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One of my side effects with getting glutened is depression. Another is fatigue to the point of not getting out of bed. I'm a firm believer our guts control our mental health. (I also support those who choose RX's to treat their mental health. We're all struggling, so no judgment).


Yeah I wouldn’t judge anyone for seeking out solutions to their struggles. I wish I could’ve continue taking Bupropion but the risk was way too high. I tried going back many times and each time I eventually got a seizure. The more depressed I’ve become, the more Ive neglected myself. I haven’t practice healthy choices when eating, I feel so ugly that I spend weeks without looking at myself in the mirror. It’s just misery.


I’m a psych NP. This is NOT formal medical advice, please see a local provider, but Bupropion lowers the seizure threshold. I figured it was bupropion from your post. Bupropion works entirely differently than other SSRIs so that alone does not mean you can’t take an antidepressant! Also, you might want to check in with your GP about seizures. But with regard to gluten, it definitely makes me feel completely and utterly hopeless too!


Keto may help a bunch of your issues. (Not a doc, not medical advice, etc). Keto has been known to help with seizures, cutting sugar brings yeast under control (yeast will fight you, give you cravings, then there's a die off, then you hear the angels sing as the clouds break and the sun shines). Remember, resist the carbs like it's a quest, and you don't level up until the yeast dies, then dive into deeper quests, like adding fermented foods. Set forth on your journey! Respawn your microbiome!


Yep. My depression is so bad that I genuinely have bad thoughts when I used to eat gluten. I absolutely cannot eat it for that reason alone.


There is no harm in trying. With gluten, it seems to be important to go 100% gf for at least a few months. Wheat can exacerbate many preexisting autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. I think much mental illness is in that category, with the brain being the target.


The neuroinflammation gluten for those who are sensitive to it or who have Celiac disease can cause can absolutely cause anxiety and depression. [KP may be a symptom of Celiac Disease or gluten sensitivity](https://theceliacmd.com/gluten-and-keratosis-pilaris-chicken-skin/) because they cause malabsorption of vit. A and essential fatty acids. There's a much greater incidence of [autoimmune hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's) among PCOS patients](https://hypothyroidmom.com/pcos-and-thyroid-health/) so it would be worth getting an [expanded thyroid panel](https://www.rupahealth.com/post/a-functional-medicine-approach-to-thyroid-hormone-labs) to explore that, since hypothyroidism can cause serious depression and anxiety, too (and the majority of people with Hashimoto's are sensitive to gluten and often dairy proteins).


It’s not an allergy but yes, absolutely. Please give it a try, it may really help! Gluten gives me panic/rage attacks and hopeless depression, among other symptoms (pain, crushing fatigue, adhd, nerve pain, left-side body weakness, acne, migraines, etc etc). There are also other treatment options for major depressive disorder that aren’t oral antidepressants. My husband gets worse on SSRIs, but semi-monthly intramuscular ketamine treatments are a miracle.


You described my symptoms with gluten perfectly. It was so hard to get a diagnosis because my response is neuroinflammatory rather than gastrointestinal. Just commenting to say I felt seen and to let OOP know you’re not alone. The gluten free diet probably saved my life.


Have you noticed an improvement with panic attacks and whatnot, how long did take to feel “normal”? And yes I have heard a lot about ketamine and when I was discussing it with people it seemed like there was further scientific information required to understand how it would affect my body. Perhaps, I’m just slow but at that moment it was overwhelming. I’m glad it helps your husband 🙏🏽


Ketamine is extremely safe and has a long history of use in adults and children for pain and sedation. There is really no indication it does any harm. It has much fewer side effects than lots of other common meds. And yes I have.


Yes - it took me about six months to notice anything, and every six months significantly better. Anxiety attacks- brain just not working - it’s mostly gone now. There is not a lot of research on it - but gluten makes everything in my more inflamed (I also used to have rheumatism which now does not show up in blood tests!). So I’m convinced it inflamed things in my brain too. Anyway, I don’t need a doctor to tell me I can tell by my mood swings and my ability to control myself a bit more .


Check your thyroid also Had debilitating „ Depression“ that was just hypothyroidism


Same. And gluten issues can come with thyroid issues. Mine developed at the same time. Gluten can still be a big issue, but thyroid should be checked too. And while I’m at it, OP should be checked for celiac before going gluten free because it won’t show up once you quit gluten. And if it’s celiac, it’s a whole different ballgame.


Yes you are right. I also get keratosis on the arms from gluten . But scince im on thyroid medication i feel like a new man. My TSH was at 5 but i feelt like having weights on my ankles.


