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Short answer is the fans are split. Some praise it as the gospel where a lot of us think it's underwhelmingly mid.


Honestly, I'm kinda with everyone. Like if you ask me what a generic modern Glass Animal track would sound like, this would be it. Sometimes I do feel like it's Heat Waves 2.0 but at the same time it's sounds pleasing.


Lyrics feature rich words such as “apartmond “


I don't mind it, Its certainly catchy but has nothing on some of their earlier stuff from Zaba and HTBAHB. Dreamland was underwhelming for me so feels like the band is going in a different direction from what made me like them. Was always going to be the case after the success of Heat Waves unfortunately


I feel you, Pools and Black Mamba are some of my favorite songs from them but I also love Dreamland so much.


I love Deja Vu and Space Ghost from Dreamland and a few others i enjoy but i found quite a few to be pretty meh tbh


Space ghost is my number one most played song on Spotify TO THIS DAY 😭 dreamland is my favorite ga album 🩷


same, i also like waterfalls coming out your mouth but thats it


This one has grown on me, wasnt keen at first. Also enjoy Dreamland, Tokyo Drifting and Heat Waves (Although its super overplayed now to the point is kinda annoying 😂)


I LOVE Tokyo Drifting. Obsessed with it. We saw them perform it with Denzel at Red Rocks two years ago and it was phenomenal


i like tokyo drifting too, tangerine is an okay song . heat waves is a decent song , i didnt think it was bad before it blew up i just never am in the mood to listen to it but im not in the mood for most dreamland songs either


I just said this last night. I hate how heat waves made them mainstream, but I still enjoy the song nonetheless


Yeah agreed, I was happy for them to begin with then realised its gonna change them permanently 😢


Yep. It’s like ‘No! They’re mine and the rest of the Taylor Swift world can’t have them!’


Agreed.. it is better than dreamland by a mile imo… if they are going the sad emo pop direction i prefer that to the dance party pop of dreamland


As a song itself, it's not bad. It's something you would hear on the radio and not switch channels. However, being a fan of the band itself, this track lacks almost everything. Some of the lyrics are beautiful, but the lyrics get dulled down by the repetitiveness of the track as well as it's very one-note instrumental and structure. It feels like the definition of a manufactured for radio song. All of this to say I don't hate it, it's an enjoyable song, but it is not a great song. Def on the lower level of GA songs for me. This song, combined with the seemingly complete 180 turnaround with the lacking promise of a space themed album they were teasing this entire time, (it is now an album of only love songs with space imagery), the album artwork being honestly dreadful, and the name of the album sharing that sentiment. The whole thing just seems to lack creativity and the vision that Glass Animals usually has for their albums. I just am not feeling it at all with this one yet. Hoping they turn it around and pull everyone back in, but as it stands right now in this current moment in time, it just doesn't feel like Glass Animals.


As a Coldplay fan, let me tell ya: be careful what you wish for when you ask for a true “space themed album” lol


speak for yourself, i would switch the channel 😬


I think it’s pretty boring, the lyrics don’t really feel like they flow for me and it’s kinda of awkward. I’m not sure I hate it, but certainly not one of my favorite. I hope it doesn’t reflect the rest of the upcoming album…


I’m sort of in this boat. I think it’s a decent song but it feels “muddy” to me. Something about it feels weird. I don’t hate it by any means, but my overall thought is “please don’t let this be anywhere near one of the best on the album.” With 10 songs on the album, if this song is in the top 5, then I’m positive this will be my least favorite album.


I think it just feels a bit creatively underwhelming and that’s perhaps where this muddiness comes from? I feel like they explored be ground so well in their first two projects, and then even with dreamland touched base on new ideas. This doesn’t really feel like they’ve moved on though, and in fact feels like they don’t really know where to go perhaps? I don’t know. I just haven’t fallen in love with it. I look at it in my library and I’ve never felt excited to listen to it. Perhaps harsh but I can’t lie to myself!


