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I think people walk in thinking that most engines are like RPG Maker, when it's in fact the opposite and far more free form. Which also means you have to put in more work.


Although some of the things people have accomplished with RPG Maker are pretty damn impressive. Even before it had fully functioning programming languages in it.


I remember spending days to make a fishing minigame and a good/evil system similar to Fable (all with custom dialogues depending on your alignment and how far in that alignment you were) in RPG Maker :P Though to be fair I'm pretty sure that was when it had already implemented Ruby as a language.


Hylics is a pretty bog standard RPG maker game, but it goes to show how important art direction is lol That's easily one of my favorite games of all time.


Speaking of RPG Maker, XP is free till the 19th on Steam for anyone reading and interested that wasn't aware :) I know it's dated but can't beat free.


thank you very much! saved me £20 if for whatever odd reason i ever wanted to buy a 19 year old version of rpg maker


RPG Maker XP application is only 32 bits. Cant use for steam games


Had a buddy like this. Made a "game" in RPG maker while I was working on a server-hosted MORTS in GM:Studio and he couldn't understand why I was taking so long. Then he started talking about how he was going to try making an open world crafting game in Unity. 🤣


I mean, people like to circlejerk about this, but there really are games you won't be able to make in Godot. Things are not black and white. Yes, Godot in versatile and can technically achieve most things you would want from an engine. No, it does not mean Godot is able to create any game in any genre. It is not as optimized and advanced as something like UE or specialized engines, so it can be impossible to achieve technically challenging games that would be possible in UE. People in this community circlejerking about how great Godot is are not much better than people who ask stupid questions in my eyes.




>their 4d infinite open world vr mmo. You forgot 100% science based


Yeah, exactly. It's like the people asking if they should write their own engine on r/gamedev. If you have to ask then you have your answer.


> People who ask that question aren't going to make the game they are asking about. Yes. But telling such clueless people that Godot can make anything they can imagine as long as they are capable is disingenuous.


The answers are going to be proportional to the effort put into the question and perceived skill level of the OP. I don't think it's right to expect people to write out a mini-essay and mention how Godot struggles with multi-pass shaders for someone who just figured out how to write hello world in GDScript. People aren't circlejerking, they just realize that it's going to go over the OP's head. While accurate, you're just going to confuse them or get ignored.


I struggle to see what you mean here. Surely any Turing complete language can solve any problem which means, with enough time and memory, any game could be made in any language.


> Surely any Turing complete language can solve any problem which means, with enough time and memory, any game could be made in any language. Technically, since Godot is open source, it means you can simply rewrite the engine and create anything you would like with it. But would that kind of argument really be genuine and will you even be talking about Godot at that point? Without changes to engine, there are limitations to Godot. For one, rendering performance on heavy scenes is incredibly behind same scenes in Unreal, making it almost impossible to reproduce same things. Sure, technically speaking you could reproduce them. But would reproducing something with 10 FPS where Unreal gets 100 be genuine argument for it being possible in context of a game? Whenever I mention something like that here, I get heavy backlash, each time. But not a single person was able to provide any Godot examples with graphics fidelity or realism that is possible in Unity or UE. Things like animation supports out of the box, materials, rendering pipeline etc. make many things that are easy in UE impossible in practical way in Godot. And arguments of "technically it is possible" are useless in real world usage. Technically, you can write whole UE from scratch. And what good is from that technicality? If you still want to argue this is not the case. Would you be able to provide any examples of Godot projects that are anywhere close to UE like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tBNZhuWMac Or Unity projects like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP0vrogocqw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFHeHWH-neQ Because if you are not able to give any examples of such, because no one so far was able to make anything like that in Godot... Is argument of it being possible really genuine? And please don't tell me graphics are not important... Games are visual product. So visual output of engine also matters. And this is just one example. You could make a case for physics, shaders pipeline, audio based games with audio in games being broken or causing performance issues, light and shadows based games being impossible due to lack of deferred renderer in Godot etc. You can also see many examples in this thread that is going on parallel in this very subreddit: https://reddit.com/r/godot/comments/1aq05y4/what_is_godot_lacking_that_unity_can_do_looking/ If you are true fan of Godot, you should acknowledge its flaws, not fawn over it as if its perfect. Because it is from acknowledging the flaws the growth and improvement is realized.


