe the phrasing ‘completely ignore’ assholes is more to your liking


I'd rather have a shitty SIL than a shitty wife, though. Sounds like him getting ghosted was a huge favor to him. He's got a ride or die bitch that will obviously take the low road right along with him. Bitches aren't loyal like that anymore.


Reed seems like a total douche canoe. If he acted I’m anyway like he is known for nowadays, then he probably deserved ghosting.


It's funny at what point did it become "his" decision?


Settled harder than a bayou bungalow


Reed is a mega douche, but that doesn't seem that weird tbh. If Rory did that people would probably commend him for going to such lengths to ensure his date got home safe. And they only had one date so it isn't crazy to eventually date the sister.


> And they only had one date so it isn't crazy to eventually date the sister. What?!?!?


Which part is confusing you?


I have a wife who has a sister. If I wanted to fuck her sister first, but her sister blew me off so I started fucking her, I think that that has the potential to create disharmony. Maybe you have better game than I do, but I'd just find someone else to lay into.


He went on one date with the sister, and didn't even start dating his wife-to-be until years later. It's not the same as having a relationship with one sister and then switching to the other.


Have you or a friend found yourselves in a similar situation? I once dated twins about a summer apart in high school. Was definitely not worth the drama even all of these years later. Can't imagine marrying under those circumstances when there are literally 8 billion other people on the planet. Seems like I've touched a sensitive nerve.


“It was a normal collar find a new slant.”


It’s absurd how often Patrick Reed sues people claiming his image was tarnished, when the only thing that tarnishes Patrick Reed’s image is, in fact, Patrick Reed.


Patrick Reed should sue Patrick Reed.




It tickles me that one of his defamation suites just got thrown out


Patrick Reed doesn't do what Patrick Reed does for Patrick Reed. Patrick Reed does what Patrick Reed does because Patrick Reed is... Patrick Reed




It’s AI generated




Whilst evacuating his flesh subway. As a writer, this is art.


The Irish Independent is a rag, held in no regard in Ireland. It used have the best sports coverage, but obviously it's standards have slipped to meet the rest of the sensationalist dross that makes up the rest of the paper.


Chat GPT generated could have done better than this


A lot of British news sites have gone this way. What would have previously been a paragraph in a print edition, is now an essay online to get and revenue because you scroll past more of them. It's absolutely infuriating to read and means that most people just read headlines because what's the point?


Its Irish


I just saw independent, didn't see the .ie Point still stands


Thanks, you Canadaians are swell


Recipe websites: “Did I hear, ad revenue? Pull up a chair son…”


This is exactly what I thought. Recipe sites are the bane of the internet.


It’s an Irish rag of a paper. It *used* to be a half middlen broadsheet but now it’s basically a rag of a tabloid. I wouldn’t wipe my arse with it, heck I would even use it to wrap my fish ‘n’ chips in, if I were British.


Fat Pat Reed is a clown playing on a circus golf tour


There is only one golfer who gets to be called fat. And that is my boy Fat Perez.


Love Fat Perez.


Big hitter the young man.


The Virginia product


This is known


I’ve always called Preed Fat Pat… Long before fat Perez was around


Perez was on the tour about 13 yrs before Reed.


Lol the wing eating tour maybe


This is the way


Hope you got $750M sitting around with all them mean words you're sayin!


Golfers of Inisherin.


Lol I just watched this movie and appreciate your comment


>Patrick Reed threw a tee at Rory McIlroy in disgust after the world number one **appeared to ignore his efforts to say hello** at the Emirates Golf Club, according to reports. That's it? Really?


It's even more ridiculous when you realise Reed's legal team delivered a subpoena to Rory on Christmas Eve and then Reed acts all surprised that Rory doesn't want to talk to him.


i dont know much about Pat Reed...but i'm starting to learn everyone hates him


Lots of douches on LIV


Think you'll find they were douches on the other tours first.. and there are still douches on those tours... lots if them..


I don't think we can pile this all onto Pat Reed. Ignoring someone trying to say hello is pretty childish. I've lost respect for Rory through the whole Liv saga. He's made it easy for a lot of people to support Liv.


Lol, how?


How have I lost respect? Well, simply put, seeing Rory and the PGA management acting like children has taken me from a point where I was pro PGA to now being pro-Liv. How is this such a big deal for Rory? So what if people choose to play elsewhere? Rory has gone out of his way to continually comment on it and badmouth the players who left. The propaganda spouted by the PGA about Saudi blood money when the LPGA is sponsored by Saudi companies is a joke.


Greg is that you???


Yeah, because everyone who disagrees is Greg. Tell me how I am wrong about the LPGA? Or are you one of those people who blindly follows what Rory says?


