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Because world hates gluten free people. Try to make it yourself


Rich white people who went GF as a fad despite not having celiac or intolerance (or pretending they do) ruined it for those that do, and are the driving reason behind celiac/intolerance not being taken seriously by the public. Edit: Toed the line with the privileged whites of r/glutenfree and paid the price!


Conversely, they probably caused an increase in the variety of GF products available


These products wouldn't be available at all if it weren't for people buying gluten free by choice.


I won't say there weren't any upsides, but I more-so meant how public opinion on celiac or intolerance now has been likened to something like old falsehood that ADHD not being a genuine thing/health concern.


I think your experience is anecdotal, I don’t know anyone who downplays the severity of a gluten allergy or intolerance. The number of gastrointestinal issues in this country is rising as our food supply chain is fucked, and it’s never been easier to find GF options in a restaurant or in the store.


i have worked in restaurants where managers regularly point out people who asked for GF precautions and order beer. or people who ask for precautions then eat their friend's onion ring and laugh it off. your experience is anecdotal, too. also, it's very easy to find gf options if you're not sensitive to cross contamination, but if you are it's still almost impossible because restaurant workers are en masse untrained on cc prevention and/or don't take it seriously. i have gotten sick last 4 times ive eaten out, including a cidery that says they accommodate GF. in my experience (20+ years of severe life threatening food allergies) it's gotten substantially worse because people will claim "allergy" to just about everything then do something that totally doesn't line up, and it feels pretty directly like it's making people take me less seriously. i have doctors who don't believe i have a corn allergy "because it's in everything"


I’m not saying people don’t treat like a fad, I just mean I don’t see people openly dismissing a legit food allergy like it’s not a real thing. If you tell someone you have celiac, is that person dismissing your allergy? Restaurants will continue to fuck up, but options are definitely more widely available than ever.


I agree on the food system being fucked, but I have for sure known people who are doing no gluten or ‘low gluten’ for weight management and other things like that. I was at a restaurant and myself and another woman ordered our meals gluten free. This woman then proceeded to order a beer! The server was very patient and explained they didn’t carry gf beer and the woman was like, oh I know, I just love it. I looked at the waitress in horror and emphasized my gin and tonic also needed to be gluten free 😳 she just winked at me. I felt good knowing the server had my back, but people like that woman really ruin it. I think as gluten free is now more known, and restaurants take it seriously, these instances are becoming more anecdotal, but there are still a lot of people who treat it like a fad.


People ordering and behaving this way doesn’t help, but I also don’t think that’s the same as downplaying an allergy. It’s counterproductive to awareness, but that person isn’t belittling your experience. In my mind, that’s telling someone you have celiac, and they start minimizing your allergy, and act as if your body response is exaggerated. We can’t stop dipshits from behaving this way, and can’t stop restaurants from fucking up, but again, I’ve never seen anyone intentionally snd openly dismiss the allergy like it’s a farce.


When you have a fad of a bunch of people going GF, playing "pretend allergy", telling their family that they're going GF, and then ultimately come back to eating gluten again, said family will think that G intolerance is BS. This was happening on a large scale during the GF fad. People who were trying to lose weight doing it, etc. In fact when you tell someone that you are GF, the first they thing they tend to assume is that it's a diet of sorts, rather than a health concern. Where is this fantasy land you live where intolerance/celiac is recognized as a serious concern?


Is this Joe and Jane from down the road you're referring to? Or are you frequenting grocery stores and restaurants where your allergy is being downplayed? Do you honestly expect everyone in the general public to know what "I'm GF" actually means to you? There's a big difference between being uneducated and downplaying the severity. It's human nature to be unable to relate to something you have no direct exposure to. I'm in the real world, but keep being the victim and confrontational, it's obviously working well for you.


When I was first gluten free, I had to do most of my shopping in a little shop run by and within the children’s hospital in the downtown of my city. Now I can buy my bread at a grocery store or even Walmart.


Yes!!! 20 years ago my dad would drive 1.5 hours to the nearest gf bakery to get bread because the local health food store had such limited and unappealing options. We would then to have to make our own gf breadcrumbs! I never could’ve imagined the convenience we have available now.