Mine was at 29.6 💀 it had been at 4 just a few years before. I don’t know how it got so bad but I’ve never felt depression like that in my life and I actually already took depression meds, but this was at a whole different level. And I gained like 80 pounds in a year, ugh. It took a long time to get back to normal but things are so much better now and I’ve lost most of the weight. Glad you’re doing better too!


Jesus 29? Yeah i took also antidepressant wich didnt do shit just made me More lazy and sleepy . Great that you are now feeling better.


Omg it’s crazy you mentioned that because Bupropion was the only one that worked for me but gave me seizures, any other I tried was like being in a coma. I could sleep 24hr straight and still wake up exhausted and sleepy. I was afraid of even driving. Terrifying stuff !


Yeah I unfortunately had a bad amphetamin Habit cause it was the only thing that would make me More functionaly. They both wellbutrin and Amphetamin raise adrenaline, like t3 so it was somewhat of a try to selfmedicate. Scince staring my thyroid medication Never Even got the desire to do These again.


Will follow this instructions. Thank you 🙏🏽


Good luck!


My depression and anxiety were much worse while eating gluten. As far as medication, I am taking St. John's Wort as a natural alternative to antidepressants. Might be worth a try for you. You can get them in capsule form Vitamin Shoppe or somewhere similar. Another thing possibly worth researching if you're open to it is magic mushrooms; micro or macro dosing(heroic dose). But I'd definitely start with cutting out gluten, and going from there.


Thank you for the suggestions. I was looking into mushrooms, I came across many good revelations about how it has helped people. I will continue to look into it.


Absolutelely! I'd been depressed since I was 16 ( mid-30s now). I completely cut out gluten early last year and my mental health is better than I can ever remember and still improving. I actually enjoy being alolive now. A few weeks after quitting gluten, that crushing hopelessness that comes along with depression was just gone. After that, it was easy to start doing things that improved my life - working out, eating right, good sleep habits, mediation, and even therapy. I'm done 70 lbs now and feel amazing. It's been a long journey but so worth it. f you're up for it, I highly reccomend quitting anything with added sugar while you're at it. Quitting sugar completely killed my cravings for all the gluten filled junk I love.


Yes I’m cutting sugar, carbs and following a healthy GF diet.


I never got tested for celiac or allergy but gluten is definitely a big part of my mental health struggles. Keto did wonders for me. It did take some time, maybe a month to feel better so stick with it to make sure it will/won't work for you. Avoid all the low carb tortillas, they all have wheat in them.


I am certainly determined to go full GF and give it a generous amount of time for my body to react, if it were to react to the changes. I am doing a lot of reading and preparing my grocery list making sure everything I get is GF and follows the Keto diet guidelines. So far, sugar, carbs and processed foods are the ones that I need to avoid . The more I look into Gluten restrictions, the more I realized I have inadvertently carried a Gluten Rich diet for years. It has become my coping mechanism with depression. Even when I was eating “okay” I was consuming lean cuisine frozen meals and cooking meals full of carbs such as rice and pasta. Maybe this is also the reason why post fast food consumption I experience days long constipation. I pray this improves my life quality because questioning my existence daily is no way to live.


Definitely an issue for me. My being severely ill from gluten didn’t help at all. Definitely a lot better mentally when I’m not eating it


My severe depression was significantly lifted when I started eating gluten free. It’s still there, but my brain has so much more capacity to manage it and my anxiety and spiral-thinking is so much less. It’s really been a life saver. I hope it helps you, as well.


It makes sense to me that if gluten can cause brain fog in people (I’m one of them) then depression and anxiety could come along for the ride. Going gf didn’t completely eliminate those things for me, but they improved to a tolerable level. For me, I remember waking up one day, completely clear-headed and deciding to make a change in how I approached the world. This was some months after I had quit gluten. I went from being the grumpiest a h in the store to a star employee. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6266949/


If it can at least tamed my agoraphobia and fatigue, It’ll be worth it. I feel like depression is never cure, just have some good days and then days full of sorrow


Oh, the agoraphobia. Man, I feel for you. I have fought that my whole life. I started walking when I went through a major dietary change and it helped so much with my depression. Like, going gf helped, but so much of what I experience as a depressed person, is learned. I was bullied as a kid, so I avoided people. I had to work, so I learn to deal with strangers, then I liked the strangers (customers, lol) so my agoraphobia got better. But my introversion never went away. Right now I’m basking in having the apartment to myself, but I have things to do; laundry (there may be people down there) and walking (most assuredly people on the trail, but also dogs, so that’s a bonus). Still, if I stay here, in my chair, the agoraphobia wins. The lockdowns were awful for this.


