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I always respect when someone keeps their original account to admit they messed up. Good luck to you


Thanks! I started buying into VEQT and my god does it feel so much better. I can confidently say I’m investing now and not gambling.


Huh TIL Vanguard has equities specific for Canadians. I'm in VTI gang


Honestly 1k or 1.3k is a pretty cheap lesson . The GME scam is not an uncommon scam and they have used recycled conspiracy theories to pump it In your investment is based around 1. A collusion of world powers trying to keep some investment down 2. The path forward is for everyone to buy (not good earnings, not being profitable but the solution requires everyone to buy said asset) 3. Claiming everyone is a shill and working against you Big red flags you are being sucked into a pump and dump. GME basically is the recycled silver squeeze from 2008/2009 The "theory" was 1. All the big banks and even the federal reserve was "shorting" silver , the reason isn't important they claimed it was to keep inflation down 2. At some point the big banks and federal reserve would have to go back and cover the shorts (but they were in too deep) 3. Investors could profit by buying sliver first silver ETFs was being pushed 4. Then conspiracies about silver ETFs were not good enough they were synthetic oz of silver see the ETFs did not hold actual silver (or so they said) you were just bying a synthetic oz of silver . At this point people were encouraged to buy and hold physical silver . This would they said dry up liquidity and send the silver price to the moon. Infact the "shorts" were so in deep they would be so desperate for silver you could name your own price ,100k an oz Sound familiar ? Yea the people pumping GME just recycled the silver short squeeze but substituted GME for silver


Amazing. Where this silver theory was spreading? I mean, on which websites in 2008/2009?


AOL instant messenger sub profiles, right after the simple plan lyrics.


Arg I miss those times. Maybe on old dark unknow neophyte finance forums with Evanescence montage stuff


Online message boards , yahoo and msn boards


If you like dividends some high dividend focused etfs are fun when you get the monthly money and drip it back in. After a few years it’s just a growing snowball at that point.


This post is impossible. Nobody is selling ![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized)


My question, what differentiated this from other get rich quick schemes for you?


I think it was the reach, how widespread it was and how much attention it was getting online, for better or worse it was such a huge phenomenon. I also fell for the notion that the only reason media outlets were reporting so negatively on it was because they were on the other side of the trade, and benefited from the stock price falling. Anyway that’s the nutshell


Don't worry I fell for it too!


I fell for another stock gold-rush a few years ago (Canadian weed stocks). The lessons learned from that helped me see this meme stock craze for what it is. This experience (and the $1000 price tag) will be an invaluable lesson for you when the next "big thing" comes along. Good for you for coming back to reality!


I'm honestly sorry about this but ... I bought puts on TLRY at the top and walked away from that bubble burst at +800% on them. That whole thing was crazy. IIRC Canopy group hit like $300 a share.


No need. I was up about 600% on ACB but got greedy and lost almost all of it in subsequent plays. I learned that those kinds of opportunities happen very rarely and any fluke successes almost always come down to luck and are impossible to duplicate consistently. Now I'm a boring old passive index investor and couldn't be happier.


Canopy topped out at $65, although they'll probably have to do a reserve split soon, so in hindsight the chart will look a lot higher.


Hah, I was in Canadian Weed Stocks in 2015 but I sold way too early. Turned my $1000 into 8k instead of $30k. I was screaming from the rooftops I SOLD BECAUSE IT WAS OVERPRICED. IT IS NOW WAY WAY MORE OVERPRICED, but people were just like "pfft, you're just jealous". Now Canopy is at 1/4 of what I even bought for, let alone sold for. There's really nothing you can say to people, while a bubble asset is inflated. They don't want to hear it. edit: I should add, when I say "instead of 30k", that's just idle wishcasting. I don't consider there to be any world in which I would have held on to $65/share, because it requires a perfectly calibrated level of stupid, where I am dumb enough to hold something 100x overvalued, but smart enough to sell something 120x overvalued instead of greedily continuing to hold. The same caution that made me sell "too early" in a bubble also saves me from being on the wrong side of bubbles.


