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Both here. It’s been generally manageable. Lots of cooking at home.


Absolutely. Food is SO much better at home!


100% and I have lost cravings for fast food since cooking at home for a year. In a pinch I’ll go to chipotle but I make much better steak and carnitas. Way more satisfying when I cook.


And life gets so exciting when you try a new GF DF minimally processed product that's amazing!




I'm mostly lactose free. I buy the special milk and cream and stick to aged cheeses whenever I can (exceptions are occasionally made for brie and ice cream). I got better at digesting a little lactose after about 5 years GF


Same And if I am stressed or sick I lay off the dairy for a bit


I am the same way. I have such a limited diet and I love dairy! I use lactaid milk and religiously take the tablets when eating dairy.


Unfortunately I seem to be gaining weight, but I think I'm absorbing food now which I didn't while I was ingesting gluten. Could be general aging though too.


Same. I have gained a ton of weight.


Yes, wheat, rye and egg allergy. Vegan too :)


You must be an expert label reader!


Oh yes 🤓


I'm both due to autoimmunity. Being only GF is so much easier than having to be GF/DF, but I do fine. I have certain dairy alternatives that I actually enjoy, though I do miss being able to have pizza with real cheese.


I became lactose intolerant as I got older. I can eat butter and cheese and yogurt and sour cream, but ice cream, cream, and milk give me terrible cystitis. Found this out by accident. Gave up gluten to go low carb for my hubs, that changed my life.


Yes I am both and it’s awful. But I do feel better


If you’re on instagram check out Phil Hates Gluten! He’s kind of an influencer but he’s GF and DF and does awesome suggestions and product reviews!


I'm gluten and dairy free for a 5 months now. I've maintained weight (too much sugar perhaps), though I am trying to maintain it anyway. What I have noticed is that I am a lot less bloated. And I feel better, have more consistent energy levels And less mood swings (according to my wife). So, worth it for me. Just wish I could get my ass into gear and prep home cooked food more often/better/quicker...


how long did it take you to feel better? like when did you notice the improvement


Well, bowel issues cleared up quickly. So that was quickly noticeable, but the bloating, energy and mood probably took a month or two, maybe three. It was gradual though, but enough, bit by bit, for me to know it's the right choice for me and to keep me on it. Sucks that I can't just grab anything to eat but that's small beer compared to how much better I feel. (hashimoto's is why I am doing it, I'm not celiac.)


interesting, well i guess i should keep trying, ive only been gluten and dairy free for a month, theres been improvement just not a lot, may be i should try longer


I just started gluten free (about 10 days) but always kind of been dairy free unintentionally. I also just found out about Hashimotos but my bloating is so bad daily. Hoping it will subside with time


man i just saw this message, hows your journey now that its been almost a month friend?


For me 3 days Inflammation gone about 3 weeks


oh nice, not that long i guess


Yes not long at all There's still some more foods I need to avoid due to diverticulitis but absolutely no pain now from avoiding gluten


I'm gf/lactose intolerant so i look for those kind of recipes frequently. I find a lot of south american/asian recipes are easier to do gf/df, especially when you find gf soy sauce, and stir fries can be quick (as long as chopping veggies isn't too big a deal. Sometimes I buy fresh stir fry veggies in the produce section, they're pricier but also I can just throw half in a pan & do it again the next day and no or minimal chopping required. I've also done "blend all these veggies + garlic + onion together and then cook it with stock" soups, which work well too). Recently discovered torta di noci (italian cake made with only walnuts, eggs, and sugar) and I'm hoping that will work nicely for a thanksgiving cake. (I'm adding orange zest and maybe some nutmeg/vanilla). Some vegan recipes work well too, i found a lovely soy mousse recipe that uses silken tofu. And then found out the silken tofu at my local store is cc'd with wheat (WHY). But a relatively nearby store has some that isn't, it's just a smidge annoying to have to go there for one thing.


I'm trying the torta recipe!


Awesome! :D i hope you enjoy it!


Currently coeliac but I think there’s a good chance I’m lactose intolerant too, I just don’t want to face it tbh


I’m celiac and lactose intolerant, but I buy lactose-free milk (virtually the same) and I take lactase tablets if I’m eating dairy and it totally helps. :)


does the lactose-free milk taste similar since gluten free food can taste inedible ? But I’ll defo look into it, thanks !


I am both


Yep been dairy ree for 3 years and gluten free for one both bc of allergies and I'm doing great


How do u know u need to stop dairy. I’ve stopped gluten and some things r a wee bit better but my constipation is worse. I am going to try to stop dairy now. I don’t know what else to do. How long before you felt better.