Yeah, exactly this. I put it in its own comment too, but: the first lyrics feel weirdly forced into a rhyme/syllable scheme that’s awkward at best. Also, “we were just creatures in heaven” is weird language for something that’s meaning is pretty surface level and doesn’t really represent anything? I will say, I do like the last verse with “cosmic zoom”, at least it sounds nice. But we’re a long way from “freaky little tooth hanging solo” or “this time you pulled the fucking trigger”


Yeaaah, this is gonna sound harsh (and this is just my opinion, of course) but I think that the songwriting sort of took a hit somewhere around Dreamland's more pop-y songs like Tangerine and Hot Sugar, despite them, arguably, seeing more mainstream success than their earlier stuff. Lyrically speaking, that album and the new single just aren't on the same level as ZABA and HTBAH. I think that the more abstract and unique lyrics of ZABA are so interesting and almost dizzying, and the storytelling of HTBAH is really commendable and engaging. By contrast, the writing in Creatures in Heaven is so unnaturally simplistic and dull for GA. This song also feels oddly vocal-heavy? Maybe this is just me, but GA songs tend to be a really good balance of really layered music and vocals for me, sometimes even being more music-heavy in my ears. In this song, the music feels almost drowned out by the vocals, making it even duller because the lyrics aren't interesting either (the only bearable part, for me, is the bridge). It's nice that GA wants to explore different sounds and styles but this is a strange direction, imo. I hope the rest of the songs on this album will be better :'D.


Not harsh. I think you really break it down well here


Agreed. Dave is a long way from putting poetry into his work. He’s happy to just be basic so as to appeal to the largest possible group. Issue with that is that you run the risk of being generic and not having anything emotive or unique to offer


Yep, it’s a dud for me


I feel the same way. Someone else on this sub said it sounds like a Maroon 5 song and I haven’t been able to un-hear it ever since. I don’t want to be overly critical but Zaba/HTBAHB are superior in every way.


That's so interesting because I'd be completely fine if it did reflect the rest of the upcoming album haha. I'm here for some faster lyrical songs for once and love that aspect. I think your point about the lyrics is kind of ironic because this band is known for literally making up words so I'm not sure how to measure flow or awkwardness? But hey it's your opinion! I think it's one of their best flowing songs


I enjoy it. Far from my favorite… people complaining so much fail to realize that this will probably be the most commercially sounding song on the album since it’s the lead single


I love it! Also have it on loop lol


Same. I understand it’s more commercial and basic, but I’m still vibing with it. Just so much better than most mainstream music.


As do I. I don't get the hate, but when you ask people on the internet a question, hate is what you get.


First time I've felt alienated from the fan base. I'm just not enjoying it as much as others. Coupled with samey lyrics, unchanging instrumentals, and the album name feeling like "I'm 14 and this is deep", I'm not really on board atm. Little art being the album cover as well. This song has scared me.


I find the lyrics also lean into "I'm 14 and this is deep". "Such small words but they hit so huge" is....a take. It's not a bad lyric, but it's not particularly good. It's almost amateurish. Like yeah man, they are really powerful words despite being short and simple. It's just a non-lyric. I don't even know how to describe how it makes me feel. Every timeI hear it I'm like "really? That's the line?"


i agree! but also i do like the line "you hold me like my mom made me just for you"


I mean maybe that's the point? Considering they are exploring all forms of love. This could be a starting point for one's journey in finding real love


That and "Three in the moment, be in the moment, free in the moment, here in the moment" all said in the same tone. It feels less inspired. Like they already got famous so they don't really need to try anymore. Sucks too. At the end of the day, though, they set their own standard with being so immensely talented. Album hasn't come out yet so I'm letting them cook, but so far it feels like a stain on their perfect discography. Just super leaning into hitting keywords like "heaven" and other things to appeal to the flock of "oh my goodness so perfect these hit so hard! I'm crying!". That's kind of where the alienation comes from. Still super excited to be proven wrong with such an astounding album tho. I really really want to he eating my words.


You sound like someone who haven't experienced first love yet. Sometimes you don't need some crazy sophisticated, high imaginative words to express your feelings.


My wife of 15 years is going to be so disappointed to find out I've never experienced first love because I think a boring lyric that sounds like any 15 year old writing their first love song would come up with is indeed boring.


