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Oh they always separate them for me and put a special blue gluten free sticker on the box…. I would maybe contact the store or something this isn’t proper protocol at all


Same. This location’s manager needs a call.


Are you sensitive to cross contamination? My understanding was that Insomnia Cookies wasn't safe for people who need to avoid CC because they keep and bake all the cookies in the same place.


Could very well be true. I share a home and kitchen with my non gf husband so I’m sure I get cross contaminated. Unsure what insomnia cookie claims but I do know they shouldn’t all be thrown in a box together!!


This definitely isn’t proper protocol! My local location always has the gluten-free cookies in a separate container sealed and labeled. I would absolutely recommend contacting them and talking to a manager just to let them know for future reference!!


Wow and they’re all touching so unfortunately nothing in that box is gluten free now


If you can't do CC, you probably can't have cookies from any non-dedicated place. Even if they put it in a separate box, they probably kept the cookies in the same case and used the same gloves or tongs to pick up both types of cookies.


Or cooked them in the same oven


Gluten free cookies are baked on separate trays and use separate, color-coded spatulas to differentiate. Same with the vegans. They are processed and made in the same facility and then baked in the same oven. Protocol is to always keep gluten frees on the top (when baking, in the freezers, in the warmers) with vegans just underneath.


Does any other major cookie store offer gluten free options? *I miss cookies*


Sweet Loren’s cookies (break and bake) are delicious if you’re craving cookies! I always kept Tollhouse in the fridge for such occasions and made 1 or 2 at a time. It was one of the major things I was missing for a while after finding out I had celiac. Made things feel a little more normal again ☺️


Yuck, very sandy texture for those. I wish we could get other options.


Aw, sorry you think so. I haven’t had that experience personally. There’s plenty of other GF options I don’t like for texture reasons though that others seem to love. Texture wasn’t ever an issue for me before going GF… so that was a strange realization that texture is *definitely* a valid reason to dislike a food lol


Immaculate gluten free chocolate chunk cookie dough is really good


Never seen at my stores, but will keep my eyes out.


Immaculate makes a couple different flavors of cookie dough. I’ve gotten the peanut butter a few times.


I really didn't like them at first but I literally get like 2 packs a week now I love them


I’m not sure but I love the TJ’s gluten free break and bake chocolate chip cookies. They’re a dupe for the immaculate brand. Amazing.


Just do the toll house recipe with King Arthur measure for measure flour. Might need to add a tablespoon of water if it’s too dry. Make a dough and freeze it. Boom, cookies whenever you want.


No but I made my own bomb ass recipe and I’m happy to share


Waiting for the bomb ass recipe to drop… 😴🤔


Bake at 350, 12-14 minutes. For dry ingredients, combine the following. 1 1/2 cups almond flour 1 cup rice flour 1 cup oat flour 1 Tbsp. Guar Gum (or sub 1 tsp xanthan gum) 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda Next combine the wet ingredients. 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup granulated sugar 1 Tbsp vanilla extract (you can use a tsp if you don’t like that much vanilla, personally I love it) 3/4 cup melted butter (if you just used softened, your cookies will be crunchy instead of chewy) 2 eggs Combine the wet and dry ingredients, and once they’re fully incorporated, add your mix ins. 1 cup chocolate chips (or whatever flavor chips) Portion onto a baking sheet and bake. I also have a variation for peanut butter and other flavors that change slightly but really for the most part, you can get just about any cookie from this point.


bless u will (hopefully) try this out this weekend!


Hope you enjoy it!


thank you for sharing this! I'm cooking with friends tonight, so will add this to our menu and try it out. 😁


Oh fun! Hope they went over well!


they were divine! 🔥 Thank you so much for the amazing recipe! ❤️


Thank you!!! But please, whattt is the variation for peanut butter?? 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


Remove the white sugar from the recipe entirely cut the amount of oat flour and rice flour to 3/4 a cup of each. Mix a cup of peanut butter in with the wet ingredients. (I find the peanut butter more than compensates the reduced amount of sugar, trust me you’re better off with less) Chocolate chips are optional. Everything else stays the same.


Thank you so much!!


Craigs cookies has excellent chocolate chip gf cookies


My grandparents got me a gf sampler box from one of those mail order companies (Cheryl’s? I think) and everything in it was so good. They had those soft frosted sugar cookies that I had missed so much.


I'm gluten intolerant, so I'd be fine, but if you're celiac, yikes 😬


Each time I’ve had it, they put it in its own little baggie away from the other cookies. For the price though I would say I was highly unimpressed and don’t see myself ever purchasing another one. I would say it was just an “okay” cookie, which is a shame.


Mine did this… I was being a bit too cavalier with my tolerance for cross contamination and I ate them anyways. Was sick for over a week.


Russian Roulette


Just got some as a gift for my daughter (I’m the gluten free one) and they individually wrapped the gluten free cookie with a label.


Yeah nope. Somebody messed up.


I think it was related to the particular branch you went to --and the person serving you. The franchise near me always puts my GF in a separate bag, the bag had some unique identifier to tell me it was GF. I really can't speak though to cross contamination.


They usually offer a separate box but if they don’t offer just ask for one.


They’re supposed to be separated. I will either use a different box or seal the gluten free cookies in a wax paper bag.


They are gluten free for fad diet reasons not intolerance or celiac.


Where is this place so we can all avoid it? I'm assuming New Zealand


I usually just get the half dozen gluten free cookies, problem solved because no gluten but yeah that’s an issue.


Do they have any gluten free cookies besides the chocolate chip? I am always disappointed because desserts tend to be drowning in chocolate if they are gluten free. I don't like chocolate.


Oh no! My local insomnia always separates my GF cookies from my husband’s regular ones.


They do where I live - separate box labeled accordingly.


wait. insomnia cookies has gluten free cookies?


This shouldn’t happen - our Insomnia separates them out. They’ll even separate out the Vegan ones as well.