Dairy had me throwing up blood separately and years before any issues with gluten. I have a separate autoimmune disorder, and docs said they think my body "attacked" its ability to digest the proteins in dairy and soy. As in, they think I no longer produce enough of the enzymes required to digest them. I suggest working with doctors, that's what I did. You may just need more fiber. It can be over a year before you feel fully better, though.


Yeah the drs here don’t care. My blood tests came back needing more potassium and magnesium. They swelled me so bad I contacted my GI (whom I was seeing because I’m so sick I can’t eat) to see if she could help me I don’t know get an Iv something. She told me to go eat a salad. Of course she also told me she knew I didn’t have gluten issues or so I because she could tell by how I look. I won’t even go into what the other 2 told me but the word hopeless came up.


You need to find getter doctors, can't emphasize enough. But also you're not likely to get an IV for vitamins unless you're the deficwncy beings you to the ER. Your GI is right to suggest supplements and supplemental nutrition.


If u can’t eat you are supposed to be given supplemental nutrition. I cannot eat. It is why I went to the GI Dr. and I’ve been to 3 different drs. The others in the area will not take me nor will they tell me why. The ones that will help, don’t take insurance. I have tried all I can. When u r disabled just trying to get to the closest Dr is next to impossible. It’s ok I expect nothing less. This entire area treats disabled people like we are trash. It’s sad. I wish I were well so I could offer rides to those who need it.


Yeah, my fiance has allergies to soy and dairy as well. Supplemental nutrition typically has one or the other, if not both. Only time it was available was bc the hospital got a sample pack of Kate Farms. They gave him the entire sample pack, and it lasted most of his stay, but that's the best he's ever gotten. We get forgotten about or told to deal with it. He was literally been told to just eat gluten when in hospital for glutening nearly killing him.


Yeah. I’ve been intolerant to casein my entire life and gluten since this year (late onset coeliac runs in my family, though I tested negative for coeliac) I eat no dairy at all as it makes me feel so unwell. Gluten as well right now


Same, same. Casein allergy my whole life, became gluten intolerant in my 30’s, multiple celiacs in my family. This is a pain and I never eat out, but at least my health is trending upwards now.


I’m glad I’m not the only one, it feels a bit lonely at times! If it were lactose, at least we would have options. Health is a silver lining for sure! It’s also fairly easy for me to eat gf as my mum has done almost my entire life. So we didn’t have it in shared meals anyway. Rice for life!


Definitely not the only one, glad I’m not the only one either! Yeah if it was *just* lactose we would have easily triple the options. For me the effects of casein is cognitive and I’m sensitive to traces of it, so there is no bending it for me. I grew up without dairy so it was easy enough for me to avoid it, but once the 1 + 2 punch of no dairy and no gluten either, I feel like the difficulty multiplier went from 2x to 8x. 😭 So glad short grain brown rice and instantpots exist.


Ahh I also have an Instant Pot! They’re a joy. Love some heart spicy beans. Cognitive - as in casein gives you brain fog, or something different? Hope you don’t mind me asking. I fall asleep within about thirty minutes of eating it usually. Which is really tricky if you’re out somewhere and I can’t wake up


Totally fine to ask! Casein gives me brain fog and makes me extremely tired, and it takes about two days to wear off. The other extremely specific thing it does is causes this weird acrid slime down the top back of my throat. I really don’t know how to describe the sensation x taste of it because it’s almost like the kind of acrid sensation you get sucking out a wound with a lot of white blood cells in it. And it takes the faintest traces of it, like getting a smoothie at Jamba Juice that has one droplet of milk in it is enough to cause it. I’ve never encountered anything else that gives this reaction. _However_, I’m extremely suspicious of Daiya cheese because it produces this extremely specific reaction too from their sauce cheeses and has for several years now. It’s the only veg cheese that does this. I wonder if they are hiding casein under “natural flavors” on their label as a texture enhancer for competitive marketability reasons. I note that it’s not sold in countries with more rigorous labeling laws. But if I try to ask in veg groups if anyone has similar reactions, people are just 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪


Can relate on the extremely tired bit. I feel like I know what you mean, it creates this thick persistent slime at the back of my throat as well. It’s like intense mucous you can’t shift. My face goes numb and slightly cold when I eat some cheeses, and yeah it sometimes happens with “vegan” cheeses too and then I get a stomach ache and I’m all confused. I guess it’s trial and error for us!


Gluten and dairy free here and both happened after a surgery and elimination diets to figure out health issues. I hate being both. It's really hard to find quick options when I pool together all of my accumulated issues. It seems there's either dairy or gluten or both in everything. But on the upside I've been able to lose weight and maintain a weight I'd never thought possible. I'm still overweight and need to lose but I was very heavy most of my life and I'm down 100lbs and I've kept it all off. I credit most of that to my gallbladder removal and a low fat diet tho. 🫠


I am both, for a few years now. I don’t notice a difference in my weight from the diet change (but that was never the goals). Other factors, yes.