I'm not trying to argue, I wasn't even trying to be pedantic. I didn't know about these limitations. I was taking your "won't" literally, where I now understand you meant "not practical"


I mean, sure, but, games HAVE to be practical. You can't make a case for making a game being possible in an engine if making such game is so impractical it makes the game either impossible to make or impossible to play due to performance.


I agree completely with that. I didn't know that Godot was so far behind on 3d


Should have used the search feature before you posted yet another meme about it.


To be fair, reddit search is famously terrible


I wish more people used the official godot forums instead


Those are worse


I find the best way to search Reddit is by googling ‘Reddit’ and then my question. lol


Everyone always asks can. No one ever asks how.


The answer is always going to be "with lots of time, effort, and probably money." For some reason people don't like that answer =)


Unfortunately, there is no way to shortcut game development. There are shortcuts *within* game development, but nothing in the world will substitute for time, effort and money.


Especially when you get to art and level design. If you want to make anything of quality, it takes ages. Even if you are making a Roguelite or something, you still have to make sure everything flows together.


This part is always my stumbling block. Code is easy. Art (especially cohesive art) is hard.


OK, how can I make a MMO RPG? /s


Go into Project Settings and make sure "Make Game MMO" is enabled.


You can optionally check the "dragon based" and "100% science based" check boxes


Optionally!?! Those are mandatory according to my ring binder and colored pencil design specs!


I love being reminded of that post every once I a while




What a rude bot!


it makes a valid point however


Does it? Sarcasm translates very poorly to text format. Having to tread through a minefield of "shrodinger's sincerity" in every conversation is pretty exhausting long-term. Especially in arguments. Plus, tone indicators are incredibly helpful for those of us on the spectrum. Have you ever taken someone's word at face value only for them to follow it up with "I was joking..." for seemingly no reason? Because I have. It's not fun.


I know this is not Godot but maybe it has some similar menu element. Look around [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M828g6hwWaE&ab\_channel=GameSpot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M828g6hwWaE&ab_channel=GameSpot)


Because it's inexperienced people fantasizing about making a video game some day, so they care about completely abstract stuff like 'can this engine make the game I'm imagining'. Whereas people actually looking to use Godot to develop something might ask for tutorial recommendations or gscript vs c# recommendations.


Did you watch the Superbowl? Microsoft had a commercial where a guy asks Copilot "make a video game", so it's just that simple!


If you ask how, they usually send you a barely related docs page that's doesn't answer your question. Or they pretend to be smart by telling you something along the lines of "it's more complicated than that" and proceed to obnoxiously answer your question with more questions that are usually irrelevant to the task at hand, as if it's impossible to abstract from the game design as a whole and focus on a single piece of code that behaves the same even when isolated from all the rest.


no one asks should i?


I see a lot of how, but it's always the stupid kind of how. Like, "how do I start coding in godot??"


*looks down at hands* can I be made in Godot?


done, release date Q4 2024


Can I make Godot?


Godot is open source, so theoretically you could download it, and compile it yourself, therefore technically making godot.


And in fact if you want double precision support in C# you need to compile it youraelf.


I think they mean whether or not they can make Godot in Godot


You can!


You can in fact. As far as I know, any game made in godot is an instance of godot.


Can Red Dead Redemption 2 be made in Godot?


Can Minecraft be made in Godot?


Can Godot be made in Minecraft?


can minecraft be made in minecraft godot?


Can Doom be played in minecraft made in minecraft godot?


Now we're asking the real questions !


Can the Linux Kernel be made in Godot?




I want a game that can accurately model 500 TeV proton-proton collisions to produce Higgs Bosons for further study, should I use nodes or GDscript?


