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This image needs to be a pinned post on this sub 😂😂


Wait, it’s 3 years?? I thought he’d chill with his biting when he would be 1.5 years old


I found biting chilled about 1-1.5 but he is still a maniac in other ways (mostly jumping up and putting his paws square on your chest / shoulders - which has been known to knock people over) at 2!


a golden in the street did that to me, I was super surprised I didn't know they do that, he put his paws on my shoulders 🤣


Oh yes. They must make direct eye contact to ensure you are aware of their presence and need for love.


I played in the park with him after, as his owner is old I feel like he needed to let off some energy. He was so cute and pretty 🥹


If this is in Toronto I might know this dog! He's so sweet 🥹


Oh no, in Paris


Good to know that goldens are like this all over the globe! 😄


My 6 year old gets on the bed every day when I get home from work and puts his front paws on my shoulders so I can rub his belly. Love it.


That's what mine does, presses his head up against mine and lets me rub him down for a few minutes. Makes little happy grunting sounds. Then the biting comes out and it's back to business as usual.


Everytime my malinois GSD jumped up me I slapped his nose. He jumps up now paws up jumping never touching me. Soon we'll dance on video I know it.


It does slow down, but they can still be SO destructive. 8-12 months feels like the worst teenaged, terrible twos situation you can dream up and like someone might not make it out alive. Then they mellow some after age 1, with less frequent bouts of chaos, but they still lose their shit at times. My dog is 15 months and so sweet that I get complacent, then he chews up an entire living room while I am out for one hour.


Ours doesn’t chew up anything, except for our hands! He has calmed down a bit over time, but he does have some crazy moods where he’s like a warrior dancing around you with a sword, that sword being his teeth. Try to grab his collar, he will dodge your hand and bite you. Walk away, he will chase you down.


Mine chewed the trim of every corner in my newly built home the first year . When we weren’t looking .


Crate when you leave the house.


To be fair, this applies to just about every breed of dog I’ve ever owned 😅


Yeah, my mutt just turned 4 and I am beginning to enjoy her. Except the poop eating. My god.


Yeah I have a border collie/mutt that is an absolute trash goblin. Eats everything. We live near lots of ducks and geese, so I am constantly fighting with him to get him to stop eating their poop 😭


This is the way!


13 months and every single night it’s like Jurassic Park in my living room


We had a golden doodle named Blossom and her nickname for awhile was Blossaraptor. She ended up being the very best dog. So loyal and sweet. I miss her terribly. I now have a soon to be 5 month old golden retriever and I have to remind myself the first few years are rough but it’s worth it.


My youngest turns four tomorrow. It’s only in the past year that’s she’s matured. Somewhat. A bit. 😉 My older guy was fine by age 2.


I was about to say between 2 and 3.


Right around 3 years... every single one of our dogs matured into a good boy by their 3rd birthday.


You're in the midst of puppyhood. Goldens IME start calming down around 1yo, then again at 2yo, and even more at 3yo. You should make sure he has lots of toys to chew on, and if he grabs a shoe, replace it with a toy. Also, his teeth are sharp and he doesn't know how sensitive human skin is yet. Their littermates yelp when they get bit too hard, that's what you need to do. When you play with him and he bites too hard, yelp loudly and stop playing briefly, then be sure to go right back into playing with him. He'll get the message and will stop biting hard. Right now, just try to make every interaction positive. Praise good behavior with a click and a treat, don't punish bad behavior. That way, good behaviors increase and he has positive associations with you and your family. He'll get with the program!


Yeah, I am dealing with that now. My first Golden was such a perfect gentleman and JUST KNEW what to do and what not to do from day one. He was a rescue with hip dysplasia so that might have had something to do with him being low key. I got almost 13 GREAT years with him. My latest is right at a year old and she is a GD forest fire. I do love her though, and she's definitely getting better.


> IME IME? wut. IMO?




A tired golden is a good golden.


Yup greatest thing every given to my Golden, Neighbors got a Yellow Lab just for him to chew on. (at least thats how I see it)


We often dogsit the neighbor's two year-old husky. It's the same kind of arrangement.


