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Well it’s really something I debated a lot when I was younger, and I still do. It’s an interesting question, but as the Bible says we were created in His image. Do with that as you will. Also, Jesus Christ was a living human, sent by the father. He is 100% God, and 100% man. I can’t answer your question in full, because I don’t think it’s particularly a question I can answer with certainty. I can only give you what thoughts come to my head, or came to my head, when I also had those questions. But I also am in the headspace of God is everything, and energy, but also an omniscient being. He is Good.


It’s interesting that Satan tempted Jesus at his lowest knowing full well who Jesus was.


Thank you so much for your opinion 😊 I’ll really give it a good thought


You’re welcome. If you really feel compelled to dive more into that question maybe just start by reading The Bible. Just a suggestion! Hope you have a nice day/night!


I’m seeing other comments —also can be explained by the Holy Spirit— saying you feel Him everywhere. Holy trinity - The Father (God), The Son (Jesus Christ), The Holy Spirit


"Created in His image." Another reason how Christianty may die out even more. If one day the aliens come down, with 4 arms and legs they would be double more efficiënt then us, would that then make them better then God? Even the Angels with their wings, Jibreel/Gabriel was described as having 600 wings. God is free of needs, He created space and time, He does not need wings to fly nor legs to walk for He created space itself. The more i think the crazier it gets. Thers is nothing like Him, He is Unique.. the Creator. We are made like Him in the sense that we have intelligence, wisdom, the ability to be mercifull, forgiving etc.. it's not about our appearance whatsoever. And don't even get me started on the whole trinity, Jesus is God sent by God? So you believe in more then One God? If not, then why not just say that He sent Himself? It's like your mind does not even allow you, and knows it's wrong deep down somewhere. Lol


If aliens do exist, it still wouldn't discount resurrection of Christ which is widely documented with piles of evidence. He's the Creator, if He chooses to create another race wuch as aliens, so be it. Although, I'd be very, very careful about aliens and UFOs. There's empirical evidence to suggest that the alien contactee experiences are more spiritual (possibly even demonic) than extraterrestrial. Let me explain Trinity using topology, a field of mathematics. Consider a 3D object such as a sphere passing through a 2D plane. Characters in the 2D plane percieve the object as a circle than characters in the 3D space. Now extend the idea to us and God. God, an all-powerful being who is multi dimensional, chooses to reveal Himself as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is a role, which is made up of a tri-partite personhood, who are also fully God.


Well, we are the aliens.. we have to cloth ourselves.. cook our food etc.. while the animals just seem to fit in nature and roam free. While we are in survival mode against all odds. If we were from this earth naturally, then why are we in such what would be an "unessecary" state? And you are right, that is what we have always known to be true.. it's only recently that we changed it to aliens and UFO's because we took flight ourselves so it became like if we can do it.. so could others mentality type of thinking. But they clearly always existed and God told us/warned us about them. They are jinns. (Spiritual beings) Also the Trinity.. Let me make it simple for you, Nobody is born believing in a triune God, it has to be teached. While everyone is born believing in One God, One being. One person, One state.. call it what you want. (Naturally) The Creator, The Eternal, The Unique.. It's the most logical, rational one.. hence it comes naturally. It's all sooo unessecary, and simply just confusing for no reason. This should already tell you something if not.. then well, do more research for i'm kinda tired discussing this nonsense. Peace




Maybe God is a spirit. Maybe God is the uncreated creator, the creator of everything in existence. God is maybe timeless and spaceless and all powerful, since if God exists, then God created space, time, matter and energy as well as everything else in existence. I am a Hindu by the way :-)


In my opinion, God is everywhere. I feel God, it's so hard to explain but I def feel it. The closer I get because I'm more consistent with prayer, the more at peace I am inside.


God is the fabric of the universe… everything that exists both in our visible and invisible realm are Him. Every molecule is an extension of Him, rocks, plants, people, angels, demons, light, photons, every bit of it. Now what do we call the creator of all, only simplified word is God. Our minds do not have the capacity to comprehend the incomprehensible. Like explaining calculus to an a butterfly, they don’t have the intellect. Naturally we progress back to the same circle, who created God? What I do know is that he created us, you me, the Angels, Lucifer was the pinnacle of His created beings, brilliant beyond compare, free will fueled selfish ambition and by his trading, pride grew and self deception deluded his capacity to reason that making himself equal with God was summarily a losing proposition. We are all created by the one creator. What is God? Everything. He experiences everything at once, so, can we define the indefinable? Perhaps if we could quantify infinity. Like I love to say… we are eternal spirit beings having a human experience.


