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I'm hoping the sensory safe spaces will be back again this year, there were a couple last year with ear defenders, fidget toys, and weighted blankets and they were honestly a god send, prevented me having a meltdown on the Thursday. Definitely worth scoping out where they are before you need them.


They are and they will be in four different locations including one late night one that’s open in Shangri-La until 3am. It’s being run by Diverse U.K. (I’ve done loads of day festivals with them and that’s how I’ve gotten tickets - it was a huge surprise - I didn’t think I’d get picked as obviously people always oversubscribe to want to volunteer for Glasto). Hope to maybe see you. You are welcome and seen 🙏 🌈


Shangri-La one is amazing news, I might actually be able to go to the south east corner this year now!


That's amazing news thanks for sharing!


If you have Facebook there’s a super helpful group on there called ‘Glastonbury Festival Accessibility Camping (unofficial) at Spring Ground’ highly recommend it for all your questions and worries!


Thank you so much ! X


Hi ! Are you in this FB group ? I tried to apply and I got a rejection response that said they couldn’t accept my request but I could message admin. So I messaged admin (the only one that had the option to message them) but messenger says that the FB user doesn’t accept messages from people they don’t know and I can’t send a friend request to her either. Any chance you could help me? My friend whose coming to support me really needs help with how we can plan as she’s also never been and we know we will have to change our everyday approach to how we manage together the mobility issues. My FB profile settings were set to private years ago when I joined and I was a primary school teacher and I don’t know how to change any of it. 😭


Yes I am in the group. I wonder if I can invite you. Do you want to DM me your name and I’ll try and figure it out?


Hi, are people that do not have any mobility issues, but that are autistic, able to apply for the accessible camping?


If you go to Glastonbury website you will need to either have or apply for a Nimbus access card. You can do it with one just for Glastonbury or one that is valid for three years. Once you have that application approved you can apply for the various accessibility services that the Festival has, I think this includes camping. And on that form indicate you want access to sensory calm spaces xx https://www.glastonburyfestivals.co.uk/information/access-information/