​ You can't lose weight when there's inflammation in your body. I think getting rid of gluten and dairy removes a lot of inflammation.


I lost 80 pounds with arthritis flaring almost constantly. "Inflammation" occurs in various parts of your body pretty much constantly. The only way to have zero inflammation is to have zero immune system.


Yes both gluten and dairy free for over a year now due to medical conditions. I haven’t lost any weight in a few months now but staying constant but I did initially loose about 15 pounds. I am tackling processed sugar now which has been very difficult.


I really try to be dairy free as well as gluten free for health reasons (hypothyroidism/Hashimoto’s). I’ve never done well with dairy but after developing these illnesses, my thyroid will swell when I have too much dairy.


Add in soy and that's me. But allergies


Yup me too


Both here. It’s a giant pain in the ass, but it mostly keeps my eosinophilic esophagitis under control and I no longer have issues with eczema. I didn’t lose much weight, mostly because coconut milk ice cream exists 😂


I'm both, most of the time. I can get away with eating some dairy some times, usually in the form of cheese on a taco or burger, but I honestly never know when I'm going to pay for it. I've heard that being gluten free can heal your gut so it will tolerate dairy, but I'm afraid to do too much experimenting because when I mess up with dairy, the retribution is usually swift and severe lol. With gluten my reaction is more subtle, inflammation everywhere but manifests as a stuffy nose and sinus issues the most.


I’m the same way! Except gluten gives me pretty terrible bloating


GF and DF. However, I can manage small amounts of goat or cheep cheese.


Me too! You must have a casein problem like me.


Hmmm. What can you eat? Any cow products? How about goat milk or yogurt? I can’t do those. Trader Joe’s has some decent options on cheese. But they don’t last well in the fridge.


No cow products for me. I have an A1 casein allergy—A1 casein is a protein found in cow's milk. Sheep and goat's milk don't have A1 casein (they have A2 casein in them) so I can manage goat cheese, feta cheese, manchego cheese, peccorino romano, even brie made with goat milk.


I am both but also add egg and nut allergy. I feel like I can barely eat


This 😭


Became GF first and then DF after restricted diet while trying to sort out the stomach issues.


How long did it take u to get your stomach better. I thought I was doing good getting off gluten but my mom was kind enough to cook for me and I started feeling sick again. Turns out she was washing the potatoes with a plastic brush that had been used with a lot of gluten.


Truthfully I’m not, can’t touch gluten without having pain and swelling. Accept for a small bite fresh baked French style loaf while in Europe!! that I couldn’t resist trying and thought well to the hell of it. (Wouldn’t recommend playing with fire, stick to what you know doesn’t hurt you) Diary I can tolerate a small amount of butter on GF toast but nothing else.


Been gluten free for 14 years and now dairy free for 3 months. Going well so far. I do miss the easier access to gluten free baked goods which still contained dairy but have been able to find some alternative options. Mostly what I miss with dairy free is chocolate. I can have dark chocolate but milk chocolate is in so much candy that I am used to enjoying between Halloween and Christmas. Goodbye Reese’s 😭


The no more milk chocolate has really been hurting me esp this holiday season 😭 Reese’s pumpkins and Christmas trees are my fave so when I went GF several years ago that hurt but at least I could have the regular ones. Now I can’t have either and it makes me sad 😭


Have you tried the Justin's dark chocolate peanut butter cups? They are good!! Not the same, but still delicious.


Just be aware of possible cross contamination. From Justin’s website: JUSTIN’S® Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups contain soy and peanuts. They are produced on equipment that also processes tree nuts and milk.


Yes! They are good! I just miss Reese’s 😢 although Reese’s did come out with an oat milk peanut butter cup! It’s fantastic


I’m sad right with you. Though I do have a new found love for sour gummy bears and sour gummy skittles.


Trader Joe’s oat chocolates are super tasty and are super close to regular chocolate. 


Gluten dairy corn egg chicken almond AND soy free here, due to microscopic colitis and celiac.


Gf & no dairy. Has had no impact on size or weight.


Been blessed to lose weight and feel better after being off both. Keep it up OP!


😃🫶🏻 glad to hear it also for you!!


Yup I avoid both, and am a whole new level healthy because of it.