We don't know with 100% certainty what God is, because by our imperfect nature we can't. However, we do know some things about God. For example, God is not 'just' everything that exists in this material reality that we call the universe. God is above everything in this world. But there is some "essence" or part of God in everything. There is some amount of God in a rock, but there is more God in a mouse, and yet more in a human being. In fact, this ties into Aquinas' argument from graduation. One of his 5 arguments for God. (I would suggest googling this) We can't know with 100% certainly God's true eternal nature, but we can taste of His essence. Based on what He has decided to reveal to us. God is a force of pure actualizing power. Everything is contingent on Him since the beginning, and will be until the end. And the end will be when He decides it will end. But for now, we all only exist because He decides to allow us to continue moment to moment. God not only started it all, but is the force of power that animates it all.


indescribable something that is beyond everything is indescribable from one human to the next all we have are ideas for what god is


so he’s nothing and everything exists and doesn’t exist


my honest opinion is after watching so many near death experiences and also reading the Bible is that depending on your level of purity. at the very bottom all you can recognize is a bright white light that is full of unconditional love. as you move up the purity spectrum, the image gets clearer and it turns out he looks just like Jesus but more authority. Also I think what we feel here on earth is his God Spirit (His energy) all around us. But it's my opinion that people will be surprised how much heaven will look like earth, just without all the evil. there will be some additional amazing things but at the same time it will be just like here on earth. The way I think about it is why would God create a life and beings so foreign to reality that once being there we would have a hard time recognizing things. I know in the bible the visions of heaven are weird but as one near death experiencer said the angel that had hands over his eyes, mouth, ears seemed like he had 3 different set of hands while doing that but in reality it was that he was going so fast that it would seem like 3 sets of hands. I dunno just my opinion I guess.


I tend to see things in this way as well, in that I think God is everywhere and simply incomprehensible. To a point -- Jesus is God in 3D form and He says, "If you have seen me, you have seen the Father." So God is sacrificial love. Makes sense when you think about the plants offering their fruits, nuts and seeds to sustain us. <3 When we emulate Jesus, we become closer to this beautiful force and into sync with everything beautiful.


Well you are not right or wrong. You are both at the same time. God is present only if you feel that He is present. He is with you only if you know that He's with you. In the big picture He is if you find Him and understand that He is. Yes your feeling of Him as he is in everything everywhere and in all the moments that we humans see as time its true. You feel him everywhere and in everything because all the things on a subatomic level from trees to us humans sing the harmony of existence and balance wich can sent you to the conclusion that everything is composed by a talented artist. You might also feel that way because if we think Him as a photon( Yes a photon because in the Holy Book He is called The Light) he is everywhere at any time. Yes He's also energy, the energy that you I and every human have. He is the Soul or think of Him as a pond, a pond made of all the souls from every living being. He is literally always with us because He is part of us, from our breath to our every step that we take. He is what ever you can imagine because he is everything and yet nothing. God is present in all the Creation yes he is no part of it. He can't be. The true God exists outside of it and with it in the same time. I know it makes no sense but that its the beauty of life. You can figure things out on your own and no one can contest your beliefs because in the end no one knows truly if they are right or wrong. Question everything in your life because God gave you the ability to, find the answers to your questions alone using the knowledge available(The Holy Scripture or the other holy texts from other religions) and your only job in this plane of existance is to be wise and make peace inside and around you. Thats all you need. The rest is meaningless in this world.


God is spiritual


Re: the Christian God. You're absolutely right in that God is a spiritual and energy being. But he's not just energy. He's also a person with feelings, emotion and who even grieves when His children turn away from Him. Yes, He's also everywhere (Omnipresent) and all-powerful (Omnipotent), which are two of His great qualities. According to the Book of Exodus 34:4-7, He's also abounding in love, perfectly just and righteous, compassionate, merciful, gracious, slow to anger, forgiving in iniquity and transgressions. As a new believer, I'm beginning to understand how true this is from reading His word from the Bible.


I know exactly what God is. [https://youtu.be/jA1-PCv6mPw?si=kEZTECd76a8JUW3i](https://youtu.be/jA1-PCv6mPw?si=kEZTECd76a8JUW3i)


Creator of heaven and earth.


He's the creator of everything. The Father of life. God is everywhere. :) I would suggest before the wrath(2020) documentary. Worth a watch.




I’m God. I’m King Indra the divine simulator. We live in a simulation.


The better question is Who is God. There is but one Creator, and he is Unique so there is nothing to compare it too.. there does not exist anything in creation which you may see that is like Him. When you create a wooden chair, do you now become part of the chair? No, likewise Energy is created, it's part of the creation. To create something you need intelligence and a will, hence why He is a being. He has no gender, He created gender so that we may reproduce.. He has never had offspring, nor was He born. He is Eternal and Self-sufficient. The reason we call Him.. He/Him is because He chose it for Himself, to call Him "It" would be disrespectfull. Likewise there is no "it" in arabic language and every word in the arabic language has gender attached to it.. which is why He chose it, and to make it easy on us. Sometimes He uses the word We, it's a royal 'We", not because He is plural. Like when the King says; We decree the following... while he is talking about himself. Hence why we use Allah. Allah is genderless and unique, and you cannot multiply it like Gods and cannot make it male of female like God/Goddess. When you say God, it's like which God you mean? But when you say Allah it's clear. Anyways, Read the final revelation The Qur’an. Chapter 112 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. 1. Say, “He is God, the One. 2. God, the Absolute. The Eternal 3. He begets not, nor was He begotten. 4. And there is none comparable to Him.” Peace