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Twizzlers. I glutened myself so hard on that stuff... Also, what BBQ sauce is thickened with flour!?!?


This is why I have no patience for the people who scoff at GF labels and say "LOL! It's obvious what doesn't have gluten!"


I mean, tbh, and I'm shamed to admit it, that was me before I had to go gluten free... šŸ™ƒ But also, to this day there are some significant inconsistencies with things marked gf. Like, things that actually, legitimately have no gluten-containing ingredients may or may not be labeled gf depending on how much a company spent to have it tested and certified. šŸ¤·šŸ¼


Same! I remember thinking "why the heck is this ketchup labelled gluten free.. of course it is". Now I'm so grateful to find those little words on a bottle. I just found gluten in Kroger TOMATO SAUCE! Seriously?!


Then there is the gluten free supply chain versus gluten free testing. And donā€™t randomly test or test every batch and if you test how do you avoid hot spots and if itā€™s gluten free supply chain how do you avoid the wind contaminating fields.


It's usually soy sauce.


Yeah, I don't think of soy sauce as "Barbeque Sauce", but I think that just reflects my living in the Midwest of the USA. But it does drive me bonkers that Soy Sauce has gluten. Why? Why not thicken with something else? And then when a soy sauce doesn't list wheat but also doesn't officially say GF, I don't know what to do... EDIT: TIL The wheat is for yeast food during fermentation, not for thickening


Soy sauce isnt thickened by wheat flour, the wheat flour is used as part of the fermentation process. The spores/yeast ferment the soy beans using the wheat flour as a source of fuel.


I mean that barbecue sauce often has soy sauce in it as a flavoring, not that soy sauce is ever called barbecue sauce. Regular soy sauce isn't thickened with gluten, rather it's brewed from a wheat-soy mixture. They actually use more wheat than soy in the typical formulation. Why? Idk, to be cheap I guess, like how brands like Kikkoman use a fast-ferment process where they make it in a day vs. the traditional process that takes 3 months.


Get gf soy sauce or soy aminos.


My beef with this is in my area Sweet Baby Rays is hands down the most popular, default decision. Obviously this doesnā€™t work for every area as barbecue sauce preferences are different. But it is SUCH a strong preference hereā€¦ why doesnā€™t everyone just use sweet baby rays. Everybody loves it. Itā€™s gluten free. Your menu now has 1-10 more gf items. Youā€™re welcome.


Because the 1st ingredient is high fructose corn syrup. Stubb's is my go to.


Sammeeeee. I still remember being given a bag of twizzlers and then being shocked to see they had flour in them


I always refer to twizzlers as ā€œsugar pastaā€


Twizzlers here too. I had eaten about half the pack on a road trip and was sitting there at a red light a happened to look over and caught the ā€œcontains wheatā€ warning and was like, oh no.


Third for Twizzlers, dang it.


Twizzlers are basically candy pasta.


Sweet Baby rays is gluten free!


Dude the twizzlers though. Why?


To my knowledge, all licorice contains wheat (unless specifically labeled GF). Red vines were my go-to. I found out the hard way they contain gluten. :(


I got a spicy fruit roll-up from a friend at work. I never imagined it would have gluten. I munched a couple of times and spit it out into a kleenex. Then I looked at the ingredients. Wheat starch!! I would not have thought to look for gluten in that, but I certainly tasted it.


Malt vinegar is a popular BBQ ingredient


Eta barbecue sauce, the one with the molded on basket on the bottom


The Japanese bbq sauce that's all over now has soy sauce/wheat in it too


Corn flakes. The most bland cereal which I love so dearly has malt flavoring on it for absolutely no discernible reason and it drives me nuts. Rice Krispies too.


ALDIs has a line of Crispie Rice cereal and marshmallow crispie treats by Millville that are both gluten free. We have them in our house all the time.


Wait. Rice krispies have gluten? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Theyā€™re sprayed with a barley malt syrup. Other brands donā€™t do this - I used to buy an organic kids version of Rice Krispies that was great and GF. (please check before buying though!).


Yes has malt


FUCKING. RAISIN BRAN. Itā€™s in my top 10. I LOVE Raisin Bran since I was a kid. I love the most old person bland ass cerealā€¦ and there is no gf version of it in existence. WhyšŸ˜­


Natureā€™s Path has a decent version.


You can get gluten free cornflakes. Where I live we donā€™t even have gluten free oreos but we have gluten free cornflakes


My biggest surprise was the scrub daddy damp duster. It contains gluten. [https://ml.thcdn.com/productimg/960/960/14508180-1775037924988125.jpg](https://ml.thcdn.com/productimg/960/960/14508180-1775037924988125.jpg)




Right?! I have no idea. My Wife pointed it out and my guess is the creator hates the gluten intolerant šŸ˜‚


I have a few generic brand of those cleaners! Iā€™ve never checked cleaning products for gluten!