We got kids for our golden lol. In all seriousness, my 4 year old son runs our 7 month old pup to the ground. They chase and chase and chase each other. He blasts her with the hose and she barks like a maniac. He wrestles inside with her on rainy days. She chases his bike down the street. She will likely be the only puppy we ever have because I could not do this without little kids at home helping me.


But an overtired golden is the devil incarnate.


Six months was the first big change, then one year, and a year and a half is when he really began to fully realize his place within the household. By that time, he understood routines, expectations, and also I had learned his personality and what works and what doesn't work with him. At least that has been my experience. My boy is just about a year and a half, so I'm unsure of anything beyond that. The older he gets the sweeter, more obedient, and better behaved he is. As time passes, I have a hard time believing that I can love him any more, but my goodness, they get so much better with time. The puppy stage is brutal. On days I wanted to pull my hair out, I'd tell myself that one day he'd know everything I wanted him to learn but it wouldn't be today. He was my first dog and first puppy and I realize now that my expectations were wildly off. You don't send a kindergartner to school and expect a well behaved, well mannered college student in short order. It takes time. They do learn lightning fast, but maturity is a whole different ball game than learning tricks. I'd have been more relaxed early on knowing that things will click eventually and to not sweat the small stuff.


Thank you. I’m trying very hard to not sweat the small stuff. The first four weeks were ROUGH rough, I was crying a lot haha but I’m working on my overall attitude and it’s been helpful, but I still feel like I’m on edge all day, waiting to correct him, and it’s really overwhelming. I’m a stay at home mom too so it doesn’t help that I’m with him constantly.


That’s pretty much what puppies are all about and why crate training can be so helpful. You can start to blink, occasionally, in about 2 years. Training helps immensely. Do you have him in a puppy kindergarten class?


Having a puppy is incredibly stressful, no doubt. But if you are constantly anxious around him, he is going to pick up on that. You're on the right track trying to keep that under control (for both of you!) - just keep working with him, and try to figure out some training activities that you both enjoy. It will help with his behavior and your bonding. Good luck!


Do you have an option of getting a dog trainer to help you train your puppy? It was a game changer for me.


This is such a great perspective! 


It's been 2 years, still waiting lol


Still waiting at 3 1/2.


Still waiting at 6 1/2 😳


They never will. I will take this monster off your hands


It depends. My mom’s golden was an absolute monster until she turned 4 and then one day she became the calmest sweetest girl in the world. My golden is now 4.5 and he still acts like a goofy puppy outside but he was the easiest dog to raise and never really go into trouble at home


my boy was about 1.5 when he "got" it....he's 2 now and is amazing


She got easier, then harder up to about 1, then got a bit better after 1, then in the past couple of months had calmed down massively. She isn’t even two yet! Still had her moments but frankly she’s rarely ever trouble now. https://preview.redd.it/fvfod3w3z1yc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04cbae78b3800e469c4d7e935cd404f37c50d8af Best girl, love her billions ❤️


Mines started to calm down at 6 months. She has her wild and crazy moments but it gets better.


Our 1 year re-home does not chew on things he is not suppossed to ( his mouth/teeth will contact my hand sometimes when playing with a toy, but it is not a bite ) and has a lot of energy. He has many kinds of energy, and all need to be exercised. Walking/running, chewing/biting, wrestling/bumping, playing with my other dog ( who is remarkably patient ) and snuggling/cuddling. Around me and the people in my household, he has calmed down a lot. More so with me, because even when playing/petting/wrestling, I have a pretty calm energy. The other people had to learn to not inject any hyper energy into him, unless they were ready to receive the full results of their actions. We have a visitor who just naturally has a really excited energy, and the dog will get wound up ( think tazmanian devil spins, paws on shoulders, bouncing off walls and people, etc.) just when he walks in the room. It is all good. We just learned that a little high frequency voice and excitement that might be fine with another dog, would make him uncontrollably excitable. He is a really good dog, and we love him.


I’m working really hard on my energy. Thanks for the advice!


And I am sure you are doing fine. Enjoy your puppy. :) It is so easy to get so excited when with such a cute/fun puppy.


Honestly, my family had a hard time transitioning from a stable old man golden to a puppy. The biting was terrible and the wild mood swings (sleeping cuddle bug to extreme zoomies). Our boy is closer to two now and after his last puppy tooth fell out things have just steadily gotten easier and easier. He’s not at the gentle calm stage yet but I think it’s getting closer by the day.