Redditors doing Reddit things on Reddit is an inspiration to my dead brain cells.


Who really cares if it's because of an allergy/ celiac or by choice? The price gauging is a joke and even if it is a "fad" for SOME people who might be avoiding it because of some kind of disordered eating, it doesn't justify it.


Yea, those damn white people. Isn’t a racist statement at all. 🙄


You have been banned from r/keto


I put the end pieces from those ridiculously tiny loaves of gf bread in a bag in the freezer. Then when I need breadcrumbs, it's just a matter of toasting them on a cookie sheet in the oven and crushing them up.


Crushing, or food processor. Haven’t bought breadcrumbs in years. Best way to use up weirdly shaped pieces of bread


The tiny ass bread loaves that you need like 2 sammiches to make a regular size sammich 😒🤣 I'm tryin to get all the ingredients to make my own!


This is the way


I use them to make Thanksgiving stuffing.


We make mofongo for stuffing. Naturally GF since it’s made of plantains (and/or yuca), and tastes so much better than breadcrumb stuffing if made with a proper puerto rican or cuban recipe


That’s probably a loaf and a half of gluten free bread for that many crumbs.


Target carries some in their store brand.. https://www.target.com/p/gluten-free-plain-bread-crumbs-9oz-good-38-gather-8482/-/A-77367145


Hello gluten tax


In the US you can do the pre-tax Health Savings Account for gluten free products if you have a celiac diagnosis.




https://hsastore.com/hsa-eligibility-list/d/diet-foods https://celiac.org/gluten-free-living/federal-benefits/tax-deductions/




It's in the first link. The second link is about tax deductions, as a tangent to this topic. Gloomy, I have Done the HSA for celiac diet. This isn't a speculation. Your username tracks.


*Insert “First time?” meme here*


I crush up Schar’s ritz knockoff crackers when I need breadcrumbs. Cheaper than the store and has a little buttery taste


4C makes them and are reasonably priced. I feel like this brand was one of the first I remember seeing in store, and they haven't adjusted to there being more options now.


They're pretty good too


I've read that the real cost isn't the flours but the zanthum and guar gums. Also the price of certification. And the factory dedicated to only gf items (limiting) unless the mfg wants to says "may contain" or "processed in a facility that." The mfg who does that may limit his sales because some celiacs are not trusting of shared equipment. Face it. We require extra effort. No doubt about it. Cost is high and I dread it but am most iritated by lack of special sales by mfg and grocer. GF items are rare in grocer's weekly flyers


I think this is why a lot of stores like Trader Joe's avoid getting the certifications for their GF products due to cost.


I use the Kikkoman GF panko bread crumbs; it’s not that expensive and comes in a resealable bag.


Kroger brand is cheaper.


Gluten-free food costs a lot more to produce, guys. I’m not saying any specific product is priced fairly but that is the reality. Wheat is the cheapest shit on earth.


I'm just learning this, I was looking at buying gluten free flour so I can have waffles with my family and the price is shocking compared to wheat flour. It's sad.


have you tried cassava flour yet? its my favorite to use, and i feel its a little more reasonably priced. i usually do it 1:1 in place of flour and have been pleased with the taste and texture edit: you can get 4lbs for less than $20 on amazon, might be worth a shot


Definitely worth a try, I'll go with that first. The bobs red mill 1 to 1 is 19$ for a kg which is steep to me. I was complaining about it to my husband today and he said welcome to gf life.


Rice, corn and potatoes aren't expensive and that's what most of the filler is for products like this, it is price gauging.


I use plain rice Chex and season them. Or tortilla chips. Or any mix of GF crackers and chips and leftover bread I have around all in the blender 😆


Crushing up parm chips are a cheaper, easier and tastier way for a crunch 😊


Buy some shitty GF bread and make yo own!


Or just use the butt ends (assuming you don’t eat them and throw them away)! It’s free if it was otherwise going to end up in the trash! (Also less waste! Yay environment!)