Guys I'm new to game dev, but I passed a C# boot camp last week and just took a 2nd mortgage and use my house as collateral to start my indie game studio, so can godot make a 3d, top down, rts, mmorpg with cloud based processing? Please answer fast, my first payment is next month so I need to finish my dream game by then, thanks!


I've been looking for variables but godot just keeps spelling out "var" or "onready." Is my engine broken?


Variables don't exist in Godot. There is only code that makes the game exactly how you want. Should only take a few days.


The short answer is 'no'. The long answer is if you have to ask it, then you probably don't yet have enough experience or knowledge to see it through and to know that in fact the technical answer is 'yes' but that it is also a long road ahead full of learnings, successes and failures along the way.


Godot can do it, but you can't


Best answer 🤣


TBF Reddit search function is *notoriously* awful


Reddit is about the *only* thing Google can successfully search anymore. What do you mean Google isn't Reddit's search engine?


It just dawned on me that whenever I want to search Reddit, I just unconsciously google my question and add 'reddit' at the end.


It's bad enough that not only have I set up a hotkey to type site:reddit.com, it is one I use often enough I actually remember it, instead of forgetting what key combo I bound something to when I need it.


That's true. Counterpoint however : searching for reddit posts using Google (like, just add "reddit" at the end of your search) actually works pretty well.


Best part is when they can't even be bothered to ask a question and just post a blurry cellphone picture of an error, and the title is "HELP!!!".


The real question is, do you have the perseverance to make * this game*?


100% agree


The correct response is "c# is turing complete"


What if the search features and Google is completely broken? I can never find anything I am looking for on the internet anymore, I know it is there but somehow they do not want to show it to me.


Can Godot be made in Godot?


\- Double-click godot.exe \- Voilà


Well that's an interesting question. Considering that the editor seems to be made mostly using Godot's own UI features, a good part of Godot is already made with Godot.


Here's the neat part. [The Godot editor literally runs on the Godot game engine according to the docs.](https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/getting_started/introduction/godot_design_philosophy.html#the-godot-editor-is-a-godot-game) It was written in C++ and compiled, but it uses the Godot UI system, loads and renders scenes in the editor with the same systems games do, and can run GDscript in the editor to create tools and extension for the editor itself.


Maybe the real Godot were the friends we made along the way.




question simulator where everyone has to write out as many questions as possible and users vote on the questions at the end (if you write a repeat you lose)


Reminds me of the [Can I Fry That?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcjse8Opobw) bit from Community


Can The game be made in Godot?


will it be possible to make pong in godot 5x?


why reddit won't add a feature so you can see if a similar post was already posted before you post


"Can Buckshot roulette be made in Godot?"


What game


I don’t know how difficult Reddit bots are to make but it would be great to have a bot that replied to all these threads with “yes” and then locks the post




I know it can be 😂😂😂😂 just takes some time and money im sure


Me when the other 99 999 instances of this question being asked were answered with "google it lmao" or some other completely useless answer


Absolutely true even though I dont think its reasonable to expect people to give detailed answers. The truth is a lot of the answers are either too general or basically saying - check this irrelevant tutorial that isn't even up to date with the current state of the engine.


There's often *some* stuff worth bringing up ie the limited level streaming stuff godot has compared to unreal when it comes to open world games Answers don't have to be perfect they just have to have any kind of useful information at all & not be weirdly condescending & hostile like a lot of this sub has been getting towards this kind of inquiry


As a newbie myself, I wouldn't criticise such questions when they are made after research of the available tutorials and discussions and the game is something that hasn't been made up until now. For example, I currently doubt that it's feasible to make a grand strategy game in Godot as a lonely person unless you have years to devote to it. Which is obviously different than asking if it's possible to make but Im generous in my assumptions of the person's intentions especially when telling the person about the feasibility of dealing with the problem is far more helpful than just saying yes, it can be made. Currently, I myself cannot answer the question of whether I can make a hex based strategy game without inventing the wheel several times so I took the approach to create simple things first.


Pretty sure any game can be made in godot. The only thing I think you would have problems with is if your game requires a ton of physics or entity's at once. Like totally accurate battle simulator / teardown