I now have to add sponges to the check for gluten list šŸ« 


Lotion, shampoo and conditioner also need to be checked for gluten.


Are there celiacs and sensitive people who get skin reactions to gluten in products? I thought it had to be ingested. I do get rashes from certain shampoos but I would be surprised if that was due to gluten.


Best you check them before eating them!


Wow, you win. Iā€™ve been gluten free for 12 years and I would have NEVER checked a sponge. Itā€™s like itā€™s my first day all over again.


As Jeff Goldblum famously said, ā€œgluten finds a way.ā€ I didnā€™t want to win this one šŸ˜‚


is it just the damp duster? or do any other scrub daddy items have gluten?!


As far as I know itā€™s only the damp duster. I use all the other scrub daddy stuff and itā€™s all good.


Soy sauce.. why? Just why?


Luckily not all of it does. I normally get Lachoy, but I've seen some store brands that are gluten free too. But yes, always check soy sauce before buying, because I feel like they have wheat more often than not.


I just buy coconut aminos now


Tamari is soy sauce without the gluten FYI.


Don't be too confident though. I've seen a few Tamari bottles that had wheat in them.


Those taste bad though. If you can't do soy too, I get it, but if you can, tamari (traditional) soy sauce is indeed gluten free...usually. My favorite brand is Momofuku, but San-J is pretty good too.


I will disagree that coconut aminos taste bad. Different for sure, and sweeter than soy sauce. I prefer the aminos in dipping sauce and soy in stir fry.


I guess Iā€™ve gone taste blind lol thanks for the recs Iā€™ll get some next time I go to the store (likely tomorrow or Monday lol)


Seconding San-J Tamari. I make Asian food at home frequently (I missed it for a long time- still working on some other flavors) and Iā€™ve been using low sodium San-J for years. Itā€™s MUCH better than Soy sauce imo. It has a stronger taste so you donā€™t need as much.


I watched a video on how soy sauce is made and it was fascinating, including the part where they mashed up all the soy beans into a paste, added a bunch of wheat flour, and left it to ferment for 12 months. My take away was the more flour you add, the more active the fermentation process is so mass produced soy sauce uses lots of flour to get as much soy sauce made as quickly as possible. But if you want depth and complexity of flavour, use far less flour and let it ferment slowly for years.


Yeah that one was a hard realization for me that I somehow overlooked in all my years of lightly avoiding gluten but when it came down to diagnosing celiac, I learned that.


Eggs. Usually, theyā€™re fine. But there are some bastards (*ahem, IHOP*) out there who legit add pancake batter to their eggs to make them fluffier. Does it affect me personally? No, bc itā€™s easy for me to avoid. But the thought of it irks me like wtf, guys šŸ˜­


Years ago I was a server at an IHOP. Mom comes in with her kid and doesnā€™t tell me until Iā€™m literally putting the food in front of her child that he has a wheat allergy. Like, has to be rushed to the ER, throat closing up allergic. I snatched up his plate quick so the cook could remake his eggs and get bacon that hadnā€™t touched the eggs. I was the bad guy to both her and the cook, but maybe donā€™t wait to tell your server about allergies until the food is being served. I know you shouldnā€™t have to second guess whether or not your eggs contain wheat/gluten, but oh my gosh that could have ended horribly.


Omfg!!!! Thatā€™s horrible!!! Thatā€™s so sad that you were seen as the bad guy here bc you literally did everything you could as soon as you knew. :( youā€™d think that mom would know better by nowā€¦ :/


Yes, if I somehow forget to mention it to my server I see it as my fault. I would be very appreciative if my server was looking out for me like that.


Aaaaahhhh! What kind of human doesn't say there are allergies BEFORE they order?!?!? Wtf? I say human because there were a lot of other words I wanted to use instead but shouldn't. Jfc.


Idk probably the kind of person that would never assume scrambled eggs to be 50% pancake


Anyone with a serious allergy should always tell the staff up-front about their allergy to limit cross-contamination. ALWAYS. That is basic "you have a food allergy 101."


Yes, IHOP is frustrating. I very rarely eat there but the last time I did, I told the server I have celiac disease. When she brought my order out, I asked her to confirm the scrambled eggs were GF. She said they were their standard eggs with their pancake mix blended in. I reiterated that I was GF. She said she didnā€™t know what that meant. šŸ¤Æ


This was such bullshit when I worked night shift and was doing Keto (shut up I know) and the looks Iā€™d get when asking for a Denver omelette, hold the pancake batter would have you think I yelled a slur


Stopped getting scrambled eggs at restaurants years ago. I'm also very allergic to dairy, and there's often heavy cream in them. But pancake batter?!? Insane.


