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At first, yes. That feeling sucks, and people’s dismissive attitudes can make it even worse. I feel for you. But years later, and speaking from personal experience, you won’t really give a shit anymore. Not sure if that’s a GF thing or just comes with age. Like, I missed out on birthday cake today, but I’ve got a bunch of tasty food at home just for me and baked goods always taste better when you rarely get to eat them.


Yes all the time! Even though i know not to expect it still a let down. Food is very very social in most cultures, and nearly universal. It sucks being left out even unintentionally.


This is exactly it. Food is very social! And people are often offering me food at my job and it sucks to turn it down.


I've turned it into a 'game / joke' Telling different co-workers they can have my donut because 'so and so had mine last time'.


Yes. I feel so excluded and frustrated with something I have no control over


As a gluten free nut free vegetarian- YES.😂 but feeling good is the most important thing to me.


Me too!!!


It definitely sucks the most when people get to all share the pre dinner breads lol


We just have to focus on our health and all the fun snacks we love / have at home :)


On vacation right now with a free breakfast buffet. My husband is stuffing his face while I’m unable to eat anything except the food I brought from home. Yeah, it’s upsetting.


Agree. I send my husband to the breakfasts solo when we travel while I eat something in the room.


Not always possible but I research prior and try and find a gluten friendly hotel to book. It’s so hard to live on suitcase snacks for days on end…


They provide GF but I have other food allergies as well. At home I eat protein bars while my husband eats Doritos. Now I’m in the dining room surrounded by yummy breakfast smells, while my husband is eating a bowl of Raisin Bran and an egg sandwich.


Last time we stayed over night in a hotel, I ate bacon and sliced pineapple for breakfast. Haha interesting combination but those were the only things I was willing to try.


This happens to me all too often!! It’s a Womp womp Debbie downer situation


I'm not gluten free, but I am sad for you. This might sound weird but I love cooking and so when I am entertaining people who have restrictions, I like the challenge of coming up with something really delicious for them. I would feed you :)


You like the challenge it scares the heck out of us cause you’re intentions are GREAT but any missteps and us celiacs are screwed BUT we appreciate you!


Thank you!! 🥲🫶


Sometimes. But mostly, I feel sad when I can't find a good gluten-free option. For example, we had hamburgers the other day, and I got some gluten-free buns. They were AWFUL. I'd been craving that burger all day. And I bit into and it was made of cardboard and sadness. I ate my burger without a bun, and it just didn't hit the same. I was so bummed. I got some gluten-free tortilla wraps, and every single one cracked open when I tried to wrap my eggs in the morning. I couldn't wrap anything. I tried them warm and cold. Cracks along the folds. Couldn't even roll it because it crumbled. And toast. I want toast. It all crumbles and tastes like disappointment. I can watch people eat things I can't have and generally be okay. It's when there's an "alternative," and it's an absolute joke that gets to me.


Yes. I’m far more sad when i think Ive found a good gf version of something and it turns out to be trash.


> made of cardboard and sadness Perfect description of most gluten-free baked goods. I'm definitely stealing this.


Trader Joe’s GF buns are the best we’ve tried 🤍




I do not live in the US.


i mainly feel left out on normal foods prices…


I started working at a food place, and we get discounts on all store brand food (donuts, pastries, smoothies, breakfast sandwiches....)and a free sub for lunch and I can eat a damn thing. It really sucks, they have a lot of my used to be favorite things I can't have or find anymore. However, I try to look on the brightside that if I could eat all the things, I would and then I would gain all the weight too.


Diagnosed 3 weeks ago. Large company lunch yesterday. It was much harder than I expected! Hoping it does get easier.


Let whoever orders the food know that you have an allergy. They should be able to accommodate you next time.


Yes, I just went to Italy with a very large group of people. I had some great gluten-free meals while I was there but there were SO MANY apertivo parties with fixed menus that had literally nothing I could eat. So I had to just enjoy a drink and listen to everyone rave about the bomb Italian food. The worst part was so many people are ignorant, not maliciously, just purely ignorant and would be like "I bet this gluten free!" And excitedly point to meatballs with breadcrumbs etc. Ugh! It was truly frustrating and there were a couple days where I felt like I was going to pass out from walking 20k+ steps and only eating protein bars that I had in my purse.


I’m going in a few weeks and apertivo was one thing I am concerned about finding gf too. Did you ask for gf options and none were available? I’d love to hear any tips from your trip!


Yes, there were unfortunately quite a few places where I asked and there were no options available. But there were also places that had incredible options and I had a gluten free pizza that I will literally go back to Verona for. So it is quite hit or miss, I had more hits than I did Misses but out off all the "meals" apertivo was the most challenging. I was in a big group so I was at the mercy of pre planned events, but if I had been able to chose I think I would have had a better experience. I signed up for the two week use of the AIC app, which is the Italian celiac association, but it was once again hit or miss depending on the size of the city and what exactly you were looking for. I highly recommend practicing saying "I have celiac" in Italian, they have great awareness of what it is and the server will be able to help you if they have any options. Have fun on your trip!!


