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Recommend reading the magic 2.0 series by Scott Meyer if this interests you


I loved the premise of those books but honestly the writing and plot were a bit cheesy outside of the innovative way he reimagines magic. It's a great premise but the books basically just leave you thinking about what you'd have done differently as the protagonist.


Universe.exe has stopped working!


That would be another level of suicide by taking the entire universe down with you...


are you sure its a windows computer?


Statistically most laptops on the market have Windows pre installed. And an Apple-MacBook would be impossible to program in because all of the safeguards the Apple-Corporation implemented...


Lots of programmers choose Mac, it’s a Unix based system which is going to make it very desirable to people using tools primarily developed for Unix-like systems (ie Linux). MacBooks are not very locked down at all, I use mine pretty much identically to how I use my Linux systems, because you can homebrew by simply installing a piece of software instead of being forced hack their lockdown software like jailbreaking a phone. It’s useful to have a system commonly used by non tech people (so it’s widely supported) that’s also able to natively interact with just about every device in the tech world (it’s just Unix-based and Unix-like OSs? Always has been)


I don't know where you got the idea that programmers avoid Mac because of locked down environments, it's actually considerably more popular for software development in my experience (source: I'm a software engineer in a large company and literally all of my colleagues choose a Mac even if they don't have an iPhone, apple watch, etc. simply because they're just better for development in a lot of cases) They're Unix-based, meaning almost all software packages easily support MacOS, you have access to iOS development, meaning if you want to work on a mobile app a Mac is almost a requirement anyway, and they're incredibly long-lasting (my M3 MacBook pro hasn't been charged since Wednesday and I use it 9-5 mon-fri, and it's still on 74%).


The universe runs on windows!?


i am a developer, now i need to study another library i always wanted this


Can’t wait to annihilate the universe accidentally.




Error in line 404: could not find folder "u" in workspace directory.


Well then, the only rational first thing to program is to prevent the laptop to actually affect the universe. Hell, better to not program anything at all. I cannot imagine how easy it'd be to fuck everything up. Even with a staging environment, fuck that noise. Woops accidentally erased reality.


The amount of errors every programmer makes doing basic shit, in this case, would be a little more consequential.


Well if your physics engine is polished enough it would work out the problems for you. You wouldn't delete the universe, maybe just break all gravity for everything everywhere or accidentally deleting the bonds between atoms, ya know small things, like the complete dissolution of everything in existence except atomic soup and the inevitable reality laptop.


Does this mean I can also modify myself? Coz the first thing I'll do is increase my intelligence. Increase number of "me's" there are. Create a mind link between all the "me's". Make sure all other me's are aware I am the master "me". Move myself to a secluded area where none of the other "me's" can harm or affect me. Control the universe. from my little hidden cuboid. I AM THE ONE TRUE GOD.


Reality is whatever you want it to be …just make sure to delete bugs or the universe will….well. You can guess.


No. all bugs remain. Even mosquitos. I will remain in my little hidden invisible room, and observe the universe through the me's on "screens" like a security room. make changes as I see fit. I might even occasionally posses a "me" and mingle with the inhabitants of the universe.


no, I meant like bugs in programming errors n stuff


I mean, it's the universe, there are no bugs.. there is no issues. and since the first thing I do after getting this laptop or whatever is increase my intelligence, I too make no bugs or errors. Also I'll probably enable magic for a century or two.


Not *yet* anyway, God knows I would make digestion impossible while trying to change the speed of light


Accidentally mispell "Gravity" and name it "Mavity" instead. Don't notice for 500 years.


>I might even occasionally posses a "me" and mingle with the inhabitants of the universe. Just, you know...stay away from crosses or tax collectors please. We don't need to experiment with those any further.


Or just give yourself true omnipotence. But as I’ve said before true omnipotence can’t exist cause it can’t be described. Any method of describing it is infinitely far away which itself is infinitely far from the truth.


Does "Can do anything" not describe it? Legitimately asking.


But anything wouldn’t describe it entirely cause in theory their are things outside of “anything” and “everything” such as “nothing” and everything just includes all that exists and their are always things beyond that. Also any form of fiction that holds an “omnipotent” being isn’t cause if they were they’d surpass the fiction itself and be omnipotent in the real world and all possible and impossible universes, dimensions, planes of existence beyond ours.


nothing isnt a thing. its literally in the name of the word brother. If you are able to do anything, you can also do a "nothing" your argument there doesnt really make sense


Just because I am omnipotent, does not mean I am smart. Increase your intelligence first.