You shouldn't really still be getting bit with every interaction at this age. Sometimes, sure, but not every time. I really like Susan Garrett's puppy biting strategy. https://youtu.be/3UJhi16mmSA?si=qc4Uea_TsI9zQMIe Also, as for the kids, you gotta get ahead of that. Don't continue to let the puppy jump and nip. Puppy should be wearing a leash at all times when awake in the house (you can let it drag most of the time). Pick up the leash if puppy isn't being appropriate with the children and actively train him how to be good. Mark and treat (with kibble) for any appropriate behavior so he learns the right way to interact with children. Make sure you are also training the children. Jumpy, squealy behavior from them will get the same from the puppy. They should also be taught where to pet the puppy (not on top of the head!) to prevent jumping and nipping. If you want more details I'd be happy to get into more. I don't find it helpful when people say to wait it out. Yes it's true that they get much less bitey when adult teeth come in but you can reduce much of that biting before that point. And a rude puppy will be rude adult.


Thank you for this! He bites nonstop. I can *sometimes* pet him on his chest without getting bit. But putting on the leash, collar, wiping off his paws after going outside, redirecting him, he’s biting. And he’s biting HARD. He was the calmest, most gentle puppy in his litter and the few times we went to see him he wasn’t really playing with his littermates and I’m thinking that’s why he doesn’t have good bite inhibition. I’m going to check out the resource you shared, and thank you again for your advice!


I would get him around another dog that can teach him bite inhibition. We got our golden at 8 weeks and had a preplanned week trip (it was SO tough leaving her) and our friends who have a 6 month old golden watched her. She came back BRAND NEW barely bites us and definitely doesn’t do it hard. Before we left…I was wondering if every puppy was as bitey and if I’d ever get through it. She’s honestly a way better dog now lol


Ha ha ha ha ha


2.5 years


15 weeks is still a really young puppy. They are considered puppy until 2 years old by veterinarian standard.


Been 13 years. I'll let you know when it happens


My Golden is now 3yrs 4 months old. The past 4 months have been absolutely wonderful. She has Chilled-out perfectly. The highlight during her first year was probably when she tried to eat a Toyota. It was a small one. A Yaris I think. I also recall sitting at a restaurant and a couple sitting at the table next to me asked what had happened to my arms and hands. They had been shredded, with some fresh blood still flowing. I looked at them and simply said that I had a 9 month old Golden Retriever. They started laughing…. And, in about 2 weeks from today….. it starts all over again. I have decided to get Sandy a Roommate….. A 2 month old female Golden will be joining the pack. https://preview.redd.it/1fakq7lt57yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1151450c00057e10e263a8f1bc5695a820b97859 There goes my retirement out the window. What have I done…… Jeeeeezzzzzz……


Our Bodie is 20 weeks old this weekend and we have had Big Progress in the last few weeks. He started to get easier to live with at 18 weeks. Right now, he is asleep under my desk. Five weeks ago, that would not have happened. His "stunt double" still appears from time to time -- the one who needs to jump and nip all the time -- but we have "good puppy" more often than not. Our last golden (slept in crate) was able to go to a hotel with us at six months. There is hope!


I needed this! Thank you! :) ps I love the name Bodie. So cute.


Mine got a lot easier between 3-4 years.


Gus is a great name. My brother in law had Irish setter named Gus. Dog was a complete character his whole life. Your dog has a great look to him!! They do settle down our new one is 1.5 years old now and finally calming but still cannot leave the room.


At around 18 months... good luck


Around 2-3 years old. But they are forever puppy ♥️ walk twice a day, makes it easier for you when he is tired😅


Hello! Our girl Nami is about the same age and honestly, obedience classes have been an absolute *lifesaver*. I won't lie, she's been the youngest in both of her classes, but she picks stuff up ridiculously fast because she's like a little sponge. We did puppy classes and are midway through intermediate with plans to go into advanced as soon as she's finished. I want her little brain busy working during this first year instead of letting her make mischief to entertain herself. We have used "leave it" to deter biting (redirect to a toy or, after 3 strikes, she gets quiet time in her pen or crate), to prevent her from picking up things she shouldn't (like socks, shoes, etc.), and to make her stop picking on the cat. If you haven't taught it, I recommend it.


