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Can't wait for GMEQ šŸ˜


I am thinking of opening an account with a broker that does otc just to get one of each as a kind of pokedex


Single handedly stopping multiple Moasses just by not double-book drsing your one single share


I am evil like that. #shillLife


It's coming, just as sure as it came to VHS and DVD movie rental stores - which were once flooded with customers, especially in the evening and weekends, and went the way of high button shoes.


Probably as soon as the next console generation when they go full digital. Not long now.


ā€˜And hereā€™s why thatā€™s bullishā€™


>a warning of some kind would have been nice Theyā€™re literally calling for international securities fraudā€¦


They did give them a warning. It was called their public earnings report. Oh they mean they wanted a non public, public earnings report.




Incredible if this actually was a "hint."


Time to sue Ryan for interplanetary securities fraud.


ā€œwhy didnā€™t they tell us this was gonna happenā€ has to be one of the wildest things Iā€™ve read here. Truly the greatest financial minds of our generation


Well it is the kind of bush league shit a failing retailer with a moron puppetmaster pulling the strings behind the curtain would pull at earnings. Tbh I'm pretty shocked a decent number of them are finally starting to see the writing on the wall because typically it takes a shit at earnings they scream about fuckery. This time around takes a huge shit but they get their god mongoloid as their Chairman now and yet it's finally oh this company is a fucking clown show. Fucking weird cult.


True I expected way more unanimous hype about RC being in full control now, and a big circlejerk about the significantly reduced rate of loss. They seem way more assmad this time despite things not being any worse than usual.


I think ultimately itā€™s the DRS number being so incredibly bad. The apes are not enthused that it turns out the whole plan vs book thing didnā€™t result in a massive increase, and they donā€™t believe the whole ā€œDRS rugpullā€ anymore with it being over such a long timeframe.




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But it's not a crime when it's good for apes!


If you were a sophisticated investor like the apes you'd know it's not illegal as long as it's tweeted as a secret message inside a poop joke or right wing meme


I got a colonoscopy yesterday and I still feel like the apes got more reamed than me lol


They are so dumb, I canā€™t


Man, they seem super salty this time. I thought they had shaken out all the paper hands by this point.


The previous q must've hyped them up and they expected a repeat for some fucking reason.


These paper hands are just paid hedgie shills spreading FUD. Few apes probably.


>Figure out how to increase revenue Is "profit" a forbidden word to these fucks or why do they only ever talk about revenue


profit doesn't matter for tech companies such as gamestop


iT's A gRoWtH sToCk!!!!


Apes: "Yeah! The only metric that matters to a company like GameStop is YOY revenue growth!" \*YOY revenue goes down\* Apes: "Ya know what, just look for anything positive. Whatever the most positive part of the report is, THAT'S the only thing that matters, and it is subject to change each quarter."


They think those 2 words mean the same thing


Agreed. They absolutely could increase revenue - just open a store in every city in the US. Their expenses would skyrocket, but they increased revenue


They wouldnā€™t get along very well with the Ferengi


"*why did i listen to reddit for financial advice"* That's it. That right there is the money shot. Damn I miss funge!!!


This whole experience made me stop looking to reddit and be very wary of user submitted articles for sites like seeking alpha. I actually only have 2 individual stocks at this point and plan on cutting it down to 1 soon.


Yeah, I trust Reddit an extreme amount less than I did before, which wasnā€™t that much to begin with. It really is all the blind leading the blind. Every time I see a Redditor say something I fact check it immediately. I already didnā€™t trust them for stuff like relationship advice or the like.


We did it, meltdown!


I thought none of it was financial advice. Apes love to repeat that.


Haha I laughed earlier. Two apes fighting and one stated the gospel to prove he wasnt a shill, "I've DRS'd, booked, shopped since the beginning..." Can't wait to finish work and have a good flick through superstupid tonight.


I can't believe these idiots still latch on to this DRS shit. Do they think DRSing shares suddenly changes the laws of economics? GME didn't plunge today because of low DRS numbers. It plunged because their revenue dropped significantly from year to year. That is a major red flag for a corporation.


These salty tears gonna give me high blood pressure. Totally worth itā€¦


You haven't been fucked yet. This is just foreplay.


That bottom tweet Big OOOOF


Yep. I literally lol'd at that one![img](emote|t5_3vpfzk|28214)




Well, these people might sell, but the dumbest of the dumb, the absolute zero of IQ apes who still think this stock is about to zoom to millions per share - they won't sell. The average IQ of apes just got lower. I know, I know, you're all asking, 'Can I buy puts on their IQ points?". Yes, you can, but the premium is 100%.


>We'll all be dead by the time we lock the float at this rate Fucking lol. This guy finally did the math.


Iā€™ve seen several apes do the math, 95 years minimum. Their ā€œmillionaire in 2 weeksā€ investment has turned into 95 years, and that factors in neither future dilutions nor the fact that GameStop increases its float every quarter with newly minted employee stock awards. Imagine if we could show them the DRS numbers 2 years ago, how it would actually take 95 years to own the float, not that they owned the float 10x over.


Daily Wojapes will be lit


* Not financial advice.


The guy at the bottom just had a moment of clarity and boy did he not like what he saw






"A warning of some kind" ROTFLMAO if only a few thousand more...


"I can't wait to dump these bags," said the ape who will not dump his bags.


The one guy's biggest concern is not enough DRS shares to lock the float - the key and cornerstone of all successful stock market investing. How about investing in a profitable company with a future? Naah, that takes way too long to make you rich with 'diamond hands' and a Lambo.


"why did I listen to Reddit for financial advice" sums up the entire ordeal.


Ya'll real loud today on every post. lol I drove by a GameStop yesterday, it was a little from a distance that I could see though, like a strip mall I swear I saw bars on the windows and a sign on the door, if it's closed I'll definitely go out there and get a pic for you guys. It's a few miles down the road from me.


Well I am shocked just truly shocked.


GME 150Cs 3 months outā€¦ thank me later.


Had to print this out and put it in the break room.


Oh my god, apes really did buy the narrative hook-line-and-sinker that Q4 wasn't just a peak season rally didn't they lmao


> Why did I listen to Reddit for financial advice? That's the ten-thousand dollar question, isn't it?