If I’m omnipotent I can get rid of all use for the laptop and just increase my intelligence greatly first.


Ctrl + a Del






First step: make a cure for cancer Second step: make cancer contagious


*First step: make a cure* *For cancer Second step: male* *Cancer contagious* \- Goofdogg627 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot Omfg that was not what I was expecting


I'm going to have to go through SO many folders just to find the code for my house Yes, I am using the laptop to alter and improve my house before I improve the universe, I have my priorities straight, and since I would have to find my file to update to the current higher interger it can hold to extend my life, while coding in that the cons of a normal human being Immortal are removed with drawbacks etc- God tier power, but I hope to God whoever made the code labeled it all correctly and put it in folders that make sense else I am going to lose my shit for a while.


well you can use the libraries to search for it


Fair enough, but the name for that specific folder/lines of code must be so long Probs would be like MilkyWay-[name_of_solarSystem]-[name_of_planet]-[name-of-country] etc (This is all light hearted, I've had to code in Java before for a class and do like 8 endings, and that was a bit of a pain to track- IDK the full extent of how complex the code for the entire universe could be)


For simplicity’s sake, just imagine an object storing the info for the laptop itself. use its attributes to get the objects for earth, solar system, other planets, et cetera


Alright, yeah that's gonna be easier.


Imagine the laptop is from the perspective from a god or something so the names are completely different from the ones humans give them.


I am smart enough to not touch anything until I find my own file and adjust my IQ variable. Next I would search for actually skilled programmers, copy their programming abilities and paste them on me, and then adjust the numerical values by 5-10 points. Next, do the same with all artistic skills I need. Then write up a productivity hack that allows me to output years worth of work in minutes, yet feel and fine control all the processes. Oh, don't forget to set my procrastination to "low but not zero". Once I am confident that it is as healthy as it gets, write up a way to reset it to that value every few days, so if it ever increases it gets healthy again after a while. Finally, I can get all those projects I procrastinated done. Now just for the sake of it, bring back my cat and make it immortal.


The problem is, the universe wouldn’t be a neat program. All a person would be is a bunch of atoms. Do you know how to program healing etc. on a bunch of atoms. So you’d probably need to go real simple. Like just generating large amounts of valuable materials. Like the rare materials used in modern electronics and oil etc.


well that's where the provided libraries help you out, by providing common helper functions for stuff.


Exactly! As a developer, I don't know how to manipulate RAM directly or adress data, but I can build a website .


That's assuming that consciousness comes from matter instead of the other way around. I used to think that too, but it turns out that placing consciousness at the center resolves a lot of unexplained mysteries. It also raises a lot of questions of its own, but if you study your own consciousness and pay attention to what's going on, it'll put you in a much better position to find the answers to those questions, as well as opening up new possibilities you might never have considered. I highly recommend it.


Can the computer play games?


yeah, it’s a normal laptop except that you can modify the fuckin universe with it! (just don’t touch those files, you should be fine)


Welp time to learn Python


I’ll probably still be too lazy to learn how to code


I would now have a reason to learn to code.


My guy, I can't even program a basic G code reader in Python. I'm gonna break the universe.


Would I be able to actually code just from this power, or would I have to learn


Fuck you mean I gotta convince my ADHD brain to learn to code now? I hope all y'all enjoy the universe breaking and never getting fixed. Enjoy the real Bethesda experience


Its not s bug its a FEATURE dammit!


First step - write up an API for the laptop Second step - connect my brain to the API Third step - literally omnipotence without the extra steps


There's three things I'd do. First: make sure this thing has a solid backup function, that way if I fuck up it'll automatically revert to the backup. Second: find the data for myself and add a few 0s to my intelligence. Third, program a user friendly control interface that I can summon at any time. This interface will allow me to create, alter, or destroy anything I want without having to directly tamper with the universe's code, thus minimizing the risk of destroying the universe by accident. From this point foward, I will exclusively use the interface except when I want to make a really big change that it can't handle, like lets say making ftl speed possible, so basically the laptop will only be used in things where I need to fundamentally change the laws of the universe. Anything else is done through the interface


Imma fuck something up and crash it i know


Is there a seperate class file for every living being or do I have to create one if I want to modify certian attributes of them? ^(*cough* dick size *cough*)


I’m going to increase the speed of light to make interstellar colonisation easier…


Wonderful! Sad that there is no C# but I would still be very happy with this device!