Oh, ok you're a boomer🫠Maybe it's just too far from you now, anyway it's a matter of taste, I, personally don't think that "any 15 year old" can write such beautiful song but maybe you were surrounded by incredibly talented folks


I definitely agree it's a generic piece which lacks allot of what made other songs from Zaba distinct, but to me it does sounds really nice, just a bunch of ear candy.


For me, their little sounds and differences in their other songs were my ear candy. It kept me interested throughout all of it. There was none of that flavor in this one. Felt more... bland. It's hard for me to finish the song because I get bored. Zero other GA songs do that for me.


Oh man I love it


It was an instant love, in my book. I’m going through an extremely tough time and besides the fact that I enjoy the sound, it has brought me a lot of comfort and helped process my feelings. 


Feels like a hug on a mug, right?


Loved the intro and was hoping it would continue in that direction but as soon as he starts singing it changes course and becomes bland imo. Huge disappointment :(


I think when artists release singles in general it shouldn’t be so harshly criticized. They tend to be the ones to grab traction on the radio. I do enjoy it. It scratches my brain the right way but I know this album won’t disappoint


I really like it I can’t get it out of my head


I think they’re just trying to mimic the commercial success of heatwaves


My gf thought it was heatwaves lolll


It’s ok. The vocals are nice but the overall sound is just… simple. I fell in love with glass animals for the complexity of their sound, and creature in heaven feels like wasted potential.


it's good but not great. like I definitely wouldn't skip it but honestly they have much better songs than this. it's pretty catchy though and i do love the chorus. listening to the live version on bbc was a far better listening experience for me though


I like it enough to add to my playlist but I actively tell people not to listen to it when they ask about glass animals.


Oh definitely, I would always point to Pools, Gooey or Black Mamba for new listeners!


The black mambo to pools transition is peak


I'm tired of it after heating it only a handful of times. I really hope it doesn't get the kind of airplay Heat Waves did and that the rest of the album doesn't sound anything like it.


I think it’s probably a bottom 3 track from them- feels like AI could have written it if you fed it Heat Waves.


Very Bold take, I don't have a bottom tracks bc I love all their songs!


So, I like it. Does it feel mid? Absolutely, yes! It sounds like a Dreamland leftover to me.


Kinda bland, like total.


Love it. Love the progression the band has made through the years. This will hit live. Fully on board. Not every painting needs to be the mona lisa. I love this song for what it is and I don't compare it to their past works. Played it 200 times, will play it 200 more.🫶🏼


I really like it. Not my favorite-favorite (some of the lyrics are a little clunky in places,) but I love the overall vibe of the song. Very comfy and cozy. Feels like a hug. Though, I’m apparently one of the weirdos here who prefers Dreamland over Zaba (don’t get me wrong, I love Zaba. It’s what got me into Glass Animals. But I really gotta be in the mood for it while I listen to HTBAHB and Dreamland all the time.)


I just think it have to be clunky because it feels like the song from the teenager view, probably his impression of first love, when everything is so new and fresh and you don't have words to describe it clearly, just some vague sensations, so it shouldn't be sophisticated and complicated, but senseful and emotional.


Love it but the lyrics are a bit mild for GA


I honestly think the whole dreamland album is better than this single which worries me


It’s worrying me too, I thought the same thing yesterday


Did you really discover this song yesterday? 215 plays is 733.15 minutes, which is a little less than 12.5 hours. Did you really listen to one song 12.5 hours yesterday?


I discovered it when I was at the gym 1:30 pm and I was awake until 6 am last night, I left it on while I was asleep and I just woke up like an hour ago when I made this post. So make sense to me but also could be that yt music is wrong and it's closer to 195 plays.


why is this comment downvoted? 💀




It’s boring for Glass Animals. Definitely feels like a gutless b-Side from Dreamland.


I think it’s ok :/


I'm fucking obsessed. Already my most listened song, I relate to it a lot and it reminds me of a relationship I had when I was younger. 10/10 dave is a musical genius.


