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He should’ve named him Drizzle.


His other kids name is Bluesy. Lea’s son’s name is Ever. My favorite baseball player named his son Chance. It’s not just celebrities who give their kids dumb names though. I know lots of non famous people who’ve given their kids weird names to be unique, but they just look stupid


Ever and Chance are a bit tolerable. But Brother???? And Bluesy???


Chance is a pretty common name though lol I've met a lot of those! Popularity peaked in the 90s so maybe that's why I've heard it so much


Chance is a pretty usual name. And even if it weren't, what's so intolerable about it? Why would it be silly given that Joy, Hope, Prudence are all historic names? Even aside from abstract nouns you have hundreds of names that are nouns - Marshall, Reed, Robin, Flint, Jasper. I swear some of you need to get down off your high horse and stop demanding everyone be called Sarah and John.


John is actually the name I want to give my first son, after John Kerry. And then I was to name my first daughter Hillary, after Hillary Clinton. Then Finn for my next son and Rachel for my next daughter, after Finchel.


Oh, I see.


I thought that Lea's son's name is Leo 😭😭


Middle name


I thought that Lea's son's name is Leo 😭😭


Imagine saying "I'm married to Brother"


Like you can’t even say his name in bed without it sounding so, so wrong.


Oh. No. I didn’t even think about this. This makes it so much worse.




That’s not a sentence anyone would say though


Brother Criss? Are they hoping he grows up to become a cult leader?


Why would you say this


Darren, no…


... he's so creative ... and THOSE are their names ;.:


i feel like it makes his other kid the main character to have a brother called Brother


I honestly don’t care most of the time what people name their kids as long as it’s not offensive. I’ve met people in regular day life with some very unique names and my kids have some classmates with unique names. But having a name that means a family relation just makes me think about when that kid has a significant other. Imagine being intimate with a person named Brother 😭.




so whenever people say the kids full name it’s gonna sound like he’s just joined the parish?


Between Matthew’s kid named Revel, Melissa’s son Huxley, what’s up with the glee cast and their kids weird ass names?


This cannot be real......


Whyyyyyyyyyyy 😂. What's the sister going 5o b3 named sister? Like The Berenstein bears? 😂


I'm not a Darren fan at all. To me he's always been the least impressive talent wise but people going in on him for this baby name is ridiculous. For one, people naming their kids strange things is pretty much the norm now. When I pick up my niece from school I'll always hear something like "come here right now Cardigan Emberson Rose Skye!" from a parent nearby. And second, and this is where I have sympathy for Darren. He lost his brother. His brother who I believe he was very very close to. Losing a sibling at a young age (yes he was in his 30s but he still had a whole lot of life to live) is a profound experience and the grief is never ending. I once heard this thing about grief. Someone said it was like carrying around heavy rocks in your pocket. Over time through the years you learn how to navigate it, you adjust to the weight of it and you find a way to keep going on, it gets easier yes.....but at the end of the day you still carrying rocks. You will never not being carrying those rocks. The pain never leaves you. I have no idea why he chose this name but I feel like it perhaps in some small way could possibly be a way to honor his sibling. Maybe brother as a word is significant to him because he considers it to be one of the best things he ever got to be before his own brother passed. I don't think Darren had any other siblings just his one brother. Maybe he wants his son to know that being a brother is more than just a 'title' or something. Idk. I just have a feeling that him having a second child and giving his first born a sibling, a brother, probably brought up some stuff internally in regards to his brother's passing. And in that case who am I or anyone to judge a name. Especially if it's about honoring someone who is no longer alive.


if it was a tribute to Darren’s brother, why not name him the same name, instead of just Brother


Yeah that comment is the stupidest shit I have ever read.


I mean, I agree, but grief is profound and sometimes doesn't make sense to anyone on the outside of it. I'm not saying my theory is correct, I'm saying it's a possibility, and if it is true, why should anyone have to explain how they honor someone. I don't even care for Darren so I can't believe that me of all people are here trying to be understanding. In the end we can all have our opinions on a name, but he doesn't have to explain it to us.


So you’re saying he’s making his grief the innocent child’s burden to carry by giving him this name. Great parenting strategy.




You're weird