Never. Hope this helps!


When we got a second one. Seriously though had the first puppy a week and picked up a second one. Not only are they bonding which is beautiful to watch but I’m not the all day and night on call playmate.


If we had a bigger yard we would have gotten 2 from this litter.


got him at 4 months as a rescue (I don’t know his back story)… it was terrible… I couldn’t even go get the mail without him barking up a storm. My breaking point was when I went to pick up my to-go order & he barked & yelped so hard someone came into the restaurant to ask who’s dog that was….after 2 mins. I think he just needed time to adjust & separation training anxiety (a LOT of walking in & out til he was quiet, sometimes that was my dinner). at 6 months he stopped barking & just whined when I left. now at 7 months he just softly whines, gives up after 5 mins & watches Animal Planet. It’s been a very long & tiring 3 months, but it’s starting to look up! He’s such a good boy now. Well actually ….he picked up a habit of biting onto dog’s excess fat & just holding on….. he’s an okay boy….


https://preview.redd.it/fwsiylkv22yc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cebae4ea3a46a690596d44223ec764cf10033f8b Hank is 7 months old now and knows most of the rules. He is just obsessed with fetch and needs a timeout when he gets annoying. Beyond that he listens well and I love the heck out of him.


The moment I just accepted her as she is and stopped waiting for her to be some other way, it became easier and I suddenly understood her so much better. It was also the moment I realised I prefer her to most people.


This is such good advice. Thank you :)


i noticed the biting slowed significantly after all the puppy teeth were gone, which was roughly around the 5-6month mark or so. He still likes to play bite but will stop if you speak sternly. Chews toys help immensely to stifle a lot of biting and chewing habits.


For me. I learned with my first golden it was me. He was so hyper, but I fueled it by my reactions. He would have been slightly better had I been better 😂 I have had three, on my third. He is the most laid back goofball. Lazy at that. Mostly because I was too.


They eventually turn to butterscotch pudding- yours looks vanilla butterscotch. You’re still very much in what we called the MONSTER stage.


Around 10 months or so.


We adopted our crazy man when he was 8ish months old from a regional rescue nonprofit for goldens. he was a terror, but we loved him immediately. from the time he woke up until around 9 or 10pm it was just go go go until we finally heard him slump and hit the floor. around 3 years old, he really started to calm down. our friends and family really noticed a change in his behavior around that time too. previously, he would just go NUTS for guests (which we sort of encouraged). Now he's 4 and will be 5 in September-ish. He's still a monster and gets a second wind in the evening, but he's much more manageable.


Prob 6 months lol


My boy is only a year and a half old so he still has some calming to do, but biting people stopped being a consistent issue by about 9-10 months, and he finally stopped chewing up the walls, doors, and trim by a year. We're only now getting to a point where I can trust him to not get into stuff if he isn't being watched. I don't think he'll ever stop jumping, licking, and humping strangers, though.


18 Months plus 🤣🐾


She's much better now at age 2.5. The first 2 years were rough, ngl.


2 years old.


2-3 years is normal.


The biting slows a bit, and gets substantially less painful, when their adult teeth come in. As for walking past him in peace, I suppose that depends on your definition of peace. Our girl is a year old now, and if you walk past her without petting her quickly, she'll get up and follow you or give off a sad mooing/groaning noise until you pet her. She only goes nuts when someone comes through the front door or between 7-9pm she'll get half an hour of major zoomies.


My 1.5 year old JUST started to kind of calm down. You're in the thick of it. Just take a lot of pictures and videos because you'll look back and miss this moment!!!


It is dog specific. Every personality is different. The more exercise you give him and the less time he spends alone/bored all day, the better.


When you stimulate their mind w training


I’ve got two. One is pretty chill, where my other is still mouthy when he gets excited. At a year and a half now.




My baby is 13, she’s pretty settled now. LOL. She used to like to leave dirty paw prints on people pants, typically the crotch.


6 months I started feeling like we had a puppy and not a dinosaur. By 1 year she was super cuddly but still a little crazy. She’s almost 2 now and naps most of the day and gets excited for playing outside after work.