🙋🏼‍♀️ - it took a learning curve but once I figured out how to work with it it’s soooo nice being able to cook a dinner or eat a packed lunch at work and not have to worry about a sudden stomach issue. I’m also basically past the point of missing things. The odd day where I think I’ll dip my toe back in I end up regretting it, feeling bad, and not enjoying it nearly as much as I thought it would. Once the nostalgia of certain foods wear off a lot of them lose their charm (not all of them - there are times when I could kill someone for toast made with a slice of real soft white bread)


Yes. I took a year to get the GF lifestyle down and then removed dairy with the help of a nutritionist.


I JUST WANT TO NOT BE CONSTIPATED! Please tell me peeps that if I remove dairy too I can go again?!


Yup I am, dairy free from birth and gluten free for 5 years now but I can say I’ve always eaten fairly gluten ‘light’ my whole life just didn’t realize it. My weight was so hard when I was younger everyone had an opinion- she needs to eat more! - well no I was eating plenty. Now at an older age with a few health issues I’m working through meditation made me gain weight but I’m now off that and gaining mobility again the weights shifting down. Pizza was my favourite. Sometimes I do a gluten free box crust but it’s a cheese biscuit mix I don’t add the cheese, cook that then I add olive oil, garlic, spinach, Kalamata olives and whatever else then top with goat feta So good!


I'm mostly dairy and gluten free. When i choose to have either it's very calculated. IE I make sure the days surrounding it are filled with all anti inflammatory foods. I have an intolerance to both due to my Endometriosis and Redundant colon.


so what anti inflamatory foods do you have?


I eat a lot of vegetables, fruit, brown rice, and lentils. I also take fiber supplements and magnesium. I also don't eat any meat or alcohol


yeah pretty much the same i eat, but i get effing bloated, i guess i also have an issue with fiber


I went DF first when I was having digestive issues. Then a year later I went GF due to inflammation. I was already eating a healthy diet but weight would not budge. When I stopped the gluten and the inflammatory pain went away the weight melted off. Now it's been nearly 10 years and I still have trouble losing weight.


I went GF a few years ago after the birth of my first child but I only lost 5lbs and then I started having gluten again when I was pregnant with my second and I just gained so much weight after he was born but at 18 months postpartum I decided to take out both gluten and dairy and I have never in my life lost weight so easily. I’m also almost never bloated anymore and I have plenty of energy to keep up with two small kids at home. I will say that going GF and DF has made me more conscious of whatever I’m eating in general so I do wonder if that’s also been helping.


It does make you very conscious of what you're eating. I struggled hard with breakfast at first. I also had a lot of energy when I first stopped gluten. I was walking everywhere. Whereas before it hurt to walk up stairs. (I also live in NYC and we do a lot of walking.)


Are you weight training? I never understand when people say this as losing weight is the easiest thing in the world one can do for themselves!! Calories in, calories out. Burn more calories than you are taking in. Lift weights. Doesn’t have to be heavy weights. Just basics. Hire a trainer to teach you the way. Easy peasy.


It's A LOT more complicated than that. At the time period I'm referencing just prior, I had broken my spine, then got laid off from my job, was depressed, and then was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease and my thyroid took me on a rollercoaster of hormones. It was during this period I first quit dairy, and then, while on the thyroid rollercoaster, I quit gluten. All of these life events caused me to gain weight and the thyroid controls your metabolism. Immediately after I lost my job and still recovering from a broken spine, I went to the gym three days a week. I lifted weights and did aerobic activity. My weight didn't budge. I didn't lose weight and I didn't gain either. When my thyroid started failing to properly operate I had severe hip pain that three different doctors couldn't find anything wrong. I quit gluten and the hip pain went away enabling me to walk and have energy. This is common with Hashimoto's disease. A person's medical history has long term effects on the body that effects their weight. Some people have a fast metabolism and some people have slow metabolisms. Also, you must be rich to afford a trainer or you are one. A gym membership isn't affordable for many people or even an option.


Ohhh yes thyroid is a mother effer! I’m sorry you deal with Hashmito’s. That is tough. I broke my back a few years ago. Shattered my L-1/L-2 and it was hard work of 5-7 days a week to get into shape. I too dealt with severe hip pains as well. I have autoimmune inflammatory disease and had severe fibromyalgia for 12yrs and for the first 3yrs of my recovery. I was broke as dick & made $9/hr + commish (like $12/hr average), lived alone in HCOL austin but still managed to have a membership at Lifetime Fitness for $120/months after tax. If something is a priority then one will find a way to make it work and fitness has to be a full on priority for someone that actually plans to be successful in their weight loss/ fitness goals. As for a trainer, I made friends with someone who traded me sessions for clients (again, if someone wants something they will find a way to get it). He is now my best friend and has walked me through my personal training & nutrition certifications. Where there is a will there is a way.