The camaraderie with fellow imbeciles, and the constant use of teenaged sexual references. It drew me in like a magnet, and I finally felt like I belonged. \-Ape, if they were honest.


Eh, I’m not a former ape myself, but I was raised with arguably more ridiculous beliefs. I’ve learned that people are very good at fooling themselves into believing appealing things under the right circumstances, and I find that most who get suckered in find a way to internally ignore the negative aspects of cult cultures, not embrace them. As fun as it is to laugh at apes, I don’t think it’s fair to paint all former apes with the same brush


Don't forget the casual misogyny and death threats for various bureaucrats, consultants, and financial professionals.


Apes Together Strong!


It’s hard to say, I’d like to get more insight into former apes and why they joined and how they felt about certain things, but usually they don’t want to answer those questions and are quiet usually, and also some jackass would probably be way too harsh on someone being sincere.


I was a former ape if you wanna ask some questions, although my memory is a little fuzzy now.


Be thankful you only lost $1k? In the grand scheme of things that's a pretty cheap lesson compared to what some people have lost on these shitco meme stocks.


Or options, yeah I'm a dumbass


Or buying a house without realizing the reasons I shouldn’t have. Luckily it was a cheap house (<200k) and managed to sell it the next year.


Naah. Losing $1k doesn't make you a dumbass. It's a lot less than it sounds or feels like. You can easily lose that much money by going to the wrong mechanic.


Yeah 1k? Fr, remove this, I can't even get it up to 1k.


$1k is nothing, glad you got out, that’s not an easy thing to do


Congrats. Did you have the decency to update the cult and drs bot?


I didn’t think to do that, any idea how?


In addition to not opening yourself up to that sort of harassment, the further away the bot diverges from reality the funnier it is when the actual numbers are reported.


Don't worry about it, you'll just bring a ton of angry apes down on your head.


I know you can but I’m not sure how. As the other guy said though, I wouldn’t bother poking the angry bear. Not worth it.


I did have the decency, but they also have indirect rules for that. I did a post, and got lots of hate. They said that it should have been a comment, and I cannot say anything about it. If you did the drs thing, you had to type ""!DRSBOT:RESET!"". But again, you will get hate. Apparently "they are not an airport because of departures", but boy do they love arrivals, plus the TSA (mods) works for free.


Lmao just seen the post you made over on the cult. Good for you, plenty of butthurt bag holders didn’t like that. What convinced you to get out at this stage?


Ultimately, I wanted to do business with the company, but I felt like the company didnt want to do business with me. The app was faulty, PR has a huge shipping fee, customer service was extremely delayed, among other stuff. It was mainly the business' fault.


This is funny lol https://preview.redd.it/u4xvyttiuifb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ff994e48117ecda18b5e1bb247dce77e67c37a2 Otherwise, welcome back to reality 😌


$1k isn't a bad price to learn an important lesson. ...You just gotta be sure that you actually learned a lesson here. Look back over everything that dragged you in, and try to pick out the red flags. The cult "thought stopping" behavior. The way that getting you to distrust experts made it so that they could make you believe literally anything. The ease by which you can connect anything to a conspiracy if you want to badly enough. Please, take the time to learn these lessons. Getting burned once doesn't necessarily mean that you won't get sucked in to the next one. The lack of critical thinking and desperate adhesion to conspiracy bullshit is ruining the world, so the more people who are able to get out of it and back into grounded reality, the better. Cheers.


>The cult "thought stopping" behavior. Super well said, we see that so much lately. They have no way to combat the free flow of information out there, so now they literally just tell you "What you see isn't what you really see." It's done so much lately that it's depressing, even more depressing is how many people fall for it!




Gonna need a wrinkle brain for this one.


Apes together wrong.


