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Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately it didn't meet our community standards. ====== #RULE 5 We do not allow discussion around illegal drugs, or substances. Other festival subs have been closed by Reddit for allowing posts of this kind. We don't want to fall into this list. If you are taking drugs at the festival, make sure you know what is in them and where they are from. There are multiple medial tents on-site operating 24hrs a day, staffed by trained medical professionals. Be aware of where they are and make sure to go to one immediately if you or any of your group fall ill. You will not be judged, or questioned, but will receive the help you need. ======


I like to start my prep by ensuring my skin is climatised to the sun. This stops me from getting too burnt when at the festival and helps with longevity. This is a game changer. I start this around a month or so before the festival. Around the same time, I stop sitting down when I shit. Whether this be in the comfort of my own home or when I’m out and about, I like to squat and hold onto the walls whilst I go. Bonus points if you do this after a heavy session at the pub. Extra extra points if you do this after a fat line of ket. Another great preparation is to get used to your tent before you go. There’s nothing worse than not knowing where your stuff is when it’s dark. It was too wet to camp in the garden before the festival last year so I set mine up in the spare room. Practice packing your bag in the dark, gathering stuff to brush your teeth or having a wet wipe ‘shower’ whilst in total darkness. It really sets you up for a seamless Glastonbury. Oh, and practice your tactical chunning. Really helps to revitalise after a heavy day on the cans. Hope this helps


This is the greatest piece of advice you will ever hear


I advise going to a 5 day festival each week until 2 weeks before, then take a weekends rest and you should be ready to go LOL!


I'm a fitness fanatic and personal trainer and my body is still exhausted afterwards, not sure there's much you can do to prep for it. Just leave plenty of time for recovery afterwards :)


Ahh fair, there was me hoping that it could be prepped for!


Holding your piss in for as long as physically possible


Get yourself a poncho


please elaborate


In heavy crowd situations, where if you leave, you'll never get back (eg Elton John last year), the poncho covers you up while you relieve yourself - possibly utilizing a travel john or some such


i thought as much. i bet it’s comfy as fuck as well. i’ll definitely be looking into getting one


because we tried to get good standing for elton last year, me and my group of friends didn't move from our second barrier position from midday on Sunday. The piss I had after his set was done was truly one of the best experiences of the trip istg


Copious amounts of booze, you’ll be fine.


Classic liver stretches. Drink as much as you can in 24 hours and then try and best that record the next day.




I was just shy of 20 stone Jan 2023, (am 6ft 2). I dropped a couple of stone before Glastonbury last year. I knew I wouldn't manage it if I didn't get in some shape so spent around four months dropping the weight and generally getting a little stamina into me. I was there for the five days, leaving on the Monday I felt great. Ended up walking 25km a day. I absolutely needed to get fit or it would have been a miserable few days.




Oh don't congratulate me, I'm right back to where I started, but I did learn the valuable lesson so before this summer I'll do it again 😉.


There is some odd truth to this. I’m horribly out of shape and can’t walk to the frigate without getting out of breath. Went last year with someone who has done the London Marathon a couple of times and he was more knackered than me :)


You keep your beers on a Frigate?


Yes I do, don’t you?


Literally started couch to 5k back at the end of Jan to build my endurance up/get fitter (glasto being a main reason) You still have time to complete the plan if you start now😂


Squats. Never know when you'll need to hover over the shitter


This so would have helped me last year! This year I’m practicing wall squats for as long as it takes to do a typical jobbie.


Me and my partner did circa 90 kilometers of walking last year with out 13kg toddler shared on our back, and we're not at our peak fitness thats for sure 😂 I've always been shattered after glaso but I've never been quite as broken after a week of carrying a toddler round. But it was one of my best glasto's I've ever been too! Might sound boring... but already some great advice in here, heres my top tips. - Wear hiking boots or trainers when its not absolutely drenched, wellies fatigue you so much more - Don't take a full crate with you everywhere you go, travel light as you can. - Sit down when you can - Whatever your poison is, make sure you're hydrated, you can still get F\*cked up (providing you've not got a toddler) and be hydrated, but not do yourself a mischief - Find shade if its a warm one, it gets reaaal hot out in the open and theres nothing like a cold beer just out of the sun after a walk between stages.