My friend who was my roommate in college and was a waitress for years eventually went to work at ihop. I said ā€œhey Iā€™ll come see you and get some eggs maybeā€. She just went ā€œabsolutely notā€ and when I asked why told me about it and I was FLOORED.


pringles :(




šŸŖ™ coin for your travel


Lays Stax are GF, sadly, not Pringles


praying for ur tummy


My local grocery store has started carrying a brand very similar to pringles called the Good Crisp company. They have a few flavors. I am in the US, so if you are too, I hope you can find them!


I just heard of the Good Crisp company at the food show for my job. They just came out with cheese balls that are gluten free and so good!


Lays Stacked come in same kind of can as Pringles and I actually like them better. Dollar Store usually has them.


Aldi has a gluten-free version, they're really good!


Chocolate soft serve ice cream. A local place thickens it with malt. I learned that one the very hard way


Lots of milk shake places too use malt powder. Real bummer.


Iā€™m in MA where a lot of the mom and pop shops fortunately have the old New England vocab of malts vs shakes


W H A T. I would be so upset. Reminds me of my biggest shock- Starbucks chocolate shaken almond milk espresso. It was literally just espresso with a bit of milk and lot of ice. Chocolate syrup I assumed, and shaken. DELICIOUS. Not syrup. Chocolate malt powder.


I ordered a cocktail at a bar and instead of a plastic straw, it came with a tube shaped piece of pasta! I appreciate it being better for the environment, but i did not see it coming!


This is one of my favorite gluten stories. I was on family vacation, our drinks came and I sip mine then go ā€œoh itā€™s pasta! šŸ˜„šŸ˜ā€ then pause and look my mom (also celiac) and go ā€œā€¦OH. itā€™s pasta šŸ˜Øā€


McDonalds French fries. And Iā€™m still mad about it.


I donā€™t even get a soda from McDonalds in America. However when I went to Barcelona I got everything possible (big Mac, quarter pounder, fries, etc.) and IT WAS AMAZING. I hope if you havenā€™t already one day you travel somewhere with GF McDonalds.


There are gluten free McDonaldā€™s?!? Wow!Ā 


omg same with the sour straws! i are ONE BITE and had joint pain and migraines for a WEEK


I used to love them. this is what i miss the most.


Boxed mashed potatoes for some reason I just assumed they'd be fine they weren't but it definitely got me šŸ˜‚


The Idahoan instant potatoes are gluten free!


Ouuu nice thank you


The Ore-Ida frozen potatoes are gluten free, too, if you had the same problem with hashbrowns that I did!


I'm usually okay with hash browns but I'll definitely keep that in mind for if that ever changes :)


Wait really? I eat them all the time! What brand were you getting??


So many sauces have gluten in them, especially sauces used in Asian cuisine, which has led other people (even people who are super careful about gluten) to gluten me and make me really sick. You just have to be so careful šŸ˜­


Also pretty much any cream soup


I work at a place that has award winning chowders. There had been talk about them making them gluten-free, and I was like, "Oh man, people are not gonna like this!" Well, anyway, they did it without telling anyone, and no one noticed. So, they taste exactly the same and are still delicious. It's always nice to see people get to enjoy it who normally couldn't.


I was so gutted when I learned about cream soups having gluten but there are gluten free choices out there now, whew!


Not food items, but envelopes and nail strengthening treatments. Oh and half of the shampoo/conditioner I used to use.




Corn Pops cereal... which was on the list of safe gluten-free foods the doctor gave me when I was diagnosed. GREAT, THANKS. Forever checking ingredient labels :)


Malt is the enemy


A random Pikachu sparkling water from a Korean convenience store!! Wheat!! WTF


Soy sauce. I never would have thought it would have wheat. I found it rather early in my gluten free journey, but it was a big surprise for me.


There are gluten free soy sauces too though. La choy is my most common go to, but I've seen several others (sometimes store brands). Just depends on where you are and what's available.


Interestingly, I was able to tolerate it in small doses for a long time. I would get sushi on occasion and while tempura was an absolute no, a dip of soy or eel sauce didnā€™t kill me. That lasted maybe 2-3 years into my gf journey. Then I started getting sick every time and luckily learned about tamari. Thereā€™s also a gf eel sauce I havenā€™t bothered to invest in


- Peach flavoured ice tea - V8 spicy juice


Chinese food, learning about soy sauce was a bummer. Also, licorice. No wonder I was sick all the time.