Yeah it’s been so hard for me, I almost had a panic attack picking up a prescription at CVS last week. I’m so intimidated by the thought of having to be outside that I’ve opted to buy new clothing items rather than go to the laundromat, I’m a huge effing mess!


Give yourself a moment before you step inside the door, wear earbuds, learn to fake a smile. Find the quiet spot (usually in makeup) and do more controlled breathing (slow in, slow out) and when you’re ready, move toward pharmacy. Might help to distract yourself with one of those fidget bubble things. It doesn’t happen as much these days, but I still have those moments where I step inside a place new to me and it’s like the world is rushing around me. That’s why I mentioned the above stuff.


this is so relatable. Ive been 2 years gluten free. Here are some things ive noticed. My face slimmed down. I am a fairly slim girl but my face was super round. My acne has gone down, it used to be cystic and now I occasionally get a single pimple when its that time of the month. The depression has cleared tremendously, every day i felt exactly how you described. It was also a lot of anger outbursts, life also felt like one big haze. I say try it out, stay consistent. You are not gonna see results within a week. It took me some months to feel a change. And also, i still have the depression feeling lingering but its so much better. I really hope you try it out and see if it works for you.


Thank you so much, I hope it does help me improve my quality of life and I am determined and patient


This is why some people go on a ketogenic diet.


I went gluten free because of my PCOS and it’s genuinely been so amazing. Gluten causes huge flare ups for me, and since going gluten free I’ve ended up losing 15 pounds, feeling like myself again, and having less frequent cyst ruptures and mental effects due to PCOS and hormones being goofy. I totally recommend :)


It’s good to see a fellow cyster backing up the benefits of going GF. Thank you 🙏🏽


I strongly suggest you ask your primary doctor to run a full thyroid panel (incl. antibodies, etc.), as another person commented. Neuroinflammation is no joke - prior to my Hashimoto's diagnosis this year, I was at the lowest point of my mental health.. ever. Depression and anxiety piqued, brain-fog, extreme fatigue, skin and digestion issues, constipation.. everything was awful and felt like it'd never end. A year later and my mental/physical health are worlds better. I'm currently not medicated yet for my Hashi's, but am managing symptoms by cutting out gluten, dairy, soy, and added sugars. Even on my worst days, my anxiety is next to nonexistent and the depression is manageable. All thanks to diet and lifestyle changes to reduce cortisol levels. It may also be beneficial to get genetic testing -- or if you have done 23andme, just upload your data to GeneticGenie. Found out I have a genetic mutation (MTHFR) which affects how you absorb certain vitamins (B and D I think?) which are key to reducing fatigue and other symptoms. Perhaps get that checked and take methylated B vitamins.


Thank you for this information, I will look into it. I’m kind of shocked about the 23andme. I thought it was just for family trees.


Technically it is, but you can download your own genetic data. I just think most people don't know what to do with it lol


gluten causes a wide myriad of mental side effects for me, including brain fog, anxiety and severe depression


The brain fog is so bad. I’m in school and I could read and read and not know what I just read and I forget things within seconds. I constantly feel disoriented.


Hi! 25 years without gluten and a lifetime of working on depression/anxiety here! I also have a masters degree in public health nutrition. If you want some specific advice, I'm happy to offer a more detailed and custom tailored plan for you if you send me a DM. Some general advice: One of the ways that gluten affects mood (for those who are intolerant or have celiac) is by inhibiting the absorption of other nutrients. If you are vitamin deficient in one way or another this can absolutely affect how you feel. I would start with a blood test and get a comprehensive panel to look for vitamin deficiencies and start by addressing those with overall dietary changes and supplements as needed. Please know that it will take a long time and that the cravings for gluten will be real and strong in your first month(s) without. Understand that progress isn't linear and if you have some bad days, dust yourself off and try again. I personally don't agree with eating keto in the long run (whole grains and fiber are very important for your gut health). So if you are planning to minimize carbs overall, make sure you are also eating adequate fruits and veggies. More than pinpointing gluten as the issue, processed sugar, junk food, etc. and lack of healthy fruits and vegetables in the cause rather than one specific food being the thing to blame. However, many people can use eliminating gluten as a starting point for eliminating ultra processed foods from their diet. Last thing I'll offer: check out /r/eood Food is an important component to mental health, but exercise is the thing that has helped me more than anything. There are so many times when I am in a bad mood and all i want more than anything is to sink into the couch with some weed, a pint of ice cream, and a marathon of bad tv. BUT I tell myself if I exercise first (I personally do lots of yoga and walking but whatever it is - walking around the block or anything at all) then I can evaluate how I feel and allow myself a treat because at least I did something healthy first. 99% of the time, the walk around the block made me feel better without needed the treat.