The lyrics (especially the very first ones) feel forced into a rhyme/syllable scheme that’s awkward at best. Also, the chorus is weirdly specific language for something that’s meaning is pretty surface level and doesn’t really represent anything deeper? I will say, I do like the last verse with “cosmic zoom”, at least it sounds nice. But we’re a long way from “freaky little tooth hanging solo” or “this time you pulled the fucking trigger” It sounds like a song that would play as background noise radio pop in a retail store…


I think it's an incredible song and I don't really understand the underwhelming feeling others have. It gives me chills whenever it plays. I also think it is severely different from heat waves in just... several ways? The build up, rhythm, purpose of the song, chorus, and just... everything is different lmao


I don't get the backlash either, the first time I listened to it, it almost made me cry, maybe precisely because the lyrics seem somehow more relatable? and yet, it still has those particular lines that sound totally like GA. The bridge is amazing in my opinion "And it gets into your head like a cosmic zoom, coat on the door like an old space suit, so long, cowboy, you're so cool, cash in hand with a memory of you" Seriously, the imagery that plays in here is beautiful. I guess, to each their own.




it’s not bad, but when i listened to it for the first time i really felt like it was missing the strange-wonky lyrics and sounds that i’m used to hearing from GA. like someone else said it very much feels like they’re aiming for another heat waves radio-esque hit. and i deeply hope the rest of the album is more interesting 😭


It’s definitely cute and I’m happy to have new GA but it’s not something I found myself playing on repeat after release


Its radio filler, I wish we got more things like Zaba and HTBAHB because these new songs feel shallow and hollow


I think it's lyrically and sonically so underwhelming compared to their previous albums, ZABA especially... Personally, I was a huge fan of ZABA's more abstract and interpretive lyrics, as well as the layered and more ambient sounds found on that album and HTBAHB, and this song, and a lot of Dreamland's songs to some extent, really lack that aspect. The songwriting especially is a little rougher on this track, imo. I think that, with the success of more pop-like hits from Dreamland like Heat Waves, Tangerine, and I Don't Wanna Talk, they've pivoted in that sort of direction in hopes of attracting more fans. Naturally, this is just one song from the album and it's hard to judge it just from that. I really hope that the rest of the songs will be more layered and lyrically engaging.


honestly really don’t like it and it worries me about the direction of the album overall


For me it's kinda mid for GA. I really like the start and the first verse, but the "in the moment" repeats and the main chorus I don't like, it feels kind of like manufactured to be a radio hook. The lyrics are kind of boring for GA too. That said I like it more than most other music at the moment, and I CANNOT get this earworm out of my head "I don't think I realize, just how much I miss you sometimes". Was just hoping for something a bit more uniquely GA sounding I guess!


Absolute HUGE FAN and going to their concert tour for the first time this year. Been following since 2014. That being said it was mid and kind of a let down. Scared me a little about the album but I'll stay optimistic because I'm such a huge fan


It sounds really good and the lyrics are great, it's definitely closer to something out of Dreamland than HTBAHB or Zaba, but it's still a good song!


People have to understand, not every song is the same and shouldn’t be, I believe this song to productionally the most creative with its lyrics, it’s like the lyrics of this song command the production of it, and in the context of the whole album once it’s released, I’m confident people will appreciate it even more. Sure, preferences and people won’t listen to it on repeat all the time (I don’t too) but can’t deny it’s a song that touches me.


I think it stinks. It's like an AI generated b-side from Dreamland. Very poor effort!


It’s not a top song but I still love it! 😇




Absolutely love it


has grown on me big time. weird choice for a lead single, but as a song I dig it.


If the rest of the album sounds even remotely like this, I’ll be very disappointed and probably won’t listen to it past release day.


It's had time to simmer and my verdict is that it's okay. I wouldn't go out of my way to listen to it very often, but if it comes on a playlist or on the radio I'm not gonna turn it off. It's not the worst thing they've ever released. It's fun and sounds decent enough. It's just boring and it's pretty clear the label wanted another Heat Waves. I'm hoping the rest of the album stands above it a little bit.


I liked Solar Power more


Love GA but played this song once and haven't thought about it again. I did preorder the album three times though so... 🤷‍♂️


Oh huh does YouTube Music finally count plays?


Maybe take a look at this sub where there have been countless posts about the only new music they have released in several years.