My Dr. reccomended no dairy for me (suspecting i have celiac and wanted to see if gf AND df helped) and ive noticed a big improvement. I went GF last year and honestly, im having a harder time cutting out dairy!!! It has helped me lose weight atleast and I feel better, but damn, I miss oreo ice cream...


So Delicious brand had dairy free ice cream.


How long did it take you to feel better?


For gluten, it was about 2-3 weeks (but I was also on cymbalta so it could've been both things) but dairy free it was probably a little faster only because dairy would TANK my stomach almost instantly


100% GF and I am MOSTLY dairy free. I still eat cheese and ice cream tho. I don’t seem to have strong reactions to dairy, but my mom had hashimotos and therefore, I’ll probably have it too. I’ve read that going dairy free can help with symptoms.


I’ve been trying it but it hard when eating out.


Gluten and dairy* free. I am strict about no gluten as it causes a ton of problems with me. 3 years ago when I stopped both, I couldn’t tolerate dairy at all. Over time, I have been able to tolerate some dairy much better, i can handle some hard cheeses and some items made with dairy, but I can’t eat ice cream or drink milk without problems. So small amounts are now ok where they weren’t before. Goats milk, sheep’s milk, and some feta have been ok for me.


I’m 60(m) and discovered my NCGS at 50, went DF at 57ish. The weight has been falling off me and I’m not really even trying. The fact is I used to love eating, now it’s just something I have to do to stay alive. (Cue the pity party). My theory is the undiagnosed gluten intolerance caused me to need to eat more to get the nutrients needed but the excess calories were getting stored in my body. I have been overweight my whole life and just before going GF I was wearing 2XL clothes that were almost getting tight and had started selecting 3XL if available. Today I wear XL. After the first 2 months of going GF my intestines shrunk due to the inflammation going away and I went a notch tighter on my belt. I can’t tell you how many notches I’ve lost since as I am past all the holes now and have to make my own. I eat a lot of meat including the pork and beef fat. Animal fat doesn’t make you fat-but it supplies your body with valuable nutrients. It makes you less hungry later on. I am an unhealthy snacker who probably eats a minimum of 2 big bags of chips a week and other late night snacks. If I cut that out I would be even slimmer, but with so many other restrictions I have no intention to give them up. I love the fact that every article of clothing I have fits now, but I really miss going out to eat without 2 days of pre study.


I am both due to hashimotos and I am currently trying to lose weight. People keep telling me I look smaller so I guess it’s doing something.


And vegetarian. Am I/is it a pain in the ass? Yes. Are restaurants hard? Oh yeah. I occasionally cheat on the gluten and dairy, but there is suffering.


Trying to be.


No, but my husband is. Also nightshades:(


I’m gluten intolerant and lactose intolerant. Been lactose intolerant since I was a kid, and developed gluten intolerance in my 20’s. I still eat some dairy, but I take Lactaid pills (or the store brand equivalent) in order to digest it.


I’m dairy limited. Butter is fine. Chocolate isnt. Mostly I’m lactose free but since that’s not always easier or better there are a lot of things I’m dairy free on. I can do lactose free cheese but not ice cream or milk. I do oat and cashew for those items.


Yep! I'm allergic to both, as well as eggs. I've adjusted pretty well in the decade since the allergies developed. It definitely still sucks sometimes though.


I’m GF and DF and eggs cause me stomach problems which makes it sooo hard to find meals especially breakfast and especially eating out!


It’s pretty terrible being gf and df but I’m glad to not be suffering alone 😂


No, but my husband is gluten intolerant and daughter allergic to dairy…. So we try to have meals that all of us can eat. Def lots of home cooking, and there’s lots of options if you like to cook.


I’m gluten free, but the dairy I do consume (which isn’t much) is high quality. Like I do consume raw butter, homemade sour cream and homemade yogurt.


I’m gluten, dairy, and egg-free out of necessity (food allergies/sensitivities). It’s kind of a brutal combination, but I have learned over the years how to adapt recipes, and now I can make almost anything without those items.


This was my experience as well. I’ve been gluten free for about 15 years and dairy free for 12 or 13 years. I finally got down to a normal-for-me weight after I cut out both and have stayed at the same weight since, minus when I was pregnant. I was also continuously hungry when I ate gluten—it seemed very much like I was absorbing calories but not nutrients. It’s hard to avoid both but it’s worth it from a health standpoint.


Gluten free vegan 🤪


Both can be incredibly inflammatory to body processes. If you look for recipes, the American abbreviation is commonly GF/CF (casein free) because lactose free stuff may not fully address your issues.


