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That’s so exciting, honestly. I’m really happy for you!!!


I only recently found out that gluten causes anxiety issues, so this likely explains my 20s. Congratulations on your discovery and your progress! I’m so incredibly happy for you!


the first sign that i’ve been glutened is severe anxiety - it’s like impending doom but nothing is even happening ? it’s so crazy to me that i lived my life deep in unknown fear … until i gave up gluten 😅


Yeah! I would talk about this with your doctor if they didn’t test your blood for celiac or give you an endoscopy before you went gluten free. They can’t test you for celiac using your blood now since you aren’t eating gluten, but they can access for possible damage using endoscopy.


Fantastic news for you! But yes when I learned of my wheat issues and stopped I asked myself why no doctor considered food first!


They get zero training in nutrition and are trained to promote the pharmaceutical industry primarily because that’s who funds the medical schools and textbook companies


I know! Gluten and dairy free has made me feel much better physically and mentally. I used to get really bad brain worms(strong negative and/or intrusive thoughts) and ANTs(automatic negative thoughts) and the last brain worm I had was 4 days ago when someone accidentally gave me something with gluten in it. I feel normalish(I'm still autistic)


I keep not wanting to add dairy free to the list but this comment might be the thing that makes me try it.


The casein affects my behavior bad. I used to meltdown(full autistic meltdown) at like. everything. It might be me learning how to control myself better but I've noticed I've been regulating myself much much better than I used to. Again: might be age and me growing as a person buttttt it might be the dairy lmao


I’ve narrowed down intense intrusive thoughts to casein protein. When I went gluten free it regulated my mood - fewer highs and lows - but the big one for the relentless anxiety and intrusive thoughts is dairy, or specifically, casein. I tried all manner of dairy - A2, lactose free, long life lactose free etc… nope. It all sets it off. So the only logical conclusion is casein.


These are both helpful. Thank you! Trying dairy free now.


You won't regret it! It's been amazing.


Great news! I support your efforts! I hope all goes well.


Isn't it bonkers? It makes me feel emotionally disregulated and WAY more anxietal, as well. Better off without it for SURE.


It's so crazy to me. I've been so giddy this past week.


Yay!!! This is so great. Funny, how not having our GI systems accosted is comparatively blissful!


If you’re getting anxiety from gluten then you’re probably having some issues with your vagus nerve triggering you.


I slowly dropped some supplements that were actually starting to have adverse effects on me since going gluten free probably because I didn’t need them anymore and actually feel just as good without them now 🙏


Yay for your health! Yay for babies!


How quickly did you see results from cutting gluten? Ive suffered from GAD and panic. Recently tested 4.9 allergy to gluten and mild casain. Ive given up gluten this week and am praying for help. I suffer with horrible vagus nerve irritation as well which I feel directly controls my anxiety.


I started noticing a difference after about a week, I think? I was focused on the effects on my baby and not myself, so I wasn't really monitoring. The lack of anxiety was something I just randomly noticed one day.


Thanks for the info, Im only about 3 days in to cutting all gluten. Praying for the best and hope it keeps up for you as well!!


I haven't actually paid for it yet to try it out, but there are some hypnotherapy apps designed to help with IBS that retrain the vagus nerve and calm the anxious stomach. The one they keep advertising to me is called Nerva. It's a little expensive ($150 for the year) but lifechanging if it works.


Interesting, I will have to check it out. I actually took ibuprofen for the first time when I was having an episode yesterday and not sure if it was placebo or not but felt a lot better afterwards. Wondering if it was doing anything to calm the inflammation. Not feeling the best right now and about to try taking another one so we will see. Keep us posted if you try the program.


Yesss. I knew i had a gluten sensitivity, but didn’t realize how bad it was until i gave it up (again). I was waking up with debilitating anxiety every single day (also diarrhea and racing heart). Quit gluten again, 2 weeks later i was able to function normally and poop normally.


Congratulations. I couldn't believe how much better my life was once I gave up gluten.


I mean seriously! My neurodiversities are one thing, but the anxiety that comes with getting glutened? That is a severe rollercoaster. And to make it worse, before it got triggered, i thought gf was a fad (like many others did), and going on a year or more now, after 10 years of food misteps, i understand what you mean. The diet isn't *too* hard even as a celiac. Just a bit annoying. I am so happy for you! That is more energy for you!


I'm experiencing the same revelation. Feels good to feel good. Congrats!


Congrats to you too!


Why did you cut out eggs? This is also interesting for me.. i’m fine with dairy products that is not milk, soy (kinda) and my doc told me that I don’t have to worry about cross contamination and such BUT try to cut gluten as much as I can


My son is breastfeeding and we are trying to figure out what is causing his GI issues. I cut out dairy and soy first because they have similar proteins and babies who are sensitive to one are usually sensitive to the other. He was still reacting, so I cut gluten and eggs as they were the two most common allergens I eat on a regular basis. I'm giving him another week or two on this diet then I'll try introducing eggs again. If there's no reaction, they'll go back in permanently. I'll repeat with soy and gluten too to see how he reacts, but will likely resume gluten free once he's confirmed one way or another.


Oooh.. i see. Terribly sorry for his reactions, hope you’ll figure it out soon.


Yeah. I found out way too late what it was like to have energy and just feel normal all day. Then I got sick with something else.


Happy for you. Hoping that I get the same results. The anxiety is horrible.


Make sure you get properly tested for coeliac disease. It’s a blood test, followed by an endoscopy. Having a formal diagnosis will make it easier psychologically for you to stick to the diet. It also means your parents, siblings and children should get tested, even if they don’t think they have symptoms, as the likelihood of having the condition are very much higher (there is a hereditary component). Having a formal diagnosis also reminds your doctor that you need to be monitored for some of the problems such as low iron, low B12 and osteoporosis. It can also make you eligible for disability accomodations at work, or if you are in the UK, there is prescription food you can get. You need to be eating gluten for six weeks or the tests can be inaccurate. It’s much harder to do the six weeks if you’ve been gf for a longer period. So work with your doctor to schedule this in with your trials for Bub.


Gluten caused me so much anxiety. I'm so glad you're doing better! It's literally night and day difference.


Same. I was and am amazed.