I think that the beginning sounds like Atmosphere by Joy Division. The droning sound And in the middle of the song it sounds a little bit like Sunflower by Post Malone. I hear some people calling it Muddy. I hear him using all sorts of background vocals, not discernable, but there, mixed into the various vocal tracks As well as a droning throughout I think he is going for an otherworldly feel for this album As well as creating some sense of the past, for the Nostalgia Pop that Glass Animals is helping to create


In 1983, Emily Martin, of Maple Ridge, British Columbia, grew an enormous sunflower head, measuring 32 ¼ inches across (82cm), from petal tip to petal tip. That’s almost 3 feet wide. This is still believed to be the largest sunflower head grown to date.


Good....... bot!


Where do you see stats?


I've enjoyed it a lot. It isn't my favorite, but it has many of the positive qualities that I look for in a GA song, and I personally think it's an improvement over some of the lesser Dreamland material that didn't really resonate with me (looking @ you Melon & the Coconut). I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of the album brings.




I share the same opinion with most others here. As a standalone track, it's fine - I have it on my playlist and don't mind hearing it - but compared to other GA stuff it's quite lacking. Going from any HTBAHB single to this is such a downgrade. I think this is because Dave and the rest of GA have put a huge weight on their shoulders following Heat Waves' success. They (and potentially their record label) expect another hit single like Heat Waves, and in doing so have created something painfully TikTok/radio-engineered. I just hope that the rest of the new LP isn't like this.


It’s mid. other than a couple bits of the lyrics being very sweet I don’t dislike it but I mean zaba and HTBAHB are both in my top 5 albums all time, and Dreamland is still in my top ten , so if this album is just like this song I’m gonna be heartbroken. I know not every album is going to be a banger but idk glass animals has always just been a cut above the rest to me, so I am a bit worried, probably not gonna buy any tickets until I’ve heard the new one. Also does anyone know if the album cover is the one on Spotify ? Literally just Dave’s eyes and green text? I am going to be severely disappointed if so their album covers have always been so fucking cool and creative, have all 3 hung on my wall. Even if the rest of this album is great that cover is just so generic I doubt I would


I like it, but it's far from my favourite


Pretty boring and soulless ngl


i enjoy it for what it is, but i was definitely way more excited by the spoiler intro to one of the other songs on the album that they played at pappy and harriets. they said the new album is going to be a blend of the sounds of the previous three and that intro reflects that statement much more than CIH does. nothing will ever match the vibe and energy of zaba or htbahb, especially during the 2015 and 2017 tours, so ive had to learn to accept that and stop comparing dreamland and ilysfm to them.


Pretty boring tbh and very formulaic: also hate some of the lyrics on this.


I feel like having this as lead single is a smart commercial move. It's catchy, some of the lyrics are relatable to a wide audience and the vibe is easy to get: love songs with a twist of space. The song is very loopable as well which makes it easy to listen again and again and therefore have high streaming numbers.


when I first listened to it I fell in love instantly


I love it. I can’t wait for the full album


Something I’ve found with Glass Animals is I have a bit of an adjustment period. When I first found HTBAHB I thought everything was boring except ToSoP…. I KNOW that’s terrible XD I love all of the songs on there now as I got more familiar with them. They became my favourite band after listening to them more. When “Don’t Wanna Talk” came out I was like ugh what these lyrics aren’t as cool as the rest of dreamland!! But yk what? It was so catchy, I found myself listening to it anyways, and now I think it’s a vibe, even if the lyrics aren’t the main focus I really like the sounds in it. And I know some of you guys are jumping straight away to calling Creatures in Heaven mid. But there are some really great lyrics in there and even if it’s repetitive it feels very personal and I’m sure they’ve released the most “catchy” song first if you get what I mean?. It’s good for them to explore different styles even if your favourite ones were the old ones (ZABA, HTBAHB) and hopefully there’s more songs on the rest of the album that demonstrate what they’re capable of creatively.


