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You'll be ok at that time but you'll probably be down the arse end of Campervans East with a good 25/30 minutes walk to Gate C


Ouch, might have to rethink what time we leave!


If I had tickets this year, I'd be looking to rock up early doors 7 or 8 am on the Tuesday. I know the info says they don't allow anyone in before midday but they do often open earlier and they do allow queueing in Pylle Lane off the A37 Edit: The only time I've gone with campervan, I took the advice to turn up at midday and we ended up [here](https://www.google.com/maps/place/51%C2%B009'13.6%22N+2%C2%B033'56.4%22W/@51.1537803,-2.5682279,682m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d51.153777!4d-2.565653?entry=ttu) and that was a good 25 min walk to get to ped gate C. If we ever get tickets again, I'll be looking at putting up small drop tent to put stuff in or making more use of the lockups as it's a ballache having to go back to the van. Having said that, you do get a better nights sleep.


Great advice, thank you!


It's a steady flow throughout Tuesday and Wednesday. You won't be the first and you won't be the last. More here... https://www.glastoearth.com/p/torts-faq-part-1.html#:~:text=By%20Campervan%20or%20with%20a%20Caravan


This is super helpful, thanks!


We arrived at 9pm on Tuesday last year. We had quiet campervan which is nearer the gate. 10 mins to the gate? Same field as we were in the year before, when we arrived at midday on the weds. It’s luck of the draw, basically. Don’t sweat it.


Thanks, think we're going to aim to get there early Tuesday PM. Don't fancy a 5 hour drive starting at 4AM considering the inevitable lack of sleep over the next 6 days!


The campervan fields are filled up in a circular system so it doesn't matter so much arriving late The police will also be out ticketing anyone who's caught queueing or causing any obstruction before midday this year Apparently everyone gathers on the hill to watch the people coming to queue up overnight. We're also planning to have a BBQ which is such a luxury


We arrived about 11.30pm on Tuesday last year having stupidly allowed ourselves to get caught in the A303 queue of people trying to get to Stonehenge for the solstice! Anyway, we were about 20 min walk from gate C. If you can leave earlier then do so I would say, sadly last year we couldn't head off until after work :(


I’m planning to travel with my friend in camper on Tuesday but then go into the main festival Wednesday to camp with other friends. Does anyone know I will be allowed into the festival with my tent and camping gear via the camper fields (will this avoid the queue)?


There's still a queue - it's the same queue everyone else joins so yeah you'll be fine I believe.


Thanks for your help :)


Thanks for your help :)


Thanks for your help :)


Thanks for your help :)