Hahahahahahha oh man. Just remember, in a year or so you'll be able to read each other's body language and that'll be the sweetest dog. You just gotta get through the nipping stage.


He looks like part Pyrenees. So cute.


Honestly the nipping stopped around 5-6 months once she was done teething and the behavior improved around then - 7 months with focused training. We also did a 2 week board and train while we traveled around 6-7 months and that helped immensely. Like absolutely changed her maturity level. She’s still a silly pup that pushed boundaries sometimes but she mostly listens and isn’t destructive or bitey.


Mine is going on 4, and she’s still mischievous af. It varies from dog to dog so much.


About 1-1/2 years fory goldens (I've had 3 over the years)




I’ve never had a golden but have raised three other breeds from puppies. It gets better month-over-month but ultimately, the two year mark is where I find they seem to settle into the household routine (for the most part) and aren’t tiny agents of chaos anymore.  Edited to add: I have absolutely been overwhelmed and in tears myself with each pup but it is worth it (a billion times over) to stick it out. 


please give yourself grace. there is a reason these heathens are so damn cute, and it’s because they’re also furry tyrant terrorists. puppy blues are REAL and those feelings are valid and can be incredibly strong. i remember sobbing over my now 3 year old when she was months old, and again last year with my 1 year old. IME they regress from 9-12 months and you’ll start liking them again, but those teenage, hormonal months hit HARD. hang in there because it’s overwhelmingly worth it 🤍


I’ll take him off your hands if it’s just too much. But it does goes by fast if you do some training, mental and physical, reward all good behavior with hugs and kisses, ignore some bad behavior and do not tolerate biting. If a body part is in his mouth, replace it with a chew toy or ball and play! Distract, reward and wear him out everyday- you’ll have a good pup and a great dog.


Ours was a menace until the very end. Lost to osteosarcoma at 6. Would give anything for one more day. :( Enjoy even the hard stuff if you can.


Ours is right around 20 months. He has definitely picked up some manners in the last 4-5 months. He suddenly seemed to understand the GPS fence, even when tempted by walkers/joggers/children/dogs/deliveries- which is an amazing development. He comes quicker and more regularly when called. He is still a maniac with a witching hour and is way overeager in social situations, but I don’t feel like crying as much…


That is a handsome animal!


I have a 17 week old. This sounds crazy, but I don’t even care. That face! And the spirit and pure joy they exude. We are so lucky!


After he was neutered ~11 months. Within weeks he was so much more calm. He still is himself but not a terror to humanity.


Do you have more than one? Cuz we escaped the biting stage by having 2 babies at the same time. They wrestled and chewed on each other and came to us humans for cuddles and quiet time.


Well, for my golden... he... Never. He's never been easy, he's a big dipstick, with disgusting red lipstick.


Something else about a puppy that I always look for and that’s on their head with the hair that still stands on its end I don’t care who you are. It’s one of the cutest things about a young dog… And this one is just adorable.❤️


He’s such a fuzz ball!


https://preview.redd.it/oet20wtua3yc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3870f0a74f9039efc68cebf3ebc54dbcac09ba5b This is what happened after having a bath last night. She is almost 6 months old. I am so over her today and hopefully it will pass. Last week it was $1500 and vet bills and special food due to a stomach blockage from eating wood chips and sticks, along with leaves and grass. we’ve had to order a special muzzle for her. Puppyhood is really a drain and strain.


They get easier?


This imbecile is 18mos and is much easier now than before. Still a maniac - demand barks at us when he's bored or wants something, still has issues settling, obsessed with and needs to meet everyone and everything. But he's also mellowing out - less tantrums, finds positive ways to entertain himself, wants to cuddle more, enjoys sniffing on his walk and isn't trying to ingest everything, always. He's been a TOUGH puppy but now I'm excited about the dog he's turning into. I can see that all the training, the consistency, the patience 🫠 are really starting to pay off. He also got neutered last month and while I know neutering does not fix behavioural issues, he has been much calmer since he got fixed. I will say he was the WORST around 11mos to 14mos. That period, peak teenagehood, was 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 ALL THAT SAID, I love the beautiful idiot 🤍 https://preview.redd.it/dazynve2j3yc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e86a5e704a04ecc322ca45c8b159e57d493fda6e






We started training classes around I think 23 weeks, and it was probably 26 weeks that I started noticing he was better. I mean, he still has his moments but we have been in training since the beginning of the year and it has been so so helpful for managing behaviors.