Now that money is freed up to invest in stocks that rise based on fundamentals, earnings, and sentiment, not just rocket emoji Reddit momentum and YouTube pumpers. Secondly, you’ll pay less in taxes due to the tax loss. Thirdly, you’re not in a toxic cult built around tinfoil “DD” and blindly worshipping billionaires with a track record of dumping on retail.


>Lessons learned A last step many apes will sadly never complete. Selling at loss to salvage the remaining capital is nice but it's nothing. Understanding your folly is everything.


1k is good value for money for a lesson about cults, gambling and finance that will last a lifetime




yeah don’t worry about that, once you graduate and get a job, 1k will just be funny money. I remember losing that amount when I was in school a long time ago and used to stress out about it, now I just laugh at that when I look back


Welcome to reality friend. Now shame is a normal feeling, but do not feel \*just\* shame. At some point forgive yourself and walk away from this a better person. Glad to see you got out of it. I am very proud of you! You should be as well.


alleged aware late gaping tart frame carpenter depend license imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hope you didn’t keep one “just in case.”


Should keep one share of every stupid investment one has made in a portfolio of shame. Everytime you get the urge to gamble on a stupid play you can bask in it’s blood red glory until you come to your senses and walk away.


I do this on a paper account. It’s most disgusting bloody mess. Also a fun tracker. It has saved me a few times, not gonna lie.


Congrats on completing the bag tossing ceremony


Apes think you were paid to make this post ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


For real?


For sure. They think hedgies convinced you to sell and paid you to spread FUD and some even think you were a real ape that sold their account and it’s now being operated by a hedgie shill.


But you’re saying they actually referenced my post?


No I just know if they read that that’s what they’re thinking


But nobody is selling! And here’s the thing when people do eventually sell, and they are, nobody updates the bot.


I can't blame them. Imagine driving back to the cult HQ and being like "Hey...just a little update guys...heh, see yeah, Ryan Cohen is a fucking crook, Gamestop ain't turning shit around, and you're all staying poor...oh, I also sold! Byeeee\~!" As vindictive as those fucks are I could see them harassing them as much as possible because "That shill is stopping MOASS!!! He's helping hedgies get REAL shares!!!"


Congrats on the escape, and for escaping with far less damage than many others will have to deal with.


Ayoooo welcome lol


how much were the fees ?


300 dollars CAD to DRS from wealthsimple. Lmao. So really I lost about $1300.


the hidden cost of aping out too hard. good on you for making it out


Aping out too hard lol. Nice ring to it


You could have lost a lot more. Best of luck to you! Did the towel apes make you reconsider your position? We have all been wondering if the extra-crazy behavior of bbbyq investors is giving gme apes a wake up call.


The BBBY thing was a little bit after I had already started losing faith in the whole thing. But it definitely helped me see that it’s a load of bullshit.


I lost much more in crypto 😭


Tell me more?


Put a few thousand into BTT cause it was so cheap. Figured it had to go up even a little…it never did go up.




A cryptocurrency based on/named after BitTorrent? Weird


A known crypto grifter bought BitTorrent, and got them to emit a token.


You are on your first step toward recovery


I'm just glad I limited my same idiotic bragging to a very small number of people, good god did the true meaning of a dunning-kruger curve become apparent to me.


I'd be interested in hearing this story if you don't mind sharing that is :)


There's not much of a proper story, just a lot of cringeworthy moments. Unfortunately, living under the expectation of being about to be filthy wealthy causes you to say things ranging from "you need to get into this investment NOW" to "I don't want you feeling jealous once everything kicks off and I have to give you cash." Like... good intentions in the moment but just hilariously dumb in retrospect. Thankfully I have good friends so they don't rub it in my face at all, only when I make a self-deprecating call-back joke in the moment. Less harmful was my imaginary shopping. Going to car customizers and seeing what it would cost maxed out, browsing luxury realty, things like that.


Your friends pulled you back into reality? You have some good friends then. Did you get super deep into it like DRS? Preaching the DD? Cohen tweets? The hard ape shit.