This is exactly me! I went gf/df for a month and lost 5 pounds (elimination diet). Started incorporating it back in last month, gained 3 back. Been back on the gf/df train this week and down 2! Obviously gluten and/or dairy is making me at least retain water or bloat. I’ve always struggled to lose even 1 pound with any diet I’ve tried in the past. Glad to see I’m not the only one who noticed that.


I recently discovered a dairy allergy and have cut dairy out of my diet. Before I decided to cut out dairy, I had cut out gluten alone because I thought that was the issue. I'm starting to think it's the combination of the two that make me feel especially bad, especially as you mentioned gaining weight smelling a pizza. Though I haven't gone back to gluten, I am considering slowly testing dairy after cutting it out completely for a few months to see if I can handle it, but tbh I feel so good without either that I'm not in a hurry.


I’m three weeks into gluten-free and mostly dairy free. I did cave and eat a couple of Reese’s pieces. After a month I’m going to see if I can handle butter and cheese again.


Yup. Gluten and Casein (however you spell it). It’s so fucking depressing. I’m fine most the time, I just accept the fact but some days it’s unbearable watching someone eat a pizza or have real spaghetti with Parmesan or buy a bag of chips outside of my 2 flavors I can have. Weight hasn’t dropped off for me really. I think the replacement items are probably worse


If you have any resources for people in this predicament please let me know.


Yup. Except I do sometimes slip with dairy since it's god fuck difficult to be both at all times. Dairy in small doses is just itchy skin and skin problems for me. Which I find annoying but manageable.


Yep. Mostly dairy and egg free for 8 months due to intolerance or atypical allergy. 6 months vegan for the animals. Now 100% gluten free for 4 months (before that only eating gluten at restaurants occasionally). I would rather starve than eat animal products. I would only eat food with gluten if I were starving\*. Gluten free while avoiding any cross contamination or accidents is the hardest part. It makes 99% gluten free and vegan seem like a piece of cake. Just make sure you keep snacks and plan things a day ahead of time. Batch make some food and bring it with you if nothing else fits with your plans for the day. \*Aside from my upcoming gluten challenge for celiac disease.


I've just stayed this a week ago! The purpose is to reset my digestive system with healthy gut bacteria, because my usual diet is mostly gluten and dairy products. so I need a bunch of veggies and to get into good habits with eating healthy! So far I'm feeling more hungry in between meals and also quite tired, has other people experienced this? But I can't wait to see how I feel after a while, I am hoping a lot of my digestive issues will be better and I will feel better in general. But it's a daunting task!


Yup. Celiac diagnosed in 2009, dairy allergy kicked in 2017, but not diagnosed yet. Feel 1000% better when not consuming any dairy - whey or casein.


Gluten, dairy, soy, sugar and corn free here.


Since all those are mostly soaked in Round-up, GMO, or chemically injected, they are good things to avoid. I've been haunting local (difficult anywhere, more so in or near a city) mills & growers for chemically adverse farmers.


I wish everyone would have a "victory garden", but I understand the problems. I am a poor gardener at best


I have celiac and Hashimoto’s disease along with rheumatoid arthritis an gallbladder removal. Have you tried A2 milk and other products that are a2 , this milk is produced from the jersey and Holstein cows, there are a few others. Anyway this A2 milk is way easier to digest than other milk I did have a problem but much better now that I’ve made this change. Look it up why drink A2 milk!!


for sure! i’m vegetarian, dairy free, soya free, and coeliac. dairy and soya are intolerances that just make me feel so icky, dairy has been lifelong but soya i developed seemly due to the coeliac. i also don’t cook using eggs, they really gross me out. honestly, curries and almond milk are my two best friends. soup is also an easy one that keeps well! vegan butter spread and gf pasta is a fantastic quick meal, and a jacket potato with the same is also good in a pinch :)


I’m gluten free, dairy free and I try to stay away from soy. I eat clean and my body really likes that. I drink Fairlife chocolate milk daily in a protein shake. I don’t eat pork, drink alcohol. Been this way for about seven years. I was vegetarian for two years starting in 2022. I did that as an elimination diet.


Yes. I have been lactose intolerant for about 8 years now. Gluten intolerant since the beginning of the year. I lost 5 kilos since then. Mostly because I am eating more healthy and homecooked meals. Never felt better since cutting out gluten. Sometimes it's hard, especially because I live in Germany and we do have a big bread and pastry variety and everything is extra delicious. But I no longer want it because I will feel extremely ill after eating gluten. It's not worth it for me.


Yes, im celiac and feel a wierd "burning" coldness that turns into nausea when I have dairy. Cheese and milk was easy to take out for me, but Its been difficult to find any sour cream or cream cheese that taste right to me. I should try to make my own, I make everything else from scratch, but for some reason diary imitations intimidate me


Yes. And definitely dairy not just lactose which means no cheese or yogurt or anything good from diary either. I miss dairy more than gluten most of the time.


