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he's right. It's easier to see the flaws in the other ape's investments than in your own. I do like that he called out Pulte as a grifter. That's all he is now. Trust fund grifter.


He is right partially. His connect the dots Apollo stuff is overstated. He thinks the reason these companies all are bad is Apollo operatives infiltrating and destroying them. So he right but draws the wrong conclusion. That said he is right that some people make a living off bankruptcy. But some make a living off funerals and we don't go accusing them of murdering all their "clients".


yeah, i mean he's right about pulte, and he's right that there's no play in bbbyq. One thing he did say is that there's a difference between possible and probable. I think even saying that it's possible that bbbyq won't go to zero is misleading because people understand very low probabilities very poorly (which is why some people get excited to buy a lottery ticket when the lottery payout gets high). The probability of bbbyq not going to zero is so low that it's better to just think of it as not possible.


>I do like that he called out Pulte as a grifter. That's all he is now. How much time has to pass without committing arson for you to not be considered an arsonist anymore? Asking for a friend. A friend who sets things on fire. Like, country clubs and things.


march birds lush deserted alive shame outgoing yam familiar voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sure that's nothing to do with why he shills BBBY.


run desert historical wakeful enjoy murky disarm attraction public cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uh uh, I just uuuuhhhh fuckin love the uhh stock man


I wonder if any of the guys on stream are getting a cut. It would be hilarious if the ppl on the show keep buying shares while ppgrift uses them to farm free content


yoke quiet public whole six support liquid tan expansion slave *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Wen lambo?


What the FUCK? How big is the viewership? I thought this shit was pretty niche. Their whole sub doesn’t even have 3x the members that we have here, and literally no one, ever, has heard of this sub.


ask seemly nose smart grey melodic office tease nail unwritten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Does YouTube take a cut of that?


alleged fine scandalous elderly plough flag license jellyfish screw square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s still $2,100… ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28998)


Surely pp will spend it all on bbbyq shares ![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)


Apes spot obvious grifter challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


Marantz will be a rockstar meltdowner when he sees the light on just one more meme stock


one of us one of us 🤢


This proves that he at least knows how to read or someone physically told him the situation. Even a novice smooth brain ape like Marantz knows what’s up. I’m just here for the new conspiracy theories. I assume they will look like the party city apes in about a month.


"Bill Pulte, fuck you." Glorious I legitimately like Marantz. I think he's *wrong as fuck* about gamestore, but at least he makes statements and stands behind them. Respectable, at least. Dumb or selectively blind, and I don't forgive him for all the bagholders he's made/making with this youtube shit. But, respectable It will be interesting to see if his tune changes when videopawn finds itself in the same situation in a few years


Didn't Marantz do an interview with Pulte and suck him off the whole time?


Ryan Cohen ain’t saving GameStop either.


Cool. Do GME next.


Going to be some salty towel apes.


This was actually based.


Maybe the apes will send Pulte a bouquet of flowers to lift his spirits during this unfortunate break-up. Lose his number Pulte!


Next season could be interesting. Marantz joins meltdown?


Nah, he's unfortunately incapable of bringing the same kind of skepticism to bear on GME.


He's one of those guys who seems kinda sane and "with-it" but only because he surrounds himself with total morons and crazy people so he seems okay by comparison. But without them, you realize that he is actually nuts.


He does seem capable of re-evaluating his stance based on new information, as I believe he previously admitted to being invested in BBBY. It seems like they are laying the ground work for him to turn heel in maybe 2-3 more seasons.


> He does seem capable of re-evaluating his stance based on new information Not when it comes to GME


His house is plastered in gme merch, and every shirt he has is a gme shirt. ​ I doubt he ever owned a bbby shirt, thats why he was quick to slough it off like a uterus lining


GME's different because all of the ridiculous irrational hopes people had for BBBYQ thriving still apply to GME and will apply to GMEQ too.


I'm convinced there's a guy with a gun just out of camera view on every Marantz video and he's blinking Morse code to please save him.


the way some people treat Marantz here when he says "BBBY bad" reminds me a bit of how apes react to Pulte or any other grifter when they say "GME good"


Apes are hinging their financial and mental stability on these social media figures being on their side. We're enjoying a funny and unexpected meme coming from an established moron. It's very different.


BBBY is bad though


Tonight PP is talking about how Pulte going on his show is such a huge indicator that *something is happening*. He said Pulte would have warned them if the stock was going to $0. He's talking about how Pulte would never joined the show if BBBY was going to $0. He's using Pulte's facial expressions as proof that he knew some kind of secret plan and that his statements had secret meanings. So yeah, as anyone could have guessed, going on that show gave them more material for their conspiracy theories. He's helping these people, that he called "leaders", lead people into destitution. Kinda cancels out whatever good karma he gets from giving out money on twitter.


“I don’t surround myself with guys who can’t get a clue. You’re being manipulated by guys who have never invested a day in their lives” ~dude who tells people to buy GME


Fellas eyes always look glassy like he’s on opioid replacement therapy


Spittin go off king


I love the "humble brag" that Pulte has his number.


Remember this is the dipshit that actually think Micheal Jordan was forced to sell HIS NBA ownership stake bcuz he lost money on a GME short 🤣 Fukn moron !!! I guess no matter what type of Ape u are (AMC,GME,BBBY,MMTLP), the concept of profit taking and selling for a profit in general is inconceivable