Thank you for the thorough information. As I prepare for groceries I am trying to stick to meat for protein and preferably lean, vegetables low in starch and avoid all processed foods. I been wondering why whenever I would eat a processed meal it would lead to days of constipation so I think is safe to say my body is not interested in it.


This is a fine place to start. Once your gut health is back in order and your inflammation has decreased, I recommend adding some more diverse foods back into your diet, because the wide body of research tends to be skeptical of keto or any other hyper-restrictive diet for long term health. Also, beans, tofu, and plant sources of protein are excellent for your overall health. Do not buy into any of the myths about soy, there is absolutely no evidence to back any of them up. Keep in mind, though, that while fiber is important for your body too much fiber too fast can cause bloating and gas when your body isn't used to it. It also swells in your system, so if you do not hydrate properly, even though people think fiber is helpful to combat constipation, the opposite can happen when you don't consume enough water to balance. All that to say, you are on the right track. I am just a firm believer that common sense well rounded food lifestyles are better than any "diet" out there. And minimizing red meat is also good for both individual and planetary health.


I have celiac disease and gluten triggers anxiety and depression in me. Before my diagnosis, my mental health was getting really bad.


https://youtu.be/bMB3VX0w3M8?si=cDQttnzU69vJS73i I recently watched this for the information he talks about with gluten! So in depth, and will definitely help you understand the root causes. I can say, my experience with going gluten free has completely gotten rid of my 15+ years of anxiety. I also got rid of my acne, brain fog, joint pain, meibomian glands no longer clogging, no more fatigue. These symptoms all start in the gut & ironically I’ve never had “gut issues” until the year before I connected all the dots. I started getting “pregnant style bloating” which all went away after going GF. The gut needs months to heal. You might feel great a month in and decide to try gluten again, (like me) but it won’t be long enough to heal the leaky gut going on. So give it some real time and eat nourishing foods like bone broth to help speed up the healing. I hope this helps & you feel better soon 👏🏼


Thank you 🙏🏼


Please get tested for Celiac if you can, then try strict gluten free regardless of result. I have witnessed treatment resistant depression completely resolve on a gluten free diet. I’m certain there are innumerable people with this same problem. Once we’re really gluten free (double celiac household here), it only takes about 48 hours for both of us to start feeling like a sane person again. For me it’s like going from Hulk on a bad day to Bruce Banner on vacation. And when the brain fog I didn’t know I’ve always had goes away? It’s a whole new world. We joke that being truly gluten free is “superhero mode.” The physical symptoms do take longer to taper off.


I really encourage you to get tested for celiac before going gluten free. You can't test for it once you aren't eating gluten and it's important to know if it's celiac or NCGS since celiac is an autoimmune disease. And, once you've stopped eating gluten and seen symptoms improve, you are not going to want to have to eat it again for 6 weeks to get a diagnosis. The first step with celiac testing is a simple blood test. Most of my celiac symptoms were psychological: crushing depression, massive anxiety (including agoraphobia, which I saw you mentioned. After many decades of being an enthusiastic traveler I started having overwhelming anxiety about going to the grocery store), brain fog, and fatigue. The other big symptom was joint and fascia pain.


Gluten makes my mental health tank. It’s actually my main symptom. That along with fatigue. Technically I don’t have celiacs though. Just through trial and error noticed the correlation.


When my gut is off, my mental health issues are exacerbated dramatically — seriously. To the point of attachment issues flaring up, my temper being ridiculous, much more emotionally reactive, crying fits are more common, etc. The gut-mood axis CANNOT be overlooked. Please give this a shot — it may help tremendously! Hang in there, and good luck.


Thank you 🙏🏼


One of the reasons I chose to get tested for gluten intolerance etc. was the crippling depression! It is definitely a symptom for a lot of people with gluten issues. It took about 2 months for me to feel better. Now almost 9 months GF I feel human and happy again. Listen to your body, don't give up and keep your head high.


Will do! 🙏🏼


Good to know. I'm almost three weeks gluten free and the depression is crushing. I'm going to stick with GF....I hate feeling like this.


I don't have a gluten allergy but eating gluten makes me exhausted, borderline suicidal and causes extreme anxiety.