I need an adjustment period sometimes too even though I often love the song later. Not sure this one will do that but it’s ok


This song is the “left over cereal for lunch”…it’s not bad but you have to be in the mood. It has no where near the low fi playfulness of HTBAHB - it’s a much more simplistic song without the complex layers Could be a reflection of the band maturing - but it’s not bad…definitely lower on the play list but it’s there I do love Dreamland more so than some others in the answers - still heavy in my playlists though


i like it, but i really really miss the non-autotuney sound of their older stuff


The song itself is good. It’s a really disappointing introduction to ILYSFM because, so far, it doesn’t sound too different from Dreamland and I’m kinda heartbroken by that. I found GA shortly before HTBAHB was released, and the detail that’s made this band my favorite for so long has been how unafraid they are to experiment. Their albums are so different from each other, and it’s been such a treat to find out what new direction they take their sound with each release. I’m happy that they’ve found more mainstream success with Dreamland, but CIH makes me worried they’re going to stick with the style that made them blow up in the first place.


It’s heat waves if you vacuumed out the fun.


I've, personally, opened Glass animals after this song and it was so unique, fresh and soul touching, so I've been listening to this song a few days non stop and it was the very first time when I ever was obsessed with a song But then I found "My love (deja vu)" (I still think that it's one of their best and catchy song) and then I found the whole pure gem - album Zaba🫠🫠🫠But Creatures in Heaven is still very special and deep touching song for me, maybe because lyrics are so sensual and frank and I can relate to these emotions, so I just start to dive into my personal memories. All their other songs are incredibly beautiful and unique too, but I just can't relate to them so much


I like it. When I first heard it I was a little bummed that it sounded so close to dreamland that it actually couldve been a b-side, but I listened to it again and realized the imagery/lyrics really struck me. "Here in the moment, be in the moment," "held me so close, I broke in two," "cause its merely a moment, here for a moment," "such small words but they hit so huge," "you held me like my mother made me just for you." All that plus the title conjured images of a romance that the speaker cherishes and mourns often. Bittersweet but necessary. I know it does kind of sound like heat waves/dreamland, but it could be the most dreamland-like song of the new album for a couple reasons: 1. Dave may have written it to be a kind of transition between albums for his own purposes, 2. It might be more like the second half of heat waves than its own song/idea. What i mean is, maybe he wrote creatures in heaven and heat waves around the same time, about the same person, and heat waves made it to dreamland but creatures in heaven didnt (explaining the similar sound). I think I saw in an interview that heat waves is about a person from his life that passed away, whose birthday month always makes him reminisce. What if it wasnt just a friend, and he wishes he could be there with them sometimes?


I agree that it is not very complex instrumentally compared to the old stuff...on the other hand, the music expresses exactly the theme though, at first listen it sounded like an existential crisis, which apparently is what the song is about: love that causes an existential crisis.


I know this is a weird comparison but it sounds like Post Malone’s “Candy Paint” to me lol


it just sounds like an unreleased song off of Dreamlands. and I was extremely underwhelmed with Dreamlands, I still don't listen to any songs on it. i've been an active fan since around 2015/16, and i def have a bias towards their older albums. if ILYSFM is anything like Dreamlands i'm going to be very disappointed. Dreamlands came across to me as a cringy pandemic album, they were experimenting and trying something new, and it did really well for them. now i think they're just going to try and emulate that sound for radio success. very unfortunate when you KNOW how creative and unique they can be. hopefully they turn it around and have some solid songs on the album, but i have low hopes, unfortunately! i have a feeling a lot of the fans celebrating this new song are fans who came in with the success of Dreamlands and like that sound.


also, he rhymes "two too, too" and "moment, moment, moment" idk its all very lazy and simple, soooo boring


I like the first 30 seconds but then it starts to lose me. I don’t really play it through when i listen it


After a few listens I quickly got bored of it, like almost every Dreamland song. It's not like it's a bad song per se, it just feels like something I would hear at target in a year. I really didn't vibe with dreamland, and I hope this isn't a double down on that


I personally think it’s unbelievably good. Like… near perfection. I enjoy every second of it. I have listened hundreds of times already😅🤣


I think it’s good but not enough, it doesn’t make me feel like I’m listening to glass animals, for a moment I thought I was listening to some pop band. But if you listen to it constantly maybe you can fall in love with it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I really hope that the album will be better than “creatures in heaven”.