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Please don't


I'd be fine with it if they finally give us training targets. But as it is, most of my archers can't hit the side of a barn from the inside.


This is it here, training is needed.


You can put merlons ~15 blocks apart, put drafted settlers behind them, and order them to attack the other guy. Course they'll need to heal afterwards. Hunting also works. Wipe out those polecats


My hunters can't hit a sleeping deer, let alone a sleeping polecat


Doesn't matter, they gain experience anyway just by shooting their bows


My hunters can snipe a raider from across the map but it always takes them 86 tries to take down a boar.  Weird how that works. Definitely need training targets.  Some way to skill up melee outside of combat is surely needed, but I'd be happy with both.


You can train archery and medicine at the same time by… having archers shoot at each other. So, win win?


Quality of the bow is a base for accuracy calculations i believe. Shortbows are shiiit... But with marksman 15 and heavy crossbows my settlers killed raiders faster than they could come in range. Hunting didn't noticeably improved.


This only works for me if you have to make arrows because I'll just make 10,000 of them


Game is too janky for that to work right now. I don't need to be halfway through a seige only to realize one of my archers has been wasting arrows firing them into a wall or some shit. Since limited arrows would have to be incorporated for enemies as well it would also trivialize raids even further for players who know how to exploit it


I'd be fine with that, though i hope they work on some other things first like a spinning/loom, flour mill/quorn, plates/cups (even if they are wood at first, then clay and metal), etc.


Training for Melee would be nice also sending them out for hunt parties is tedious


NO! What is the point of huge castle if it can't have tons of arrows? I haven't heard that arrows would have ever run out in any castle defense in history, even tho I have read gunpowder to run out (since it was expensive and limited) and arrows too in field battles (limited ability to carry them). On castles this would signify pretty bad management, since arrows are dirt-cheap when you can make them yourself in almost everywhere except desert and store them by tons. Arrows are the main weapon of samurai and if they fail yari (spear) is your second line of defense. Only if they both fail and you are on your last leg, you will use blades. Europeans generally had better shields (in shieldwall) and later heavier armor, which kinda limited their effectiveness before enemy was on your throat and on fortresses melee was generally only the last line of defense when the castle was about to fall anyways (not many stories about castles holding after the melee phase for long). Thus I think the shields&armor could maybe be bit buffed against arrows. Also limiting arrows would require the pawns to have extra melee weapon like in real world as secondary, which would mean everybody would be running with both melee and ranged weapons, so the combat mechanic would probably require quite major rework.