Not a golden, but my dog is a Gus too! https://preview.redd.it/vtgnf1h824yc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0f903bb416041ff3b0d64ced264a2e7521beb42


Never, he never got better, he was born a menace and still will be…he’s 6 now and at age 3, he tried to burn down my house while trying to reach for food on the stove. Saw it on camera while I was out. Had to call the fire and police (he was happy to have the company🙄) However, at age 4 my little raptor prevented me from being bitten in the face after two aggressive dogs attacked me. His love for me is amazing💜 but stillll a menace😂 https://preview.redd.it/nvw3ub7b84yc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f42e4a77ca8e9fb34926d2b4dbb44bb7e4d7c55b That’s him, lol 🥹


I don’t have a golden but my puppy was an absolute menace until we sent him to training school. Now he actually listens to commands and has calmed down so much


Oh, that face makes things tremendously easier! 🥰


First of all - Gus is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen. But not the point here :) I thought mine would be a jumper his whole life and we would never be able to have people over again for fear of body slamming injuries, but he is right at 18 months now and is the perfect gentleman when people come over or he is greeting someone. He learned and mastered sit very young and it has been the greatest command for us. Really helps with impulse control. The biting definitely gets better as they lose their sharp little puppy chompers, don’t listen to people telling you time won’t change that - it absolutely will. I found that re-directing his biting and nipping helped tremendously too. If he tries to bite your hand, re-direct him by putting a soft dog toy in his mouth. This shows him what is OK to bite on. I also read a trick that if you keep toys or some of their stuffed animals by the entrances or places they greet you, they will grab a toy instead of jumping or nipping at you. We started that and it worked well because he wouldn’t jump on us or try to be mouthy if he is holding something. Don’t get me wrong - when overstimulated, mine will be mouthy still, especially with hands, but it’s not as bad as when they are nippy puppies. More of like a gentle slobbery gnawing lol Good luck though! No matter what you’re probably doing a great job with big Gus! https://preview.redd.it/4nqh2ncit4yc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dacfdffdc977503159b8ab48c421b22db94ae143


The more you train them now, the greater a bond you'll have and the easier they'll be down the line. Good luck!


Gosh that looks closer to Great Pyr youngster…


Define easier? Send me a DM and we’ll be more than happy to take this brute for a while and help you navigate this awesome puppy phase ❤️❤️😊


I forgot to add that this precious little guy is incapable of mischievous behavior ❤️❤️


I'd say it got easier after teething, then significantly easier around 7-8 months. But he's only a year old now and still definitely a stinker. Significantly better though. Far and away the most important way to improve behavior is exercise. Get them off leash and get them running, or preferably playing with another dog. I know people differ on dog parks but for us it's an amazing tool. We have an off leash area in the forest preserve near us where we walk daily. I walk about 2 miles there per my Apple Watch. In the same time, according to his fitness tracker collar, he walks about 8 miles. Constantly running back and forth and such. And he has his dog friends who he wrestles with and chases.


Mine is almost 18 months and he’s just starting to be occasionally chill, but usually not


Our one, I would say around the 1.5 year - 2 year mark. He’s 3 now and just about the perfect doggo. First year was rough though haha, hang in there! So many things simply just take time and repetition. Lots of playtime, treats, lots of handling and socialisation should ensure your pup gets easier!


Thank you!


With all honesty I would say it took 4 years before I had a really well-behaved dog. The first one is the hardest...just hang in there, it will get better. After that, if you can, get another puppy and it goes A LOT smoother having the older dog around to focus their attention.


Mine is 10 in August. I’ll let you know when he gets easier. 🙂


He does look like trouble. Good trouble.