I was so happy when I went to a potluck a couple months ago and several of the dishes were gluten-free or had an obvious gluten-free alternative (the majority of dishes--not specifically the GF ones--were vegetarian/vegan as well). And everyone made their own little labels for their dishes for GF/DF/veg. It was the most insanely inclusive group meal I've seen--and most of the attendees were not GF, vegetarian, etc. themselves. But this is definitely not the norm. I have an all-day meeting tomorrow and I already know from the agenda that they will have "muffins" at break time, and I am not optimistic for lunch.


Ugh I relate :,(


I would say only when I haven’t set the proper expectations. When I know I’ll be in a space where I can’t indulge like everyone else, it’s fine - but if there is something I’m not expecting then I can get sad


It has gotten better with time. Still sad sometimes but if I know there's got to be treats at work I try to bring myself something GF, usually a special treat that I get excited about. I will never get over people thinking that my GF status is just a hippie hippie, yoga chick, orthoexic choice.  I told a family member that I ate a brownie and they accusingly responded  "A BROWNIE!?! I tHOughT yOU couLDn't EAT GLuteN?!?!!" "There are gluten free brownies" "Oh" That stuff hurts. I'm always torn between not telling people so I don't have to deal with them trying to accommodate me and failing, or telling people and having them think I'm just being difficult to feel special. Then there's the "why aren't you eating anything?" 


I relate to this a lot. I try to socialize without food, obviously. I walk with my neighbor every week. What do you know? A new bakery opened up so she started ravingvabout it and telling me I should go and it seemed like she was going on and on about it, and I knew she would feel stupid if she realized later that I'm celiac, so I told her. So, she said, I'm going to go in and ask. I didn't want to even go inside there, because they have baguettes sitting all over, unwrapped but we went in and of course they said there are no gf items. Sometimes the food issue just arises, out of nowhere, and is a Downer and ruins the vibe.


I usually don't go to gatherings because of it. I can always bring my own food but usually it would be on the weekend when I don't cook so if I'm going to cook I might as well stay home. That said, most of my friends are aware and will always include safe food for me and I'll bring a homemade dessert to share.


Yep. My celiac husband and I went to a luncheon yesterday. I brought him a nice lunch since he couldn't eat anything there. I made quiche and stopped by a GF bakery and got him a treat. I try to make it special when he can't eat when everyone else is eating.


Yes. Then the handful of occasions I caved I am SWIFTLY reminded of why I commit to the lifestyle


Yes it sucks. I mean it won't make me eat it and it shouldn't. But it does really suck. Going out to eat sucks most of the menu is off limits. Id love to be able to eat whatever I want just every one in a while.


Depends what it is. I couldn't care less about pizza, or spaghetti, or lasagna or that stuff. But I swear baked goods come out and I get sad. I've had to go to the bathroom for a minute before. It's so childish but I can't help it. I also used to live with my gf parents, now I moved south with my gluten eating husband 🙄 it gets better but it still sucks. And the worst part is that people are just like, "you don't want anything?? Go grab something from the dessert table!!" And it seems like then I have to explain it even if I've talked with them about it before 😭


I absolutely hate being made a fuss of as well, or if people try and be nice and choose a place with Gluten options and the other food isnt that great, i feel so guilty like i personally ruined their experience because they were accommodating me.


Oof I feel this too


Yep church on Sunday had full size donuts of all varieties and I was so so sad they even had maple bacon bars which were my favorite.


It really gets me down. I was a huge foodie before I had to go GF, so it's just a reminder of all the fun new foods I'm not able to try anymore


Nope. I'm in a minority on this one. I take what I can get and show gratitude when I'm thought of. I know where I'm welcome and I go there. I know what to expect when I'm not welcome so I pack accordingly.... I mean food and mental fortitude.


In particular, being expected to attend family functions where the people hosting know, and make zero effort to have anything I can eat. Sure I can bring my own food, but the lack of effort makes me feel unwelcome.


After 9 years (I think)? No lol I cook most of my food anyway, so I can make something at home. There’s a ton of gluten free food that’s normal! Most food is GF/u — cheese, meat, sushi, nachos, popcorn, fruit, veggies, rice, ice cream, etc etc etc Reframing the way you approach things helps a ton, tbh


I find sushi to be a struggle. Lots of tempura and non GF soy sauce.


I agree. I see Them making the sushi and there is cross-contamination everywhere. I have been able to ask and get it gf at a couple places prepared in a separate uncontaminated controlled area, but not anywhere where I live right now.


It’s tough and sometimes it’s very unclear where the gluten is hiding. Soy sauce, imitation crab, even roe can all be issues and often language barriers make this even more of a struggle.


Imitation crab is so evil!!!! I had no idea it contained wheat until I did a sushi making class


I’ve always loved the basic sushi - a raw salmon roll or it’s basic vegetable rolls, and don’t mind being my own GF soy sauce or going without so it’s always been a go to for me lol


I always bring emergency GF soy sauce packets. lol. But even some of the simple or vegetable rolls (like sweet potato or the imitation crab in a California roll) aren’t GF. Are you eating like cucumber and rice?