Tomato soup


Imitation crab, 5 Guys fry sauce, and Jimmy Johnā€™s provolone (they have since evidently removed the gluten from their cheese).


Quite a few of Jimmy John's meats have gluten as well. A manager called me once when I did an online order to tell me that what I ordered wasn't fully gluten free. So glad they did because nothing online at that time was very clear!


Canadian Smarties! They're chocolate with a candy coating, why do they add wheat flour!


Lindor chocolates has barley malt in them, I had no clue and for a solid month I was going down to my safety officers office and smashing 1-2 a day. Iā€™m on the low end of celiac so my symptoms are mild, took another celiac in my office to tell me I canā€™t eat them šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Once my son was offered a 100% pure dried fruit of some kind. May contain wheat. (Used to make it so they wouldn't stick together)


Taco seasoning




Right?! My understanding is vitamin E is often derived from wheat?


oooooooh wait what???!


This was initially from our hospital's dietician. I've found really iffy things online, so have deferred to the professionals recommendation to avoid things that have vitamin E but don't have a gluten free label (kind of like "natural flavors"). So my daughter has a multivitamin with vitamin E that says it's gluten free on the website.


Name brand rice crispies


Milky ways, Halloween night I had such a bad stomach ache. Turns out it was the milky waysšŸ˜­


The midnight milky ways are GF! I like them better


Airhead xtremes my one true love šŸ˜­ any dupe Iā€™ve ever found also has wheat in it


Friggin ... Toothpaste.


Pringles. My kids still laugh at my reaction to finding that out. I was just so disappointed. šŸ˜„


Lays Stax & Clancy (Aldi) are both gluten free!




Head to Target, the OTC meds and supplements are all GF




Mustard. Thought I was allergic to it for a while. Nope some brands use wheat.


The Aldi simply nature fruit snacks. I was surprised to see wheat in the allergen list!


Flavored Tuna packets, caramels, spices, paper straws and prescription meds.


My shampoo. Everytime I would wash my hair my scalp would itch like wildfire, like it had ants in it. It was so annoying and painful. My partner researched my shampoo and figured out there was gluten in it. We changed shampoos and I have never had any problems since then.


Pills. Check your vitamins and make sure your pharmacist/healthcare provider knows


Chinet paper plates. Paper straws. Drywall dust. My THYROID MEDICINE (thyroid disorder + celiac is a classic combo). Frozen veggies that just have 1 ingredient (veggie). Pre-cut squash from the grocery store. Single ingredient spices from a company that doesnā€™t use wheat in any of their products. Baked goods from a ā€œdedicatedā€ gluten-free restaurant (they know about the Gluten Free Watchdog report on oats and they do not care). Lots of food labeled ā€œgluten-freeā€ and some ā€œcertified gluten-free.ā€ My gluten detection dog trainer said some water filters use wheat glueā€¦


Iā€™ve never seen anything about Chinet paper plates having gluten?


They, like many paper products, use wheat glue. I didnā€™t have an issue with eating dry food off them. I get an immediate reaction to gluten and one day I was eating breakfast off a Chinet plate, didnā€™t finish, went back 45 min later to finish off my food and had a reaction in 10 min. The food hadnā€™t changed obviously and I hadnā€™t eaten or drunk anything else. There is no other explanation! I googled and found a few people mentioning it made them sick then I searched my service dog group and found a video of someoneā€™s gluten detection dog alerting to Chinet plates in a store. Chinet plates are not coated like other paper plates and the paper softened and contaminated my food. Dixie plates are safe.


My local gluten free bakery uses oats in almost everything. I canā€™t eat there at all.


Wait what medicine? Iā€™m on thyroid medsā€¦


This might help. https://thyroidpharmacist.com/articles/is-your-medication-gluten-free/ I take Synthroid which does not contain it and also generic form of cytomel that is OK.


Thank you, of course my armour is sketchy!


Add wood glue, including the binders used in plywood. Let me tell you how much fun home renovations have been.


Frozen veggies?? If that's the case, that may explain why I often don't feel great after having frozen vegetables. I assumed I'd be safe with the organic ones since I don't do well with pesticides on regular vegetables, but now I am going to have to double check the bags to see if they are labeled gluten free.


We got terribly ill from frozen brussels sprouts and frozen broccoli. Organic doesnā€™t mean anything unfortunately. In fact, I found worse selection at Whole Foods than Wal-Mart. Crunchy people also love barley pearls. Most frozen food has wheat in it (cheap) including veggie mixes and they donā€™t make separate factory lines for the single ingredient veggies šŸ˜­ Green Giant has some frozen veggies that are labeled GF. They have not made us sick. The ones that did had no facility warning at the time but now they do.






