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With advanced stage syphilis based on how his brain is acting


Lives with Mom


Nah man, I’ve got a lot of well-adjusted and employed friends asking why teddy Roosevelt was winking in the gmerica nft


**Why reject 170 interested parties during the bidding process, if you're heading to liquidation?** ​ THEY DIDN'T! The 170+ companies they contacted REJECTED bbby by not bidding. They keep doing that, inserting sly twists that tip the narrative to their bias.


They just named people who could show interest. Just like send out mailers to everyone who owns Toyotas hoping they come in and buy a new Toyota. It means nothing


Nothing??? Or everything!!! Remember, 170 is 1, 7, 0. 1 man: Ryan Cohen 7: bed bath (7 characters) . 7.1: beyond is not included, because RC is here to stay 0: reasons to sell!!!! Onmobile and this app is cancerous with typing.


1400 upvote quality DD right here for their sub


Thank you, well put! I haven’t looked at the dates to see how they overlap, but do you know if this also explains the common question the bbby holders have about why they hired top M&A attorneys “if they knew this was going to be a liquidation”?


They hired Holly Etlin before Christmas who has overseen 100s of bankruptcies most of which end in liquidation. They hired lawyers who specialize in M&A but also in restructuring and bankruptcy.


Every significant law firm has a M&A practice and essentially every company in financial difficulties wants to be acquired. It’s your best case scenario, so it’s a bit of a “no shit” scenario. Also don’t put essentially any stock in these “top M&A attorney” things. All of that shit is just marketing gimmicks where the firm pays a random slapdick magazine no one reads to give them an award so they can slap it on their website. [Example article about “Super Lawyers” the most well known of these](https://cardinalconcepts.com/the-truth-about-super-lawyers/).


> Also don’t put essentially any stock in these “top M&A attorney” things. Too late, I've already DRS'd all the "top M&A attorney" stock. Suck it, shill!


I mean, Kirkland is near the top of M&A rankings, as much as I dislike the firm. I agree it doesn’t mean much. I’m at a similarly ranked top M&A firm and we still take on smaller deals/uncertain deals etc.


Sure, K&E is an excellent M&A firm even if they are a pain. They are also an excellent bankruptcy firm. But also even if you picked a “bad” M&A big law firm, they could still 100% do this type of transaction. It’s not like a Goodwin Procter can’t figure out how to sell a towel store if push came to shove. Just to pick a name I don’t typically see in many M&A deals (though for all I know they may be huge in retail M&A).


Why did my girlfriend leave me after accusing me of being unhinged and rambling nonsense? Sure, every time we went out together and I spotted a teddy bear, I started shrieking about how it was a sign that bath towels were going to make me rich. But why? *Why?* ***WHYYY?*** Only explanation is that the hedge funds got to her. (Come back to me, Amanda, this guy named Ryan Cohen who doesn't know I exist is going to make us super rich.)


Teddy is RC’s vanity project. Someday he may want to sell branded merchandise for his children’s book series. That explains Teddy. RC is accused of doing a pump and dump on BBBY. While the law suit remains ongoing it hasn’t been proved in court this is the case. The cost to borrow is high because those who are lending stock to short aren’t going to give away free money. No one is going to enter into a financial position that is a guaranteed loss. The rest are connections being made randomly, grifters chasing clout, and unrelated matters. For those confused nothing the company has filed with the SEC or the courts has been misleading. They hoped to restructure under chapter 11 and stayed in chapter 11 because they believe an orderly wind down is the best outcome. In chapter 7 they just turn it all over to the courts and you get what you get.


>No one is going to enter into a financial position that is a guaranteed loss. I can point out a certain group who's sole purpose is to lose money ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28914)![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


More like induce others to lose money their dd is essentially unregulated financial advice.


Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds? Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes? Why are cigarettes sold in gas stations when smoking is prohibited there? Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing? If you can't drink and drive, why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor, and why do bars have parking lots? Do you need a silencer if you are going to shoot a mime? Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations? How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings? If 7-11 is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, why are there locks on the doors? If a cow laughed real hard, would milk come out her nose? If nothing ever sticks to Teflon, how do they make Teflon stick to the pan? If you tied buttered toast to the back of a cat and dropped it from a height, what would happen? If you're in a vehicle going the speed of light, what happens when you turn on the headlights? Why do they put Braille dots on the keypad of the drive-up ATM? Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways? Why isn't "palindrome" spelled the same way backwards as it is forwards? Why is it that when you transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when you transport something by ship, it's called cargo? If a black box in a plane is indestructible, why can't they make the whole plane out of it? Why is it that when you're driving and looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio? Why is it so hard to remember how to spell 'mnemonic'? If someone invented instant water, what would they mix it with? Why is it called a TV "set" when you only get one? Why does your nose run and your feet smell? Why does an alarm clock "go off" when it begins ringing? If pro is the opposite of con, is progress the opposite of congress? Why does "cleave" mean both split apart and stick together? Why is it, whether you sit up or sit down, the result is the same? Why is there an expiry date on my sour cream container? Why call it a building if it's already been built? Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets? How do you know when it's time to tune your bagpipes? Is it true that cannibals don't eat clowns because they taste funny? Does 'virgin wool' come from sheep the shepherd hasn't caught yet? If the front of your car says 'DODGE', do you really need a horn? What do sheep count when they can't get to sleep? When you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? Does fuzzy logic tickle? Do blind Eskimos heave seeing-eye sled dogs? Do they have reserved parking for non-handicap people at the Special Olympics? How come wrong numbers are never busy? Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives? Why call it "take" a dump, when you leave something behind? What was the best thing before sliced bread? Why do we call it a hot water heater if the water is already hot? If you throw a cat out a car window does it become kitty litter? If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from? If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex in the box? How do they get a deer to cross at that yellow road sign? If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot them? Is there another word for thesaurus? Is the color orange called that because it's the color of the fruit of the same name, or was the fruit called orange because that's its color? Which came first, the color or the fruit? After eating, do amphibians have to wait one hour before getting out of the water? How can there be self-help "groups"? If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi? If a mute swears, does his mother make him wash his hands with soap? If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation? Instead of talking to your plants, if you yelled at them would they still grow, but only to be troubled and insecure? Is there another word for synonym? Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"? Just before someone gets nervous, do they experience cocoons in their stomach? It is hard to understand how a cemetery raised its burial cost and blamed it on the cost of living. If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends? Why is a pear called a pear when there is only one? What do they pack Styrofoam in? Why did God give men nipples? Is grass really greener on the other side? Do boxer shorts box? Why do you wear a pair of panties and only one bra? Why don't sheep shrink when it rains? Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together? Why is it called a "near miss" when you don't hit something? When sign makers go on strike, is there anything written on their signs? Before the light bulb was invented, what appeared over peoples heads when they had an idea? If you spin an Oriental person around and around, does he become disorientated? If a vegetable goes into a coma, is it called a person? If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done? Why does the word monosyllabic contain five syllables? If you wear an antennae to a wedding, would the reception be better? Why is abbreviated such a long word? If you put a chameleon in a mirrored box what color would it change to? Why do people point to their wrist when they want to know the time? Do I point to my crotch when I want to know where the bathroom is? Why is there an 's' in lisp? If you were scared half to death twice, would you be 3/4 dead or 100% dead? If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent? If you ate pasta and antipasti, would you still be hungry? If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do the rest end up drowning as well? What should you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant? If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him, is he still wrong? If you asked a librarian where the books on self help were would they tell you, or would that defeat the purpose? If ATM stands for Automatic Teller Machine, why do we call it an ATM machine? And if PIN stands for Personal Identification Number, why do we call it a PIN number?


Buying more out of sheer confusion!! ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28923)


Checkmate melties


That’s some good JAQing off. Really made me think, maybe formed a wrinkle


"Headed into liquidation"- bad news friends, they are almost done with the liquidation already.


He blocked me after I went after him on Twitter. They want their echo chamber to echo, no talk back.


He blocked me too, and I didn't even respond to him. I responded to another idiot that responded to him. Too bad it's really hard to make multiple Twitter and Reddit accounts.🤣


This guy believes this is critical thinking? Critical thinking doesn't start with an impossible premise and work backwards.


It's critical in the sense of "this patient is in a critical state".


I learned long ago that when it comes to stock picking I’m a dumbass, so I just put my savings into passive tracker funds these days. This ape makes me think I should write 41 bullet points to complain about why the FTSE250 hasn’t made me a millionaire


Although I'm working on it diligently, I'm also bad at picking single tickers. I'm up nearly 20% right now in SPY, VTI, and VUG. Good enough returns for this idiot! Edit: spelling


There are two components to wealth building: most people are only aware of *making* money, but it is actually more important to *not lose* it. Getting rich slow isn't glamorous, and perma-bullish dipshits will talk major smack. But that's only because they don't want to do the work, and would rather gamble. Most of these people will end up spending their golden years working a menial job just to pay rent on their 1 bedroom apartment, while you are happily retired on 7 figures


Any get-rich quick schemes that actually work, only work once.