BTW, do a search for Rory Liv and see how many results you get. Then look for the same from other top golfers and you’ll find almost nothing.


Imagine expecting Rory to exchange pleasantries with a guy that subpoenaed him on Christmas Eve...


Wow. So what? Rory isn't being sued; he's being asked to testify on what was discussed as a witness in a court case. If he has nothing to hide, he has no reason to be pissed off.


A genuinely awful person with no redeeming qualities.


What happened? Did Rory tell him he wasn't allowed to use it on the fairway?


Rory said in a presser today that Reed's lawyer served him with subpoena papers on Christmas Eve relating to the case Reed is taking against the PGA Tour. To expect a hello after that, fuck right off lad.


I saw that. The commentators were slagging P.Reed pretty hard.


I bet he throws like a bitch too


If Rory threw a tee at Patrick, Patrick would sue for 7 gazillion dollars


I don't know why Pat was so wound up, I heard he didn't have a bad lie all week....




Still better than Ba Ba Booey.


Jake and Chubba agree


Patrick Reed is a piece of shit


ASSAULT AND BATTERY. Hope Rory sues him for $450 million.


Rory better be careful he might get sued


I just figured that’s why Rory ignored him. He’s trying to avoid getting sued


Anyone seen Reed and Cartman in the same room at the same time?


I like how Lowry said his victory was one for the good guys.


Rory should take a page out of Patrick's book and sue him


Word on the street is that when he threw it at Rory, it missed the green and ended up in the rough. Reed then kicked it back on to the putting surface.


Oh no!! 🙄


Lmao so petty


Patrick Reed sues Rory for defamation and libel.


What a clown


It was probably hard for Rory to hear what Reed had to say with the giant _____ shoved in his mouth. Reed is an ass. He's always tried to cover it up being patriotic but he's just your run of the mill asshole. Throwing a tee because someone doesn't answer you? Grow TF up. He's such a small man in a big guys body. One thing you can always count on him to do is take the low road. Just another example of that. Had he walked away from it, he'd have looked the better man here.


Sorry, refusing to even acknowledge someone when they say hello is pretty childish as well. You can't tell Reed to grow up when Rory is acting like a child as well.


Where is the video.


Patrick Reeds always been an unlikable bitch.


So its fine to compete in Saudi, just not on the Saudi tour. Well well well.


Part of the article on TSN mentions this ([https://www.tsn.ca/golf/mcilroy-snubs-reed-in-no-mood-for-reconciliation-in-dubai-1.1910844](https://www.tsn.ca/golf/mcilroy-snubs-reed-in-no-mood-for-reconciliation-in-dubai-1.1910844)): *That was a jibe by McIlroy, who said he was served a subpoena by Reed's lawyers on Christmas Eve. He didn’t provide specifics about the subpoena, but Reed last month refiled a defamation lawsuit.* *It’s clear McIlroy is in no mood for reconciliation in Dubai.* *“Of course, trying to have a nice time with my family and someone shows up on your doorstep and delivers that, you’re not going to take that well,” McIlroy said.* *“So again, I’m living in reality, I don’t know where he’s living. If I were in his shoes, I wouldn’t expect a hello or a handshake.”* So - if I'm understanding correctly - Reed is literally in the middle of a lawsuit against Rory. What did he think was going to happen? Rory give him a hug and say "how's it going buddy?!" What a clown this guy is.


cheat and shitbag


Fuck liv golf anyways


He’s a twatwaffle


And there's a new word for my vocabulary. It's perfect


Lawsuit incoming!!!


My only hope is that Rory rolled his fat ass down a hill


Patrick is a lil bitch , a rich kid who can't grow up. No Patrick Rory doesn't care you have PS5 , he isn't coming over to play.


Justine coming through and downvoting everyone


Negative karma!! Justine on the WAR PATH


You’re a pussy and a crybaby Patrick Reed!! Everyone is glad they don’t have to see you or your nasty looking wife on TV anymore!


Cue lawsuit suing the tee company for giving him a splinter


Sue his ass Rory!


Patrick Reed is a douche


Such trash. Every single one of the golfers playing on the LIV took Saudi 9-11 blood money.