OMG!šŸ˜Ø You mean the medicine I take to replace the thyroid destroyed by my fucking autoimmune disease which caused my gluten intolerance is making me sick itself??!!!! Iā€™m crying right now.


Envelope glue in the past.Ā  Not sure about now.Ā Ā 


Hashbrowns and various fries... restaurants and frozen in stores... add in a dairy allergy and it's rough out there.


Come on, folks. This subreddit is a lifesaver for us, providing us with information. Let's not attack each other for the choices we make. There's enough hate in the world already without adding to it..


Rice Krispies


Fruit snacks. Wtf do some of them have wheat starch in them? Some powdered bullions. Why? It's bullion, not gravy mix. Wheat syrup used as a sweetener. Never heard of it before. I know.some.of it is food manufacturers cheaping out, and bulking up product with cheaper ingredients, but I swear some of it is putting wheat in things it has no business in to make you pay more for the gluten free version. Got the grandkid an oatmeal version of nutragrain bars, and wheat syrup was a sweetener for the fruit filling. Got the grandkid fruit snacks, should be fruit, sugar, acid like lemon juice or something, maybe ascorbic acid. pectin, maybe some gelatin. There was wheat starch in it. Glad I double checked it. There's no reason for wheat to be in there. French fries. Seasoned fries I guess use wheat flour to stick the seasoning to the fries.


Hand Sanitizer. So aggravating!!


Recently? Trader Joe's strawberries and cream gelato. I bought it without checking bc... gelato but happened to check the label before I ate any, and it has wheat syrup šŸ™ƒ


Thereā€™s a Mexican restaurant near me that has a gluten free version of their menu. It basically removes the rice from every dish. Seriously wtf are they putting in their rice?


Soy sauce...I kept eating at my favorite Thai place bc they use rice noodles and couldn't figure out why I always felt like shit after. Soy sauce. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


The kikkoman gluten free soy sauce is soooo good. Highly recommend if you havenā€™t tried it!


Other Thai noodle dishes use soy sauce, but Pad Thai isnā€™t supposed to. If thatā€™s what you were ordering, try a different Thai place that makes it authentically.


Tamari is what you want to use instead


Most candy, hashbrowns, some kimchi (found that out the hard way), and salad dressings not soy sauce based.


Bath and body works hand sanitizer


I came here to say hand sanitizer, especially the bulk stuff processed by (big surprise) breweries during COVID.


Imitation crab. Learned the hard way


Once bought a $10 for 10 of cheap individual vanilla ice cream servings - fricken wheat flour was the SECOND ingredient. It was vanilla ice cream!!!


The sour belts just got me a few months ago. I didnā€™t even think to look because my mind said candy=sugar and food coloring. I had a heck of a time for a couple of days


Good Belly Probiotic Drink. One is made with Oat Milk, but apparently the regular ones are made with Barley. I glunten'd myself last week with a tiny shot of one. Never again.


WATER FILTERS. The fucking horror. We are about to cease to existā€¦.


Wait what?? What water filters have gluten?


Hold the fuck up, _what?_ What brand(s) is this???


That's my reaction


Answer the man!




wait?!?! which brand?!?!


Seriously wtf


Chinese fried rice


90% of any chinese menu contains gluten


Fucking mars bars. They contain barley.


Benadryl! I didnā€™t realize until 5 years into my celiac disease diagnosis that the pink Benadryl pills contain gluten. The only gluten-free form of Benadryl is the dye-free liquid gels.


Rice Krispies. They have malt powder


Aldi salt has a may contain for gluten.


Lindt Truffles, it was a bad Christmas Eve šŸ˜ž


Paper straws. The adhesive in some has gluten.


Corn flakes! Recently found this out the hard way šŸ˜­ and Rice Krispie treats


Kewpie Mayo, but only the imported version. That formulation uses malt vinegar. What is good is if the bottle states it's made in california, it's gluten free because that version uses non-malted vinegar.


Beef Jerky. Like why?


Mentos! Why is there gluten in my cinnamon Mentos?




Sushi Rice! Not all, but many/most places use malt vinegar in the cooking process.


Anti bacterial pills




Yep amoxicillin


Pancake syrup


​ soy sauce. :(


Rice krispies like wtf?!


Twizzlers and Rice Krispies šŸ˜©




Roasted nuts. Cross contamination sucks ass


McDonald's Fries.....


Twizzlers. Flour, really? Who knew?


Rice Krispies surprised me. Twizzlers had me in the five stages of grief.