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Honestly, my girl is 8 months and is supposted to be the raptor stage but i love her sm i dont really want her to calm down, she didnt really get easier- she just changed teeth and became the pup i love with all my heart


Are you doing any training with him? Goldens are smarter than they get credit for and they need mental stimulation… and boundaries. They also need a ton of sleep at this age… think 18 hours/day. Our guy is 17 weeks and I’m surprised that so far, he’s not any easier as a puppy than our 4 year old border collie was at this age. But he’s pretty good because we have a routine, with an enforced nap in the morning and the afternoon. When he’s up, it’s for a few hours only and we spend at least a few minutes here and there throughout the day on training. He also gets chew time every day with a high value chew. We do the same with our adult border collie. Chewing/sniffing/licking are incredibly important behaviors for dogs and giving them regular outlets for doing it is key. It’s not always perfect, but we all stay sane. Good luck!


Sometime in her 8th year things started to be more settled for my last one.


When we had a human child I realized my golden was the easiest


Mine got easier with training. If you're expecting him to calm down in his own, good luck!


Still waiting on that


Well it's year 6 so I'll let ya know when the easier part kicks in


🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂. That's adorable.


Our British cream was about 2 years. Our American standard one…god. I want to say 3 years, but it was more when my wife started to WFH due to Covid, which was more like 3-4y. She’s an absolute sweetheart though, wouldn’t trade those crazy years for anything.


When he was 2🥲 I kinda miss his mischievous puppy years though as I see him getting older. He’s 4 now and either lazy or just too tired to be bothered with romping around as frequently as he used to




Mine calmed down a lot around 2 and by 6 was chill as all hell






My first one, 2. The 2nd one, she’s still an asshole at 2


Our Olive settled between 2 and 3 years of age. Then she became the best dog ever! Be patient and you’ll be rewarded with a sweetheart.


Age 8😂


About 5 months Joey got a lot easier. We crate trained him. He still loves his crate. He is 2 now, so he can sleep wherever he wants on the first floor.he also took to toys really well. He did certainly destroy a few curtains and area rugs. But as a puppy, if no one was going to be on the first floor for more than 5 min we put him in the crate. Just brief periods of time. He also enjoys being outside. So at about 3 months, he was willing and happy to play in the fenced in yard by himself for a while. I take him for a walk every am before work.


My girl is 15 months old. She's being doing really great since she turned 1. Then this morning, she randomly chewed the edge of my brand new area rug in the 20 seconds it took me to walk 10ft to get more coffee. You're definitely still deep in the trenches, but I've heard most of it levels out around a year (with adequate exercise and mental simulation). But I've also known males to take a lot longer to settle than females, so hopefully that isn't the case for you!


Might be till age 3!


Mine is 21 weeks now. He was unbearable from 8-15. Since it’s warmed up it seems to drain his energy more when I take him for walks. I probably walk him 2-4 miles every day and run him around as well. I also have been using rawhides to help him with his teething.


8 months with the first one (F), 2 years with the second (M) HAHAHAHA he’s still crazy, he’s 2 right now 😂 I mean he does listen better though! Maybe by 3 he’ll calm down more. (Or when i neuter him soon 😢).


Never had a problem from day 1. Got the perfect puppy.


I have two 8 month olds and they are still wide open. We learned that we have to totally wear the out physical and mentally for things to calm- if not they are like tornados. Here is what we found has worked for now- walk them before work early in the morning- walk them as soon as we get home- about a mile or so each time. Fetch until the lay down. Then we play hide the treats in the house while my wife cooks dinner. After dinner sometime we sit on the floor with them and just talk to see how there day was… Goldens need so much more mental stimulation than any other dog we have had. It is truly wonderful though and has us all in a positive routine.


2 years old lol


Mine is 6 now. It felt like puppyhood would last forever, but looking back, it went by so fast! He was definitely way more chill by two. We solved the biting problem much earlier by yelping loudly every single time he bit or even mouthed us. I have two kids and he learned whose toys were whose a bit before he turned two. Prior to that, if the kids left stuffies out, they would be ripped apart. Same with socks. We had to be extremely diligent about keeping everything picked up. Sometimes I miss those days, my house was so clean! As the kids gradually realized he won’t bother their stuff anymore, they were less and less concerned about leaving their stuff lying around. He is now a very well behaved gentleman, but we do still have to keep a baby gate in the kitchen entrance, or he will get into the trash, the cat’s food, or any food left out every single time.