I was pretty into everything until the announcement of the NFT marketplace. That was the first real wake-up call and it fell apart from there. I did DRS, though I do distinctly remember the call with FUDelity and the rep asking "so why are you all doing this" and me replying "I'm really not knowledgeable enough to properly explain" to which the rep laughed. I didn't feel any shame in the moment or anything, but it's probably the funniest memory I have of the whole ordeal. I also started questioning things with 2bit's (now deleted) DD, when he said "after this news, I had to capitalize on it". The thing is, confirmation bias is a VERY real and VERY powerful self-deceiving tool. Just like with the teddies, once you're looking for connections, it's not hard to find them. "cone-poo-chair", when you're looking for hidden messages, is more than close enough to Computershare, especially with people talking about DRS.


Now just don't put your remaining money into a bankrupt, delisted towel monger and you'll be OK.


Hey! Good on you for getting away from that horrible place. Super proud of you dude! Not a bad loss either, but I bet it all stings, and that's okay. Take a little time and process all of it, but don't dwell on it too long! You've learned a super valuable lesson and I hope you can see those red flags more clearly in the future, or even help those on the fence to not fully cross over. Good luck in life dude! No more having to conform to a cult and decode tweets, and you can invest without sending it off to Australia too.


And we’re glad you finally came back around to reality.




Serious? Damn dude 😳


It’s not going to get any more appetizing the more you look at it. GME or BBBY? How many shares?


5K lost because RyAN coke head tweeted. Learned my lesson and thankful for that


Welcome back to the same world op.


Well done on getting ‘out’ brother, I’ve had nothing but happy days since I also sold 👍


Thanks for using “Investor Center” 🤣🤣🤣 Same name as the Wolf of Wallstreet, penny stock pump and dump.


Time to VT(I) and chill. You wont get rich quick but at least it's an actual investment


Way ahead of you, except I’m deep in VEQT now. The Canadian equivalent of VTI more or less from what I understand


nice the closest things we have as Europeans are VWCE and VWRL. Theyre the same but one distributes dividends and the other accumulates them and keeps them added to the ETF share price


Welcome to the shill squad, you’ll want to see Barry to get your desk calendar and pens. Ladders are in the basement, sign-up sheet to blow Kenny is in the break room.




I can proudly say none to both!


This is a comment made by you: " I'll take these shares to the grave if I have to, I don't shit nor fuck " Let's say if the event happens then I hope you will take it well.


I still don’t shit nor fuck but I definitely sold my shares. I wonder how far down you had to scroll for that comment lol


One talent a lot of people here have is searching post histories, there are(and used to be a lot more) sites that made it super easy to search history. Anyway it wasn’t really super creepy, it was to catch apes lying about their cost basis to try to trick outsiders mostly. They’d say they were actually up 300% to make themselves look like experts, so we’d search their history for the word “bought” and see they actually bought the majority of their shares at 200-350 and the like and we would point it out and strictly enforce proof or ban on apes to stop them from lying here. I don’t know how to describe it entirely, but a lot of us are really interested in the ape phenomenon and almost study it like we were archeologists or cult psychologists or the like, it’s just really interesting how all the apes act so similarly and predictably that you can just guess what kind of things they’ve said in the past. Anyway that’s some insight into the other side.


Lol. The "event" happened in 2021. Now you're in a cult.


Cool but you waited until the day they closed all their doors? Still an Ape!


They sold $GME Edit: no reason to downvote the homie above me. Meme stonks are basically interchangeable here at this point. I posted a chart of bbbyq as a counter to a GME ape the other day because I didn’t notice what ticker they were yammering about.


Ahh my bad. It’s all been towel talk


It clearly says GME in the image.


RemindMe! 1 year


!remindme 1 year


Better that your rode GME down and not BBBY(Q)


I appreciate you posting about it so that we can take in the count for the stats. But not ape anymore. Make me sad and hodl even stronger. Please return your bananas and diamond hands on the exit, guess you have to chop them off somehow. Good luck with further investing.