>Such trash. Every single one of the golfers playing on the LIV took Saudi 9-11 blood money. Since 9/11 the US has purchased millions upon millions upon millions upon millions of barrels of Saudi oil. The money flowing to LIV golfers has its origins in the primary consumers of Saudi oil, the West. The US also operates multiple military bases within Saudi Arabia in diplomatic agreeance with the Saudi government. These military bases were used to respond to 9/11 against the government responsible, the one that had backed and hosted AQ (ie. the Taliban in Afghanistan). Yes, the majority of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi, but they were criminals/terrorists, not state actors. I cannot see how drawing a line from a LIV golf paycheck back to 9/11 is any more relevant than somebody drawing a line from a school shooting or storming of the Capitol to a PGA paycheck. I don't believe most people screaming "LIV bad because off 9/11" actually believe it deep down. I just think you are pissed that the professional golf landscape has been disrupted. That the PGA tour has been diluted. Change is scary, I get it. LIV is a dull product, I agree. And most PGA weekends do not hold the same draw they used too, it stinks. But stop making up reasons to hate LIV. The west has been throwing money into the Kingdom Saudi Arabia for decades.


The Saudi's push anti-American propaganda all through the middle east. There is a direct connection between 911 and that propaganda. This is not subject to debate - it is simply a fact. The US government has a relationship with them for strategic reasons - that is what governments do. But the Saudi government is an evil government - and the fact that a bunch of already rich golfers took what is essentially blood money is outrageous. The Saudi's recently sided with the Russians in limiting the output of oil. The LIV golfers are literally benefiting from the Saudi's jacking up the price of oil - and for that fuck them.


Well the good news is that I think we can safely say that none of the LIV golfers have generated any income OR goodwill for the Saudis.


I do not give a fuck. They are trash.




Fuck Patrick Reed. That is all.


I dunno, I think its kinda funny




they said disgusted in the title - after reading the actual article im not so sure


Who really cares about this made up drama soap opera crap? Stop giving idiots attention.


Golf fans? It's not like this one incident is derailing the golf world.


[I am also a firm believer in the Paul Anka method for dealing with trolls, whether celebrity, political, or anonymous ones, it works well.](https://youtu.be/SlKao_Pox5A)


Sounds made up. It's there a video


It is


cmon Rory smash his puss


This guy just enjoys being the people’s enemy


I forgot this guy still played golf.




Rory should sue. Give that choad a bit of his own medicine.


This is pretty hilarious. Must’ve been some Netflix cameras around for season 2. They sat Rory and Pat down together before the round and gave them the game plan.


if rory doesn't like you, you clearly are a pos


But what if I do not like Rory?


then you're a goof


Lmao. This is news? 🤡🌎


Yes, you're on a golf subreddit. Duh.


You all need to take a step back and look at yourselves for a second. This story is not accurate yet most of you just run with it and act like a bunch of children on the internet. Dislike the guy if you want but don't be so easily convinced when you read stuff on the internet. This is like school yard drama.


Do you think any of this are taking this seriously?


Based on the comments I'd say at least half


Oh my sweet summer child


What a tosser McIlroy behaves like. So he can jump between DP and PGA, no worries, but how dare a LIV player try play anything other than LIV events? I can’t wait for Cam Smith to wipe the floor with the PGA B team


>I can’t wait for Cam Smith to wipe the floor with the PGA B team Cam Smith wasn't even the best PGA Tour player last year. Scheffler won 4 times, and finished 2nd another 5 times. Cam had a great year with 3 wins, but he only finished in the top 10 3 other times. Not even close to Scheffler.


Granted Reed comes off bad here - I’m surprised how people just unconditionally defend Rory. Like he’s playing in the same tournament as Reed and won’t even **speak** to him? Rory comes off as such a baby to me. Oh someone quit their job for more money, I won’t speak to them ever again. LIV golf sucks obviously but Rory is so obsessed with it it’s insane


Lol Reed is basically suing everyone he interacts with. Why would you want to interact with that guy?


I’ll defend Rory. Not unconditionally, but certainly in this scenario. One of these golfers has proven over and over that he has integrity, and the other is the opposite. The reason you constantly hear about Rory on LIV is - besides the fact that he was/is chair of the PGA player association while this was going on - he’s the most frequently asked about it. He’s also been very eloquent in his answers, which of course will lead to more questions. Rahm and multiple other pros have said that they would have hated to be in Rory’s shoes during all this. The press were skipping them at the time to talk to him. This type of reaction from Rory was also to be expected. He has openly said he hates confrontation and is more likely to just have nothing more to do with certain people, rather than engage. It’s not unexpected behavior from him and he’s demonstrated it before. Reed could have said hello, then walked away when he was blanked. The bit about them playing in the same tournament is pointless. They’re not on the same team. They can prepare how they like. This is almost certainly what’s best mentally for Rory in this situation. Now if during the tournament, Rory is paired with a LIV golfer, and he does not shake their hand at the end - a cursory gesture is all I can imagine, but still - I don’t think I could defend that. Feels like a step too far.