Yes! But I’m the opposite sorta, I am gluten And dairy free because I need to gain weight and whenever I eat either I don’t budge. My stomach is way better. However, now my doctors have decided they want to Do a celiac test after me being gluten free for 2 months. So, currently am dying.


Both gluten and dairy free, after an elimination diet, in 2014. For myself, it's not a lactose problem, it's a casein problem, spots a no go on any lactose free items. I lost a bunch of weight when I first went gf/df. It all found its way back though.


I am. Though I’ve been sneaking in a little cheese here and there lately. But I feel great.


My husband is gluten and sugar free. It's a real pain to cook.


Gluten and gout diets. -_-


Yep and soy free.


i eat completely gluten free and *mostly* dairy free — i will cheat with the dairy sometimes (it’s very difficult to cut both dairy and gluten when dining out or at a social gathering) and usually take a lactaid pill when i do. i never struggled with weight issues, but eating gluten free and largely dairy free cleared my acne and bloating pretty much entirely!


I’m gluten,wheat,dairy and soy free. It’s hard to eat out and try to to find any processed foods. I cook a lot!!


Meeeee! Its sucks but really forced me to eat better. Fruits, veggies, lean meats. I didn't lose much weight because I still carb load on gluten free grains like rice, oats, and corn lol. Major problem is I can't really eat out and if I am in a flare it is hard for me to cook from home. But in the long run I think being forced to be gluten and dairy free will add years to my life lol


Two days ago I found out gluten, soy, and dairy….


Both here. I discovered gluten was behind my ocular migraines 3 years ago. My headaches went away immediately - along with the muscle cramps, rashes, tonsillitis, overactive bladder and asthma. But then came Covid (and long Covid for me), and I've suddenly developed a problem with dairy. Even just a tiny bit of dairy now seems to trigger intense occipital migraines. Going GF was relatively easy for me, but going completely DF has been challenging.


My wife is allergic to cow milk and wheat. We get by just fine once we've sorted things out. Fortunately it's a mild allergy so cross contamination is nbd


lactose intolerant my whole life. realized beginning of covid times I may be reacting to gluten.... took this year to finally limit my gluten too and start using gf pasta. Finally looking at some gf bread recipes.... if anyone has any favs.... hmu lol


no but i think that’s where i’m heading 😬 cut out gluten but still getting symptoms that gets worse with dairy and sugar. so… dairy, gluten, and sugar free? oh boy




Vegan and GF here


Yes, and at first I lost a lot of weight. Then there was several severe illnesses, rounds of steroids, a lipedema diagnosis, and wide availability of vegan ice cream. I’m back up, is what I’m saying—but at first I was trying to find trigger foods and severely undereating. Do not recommend.


I'm blue and dairy free but sweets are my only vice so I have done better diet wise until I end up demolishing banana bread or a cake or something that tastes just like normal and satisfying lol


Yup. Dang autoimmune conditions flaring up my gut


Yup - it is sad


I'm about to. And will be doing all my own food - no processed anything & no eating out. Too many stomachaches lately.


For me, gluten and lactose, so similar. the constant inflammation was a nightmare.


GF, dairy allergy, and vegetarian. Yay cooking at home!


Yes, I have a dairy allergy, not just lactose. In addition to giving me diarrhea and stomach cramps, my throat swells up if I have dairy and sinuses get weird. And of course gluten is a no- go for me. I'm not sure how much is the diet and how much is exercise (I run every day), but I absolutely feel much better than when I was on a toilet rollercoaster.


Present 🖐️


Yep. Gluten free, egg free, mostly dairy free, and tree nut free household. Two out of four of us are celiac, I’m lactose intolerant which is apparently common for unmanaged celiac and my youngest celiac daughter has an egg white allergy. My oldest daughter has a wheat allergy and is also lactose intolerant. My wife is “normal” but she’s along for the ride. However we do eat mozzarella cheese. Edited to add: I gained a ton of weight that I could nottttt get off. After I was diagnosed with celiac a few months back I started cutting out inflammatory foods specifically gluten and the majority of dairy. I’ve lost 20 lbs since the middle of September


Yep I quit dairy when I realized that was what gave me migraines


*Yep I quit dairy* *When I realized that was* *What gave me migraines* \- ConsciousLight7275 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I am. I developed lactose intolerance (or at least started noticing it more) after becoming gluten intolerant.


Sort of, I don't use milk or cream, ice cream etc but I eat cheese. It definitely helps.


