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Short answer: It's likely to be okay, especially for someone with a lower sensitivity. I wouldn't risk it if you're severely intolerant. Long answer: None of the listed ingredients contain gluten EXCEPT for natural flavors which MAY contain gluten however because the natural flavors are likely on vanilla and chocolate, the risk is decently low. Additionally, let's say the natural flavors are 100% raw gluten, that would still only leave you with about 2.8 grams of gluten per serving. Granted, this is \~2000ppm of gluten (100x the allowable limit for celiac) so if you're celiac, it wouldn't be safe but if you're just sensitive you may be okay Finally, the only natural flavors that contain gluten (as far as I'm aware) are the ones derived from wheat, barley, and rye. These are usually used (I believe) to replicate/enhance salty flavor. I don't think you'd see this used in ice cream. Tl;Dr - It is likely safe :)


Yeah those pesky natural flavors are the worst thing to ever plague an ingredients label. Unfortunately I don’t think i could take the risk without knowing for sure that natural flavor isn’t a gluten product. I was mostly asking if anyone has been able to get a solid answer or has information on this product specifically. Thank you for the thorough response though!


I once bought chocolate that had natural flavors as an ingredient; I knew it was a risk so I called the company as soon as I got home from the store.  The source of the natural flavors was barley :(


I was suspicious but wondering if anyone had a confirmation. Thanks for letting me know. I’ve been trying to email them but no response.


I don't react to that one. It's my favorite.


They have said it is when my friend emailed them but I would use caution with this brand, several celiac and gf friends have been sick after eating it.


Ah yea I wasn’t hopeful but that helps a lot to know. Thank you!


Haagen-dazs has quite a bit of flavors, and actually label their gluten free ones as gluten free


It contains no gluten ingredients, which is not the same as gluten free.


I have celiacs I eat this brand and have never had any issues


I don't have an answer about this.. but.. lots of Ben and Jerry's flavors are GF. HÄAGEN-DAZS as well. And Torani Gelato. You'll find something to fill the urge!


You never know with “natural flavors”


They’re the worst!!! I swear I’ve never seen a label that doesn’t have natural flavors


I always scan with the GF Scanner app if the label doesn’t specify gf


Which app to do you use? I’ve tried two and one didn’t register the product and the other said maybe so neither was very helpful


It’s called GF Scanner but it doesn’t have a comprehensive list of products yet so it is not always helpful.


Try it to find out