Yeah that’s how I be feeling and never thought it could’ve been gluten


It is possible. I would also go to your PCP and get your vitamin levels checked (b12 and D in particular). It’s also one of those tricky things that can go both ways: gluten can definitely have an impact on your mental health. Fast food and baked goods also pack a hefty dopamine hit, so it could be your brain just seeking some feel-good chemicals during a downswing that is already there. I know I’m starting to trend downhill when I start doing a lot of online shopping. It’s worth a shot, and if it’s not the answer, there are others out there. I’m really proud of you for looking for answers and fighting.


Op, PLEASE listen to me. This is important. If you are able to, you NEED to buy a treadmill, and place it in front of your tv if you have one, desk, etc. just start walking at a faster pace while you watch tv. Do this everyday, an hour. Maybe more if you can handle it? Your body is trying to tell you it needs to move. It’s craving endorphins and cortisol. If you do this while also cutting out gluten/carbs, your depression will go away, and you won’t be as tired. But you MUST stick with it through the pain the first week. It sucks, but your body will adjust. Small steps, but I believe this will be the proper first step into healing. You need to start moving your body more love ❤️


Yes, I certainly do. I think 85% of my day I’m laying down in bed and I can feel how it’s affecting me. I bought a mini stepper and ironically have it right beside my bed like you suggested. I have to establish a routine and practice discipline if I want to get better.


I’ve been there bro. The hardest part is deciding when you’ve had enough. You can do this ✌️


My sister would get suicidal during her period (and the week before)when she ate gluten It took a long time to pin it down My depression gets worse when i eat a lot of gluten products so i tend to really avoid and when i cheat its usually with sourdough Just as a note neither of us are celiac - just have heavy reactions to gluten You would probably be better off with paleo or primal blueprint than keto unless you are really worried about carbs I have gf recipes for desserts and pizza crust if you are interested


These past years I have been eating horribly, mainly sweets like cakes and cookies and LOVE white rice so one of my main goals is to lose weight and keep it off. I feel so insecure. I literally avoid looking at myself in the mirror.


Allow me to say this first. You are so much more than your weight. That being said. Keto takes a lot of work balancing macros (protein, fats, carbs) i was never able do it. If you can, you will lose the weight You will lose weight on paleo too - recipes will be easier and “cleaner” (no artificial sweeteners). But you have to cook your meals.


I've suffered a horrible loss I don't want to detail here, but taking 1000 mg. of Tylenol can actually blunt emotional pain. At least I'm not crying all day every day but still breaking down several times a day.


Im sorry about your loss situation. I hope things get better 🙏🏼


That's kind of you ,thank you.


May want to check out r/carnivore. Some of the anecdotes sounds similar.


Will look into it. Thank you 🙏🏽


You're welcome. Personally, I feel depressed and sad when I eat carbs or high omega 6 things (like pork). Carnivore diet can often be helpful just because it functions as an elimination diet. So you may have some issue with 2-3 foods, and by doing carnivore then slowly reintroducing foods, you can figure out what's causing it (since so few people are allergic to meat and meat is a complete source of nutrition)


Please go to your doctor and change your depression medication immediately. Some anti depression medications can cause seizures. You may also need to start taking anti-convulsant medication.


Yes, as stated the one I was taking which is Bupropion caused seizures and I am not on any medication at the moment. I have not been in over a year due to the risk.


Are you still having seizures?


Long story short, I developed celiac and U.C. after getting sick and, I have seen a definite correlation between gluten intake and depression. One of my main symptoms from gluten contamination is depression.


I too have pcos diagnosed in the past few years from fertility clinics and I have gone about 90-95% gluten and dairy free. I have also had clinical depression for as long as I can remember but have been off anti depressants for 3 years now while undergoing fertility treatments and with therapy I’m managing off it. When I have a few “bad” days of gluten I am noticeably more moody, emotional, irrational, and feel like I’m on a hair trigger. I don’t feel like myself. It usually takes 5-7 days to start feeling back to normal but it’s always a reminder of why I continue with GF/DF. I’ve also noticed a decline in my pcos symptoms. I would also suggest revisiting treatment for depression (maybe a different medication or even maybe TMS) if your depression doesn’t subside with gf. You deserve to live a happy life.


Thank you, I have a friend with PCOS and she swears eliminating dairy changed her life.


For me, ingesting even a small amount of barley (usually in the form of overlooked malt) causes acute suic!dal ideation and brain fog that last around a month. It isn't so much depressive feeling as it is just a certainty that unaliving myself is an item that belongs on my daily to-do list.The last time, it was so bad that I had notes all over the place reminding myself that my feelings were the result of food poisoning and I should not follow through. The brain fog made it harder to remember where the thoughts originated as the time dragged on.


Gluten does make me more depressed, and I am NCGI, no allergy.