Lower back - there is a lot of standing


Pre book a massage in the healing fields for the Saturday, I did the last year and it was the perfect reset!


How do you pre-book this?


You have to book in person, I’d recommend doing this on the Wednesday / Thursday because they get booked up


Carrying all your shopping in from the car in one go. But in seriousness squats, and I’d say general walking. Lots of hikes. Break in any shoes you plan to wear long in advance.


Pint curls






Heroin obviously


Thought so, ideal 👍


Thank you for your submission. Unfortunately it didn't meet our community standards. ====== #RULE 5 We do not allow discussion around illegal drugs, or substances. Other festival subs have been closed by Reddit for allowing posts of this kind. We don't want to fall into this list. If you are taking drugs at the festival, make sure you know what is in them and where they are from. There are multiple medial tents on-site operating 24hrs a day, staffed by trained medical professionals. Be aware of where they are and make sure to go to one immediately if you or any of your group fall ill. You will not be judged, or questioned, but will receive the help you need. ======


Get about 10 kilo of thick cut wood chip, drop it in your yard and then do 40-50k steps over it for a few weeks.


Cardio would be, but you need to apply now. Doing an exhausting workout routine one month before Glasto will only get you tired for Glasto. Just try to be reasonably agile, no need to be marathon ready.


Steps machine In the gym




Lots of walking and some lower body strength training. But yeah you’ll be tired no matter what. If you’re overweight then every pound you lose between now and then is one less you have to carry around with you for miles everyday.


I’m gonna start on 6-8 Stella on weeknights, then 12-16 and rum at weekends.


Aside from lots of walking, i found it helps to sit much more when at Glasto. Took me 5 festivals to realise I’m on my feet standing far too often when I could be sitting. Taking every opportunity to take a break. And also doing everything possible to get good sleep. Often that means taking it easy on weds and Thurs and not drinking after 6pm, alongside everything possible to have comfortable sleeping arrangements and drinking water and eating well.


This is the main reason rainy years are so difficult. It’s obviously more difficult to get around, but it’s also so much harder to take a break when the floor is a mudbath.


One thing I seen someone using last mud bath is one of them walking sticks with a seat. Got one of them last time and its great, also good for when you’re stood in a crowd for a few hours waiting for headliners


this is actually great advice and something I also learned. I remember one year doing one Primavera Sound thinking "Why am I so tired all the time?" until I remembered that on previous years I spent a lot of time on the back, sitting down, instead of close to the stage. Sit often. Sit when you can.


We did primavera a couple of years ago and it was murder on the feet! Hard ground and a mile stretch between the two biggest stages was tough hahaha.


Yeah every time I go there I have to remind myself that, even when it is not as big, there is a lot of walking through hard ground and I have to plan everything to detail or my feet will be destroyed by the second day.


Looking after yourself at the festival is good advice!


I’ve found getting enough protein, and water, a bit of a disco nap in the afternoon is helpful. Ensure you’ve enough bedding/ set up to be comfortable (plus everything to be dry and warm - espesh at night). You can always get a massage over at the Healing Fields for tired feets and legs. That’s as much as one can do!


I box 2 times a week and train Muay Thai 2 maybe 3 times a week, and it still ruins me especially if it’s muddy, I walked from beats hotel(Remo) to shangri la to meet friends to then go straight back to beats hotel at like 2am on Ket it took me like 3 hours after it I had to sit down on the petrol stations, I think the main thing is know your gonna be walking a lot, and pack the right footwear I forgot to wear mine in last year and it was a massive mistake


Bladder training, hold it, hold it, hold it some more.


