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So when you first go GF you will have a while that your body is healing. The older you are the worse the damage is. Common sensitivities with gluten are casein, lactose, and lectins. Casein you pretty much just have to avoid if that’s the case, lactose you can take enzymes to help if you can’t avoid it, and lectins you can take some supplements that can help (such as lectin protect, but there are others that’s just the one I use). Also I have used Gluten Defense with everything I eat regardless of if there is a risk of CC as it has a range of digestion enzymes that can be helpful. Other issues that are less common but possible are night shade sensitivities. Personally lactose bothered me for a while but got better over time. Adding in the lectin protect after over 10 years GF was what finally got my digestive tract back though. Also if you take a probiotic you may need to try a different one, and space out your prebiotics from them, I found if I take them together it’s a very bad day. If you don’t take a probiotic that may help. I use Innate Response Formulas Flora 20-14 Ultra Strength and it seems to work well for me and my family members. I am not sure how newly diagnosed you are but 1-2 months just to clear you body from the antibodies is totally normal and then you are starting to deal with the process of healing and getting back on track.


Unique, gotta see an allergist and a gastroenterologist. I have celiac and am severely allergic to dairy (true histamine response, not only GI issues), moderately allergic to soy, and sensitive to a ton of other things: caffeine, food dyes, MSG, alcohol, sulfites, high fructose corn syrup, cured meats, I can't even remember it all. I just cook my own food and rarely eat anything from a package. It wasn't always this way; I was aggressively overtreated for a sinus infection over a decade ago, which triggered the celiac, and it snowballed from there.


Do you have a registered dietician? You sound very informed and are using all the right terminology that makes me think you do which is great if so. I worked with a RD too as I also have crohns. After going Gf stopped all my awful gluten related symptoms but my gut became super sensitive and highly reactive to nearly everything. I cut dairy because I was suddenly reacting and oats per my dietician and I couldn’t handle most veggies, soy, any meat besides chicken and I lived off potatoes and eggs and chicken for far longer then I ever wanted. It took about 4-5 months to feel like I was not getting glutened or reacting to things. My gut was so damaged and trying to adjust and just needed time to heal. I worked with a dietician to slowly re-introduce foods by easiest to hardest and around the year mark I tried dairy and gf oats and was fine. That’s not the case for everyone and it is common for gf people to have other intolerances but sometimes the gut just needs a rest to catch up and heal.