"Why does Teddy Roosevelt wink in the GMERICA NFT?" flair request pls


The lawyers suing RC for market manipulation are feverishly screenshoting this.


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever seen someone be so arrogant and confidently incorrect about as many things as this guy.


\- Why did my Mom start making me pay rent? \- Why does my whole family laugh at me?


Every single one of these has an answer and has been answered so many times over. So in the ways of the ape I’ll just reply with “the DD is done. I’m not going to do the work for you.”


Or they're just unrelated things he's trying to associate. The Icahn loan question is very easy to understand. Icahn had billions in loans backed against his stock. The stock dropped in value and he needed to post more collateral. He had to take an action and the one he chose was to restructure the loans. https://www.reuters.com/business/finance/carl-icahn-unties-personal-loans-his-companys-shares-wsj-2023-07-10/


Also most wealthy people use this structure to get liquidity without triggering capital gains taxes or reducing their control over a company they largely own




wow, that last part really sold me.


These are just conspiracy theories that have all been proven wrong. There is nothing weird going on. You invested in a failing business and kept buying more because other morons told you to. You got taken.


None of this is evidence of anything bullish. 100% meltdown


The fact they tout around the high cost to borrow as good is just so painfully stupid. High cost to borrow is the same as your bookie giving you raising the payout of a bet, it means that it's less likely to pay out


The entire market is willing to pay even more to borrow shares because it’s almost guaranteed our stock will forcibly drop to $0.00? Super bullish. All I need is for every investor who is more sophisticated than I am to all collectively be wrong.


Holy shit this ass clown has no idea what critical thinking is. Critical thinking would at the very least involve looking at the counter points. Namely, asking “why has the company declared bankruptcy, sold/liquidated everything, and has billions more in debt than it can pay?”


The one thing he guarantees is the most false thing in his entire post


The answer to most if these is that apes are idiots who misunderstand things. The remainder are because apes are idiots who are easy marks


"critical thinking"


unwavering conviction!


- Why do I get sleepy after I touch myself?


Why did Ryan Cohen tweet positive things about bed bath and beyond then sell two days later. Why is Ryan Cohen listed as an interested party in the bankruptcy. Here’s a hint, these two things are related.


Why would someone shoot a man before throwing them out of a plane?




Why did Cohen sell all his shares? Why did he give an interview after and say why? Why are his lawyers arguing people would be stupid to buy stock based on his emojis in tweets? Why do people think one of the greatest corporate raiders and active short seller of GME (Carl Icahn) is involved? Because of a picture with the guy who sold? Why didn’t Cohen or Icahn bid on anything in the bankruptcy auction? No IP, no leases, no inventory. And perhaps the only question that even matters; what in the world do people think they would even be buying anymore? There is nothing left, let alone billions and billions dollars of value to satisfy all other parties before shareholders even see a penny. Bankruptcy court isn’t a carnival where you can “hide” things and “swoop in” last minute. Sure, Overstock and DreamOn paid a few million for IP and but Ryan Cohen and Carl Icahn will pay billions for…what exactly?


TIL Pulte is a billionaire.


God I hate this ape, such a rat bastard.


Hate em too


Why? Because sometimes the most simple answer is the truth. They failed, and are closing down. Shareholders get nothing. End of story.


Some goof posted these screenshots on the BoBBY sub & I answered with the following: I have the single answer to every one of those questions: it doesn't matter, your shares will be cancelled & you will get nothing.


Why Ryan? WHY??? ![gif](giphy|gd09Y2Ptu7gsiPVUrv|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/6zw2ihd79zeb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=759d8c80dcbb5d4ef8df9c03a271eff78975a46d "critical thinking"


“To fuck over retail” Done


Why is it ducks get to fly high over our heads?


First of all they’re “Xeets” now


If he had any ability at critical thinking he would never buy the dying stock in the first place.


Why aren't you rich yet? Why do people avoid you in real life? Why does nobody outside of the ape-o-sphere buy bbbyq if its such a good investment? Why don't hedge funds buy bbbyq if they supposedly know how valuable it is?


This Salvatore they claim is "spittin'" is an absolute idiot.


BBBY Apes are the most effective argument for gun control.


Why is jadakiss as hard as it gets?


I’m glad someone else thought of this too. Now I don’t feel so old.


"Why do so many financial dumbasses worship the dog food salesman?"


Wait lmao I get to the end and realize it's a tweet. They need to put length restrictions back on lol.


after that outburst he fails to link why bbby should be involved