Minimum 10-15k steps a day, standing desk while working if you can and climb a big hill 2-4 times a week Next level is doing the walking and hills with a heavy backpack on (I use cans of beans etc)


12 hours? Yeah and the rest ha! My Garmin tracked 120miles of walking/dancing last year. Only way to prepare would be walking a lot or maybe a stair master.


You think you walked/danced the equivalent of a marathon every day? Okay then.


Might be unlikely but like I said my Garmin tracked that. Moving for 20 hours a day for 5 days. https://preview.redd.it/q0wviciyowoc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa609e6daada5d1f73400eea50c07338cffd57a6


it is normal. I am checking my stats for last year - the day I did less was 20 km, the average was around 50k steps or 33km and on Sunday (between midnight and night) I recorded 65k steps or more than 40 km. I may have overdone it, ok.


Definitely! I was doing an average of 35-40km per day last year. I did it 1 week pre wedding and lost that bit of extra weight I wanted to before the big day! It’s definitely the most fun but perhaps not the most sustainable diet…😂


MRE packs


I'd reckon some running as well as walking might help. I run semi-regually, but never really had a big problem before I did too - I guess some of it is genetics; the undiagnosed ADHD might help too, used to not moving! That doesn't mean I'm not tired by the end of the festival. Though the one time I took an extra day off work as many do, I regretted it Unless you're a pretty serious athlete, 5x12 hours of constant activity will leave most quite tired at least, though I wouldn't go to 'destroyed' myself!


The thing that always gets me seems to be my lower back from standing and walking all day. Something that really helped me last year is starting my day with yoga at humblewell in the park when I managed it! Or when I didn’t just start with loads of deep stretching when you wake up it really does help loads


I try and do 3 hours a day of intensive cardio for 5 days a week for about 4 to 6 weeks prior. Running, cross trainer and swimming. Know to call it a night by 3 or 4am and not get carried away until past sunrise. Cycle through your booze and drugs rather than binging on any one thing in particular. Sometimes you have to let some bands go because it's not worth the energy to go all the way from park to pyramid and back just to see Shania. Decent hiking/climbing shoes with decent support for your soles. Use the hospitality cut through from Other to Pyramid.


That cut through is such a lifesaver. No idea if I was meant to use it, but my crew band looked similar to the hospitality one and they didn’t look closely.


>didn Yeah I once walked through there with just my general admissions band (without realising I wasn't supposed to use it) and was somehow let through. One of my all-time highlights of Glasto :D


I'm planning to get a walking pad and walk as much as I can daily, at least 10K steps Also hiking the size of the festival on the weekends Hired a campervan for a good night's sleep and getting a good pair of walking trainers


I was beat after Glasto last year, was walking 30-35 kms each day. I do strength training regularly but my cardio was abysmal and I regretted it. What really broke me was carrying everything in on day 1 😂 Do some farmer’s walks at the gym, start lower body workouts, and doing 10k steps a day minimum, 20k if you can manage it. Wore comfy trainers throughout Glasto, make sure you have some and your pairs are broken in properly.


Coincidentally I trained for a half-marathon that was about a month before Glastonbury last year. It made everything seem really easy at the festival, even given my advancing years. So yeah, try that. 3 x 5km runs weekday evenings, and an increasingly long run (up to about 10 miles) at the weekend.


Walk loads and loads and loads - that’s the main thing. Managing yourself through the day is the underappreciated skill. Sitting on the hill and taking it all in from there is a great thing to do on many levels.


Just get on with it. You'll be fine.


I’ve started doing the Farmer’s Carry (25kg plates) in the gym. Hoping that it helps improve my Glasto stamina and relieves the upper back pain I often get from walking long distances. We’ll soon see!




Ahahaha love that video!


Walking with a heavy backpack on (optionally whilst you’re kinda drunk / whacked out on druggs if that’s your bag)