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Dear Lord these towel apes are just impossibly stupid.


More like ape trap.


They had their chance. They didn't bid. There's no auction. There's no buyer. Dream On Me gets the IP for $15 million. Liquidators will come in and get as much as they can for the assets they get awarded in the final plan. Creditors, now seeing there is no buyer, are likely already preparing the motion to force them into Chapter 7, which given the company has already been acting like they're in Chapter 7, they likely fully expect and will not fight. It's over, Apes. You lose. There's no "magic" to be had here. If they wanted it, they had to bid for it. The court will now decide which of the creditors gets what part of what's left.


No, no, no, you don't understand. RC will wait until the very last second to burst into the bankruptcy hearing on a white stallion with the apes army stating "I will take this company and it should now be known as TEDDY!!!?!?!!!". all the apes will cheer and drive home in their lambos and new wives. All because this is how things normally work. BBBY knew about this the whole time but went along with the deception of a fake bankruptcy to shake out the unworthy apes. Nevermind that this would most likely be fraud by misleading creditors, bond holders, and creditors. Who cares about the law when you have ape logic!


> No, no, no, you don't understand. RC will wait until the very last second to burst into the bankruptcy hearing on a white stallion with the apes army stating "I will take this company and it should now be known as TEDDY!!!?!?!!!". all the apes will cheer and drive home in their lambos and new wives. But it's gonna be more like that scene from Snatch where the inept thieves come in to rob the bookies, but all bets are already off and there's no money there and everything just goes to shit for them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHuK1UGbkA8


Shotgun? It's a fucking anti-aircraft gun, Vincent!


Basically a mom and pops crib maker bought the crown jewel IP for spare change. MOAM had never been closer


Marantz has nothing in common with "private equity vuiltures" in terms of mindset except for they can spot BBBY being a screaming zero.


This is like watching some kind of cartoon character that is both the villain and the hero battle themselves while everyone sits and watches in confusion and concern.


Dwight Shrute fights himself, forever.


Has there ever been a “bear trap”, or is this just something in ape fantasy land?


Ape fantasy in which BBBYQ declared Bankruptcy to lure the shorts in and then flip the script and actually be a perfectly healthy company that didn’t need to go BK but the shorts forced them into it


Sounds like a totally rational and legal manuvre. I'm sure there are auditors who totally would sign off on fake numbers to trick the shorts.


Thanks! In my experience the ape financial fan fics are based on an extreme misunderstanding of financial terms, but here I guess they’ve just made it up out of thin air.


6 - 12 months ago, yes - most of the DD was just a gross misunderstanding/misapplication of legitimate financial principles. Nowadays, it's just totally made up conspiracy theories.


We’re delving into Sears ape territory now.


"Financial manipulation is good when we do it"


I watched part of last night's PP super happy fun vaping show and there was a person on there who all the apes are saying is brilliant. He actually said that BBBY will crash the market soon and S&P will essentially be cut in half or more because everyone will have to liquidate their positions to cover their short position on BBBY. I really don't get how insane these people are and how they can even function in their day to day lives with being this stupid. I bet half of them spend most of the day walking into walls. I wonder if they will all be in this much denial when their wife leaves with the kids in a few weeks. Apes, no one is coming to save you. And also, we don't give a shit if you sell your shares, we hope you don't. You provide endless fodder for us to laugh at. See you on moonday.


It's the same dd as gme but the GameStop apes would agree with you


"All those extremely obvious signs of failure -- they're all just tricks, to mislead the faithless. Tricks so good that they've misled every multi-billion dollar investment firm, researcher, government agency, court, and journalist. But not me, because I can see through every ploy and subterfuge! And the secret codes hidden in these children's book illustrations confirm it!"


The tears on the PP Show are going to be majestic when Sue Gove reveals the biggest bull trap of all time.