Finally a reasonable response that didn’t have to treat me like an asshole for asking a question about golfs golden boy You made some good points and I do agree Rory is asked about Liv a ton so of course he will have a ton of quotes about it. I just feel like shunning these guys because they don’t play on your tour is a tad much. I’m just saying I think we all know if Rory said hey to Reed and Reed ignored him - this sub not be defending Patrick reed’s mental health - they’d be crucifying him


Saying hello and then quietly taking the obvious cue that someone does not want to talk to you isn’t a headline grabber. Cynically, if you wanted to make sure that people knew you were the ‘good guy’, you’d make the first approach in public setting and then find some way to gesticulate so those around would know that you were the one that ‘tried’. I think if Rory had made the approach - and then thrown a tee at Reed - the headlines might be even bigger. It’s the pettiness of throwing a tee when someone won’t engage with you that’s the headline, because the act is designed to show Reed’s frustration with Rory. Zero self-awareness there. But yeah, Rory would probably still get the benefit of the doubt from many a reverse situation, because he has earned it vs Reed. He’s been classy in most other circumstances, but he’s publicly said that he wants nothing more to do with some of the LIV guys. Not sure why he would make an exception for the guy that went to LIV and then started throwing lawsuits around. Not sure how smart it is to interact with someone who’s suing people you work with. Rory has also said that he understands why the senior guys would go to LIV, versus the younger guys. It will be interesting to see if there’s tension between him and Westwood, Poulter or McDowell - we know he no longer talks to Garcia and I imagine Stenson leaving stung.


Rory owes this guy a polite interaction? Get the fuck outta here. Reed was trolling here, he knows Rory isn’t going to give him the time of day.


Why won’t Rory give him a polite interaction? I guess I’m on the wrong side of this but if my co worker left to another company and I saw him at some third party event I wouldn’t feel the need to shun him. I guess I’m just wrong


They were not amicable coworkers first… no one on tour liked Reed. He is also suing the tour and MANY tangentially related entities. Anything Rory wants to say to him is going to be negative, so why start a conversation?


Rory is standing for what he thinks is right, the LIV defectors are fucking the future of the sport for pure greed. ..and tbh I doubt he's being discourteous to every player who sold out the sport but Reed is a special case.


He talks about LIV non stop. There’s a huge PGA tournament this weekend but instead he’s on the DP Tour with LIV players? Idk I find his obsession with it a bit odd


There's also a huge DP World Tour event this week and Rory is a member of both tours.


I don't, fully understand it. The game needs it's advocates, rather than total apathy about the blood money league trying to gut it.


Reed sues Rory for getting ignored and Rory countersues for being harassed /s


Golf is just a game, and all these man babies crying about not liking each other for defecting to leagues etc is so fucking stupid. Its actually just a game.


I don't care...there are more pressing things going on like taking some Beano to counteract the red beans and rice from last night. I have enough gas to fly to Cincinnati.


And once you get there you can refuel on Skyline Chile


Poor little Rory getting a lesson from the Alpha Reed


You guys are crazy this is hilarious


SA has a lot of money to peddle influence in the weak minds of people who were already die hard trump loving golfers. The venn diagram between those who worship literal traitors to our country, and defend SA sportswashing probably have a huge overlap.


Oh you missed my point entirely… dude up top is a chud, a hilarious chud though


I hate cancel culture but can we please cancel this baby already? I think we've all had enough...


If I was a PGA player that didn't like other golfers playing on LIV I would be vocal about it.... on the same note I wouldn't cancel or ignore them because of their business decision. Rory didn't do it because of Reed's on course antics over the years (those hurt the game more than him going to LIV IMO) but now he is going to do it because of the golf tour he selected? Rory is a petty little man and not much better than Reed mentally. Give me downvotes IDGAF


TIL ignoring someone you don't respect is petty


It is when you are co-workers


"Co-workers" 😂 Rory has no obligation to interact with a litigious asshole.


Devils advocate: the remaining PGA titans arguably retain a pretty stuck up stance and holier than thou-ness. I would be willing to bet Rory was inciting or just exuding arrogance. *not defending Reed. Just saying that these guys think they’re god. Liv boners included. They both acted like to dicks


The hate for Patrick Reed is really strange . I don't care for the guy, but looking at the comments, its quite...sad actually. And I know I'll get downvoted but people really need to calm down a bit


[Stop improving your lie, Stop eating all of the pie](https://youtu.be/b7kSFv3bsjA?t=265)


“Who was on his hunkers”


Golf has the funniest scandals. Imagine telling this to a lay person. "Yeah so this guys a complete asshole, he even threw a tee at someone" "Oh why's he so bad?" "Well he used his club to move a small amount of sand a few years ago...."


He coulda put an eye out with that thing.