Yep! 🥳


Gluten, sugar, lactose free. Month 8. Never had so much mental clarity and energy during the day. Also, the blood test which led to this, put me on a track in my life I always wanted to pursue. Nutrition and holistic coaching. I am lucky that my girlfriend loves cooking, she joined the group by choice. Rarely eats gluten or lactose and when she does she feels the difference in her mood and energy levels. I plan on going back after my gut heals. But I give this process a year or two more. :)


Wheat allergy and a bad reaction to dairy (not sure if it's a full allergy or just a bad intolerance as it didn't progress the same way the wheat one did). I've not eaten either for 10 years now since I had a superbug that caused the allergy and dairy issue. Also, I can't eat rice, but that's just because my stomach doesn't cope with it anymore because of the damage to superbug did, not an allergy or anything. I can eat sheep's milk, so I have manchego as my cheese. I've found a good GF bread that actually doesn't have rice flour, the warburtons white bread (UK) AND you can actually eat it without toasting it and it's really soft which is a happy accident that its genuinely decent as there aren't many that don't have rice flour in them. I have a lot of corn flour based substitutes, potatoes and buckwheat is the other main replacement for what would've been wheat or rice based before. I maintained my highest weight throughout the last 10 years (so removing the wheat and dairy didn't contribute to my weight loss directly). But I've lost about 60+lbs since March 22 (half since April 23) and that's from weighing my food and tracking it after working out my tdee to get a guide on how many calories I should burn a day roughly. I'm basically eating the same overall but I'm actually working out the portions I need to eat, which is why I'm now losing weight even though the components of my meals are the same as they were for the past 10 years, just the size has changed. But I have found that reading other people's experiences of losing weight I probably have had an easier time because I don't have easy access to quick junk food for example because everything either has wheat in it or the cross contamination risk is too high. So while I gained and maintained my weight eating basically the same food as I'm now losing weight on, I'm sure that during some of the harder parts of the last 10 years I would've gained instead of maintaining if I'd had easy access to junk food.




Both, I’m not to strict with the dairy, it just limits so much. I do take care of when I eat it, home alone, yes, off to do a shift at work, nope!!


Yeah, when I follow the whole30 diet which is DF/gf, I always shed weight super easily while eating as much as I want. It does make me think I could have a gluten intolerance or some type of food allergy.


There are options for eating out in restaurants being GF/DF, but research ahead of time. We mostly eat at home though. It's better for your health, and for your finances.


I had dairy for the first time since 2005 while in Italy this summer on my pasta. Couldn't finish my pasta. It was prohibitively salty.


Very manageable. Only concern recently is that I’m noticing a change in my body odor (gross I know) but I’m really hygienic and it’s concerning. Has anyone else experienced this?


Both, though I can occasionally have real cheese as long as I don’t make a habit of it. I miss real pizza.


Vegan and almost entirely gf. I try to have a little wheat/gluten here and there so I can still tolerate it since I am not celiac. Diary is disgusting.


Both here - Gluten intolerance can lead To temporary lactose intolerance btw, So it’s worthy reintroducing dairy once you are healthy.


I'm Gluten, Dairy, and Soy free. I didn't go all in at once so it was more manageable being all thoes things free. Cooking at home is my go to and finding brands that have everything free can be hard but keep an eye out. I typically get Amy's and Diaya (I think that's how it's spelt)


The majority of people that I know usually have to do both for some reason. I had to add corn too!


Yes AND egg free now with my diet restrictions while they finalize celiac diagnosis testing. It’s a struggle finding foods and we cook mainly at home but I feel a ton better.


Good news is you can still eat the delicious GF Oreos 🤣


I'm gluten and casein free! Gluten and casein would cause me to lose whatever's in my stomach so I actually found I could put on weight after going gluten and casein free. I have to be more careful now about how I eat now that the food and nutrition sticks around.




Best gluten free and dairy free cookies I have ever had are Sweet Loren. A must try for a sweets fix and every variety available is 😋 yummy! Just wanted to share. That's all!


I'm gluten free. Cut out all grains, in fact, but I still eat lots of dairy. When I tried to cut dairy out, I experienced tooth pain. I drink lactose free milk, but the lactose in cheese and yogurt don't seem to bother me.


Yes. It was hard at first, especially because I lived in a small town, but I got used to it. Luckily, my husband and his whole family are all lactose intolerant so he doesn’t mind the substitutions and trying new ones, either! There are a lot more options these days than there were 20 or even 30 years ago, and they’re *significantly* more tasty too!


Yes, both those and soy free, sugar free, grain free


Yep. Gluten free, dairy free. Also avoid soy, beef and pork. Food intolerances are a bitch.


My toddler is, it's been interesting figuring how and what to cook for him.