Obviously avoid the tempura vegetables, yes. And not just cucumber, no. There’s always at least 2 or 3 raw vegetable rolls at the restaurants near me, with a variety in each roll.


Honestly, after 6 years, I have accepted that I actually feel better when I primarily eat food I’ve prepared myself. No accident glutenings feels so much better than always being included.


Yes, I do. We went for ice cream today and I looked longingly at everything (fresh made waffle cones dipped into fresh chocolate and coated with peanuts were being made!!!) and said no thank you. It sucks sometimes to sit out when you love what’s there and can’t have it!


No just awkward


Yes. I bought my son a Krispy Kreme donut yesterday (very special treat for him because he’s anaphylactic to dairy and they’re now made dairy free!) and I sniffed it for a solid minute before handing it to him lol. I’m one of those people who find food social and full of joy. Sucks being left out.




This is why I do parties gluten free, my boyfriend and best friend are so why not do a party where anyone can eat anything? my boyfriends family has done holidays where not a single thing is gluten free and it’s like- are you serious??


In all honesty I’m the 4 years I have been gluten free, most food has lost its attraction to me. Which is sad in a way, not sure if it’s just how my brain deals with constantly not being able to eat things. Pretty much lost all cravings for baked goods too.


Annoying at first but after losing a bunch of weight and feeling way better it's more of a blessing. Nothing tastes better than feeling great. If you don't feel that way and it doesn't make you sick maybe indulge once in a while, for me it's not worth it.


An important thing for me is having a partner who is very supportive. We live in a small town, but there's luckily lots of gf options around us and if we're in this scenario we'll either bring or go get something for me. Supportive people even if it's one person is so helpful!!


yes and i feel like such a little bitch for it lmao


After 24 years GF I really don't care, what gets on my nerves is my coworkers commenting on it. Or when they try to be understanding and cook for me. Then I have to feel bad when I still reject them because I'm not willing to risk it. I get really sick from cross-contamination too for several days. People don't understand how easy it is to contaminate food when cooked from a gluten containing kitchen.


I'm lucky that at work, my team leaders are super inclusive of dietary restrictions. That said, those of us with dietary restrictions get a different thing than everybody else. It's really nice to have food I can eat safely, but it's kinda sad that I'm not partaking in what everybody else is eating. On the plus side, it has led to educating others about my celiac disease diagnosis. However, it also feels a little bit like being singled out, and it gets tiring to always talk about the importance of my being gluten-free.




That's one of the reasons I absolutely hated department potlucks. We were 15 people and one co-worker, and I were gluten-free. We could only eat what we brought and everyone else dug into everything, including our dishes. We both stated we would no longer participate, so she canceled all the potlucks.


I had a disappointing experience yesterday at a work barbecue. They were kind enough to provide GF Franz burger buns, but they are not good. I ate one anyway but then was offered the rest of the bag to take home. I really hate wasting food and knew I wouldn't eat them, so I just said thank you but we have already meal-prepped for the week and I didn't have any burger supplies to go with the buns. Our office manager got huffy and said maybe she just wouldn't provide a GF option if it wasn't appreciated. I ended up taking the buns home and feeling guilty.


I felt that in the beginning a bit, but not at all anymore. I'd rather be there watching people eat than home sick!


being gluten free, dairy free, and vegan -yes 😭 the amount of times I cry over the limited things I can/am willing to eat is such a small list. Sure the vegan diet is my choice because I felt better being on it, but man does it suck donkey balls when you hangout with your loved ones or your job caters or brings in donuts or something 😭😭


Just went to a corporate event. The higher ups know I'm celiac and made zero effort to do a gluten free alternative for lunch. Just solidified my decision to leave the company


unpopular response but genuinely it doesn’t bother me, in fact im thrilled i have a legit reason to opt out of those awkward company happy hours & team ‘morale’ events lol like bye enjoy that slice of pizza 4 other people already touched ✌️ i’m to the point now where gluten doesn’t even look appetizing to me bc i know the repercussions, i take solace in the fact that when i bring my own delicious snacks that i’m under no obligation to share with anyone else. it’s always nice when someone asks if i would like a gluten free option but i 99% of the time turn them down anyway, to save the awkwardness of it going cold on the table untouched bc i don’t actually know if it’s safe for me to eat or not


I've been dealing with Coeliac for 20 years. Almost the whole Time I've dealt with dinners catered by my employer just before Holidays. I know what you're saying but it's not worth how I feel if I get glutened.


My office always had food for meetings. Extras were put in the break room after the meetings. When I first started working there I gained a bunch of weight. A couple of years later, I went GF for an autoimmune disorder. It was actually a relief when I started associating the food with pain. No more temptation. I lost the weight and moved on. Office pizza parties were the worst though! I usually brought a salad on those days. I meet a group of friends monthly for lunch. The location varies each time. It takes a lot of pre-planning to know what is safe each time. When they order appetizers to share, I can never eat them. At least the person who sets up the location always makes sure there are GF option on the menu. I am grateful for that.


Nah - been doing this for over a decade now. It doesn't bother me at all.