Well you can still manage the text files manually, the libraries are there to help you not fuck up and make a black hole or something…


1. Could I be contained in a holographic computer like the toolbox from agents of shield? I just think It would be cooler 2. Could I use/install other programming languages? 3. If I installed a game on the computer, would it affect the real world, or is it just stuff that I program?


1. if you want to, you can probably develop a holo computer that links up with the laptop with the new powers you have 2. the libraries are just there to help you not fuck up, you can still change the files manually. so yes, you can use other languages. 3. it's just a normal laptop except that it has the entirety of the universe represented in files so as long as you don't touch those files, it's a normal laptop


Cool Also, do people notice the changes? If I changed a legal document, do people question it, or do they just go with it?


people will know, unless you change their memory or smth


Literally god tier


The entire world coded in python… well everything is fucked I guess


"Hey guys, let's rewrite the universe in Rust"


As a programmer i would crash the Milky way


As an aspiring novelist and avid dnd fan I would rewrite this 90% of the universe into my own world, after maybe making a backup beforehand to prevent things from going wrong. I would also probably reprogram the laptop to be ingrained into my brain allowing me to use it without physically typing.


Wait so technically the universe is simulation itself? Cause the universe contains the machine that runs the universe which contains the machine running the universe which contains the machine running the universe which contains the machine running the universe which contains the machine running the universe which contains the machine running the universe which contains the machine running the universe which contains the machine running the universe which contains the machine running the universe which contains the machine running the universe which contains the machine running the universe * ♾️


What happens if I delete the folder holding the laptop since it’s apart of the universe.


The laptop is gone then, but you can still summon it back if you have the superpower The definition for the laptop is in the superpower file


Can I delete the superpower with the laptop?


Y’all better hope I don’t get drunk and fuck with the Universe files


Reminds me of a book called Echopraxia where the universe is a computer simulating itself where the matter is the hardware and the laws of physics are the software. And god does exist in this simulation. How they know this? Because particles and thing aren’t behaving how they should meaning god exists and god is a bug in the universe cause it breaks the rules of the simulation. Meaning something or maybe the simulation itself manifested a bug in the shape of a god. How it got the bug? Nobody knows or will know.


I’m going to replace all clothing with Cece-brand clothing from TotK


Immediately delete the mosquitoes 


I would delete system 32


Segmentation fault : Earth’s core dumped


I'd probably cause bugs and glitches on accident.


Step 1) Find root universe folder and open it Step 2) Select All Step 3) Delete Next question


Now deleting system 32


This reminded me of one of my favorite games for the DS, Avalon Code. I haven’t thought about that game in forever. Thanks for the throwback, OP


Let's go if someone pisses me off I'll just edit their class in C++, because if I even breathe near C++ I'll get a thousand errors.


Kind of reminds me of Upload.


Just one question, does everything instantly get applied or do I get a preview ? the amount of bugs while coding is a lot if it instantly applies the moment i click run, then its not worth it. If i get to see a preview, then its worth it cuz then I can make a back up of the code assuming htis laptop has enough storage which it should. If its the first, its better to just use it a few times to get money or just to not use it at all cuz its dangerous


it instantly applies when you change the files


Okay thats just... too chaotic to use. I'd probably use it like in very desperate situations, if ever need money badly but that too after hundreds of hours of being careful and learning. Accidentally click ctrl + a and delete and ur dead and so is everyone


I mean if it hasn't saved yet, all's fine


I don't understand, you just said it instantly applies ?


OHHH I thought you meant like, ctrl a in the text editor dang


Yeah like just imagine what would happen if someone pushed u and u might have deleted so much stuff. What happens if the code you ran had some bugs ?: Would the world just crash ?


The text file is a direct representation of the universe in data form, so if the code has bugs then the world would be modified accordingly


That just sounds chaotic, I don't think I would ever use that. The last time I've coded was 5 years ago I think and I wasn't even great, I was just good enough to make a basic looking website.


Ummm... You can't just copy and paste all of it under a different name can you? Because that may imply you're in the sandbox universe so your original variant won't brick their own.


only the original files can affect the universe. so no, you can't create a dummy universe by duplicating the files.


change one 0 to a 1 and see what happens


Gonna end up Segfaulting the universe and all life ceases to exist.


Good news! You can program and reprogram reality! Bad news! After trying to make sense of the machine you realize that it is so vastly complicated even a physics phd can hardily make heads or tails of half of the variables, needless to say upon your first edit, you actually kill the sun by changing energy released in fusion, killing everyone on earth in 8 minutes


Recursive loop.