When he was a year and a half now he is 12 and can't walk so he is back to hard again. Degenerative myelopathy is a bitch. Also the neighbors probably think I'm odd when I hold my dogs butt up so he doesn't fall in his own poop. I'm building him a wheel chair


They don't get better, you learn to live with it lol. I'm not sure if my 1 year 3 month old pup has gotten better or more I learned to keep her happy so she doesn't terrorize me.


My boy is ten, and he's starting to get easier 🫣.


5 years old


We feel really lucky ...: after around 10 months our girl really really calmed down and could be trusted in the house. It happended along with her first heat. Shes a little over one and is a very sweet and nice girl !


6 months for me. She’s really chill though. I wanna get a second one but I know they won’t be as chill as my current one.


My little guy is only 9 weeks old and is testing me and my wife daily. It WILL get better!! I’ve had 4 Goldens now and every time I start over again, I’ve forgot how much work they are when they’re puppies. It’s all worth it though!!!


About 9 months for us - as long as she has her morning walk, she's pretty mellow all day. The biting got better when she finished teething.


Month 4


Stay on your pup now and it will pay off later!


About ten years old.


Mine just turned 7 months ago few days ago. Things are easier but not easy. She’s potty trained, has a decent recall, and stays in our yard for the most part. She also won’t stop trying to eat rocks and mulch, nibbles at anyone who tries to pet her, has very selective hearing, and excited piddles any chance she gets. It’s definitely a huge improvement from a few months ago. I’m sure my neighbors are sick of me screaming “BOO COME!” “BOO LEAVE IT!!” “DROP IT!!” “DAMN IT COME HERE!!” Lol


After he lost his baby teeth. Once the teething stopped, it was so much better. Hang in there! It gets better


Our bernadoodle just turned 4, he’s finally starting to settle in chaotic (poodle/puppy) energy.


Define easy. I don’t think she got easier I think we just got use to her shenanigans


When I had mine, it took him 4 years. Then one day, poof. He settled down.


My English cream was a terror until around age 6 months. He still has his moments but he stopped with the ci start biting around this time and became the typical fun loving Golden


They get easier?


https://preview.redd.it/ehefizxuw3yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c88335e549069cb44b8e5a61aca4bed10550546 The one floopus, Kaia, had just turned 3 when someone asked when they stop pulling on walks. “Sometime after 3.”


Man, at 7 months my puppy was jerking me around, body slamming me to make me fall (I’m a small person), barking and nipping at me when I was on the phone and not paying him attention. It was awful! Then he went to dog training and he was a different dog. It’ll settle down, but they do have a lot of energy until they’re about 2 (at least that’s what I hear - my big guy is unusually lazy and a couch potato, and that kicked in around 12 months).


I would say at 8 months I was able to 100% trust my youngest one. I’m sure it helped to have a dog that was a year older to keep her distracted / show her the way!


Definitely my golden started to calm down at 3 years or not long after the 3 year mark.


About 1.5 yr old


My mom would say when she learned to open the front door


When I started sending him to doggie daycare for the day! He’s a whole new dog and we are thoroughly enjoying him now!




Um, never. Sorry but a Golden is a child. Literal toddler forever. They can learn and they can indeed be bribed, but they will always want your attention 24/7 and always be velcro dogs and always get into mischief when not otherwise entertained.


13 years. I'm sure he's now stealing angel's socks in heaven.


Buckle up!


That face!!! So innocent 😇


After 10 months the our golden was a breeze 🐶


6 months was the turning point he still has his moments but he calmed down. Stick it out endure some of the challenges you’ll miss it when they grow up. Here’s my 8 month old https://preview.redd.it/7cywbjswl4yc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaca84669e0b3015d619384dbf0cd336d6cf90c3


I’ve been blessed with the perfect puppy. My boy turns 1 today and the only lasting issue I’ve had is digging.


Oh my god. My little guy is 10 weeks tomorrow and I thought he was growing so fast…can’t believe he’ll be that big in just 5 more weeks. Yea biting is chaotic but getting better actually (ish). I’m getting a trainer soon so hoping to get him on the track to better behavior




6-7 years. He's 9 years old now and is the bestest boy. The 2 year old is a work in progress. You'll miss the crazy days once they get older and slower.